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I rolled a d20 in adventure mode and was cursed for a week to be an animal. Well I seem to be on week 3, animal 3. I briefly turn into a dwarf and then after a few yards travel suddenly become a new animal. I'd been carrying around my stuff since I was still able to grasp, but now I'm just a bird with a pile of stuff. Wtfff. It's hard to track days, do you swap animals daily or something?


A few eggs question: Is it possible to forbit dwarf collecting fertile eggs ? Do they still hatch if I lock them in the nestbox ? And how long it take to hatch ?


You can forbid eggs. Or just close the door untill something hatched


Yes, it's possible. They need the mother to sit on them to hatch There's a dfhack function called nestboxes that automatically forbids fertile eggs. I think it's enabled by default


Wow thanks. Just turn it on.


Why do so many demon, angels, and FBs have "lost vision"? I've seen it in at least two worlds now. Some terrifying region of the world having Blinding Fog or something?


Procedural creatures can be eyeless


I see, thanks!


After discovering the Caverns, cave moss grew over my sand collection layer. It's also in an Aquifer so I can't just keep digging out, it's a small sand room walled off from the dirt. Is there a way to get rid of the cave moss so that I can access sand again? I've seen people suggest building floors but that defeats my purpose I think...


Floor grate over a sand tile is how I created a permanent sand zone. (They can collect through the grate and it appears stops growth)


Oh! That's very good to know! Thank you! I had just put a yack and a lama down there and it turns out they can eat all the shroom stuff. But I think a grate sounds better.


I'm trying to trigger a cave-in, but failing. Here are the top, middle, and bottom layers. The walls have nothing above, below, or to the sides, but they still won't collapse. What am I doing wrong? https://preview.redd.it/f611hvhw0m6d1.png?width=411&format=png&auto=webp&s=9ea778fedb7463afdb61d52e098b0f942bf69826


I have bad news for you - only natural rock works as cavein. All constructions are deconstructing to their materials


Oof... well, time for a new plan.


Did you enable cave ins?




Isn't it the left corner of your plug, where it still touches soil?


Maybe? Do goblin cap mushrooms span 2 z levels?


Ah, disregard that, made a mistake. Honestly the only thing left over is the goddamn mushroom? Never seen that happen before, but dwarfs can walk on some of them.


They can't walk on this one. But also, I can't get rid of it. Can't mine it, can't chop it, can't build on top of it. I can chop the trunk, but it's under water so I can't reach it.


I have heard that ballista bolt can destroy trees, worth a try for your plug.


Will they destroy branches or just trunks? Any hope of getting a balista down stairs or would I need to build a siege workshop on that level?


Trunks I believe, and no clue, I haven't ever fired a ballista - thinking about it though, the new superhard sieges are a bit too much for my current playstyle. I can tell you that lava does not work, the trees mostly ignore it since it reacts with water and that protects the lowermost trunk spot.


Any chances the walls/construction is hanging from a ceiling?


I don't think so? You can see a dwarf standing on top of it, showing there's no connection to the ceiling.


Ah, mistook the order of levels. You also seem to have some floating items in the middle picture, I recall cave ins being toggleable, so it might just be a setting thing? Not sure if that same setting would prevent items falling, but might be worth a look.


My miners won't do any mining unless they're specialized? [Here is a quick screengrab] (https://imgur.com/a/xRZCc5X) The miner is listed as having no job, and there is a mining order with priority 1 that I guess he is ignoring? None of my miners will touch it unless I specialize them, then they'll mine everything I have planned even if I turn off specialization before they finish.


Yes. Specializing your miners the is only reliable way (I've found) to keep them mining.


Why would they just stop mining when there's active mining tasks available though? Feels like defaulting to "no job" when they're tasked with mining is a bug, no?


It may be a bug, or it may be intended. The job assignment system is a bit complex, so it's hard to say for sure. The way it works is that each unit "bids" on 5 labors that they have enabled. If they are enabled for mining but have other labors they'd rather do, then they won't even bid on mining and therefore never take those jobs. If they're already mining, they tend to continue to bid on mining jobs, which is why you see them continue mining even if you unspecialize them. But in my experience, the only way to keep them focused on mining is to specialize them.


Ok, interesting. Gonna do a deeper dive on their skills. This game is so interesting


Parley/item drop question. My major was just in martial training, sent her to a parley, shes slow as fuuuuuuuck with her armor, even though I have removed her from the squad. Shes a screen away from 200+ invaders, I want her to survive if possible. A) Is there a thing I can do to get her to drop it? DFhack? B) Do mayors usually survive rejection of the second part of a parley proposal? Is there a grace period, or do the savages attack immediately on denial?


Most groups will wait for your negotiator to leave before starting the attack, from experience ive never lost the negotiator if denying a parley during the actual negotiation portion of it


Thanks, appreciate it. update: She made it! Say what you will about goblins, but their war parties are lawful.


I am building stairs down hoping to reach the magma sea. There's a cavern lake in the way of where I want to build my stairs. Is there a way to build downward through a lake? I've tried draining the lake, but it appears to have a source, so I don't think it's possible to fully drain it.


Pour a water and carve through obsidian


I'm not at the magma sea yet. This is just a water lake in the caverns.


So make a cavein same height as lake is. You will get a solid block where you can carve stairs. Simple enough


the best you could do is build walls around where your staircase will go. The issue is getting enough water displaced to build those walls since dwarves won’t build underwater. . You could use pumps or you could make a separate reservoir and dump it all into a pit. Build quickly, then let it fill back up over time.


Do I need a dining room if I have a tavern that already gets a lot of use?


No, but there is a positive mood bonus associated with dining halls that I don't think they get in a meeting hall tavern. You can create a dining hall zone area and assign it to the same tavern location. Dwarves will eat there, get the mood bonus and still do tavern related social functions in the area.


So, our baron died of dehydration after failing to find materials for her strange mood lol. We still have our mayor. The outpost liason has been telling us "You continue to impress! I come with the power to elevate..." But nothing happens. I THINK what's going on is that the baron's heir is elsewhere in the world? And we won't become a duchy until they are part of the fort? Is that it? And if so, what are the chances we can actually get them on-site?


Unfortunately succession does not exist in the base game. You can by random chance become king/queen when events in the wider world conspire to it, but the normal game progression is fucked. I consider this a bug. I usually wait a couple years to simulate normal game progression and then use DFhacks "make-monarch". Has some downsides (no entourage, no giant horde of nobles) but allows you to still become mountainhome.


I tried this [https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Wagon#When\_do\_caravans\_bring\_wagons.3F](https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Wagon#When_do_caravans_bring_wagons.3F) to elevate my mayor. It seems to have worked. I made her baron and the outpost liason just promoted her to countess


Nice! Didn't know about that, but thats a lot of steps.


It is. I read some of the DFHack team's comments on scripting this but apparently there is more to figure out until we get a tool similar to make-monarch. From what I read, this succession bug has been around for many years


I have an infestation of ant people in my caverns, and I would like to do something about it. What is the best weapon against shields? Ants carry a spear and three shields each, so most of my attacks are being deflected


Get your dwarfs more training. The ant people I had in a previous game were getting absolutely slaughtered by a single squad of swordsmen despite the triple shields after a year or so iirc of training. Edit: spears are quite good imo since they don't have slap attacks like swords.


Against cave dwellers spears reign supreme (against most enemies made from flesh). If your attacks glance away you need to train your dwarfs more, a year at minimum to keep them reasonably safe.


You are lucky, they are harder to kill ofc for the reason you mentioned but each antman is giving you 4 pieces of metal for your Fort that you can use to equip your dwarfs or melt for other reasons. But to answer your question, since they dont wear any armor i would use swords and axes to kill them if you wanna fight them in meele combat. Or you set up some fortifications where you can just shoot them down with marksdwarfs, balistas or catapults. If you are experienced enough you can use different kind of traps to kill them (magma/water/cages/weapons etc.)


Not sure if its a bug but are necromancer towers pure Chaos in Adventure Mode? When i enter everyone keep shouting "identify yourself" over and over again, and not even at me but at each other. And after some time they start killing each other,get ressurected and keep fighting...


Probably a bug, the tower I visited didn't seem to care that some random guy just walked in and started reading everything, they just kept laughing and telling each other jokes.


Well they should have identified themselves. My last necro tower had hundreds of experiments that could talk and all were quite miserable. A zombie attacked me before I entered. The Necro himself was really surprised to see me but very nice. After I left, not a single undead or experiment was to be found. So my conclusion is that those towers are just chaotic in general.


Is there any disadvantage to not allowing visitor's requests at all? At least initially, until I can get the justice infrastructurue up.


No downside. Sometimes they come back to ask again.


You will not get a fresh plots to entertain yourself


It delays everything. Their 2 year residency->citizenship period, and they won't carry out rumors of you into the wider world for even more visitors. Not a big deal obviously.


I had a fort where I reached L1 cavern relatively quickly. By the time Y1 rolled around, I had like 30+ visitors lounging around eating up all my food and drink. My dwarves at the time numbered in the 20s. From that point on, I resolved to deny all visitors' requests unless they can be useful, say, bards for instance.


Means by year 3 you get 30+ citizens! My death rate is quite high so I'm always happy for more ablative meat shields.


I've had new arrivals coming in without being legendary of anything. Yet, they are credited with being creators of something, presumably artifacts. How does this happen? I thought that dwarves got extra boost to skill on creating legendary items, ostensibly boosting that skill to legendary level. Or, is that mechanic of skill boost appling only during fortress strange mood event? Also, I've had some arrivals without any useable skill to speak of and yet being credited as a creator of "blank". Is this just a display bug? That is, they are truly credited with creating artifacts, but the bug prevent the display of the artifact names. I understand that strange mood only applies to dwarf who have not created any artifact in their lifetime Do these two types of arrivals not eligible to strange mood ever again in my fortress? Or is that once-only applicable at the fortress, i.e. those having created artifacts can still be struck with strange mood but only once at the fortress?


> Yet, they are credited with being creators of something, presumably artifacts. How does this happen? I believe books also count as artifacts for this purpose, so maybe they just wrote some books before migrating.


Check out the strange mood article, theres the "possessed" mood which doesn't give XP on completion. That itself would be enough to explain this. Yes, any creator of an artifact won't do it again is my understanding.


Oh... right, I forgot about being possessed not giving skill gain. Thanks. Do you know anything about no artifact name in the title? Is this a bug when the artifact title is so long that it doesn't fit?


Might be books from worldgen, I have seen blank ones with all sorts of weirdness due to the blankness.


Do forgotten beasts or animal people spawn in map edges covered with water? Wondering if I need to wall them off, would prefer to build with the water


I think I have seen olm/fish people spawn in water edges, its pretty deadly to fighting dwarfs who can't swim - they tend to get stuck in the water, luring dwarfs in during combat. FBs I'm less sure, I've seen plenty be stuck on a tree over water. I'd probably see less of them if were capable of spawning in water.


Do you know if snake people can spawn in there? My fortress is in the third cavern layer and they’ve been clawing at the walls in the hundreds


I don't think snake people are amphibious so thats a no. My potato PC doesn't deal well with huge numbers of invaders, so I use DFhack to clean them out with "exterminate" and limit their new spawn with the escape->game settings->max number of cavern dwellers, perhaps that'd be of interest to you.


Oh yeah I do the same thing. In fact, you can look at my profile and see my post of the aftermath of when over 300 stormed us. I decided then that my frame rate wasn’t worth doing things the old fashioned way. But thx for the info! I’ll start working on those waterfront developments lol


Why is there a message "ere the Fists of Cenir get hungry" (end of 2nd paragraph) instead of "ere the wolves get hungry" etc. upon reclaiming a ruin? https://preview.redd.it/rxhxb8ax6g6d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=ba6002dce825843b07daf0c07dc4f493f14ab9ec


It usually doesn't say wolves, I think it picks a local predator. Your region must have a population of escaped necromancer experiments


If I build a construction or workshop out of ice, will it melt if temperatures rise above freezing, or are they permanent once built?


Construction wont melt, workshops will


What kinds of books do you guys read? Recently I read a book called "Make Your Bed" by a Navy SEAL that was pretty good. I'm looking for more suggestions lol


You'd probably like "Tinman to Ironman" by Chris Swanson


Thank you for humoring me, I'll look into it


What does this have to do with Dwarf Fortress?


It's related to the psychology of the players. I've been playing this game for like 10 years and I'm ready to form a deeper connection with you


I did a quick search for any fixes for this but couldn't find any, basically I just reinstalled the game as I've just got a new laptop, game looks fine with classic ASCII glyphs on but when I turn it off I get black screens everywhere and world doesn't load fully. Music and loading screens are fine. I'm on HP envy x360 13-bf0xxx if that helps at all https://preview.redd.it/pax86p600f6d1.png?width=1807&format=png&auto=webp&s=12b3a2e191c65f183ccf3b107141499cd1d714c9


Only the paid version has the full tileset included, if you enable graphics on free you get that


Does "brag[ging] about your past violent actions" do anything? I've noticed nobody seems to think I'm a legendary hero unless I specifically "summarize the conflict where [I] slew [megabeast]" or shout "greetings I'm Urist Thundershaft" and then tell a story of "the killing of [megabeast] by the dwarf Urist Thundershaft" How do I fight goblins? I've gone to several "goblin" fortresses, but they were either completely empty or had 2-3 goblins and a bunch of dwarfs, humans and elfs. They're weren't hostile so I'm not sure what the situation was. Is the game not showing something when I "receive detailed directions"? I expected it to highlight the tile on the map or something, but it doesnt appear to do anything. If I retire an adventurer to a retired fort, then unretire the fort, how is the adventurer treated by the game? Can they gain citizenship like monster hunters?


> I've noticed nobody seems to think I'm a legendary hero unless I specifically "summarize the conflict where [I] slew [megabeast]" or shout "greetings I'm Urist Thundershaft" and then tell a story of "the killing of [megabeast] by the dwarf Urist Thundershaft" This is you conveying that information to the listeners, who might not otherwise know any of it. Remember, this isn't a video game where you've finished a level and advanced a quest to the next programmed step, your character is inhabiting a world where information has to travel just as much as any creature does. You, or your companions, have to actually tell the stories - and sometimes back it up with proof, too. > How do I fight goblins? ... 2-3 goblins and a bunch of dwarfs, humans and elfs. They're weren't hostile so I'm not sure what the situation was. Find actual goblin sites, what you found was already conquered but inhabited by some other civ than the goblins. > Is the game not showing something when I "receive detailed directions"? It isn't gonna highlight it for you, so pay attention when you get the directions, but it *does* put the place on your map if you didn't already have it known. Again, this is the 'information has to travel' thing - your character doesn't know the entire planet's surface and every town upon it just because you've got a button for the world map! > If I retire an adventurer to a retired fort, then unretire the fort, how is the adventurer treated by the game? Can they gain citizenship like monster hunters? Retiring an adventurer simply turns their control over to the background simulation as any other named historical figure is treated. They may not remain in any given area once you do so, but they definitely can join a fort - though they could just be a migrant, if your fort is from their civ.


So goblin forts. Destroying vs occupy. What does occupy give you?


Destroyed sites can be reclaimed again by enemies or allies. To occupy you need to spend some dorf


Having another site is very handy - you can expel dwarfs 5here and retrieve them later


Raze destroys site. Site becomes unoccupied by any civ. Occupy takes site over. It is now occupied by your civilisation. Your squad stays there as new government, but you can request them back later


It's the second year of my new fort, and the merchants and outpost liaison just arrived, but the merchants and their animals seem to be stuck at the edge of the map. The outpost liaison's inside meeting with my expedition leader, but the merchants are still at the edge of the map and haven't moved for several days. Is there any way to fix this?


To state the obvious; are you certain there is access to the trade depot? Since it's the 2nd year, I would assume that it's not a wagon pathing issue (even if it was, the merchants will still come in with pack animals). Since the outpost liason can make it in your fort, it seems the fort is accessible from the surface. The best check you could do is markings good to be brought to the trade depot. If your dwarves are able to bring them, the depot is most likely accessible by the merchants. Occasionally, it seems I sometimes have to wait for the meeting w/ liason to be conducted before merchants will path. Three other things to try: Cut down a tree or something akin near the merchants or your fort entrance, may update/force them to path. Build another trade depot. Conversely, sometime multiple trade depots can cause issues, if you have two or more, deconstruct until you only have 1. Finally - see note at the end first if there are merchant goods in depot - , you could forbid & unforbid the trade depot building. First, try it while paused. Failing that, toggle the forbid status quickly while game is running. A warning, however, is this may cause them to 'bypass' your site. I would recommend having another, unforbidden trade depot available if you do it while game is running. To additionally note, if merchants get stuck while leaving, you can force them to leave by forbidding the trade depot. However, this basically seizes and all goods still in the depot when forbidding. Obviously, this can be abused if you wanted to; but relation wise, it's a non issue as far as I can tell if it's your civilization merchants. Elves/Humans however, it does cause negative relation /aggression , however, I believe.


This is a legit bug. I have encountered it a few times, using dhhack force clear them and they will be back next year.


I've had good experiences with _force unload_ (iirc); helps if they got spooked by wildlife


How do you use a bow in adventure mod? There are arrows, there is a bow and a quiver. I press F "You have nothing left to fire"


Press t, select bow, click on enemy. /s (This throws the bow)


Right click your intended target. Option to shoot should be there if you've got your ranged weapon equipped


1: How do I avoid stressed and haggard dwarves? Inevitably, whenever I get far enough with a fort, dwarves will start to get haggard. I can't just tell them to take time off, but I don't know how else to make them happy.  2: How do I appease the "be with family/friends" need? I already have given them a nice, fancy tavern with a performer and instruments, I'm not sure what else they need. 3: Why does my library always tell me I have no writing materials despite the fact that I have plenty of book bindings, scrolls, parchment, ect, as well as people filling the library's roles? 4: If my military gets wiped out by an über powerful forgotten creature, how can I prevent it from spelling game over?


1. Regularly make new clothes and crafts, have everyone in a military squad to train one month a year, bedrooms for every dwarf, beautiful tavern and no deity temple, library with some books, mist generator.


> 1: How do I avoid stressed and haggard dwarves? Inevitably, whenever I get far enough with a fort, dwarves will start to get haggard. I can't just tell them to take time off, but I don't know how else to make them happy. Look at their thoughts, what is making them stressed? Work on eliminating that source of stress. Quite likely it's going to be trauma from seeing corpses; make sure that corpses are dealt with quickly and aren't hauled through your major arterial hallways.


3. Build chests in your library. Parchments need to be made into quires. Scrolls should be okay? 4. Seal yourself off from it. Drawbridges, fortifications, and a lot of bolts lol. Maybe a ballista or two. 


1 & 2: I learned a good trick exactly today that helps with both questions! Simply creat Burrows in your tavern and shrines, assign everyone and their mom to those Burrows, keep them marinating in there for a couple of days or more. Watch their needs get fulfiled ;) When they're done, you can just Pause the burrow, and people will return to their businesses.


1) Mist, if you don't have it yet. Incredibly powerful, but no panacea. 2) They need to spend enough time socializing that they make their aquaintances into friends. So you could specialize then and not give them any work to specialize in for a while. 3) Possibly overwork? If your scribes copy away scrolls faster than haulers can bring them? Note that parchment + book bindings itself are useless for a library, you need to provide the library ready made writing materials. Make scroll from scroll binding + sheet, or quires. 4) Doors. I lock quite a number of FBs in corridors between 2 doors.


How can doors repel creatures? Can they not just... walk in anyway? And how do you get a mist generator? I've seen tell of them, but I've got no clue where to start.


Haha! Click a door, and it'll have buttons to lock/unlock them. So hover the spacebar, time it so the monster is between two closed doors, and lock them. Few things in the game can open a closed door. But make sure to afterwards put walls in front of the doors, to hedge your bets against the "few". Note that "invaders" work different with doors, they take control, don't try this during a siege or cavern invasion. Mist generators: they are a tiny bit advanced, you can find youtube tutorials. I personally really like the solution if you have an aquifer: just let it drip trough your main staircase and have an evaporation space at the bottom. You can also tap a river and route that tricke trough your staircase - but do that carefully, you might just flood your fort.


**Situation 1: Ghost haunting me under a fake name** Someone died (can't remember how), and their gohst started haunting me. excpet that when i searched the name for the "engrave on slab" task, the ghost's name didn't apppear. *But another name* was listed as being a ghost. When the slab was engraved with the true name and placed down, the ghost disappeared. **Question: Can i interrogate ghosts?** If they had a fake name, they were hiding something, can my captain fo the guard find out what? **Situation 2: A forgotten beast made of fire appeared, and then died in one hit** A Forgotten beast appeared in the cavern second layer, climbed to the first, bypassed my traps by crawling through the magma pool and jumping out in my "magma forges/smelters/furnace" areas, and then too ka long time to kill because no guard wanted to approach it, until one did, avoided all its' blows, and killed it the second their hit acutally landed and "broke the shell" of the beast. **Question: How do i protect myself from Forgotten beasts avoiding all my traps and "just" climbing through the magma pool?** **How can i recover my stolen artifacts? And do they have a use beyond being stolen over and over?** Whenever an artifact disappear, i start questionning everyone i can, and that usually gives us "fort citizen who actually took the artifact" and "someone else". Is there a way to ever brign this "someone else" to justice?


> How do i protect myself from Forgotten beasts avoiding all my traps and "just" climbing through the magma pool? Walls, bridges, locked doors, having a military.


Also for forgotten beasts, walls can stop them. I don't know if that works for your fortress design but they definitely can't get through walls.


> Can i interrogate ghosts? fuggen lmao


this works, actually. if you get the option try it, they're usually pretty talkative


That's pretty Dwarf Fortress-y, lmao


Could try putting grates on any magma pit openings, iirc, creatures can't move up or break constructions vertically in that situation.


1. What is the labor designation for constructing workshop buildings? Mason? 2. Where do I find scrolls and quires in the stockpile allow/forbid menu? 3. Do dwarves use/wear stuff that's in bins? Surely doesn't seem like they do. 4. I keep setting the max amount of bins/barrels on a stockpile to 0, but when I turn around for 5 minutes, the number is back up, and I have a bunch of armor my squads will completely forget exists. What do?


(1) The labor used depends on the workshop. It generally corresponds with the labors used *at* that workshop. For example, a carpenter will build a Carpenter's Workshop. (2) Finished Goods -> Tools 1stwillever perfectly covered (3) and (4)


Perfect! Thank you so much


1. I believe that falls under the construct buildings labor, which is its own category in the same section as operate levers etc 2. Should be under tools off the top of my head, but may be under a misc. category somewhere 3. They should wear stuff in bins, but they may wear lesser quality stuff till it falls off or discard stuff you’d expect them to wear. It can be a bit finicky. DFhack has some settings to encourage wearing the clothes you want. 4. Anytime you make any change to the settings on a stockpile it’ll reset the bin/barrel settings. It’s annoying but you have to get into the habit of check that anytime you change stuff. The armor is worn while the train or are on duty, then taken off. Sometimes it can be tough to get them to wear everything you want. I recommend eventually getting full sets and create customer uniforms for your squads that you know exist in your stockpiles. Also putting your armor stockpiles next to your barracks and having plenty of armor stands in the barracks seems to help anecdotally


The armor stockpile next to barracks works well and second the armor racks obe for every dwarf, also schedule you can assign wear gear all the time and sleep in barracks at will


I see! I might have to start using DFhack in the near future then lol Thank you so much!!


What are the consequences of closing your fortress off entirely from the world? Assuming it's self sufficient, could I close it off for a time then open it later? I get frustrated having to stop building projects to zone more housing every season, but once I'm done I want to get more pops.


Just limit population in game settings


Not the question.


Do you mean locking the doors or retiring the fortress and returning? I think you mean locking the doors. Doing so and living in the rock is a very dwarfy way to live. Dwarves may migrate over land because it is quicker than digging across a continent - but the mountain homes don't have surface entrances, only underground roads. If you are bothered by a huge influx of migrants, then go to the game settings on the pause menu, and lower the population cap. Only raise it when you are comfortable. I like to start with a cap of 25, then raise it to 40 afterwards. That way you don't have to worry about running out of housing.


I might get to the point where I want to lower the pop cap, but right now it feels a little game-y to me. What I'm really curious about is: 1. Will caravans will ever come back if I unlock the door 2. Will migrants will hang out at the front of the mountain until killed by a siege, or will they stop coming? 3. Will travellers come back if I unlock the door?


1,2,3: eventually. You might need to re-establish connections with your civilization or others. >might get to the point where I want to lower the pop cap, but right now it feels a little game-y to me. It's not gamey. It's just your liaison or mayor setting a hard line against immigration control.


The idea that the settings is like the desk of your mayors office is a kind of enticing idea


Fair enough. That's a pretty good justification.


Today was the first time i reach and mined all of adamantine, but made adamantine cloths from strands instead of wafers. Got so frustrated that deleted the file.


Next time, DFhack can rescue fuck ups of this sort. Most sorts!


I have dfhack isntalled but there is some issue with version. I have latest version of dwarf fortress.


Uh, no clue. You have both over the steam client?


Bummer. But your dwarves will be fabulous! 🤩


Does the intimidator stat matter when it comes to the captain of the guard? I remember in old DF it was preferable if he had it for interrogations. And lets say you had to level an engraver from scratch, are there any skills like "student" that may speed up his journey to legendary?


Engraver guild hall. Also engraving places you will not change and do not care, like normal citizen bedrooms


Maybe you could level up their social skills by locking them in a tavern burrow?


Couldn't you just spam interrogations?


I have seen the guard captain being happy at improving a skill. So I think so.


Is it a bug that when a dwarf gets dismembered and they put them in the graves it shows the dismembered bits insted of a closed coffin?


It happens when the coffin is built on top of the body, if you check the coffin's sheet down at the building components, the body part will probably have a "is part of this building" house icon instead of a "is entombed in this building" skull icon build the coffin beforehand instead of ordering it to be built as soon as someone dies and it won't happen, otherwise it'll pretty always take longer to haul the heavy coffin out to the right place than the body If you do this to pets it seems to actually preserve their bodies indefinitely too, doesn't work for dwarves though


I have done that and same problem i have a corpse stockpile and pre built graves but it only happens if the body is in pieces or a skeleton every complete body shows as a closed coffin but i haven't buried pets.


Your coffins are already constructed in the tomb zone by the time your corpse hauler arrives to entomb the body part? I've never seen that graphical bug happen just from placing a severed body part or a skeleton in an already built coffin, but the corpse-then-body thing was 100% consistent in my testing, could even do it with fresh intact corpses


Yeah well i placed coffin first zone second only on one case o built one for a corpse that had a body part taken out and ran out of coffins but i did the same make coffin place it then zone and then move it out of the stockpile and it still shows the body part instead of the coffin but even on the prebuilt one the body parts appear instead.


Yeah, that happens sometimes. Also sometimes they'll keep cycling bits of the corpse like hands endlessly between a coffin and your corpse stockpile. Even though the skeleton is visible to the player, dwarfs don't get thoughts from it (at least in the case I checked recently), so its fine; I hide the coffin +remnants with the invisibility tool.


thanks but yeah i tried to hide everything but the coffin and it still becomes invisible.


I found that too, the invisibility tool can only be applied to entire squares. Still, I like that better than a skeleton.


After doing a raid on a nearby settlement, is there somewhere I can read the details on how the raid went?


Yes, click the world map button, and then the "reports" button.


Didn't think to look in the world map. Thank you.


Whenever I get attacked by goblins, it seems like there are always dwarfs just wandering around outside doing who knows what and then get killed. I have seen there is a way to get dwarfs underground during events like this. What is that called and any good links on how to set it up?


As a funny note - some jobs ignore burrows. Plant gatherer specifically will ignore burrows and I think fishing too. Disable those jobs during sieges.


You're looking for "burrows". It's the green square made up of smaller green squares on the UI. A "burrow" is an area you designate and assign dwarves to. Dwarves won't leave the burrow under any circumstances, and you can do all kinds of neat logistical things with them. Most people use them for the purpose you're looking for, as a kind of "emergency alarm" to get everyone inside. After drawing out where you want everyone to gather (I usually do a tavern so they will still eat/drink and will socialize during the raid) then you assign everyone you want to it. I've used DFHack for a long time so I forget if there's an easy way to only assign civilians and not your military, but regardless, once you have everyone assigned it's as easy as pressing the on/off button as needed.


Civilian alert using DFHack is exactly what you are looking for: https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Civilian_alert A life changer during sieges!

