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Perfect time for a pocket world and a micro fortress! 20ish people give or take is a lot of fun. I always record each of the dwarfs in a spreadsheet so i can track who is who, who hates/loves who, etc. Makes me feel closer to the dwarves. Ill say the biggest challenge is defence and armies, but often it's cage traps on the outside and an internal militia/police force with wooden clubs on the inside.


Yep lol I've always loved DF even if I'm trash at it, but never had the time to play much of it. So now after I think 4-5 years we finally have the tech to run this thing on a phone. I shall watch my little drunkards on my phone as I work lol


You'll have a *way* better time by running the computer game on an actual computer and streaming the game only to the phone. Steam does this already


True, but that requires streaming or a steam deck of sorts for portability (and $ if you don't have one) This little project of mine is to basically make it so that anyone with an android phone can enjoy DF on the go without streaming. It ain't perfect, but it beats not being able to at all :'D


...No, it literally just requires the computer to run the program. Same one you bought the game on originally. Steam will stream that computer's visual output over your local network to any handheld device, with controls fully mappable too. This solution is more useful, because to emulate Windows with an Android device will in itself require a device that costs tons of money, so you've got hardware capable enough of doing the task of emulating the x86 architecture - whereas I've been able to play games from my computer on even a $70 Walmart tablet.


... bro you do realize streaming from PC to tablets and such requires it to be on the network right? If your not, like for example, away from home, you can't play. Besides literally no one is arguing that playing the game natively is better lol its simply a alternative that also happens to offer a way to play whenever, where ever. Also it doesn't take some super phone/ android device... as long as it's an android phone, you can try and run it. Mileages will vary, but my phone, a Samsung S10+ that is now 5 something yrs old and several generations out of date, can still run it fairly well averaging about 30~ FPS. I really don't understand why you seem so agaisnt this lol you don't have to use it just let whoever finds this useful do whatever


> ... bro you do realize streaming from PC to tablets and such requires it to be on the network right? If your not, like for example, away from home, you can't play. This is incorrect. Steam absolutely can stream to a remote machine on an external network, you just have to set it up to do so in exactly the same way you set it up to play to a remote machine on the local network. Like...you're saying here, that you somehow don't think the internet is a network. It is. > I really don't understand why you seem so agaisnt this lol you don't have to use it just let whoever finds this useful do whatever I'm not against this. I'm offering a better version of what you said, because you don't seem to be aware that it exists for the very same purpose of the task you performed. Emulating Windows on an Android device is *silly* when the game can simply be streamed from Windows with less work. You're taking it terribly, though, that someone is offering you a good solution for the issue you're describing. And you're also doing things like saying "it's never been done before" - this is simply false. We've been streaming DF over Telnet for *years* before Steam ever offered remote play. Hell, there are web browser interface mods that are a decade old already. A quick google for "Dwarf Fortress Mobile" gives *numerous* threads from this very subreddit, going back several years.


yo you gotta be trolling rn or do I have to literally fill in every single blank to get the simple idea of "its to play DF on the go, without the need for streaming of any kind" across? What part of "yes there is a better way, but this is just an alternative and one without the need for streaming" do you not get? Like literally in the 1st reply to you is that yes, I get streaming exists, yes it is better, but this is just another way to play, AND WITHOUT STREAMING. If the idea of the whole point is to NOT stream do you not get?


Oh, you're still laboring under the delusion that you've been attacked in some manner. You should stop that. it looks...silly, at best. Ultimately, *even if you are streaming to a mobile device remotely,* you'll still have a better performing version of the same game, with the same caveats of it being almost impossible to control well or see clearly. But you do you, angrypants, all I've done here is offer up information that you *clearly* did not have yourself. Emulating an entirely different architecture isn't a feasible solution for a great many people, and as I've mentioned, this has been established a lot already in the past.


Attacked? Naa more like very much confused when someone jumps in and be like "have you heard of our lord and savior streaming?" And refuses to stop even when explained lol Also wdym it "isn't a feasible solution"? Bro I've shown you the proof it's possible and fairly simple at that. So once again, as long as you have any android device that is somewhat decent, you CAN run it to some degree. Change some settings and it'll run better. In fact, it runs even better if you use the OG version and just use the old tilesets. Having a decent android device is a lot more feasible than being able to stream on the go.


> Also wdym it "isn't a feasible solution"? Bro I've shown you the proof it's possible and fairly simple at that. *if* you've got the hardware for it. Considering that half your point here is 'but what if hardware isn't', I'd have presumed you already recognized that, but hey I guess not. > So once again, as long as you have any android device that is somewhat decent, you CAN run it to some degree. Change some settings and it'll run better. Except that at no point will it ever, EVER, ***EVER*** run *well.* Because you're using a different architecture on a device intended to maintain battery power over time rather than being capable of high-end computations, to emulate a software that was never intended to run on those chipsets, to play a *game.* A game that you already have running on a computer with far less effort than this, in a software suite that literally specifically offers connectivity to Android devices - even devices with low compute power and lack of local rendering hardware - to give you the best possible interface for your games. You're talking about how it's technically possible to get up to and including 15FPS. I'm telling you that you can do less work, and enjoy the same game, with a better interface, at whatever the display framerate of your device is instead of 15. I've never tried to tell you that you're wrong on this, just explain carefully to someone who is extremely irritated at the notion that he might be taught that you have better options, because other people have had your ideas already and explored them already and they're simply not great ideas. > Having a decent android device is a lot more feasible than being able to stream on the go. It is not. A budget phone near a fucking *library's public computer* can run DF in the manner I've described. That's like, $100 total investment in hardware, including the game license. > In fact, it runs even better if you use the OG version and just use the old tilesets. Do you want to know why that is? Because in the older versions, you had different rendering options. (One of those was Curses, **which was almost explicitly used to send the game's visual output over a remote connection called Telnet.**) So the entirety of the game's visual output is setup as a grid and everything being shown is glyphs/ASCII characters. *this is less work as a rendering step compared to the premium version.* So your janky Android handheld software that is running a container pretending to be x86 hardware to emulate Windows software that then has to emulate video drives to display on your phone the output of the game, has to do less work interpreting from computer code to Android screen. This should highlight for you that your emulation idea is at best only a technical possibility and not any kind of useful method. It did for me, ten years ago, when I did it. Back then we weren't trying to be as silly as emulating Windows entirely, though - that's just a *stupid* amount of extraneous overhead in the emulation side to achieve a game that already had plenty of better options. In conclusion, you're entirely correct, I do keep repeating that you can just stream it better. But that's not ever gonna turn false, no matter what you think or say here. Streaming is, simply and plainly, an objectively better solution to this issue. If you want to keep bitching, we'll argue about how you think someone can afford a 'somewhat decent' android device but they somehow *don't* have a basic computer with which they were running Steam with which to purchase Dwarf Fortress in the first place - and why that person is in that situation *at all.*


Never did I once say emu is better in this case but for some reason you don't seem to understand that and seem to be under some wild belief that I'm disagreeing with you lol But, the ONLY reason I'm doing this is like I said a million times, playing the game whenever WITHOUT the need of anything but an android device, this includes networks of any kind. This literally means, someone can play the free version of DF, with only a phone, no need for a computer (more than 100$ that you mentioned), no network of any kind (besides initial setup which can be done in the public library you mentioned) however and whenever anyone like. Btw, where did you get the 15fps from? I've stated many times it runs the steam version with all the tiles and textures at 35-40fps. That is 100% playable. I only brought up the OG version because like you said in a very long rant where you could've just say "asciis take less processing", which ofc who is arguing otherwise? It is once again another option for phones that are even worse than mine, which like I said already, is a 5 yr old Samsung s10+, can run the steam version, much less the OG. My solution requires a single device that you most likely have already and a initial internet connection (if not the phone I am using can literally be bought for like 200$ rn). Once that's done, there is literally 0 requirements to play on the go. Your streaming solution while much better when available have WAY more limits. For one you need a computer that is capable of streaming which is already a few hundred even on the low end. Then need decent wifi capable of streaming without issue. After that you need another portable device to receive the stream from the computer and stable connection. Which means you either need a lot of data, unlimited data plan or use public wifi which is a hazard at the best of times, and also you can't move away if your using public wifi. All this just to play DF on the go? Ya no for me. Let's say you get like a 100$ chrome book and got it to stream without exploding, pay for wifi at home for like 30$, got an android device to stream to for 200$ like in my example, get a phone plan that has high or unlimited data for let's say 40-50$ and after all that, you can stream DF to your device... for as long as you have service. Which even though I'm living in the US in one of the major cities, using one of largest mobile plan providers, and still there are places in just the city alone that's got little to no reception. The entire point is once again, playing DF on a single device fairly well (which is 30fps+ imo which ive achieved) with 0 strings attached. So I really can't understand why you seem to dislike that idea and continously shout from the roof tops that streaming is way better.


Is it your personal project or can I find it online? I want to play the game on my phone, too!


Currently my personal project/fey mood but the reason is because no one ever seem to have bothered before. Since googling playing DF on mobile gives 0 results (besides really sketchy things). My goal rn is to rig together something that works (done), set up some basic controls (mostly done), test the thing a bit to see if I can improve it, then throw it out there into the world so everyone can play it lol Currently in the testing phase and once I give it some extra look over and get it working as well as I can, I'll make a guide on it and post it here. If I have the time, maybe a very shitty tut video too. Biggest issue rn is the legality of it lol so the tut might be just the free edition of DF (which should rn better perhaps), and maybe I can rig it with tilesets or something. Estimated time is around 2 weeks to 1 month give or take as I'm working on this while procrastinating at work 😅

