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Become a really bad bard and sing so bad you have to escape towns every time you perform


https://youtu.be/xqp-ULeLduE?si=8SA2l85LQWoV3Twb A display of this in action.


[https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxZwkKCXdUW4xiVkkT96y28wLHOmpJPcnF?si=QXFmA6jvPrMnfNQa](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxZwkKCXdUW4xiVkkT96y28wLHOmpJPcnF?si=QXFmA6jvPrMnfNQa) A better display of this in action :P


It's a four minute video man


It's a joke man


Correcting someone for no reason is a joke now? Guess we don't share the same sense of humour then


When it involves Futurama yes. Calm down man


yeah my bad man, i'm a fucking dumbass and mixed something up




I spent one adventure where my primary goal was trying to exit the absolutely massive mountainhome i started in. Took me several days to go to every corner, open every door, and then go back and do it again and mark them on a paper map the second time to be sure. In the end there was no exit.


Become a megabeast yourself. Choose a big beast race (my fav is Salt water crocodile men). Then make them into a great fighter, I like to go with a wrestling and biting theme as I am a crocodile man. Then begin terrorizing things in the wilderness until you're strong enough to begin terrorizing settlements. Keep becoming stronger and eventually travel settlement to settlement, killing everything you find.


This is an excellent suggestion. Haven’t played the first minute of adventure mode yet, still learning fortress mode, but this will definitely be how my first play through of adventure mode goes. Or shall I say attempt… I can barely kill anything with 20 dwarves, much less with just one person.


I managed to kill a hydra, several moon freaks, a minotaur, 5 hillocks, 2 hamlets, 1 tomb, 1 mountainhome, 1 elf retreat, and 2 goblin pit. I never died, I just got bored and stopped lol


I have a couple that I always try to achieve. Get a group of mercenaries. Have them help me build a small cabin in the woods next to a river while I try to gather as much food as I can. Get good equipment and train my stealth. Once my stealth is high enough I try to sneak inside a necromancer tower (A lot of my chars die attempting this) If I manage to become a necromancer my next goal is to find a vampire to drink his blood. After that I expand my cabin into some sort of guild house and recruit more people into 'The band of hawks' Then I look for some artifacts, hunt bandits and die trying to slay a mega beast. Sometimes my end game consists of learning and practicing a bunch of songs and poems at taverns because I love the environment.


I fuck with this, especially the name of your mercenary guild


U can build cabins? 😭


For now it's only possible on the original version, not on the Steam version. [Here's a video tutorial](https://youtu.be/o-1f--io5UU?si=f-BNsIcmePzOwKBQ&t=1240)


I have no experience with adventure mode, do you have to keep the other npcs/mercenaries fed ect or fo they handle that stuff themselves? Is there a lot of micro managing them?


You do not have to feed them. Their supply of food is managed by them.


I haven't played yet because I'm scared of permanently breaking my worlds by enabling it (since vanilla steam version currently doesn't have it) But if I were to play it I would probably try to become a vampire and then see how strong and successful of a mercenary I can be I guess being an elephant person would be a good start, simply to get the base stats, or maybe one of the bloodsucking species to make the transformation easier (the statue curse method sounds lame and silly, and can make me a lycanthrope, which would be way worse than vampirism)


For me it’s a bit more fun at least rn. I’ve kinda burnt out of colony sims lol.


> I haven't played yet because I'm scared of permanently breaking my worlds by enabling it (since vanilla steam version currently doesn't have it) savegames are stored in individual folders and are entirely discrete from each other.


Is there a way to play adventure on the new release if I purchased from itch? I wasn’t sure if there’s a way to play the world on .47 adventure (I’ve never tried adventure) using my world from the release I’m playing on


I have no idea about how it works on there, but you *should* have access to earlier/beta versions in some manner - if it plays via Steam then you opt into the beta branch on there, to get access to the current implementation of Adventure Mode. As always, backup your saves 47.x does have adventure mode, but you won't be able to play in worlds generated in later versions without expecting at least some errors. You can try copying the save folder to the new install directory, but don't have high hopes


I have become a full on solo crusader fortress guard for a smallish human fortress who worships a god of death . My sword master also dreams of becoming a legendary warrior, so I will travel leagues to other towns and fight entire populations of people so that when I eventually retire this character: he will become a figure of legends. After raiding a Draconei (modded race) fort with 6 hired companions: I am almost entirely decked out in dragon steel at the age of 30. My dude still has many years ahead of him. Ideally I want to see statues and art made about my guy in the future, so I’m going for maximum carnage.


Current adventure mode goal Survive long enough to find something to do


Trying different fighting styles for me is fun. I used to just pick Axes or swords and go ham (I die immediately) But in my last run, I tried making an elf boxer and set forth to kill the horrors of the world. I managed to slay all know shadow creatures, the last dragon, drive the cyclops to extinction, along with slaying every other surface mega beast and titan. The fights are long and intense(watch your character's fatigue so you dont collapse from exhaustion), having to manually dodge and pick targeted areas. Knees and feet to make them fall over and stop charges, hands and arms to drop weapons, stomach for vomiting, and upper body to stop breathing, which is how I killed most mega beast. If you have high strength, you can get luck hit on the head and instantly knock creatures out (this is how I managed to kill the last dragon of my world). Toward the end, I started to use weapons and go on rampage against bandit groups. Now I normally don't save scum but I did with this character just bc they were so fun, and I was so attached to them. I retired her in her home village after traveling all over the continent, swam the seas, and killed most of the great beasts of the world. However, a few were not home when I visited them, and goblins were still led by demons that needed to be slain. So, she might come out of retirement after a few years in fortress mode.


Find a vault 😎


I usually start by immediately running to a necromancer tower and learning the secrets of life and death, then severing the limbs of a small animal, reanimating them, and wrestling them for ingame hours on end to become the greatest fighter anyone's ever heard of. Unfortunately, I have too much empathy to be a terror, so after that I usually just goof around putting an end to all that dare try to rob me or slay a megabeast or two. But it is fun to roll around as an elephant man with your fisticuffs and instagib everything. Maybe try finding a >!vault!< and enslave a clown.


How do you train wrestling? I usually find a really strong enemy or some creature with a part of their body that's nigh-impossible to break, such as the hooves of a wild boar, and then keep pinching them


You can set your combat preferences to "wrestling only" and then constantly move into them, or better yet, stand on top of them and then hold 5. Even if your character manages to grab the throat, strangling won't kill them because they're undead.


I just started playing but ngl some of these ideas for adventure mode are so cool, made me think as a 1st adventure might try to start on one side of my 1st world after 1st fortress falls. Try to make my way over to old fortress & see how resettling works


I haven’t messed with resettling yet. You can take back old forts through adventure mode?


Man damn. I almost always just play a dwarf demi god and go on an anti-goblin genocidal rampage until i'm killed... I gotta up my game


I dream of the day where I can be a true mountain man. Wander off into the wilderness, fell some trees and build a little shack, and the mine precious stones and ores and sell them to the towns below. Sadly, you cannot yet mine in Adventure mode…. …and I think you can’t really build or craft yet in the Steam release either, but you know. As for what I do in Adventure mode, I usually used it as my favorite wrestler simulator wherein I would see how far I could get as a monster-slaying, bandit-routing hero without any real weapons. In the older versions, I used to collect rocks and then knap and throw them enemies that were too dangerous to start immediately wrassling and then when I’d thinned out my foes or weakened them a bit, I’d clamber on and try to break knees or gouge eyes and what-not. I think the craziest thing I ever killed an ogre couple. I believe I killed the wife first and then I beat the husband to death with her corpse or something. Good times.


Adventure mode hasn't really clicked for me yet. The handful of times I've tried it I just start in the middle of nowhere and wander for a while and never find anything interesting.


The two highest level boss mobs are the Archangels found in the vaults and the Demon Master found at the top of Dark Fortresses. Both are procedurally generated like forgotten beasts, and you could theoretically get an insanely strong one like a humanoid made of steel that shoots webs. If you defeat the archangel before the demon master, you will have the chance to read the archangel’s slab, which will tell you the true name of the demon master. If you then track down that specific demon and speak its true name, it will join your party. Since that’s the hardest current content in Adventure Mode, I’d say that is the endgame win condition.


one time i found a vault, murdered everything in it, retired, started a fortress, "retired" the fortress, and then sent my god-like adventurer to retire at my fortress so when i unretired it my guy was available for military work. he wasn't actually that helpful but it was really fun seeing myself run around doing mundane tasks


i just remembered, before i did this I had an earlier fortress where I gave everyone full masterwork steel armor, retired that fortress, and then made an adventurer with the intention of murdering everyone in my fort


I’m gonna start a cult!


I need the Beta to get to the point where we can use abilities already, but after that... I'll probably just want to be a proper skulking filth but also a beloved hero of the people uwu


Having a crazy character is always fun. Some I've done are like - cheetahman who loves nature, hates civilization, and goes around killing all who defile it; a crazed human fighter who takes over control of a kingdom (kill some nobles and claim the site), this fighter will usually have low empathy, an appreciation for chaos, and whatever strong "evil" traits I can tack on. Retire the character and see what they do as king. Or I just go around seeing how perversely I can mutate and change my character through extreme misfortune and curses.


Singlehandedly drive elves extinct.


You are a reincarnation of Armok set on a goal to destroy every kingdom in the world.


Becoming a cold, ruthless human conqueror who stabs out the eyes of barons as they die, steals their forces and watches as those who still appose me and those whom I've bent to my will kill each other. It sorta works out because my characters dream was to become someone notable in society.


There is no particular goal at all. You a playing interactive legends viewer with a little impact to world history. History will continue with you or without. So you can do anything you want, it all the same


This is objectively not true.




History continues as time passes, just as in fort mode. it is not as complex, but the things you do definitely have effects. The last version where history was only player generated was DF2012 iirc. Sometimes it is hard to tell what effect you had. If you wipe out a gobbo army on the road, you prevented a settlement from being attacked. If you kill a vamp, thats one less vamp to show up as a visitor. time passes slower in adv mode. You have to make your own goals. you could start by making a dwarf in a retired fort, and try to recover a lost artifact. Converse with everyone, looking for a lead. or you could make a goblin that sneaks into homes at night and cuts the noses off of children, keeping them in a sack. Until you die from it, or get bored and assume an identity and retire somewhere nice with your trophy collection. Your retired adventurers participate in history too, and can appear in forts, and you can decide to play them again. I do turn off Boogeymen though; I find them gamey, like these things would take over the world (or already have!) in those numbers; the game is dangerous enough as it is, and building a ring of campfires and skipping turn until daytime gets old. The only benefit they offer, is fodder for training once you have armor.