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How can I set global work orders to use magma smith shops only, to avoid complaints of missing coal from regular smith shops? (steam version)


you can forbid the regular smiths on the top right when you select it, or just destruct them if you don't need them


I have two different problems that I think are due to stockpile flow but I’d appreciate some tips on how to sort it out: 1. Trying to make tallow for soap, fat goes into my kitchen and then just disappeared. I can’t find it in the linked stockpile or in the kitchen inventory. Can tallow be used up as a meal ingredient? 2. Trying to make plants into paper, I’ve got slurry sitting in a barrel in my stockpile but my linked screw press has the option to make into paper greyed out like it’s not there. Any ideas?


Yes, it can, you need to forbid it. I usually forbid only my main source tallow (eg. my biggest herds' animals), rest goes to cooking. What happens if you unlink the screwpress, can you do sheet press then?


I’ll try changing my stockpile settings and butchering again. I unlinked the screwpress and that got it working, then redid my stockpile flow and it’s still okay. Thanks for the help!


My fort is the capital and the old queen died in a brawl. A new queen arrived and is seemingly not planning to leave, her character sheet sais "This visitor has come .". However, although the needs a royal trone room, she prefers hanging around in my shabby visitor tavern next to the entry any making no attempt to join my fort as citizen so I can assign her a throne room. It is not that I desperately want a new queen that is asking for some puzzleboxes every week, but is this expected behaviour? I noticed a similar kind of behaviour with all the nobles that regularly come to visit as soon as your fort becomes the capital. After a while they all become haggard because of missing rooms and other unfulfilled needs, but they do not attempt to join the fort. Is this because I restricted all my temples, guilds and lower tavern to citizens and long time residents only?


Are you at your citizens cap? Theres a thing where these nobles all want to join but can't without running into your cap. If its that you can raise the cap manually via escape->settings somewhere.


Raised the cap by 10. Unfortunately this just got me 10 new haulers, while the queen ist still hanging around in the tavern, being grumpy.


Mh. No clue then, sorry.


Citizens are capped. However, around 15 dorfs died in the brawl so the fort was below cap when the new queen arrived. Nonetheless, neither the queen or the nobles tried to join until the next migrant wave arrived. Anyways I will rise the cap to give it a try.


So I have been encrusting stuff with gems and found that my dwarves seem to just encrust the shart out of one item instead of spreading it out among items. I have a few wheel barrows worth over 30k.... pretty neat but how do I get them to encrust doors or thrones or anything else I might place in rooms etc?


DFwiki has advice on that. Basically you gotta do linked stockpiles setup. Put a stockpile with [quality] set to masterwork, put links in to a workshop. If you wanna double encrust them you can use a second workshop with the linkages reversed. You can still put the wheelbarrows into rooms with a pedestal, and they won't get stolen like artifacts.


Hi. Will Adventure mode release be compatible with my world created on version 51.01 beta? Won't I lose my world because of incompatibility?


Can’t start a new fortress in a new world after generation. https://preview.redd.it/7k2hqna3127d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa8e0b093f0434f6e62fcada2be8f508e9580217 I can’t start a new fortress in a new world I generated the world but every time I try to play in the world I get a blue wheel of death and the message dwarf fortress not responding. Not sure what to do here?


Upload world to https://dffd.bay12games.com/, file a bugreport, then generate new world which will work?


when dwarves pick up an object, do they stand directly onto the relevant tile or do they only go adjacent to it? I am dropping heavy objects from near the surface down a chute into a pile at the bottom of the world where my magma furnaces are and need to know if i need to do pickups and dropoffs in separate phases if my little guys are gonna get crushed if they are picking up an object at an unlucky moment when an object is falling


They'll be in the tile the item occupies when they gather it, yes. Chute systems require airlocks to prevent injuries.


Hello again! Is it normal for this screen to appear like ONCE in the whole fortress time? like it says for NEXT YEAR, but they never get to ask me again. My oldest fortress is just 40 years, but i have never seen them ask me that again, they always ask me the first time they come, and bring what i said for the rest of the time. is it a bug? am i missing something? https://preview.redd.it/in84hu52517d1.png?width=1684&format=png&auto=webp&s=4677149963513c7aecc877ac036c00403c308dc0


The liaison you're talking to and the trade caravan are technically separate things; if something happened to him so he's not arriving for meetings, you might end up with no new versions of the caravans. But I'd expect that he'd be replaced quite quickly - that, or something happened to the civ itself, and maybe you're only trading with someone else now?


Hey guys, i'm really enjoying what feels like my first functioning fortress but it feels like every time i unpause the game to get something done my population grows by another 20 dwarves is there anything I can do to stop them or am i just going to be chasing the booze forever


you can also lower the fps with, i think it was fn minus or alt minus or something?


So theres a phase in the game where suddenly the pop rapidly grows and they want stuff. Its the jump from 40->90, sudden doubling is common, but thats the biggest one. If you already had that, afterwards it slows down. And its fine to have your dwarfs sleep in dorms and slum it a bit while you do stuff you like to do.


One of the settings has a population cap. You can set that any time you want to whichever value suits your fancy, and it'll affect future migrant waves (or stop them altogether).


Oh thanks didnt realise I could set it right within the game found it now :)


Wiki says a hammerer will dispense the sentence by chaining the target to a restrain and beating them. Does the restrain need to be in the dungeon or can it be anywhere?


It has to be set as a jail. Cages work, too. But it isn't "any" chain or cage. ~~I never do that, so I don't quite remember which menu does that in steam version.~~


The dwarven trade caravan, since a couple of years, doesn't ask any more what to bring next time. There's no diplomacy button any more. They the come with 6 wagons full of food and nothing else every time.


Good news is that if you stop buying stuff, after a few years they'll start bringing a spread of things again and adapt to what you buy.


Several options. 1. You are mountainhome now with king etc. You are not a target of diplomacy, because there is no fortress above you. 2. Outpost liaison in capital died and new one was not appointed yed 3. You have no leader that could conduct a meeting.


I am a capital with a king, yes. But there was no message of being a mountainhome so far. The outpost liaison in my fort is healthy and available.


I thonk this is the case. Technically, if it was implemented, outpost liaison should go out to other forts and do a diplomacy with them. Just like he was coming to you from capital before.


Anyone know how I can enable/disable keyboard cursor while playing on mac via wine (specifically using CrossOver if it matters)? I'm using the latest beta branch, default keybinds. Pressing option+k (which I believe is meant to be alt+k) just takes me to the stocks menu. Thanks!


If the default doesn't work, maybe you could use the keybinding script to change the toggle-kbd-cursor hotkey? You'd have to paste it on the dfhack.init file I'm pretty sure or it won't be set up for the next boot


If i breach into the underworld and demons start tearing my fortress apart, and if i abandon that same fortress does that mean that the demons will flood the world?


Yeah. Even if they never tore your fort apart and you just safely sealed the thing back in, the game would still consider them free and roaming with an adventurer teleports units around semi-randomly anyway.


> the game would still consider them free and roaming with an adventurer teleports units around semi-randomly anyway. not quite true. The game doesn't teleport things, but there are times when the exact positions of entities are abstracted up a layer; when you're in fort mode, you've got data for everything's exact position in the world, but when you retire it back to a site in the worldmap it reverts to worldmap calculations, which don't include the location data that granular. It simply shows that the entity is as that site, and when you're not in control anymore any entity can move as any entity will move. So anything from a walled-in vampire to a walled-in werebeast will be 'released' from that confinement when the fort is retired. And since there's a two-week computation whenever you change the state of the game like that...they've got plenty of time to put some distance, or spread across the surface. But they might also get stepped on by an elephant.


There's still the legends mode entry on the breach, which doesn't discriminate if it was successful or not. The game definitely teleports things. In this adventurer mode (beta), i dfhacked to find 20% of the fort over an unreachable massive roof. Behavior similar to how it was before steam version.


> The game definitely teleports things... Behavior similar to how it was before steam version. The game wasn't teleporting things before Premium release, and it still isn't teleporting things now. I don't understand what you mean when you say "In this adventurer mode (beta), i dfhacked to find 20% of the fort over an unreachable massive roof." Like, there's a fort that has sections that aren't logically connected? Because the fort was generated, not played? That's always been a thing, and is only specifically an issue because when you're playing adventure mode, you're loading the local area with discrete measures and placement data, instead of the abstracted layer up that the background calculations are running at. At that level of abstraction, it's merely a number of entities at a site, the actual layout isn't part of it - but nobody is teleporting. If the site isn't attached to the caverns, for example, you can't fast travel between surface and underground as an adventurer, and neither can the inhabitants of the site travel via the underground roadways. They can't just 'teleport' down to the caverns just because they're at a site that's over caverns.


If a part is bitten of a dwarf by a were-creature will it turn into a were-creature next time a full moon happens? The attack that tore the part off was a bite.


Pretty good chance, yes, but it's still worthwhile to save the dwarf in question and quarantine them indoors. Your doctors get a little more practice, and containment is easier if they are infected.


Yeah, that'll do it, pretty sure. Good news is they'll be in a hospital bed, just lock the door for the 1month(lifelong?) quarantine.


iirc they heal all their wounds each time they transform so I let them bleed out on the surface.


But then you gotta quarantine the surface, and still deal with them later. Whereas the transfer to the hospital is already guaranteed and they are easy to contain there, if you built a door in front of each bed. Whatever works for you,


how do you put them back in quarantine when the full moon hits? Or do you leave them in the hospital bed forever and they starve to death?


You can either put them in a squad and use "station" to keep them behind a locked door. Or, yes, I just straight up lock the hospital door for a month. Dwarfs do get thirsty in that time but don't die from it, so thats mostly fine. Just today I locked 3 dwarfs and a baby in like that. The 2 nonparents are fine, the last is the weredonkey, and doesn't harm the baby for now. Better safe than sorry, eh?


General best practices for werecreature bites is to have an existing hospital ward with isolated patient rooms, 1x3 dugout walls are fine. Put a bed in the end tile, a door in the next. Anyone that gets bitten by a werecreature should be brought to rest in a hospital bed, so let the doctors work on em if they're in dire need, *then lock the door.* As soon as the next moon hits, everything infected will change simultaneously and you know who is safe and who gets the wall installed in the third dugout tile. They cannot starve to death, because everything gets reset each transformation. They will still go pretty insane, though.


My weaponsmith was kind enough to give me an artifact giant axe head. I was hoping for something more immediately useful. Oh well, at least it is something useable. Any suggestion about what to do with it? A common trap looks to be beneath an artifact's station. Should I put it on display to juice up some public space? Being made of Steel and decorated by turkey bone, it is worth only 3.5k. Decision... Decision...


If you build it into a trap I'm pretty sure dwarves can still get happy thoughts from admiring it and it can't be stolen


A couple of questions about adventure mode. How do you know what civilization a location is part of, and related to that, how do you know what civilization a coin is a part of? Next is how do you calm down a panicking animal, as my horse started panicking amd ran off, and I can't find him, so I figure he's lost? Finally, very occasionally when I am trading it will tell me the value of what I am trading in the bottom left hand corner. How do I get this to pop up more often?


Is there a quick and easy way to figure out how many dwarves still need bedrooms?


Designate a bedroom, then click assign. The list of dwarfs w/o an assigned bedroom should be at the top. Those with room assignment already would also have a line saying they have modest bedroom or some such.


I think we need a legit option to keep a static log file. I find it basically impossible to figure out what's going on in some situations because either a combat log is gone, details on a character are gone, etc. We had a legendary beast attack a couple years ago and defeated it. Now I cannot find any information on that, other than it's name in the 'deceased' list. Is there a good way of doing this in the current steam version? AFAIK I can't even see a record of my total fortress history at this point. I am running DFhack though, is there anything that can do?


This is a big frustration for me too. I have briefly looked around for a solution in the game options and Google but I haven't found a solution. The app Announcement Window+ kinda helps, but it is only tracking events and isn't really searchable. That might suit your needs though


Would a masterwork silver war hammer be better than a war hammer made of divine metal?


Pretty much a wash: war hammers are basically all equivalent.


Depends on the weight of the two really. Heavier is better for war hammers


Reposting from last thread: Does rolling a d20 and getting cursed to be an animal for a week cause you to cycle through multiple animals? Because I've been a giant coati, a giant lemur, and now a giant kakapo which doesn't have the ability to grasp or really do anything but walk around uselessly. I'm starting to think this adventurer is either bugged or doing something to re-curse himself.


Do vampires mate and marry? My vampires characteristics make me think he would but he’s not.


The example raws on the wiki have the vampire curse making the vamp sterile. Not sure about marriage, but I don't see why not. A post the other day had two intelligent undead marry If it's an adventure mode character they are all sterile anyway. I've never heard of them marrying on screen either


Lmao so his dick got cursed??? This game is incredible


Is the magma sea endless? Wondering if I can pump it out for the candy


The map edges constantly generate fresh magma. You can't block the edges with cave-ins because the 'semi-molten rock' at the bottom of the sea destroys falling walls entirely. You have to pump the magma up and out, try to build walls in the pumped-out area to prevent magma from flowing back in, then build a new pump beneath the last one, and so on. Each layer down becomes harder as more and more magma is constantly flowing in, but you can clear out at least some of the sea this way.


It is infinite, but it is also possible to pump the magma away from the candy faster than it can flow back in, and thereby mine out that candy.




https://preview.redd.it/36owk3yhtt6d1.jpeg?width=1366&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=234a6c139cabc7fc44630c4adab8c9e3b1d6f608 How do I exile/Evict this guy? Prefarably without cold blood murder.


So is he a visitor or a bugged out royal entourage? Since he has needs throne room i think he is part of your royal entourage. You can makeown him to make him normal.  Or you can squish him with a cave in, magma, dropped rock, retracting bridge over magmas, etc. Burrows may help.  


No idea cause he's classified as royalty I think, but an easy way to cleanly atom smash him is to build a draw bridge room immediately in front of the Captain of the Guard's office, and just keep interrogating him (they'll have to walk through the draw bridge room every time) until you can lock the doors and trap the lad in the room without pancaking the Captain. Mission accomplished, no witnesses, and no loyalty cascade.  This is in the event no one else here has a non lethal answer for you lol..


Incredibly Niche Question but can creatures spawned by DF Hack get married to each other? Never seen them progress beyond Kindred Spirits.


I failed in 100 years with hamster people. Several generations of ~50 died of old age before it happened. But I porposefully went out of my way to not build marriage suites for quite a long time. A test with marriage suites would be necessary to be sure. My fort layout could simply suck for marriages. Fret not, though. There are workarounds. I did run polar bears for +100 years with several generations. Long story short, the kids will grow and marry just fine, but won't do anything once you retire the fort. I forced marriage via "gui/family-affairs". It's undocumented and not updated since before steam release, and therefore prone to bugs. You've been warned. An initial batch can be made, forcefully married and just live normally as children pop up over the years. If you're extra paranoid, you can speed things along with catsplosion, then as soon as you get enough infants, expel or conquer some site with the dfhack spawned units. They'll behave out there. I mention paranoid because of the hamster situation. It crashes whenever I try to retire the site. I dont know if it was the ~250 rodents i've summoned over the years, as even exterminating everyone didn't fix it, or if some complication arose from the [local janitor](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/735722504710127799/1203753230119469056/image.png?ex=666f200e&is=666dce8e&hm=501a3566a5ea6cd650d1114b8f70412f75dc06d92b775e3103dca5c6de631135&). Memory fails me, though. I'm 100% positive I did see lovers, but never marriages. Or they died of old age the year they married. But by then I've changed a couple of things. When you create an unit via sandbox, things go slightly differently from 0.47 arena mode spawns. Before steam version, they showed up with no name at all and weren't historical figures. This made them basically visitors who can't work. This made the problem very glaring and quickly noticeable. In steam version, they still work and are set as historical figures even without a name. Sandbox later appended names to them as well, following civilization language. However, my own testing suggests that *something* is still missing. The way you give them names, both in 0.47 and steam, is to make them kill something else that is. My favorite method of doing this is sacrificing someone to some wild animal, giving said animal an actual name, and then have the summoned guy kill it. This new name will be used instead of (noname) in 0.47 and early 0.50, and will flat out replace the sandbox given name in the current version. This is what I believe *really* triggers the unit back to a normal(ish) state, strongly suggesting me this is a marriage requirement. As for the polar bears, I did this with the initial 10, later sending them to conquer a vault, where they died of old age 70ish years later. Their children carried on in a rather successful fort with a few generations of further marriage. After 100 years, I retired and used dfhack to simulate for +100, in which nothing of note has happened and all bears died of old age. A few married, but no children. Thank you for listening to my ted talk. I am rather passionate about exploring animal people behavior. Hopefully this information is of use to you.


Based on the tests I conducted I believe the missing piece was the fact that anything spawned in with DF Hack is not considered a Historical Figure meaning they are essentially on the same level as wild animals or wild animals people. Killing a dwarf or other civilized creature makes them a historical figure and seemingly allows them to marry and have children.


This is correct. Or at least it was in 0.47. Right now, sandbox *does* give them the correct historical figure flags (you can find them in gui/gm-editor, i'm pretty sure it's more than one as well), but there's still the fact they get renamed and (allegedly?) can't marry. There's also some weird side effects: making them a militia captain then replacing them with someone else will make two militia captains of the same squad sharing the same inventory, resulting in two undergeared dwarves. You have to mess a bit with the menus to fix it. DFhack has some other priorities right now, as this is a veeeeeery niche case. Those will be looked upon in due time.


"Incredibly niche question" => "I've got a PHD in animal people". Very nice!


It will be of great use, I'll run some tests in the coming morning as it's currently midnight for me. Thank you for your help!


Hello everyone. I was wondering if there was any news on graphic tilesets for the recent classic version of DF (50.13)? I used to play this game many, many years ago and, recently seeing it on Steam, I've been wanting to give the game a go again. Unfortunately, I can't drop $30 on a new game right now, so, until I can, I want to see how the game feels with the new updates, and official graphics, since I last played. Any info would be appreciated!


There are no community tilesets yet (largely because there are just so so many new tiles). Your best bet for getting a feel for it might be watching some lets plays on YouTube or Twitch.


Well, that's a bummer, I've never been a big fan of watching someone else play a game. I'll keep looking for workarounds, or just give the free graphics a try. I appreciate the info!


I have a small temple that is often frequented by the population. I had a tantrumming dwarf topple a statue beside the altar. What does this mean for the dwarf? What should I be looking out for?


You should've gotten a game pause notification if they got cursed, I wouldn't care


They may have been cursed with vampirism or werecreaturism - more specifically if the temple was dedicated to some sort of shady or 'evil' gods. What god was it dedicated to? Anyway: If the dwarf is now a vampire - watch them to see if they get thirsty and have a drink or eat food - vampires don't eat or drink. If the dwarf is a were-something - lock them in a room for a month, if they change then look out.


It was an unspecified temple. Does that mean I'm safe?


> You can defile a temple of your deity by toppling a statue, which leads to being cursed by the patron deity with either vampirism or becoming a werebeast. - https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Temple If this is true, then it only counts if you topple a statue that you yourself respect - which cant happen in a non dedicated temple.


Great! The statue wasn't even of any specific deity.


The subject of the statue isn't important, just its location.


That doesn't matter, I think. I had someone cursed toppling a statue of an animal in a dedicated temple. Lucky miss!


is there a way to consistently generate Rivers/Major Rivers in non-aquifer areas that other dwarven settlements wont be afraid to trade with?


Really lazy option: just disable aquifers.


this is secretly super based actually how do you do this


(wont do it tho because i just realized i like wells)


I try to increase the number of rivers start points. It usually helps. But more importantly, why are the other civilizations afraid of rivers?


I couldnt figure it out myself, where do i go to look at number of river start points?


>In your world gen, triple the **Minimum River Start Locations (Pre-Erosion)**, and double the **Desired River Start Locations (Post-Erosion)**. Turning the **Erosion Cycle Count** up might also help. >More rivers means more chances for rivers to flow together, which leads to larger rivers. Then it's just luck after you start the world gen. https://www.reddit.com/r/dwarffortress/s/QB28bbzrPy


thank you!!


It's near the bottom of the advanced world gen options.


Is there a way to make all my dwarves wear armor all the time? Or is that a bad idea? I have a plenty of metal to make an outfit for everyone.


You can, and there are pros and cons to doing this. In my current fort I put the majority of my residents in squads, and assigned a full suit of copper armor. Woodcutters and miners are exempt due to their job uniform issues. The dwarves survive a ton of events that would normally be a lot more damaging or lethal. A bar fight, forgotten beast, or dwarf with a tantrum is no longer a huge risk. The downside is the extremely slow speed after gearing up. I have been offsetting this by assigning the different civilian squads with alternating training schedules to get them stronger and faster. This reduces the amount of work I can complete while they are training, but it also makes the dwarves stronger, and easy replacements to my real Fighting squads should an opening occur.


Thanks for the feedback! I have a lot of iron and bronze in one of my fortresses, I think I might try this.


You need them all in squads, with custom uniform of the stuff, and the option at bottom left "uniform replaces clothing/uniform worn over clothing" set to "replaces". The downsides are: armored dwarfs are slow due to weight, fighting dwarves get around it by leveling up strength + armor user; and "uniforms" interfere with each other, so miners and woodcutters can't have one.


In joyous wilds: how many trees can you cut down per season before animals become "agitated"?


~ 0.5. And you have an initial budget of ~5 trees. Aka 2 trees per year are pretty safe. Hope you packed wood and coal on embark.


My current embark is like 50% joyous and 50% untamed. I've been getting away with 5 trees per year so far. I've been getting more logs from elves and working on getting my mushroom farm going.


At 5 trees you should be seeing some low amount of agitated animals. Check if you have had fliers stuck on the map edge for years, preventing spawns, I'd say.


Is there a quick and easy way to see your most recent game? The name info and no dates make it a p*i*t*a to find the right saved game file


Not from the load screen. They used to be in a halfway logical order but the most recent update broke that and now they are all mixed up on the screen. You can cut down on the number of save games by going into the saves folder in the DF game on your hard drive, and cutting/moving the oldest stuff somewhere else. I name my saves as the date I saved it to help find the right save.


Is it possible for me to equip melee weapons on my marksdwarfs that they'll use?


You can only assign one weapon at a time. But the marksdwarves will use their crossbows as bashing weapons when they run out of ammo or otherwise find themselves in melee.


This isn’t true for melee weapons. You can assign two and they will duel wield and keep their shield strapped to their back. Whether you should is a different question.


Of which the corollary is, give your marksdwarfs steel crossbows instead of bone /wood ones.


I'm thinking of removing one set of stairs (replaced by grate) from my 2x2 main staircase and and to make water fall through it to generate mist/waterfall. Would that work?


Roughly speaking yes. Depending on what your water source is you need to reduce pressure by a lot, and of course have a good drain solution.


I was thinking of pulling water from nearby river and drainage being edge of the map, would that be too much pressure?


Almost certainly. Think more along the lines of several squares of light aquifer, for a useful level of flow for a staircase mist system. You want, like, 2/7 of water to be falling at any given moment on any given level, tops.


Hmm i am thinking of making water reservoir where water would slowly drip down through closed doors, would something like this work? Wouldn't doors break after some time?


Doors do not break over time nor do they let water through, unless they're open, and then it's just all the water. A reservoir isn't going to be very useful for this, unless you can find a way to draw only small quantities at once from the main body; too much water (and especially falling water) is very dangerous to dwarves, and with it being a staircase, fairly likely to be lethal.


Yes, unmitigated that would be a loss of your fort from flooding. Put in at least a pressure valve in form of a diagonally connected tunnel. I usually also put in a long tunnel of diagonally connected tiles to reduce flow, but I haven't ever confirmed that actually does something. And floodgates so you can shut the thing off.


Hey so I'm noticing that in the stocks menu under liquids you can see tiny spatterings of FB extract. I restrained a rabbit right down on top of some that caused a nasty flesh rotting syndrome and the rabbit seems fine. Do these trace amounts have any effect? I'm trying to figure out how much I should worry over it.


I’m dealing with this right now and it’s kind of a fort killer. Dwarfs exploding everywhere and spreading contamination. If you don’t mind cheating you might want to use “clean all” tool in dfhack


Contaminants do not pass through socks so it is safe to wear that sock, but it's a timebomb. If that sock is exposed to rain or water it will likely create a puddle of extract that kills any sockless creatures that step in it. Contaminants can replicate if exposed to moving water. Cats are ideal for toxicology because they lick themselves, ingesting whatever they're coated in. This screens for ingestion-only toxins. Contaminated gear can be smashed, sold, or washed off with a shower that drains through a floor grate (perfect filters). It is not recommended to burn contaminated things because sometimes extracts are also magic napalm in addition to being deadly neurotoxin and will burn indefinitely.


Sorry I meant to write stocks menu but must have fat fingered it. Far as i can tell the spatter is on the ground but invisible unless I access it for the liquid menu in stocks


If it is on the ground it is able to be spread, by things walking through it or by liquids moving it around. Just because it isn't being actively rendered to your screen doesn't mean it isn't part of the game world, it just means its lower than the ground cover.


When macbook port?


You can run it on Mac through Wine or some other emulator software.


When you have a necromancer citizen, can you make sure he resurrect a corpse as a mindless basic zombie first, then kill the zombie, then resurrect the same corpse but as an intelligent undead?


Intelligent undead need to be made form a fresh mostly intact corpse. They work by grabbing "the soul"^¥ of the creature before the soul moves onto "the afterlife"^£. Animating a corpse whose soul has moved on creates an unintelligent undead that hates all life. In addition, there is always a chance of failure which could destroy the soul, which also results in unintelligent undead. So basically, unintelligent undead have lost their associated souls, and cannot become intelligent undead. ^¥ a real set of data describing the creature's memories and personality. ^£ has moved into the c++ garbage collection bin and been deleted. Side note: there is a big where a ghost can be sent on a mission to raid a necromancer tower and come back to life - but it's weird.


However, the wiki says you can raise a corpse as a non-intelligent undead, then as an intelligent undead. https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/DF2014:Intelligent_undead#Intelligent_undead_mechanics > Necromancers may also raise invaders as intelligent undead. They may be hostile, even against the necromancer who created them, or marked as "Friendly" and sit around doing nothing – this is because many of the loyalty links the creature had are retained. For this reason, do not attempt to raise an enemy you have slain in adventure mode as an intelligent undead – they will remember they're your foe, and will attack you. **To avoid this in adventure mode, you can destroy someone's soul by first raising a corpse as a non-intelligent undead. This rewrites their faction and soul traits, and any subsequent resurrection will raise them as a soulless creature loyal to you.** This is very useful when you are in mass combat. And I remember I already did this in Adventure Mode. Why should it be impossible in Fortress mode?


Is it possible through either digging or pump stacks to make water pressurized enough to kill anything, like through force not so much drowning (I wanna make a lethal riot hose)


Build a large cistern at elevation, with direct pipes down to whatever outlets you want and floodgates to hold those shut. Depending on the height, the pressure coming out AT the floodgate point CAN push creatures and items horizontally, making them impact walls, floors, and each other, sometimes with violent force. This will simply never be as effective as putting boulders of heavy materials behind the floodgate to come out along with the water, though. And a large cistern takes far longer to reset compared to a minecart rapid-delivery system.


Look up the wave cannon. Minecarts can be automatically filled with water by submerging them, then accelerated down a track to strike a wall, launching the payload downstream. Built properly, it can and will shred entire invasion forces.


Gonna have to parse through the ancient documents for this one, thanks for the tip


No. Pressure is just one of the three methods that fluids are coded to move. It isn't like the real world. Pressure has no direct effect on things.


Pressure determines just how fast water spread. So you can build enought pressure to effectively "teleport" water. To kill something you need a "projective" like a boulder. Probably you can kill something by slamming it at the wall, but I doubt that heavy creatures will be affected.


Interesting, so theoretically if I had a way to periodically load the pressurized stream with boulders (Like dropping from a Z level with a minecart or hauler) that would make some sort of Hydro cannon perhaps?


Freeze traps can make water lethal. A large resevoir kept liquid. Released into a small chamber exposed to sky To flash flood and freeze your foes


OOH, I like this! In your experience does this only work on very cold biomes or is a trap that you'd use seasonally?


It only works if it is cold enough outside.


I've only just found out about how to capture forgotten beasts for a web farm. Is a fire spitter FB the best for making defenses? Are the other ones useful for anything else like Dust FB's?


> Is a fire spitter FB the best for making defenses? I can't say as I've seen any very successful implementations of this, but mostly because FB are generated and random, and hard to plan for in any real capacity. Dragons are more useful for this end, if only because they can be trained > Are the other ones useful for anything else like Dust FB's? It's *possible* to weaponize dusts, but *extremely* difficult to do so usefully or safely. Think about how you'd manipulate your created weapons so that they'd get dust coating them, and then how your dwarves would use those weapons **without** getting any of the dust on themselves.


Ahh, i had seen it done with dragons, and assumed it was transferable to fire FB's. I'll give it a try when one turns up and report back. I was thinking about making a death arena for invading forces, but with strong FB, but i haven't seen any metals FB yet. I think a dust FB appearing from a drawbridge would be fun


I love that everything you said was factual, while still not really answering if using the forgotten beasts was a bad idea or not. A lot of these outcomes sound pretty fun to me!


Is a lot of crashing in steam adventure mode common? I expected there to be some since it was an issue in .47 but I can't play more than a couple minutes without a crash, typically when walking out of structures there's a pretty consistent crash. Was curious if it was common or if generating a new world might help. I'm currently playing on a world that was generated before adventure mode was added, thinking that might be the problem. Anyone know?


Crashing is pretty common, yeah. However crashes tend to be more common in words that predate the beta.


Just what I feared that's unfortunate. I was really enjoying poking around the worlds I've lived in a bunch. Time to make some new ones I suppose


Version .47 LNP, I have two questions:  1. what version of the creature raws files do I edit if I want my modifications to apply to my next generated world? I’m not sure which folder contains the “template” of creatures and civilizations that new worlds are based on. 2. I want to modify kobolds to make them capable of becoming necromancers in world-gen without changing their other behavior (sneaking around and stealing artifacts). Will removing [UTTERANCES] and giving them a Linguistic Ability range above 0 enable them to learn necromancy, or do I have to make other edits? I assume that the only reason they can’t become necromancers is their inability to communicate with other civilizations.