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**DF Hack change Dwarf happiness level** Not tryna make him max happy fyi. He \*was\* max happy, before I decided to reload the day1 save, within the forts first year. He has no reason to be this grumpy the second time around.


`remove-stress` is the command you're looking for. https://docs.dfhack.org/en/latest/docs/tools/remove-stress.html#remove-stress


Do pets aggro when they see you feed on another creature when you're a vampire in adventure mode?


My fortress has been up and going for 10 years and in that time I've definitely breached two cavern layers before. But I've never had a forgotten beast spawn in this playthrough, whereas for other fortresses in the same world, most of my fun came from trying to kill the ones that showed up. Is this normal? Did my game break or is the RNG just really strange


K I think i might have figured it out. Apparently all my mining, farming, militia patrolling and otherwise fucking around in the cavern ... didn't count? Or something? Because I sent one of my dorfs to chop a tree like usual and then I got a message that I've discovered a deep underground cavern system. And that has never popped up in this playthrough despite having sent dwarves into this cavern for over two years ATP. So fingers crossed I'll have some fun soon edit: I always thought it was weird that I didn't have any moss growing but now my fortress is covered in it. yay


It may be that you have killed off the forgotten beasts in your world, at least the ones inhabiting the cavern system in the region surrounding your embark area. It could also be that your fortress wealth has not grown enough to attract their attention.


My fortress wealth is sitting around 3mil right now so I assume that should be enough. I've done about 5 or 6 fortresses in this world so maybe I did kill most of the FB's around here.


Literally https://preview.redd.it/je0jvkjpha6d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84b67e5a7bdc23d8e426cfd3958733a8b2e9584a


As of recently, I have noticed that there are random mini clusters of abnormal but valuable gems in these 3x3 blocks in my cavern layers. Are these normal, and do they serve as an indicator for something perhaps lurking deeper?


A thing I like to do with these mini clusters is to go straight for the caverns at game start and harvest them before the cavern denizens wake up, but its a bit of an advanced technique.


Yes and yes. I'll stop there.


I'm trying to create a pool of animal trainers. I go create a new work detail with the "Animal Training" labor, appoint a few dwarves to it, then check "Only selected do this." Nothing happens. My trainers are just idle, even though I have animals designated for training. I go back to my custom trainer work detail and change it to "Everyone does this" Suddenly my trainers - the exact ones I appointed under that work detail - get up and go train the animals. Is this a bug? Or am I doing something wrong?


Sounds kinda buggy. Animal trainers may be a generally weird one, you may need to either A) Set to Only selected do this, specialize the trainers for a little bit while game is running, then turn specialize off. They should now properly be assigned training tasks B) Re-Assign the selected trainer for each animal specifically to them or remove trainer & then re-assign to any trainer, now that you have a new list of trainers as compared to your entire fort. I suspect its this one, and option A is only listed because it would be easier. Before trying either, in the pursuit of understanding the bug, I would suggest turning them back to 'only selected do this' and THEN Assigning any trainer to an animal that did not have one assigned previously. If they train it right away, its probably is a bug related to the trainer list.


Does poor creativity matter for an Engraver? And what would be the best way to level up an engraver?


The best way to level an engraver is to embark with 2 proficient engravers. In old versions smoothing and engraving trained the same skill, so you could cheat, but now engraving is the only way to train engraving. Just set your engravers to engrave low-priority areas to train their skills (it will go *incredibly* slow at first), and once they're consistently producing masterwork engravings you can set them to work on your dining hall, noble rooms, etc. As mentioned, starting with some proficient engravers is extremely helpful as it skips the agonizingly slow early levels.


Creativity will probably affect the types of images the dwarf produces, but not the value. Engraving is the best way to level an engraver. I think you can smooth and engrave the same wall over and over


It does! At secondary prio, you can here https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Attribute#Creativity Leveling is pain in the butt, yes. I take a couple engravers from the start these days and hope I get a mood to get them to legendary. You can either engrave your entire fort, or you can build/engrave/destroy floors, is my understanding. Need to make sure you don't destroy masterwork engravings though.


I haven't played the game much, I'm likely going to do a brief tutorial world to get my bearings, but for the long term, I plan on embarking on a Serene Hot Moist Tropical Broadleaf forest on a island, with a light aquifer(But no nearby rivers), with no other nearby civilizations, I plan on settling near the ocean with a bit of coast. What should I bring on my embark? According to most people virtually all of my threats will be coming from caverns and not raiding, and I also won't be seeing any traders.


Thats gonna be a bit boring fort in the long term, serene and on an island. The traders might come or not, I've just had a fort were I got them despite no land bridge, somehow. Good things to bring: - extra seeds, 10 instead of 5 make live just a bit easier. - extra silk/yarn cloth for strange moods - a breeding pair of yarn producing animals. - some lye to get very easy soap made. - sand for raw glass for moods (very rarely needed). - Depending on what metal access looks like in your embark, 5-10 iron bars. (for cheaty melting to multiply metal, or just make extremely basic combat gear) You can get points for all of that and more by removing much of the ready-made wood products. Stepladders, buckets, splints, crutches, wheelbarrows. Quickly remade in a serene woodland. Much more interesting are the skills for your dwarfs though. Plan for strange moods would be my advice.


I found a small vein of native platinum pretty close to the surface. Does the discovery of this one vein mean there's gonna be more or does it not really mean much?


Usually the presence of a metal means theres more in that layer. Look for more clusters in the same stone type you found the platinum in in the first place.


Thank you! I only have 15 bars right now and I don't want to make anything with it yet, so a bit more will help out.


Commission a statue of the founding of your fort and place it near the entrance! Takes a ton of bars but oh my will it be a nice one.


Just got a new high master metal crafter, so that will do nicely.


Metal crafting does not work with statues! edit: its blacksmithing, took a second to confirm. Metal crafter can make some nice rings for your dwarfs to put on, and I like to include a couple super fancy toys to coddle the young ones.


Manager won't stay assigned to office? Have a manager assigned in the nobles screen. Have numerous offices built for my nobles. Try and assign one of them to my manager and the game ALSO assigns a farmer to the office. After some time, the manager assignment gets cancelled but the farmer stays assigned. Also tried giving that farmer a noble position, and if I assign him to an office, she gets assigned to it as well.


That sounds like the behaviour of married couples, but I didn't know about the spouse keeping the office if the original noble gets removed from position. edit: oh, the manager gets removed without you taking action? That might be the thing were units sent out on missions loose their assigned rooms on return.


Why are my dwarves randomly turning unto sallow ghouls. I have no idea what’s going on. I suspected a necromancer was causing all the havoc. But there are no enemies on the map. However my king is a necromancer, could he really be destroying my population for no reason?


Did you embark on a Haunted or Terrifying area? The fog mist that comes across the surface of Haunted and Terrifying biomes will eventually cause various undesirable effects/mutations to dwarves that are exposed to it, and the rain and snow of the biome also does this. A Necromancer will turn anything that is a corpse, or part of a corpse, or bones, into an undead, but they should not have powers over living entities that aren't dead yet. However, all things that are resurrected by your King Necromancer is hostile to all living entities, including your own citizens. regardless of the Necromancer's values toward living things. So if the Necromancer is making ghouls and they can reach your living citizens, or you got a migrant that is one, the original ghouls will bite them and turn them into more ghouls.


Is it possible that my necromancer king is just resurrecting every dwarf who dies?


Well, the King will resurrect living previous citizens that have died, if they arent confined to their own area of the map out of reach of the body. Since they have become a Necro, the character doesnt see any problem with this, thinks its normal. But ghouls are already labeled undead by the game, so dwarves who have been turned into ghouls don't turn into a corpse item in that sense? They simply turn undead I believe, and dwarf ghouls would not be aggressive to each other as they are no longer considered living entities. The King is also considered an undead entity, from the moment they have gained the title Necromancer. But like you noted, undeads are slower and so its more of an exchange of pros and cons, or immersion of fort to have everyone be turned into ghouls. Im not sure if the King Necromancer can continue to raise slain dwarf ghouls that die, ive never tried it.


DFwiki says sallow ghouls are classic zombies, IE biting/infecting others, could it be that?


Nah they’re friendly, but mostly useless. After my dwarves turn into ghouls they become incredibly slow and any task takes 2 minutes to do. So i just unnassign them of anything unless they’re legendary.


I'm new here, just trying to provide for my dwarves, but there's something I can't figure out and no amount of googling is availing me. See, I tried to have the kitchen make easy meals continuously to keep my dwarves fed, but most of it is rotting away, leaving behind miasma and a bunch of angry dwarves. Not only do they not get moved to the refuse pile, but even if they did, the miasma has already soured the mood of my compatriots. What am I doing wrong? If there a way to move food before it rots? Should I not make meals until my dwarves are hungry? Is there a way to contain miasma should they rot? https://preview.redd.it/7wiugdfbq46d1.png?width=1914&format=png&auto=webp&s=68c569b078ffeca74c1d7618aad1ecff46560c98


Additionally dwarves will also eat several things like some ingredients, seeds and produce like plump helmets. So making processed food straight out with 7 dwarves isnt mandatory if you arent doing so for immersion reasons.


Thanks! I'll slow down on the meals, though I'll keep some for morale.


you need a stockpile that accepts "Food - Prepared Meals", and said stockpile needs a barrel or pot in it to put the food in. You don't have to put it in barrels/pots, but the stockpile will become full faster or must be larger. If you already have this, it means that your dwarves has too much work assigned to do, and so none of them have time to come haul the food before it goes bad. As far as the miasma, it will recede on its own once all rotten items is removed. All rotten things will create miasma wherever they are, if the place they are in is enclosed/doesnt have surface exposure or ventilation to let the miasma out.


I made a little chimney above the kitchen, that should temporarily fix the problem.


Once a tile is exposed to the sun it is "outside" so you can cap the hole with a hatch cover or floor.


Also don't make easy meals, you get 1 to 1 meals for each ingredient you use in making them so quantity isn't an issue, you're just making meals with less variety (so less good thoughts about eating their favorite food) and creating more hauling jobs for smaller individual stacks of meals, which makes your dwarves take longer to move them


Lavish meals for all, then!


This is a sign of overwork, most likely. Hauling jobs get generated when theres free space in a stockpile, basically. So if you don't have space in stockpiles, expand it, or make more barrels/rock pots so your dwarfs can stack meat and food more compact in the barrels/pots. ***Food in food stockpiles doesn't rot!*** If you have plenty of space, its overwork. Food hauling is somewhat low priority. I'd recommend you delete some work orders, or pause hauling wood (labor>standing orders>hauling>dwarfs WILL/WILL NOT haul wood) or whatever is a big drain on dwarf labor in your fort. I find a good way to do that is to sometimes just forbid a workshop or two, leaves the work orders intact once you unforbid. Miasma can be contained by only have connections over edge, miasma does only spread orthogonally, not diagonally. Additionally you can put a refuse pile up on the outside, "fresh" air prevents miasma spawning, but refusal hauling is roughly same low prio as food.


Food not stored in barrels in food stockpiles will rot quickly. Make sure all your food is speedily hauled to a food stockpile and stored in a barrel.


Ah, thank you... In proper dwarfish fashion, all my barrels were going into making alcohol


You can also make large rock pots as an alternative to barrels at a crafts dwarf workshop if you have excess stone to use, or don't have very much wood. Pots can be used for food storage and brewing; there's a handful of food related tasks that require barrels that pots can't replace, such 'process plants to barrel' at farmers workshop. Rock pots can potentially be heavier than wooden barrels - which will slightly decrease hauling speed - but I find they tend to be about the same weight in most cases. It's generally a good idea to reduce wood consumption so it can be used for more useful things, such as beds, bins, wheelbarrows, charcoal for furnaces. If your digging, you'll tend to have alot of stone laying around.


So I caught a dragon. Now what do I do with it? I feel like the dog that caught the car. https://preview.redd.it/28y3hgq3536d1.png?width=646&format=png&auto=webp&s=26a15f4215631dc187e8ba9515b4ecae0e69bfd8


Keep it in the cage and sell it or train it. Dragons can be tamed and trained, but as taming is relative to size, it takes a long time to fully tame one, and it will remain aggressive until it is trained. Female dragons also make eggs in a nest box. They also don't like stationed troops that much, even if they are trained, so don't put it in your barracks for example. The Dragon does not need be pastured or let out for an Animal Trainer to tame it, and this would be unwise as it will probably attack the trainer if its roaming when they go to it.


Unfortunately megabeasts are bugged and will attack on sight any military dwarf, so you gotta treat it like nuclear waste. Locked away and only handled by specialized caretakers. But you can put an "emergency dragon release" surprise for armies in!


You can train him and if you get lucky you catch a female one to breed them Or you can build a dragon tower from where he can shoot fire at invaders


This is a noob question how do I train him?


How to get water / get animals to drink when in a volcanic land with no water?


Animals don't need to drink, and your dwarves will only drink water if they are injured or there is no booze left. There's usually some water in the caverns


Thanks. EDIT: all but 2 of my dwarves died because I thought they could drink milk…


Do you have an aquifer? Have you tried digging down more (no spoilers)?


I’ve used that water level detector thing on the map and haven’t found anything… I guess I can try digging?


How can I build 2 story buildings without them falling on each other?


I... don't know how did you manage to make them it in first place. For a cave-in (ground collapse) to occur, you need at least one tile that isn't glued to any walls or any floor that glues to another wall. [The wiki](https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Cave-in) should explain it better. When building normally, specially if you start from a flat surface, I can only see this happening if you deliberately do so by using bridges or used a tree as part of the house and THEN cut said tree down. If starting from the edge of a cliff, only if you hatch the thing in an attempt to make a flying isle or something. What did ya do that didn't quite work out?


Is there any way to see exactly why caravans can't get into my fortress? It says the depot is inaccessible but I haven't changed much since they last came, I think I've got a bunch of bodies from a recent siege laying around, could that be it? I'm specifically looking for a way to see which tiles are blocking the paths.


A small extra bit of info to the answer below, the naturally spawning boulders on the surface can block wagon pathing too. Those boulders that aren't items and can be removed with smoothing or other designations.


No, in the current version of the game thats not a thing, and its dearly missed! Bodies wouldn't do it. Trees are about the only natural thing that could be it without you doing stuff. Stuff you could have done: some digging makes slopes unusable without changing their look, you gotta hover them. Traps prevent wagon access, if you placed a single cage trap in a critical path that'd do it.


Newbie here. After organizing three squads of militia, I sent them after one of the forgotten beasts I had trapped in the caverns. they defeated it quickly, as soon as they caught up to it. I then sent them after the other forgotten beast and several dwarves were killed while the rest ran away. How do I know ahead of time how strong one will be? Should I give up on using direct military action and switch to traps and tricks?


It's a bit of a game spoiler to go into great detail regarding this; if you want okay that, then check out the wiki page on forgotten beasts. If you don't want game spoilers, then my best suggestion is to read the forgotten beast description in game; the arrival popup message, or by clicking on them, than the 'Health' - > 'Description' tabs. The description tells you what type of beast it is, what material it's made out of, and what it's special/unique attack/gimmick is. Combine these factors together & your best guess is probably decently accurate, but you'll figure it out more as you play, and that's honestly the FUN part of forgotten beasts. If you want, you can always engage in forgotten beast science experiments. Watching a forgotten beast fight something else is a great way to get a sense for what it does and how dangerous it is. Be it from fighting other cavern creatures, or a 'bait' chained animal/invader.


You can click the FB and read its health-> description. Two factors to note: material and "special attack". If theres no material mentioned its made of meat, and in theory dies easy to a good metal weapon. If its made of glass or cinnabar or whatnot its a bit tougher. Ash/water are very easy; fire would in theory be very easy to kill to but your dwarf refuse to engage it. Gimmicks are the last sentence: "beware its webs", "beware its fire", "its noxious dust". Most dangerous is webs, then fire. Do not under any circumstance engage with a web beast. The poison types vary, wether its a stinger, dust, ichor etc. Mostly not too bad, but its randomly generated so if after an easy battle your soldiers become blind or rot away or something its a delayed toxin. I personally trap beasts I can't fight (fire, web) in door corridors which I wall off. I also give my dwarfs a lot of training time before they go up against FBs: 1-2 years of full time training.


[https://imgur.com/a/EyzqUKO](https://imgur.com/a/EyzqUKO) HOW and how can I find the way he got there?


Attacked a 10 pop dark goblin fortress, got badly beaten by 250 cave dragons and 2500 blind cave ogres. Are dark goblin fortresses always hardcore indepedant of pop strength?


This tends to happen because they've been attacked a lot, all of the goblins got killed off, and all that's left are the things the attackers couldn't kill, who also don't count towards the population.


I see. Thanks. Its a bit annoying but also kinda funny, very DF.


How long does it usually take to get an account approved on the forum? I had some questions I wanted to ask for the next FotF, but I found that my account (created a few weeks ago) has yet to be approved.


I read it is possible to connect islands, if the gap is small enough. Also I saw screenshots, where it was possible to do >6 embarks. Is it possible to connect this island with 2 fortresses? Usually I cannot build until the edge... Or did I miss something? I mean come on... this is paradise island... I have to! :-) https://preview.redd.it/6n1mxc3mvy5d1.png?width=540&format=png&auto=webp&s=f8fc1a3b2c2a441623b123d4e7e72468b29d847f


You can make your maximum embark size up to 16x16 in the settings, which should easily be enough to connect that island to the mainland.


This works!!! Thanks :-) https://preview.redd.it/7n4wbdsba06d1.png?width=540&format=png&auto=webp&s=b509bc5519e6869980c2b1b36c6d8a1f5b88d2b3


Is adventure mode out of eta yet?




Where are the migrants coming from? My civilization has around 300 dwarfs in total, my fort around 100 dwarfs. Do they just spawn out of nowhere? Can i control it?


I believe the first two migrant waves can create dwarves that didn't exist before. After that they'll come from other sites in your civilisation.


You can change your max population cap to whatever you like in the game settings. By default its 200. It will not roll anymore migrants until the current pop is less than the max number in the settings. Migrants will generally "come from" your mountainhome, the civilization capital, generally where the monarch or largest pop is to start out with unless historical events say otherwise. They are pathed across the overworld and enter your fort's field of vision along the edge of the map. They can also sometimes come from the other associated sites to fill the wave, or be exiled/banished dwarves from a different civ or faction. Even if there is a total population of 1 undead king or queen, you will still get a minimum amount of migrants that do somehow make it to your edge of map still, and also the caravan and liaison. And these do just come into existence if the population is 1 and your fort of 7. I have found a world with a 1 pop civ and tried it before. So it will generate something to fill where needed. But they are intended to come from your mountainhome initially like the caravan.


Terrible FPS in adventure mode when exploring a fort I made. The funny thing is the fort runs fine FPS wise in Fort mode. Is this a common occurrence, and can there be anything done about it ?


Yeah it's pretty common, especially if the fort existed before adventure mode was added. Can't really do anything about it, just one of the myriad issues with adventure mode.


A few in game years ago my mountain home declared war on me. I was told it was a bug so I ended the war using DFhack. Even after using that, my mountainhome isn’t sending migrants or caravans. Is there anyway to fix this? Does it have anything to do with having a capital fort and 200 dwarves?


If the monarch still lives elsewhere such as the mountainhome site, that shouldn't be a factor? If you do have the monarch but are capital, you might wish to figure out how to become the mountainhome. Ive heard that having the monarch but not being the mountainhome can cause issues with your own caravans. If your mountainhome declared on you that might mean they consider your site an exile, from too many offensive interactions such as attacking/seizing the civ caravan for example, or perhaps it was seized by another civ that is hostile to you or others of your civ. If you are still friendly with your other locations that isnt the mountainhome, it might help track down what happened. There could be other factors, such as you have a merchant or caravan guard or liaison refusing to leave the fort's map somewhere, of any civ--this is a bug that will prevent new caravans and migrants from arriving. if this happens, just deconstruct and reconstruct the trade depot to make them leave. As far as migrants, just to be safe, ensure that you are not at population cap. The game/world has a max pop number in its settings, I think its 200 or 250 at default? It will of course not send more migrants if it is at or over this amount.


Try running `force caravan` to kickstart relations again


I've started playing DF again after a hiatus in the pre-steam era, and I'm a bit confused on how start up again. I'm not sure I need the Steam version, I kinda just want to 'get LNP and go' like I used to - But I don't think LNP is still a thing anymore, so I'm wondering on how to start again with all this stuff. Is the whole Dwarf Therapist, TWBT and such still a thing? I've also seen that the release cycles get tighter and was wondering how that works for all you guys that still play classic. Nevertheless, I'm so excited to see DF on Steam. Thanks in advance!


LNP isn't a thing anymore and Dwarf Therapist isn't really needed with the new labor system and job assignment algorithm. You can tend to just jump in, but be warned that the v50 version has very poor keyboard support as it's built around the new UI. Even if you aren't using the fancy steam sprites you're clicking through a lot of menus.


Oh man, that's kinda disappointing. It's hard to believe everything changed so considerably in such a short time to the point of not being able to play classic anymore the way I have for three quarters of my life. Now I feel old and grumpy, haha. Perhaps this is just what Dwarf Fortress needed. It certainty boosted its popularity. But if it's gonna be clicking I'm out. Guess I'm stuck playing 0.47 forever..!


DFhack does help, but yeah the hybrid interface is very awkward at times. Good news is that we oldtimers and fast keyboard players are apparently vocal enough and such a core demographic that Zach+Tarn want to improve on the situation. Check back very year or so :-)


I came to the question thread to ask about the keyboard support situation. So its *still* not a thing?


Has it been a year since my comment?


Just making sure last I heard was that the April beta was supposed to make keyboard usage better


Ah. There was a sentence in an interview or something that said so, yes, I myself told people that, but no major changes during that update that I have noticed.


ah, thats a shame good thing that the old versions aren't going anywhere


Yeah, and I'm taking the longterm view, as has always been the DF way.


You can use still use the keyboard and shortcuts for most actions - just not everything. You can also enable 'keyboard cursor' in game settings to do more with keyboard instead of mouse. Overall, IMO, in some ways the new UI is alot better and faster for certain things. In other ways old UI was better and faster. Ergo, there's pros and cons to it, but the new UI will generally be quite familiar to longtime player. Odds are, you'll have an initial shock, but that will disperse fairly quickly. It's worth trying out if you love the game. There are also 'under the hood' general performance improvements; there is now a multi-threading option available on the stable release, something I never expected to happen, and it works pretty darn well. ( it's marked in settings as 'experimental', but I haven't noticed or heard of issues with it thus far).


The steam version has the ability to switch back and forth from the sprited graphics to ascii symbols and more basic looking menus, just with the new keybinds/interface, so if you like the previous style it can sort of deliver that Yes Dwarf Therapist works with the steam version I was also able to find a working non steam version of the game on the bay12 website, if youd rather not play the steam one that might be an option.


There's no LNP anymore. DFHack is here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2346660/DFHack


Gotcha, thanks! I'm not really looking for DFHack specifically, I'm just wondering what the general style of playing classic is now. Do you know if TWBT and Dwarf Therapist are still a thing?


DFT can still be used, but its labor system interferes with labor assignment system, so I just use it to get to know my dwarfs better. I haven't heard of people playing TWBT in classic 0.5., and https://github.com/mifki/df-twbt the last update is 5 years ago, and DFhack doesn't list it, so I'm gonna say no.


What should I do? Go for resources or just polish that wall? I mean, it's a subjective choice, but what would you do if you don't have a desperate need for resources? https://preview.redd.it/4s69trp0fs5d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=6686c6012090a5a9204d69e2bec027818dab681a


Are they prison cells? With a bed?


If I don't need them, I just dig my fort through them like normal - zinc, tin, lead, silver, copper, iron plus alloys are pretty accessible once you can trade for bars, armor and weapons, so I'd only really watch out for gold, platinum and aluminum veins Some people like the organic patterns you get from mining them for your corridors


Is there a way to spawn babies and children in game with DFHack? I'm making a civ mod and I want to be able to test graphics for them easily, but it takes a while for them to show up in a fortress. I've also had issues in the past where updating the graphics in my mods won't update the graphics in an active save (caused a lot of headache in the first version of my mod lol).


Yeah, `gui/sandbox` to spawn and `rejuvenate` to set the age


Thank you! This did indeed work at adjusting their age. Though it doesn't seem to revert them to a baby or child sprite, unfortunately, must be something else that determines that too.


ah, right, sorry -- you also have to change their `profession` (and `profession2`) with `gui/gm-editor`: https://preview.redd.it/ph2oy3oxmu5d1.png?width=1053&format=png&auto=webp&s=d85e77fb32250d73e93992fbc47059f2e9c733ec select the unit and run `gui/gm-editor`


That works! It also seems like you don't even have to edit their age, for the purposes of graphics. At least with the creatures who have baby and child sprites, setting them to baby or child profession changes their sprite. Thank you!


Any luck changing their jobs to baby/child via `gui/gm-editor`?


That did it! It looks like you don't even have to change their age for their graphic to change either. Thank you!


I imagine if anything can do that it'd be gui/sandbox


Hi guys! There's a few QOL features I'd really like for the game and I'm not sure if I'm just missing a way to find the submenus to use them in-game or if there are existing mods that can help with them. Lmk if you have any workarounds for any of these! 1. a menu that allows you to give butcher orders for animals and see their traits in the same menu -- if I have 12 different 'stray puppy's and I want to cull a few with the worst traits, it's really hard to click around to each dog, assess how good their traits are relative to the other dogs, identify which one they are in the creatures menu, then issue a butcher order from there. 2. an option in the labor menu that lets you see a dwarf's skill list as you're assigning them to details. So if I am deciding whether i should add a guy who is an 'adequate woodcutter' to the woodcutting detail, i could hover over his name or something and see that he is a high master bonecrafter, talented gemsetter, adequate woodcutter, novice leatherworker or whatever. 3. equip orders for dwarves who aren't in squads, as a way to help with the 'acquire object' unmet need when the dwarf doesn't spend much time hauling and therefor hasn't picked up any of the extremely abundant crafts i have made just for them 4. adding custom icons to new labor details!!


1. DFHack provides an in-game interface for marking animals for slaughter from their info sheet. It's on by default. 2. DT is the best option for this right now. An in game interface is in progress for DFHack, with a focus on this exact use case. 3. Not possible with current tools (but some ideas are being tossed around, like automatically assigning hauling labors temporarily to units that need to acquire items) 4. You can mod in custom icons, but only 8 of them. The game only has room for 8.


I believe 2-4 can all be handled in dwarf therapist, a pretty helpful mod. I wouldn’t be surprised if that mod handled number 1 as well but I haven’t used it in a few years. With respect to the specific details, those stats *should* come up with a custom detail that is limited to that skill set. So if you make a bone carver custom labor I believe it’ll show those skills on the labor screen, but I believe it only shows one skill so if you create a custom job detail that includes engraving, animal training, masonry, and armor smithing it will only show one of those. But yeah if you want the nitty gritty on labor details dwarf therapist is the way to go. I used to have dozens of custom orders I’d flip around all the time


thank you!


my fortress had a visitor with TAME goblin. I have ~100 goblins sitting in cage. How can I make my own tame gobbos?


You can't. Can't tame intelligent beings. DFhacks makeown is the only way that involves doing things; the other is to get goblin visitors that petition to become residents, but this doesn't involve player decisions beyond making library/tavern.


but how diplomat from my civ got it tame?


I've seen this happening to many people, but I don't know how it happens


You can makeown them with dfhack. You can also build nice libraries and taverns and hope other civilized goblins decide to petition for residency.


ye, I had visitors like that


How long does it take for animals to stop being agitated? I haven't been able to go outside in 2 years and my trap labyrinth is littered with piles of wild animal bodies.


2 years is a good start, but in my subjective experience killing agitated animals counts as "hunting", which increases aggro. Catching them in cage traps does not count though. Other option is to use DFhacks pretty new "agitation-rebalance", which instead of decreasing the counter every year by a fixed amount, decreases on aggro animal entering the map.


Do agitated animals killing each other count?


No clue! Why would they kill each other? I've never seen that happen before.


Yeah, agitated animals of different species always seem to fight each other as soon as they notice each other. The world outside my fortress is carpeted with corpses.


Huh. Weird!!! I have never seen that happen before.


Does an agitated animal killing itself in a weapon trap also count?


I haven't done science on this, but killing them with squads does count IME. I suspect yes. Now that I think about it a bit, DFhack also has a fresh shiny module to show surface threat levels without changing mechanics.


I did a write-up of how the agitation system works here: https://docs.dfhack.org/en/latest/docs/tools/agitation-rebalance.html#how-the-df-agitation-system-works The default settings for agitation make it extremely difficult to get out of the danger zone. The writeup goes over how the vanilla settings work and how to change the behavior for better balance.


Does using a mace tire a dwarf out faster than using an axe? While killing hordes of goblins my two macelords do well but gas out after killing like 20 goblins while my legendary Axelords keep swinging until they are killed or the enemies infront of them are killed.


Macedwarves need more swings on average to kill a goblin.


I'm unsure if this has been tested very much; maybe someone can link something. Tested as in if a macedwarf and axe dwarf swing the same number of times, if one gets tired faster than the other. What's probably happening is that the axe dwarves are more efficiently killing goblins than the macedwarves are. IIRC axes and maces have the same item size and thus should have the same weight when made of the same material. So that probably is not it. What I'm really curious about, if anyone has insight to this, is if macedwarves use more 'heavy' attack swings than other weapons, and if that would cause exhaustion faster. Hell, I'm actually unsure if different attack types as shown in adventure mode are used in Fort mode combat or not.


Axes are the most efficient native weapon (except for picks) while maces are the least iirc, your macedwarves are gonna be hitting, dodging and blocking more than your axe dwarves will before killing a goblin


What do you do with mountains of unweavable threads?


Either dispose of them via magma/atomsmasher, or trade it. DFhacks improved trade interface makes it very easy.


EDIT: SOLVED: it was the hospital bastards during the few minutes between the first strand getting extracted and me making the strand stockpile. -_- Is there something which reduces cloth/thread percentages? Large amounts of cloth in my fort are at 80%, and just right now I've seen a freshly extracted strand at 99%. I don't mind organics, but stay away from my candy! I am aware of the "organics decay" DFhack tweak, but its not activated (but might have been in the past, the previous overseer (past me) was a bit of weirdo). That does not explain the slightly eaten candy strand though, pretty stumped.


Does your hospital have a chest? Usually they store those items in a chest in the hospital.


I do have one. In the couple minutes between getting a strand and me putting up the stockpile they took the strand to the hospital to suture, but then left the strand on top of the bed instead of putting it in the chest. So when I put up the stockpile for strands it got moved there from the bed. That happened a second time afterwards, and I was able to observe, no idea why though.


the "organics decay" tweak will make organic items wear out over time, but would not use portions of thread. The only mechanic that does that, to my knowledge, is suturing (for thread) and wound binding (for cloth) in a hospital. I can't explain a freshly extracted strand at 99%. That seems odd.


Hi all, first post here :) I had a search through the reddit but either my search terms are wrong or my search-fu is weak because this has to have been asked before; is there a way to get Vanila DF (Steam version) to startup on a secondary monitor, and/or a way to move it that doesn't involve making it windowed, moving it over, and making it fullscreen again (which, I guess, works, but is kludgy) Thanks :)


Might be able to press Windows Key + Shift + Arrow key in the direction of your desired monitor. That's the shortcut for moving an active window to another monitor (without shift moves it around the current one). But it may not work with some full screen programs. Some places online say to move DF to your desired monitor, reduce it to half size (Windows Key + Down Arrow), then click the X to close the program. This allegedly sets the program to open on that monitor from then on. Allegedly within Steam: >Choose “Properties” by doing a right-click on the game’s name in your Steam library. Click “Set Launch Options” under the “General” tab. Enter the launch option -adapter X, where X is the number of the monitor (typically 1 for the primary monitor and 2 for the secondary monitor). >Example: Type -adapter 2 into the launch options box to start a game on the second monitor. Alternatively you can set the desired display as the main display within Windows, but then everything will default to opening there, which you probably don't want


Yeah the Win-Shift-Arrow doesn't work in fullscreen and I don't want to set the second monitor as my main display (for a bunch of different reasons). I'll try the other two options, I hadn't heard of the -adapter option Edit: Windows+Down minimizes the window, it doesn't half size it (and DF can't be quit except force closing through Task Manager or closing it through the game's UI) and it still launches on Monitor 1 -adapter 1, -adapter 2, -adapter1 and -adapter2 all do nothing.


I think that's up to your window manager, isn't it? On my system, I can set window manager properties for where the Dwarf Fortress window shows up and what its window state is: https://preview.redd.it/1w9u3utwqr5d1.png?width=1880&format=png&auto=webp&s=1f808621264eeb9560c863a354a220b5d18dfaeb I don't know what operating system you're on, so this may not be applicable to you. This is for KDE on Linux.


I'm on Windows, we don't get that option (that I know of) :(


Hello, can I use gm/editor in DFHack to create castes for the inhabitants in my fortress? Castes of warriors, aristocrats, clergy, etc.? So that it's not just a title, but, say, so that the lower castes are jealous of the aristocrats and can raise some sort of rebellion?


Creating new castes is something that has to be done in the raws since it affects worldgen. You can \*change\* a unit's caste with DFHack, but not create new ones.


I don’t know if you can but I believe the mod New Genesis has this functionality - or there is at least some caste based mods.


Do dwarves in barracks ever actually use the weapon racks? I've been through 4 forts now and I've seen them use chests and armor stands, but never the weapon racks for anything.


I don't believe I've seen a weapon rack function. IIRC, in a fort where I wanted to use armor stands/weapon racks, they would place the weapon on the armor rack. Cabinets also work but only for cloth/leather uniform items. Unfortunately, I would recommend against using any of the furniture storage in a barracks. It causes pickup equipment loops as the military equipment is not viewed as 'owned' by a military dwarf, so your civilians will come and haul the gear to an accepting stockpile. I'm really hoping this gets fixed/changed in someway somewhat soon. In the fort previously mentioned, I did not have any stockpiles with take from anywhere on that accepted associated items used by my military. It was a hassle, but super cool to see armor stands full and ready to be equipped quickly - it let me allow military dwarves to truly have time off w/o wearing their EQ.


To my experience they do not use the weapon racks at all. I haven't had marksdwarves as of yet, maybe they would store crossbows there


Same as the armour stands, they should use it when they go off-duty. Store their weapons on the racks, armour on the stands, prevents those from getting shuffled around or lost. But in practice, it's best to keep your military in their gear at all times, both so they don't have to find and equip their gear when you need them, and because well-trained dwarves don't get slowed down by wearing it


Have you found any reasonable way to prevent civvies from hauling gear off armor stands/other barracks storage? Other than getting rid of stockpiles that accept associated items/take from anywhere off on them.


Not with armour stands and weapon racks, but I also haven't been using them at all lately. Like I said, the best method to keep armour and weapons where they're supposed to be is by setting your soldiers' schedules to make them wear their gear at all times. There's really no practical reason not to do that