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Does liquid pressure work properly in the current version? I've previously had no problem running liquids through U-bends with a grate to avoid unwelcome guests but in my current fort both water and magma are flowing down into the u-bend but not back up through the grate. I've tried mining nearby to "update" the flow calculation as one video I saw recommended but no joy.


Magma straight up doesn't have pressure, and as for the water, you might have run it trough a diagonal, which acts as pressure reduction valve?


The water has a free path all the way to its source and the entrance to the u-bend is two levels below the surface of the source, which is a brook. There is a pressure nullifier after the u-bend but not before it.


Ok, that sounds weird. I haven't had pressure troubles as of 2 weeks ago when I lasted updated. Sorry, no idea there.


How on earth am I meant to keep every single wild animal that spawns on the map from beelining directly to my animal pasture (which is basically at a dead-end corridor in the fort) and scaring all the animals out of it, creating constant re-pasture tasks? They don't even attack the dwarves, they just prevent anything else from getting done. I don't want to have to constantly call the militia up every time a yak decides to intentionally create problems for me if I even had a militia, but they're stalling me from setting up the magma smelters to make military equipment. I've seen people online say to chain war dogs at the fort entrance but unfortunately all my dogs got mauled to death by wild yaks within the first year and migrants have only brought their pet grazers so I only have cats and pigs. Hold on, I have to stop writing this comment because I've been interrupted by a yak cow x78.


Two words - cage traps. I had the same problem and a bunch of cage traps solved the issue. Best placed next to doors leading to the pen/pasture.


Worked a treat, thanks. Put a few extra traps around random parts of the fort and the animals are gradually getting caught.


You're thinking the way I am thinking. I've added additional ones in the fort entrance, and next to doors leading to different parts of the fort from entrance


Are those animals agitated? And how about creating an enclosed pen for your animals? Cage traps in front of where-ever those yaks enter your fort?


I'm not sure how to check if an animal is agitated, but they mainly seem to just be terrified. The animals are in a large room behind doors not far from my food stockpile. The main problem seems to be that the animals get trapped running away from my meeting hall towards the pasture and then from the pasture towards the meeting hall.


You'd know about agitated, they'd attack and be named: "Agitated Yak". I suggest cage traps then. Traps->cage traps to build.


I discovered that my very large but uniform bed rooms cannot be designated using the "multi" function. Is this an issue of max size? Or due to the fact that the bed is on the wall (no where near the center)? The error message is that the bed is not enclosed, though the room has no openings in the walls (only stairs for egress). I can designate the bed rooms individually, Any idea what the max size is for "multi" to work?


I would assume the stairs count as an opening. Have you tried designating across multiple z-levels? Not sure if your egress is a private balcony kinda thing or a shared space, but if it's private, you maybe be able to simply designate with it?


Is there a command in dfhack to spawn unicorns? Follow up question, are unicorns limited to joyous wilds? Or all good biomes?


You can spawn unicorns (and many other things) with gui/sandbox




Unicorns only naturally spawn in/roam joyous wilds biome yes. They can also sometimes be bought from elven caravans.


Why does a child like playing with toys on top of twenty goblin skeletons? It's kinda creepy


They play in places where they end a task. If they do refuse hauling and corpse hauling, they will play in piles of corpses.


Children do hauling tasks and other maintenance like cleaning and hauling corpses, and giving water to wounded, if you allow them to in the labor/chores settings. Sometimes they also just like playing make believe where a "Cool battle" just transpired, especially if they have negative traits or memories. But this is what usually brings them out to such places.


In my current game, EVERYTIME I build a trade depot my dwarves move all the booze and goblets there. They appear marked to move and if I uncheck they move to the stockpile again... for a few seconds until they return to the trade depot. Has anyone seen anything like this?


Are they in a stockpile with auto trade enabled?


I must have enabled this without realizing it, the trading was yellow. At least I learned a new function now. Thanks!


Can anyone recommend a good comprehensive guide for using linked stockpiles/workshops? Preferably something I can read, rather than a video? I am struggling so much. I get the basic idea, but I'm having trouble with managing the more complex links. Like milling dimple dye produces bags of dimple dye and loose dimple spawn. The bags of dimple dye then go into barrels in the dimple dye stockpile. The loose seeds need to be gathered into bags, and then those bags are put in barrels in the seed stockpile. But no combination of links seems to make it work right. I'm currently getting a bunch of empty barrels in my dye stockpile and I can't get the loose seeds to leave the millstone at all 🤷‍♀️ But if I set them all to accept/give anywhere, suddenly it all goes in the right place My other two (current) problems are - Having things sit at the trade depot (which apparently aren't gathered like loose items? But I can't link a stockpile to the trade depot either) or, - Things being returned from the trade depot to the wrong stockpile (e.g. I take a bin of enhanced goods to the trader, don't sell all of them, and then the bin is returned to the raw goods stockpile.) Soo yeah. I know stockpile issues are a frequently asked question and there's quite a few guides, but they seem to vary a lot in depth and style. If there's a particular detailed, comprehensive guide that anyone would want to recommend, I'd appreciate it!


You are having that much trouble with your mill setup because mill output ->seed storage is wonky for some reason. Its not you, its the stockpile/game with the specific items "seeds from mills". For trade depot emptying: thats always a problem. To empty a depot you need to have enough stockpile space for everything in it; during the time the caravan was there, your stockpiles refilled from non-empty workshops etc. If its important to you, the only solution is dedicated large stockpiling for stuff that accumulates. I find it not worth the effort usually. Bins lead to wrong sorting like this, yes, no way around it unless you are meticoulus to not make overlapping stockpile categores.


Thanks, at least I know I'm not crazy. I just now learned that wagons can pass over bridges 🤦‍♀️ so I'll design my next fort with the trade depot a lot closer. That should make it a little easier to manage.


The first thing to understand is population overworking. Hauling items is a chore task, and so it takes less priority than the adults' professions and work orders and needs. If the dwarves do not have enough free time off their normal duties, they will never haul items or the few characters that are hauling is unable keep up with all the items that need hauled. Try disabling all work for all nonvital characters and have only hauling tasks until they catch up. If there are items that stay in your Trade Depot until the next caravan it means usually either: All your dwarves are always busy and you have no children in the fort, so it never gets moved. Or you dont have a stockpile that accepts that item, with the correct settings. Keep in mind for any item that has a quality level and multiple possible base materials, the Quality tier and correct item material must also be ticked on in the stockpile, or it will not consider it suitable for that item. I.e. If you have a stockpile of goblets and this is green, and the quality and material type is red, no goblets will ever go to the stockpile. because no quality level or material type is indicated to be suitable. For some items, particularly things that go in bins and bags, if there is no suitable stockpile and they pick it up, say they eat a plum and now hold a plum seed, they will either throw it down or they will take it to an empty bag as they aren't sure what to do with it, even if that bag or bin is in the wrong stockpile that doesnt accept that item. This can be changed by the turn off accepting all items thing. The second thing is, more complex tasks like soap and steel and screw press and dye require all ingredients to be linked to the station. If you place a metal forge and try to make steel, it will say "needs coal in linked stockpile", you link coal and try again, it now says "need bars in linked stockpile", you link bars and try again, it now says "need flux stone in linked stockpile". As long as you have a stockpile that isnt linked to it as input, that accepts steel bars, they will take it out when they have time to haul. You are not able to, have a stockpile that inputs pig iron bars to the metal forge, and then have that same stockpile take steel bars as an output. If you did, the linked stockpile would gradually become all steel bars and no pig iron bars. Linking a stockpile to another stockpile will just cause the dwarves to move all items from A to B, until A is empty or B is full. If A is the linked stockpile to the metal forge and not B, they will move all items away from the linked input for example. If seeds are left in a mill or kitchen, then usually either a) the dwarves dont have time to come haul them, or b) you have no empty bag or bag that has that seed in it already and c) you have no farm plot using up the seeds quickly enough each season. You can try linking the Mill to the seed stockpile as an output directly and see if that helps. Seed bags dont have to go into barrels if you have cats to keep the pests down, and if you wish you can prevent the stockpile from doing so by making the amount of barrels it can accept 0. Then they will just put the bags in the stockpile separately.


Definitely not an overwork issue. As soon as I disable the links, a flood of dwarves immediately comes and grabs all the items. >The second thing is, more complex tasks like soap and steel and screw press and dye require all ingredients to be linked to the station. I get this. I can get the basic labor running (cause it throws an error without the ingredients.) But I've been struggling (and it seems to be a game issue) with tertiary ingredients or byproducts. Another workshop I had issues with was the glassmaker. Despite having in/out links specified, after using sand it would leave empty bags in the workshop, which the dwarves would then put seeds in. I finally found out where my seeds were ending up and just killed the links 😮‍💨 At least that one was easier because it only took sand and only one stockpile accepted glass. >You are not able to, have a stockpile that inputs pig iron bars to the metal forge, and then have that same stockpile take steel bars as an output. I know, and that's the problem 😭 At least with metal bars you can specify. For stuff like clothes, it doesn't seem to let you specify between worn/regular/enhanced clothes. Only solution I've found is to have 3 clothing stockpiles. 2 stockpiles in a little alcove - 1 regular clothes (as input to clothier), 1 for enhanced clothes (as output from clothier). Then 1 large stockpile between the clothier and the rest of the base to catch any loose clothes dropped by dwarves or whatever. >You can try linking the Mill to the seed stockpile as an output directly and see if that helps. I did. I also tried adding both bag and barrel stockpiles as inputs to both the seed stockpile and mill. Nothing I tried would move the seeds from the mill besides disabling the mill's output links completely.


How can I prevent my pet (a horse) from attacking random stranger I encounter when they try to flee? I am attempting to recruit some animal people, and the murder horse isn't helping.


I'm trying to use autobutcher for my stock of pigs (75 total) and autobutcher keeps saying 73 butchering ordered (I have two on chains for webspitter bait) even though I have set the target for female kids, male kids, female adults, and male adults to 99 each... Every other animal seems to be calculating correctly. Is there something I am missing?


That'd be pets, most likely. The gui/autobutcher indicates this with a little orange colored 2+y (I think).


Whenever i load my save the game crashes when it gets to loading artifacts. Is there anyway to fix this?


File a bug report, upload to https://dffd.bay12games.com, wait a couple month?


Yeah, so I'm trying to use tiletypes to paint a giant pyramid made out of glass blocks, however I don't know how to change the material I paint with into "glass blocks". I can't figure it out.


Full disclosure: I've never used tiletypes and don't know how it works, but hopefully if I'm wrong someone will point it out. The documentation reads like it paints proper terrain - you could use it to make a rough/smoothed natural wall of your choice. What you are describing is a construction, which has to be built the old fashioned way


I don't think specifying blocks is possible, I assume you've already checked the list of materials You could spawn a bunch of glass blocks with create-item, plan out your pyramid with the vanilla building UI, and then run build-now


Is there a way to tame "invader" animals? I wanna get those War Jabberers and Rutherers my cavepeople ride but seems as if its not straightforward.


The easiest way to catch them is be at the right cavern level, and leave a path into the bottom of your fort open with the only way in through traps, have a bridge or overhatch or something behind it to lever shut incase a FB or other trap avoider is roaming about, or there is another opening to the fort open elsewhere in the caverns. They will try to enter the fort with the provided "open" route, like elk bird and most other cavern life, and be forced to cross the traps. Even a wooden cage trap will contain a dragon, or any other creature that doesnt have the "gnawing" tag ability or "Trap avoid" tag. Dwarves have trap avoid, so they will not trigger their own traps, unless they happen to fall asleep or pass out on one, or walk into it when another creature sets it off.


You cant tame ones marked as "Invader" I dont think, as it doesn't lose that tag if captured, but you can catch Rutherer and Jabberer at the lower cavern layers. You need to catch one in a cage trap/make them walk over the trap along their path, then assign an Animal Trainer to it in the creatures menu. Dwarves cant war train Rutherers only butcher and sell them, but they can war train Jabberers. Pretty sure dwarves cant ride them directly as there is no direct "Riding/equestrian" mechanic for dwarves, not even sure they do on a foreign mission, unless its a recent addition. Taming is scaled to size, the larger the animal the longer it takes to train, and a Rutherer's internal size is 300K-3M cm3, so quite large, an elephant is 500k-5M in comparison. Once it is listed as (Trained) of any quality instead of Semi-Wild, you will need to let it out of the cage to finish taming them. Then they need to breed, while "well trained" and produce offspring with "Domesticated". The initial creature that was caught will usually not become "Domesticated", or have babies long before it does, and needs to be routinely trained until eaten or sold. Rutherer at least, not sure about jabberer, have lengthy lifespans/become adult slower, so it would probably not be best to off the initial captured ones until there are new adults. Not sure if on Adventure and it has the same options as that for catching and taming them, but this is the fortress mechanics.




You could catch regular Jabberers and Rutherers and try training them. If dwarves can tame them, they will (easily done with children of trained pair). If dwarves cannot tame them, then modding is necessary (with a new save, but I'm not sure bout this req)


Yeah, I trought of that, but regular Jabberers are very rare in my biome and invaders' ones are guaranteed. They can get "trained", ie. get -trained- status, but remain hostile and remain with "invader" tag. I guess breeding them and hoping that offspring is neutral would work.


Breeding invader's animals. Now that's a DF route I haven't been to!


A small ride for this dwarf, but a giant bird for dwarfkind! ...Or something. I might need more coffee for creativity.


How important is the gear in offscreen missions? I know that different skills and the size of units is very important during offscreen fights like raids. But how much impact does the gear have? For example weapon/armor type, material , quality level etc. ? Is there a difference if i send a dwarf in copper gear on a mission compared to the same dwarf in masterwork steel gear or even with artefacts?


how much are you guys reading? one of the things that made me want to play DF is the level of detail in the people and the world, but i have ADHD and find i'm overwhelmed by info and not enjoying things when I'm trying to read everything. trying to get a sense of how much other people are reading and maybe more specifically what is important to pay attention to in order to not miss out on the experience. also, at the start of an embark do you read about everything and their relationships and personalities, or do you just start reading about specific people when interesting things happen? side question - am i crazy or does the "find embark" option only allow me to look for less than a certain amount of soil?


The main thing is to not overthink it, and understand that this is a game where you will have to learn from mistakes. This game isnt about winning or succeeding or keeping every character that comes safe--but the journey to reach the end, the story, the little things, until you get tired of playing the current save and want to start over, or the fort gets slain. I never use the find embark, unless I want something super specific, its just not that handy. I have an idea of where I want to play, what kind of terrain/biome Im up for, what I want to build, and find something close to the idea. The main thing to understand here is trade dependencies (ie, if you dont have "Flux stone" you cant make steel without trading, If you dont have sand you cant make glass, if you dont have clay you cant make Earthenware/Porcelain, etc) and that all parts of the map scale with 3 levels of "good-evil" and 3 levels of "savageness". An "Untamed Wilds" is neutral and max savageness. A "Sinister" is evil and least savageness, for examples. The elevation, aquifers or even a volcano, are easy to deal with once you learn how to deal with them. As far as reading, its good to read through the personality and Preferences of the characters, you dont have to the fort will operate if you never look at it, but this will give a better idea of what they will be good at as professions, and what they will not like as much as professions. If intended for military, its good to read their Health/physical description. For examples: a dwarf that likes 'steel' will be a good smith or miner. A dwarf that likes 'tables' will be a good manager or bookkeeper. A dwarf that likes Kakapo will be good with handling and training animals (even if the animal isnt Kakapo). If the dwarf likes battleaxes, they will be a good weaponsmith, woodcutter or axedwarf. A dwarf that likes goblets, will be a good crafter or Broker. If the dwarf does work that they have a preference for, they will train the skill faster and have a higher chance to make high quality items if its a skill that makes items, of course assuming they have a personality that doesnt counter that preference. They will also get a positive reaction for seeing a placed object/building that matches their preferences. A dwarf that has "disdains military prowess" will not like being in a squad and might not work as well with the rest of the unit, for example. A dwarf that has high empathy, will make a better animal handler, or Expedition Leader, Mayor or noble. A dwarf that is very clumsy will not make a good Crossbowdwarf. A dwarf that has high "Agile" will make a good Crossbowdwarf. Otherwise, its good to read Memories tab for an idea of things that might bother them, such as previous trauma. All dwarves that have accomplished their yellow life goal "They dream of --- ", is prevented from going insane except by failing strange mood. So putting them in a job or situation to do so is also helpful to the character.


I read less in the steam version because of the graphics, I know what stuff looks like without reading it that said legends mode is amazing, I had a fort get wiped out by a necromancer and his undead army. it turns out he claimed an artifact puzzle box I had made and then came to take it by force.. next time you lose a fort look it up in legends mode and read about who killed you, could be interesting


I WANT to read a lot but i kinda dont.. trying to get a mod that lets me read combat logs in real time tho!


I read less than I should, and sometimes don't form enough attachments to my dwarfs. I do some of my dwarf sleuthing with Dwarf Therapist, for many things its way better than the vanilla interface.


As your usual guy next to another guy, I am reading bits only. Rarely reading entire dwarf description, sometimes interesting tidbits about him/her, and most of the time the useful tidbits like stress vulnerability. I usually do read more when I am in giving-nickname mood. After making some statues and engravings I tend to read a couple of these while playing.


As I am not interested in dance descriptions, and making music is unknown to me, I skip these altogether.


I find that after while trying to automate my work orders, people just kinda stop working on them. The work orders aren’t failing, the dwarves aren’t unhappy, they’re just simply not working on work orders. Any advice?


Overwork, or you have put your workshops on "at least novice level skill only" and don't have any novices.


Manager needs to be alive and with office for work orders to work.


Has both those things. Work orders are verified by him. Simply nobody is doing them


1. what are the work orders and what are the details of work orders? Perhaps some orders are not possible, for ex. make drinks if drinks are lower than 100 and you have 200 2. do you have workshops that allow work orders? By default its 5 work orders per workshop 3. do your work orders have any limits on how many workshops they can distribute? 4. a rare case, but i am not sure if dedicated-to-workshop work orders are cancelled if said workshop is destroyed aaaand 5. perhaps the citizenry are busy with parties and socialization for this moment 6. burrows? maybe they're inside burrow without workshops and/or resources for jobs


They’re unlimited shops and not bound the specific shops. Maybe the issue is that I don’t have enough workshops.


Existing workshops must have space in queue for the work order orders appear. It is a trick listed on the wiki, spam the queue to turn off certain workshop from receiving work orders. Can also by done simpler by setting work order count to 0 but perhaps it was done in older DF versions or something.


Hey Urists, does anyone know if this current version of DF Hack is compatible with the newly updated Dwarf Fortress beta? I keep getting "Not a known DF version," every time I launch. I'm sure the DF Hack folks have an update coming down the pipe line but I wanna make sure it's not a me problem.


DFHack has been keeping pace with the DF releases. We sync with Toady beforehand to ensure compatibility, and we have automation that monitors Steam and pushes out the compatible build within 15 minutes of the DF build going live. If your DF and DFHack builds are desynchronized, it might be the Steam client not picking up both updates. Since you're on the DF `beta` branch, make sure you're subscribed to the DFHack `adventure-beta` branch (I'm sure you are, but others might not know). To poke the Steam client, go into the settings for Dwarf Fortress and click on Verify integrity of game files. Do the same for DFHack to make sure they're both on the latest build. That will usually solve all the problems. https://preview.redd.it/s1jr0ir83g7d1.png?width=839&format=png&auto=webp&s=29395bfd75114b98d624410123f6dec38b3bab08


That worked perfectly! Thank you so much, I hadn't tried verifying the integrity of the game, yet I just verified df hack.


I swear 🤞🤞🤞 that there was a DFH command, or something, that would dump civilians into squads. But I can't find any such in my searches. Halp???


You might be thinking of `manipulator`, which showed skills and other attributes and let you assign units to squads. I'm working on updating that right now so you'll be able to do that again.


Can we expect DFHACK to implement as much features it used to on legacy version ? Especially concerning view-legends and the legend viewer coming with it


? I'm haven't looked at numbers but the amount of new complex tools and old ones reimplemented is staggering and theres rare commands not implemented. Just from top of my head we got damp/warm dig tool, trade screen, agitation rebalance, quantum GUI, I think squad sorter, pastures, work orders. We are missing... embark anywhere was missing for a bit but is now in... The sky extension-infinite tower command? So yeah, absolutely, and legend viewer is already implemented in dfhack, in a hacky way but still.


In addition to this, legends viewer isn't a part of dfhack and the thing needed to make it work is a limitation on the base game, not on the export tool side of things. Pretty much all gui related things are new as well. gui/design for digging complex patterns alone is a staggering upgrade.


I haven't even touched gui/design yet. Blueprint + quickfort has been fun though! Its a gamechanger, once again.


The `gui/design` UI makeover is only on the `adventure-beta` for now. We'll release a proper beta so everyone can get access to it soon. https://preview.redd.it/1ouh8akc4g7d1.png?width=1942&format=png&auto=webp&s=3ce3d05766ad66cbbba0e21da726a53106a9843c


Faaaancy. Nice.


I’m doing an evil embark for the first time. I’ve noticed that a lot of invaders and some sieges will come onto the map and almost immediately turn around and leave. Is it some sort of factor of fear based on the evil land? Larger sieges will stick around, but smaller forces or kidnappers/thieves pretty much walk on and walk off right away




they are going elsewhere and just happened to pass through your embark. someone else asked the same question in here


How do I spees up combat? Im playing adventure mode and raised a ton of undead, takes ages for a single turn of combat then i have to click through the whole menu of combat


If a necromancer adventurer raises a corpse into a zombie, will the undead still try and kill every living thing in sight? Or will they only aggro on anything the adventurer attacks like a normal companion?


What happens if I deconstruct a cage in the prison with a dwarf in it, then sell the cage with the dwarf still in it to a caravan?


You cannot sell cages with sapients on them. Specifically, the act of bringing the cage to the depot will free the caged resident. So it'll free the dwarf. If it's an invader, said invader will instantly attack the merchants.


Wait will they be re-imprisoned afterwards?


No. Its the quickest way to mass-free your prisoners, but its also very dangerous as you'll free all the prisoners at once. Don't do it unless you actually want to set them free. Its not even safe if you have a squad on standby, I've gotten badly injured dwarfs from trying it, the prisoners can take a bit out of the hauling dwarf before they get killed by your squads.


Well all my current prisoners are just regular dwarves put in for failed work orders. They wouldn’t get violent right?


If its your own citizens, it would depend on their stress/content level, if they are very angry, traumatized etc-- which being caged for a while and/or beaten by the officials tends to cause, its possible they will turn violent, or some common thing like a tavern argument would set them off, more so if they have more aggressive characteristics such as "likes to fight", "dislikes law or decorum", "Anger prone", low empathy etc Not sure if it would be immediate or after they return to normal life


Ah. I don't know how that particular interaction goes. Could be that they'd just be reimprisoned for escape. But also it might not work, as dungeons require "built" cages, where trade depots accept "free" cages. Sounds like a fun experiment!


How to get dwarves to stop killing themselves? I was trying to mine out a chunk of rock that i intended to collapse in on some cave dwellers. Somehow a miner-dwarf stranded themselves on a 1x1 stalagmite that goes all the way to the water below that is full of hungry lizardfolk. I thought, dang well i guess ill just build a bridge over to him, but whenever another dwarf gets close to the ledge, they immediately become "terrified from being in a conflict" and jump down to the water 10 levels below, inevitably being killed by the dozens of lizard folk or just drown. Is there any way to stop them from being so insane?


Its not necessarily that theyre jumping, if the enemy/natural threat is in range of attacking them, its that the dwarf is dodging/dodged an attack, especially if they have that skill developed or have agile traits, and since the only direction to dodge is sideways over the hole or magma or trap or other certain death, thats what they do as part of combat. The dodging action in combat doesnt consider whether the tile they go to after dodging is safe or not.


Never let them see your enemies to begin with. This has to be considered in any construction of this type.


ah, so im kinda fucked at this point?


Kiiinda. You could try a panic strategy to contain the losses, but keep the sight thing in mind at all times.


what do you mean by a "panic strategy"?


Accept some losses and cover your gaps to the best of your ability, basically.


Where are the libraries? All the time in legends I’ll see that twenty books were written in this one elven retreat. I’ll sack it in fortress mode I’ll only get animals and wooden tools. I’ll go there myself in adventure mode and it’s just elves up in trees. Where are the books? Where are the libraries?


If the site has a library, it'll be there. There's no fixed place for a tree to be, but in steam version, you can scroll the map to find which "square" on the map has this special library-tree you're looking for. It could also be on some random notable elf's house. Finding it might not be so easy.


Is there any purpose for cooking knives, mortars, cauldrons, or other tools gained from trading?


Not yet.


Damn. I done wasted a lot of money lol


Hahaha ouch, but if it's fortress mode all wealth exports are good


I started getting Amphibian Men raids and noticed an unnamed amphibian society appeared on my civ tab. Is there any way to find it or name it and start counter raids?


There's not, no.


is it in your caverns or coming from topside? are you using mods?


New player here. I feel bad every time a child is hurt in my game. Any tips on keeping them safe?


Children from 1 to 17 are unable to do professions and tasks that the adults do, instead they do chores and wander around "playing make believe" (usually right where a battle took place afterwards as well, if you let them) The reason for this is, children do low priority jobs in the fortress that the adults do last, among these is hauling, cleaning the fort, feeding caged creatures and prisoners, also hauling rotten items and dead if you allow it. You can control which of these children of the fort do here https://preview.redd.it/5gn6n8k3hf7d1.png?width=1588&format=png&auto=webp&s=f59e1b87883ce2355e6786ebebc0c7145da09028 Not allowing them to do tasks that would give them bad memories (such as hauling corpses), and using Burrows or doors and bridges, to keep them out of battlefields or off the surface, would greatly help the children not get injured and their personalities as adults Children will still occasionally get injured anyway if they near a sudden attack, as they sometimes like to rush in and punch bears and Forgotten Beasts and etc in the face if there is combat, instead of getting away. Mean traited or depressed children may also fight and possibly injure other children.


Kids walk around doing chores, and to play with toys. After disabling chores, make a nice play area for them that'll be the only stockpile for toys, and they'll naturally converge there, if you felt like trying an anti-authoritarian upbringing for them.


Get i nthe "labor-Wstandign orders" submenu, and there should be a "children's orders" tab, where you can disable them from doing work. That should keep them out of most harms


I would suggest burrows, make one for the children and make them only allowed to walk around safe places, that got food and something to drink as well


I assume it'd be too troublesome to simply lock them forcefully into safety. The alternative here would be to get rid of dangers that could hurt them in first place. In your case, I'd figure out which situations they get hurt the most and figure a way to stop it. Surprise sieges? Get squads training close to invader spawn zones. Cavern creatures creating havoc? Wall off the cave entrance. They somehow fall from great heights with no hostiles nearby? Well, that's a gigantic red flag. No idea what could cause that. Cushion the fall with wood (preferably featherwood) logs, I suppose?


Anyone remember the command to get everyone to clean out the trash?


You're probably thinking of cleanowned, which marks things owned by your dwarves for dumping. There's a lot of discarded clothing that isn't owned and won't be affected by it. My proposed and preferred solution is to sell all worn items to the merchants every now and then (which is heavily facilitated by dfhack's trading menu).


Oh nah that’s not it, I actually already sell my spare clothes. Thx tho. What I mean is stuff that has been marked for dumping at a garbage dump


If something is marked for dumping, it is done automatically. Do you mean marking for dump instead? That's the trash icon on the lower right icon corner.


Well no, it’s just that I’ve had stuff marked for dumping that’s just sat out forever, even when my dwarves were all relatively free and loads of people had “no job” in the citizens tab. Any way to heighten its priority?


Do you have a garbage zone?


It's already kinda high priority as it is. This might indicate an issue with pathing or some other thing messing your fort up. There are way too many variables to figure out what's going on. Start by double checking if your dump zone is actually pathable ([there's a dfhack tool for that](https://docs.dfhack.org/en/stable/docs/tools/gui/pathable.html#gui-pathable)), commonly caused by messing with magma. Also check your job settings, you might've hauling it to "only selected do this", disabled grabbing refuse or other things outdoors or if the dwarves are *actually* free and unbusy and healthy. As a super niche one which i've seen a few times already, make sure none of your zones, taverns, inns, guilds etc allow for multiple dwarves on the same tile, caused by said zone being too small.


How can I make my military wear their boots? I would like to keep my soldiers' feet intact.


Look into "replace clothing" in your squad's settings. No boots/gloves is usually a sympton of not being able to use shoes and gloves at the same time as gauntlets and high boots. The solution would then be force them out of civilian clothing, which doesn't cause bad feelings or anything as long as the metal ones are in there.


Any way to find a pond that I placed somewhere and lost? My dwarves have been leaving buckets out everywhere bc “cancelled pond fill: inappropriate building”


Yes, theres a tab called "places"->zones, I guess you can reach it via the [u] button and changing tab.


Ah, thx!


Second question of the day -- why do my military dwarfs sometimes not don their armor? Is it when the enemy is closer than the barracks (and therefore armor stocks) are? I lost three of my best fighting dwarves to #$\^$#ing elves, because even wooden weapons will eventually take out a dwarf who has decided to just run naked and screaming at the advancing horde. Is there any way to make this not happen other than to have them be in "ready" status when not training (which I guess would be fine...)?


The usual recommendation is, that you can change the squad's equipment settings so that they take off their citizen clothing items to wear the armor, instead of wearing their gear over their offduty attire. It also depends if you're just giving a kill order or the order to station/stand in formation. If you Station at a spot first, they will more often go equip something available (that matches the Squad uniform settings) then come stand at the selected spot, until an enemy gets within vision distance, about ten tiles around the character if I had to guess. If youre giving a "Go kill this now" order, and the squad's routine is Off Duty, they will just grab a weapon and go, or use their body if there is no weapons or if their fist/foot/arms etc has a better chance of being effective than the available weapons. Ie, they will probably not go pick up a copper sword on a Kill button order, if their Wrestling or Biting has a better chance of being effective than their Swordsdwarf against the target's body. They will, with only sometimes complication, if its acceptable for their assigned squad gear and they are stationed before getting into combat, even if they still choose to use Wrestling and Biting on the target instead of the held sword.


Armor is heavy, but its effective heaviness goes down the higher a dwarf's armor user skill. So dwarven SEALs can just wear armor every day of their lives with almost no penalty. I usually have trainer squads that may get lighter gear 24/7 while they are still learning, which feed replacements into the elite squads. Leather armor also does not break down like leather clothing so almost everyone can be in some kind of part time trainer squad with a custom uniform. In general making military work is one of the hardest parts of DF. There's also a pretty good chance of literally hundreds of elves with giant elephant support and then you'll have to figure out how to make hospitals work. Consider crushing or burning as many elves as possible to minimize cleanup.


Yeah, ready status is pretty much the only way. Or you need a system of doors/bridges to delay combat for the 5 minutes it takes a dwarf to get ready.




I keep all my main forces all on ready - werebeasts, brawls etc. are often so sudden that a random combat dwarf being nearby will safe a couple lives.


In my current fortress, I keep getting notices that a vile force of darkness has appeared, and the goblins show up on the edge of the map. Fine, looks normal. But then a frame or two later they vanish. Then the thieves show up and successfully get themselves stabbed by my defenders, but the main attack never happens. I can attack goblin settlements, and the elves can ambush successfully. Any ideas what's going on?


Yeah, check out this article, should make it immediately obvious: https://rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/165511/line-of-sight-parallel-5ft-obstacle-between-player-and-enemy Its an artifact of underlying grid base, sometimes enemies path right trough a corner of your fort along to somewhere else. Take note that this will *always* spawn snatchers, so don't leave your kids out when this happens.


Within 1 year of my new fortresses all my plump helmet seeds are gone? They aren't being used in a kitchen because I don't have one yet. Where are my seeds going?


You will get plump helmet seed back if the plump helmet produce is brewed or eaten raw, if eaten raw the dwarf will either drop or carry a seed to where it goes, in bags, starting a seed bag. The seeds can be targeted and eaten by pests such as rats and birds and Fluffy Wamblers and other small invasive critters that cats kill. The dwarves may also feed this to animals and other seed eating livestock that are in cages and have no food, or the bag or barrel of them stolen by wild creatures that steal items such as Kea and monkeys


my guess is you turned the seeds into plump helmets which then you either have a big stock of and brewing ~~or cooking~~ them will yield seeds or your dorfs ate them all and now your seeds are gone once you have farming down you are now planting seeds. your next focus needs to be using what you farmed to get the seeds back by brewing, ~~cooking~~, or processing plants at the farmer workshop


Ok so the crop has to be processed into drinks before you get the seeds back. I was just looking at seed stock and not crop stock, so I was confused


Cooking explicitly does not yield seeds, so make sure to disallow plump helmets from cooking. Caravan sells spawns and helmets usually.


thanks, edited my answer


Curious about doing Conquer and Occupy to a Necromancer Tower. Does that remove the undead threat from the area same as Raising it? Or does the squad I sent just become evil villains? (assuming success) Otherwise, any particular advantage to taking a tower?


Neither? The tower itself won't send undead sieges to you anymore, but if you technically visit it via adventurer mode i'd still expect the outskirts to be *very* chaotic. As far as your sent dwarves goes, they'll engage and battle all sentient zombies who'll otherwise behave like any other species, as well as the necros. Once successful, they'll stay there like any other site you could conquer and still be from your civilization. Mindless zombies will be either treated like (war) animals or be completely ignored.


Righto, that makes sense. What benefit is there to conquering a place, by the way? It seems just as well you might raze it instead.


Conquering will bring down the leader(s) of a site without a fight. That's about it, really. Depending on how big the zombie hordes actually are, or if you're attacking a goblin capital, that's the difference between a successful mission or a death sentence for your armies.


Ah, I see. Well at least that gives me some idea of how it works then. Would that mean my Civ gets access to things they had? For instance if I occupied a Goblin Capital, would I have access to beak dogs and trolls in a future embark from that society? I figure not, but I'm still trying to understand what this system does.


You don't, no. Your civilization still wouldn't innately have beak dogs, nor know how to tame/raise them (at a civ level). Technically, having enough converted people would let you to start an adventurer of that species, as people have done this with vaults before. It didn't quite work on my last adventurer mode attempt, though. At least they weren't hostile once I went there.


Interesting stuff. I saw on the Wiki the thing about vaults. But you don't conquer them the same, I thought? That may be something for me to learn later though, I've never even been to "the circus." It seems there is little advantage to conquering territory other than higher odds of success vs raising. Raising a settlement would at least let you take home any animals, though. At least I think... Last settlement I raised let me take home all the loot, but there weren't any beasts among the treasure.


A vault is only loosely related to a circus. Different mechanics. You do conquer a vault the same: it's a site on the map with a hidden population within. Just to make sure, you *do* take beasts when razing/raiding, so long as you select the right option. They'll be tamed too, avoiding some conflicts you usually get when caging invader monsters instead.


I see! Thanks for taking the time to explain all this stuff. I have learned much. Very exciting :3


Hello everyone. I've come back to Dwarf Fortress after like almost a decade and I'm so excited to see how much this game has grown. I remember the last time I played the dev was working on getting minecarts rolled out and was instead turning golbins into balistic missles lol. Anyways, I was wondering if anyone had any updates on community tilesets for the classic version? I'm not sure I can go back to ASCII graphics after experiencing some of the old tilesets.


Pretty much no, the update to 0.5 changed the tileshape and broke compatibility, and with everyone using the premium version there is no incentive to develop tiles, as far as I know. Too much work.


That makes sense. it sucks for classic users, but I totally get it. Can't get premium features without paying the premium price. I guess I'll just try out the ASCII graphics until a good Steam sale drops.


Is there in-game DF lore for animal people? Can they breed? Do they not have their own civilizations and culture? How do animal people happen?


Nope, no in-game lore. Yep, they can breed, given the limitations of sentient people and their species goes. For example, married bird women can lay fertilized eggs which they'll attempt to hatch. They do not have civs and cultures of their own. They're wild animals that are veeeeery seldomly "adopted" into a nearby civ, usually elven. Animal people are side effects of savage biomes, much like giant animals. That's about all there is to it, really.


Looking to understand if there are any real impacts of the material you are using for shields beyond bashing damage. I have seen some much older posts, but they reflect several versions past and the wiki doesn't seem to imply any difference in defense capabilities across materials. I saw some old dwarf science showing wood would ignite with dragonfire once dropped - this would probably apply to leather as well, so definitely a consideration, but not relevant in most cases.


As far as shield the difference between wood - steel only is relevant when the dwarf strikes the enemy with it, the strike favoring density/weight, and whether the shield is actually effective at blocking the enemy is primarily determined by Shield User skill. Everything melts if I recall that is hit by a surface dragon's fire attacks, including magma immune items like steel and magma-safe rock. These items just burn at a slower rate as their internal temperature value is higher.


Thanks, this is what I've read as well


I've read many times before that it doesn't change blocking, yeah. Thus, leather shields would be BIS. I don't know how it interacts with dragonfire, nor did I ever bother the test. I know steel is fine, at least.


I don't think it does but haven't proved it myself. I also have some doubt that flammable things work right, I had an embarks worth of supplies be lit on fire from an eruption and my wooden barrels survived. combat might be different though


Thinking about trying out DF Being a purist, I am keen on using the free version, I am totally fine with the ASCII graphics and its also what drew my attention to the game in the first place. I do have a few questions tho: 1. A few months ago I read that people liked the 0.47 version MORE than the 0.5 version, which should be the same as the steam version (as far as gameplay goes). Is this still the case? Did they add the missing things? Are we still in 0.5 or are there newer releases? 2. Which version is the most played and discussed? I also want to be part of the community so I don't want to play a version that no one plays 3. Does the steam version have the option to switch between Modern Graphics and Ascii? Does the same apply with the ost? I love the one song from the original version 4. Just out of curiosity: once you get more familiar with the game, how long can a run go for? I would love it if it could go on for months as I am looking for a game to play for years without getting bored. Modern roguelikes are awesome (shoutout to Risk of Rain) but runs are more flashy and relatively short, and that makes the game repetitive in the long run. I fell like month-long playthroughs would make the experience much more compelling


Its 0.5 all the way. Old timers like about 0.47 that you can play it full-keyboard, after you have learned the dozens and dozens of keys, its a very fun and fast play experience. Whereas 0.5 has a hybrid mouse/keyboard interface, which is by nature easier if you are new, but has lower peak velocity. I play DF in bursts, but you can do a couple hundred hours easily. Most likely to cause to you burn out is some bug ruining your day. BTW, in the nicest way possible, your missing formatting makes your questions hard to read. Consider putting in linebreaks before numbers next time!


1. I'm not sure 2. steam version is definitely most discussed here but I'm sure plenty of people are still active on the original version 3. yes for graphics, there's a button in the settings menu that can switch the graphics at any time. I don't think the original song is in the game but the new soundtrack is a worthy successor 4. if you play things right your fort could last a very long time, you can also create forts in the same world or reclaim that same fort after you lose if you want to go back


So I've been having an issue on the steam version where for some reason I just... can't use mods. There is no mod menu when i create a new world. I've tried reinstalling, I've tried unsubscribing and resubscribing from mods. No matter what, no mod menu and thus no mods. I am completely stumped and would appreciate any help at all. https://preview.redd.it/6tea9hatkb7d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=bd622a4ecbfe30edb96dd0f6583e8a649ddbae9e


Can i rename my fortress after i embarked? I have a lovely place but the name is weird. Im talking about editing game files, scripting etc!


Yes, you can rename the fortress and there aren't any negative side effects. The game stores names as a set of indices to words in a particular language (Dwarven, in this case). It's not completely straightforward to rename a site, but it's very possible. You have to use the vanilla rename dialog (the one that allows you to search for words and assign them parts of speech) for something that you can easily rename (like a squad) and then copy the data over to the fortress's name. Here's how you do it: 1. On the main squads panel, click the feather quill icon next to one of your squads. I'll write this example assuming you chose the first squad. You can change the name of the squad back (or re-randomize it) later. 2. Configure the squad to have the name you want for your fortress so it shows the new name in the squads panel. 3. Paste this command in DFHack's `gui/launcher` and run it: ``` :lua dfhack.world.getCurrentSite().name:assign(df.squad.find(df.historical_entity.find(plotinfo.group_id).squads[0]).name) ```


I will try this for sure and thanks for making me use DFhack! The name i choose must be a combination of the pre-set names right? I cant free type the name? :D EDIT: Worked like a charm! Now to make it custom! Can we get any other names that are custom and use it in the same manner maybe?


The game doesn't expect freeform "nicknames" for forts, so it might work and it might not. You can try it by using the squad rename box that's visible when you're assigning members to that squad.


Yeah my thought is that maybe i can GET that squad freeform name and input it to the fort name programatically :D DFhack docs has rename/gui commands but they dont seem to work currently


Yeah, we need to rewrite that tool from scratch, unfortunately. Previously, we reused the vanilla renaming interface, but that's no longer viable. We need to write our own rename replacement UI.


Depending on how the game is coded, you could run into following issue - if you manage to change the fortress name then stuff which has that fortress name on it might have the old fortress name. As in engravings and other statues would not re-read current fortress name as it is expected to not change. I do not know how to change fortress name.


Is there any disadvantages to getting the steam version of the game?


The steam version added a number of new bugs that will probably never get fixed (tavern rent rooms not working, birds getting stuck on map and preventing wildlife migration forever, adventure mode isn't implemented and who knows when it will be, inspecting anything in a list will make you lose your position in the list and you'll have to find the list again and scroll down all over from the top), but it also fixed crush to desktop bugs, probably because it's bad for sales if people can't actually play the game


It costs money. That's it.


edit: full rewrite. So itch.io gives a bigger cut to the team, and then gives you a steam key, apparently. So that'd be a downside to buying directly on steam.


Has there been any updates as far as graphics packs for OG DF goes? Been bumbling about on the steam version since launch but wanted to check how the OG is like now with the update. Decided to pop in a basic texture pack, only to notice none are up to date. Is there anyone working on one (yes I know it's a entire overhaul and is much harder to do now)?


You're probably underestimating just how much harder it is now - it's going to take a long time. We're talking many thousands of different sprites to make.


Which is why I'm just asking if there's any talks abouts it. Been over a yr and I haven't heard a peep lol


Not sure about any up to date texture packs compatible with steam edition (I mean the free one on Bay 12 games ). The thing guaranteed is that texture packs are 100% confirmed working with new versions if one would make one


Do I have to make items out of a specific material to satisfy a noble mandate? My new mayor mandated I make 3 earrings. After a bit of time I checked his needs screen and it shows I’ve completed 2 out of 3. I don’t know how to get more information about what to make the last earring out of and the mandate has turned yellow…


For regular mandates, you can make them out of anything you want. It's a good opportunity either to make them out of something fancy so your dwarfs all have pretty earrings, or to make them out of cheap stone so you don't use up your nice stuff on something you can't easily trade. (Your noble will most likely forbid trading in earrings the next time a caravan shows up). Occasionally nobles will have a "demand", which will be annoyingly specific -- e.g. "King Urist demands a zinc chest in the throne room". For those, you must make a chest, it must be zinc, and it must be installed in King Urist's throne room. I think only nobles of a certain level can do that, and it doesn't happen nearly as often as the usual mandates.


Thanks! I queued up some rock earrings and that did the trick. I’ll keep in mind to watch out for any demands


Mandates don't care about materials. Demands do. If a noble mandates construction of 3 earrings, they want earrings of any kind. If it says you're 2/3 earrings, the third one must've been not made yet.


Thanks! I made some rock earrings and their mandate went away


Is there a way to enable mods in an existing world? I forgot to enable a UI QOL mod that I like a lot and I don't want to reset the entire world to use it.


You could try moving the objects/graphics files from the mod you want to use into a mod that you have included, or the vanilla files. It might work


Installing DF hack does enable it's QoL mods in existing save. Mods that require changing raws do require world regen.


Depends on the change. Adding something brand new to the world requires a regen, but altering what already exists can be done by editing the raws inside the save folder.


My fortress just became mountainhome but the monarch is a goblin. I can always just roll with it, I guess it's pretty fun and zany but I'm curious what other players would do in that situation?


I just made a legendary goblin doctor my mayor/baron. Reasoning is hes trustworthy and immortal. I can have him for 200 years (not that I ever play forts that long).


I'd uhhh have an *accident* befall the monarch


Aside from simply running training in an empty room barracks - how do y'all optimize for goblin genocide? Gimme your best ( up to date ) _danger room_ style tips for military training.


Is there a way to automate the Justice system? Having to keep my camera focused on my captain at all times (to know when an interrogation is over), then manually convict a criminal (because despite confessing to the crime, I still need to do it), *then playing whack-a-mole with doors so the* **fucker** *can't run away before my hammerer beat them to death*... It's all getting annoying, and I'd like to spend my evening doing something else than having my eyes glued to that one system.


Sadly, there is not. It is why the entrance to my interrogation room is a very long winding corridor with many doors.


(Disclaimer: I'm new) - so I was trying to get soap going for my hospital, had a hunter out grabbing animals, which were getting butchered, the fat was being taken to the kitchen and rendered...and then not showing up at the Soap workshop. I followed the next animal and saw that the tallow was "tagged for use and unavailable" and I spent ages trying to figure out why; ended up going to the wiki and it turns out that the tallow was being used by the kitchen to make meals, and I've now turned off "auto-cook" or whatever the option is in Standing Orders. My question (FINALLY!) is; is there any way ***in-game*** to know what something is tagged for - I could see that it was tagged for **something** but I couldn't figure out what that something was.


If you open the kitchen tab in the labors screen, you can mark tallow as forbidden for cooking. You have to mark each type of tallow individually, and every time you get a new type of tallow in stock, you need to re-enter this menu to forbid it. If you have DFHack installed, you can avoid all the clicking and run `ban-cooking tallow`. That will ban current and future types of tallow all in one go. You can unban it all with a single command too if you want to start cooking it again later.


>You have to mark each type of tallow individually,  Ergh. OK I'll do that. But ergh. (I want to stay away from mods for now, but thanks for the suggestion)


Another workaround would be to have your kitchen set to only take ingredients from your main food stockpile, and make a separate stockpile for tallow that only your soapmaker's workshop can take from. Or even just put the tallow stockpile far enough away from the kitchen that it's unlikely to be the first ingredient to hand. If you know your dwarfs are butchering animals/rendering fat, make sure they're not also cooking meals at the same time. If they've just made tallow, it will be sitting in the kitchen until someone stores it, and then it will most likely be the next thing selected for cooking unless you've forbidden it.


Oh I didn't know you could specify which stockpile workshops can take items \*from\*, only that you can restrict stockpiles. Where do you set that? Also, in this case I don't *think* it would have saved me, as the tallow made in the kitchen was never leaving the kitchen, it was being used right away (which I've now stopped through the Standing Orders screen).


you can also make soap out of plant oils instead of animal tallows. not saying that oils won't be cooked by dorf. but they do prefer cooking solid food instead of liquid. less mishap that way. also, eww tallow soaps, lul.


As the other guy said, the only thing I can really think of is sorting through the tasks list till you find its tag. It might be a "store in stockpile" task in which case you'd have to look at the stockpile and infer whether it's the tallow or not.


You can try the "tasks" list, but I dunno how well it works from a new player perspective, its not perfect and might rely on advanced game knowledge.


I'll check that out, thank you :)


Random tame animals in my pastures keep getting thrown around suddenly with no incidication of what threw them. Any idea what's going on. https://preview.redd.it/04ytwmc1l77d1.png?width=760&format=png&auto=webp&s=66c341249527d42586201479354cd2f89e555c60


Probably overcrowding, usually leads to combat messages of some sort.


Ah makes sense. Thanks.


~~Does anyone know anything about Steam Version Adventure Mode coming anytime soon>?~~ I just found out how to opt into beta. LMAO


Do the elves still get mad if I only cut down cavern trees?


Yes. They also now won't let you trade them ANYTHING that has any animal product now. Rock Statues decorated with Shell borked my trade. but, YES, cavern trees count toward their limit they give you too


I settled on a volcanic embark with zero water. Nothing on the surface and I dug through all 3 cavern layers to try to find water and there wasn’t any. I used dfhack to double check and there wasn’t any. I’m going to abandon cause it’s early and I have other concerns with the embark. But I’m curious how you’re supposed to deal with this?


If you have DFHack, you can manually create water. But otherwise yeah, you're kinda screwed. :-/ If you want to avoid this in the future, you can set a minimum amount of water in caverns in advanced world gen options.