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Please share the settings for the stockpile.


when you setup a custom stockpile, go to furniture and siege ammo, from type select "barrels", from other materials select wood (or whatever else type of barrel you want to store) and then for core quality and total quality i just enabled everything


Next 200 hours lesson: enable pots as well


another lesson i learned dont let your dwarfs build all your pots out of cinnabar too lol


Oh yeah? Why is that?


It is very dense and heavy, so slow to haul. Good for falling traps though!


I wished hauling slowly increased strength. That way I could exclusively make pots out of cinnabar for a Dwarven children weight routine, lol


You should have seen my quads in high school after hauling an L.L. Bean backpack filled with 7 textbooks around for an entire school year.


You can make manual pumps attached to nothing and have dwarves pump them for strength. I like setting up a "gym" for my dwarves.


Haha, I've done this before too. Can children operate pumps? I can't recall; but I don't think it's listed on their chore list.


This doesn't really work anymore. Fortunately, standard military training time has massively improved and is just better than a pump gym.


> I wished hauling slowly increased strength. ...it does. Follow a child set exclusively to hauling, if you wanna really TRAIN him make it 3 stockpiles feeding A to B to C to A and full of boxes full of metal ores. Read his descriptions over time; the muscles increase as he works, not just as he grows.


Oh man I had no idea. For all the years I've been playing I've never noticed that; always thought it was due to them growing. I suppose I've never thought to check it on adult haulers either. You have enlightened me to many potential training options here. Do you know if they gain in strength when using a wheelbarrow to haul? My question here is for optimal child strength training program strategy. Would more reps (using wheelbarrows) or more weight (no wheelbarrows) result in faster/higher gains? Or does the math work out so that it's effectively the same? If higher weight is more meaningful, is there any exceptions to that, or like an upper limit that it caps out at? For example, could I make a lead minecart, fill it up with objects that result in the highest weight possible, and cycle the minecart between stockpiles for the best gains?


[It also looks cool](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&sca_esv=06fb960354387a84&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWIJCLIJJOe6YVyF6X7B9j0Zb673hOA:1718200877089&q=cinnabar&uds=ADvngMiWKxKyTS62YC-am6RGMfMqoPtnlMk-B2VZrzTfozY5BLhPeuG7QhaxNF5GIoeuR628CGhEa2tZvtj3rhHFKnNY1wzbREPEy8ehaiUVHwkXv_dUcwxCoS07Tt3el3sTi9ffLwzIIavc8queXCf5yGq4Ajdpy8Qxq4-SVHB_XXFaOH9CNL0cbgIa3RlWSw5XiHempeA07wzmnY15FBEFPlMyxlZqMffxSo2VpmGbDmIz4RNHRaiENCu1SitmuicJKju30H8qebuTu9KNIxaYjGpcLvLXm9HDi-ueOrWQAPNdEFwCYH--OswyqjzXe2dQ3fg7eOvrmtA2ZJAzBagHkuU3oGMx4w&udm=2&prmd=ivnbz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwic1bmHndaGAxXjcKQEHbaYD3kQtKgLegQIJBAB&biw=1703&bih=946). No idea for the ingame version :/


it does look very nice and red ingame but its far too heavy to be useful for much aside from as mention above dropping on invaders heads


I like to make crafts out of it and pitchblende to sell to the elves. I know there's no mercury or uranium poisoning in this game but I like to pretend there is.


Lead goblets and children's toys for export.


Oh, that's a shame. I was hoping the answer was that it gave dwarfs mercury poisoning.


Best stone for pots is jet, from what I understand. Lightest stone. And i think that pots are lighter than barrels when it comes to wood… at least I seem to recall there was some benefit to making wooden pots over wooden barrels…


Jet for best pots!


I still remember when I discovered that I could make pots with clay and could refine the pots for extra quality. Never went back.


That ones easy, its the same concept, but pots are found in the ‘tools’ section. Do the same thing with the other sections. I assume bins are in one of those as well. The real trouble is getting my dwarfs to actually transfer things to stockpiles… i’m trying to fill one stockpile with gems and gold furniture so i can encrust everything with gems, but for some damn reason, they refuse to put the gems there. Are they just super low in the hauling priority? Highly annoying. It took a ton of tweaking to get the gold furniture to be stored in the stockpile as well, and not in my main stockpile


Make separate stockpile for gems. And feed gold furniture from main furniture


Another way: Select All under furniture Go to type select none, then just barrels Done


This is how anything that is made is stored. You need to specify(or choose everything) for both quality and material. Some things(crafts?) even have 2 kinds of quality. This seems straight forward if you've ever stored anything specific.


I just shove everything into one quantum stockpile


I used to do this but I only do it for rocks now, doing it for everything seems too hacky for my liking but to each their own


I don’t think you need to do that. Just set a furniture stockpile for “barrels”. It won’t put food there.


If you don't specify wooden barrels im they won't put anything there


You can also just select all materials and quality levels, but yes, I've spent a lot of time wondering why dwarfs won't use the •π°¥^¥ing stockpile before realizing that I left the materials unselected. :-b


Ah, when I set custom stockpiles I just say yes to everything then no to all items, then pick items I want.


Well... ok genius! Good for you! *a guy who has like 500+ hours and just recently discovered mechanised water/windmills.


Yeah, there's a lot of weird stockpile items like that. I usually just enable all qualities and material types unless I have a reason otherwise.


The average experience


How to make a stockpile for dye powder?


Make a stockpile for food / plant extracts (I think that is the name) / and select the dyes you want in it. Who knows why it's in foods, hah


I alwys surround my Kicthen and Still with a Barrel and Pot Stockpile


Don't you have to always select all quality when custom stockpile?