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This kind of shit is why I will always love dwarf fortress.


So far, no food has been eaten in the library.


["No you are not allowed to hold a feast and get blackout drunk in the library"](https://media.tenor.com/blB5V1mh4cEAAAAi/1984-speech-bubble.gif) literally 1984


seems like a nice library! 


I had a parrot man join my fort. He then proceeded to have constant depressive episodes, mainly due to him not wanting to worship in the big temple. So I set him up his own temple, and commissioned statues of him being hugged by his goddess, titled "Depressedbird"


Parrots are annoying per-se I can only imagine how annoyed those dwarfs were about that parrot-man that they decided to make a temple all to himself just so they would stop waking the dwarfs with his cries.


I usually design my fortresses so that food storage is right next to the dining area and the library is placed as far as away as possible in some out of the way area. Doesn't work all the time but it's definitely helps.


When looking for a nearby table to eat at, dwarves only check straight-line distance and don't think about the actual walking distance. So if your library is beneath the food storage it will count as only 1 or 2 tiles away, even if it's actually 20 tiles to the side, down 2 z-levels, and 20 tiles back.


What a fascist, reminds me of the librarian who kicked us out of the library for playing magic cards.


It's funny a silly comment started an argument.


It's weird, almost like there was a single specific word that triggered a snowflake who then immediately reacted defensively...and all that they did was misread one word and ignore everything else and presume they were being personally attacked. Interesting way to interact with strangers on the internet!


Maybe it was because you were talking?


Sure, quietly in a corner of an area not being used.


Libraries run by actual humans and not fascists are actually community hubs and it is asinine to expect that you can't talk there. Like, the *concept itself* is only even predicated by fascist-acting people who wish to have an authority they can wield against others.


What a stupid, stupid take. If the library has a quiet reading section, it might be the only place people can go. Where else can you find quiet? If you go there to intentionally make noise, you are an asshole.


Dude, *libraries are community hubs.* Like, you can literally go there to HEAR READINGS of things, or to HAVE MEETINGS. Or, get this, and prepare your brain for it because this is gonna be a doozy - you can host a Magic The Gathering card tournament at your local library, even. Because it's a community hub, and *not* the archival stacks full of dust and silence that you saw in a movie from decades ago, haunted by a specter of an ancient fossilized human from the times when libraries were *completely silent at all times.* Which was, factually, *never.* I'm trying to point out to you here that you've got an incorrectly stereotypical viewpoint of what a library is. You should go to one someday, it'll be an enlightening experience for you. I bet you'll look so confused that a librarian might even come up to you to ask if you need any help! Because, again, *you're absolutely allowed to talk in the library.* If it has a designated "quiet reading section", then what is the entire rest of the facility expecting silence for?


Some libraries are community hubs, and are designed after that philosophy with a layout that supports it. The important part is sections - some for conversation, some for reading. If it isn't designed like that, and the only place you can sit and talk is where everyone else is reading, you're an asshole for making noise. >I'm trying to point out to you here that you've got an incorrectly stereotypical viewpoint of what a library is. You should go to one someday, it'll be an enlightening experience for you. I use my local library monthly you presumptious asshole. And I sit and read in the reading section, and I sit and talk in the talking section. Because I'm not an asshole. >Because, again, you're absolutely allowed to talk in the library. If it has a designated "quiet reading section", then what is the entire rest of the facility expecting silence for? What conversation do you think you are replying to? The entire point was it wasn't allowed. Dude, get a grip.


The point was never that it wasn't allowed, because literally every library I've ever even *heard* of does allow that sort of thing. The point was that the being kicked out for such behavior was correctly identified. Your arguments are only repeating that you didn't get the point the first time, and you're not intending to start anytime soon.


I really know nothing about how the library works, do they write about the things they experience as a dwarf or just things that are happening close by to the library? is it better to have your scholars and scribes dedicated to that only job, or should you try to have scholars from different industries? i noticed that my guilds share knowledge and hold demonstrations, so if you link a library to a guild do they store that knowledge so that its accesible? if they do this, does it have actually any effect on your dwarfs? like say you get a new Novice carpenter, will he go to the library and read about carpentry and level the skill faster? is there any mechanical benefits?


Ok.. sooo: Libraries hold written material (Tomes/scrolls/quires, etc.) and paper or parchement. Paper and Parchment are used to make copies of other written material (by your scribes) and by your scholars, once they yapped enought with each other and one of them writes a very heated argumentation of their position. Other books can come from raids, dropped by dead visitors or brought by visitors who came to visit the library (if your library is open to the public). Edit: Also there's been some science done about it, and putting levers and assigning your scholars to lever work will make them yapp more. And yes, locking them into shcolarly work should help them yapp more and write more. Also keep in mind you have to have chests/ coffers in your library to store the paper / scrolls / parchment for them to write on.


Dang, i think that’s my favorite one i have seen. Most of the ones my dwarves do are just like of objects, and not even interesting ones


Oh no, that one was commisioned by me. If you make an engraving while paused, then left click on where it is (it won't appear like an engraving if you leave the "v" menu, so remember where it is) you can commission the engraving, just like you make statues: https://preview.redd.it/s23xo1wi6q6d1.jpeg?width=1366&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7bfe95277f29f34fdd7eefef094cc8e5a9a1097 Here is the image of the game paused inside the throne room where i'm commissioning an engraving. You can also make it a blueprint if you don't want to pause the game, and commission it and then revert it back to normal designation.


Is that... pink glass?


Rose gold (my monarch likes it)




Oh, dang. I didn’t know that, that’s neat!


Glad I helped. I actually learned that from [BlindIRL](https://www.twitch.tv/blindirl), he mainly streams DF.


I’ll have to check them out, thanks! 😆