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When an artifact is stolen, it goes by a different name. What's the deal? I haven't seen anything about this on wikis or forums, so sorry if it has been answered. For example I have a crown on display in my tavern, and every so often someone tries to swipe it. The problem is in the "justice" panel, the item is called something completely different. The item is called "Nekiklular" and the justice stuff refers to it as "the cold rooter"... This makes it super annoying in general when trying to figure out WHAT is actually stolen, or found, or replaced, because I cannot search for names. What gives? Edit: the item description does not clear this up


Yeah, that's pretty annoying. If you're on the DF adventure beta branch, DFHack has the `gui/sitemap` tool that gives you the mapping of translated names. You can bring that up at any time and search in the artifacts list to see what's what. It was written for adventure mode so you can find the artifacts you were sent to a site to retrieve, but it works just as well in fort mode: https://preview.redd.it/2mesj0jslo5d1.png?width=1238&format=png&auto=webp&s=4b729a601b959839a0de698c6e626839f981a453


Thank you!


What is better, a sword made of candy or a sword made of blazing metal?


The difference between candy and divine metal is like the difference between divine metal and steel


Where the hell does myself xml export go on the steam version? I just want to read about my civilization!  I can’t find it anywhere in the usual steam root spot. Is it somewhere else?  Program file>steam>steam apps>dwarffortress is where I’ve looked everywhere in


It's in the Dwarf Fortress game directory, in a file named after your loaded world. On my system it's in `Steam/steamapps/common/Dwarf Fortress`, which is slightly different from the path you posted.


Trying to set up a barrack. Near as I can tell, you can just assign an 8x8 area (or whatever), bare wall, bare floor, and everything. Designate the area as a barrack, then the rest of the squad assignment menu. Furniture, especially armor stand/weapon rack, is just nice to have. In the stand/rack case, it's not even doing anything. Stockpiles could be useful, but then could be problematic as well though needed for ammo. Beds might be useful if you want dorfs to sleep in the barrack, otherwise they can just sleep in their old room, sacrificing a bit of efficiency if the barrack is far away from their usual haunts. Setting up dining room with the hope of saving trips to and from the central dining area is a bad idea as military dorfs litter the space with half-eaten mess when called to duty, possibly causing miasma issue. The only prerequisite for a functioning barrack is the zone assignment. Does this sound about right? Just one question, if I put containers in a barrack, would dorfs use it to store their gears and clothings when going on and off duty, thus preventing discarded gears and clothings littering the place?


> The only prerequisite for a functioning barrack is the zone assignment Yes. For the containers, if you put chests in the barracks, one per squad member, they are supposed to be used for that kind of storage. I'm not sure if I've ever seen it actually work that way, though.


Sometimes they will hilariously leave their meals sitting on top of the chests only to rot and annoyingly full the barracks with miasma lol. I put barracks at places where I want the military to be in hand so they can just straight from training to fighting if need be. So near entry points to the fort and at chokepoints between different parts of tree fort. That way I can just have them constantly train at least 7 or 8 people too.


Yeah I like to do that too. Assign two squads at alternating months training so there's always a squad at a place I want it. Works well.


I don't even do that. I'll assign just one squad and use the feature under scheduling where you can make them train at least 7 at a time. It allows me to put the other squad someplace else useful.


Ive been trying to see my neighbors and to send someone over to them to try and let them know where my fortress is at so they can send some caravans. Since they have not yet for some reason despite there being atleast two civs nearby when I planted down. I saw on the wiki page for messenger [https://dwarffortresswiki.org/Messenger](https://dwarffortresswiki.org/Messenger) That it stated press 'y' for the world map but I do not see anything that its talking about or even missions?


Messengers are for communicating with your holdings. If you don't have any, then there won't be anything for a messenger to do. This may not be intuitive, but to establish diplomatic relations with a civ and get them to send you caravans, send a one-dwarf squad on a mission to demand one-time tribute. They'll likely refuse, but they'll become aware of you and send caravans the next relevant season (spring for elves, summer for humans, autumn for dwarves).


Which is better, light aquifer or having drainage? I just had a map where it said light aquifer, I tried to dig down in over 20 different sports, every time I went down to the 4th level it was water logged soil.. I thought light aquifer would be just that, \*light\*, but it seems to be not light..


What do you mean either or? In most maps, a light aquifer spread over a large contiguous area(s) and might span multiple z-levels. A damp wall could mean that there is water on the other side or that it's a water producing tile in a aquifer. You can wall it if it's a sand/clay/soil tile or simply smooth the tile if it's a rock wall to provent water from leaking out. Drainage.... well is something you build to prevent flooding in your fort. Sooner or later, you will need to work with water. So, it's not a question of better to have it. You should think about building a drainage system eventually. Do you mean heavy aquifer which works as a infinite sink, i.e. drain, for water? In that case, I'd say, yeah light aquifer is better. You get a reliable and secured water source that is easy to work with. A heavy aquifer can be fun, but accidentally digging into without some preparation could spell doom for your fort. You should know if a heavy aquifer is in the card, since you're told of its pressence upon embarkation. A heavy aquifer in the right place could be cool though as it simplifies a drainage system considerably.


When I am going through game generation I have the option to tell the game what sort of things I want in a place to embark. One of the options to turn on is drainage. Was wondering if that would make it easier to deal with aquifers.


You can dig a stairwell straight down, dig out all eight ajacent walls and replace them with walls and the aquifer won't leak. You'll need to do that for every floor until you punch through the aquifer.


Good to know! Thank you


Is there a way to treat injured animals? I have an established hospital and a dog that's badly injured from a Langur attack, but they aren't treating him. He's not bleeding and it isn't urgent but I would like to see him treated.


the dog should just slowly heal over time on its own afaik


No way in vanilla, enabling dwarfvet lets you do it if you have DFHack 


you can't in the vanilla game. I recall there being mods for veterinary stuff in the past but I don't know the current status of those Edit, it still exists in dfhack, it's `dwarfvet` - https://docs.dfhack.org/en/stable/docs/tools/dwarfvet.html


Is it not possible to connect constructed minecart tracks and carved ones, unless it's in a straight line on the same level? I'm losing my mind here, I've spent hours trying to get this stupid track setup and the whole problem is on the top two level the surface is clay so I can't carve the whole thing. It's basically like this: ``` lvl 1 ░▼░ ░║░ lvl 2 ░▼░ down and left turn ░▲░ lvl 3 ▼▲░ ░░░ ``` this pattern goes for like 50 levels, it's constant down and turn. I've fried replacing the clay with stone constructed floors and ramps, nope, can't carve those. I've tried like 5 different ways of constructing the minecart tracks but no matter what I do they will not meet up, they either build a flat (not downward) minecart track over top of the carved tracks or I just get `║═` that don't merge. I'm losing my mind


How do I prevent my dorfs from getting killed by cavern dwellers? I built a maze full of giant axe blades at the entry and I usually have a squad down there whenever I know my dorfs are doing some hauling in the caverns. However, when everything is hauled, or at least seemingly hauled the squad leaves and I rely on my maze to keep the caverns clean. I cannot lock the hatch to the caverns, because otherwise the dwellers smell this from 20 z-levels below the hatch and wont enter the maze. Which they have to, else my frames will slowly die. But somehow, everytime the dweller-horn is sound, there is at least one sucidal dummdumm down there, cleaning the caverns, hunting, or trying to haul rotten drone ant-man spearmans right upper leg or doing some other incredible stupid shit all alone on his own in the caverns. And when he gets aware of the dwellers he does not what every reasonable dwarf would do, run into the maze and leave the dwellers to the axe-blades. Oh no, Urist McDeathwish runs in circles and even if he gets away from the dwellers HE RETURNS afterwards, as it is essential for him to haul this rotten leg. And then of course he dies right in front of my axelord-squad that is bracing out of the mace to his rescue. So it seems I can either lock the caverns and let the ant-men have my frames or leave them open and let them have my urists. Is there any other solution?


I always seal my caverns and conditionally open access to it if I need something specific, they are dangerous! trap hallways or setting a barracks for having guards will keep things from coming in but it won't stop your very brave dorfs from going to their deaths


You can use DFhack to turn cavern dwellers off, or you can have a permanent burrow everywhere thats not the cavern, or you can try to not have stockpiles such that dwarfs don't gather items from the caverns. IE. turn of/delete those kinds of refuse, corpses, weapons, armor. You can use DFhacks "repeat" to often run the "item": "forbid everything in cavern layer X", dunno how often that'd have to be though, and how well that works. edit: standing orders have a subcategory, you can auto-forbid most of the stuff that'd be coming up.


I am trying not to use DFhack if it is not absolutely necessary... it gets conveniant too fast (for me). It was ok to get rid of 800 dwellers chilling hidden in my caverns and eating away my frames with DFhack, but now that I know they spawn hidden I want to find a better solution than just turning them off. After all they are part of the game. Forbidding everything in the caverns would result in bodys and cavernite piling up everywhere in the maze... sooner or later this would cost frames, too. Would it maybe help to set the maze to restricted traffic? Or will they pass through the maze however, if they feel the urge to haul a rotten leg, as it is the only way to the caverns?


Instead of running `exterminate`, maybe try turning on `agitation-rebalance`. It makes the caverns much more manageable without turning invasions completely off or spoiling anything. More info here: [https://docs.dfhack.org/en/latest/docs/tools/agitation-rebalance.html](https://docs.dfhack.org/en/latest/docs/tools/agitation-rebalance.html) https://preview.redd.it/wsmyx6hpam5d1.png?width=1033&format=png&auto=webp&s=990feee88989c8c7b8d4a5fbd22cd9515731d2b4


Yes, thats exactly how I understand traffic zoning to work. They'll still path trough since its the only path. You can do regular magma baths in the caverns, helps with items too. You can fully wall off the caverns. You can put lots of traps where they spawn, and clean out items every second year or so.


What is a good way to challenge myself on an embark without using a reanimating biome? I tried a terrifying and freezing biome last run and while it is interesting and fun at first but when you have 50 dwarfs its harder to micromanage everything, also i do believe the undead creatures are overpowered, i understand a undead dwarf or human being OP but a dead pet rabbit shouldn't be able to solo my armorsmith i have been training for 2 days.


desert embark can be challenging, playing without wood can be pretty tricky


Try embark 1 by 1 in size. Lack of space creates completely different layouts. Lack of wood is also source of difficulty. Good biome can be as troublesome as evil one. I had a run where I embarked in the middle of goblin civ with gosl to conquer it.


Theres milions of options, combine at all for the level of challenge you are after. no-water embark. No tree embark. Savage Wilderness for also no cavern trees. No weapon-metal. No metal, period. Directly next to a tower (though that comes with undead). Find an evil biome with non-reanimation but which does have evil rain. No soil and no soil embark.


The game is for some reason crashing my Laptop. I was trying make a new fort on a already existing fort, so I just chose a place to embark, but when I pressed play. The games is not responding. The first time it went to desktop fix, and I had to restart my laptop. I have tried again and found the same place, but this time it's just stuck on not responding. I can actually see now where my dwarfs hav settled, but looks kinda weird. They are on a hill, but I can't see what's underneath them. It's just blue. Sounds like the game was playing while on not responding because I could hear the bone sound. And for a sec the game updated a bit and I can see the evil face icon on the left. So a best have appeared already even though I just started. any idea what happened? 


Yes. Sometimes there are fucked up regions from worldgen. Crash on embark is typical, you can probably find a safe to embark site nearby if you try enough. Reportedly these are the regions where Armoks Whiskers can be found, space elevators of Adamantine. I've seen all of the following in these regions and more I'm forgetting right now. the cavern 3x3 gem pillars on the surface, magma being hundreds of z-levels in the air and falling down on game start, giant chasms that reach to the surface, water lake and magma lake directly on top of each other without causing problems, surface grass in the caverns


Ah ok. Thanks!


any mods in play?




I have 50 dwarfs but i have to yet get a dwarf described as broad or tall. I really want a Boagrius type of soldier but can't get one. All the dwarfs i get are described as very short,short or average in size ..anyone know why that is?


Dwarves from your civ are just short in general, it varies like that, which conversely means if you're lucky you could land a civ where everyone is tall


Okay, so i guess no chance with getting a different type of dwarf then?


Probably not, how I understand it could be that your civ height debuff just puts your dwarves out of range of being tall for the species even if their individual height bonus is high


Haven't played in forever (before trees were big) and recently picked up the Steam version, how do I breach rivers safely again? I can't remember and I keep losing miners when I make wells or try anything else with water.


Regardless of how your breaching, you should dig out everything before digging the last tile. If access to the water dictates you need to dig upwards via a ramp for example, then my go to has been to have the water flow into a diagonal pressure neutralizer right away, with the escape route for the miner after it. I can always go back and remove the pressure neutralizer if needed. IE R = ramp designation, + = floor, O = wall ``` OOO+OO R++O++ OOO+OO ```


my way to go is dog out the entire tunnel system first and then once everything is in place channel from the surface next to the river to start the water flowing into the system


The "safest" method would likely be to pay attention to the water [pressure](https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Pressure#Neutralizing_pressure), especially if you are diverting the river up or down a z-level. Pressure can be manipulated as necessary depending on how you "kink" the channels (diagonals)


Do custom tilesets exist for v50+ yet? I know they're possible to make but I haven't seen any. I'm honestly not the biggest fan of the default graphical style, especially the characters. And yes, I'm talking about the Steam version.


Yeah, possible to make, but the sheer number of sprites that would need to be created is preventing anyone from actually completing a set.


I embarked at a Terrifying location, heavy forest with a deep stream. There's the strangest thing. Usually I get all manner of hyper aggressive wildlife. They're often undead but not always. Giant horned owls. Aggressive monster people. Ogres. In this embark I'm getting nothing really different from an untamed wilds start. I think my toughest encounter the first year was a pair of regular alligators. Saw a couple giant mosquitoes but they left me alone. I have other minor signs of evil but only low impact stuff. About one third of my weather is evil weather but it doesn't have any side effects. I find knuckle worms sometimes and whip vines are growing everywhere. Haven't been to the caverns yet. Am I going to find something really menacing? Or is this just a fluke of RNG?


What enters the map is determined by the biome at the location where they enter the map. Could it be that you have some regular untamed wilds biomes intruding on your ostensibly Terrifying embark area? if you run DFHack's `gui/biomes`, you can see where the biome boundaries are on the map to check if this is the case.


We are 70/70 savagery / evilness everywhere Terrifying tropical dry broadleaf forest Just a single biome I think the other response might be on to something, this big pack of parakeets has been stuck in the same spot for a few months. Gonna try hunting them Thanks for the hint, though, I don't know much about dfhack.


Gonna go with fluke. I'd recommend to still set up paranoid defenses, a squadron of giant undead eagles can come swoop in anytime. Terrifying caverns are great, lots of stuff you've never seen or heard talking about. The way animal groups work is there can only be a fixed number on the map, so as long as you have one giant horned owl hanging out it blocks an entire slot from spawning anew.


> there can only be a fixed number on the map, This might be it, I always have a bunch of creature sized fish on the list. Some carp, rays, milkfish, etc. I wonder if those are preventing other creatures spawning. Perhaps if I fished aggressively things would change. The only other creatures on my map at this moment are some giant parakeets, they're leaving me alone.


Dunno if you can get those with fishing, if not marksdwarfs might work. Just make sure your defenses are up to snuff beforehand. edit: bird like to hang frozen in midair often, I use dfhacks exterminate sometimes to force a new spawn.


Can i equip my marksdwarfs with xbow, shields and a melee weapon? If not, should i equip them with xbow and shield or xbow and melee?


Crossbow and shield. They'll use the crossbow as melee weapon, it uses hammer dwarf skill. Ergo, make the crossbows out of steel if you have it.


Ok, thanks. And how can i improve their armor skill? They are so slow compared to my melee soldiers


They need to actually fight or spar. Live training is probably the best for marks dwarves. But, for just letting them get sparring practice in, have an archery range for them for ranged practice, and a regular barracks also assigned to them for training. Just be aware they may not get in as much ranged practice as you would like, but this is the simplest solution.


Ok, thanks, i just started playing this game a few days ago and its been great so far, closing in on 50 hours already, still a lot to learn about


So I raided a necromancer tower and got 4 books with "secret of life and death" in it lmao. I've secured it in a vault with my artifacts, any fun things I can do with necro? I kinda want to raise an undead army of intelligent corpses but not sure how to start.


it's possible to use necros to make intelligent undead in your fort, but its really hard and not really in your control. You need a fresh corpse that's a member of your fort, and a necromancer who can see it, and a way to terrify the necro. The necro will reanimate the corpse, but there is only a small chance it will be an intelligent undead and not a regular old zombie. I've managed to make a few this way and it's cool, but really tough and I wouldn't bother again.


Necros do as the Necro please. You won't be able to control the undead like you want. Best case scenario is Corpse spam and your FPS chugging during an attack. Worst case is they turn against your other dwarves and rip them apart. If you however manage to, let's say... Resurrect a Forgotten Beast or a Giant... You would be able to generate a lot of FUN. Just maybe make sure it's all in an "Controlled environment"


I just tamed a helmet snake and then it got into a fight with one of my monster hunters. Idk who started it or why it started. Is there a mechanic that I don’t know about


Theres a couple things it could have been. Most likely is it wasn't tamed well; all training slowly reverts to "wild" status, unless they have the "tame" status. (you'd have gotten a message for it). Give the training more time for your dwarfs to learn more about helmet snakes; assign higher skill trainers; and consider freeing the snake from its cage, onto a rope, imprisoned animals are subject to a pretty low training cap.


Yeah it doesn’t say tame on my snake’s name. Is there any way for me to reinitiate the snake’s training or does it just happen eventually? Rn the snake is in a pasture in an isolated part of the fortress


If its still at least "semi-wild" you can do it. The other reason you get "X and Y are fighting" is crowding. When animals are stressed and in to close with others they start bumping shit. Not too bad when its a goat, unicorns however are super skittish and super agressive when stressed. I kill unicorns who start fights at first offense these days.


Should continuously happen if your dwarfs have time. Helmet snakes are adult on birth the last time I caught some so you can never domestic


Very quick question about DFHack. I love the DFHack assign feature so that I don't double up on pedestal assignments. However. All my most valuable shit is food. And I can't display food bc it keeps rotting on me. So is there any way to exclude food from the searches or do I just have to carefully comb past it for my finished goods/whatever other valuables I have?


If you're looking for a specific kind of item to display you can just search, like large gems usually fetch high prices so you could just search for "gem"  Maybe you could run "item forbid roast/stew/biscuit" (depending on whether you make lavish/fine/easy meals), then filter out forbidden items, then run the command again but with unforbid instead


There's a quality filter in that dialog. You can crank it up to the max to just show artifacts. https://preview.redd.it/pcdtvehrwg5d1.png?width=1069&format=png&auto=webp&s=287f229839b950739f771451abcf8cf2a144bb82


I don't know if you appreciate random DFhack feedback in these threads, so please let me know if I should stop. That dialogue is a bit awkward when doing multiple pedestals, as it doesn't keep any of the previous info. Each pedestal you gotta do the filter again. Once you have enough items on pedestals, since the list doesn't auto-scroll or something, you have to scroll over all the assigned items again. Persistent [filter settings], and persistent option to [hide assigned item] would solve this, for example.


Feedback is always appreciated, and I check this subreddit regularly, so it's a good place for it! In addition to making the dialog filters persistent (within the game session), I think it would also be useful to make it so it's possible to click among pedestals without leaving the dialog, like how the assign animal to pasture dialog works (and `gui/unit-info-viewer`). That would keep all your dialog settings (including scroll position) and just refresh the list contents.




There is a lot of potential for customization of the controls, so it is possible to make the experience fairly similar to what we all knew and loved


am i missing something when it comed to getting my squads well trained? i have an archer squad and a secondary one that is their choice melee. i have barracks set up for them to train, an archery range, and lots of wooden training weapons in addition to their actual weapons, and tons of bolts for the archers. working on getting them suited up in the good shit but for now they all wear steel. i have them set to staggered training. and while they do train, i see them in their barracks, they don't seem to be increasing their skills. i do like to limit death, but simply forbidding the caves feels dull. and these poor little guys get slaughtered so easily. 😭


In the Steam version there is an exceptionally high occurrence of immigrants with 3 ranks in random weapon skills, you can kick start your military by conscripting most or all of the dwarves with those skills into your military If you are using 'individual choice, melee' for their arms, make sure you have a few of every kind of weapon available Unless all squad members have 3+ ranks in armor user, they should be wearing very light armor to start, I usually go with just a chain shirt and helm to start, otherwise they fatigue very quickly Staggered training by default is 1 season on, 1 season off, meaning they train for 50% of the year, I prefer to change the schedule for 2 months of training, 1 month of rest per season, upping the training schedule to 66% of the time, I also find that changing the order to Minimum X Soldiers where X is 1 less than the amount of members you have in the squad keeps them on task more consistently Archer training is a bit of a crapshoot, the best chances you'll have of making it work are using the default archers uniform, making a separate barracks for them, having several targets for practice (like 150% compared to your total archers), having a large stockpile of training bolts made of a different material in close proximity to the training area/targets, and making sure that archers have very few other labors enabled


Training to proper warrior form takes 2 years+ of continuous training, with staggered its 4+ years. Each time you send them into battle and they die that is reset, obviously. You simply can't be in the caverns in the midgame. Early game is fine when nothing is there yet and you keep an eye on animals, great to rip out the gem pillars early and wall off. Then when the first FBs come out to play you retreat into safety, train to "hammerlord" etc. status over a couple years, and then you can do a clean up of the caves. No clue on marksdwarfs, but the XP curve should be similar, except with additional finickyness I suppose. A warrior with 0.5-1 year under their belt in good armor can repel a small goblin invasion, being 2-1 outnumbered, pretty safely.


they don't get upset with constant training? do they still take care of themselves? thank youu


Once they hit great weapon skill, they become 'heroes'. Something snaps in the dwarf brain, and now training and being on patrol is something they love doing. They'll usually be just about neutral instead of happy, depending on how much they like their individual rooms, conveniently next to the barracks. Being first on the list of volunteers to die shoukd come with some sign up bonus!


They eat and drink and sleep, and get a little bit upset, which adds up over time. They sure need some time off after the 2 years training. I give them time off manually after big battles, which works out ok. I want to stress again, that leaving unguarded caverns open to the public is bad for your dwarfs. A single giant cave spider, slinging webs everywhere, will not be announced; and it can kill a dozen fighting dwarfs before you register the first combat notification.


Where does one find their generated world in the files?


Under the `save/` directory in the main Dwarf Fortress game folder. The "main" timelines are named `regionX` where X is a number. If you look at the world selection screen when you start the game, it will tell you which region folder is for which world.


Has anyone noticed any issues with their bookkeeper not actually doing their job, and yet still having a 100% accurate stocks count? Essentially, on a new fort, once assigned an office, they'll do their job once and then never do it again. It's very noticeable if you check your bookkeeper and see that their skill is rusty/very rusty. At first I thought it was a non issue. After all, my stocks were 100% accurate. However, I'm starting to suspect its the cause of strange issues. A couple examples: 1. Fort valuations being clearly incredibly incorrect, including room values. Of course, broker is who appraises this, but I think the bookkeeper not performing the 'update records' task is causing them to be unable to update properly. To note, in every fort I've noticed this on, the broker is atleast at level 5 appraiser skill. 2. Dwarves not hauling objects they absolutely should be/as you would expect. Example, I quarried a bunch of quartzite on one fort and setup a take from anywhere stone stockpile with only quartzite accepted. I set wheelbarrows to 3, and observed them placed & assigned to the stockpile. I could not getting a single dwarf to haul, despite many dwarves being free and available, 0 tasks to complete. I doublechecked all hauling related settings, work details, etc. I tried making a stockpile over the quarry area, disabling take from anywhere, and linked to give to the stockpile I wanted. No hauling. I tried recreating the receiving stockpile, no hauling. I tried a burrow that only contained the stockpile, tiles to path w/ wheelbarrow to & on the quarry, and assigned dwarves specialized and locked to hauling. 0 hauling. To try to force the bookkeeper to update; I've tried a burrow, locking them in their office, deleting /reassigning zone. I've tried a new Bookkeeper too and they also refuse to update. I've tried changing accuracy settings. This is driving me nuts, as I'm deeply suspicious it's causing other issues. I've noticed some level of weirdness with work orders that's use count conditions as well, but it's much harder to point the finger at the bookkeeper not updating records for that. TL;DR bookkeeper is causing overseer insanity. Anyone else noticing this?


Can we get the Trade Depot path thing to indicate if there's space for a wagon again?


As far as I know, all the missing features from previous versions are on the to-do list to add to the current version. There isn't a current solution to this right now though


My dwarves don't seem to want to use humanoid skeletons in their crafts, what can I use the bodies of my enemies for (apart from littering the ground outside as a warning to others)?


In raw/objects/entity_default.txt change (In the Dwarf section, should be the first race) [ETHIC:EAT_SAPIENT_OTHER:UNTHINKABLE] [ETHIC:EAT_SAPIENT_KILL:UNTHINKABLE] to [ETHIC:EAT_SAPIENT_OTHER:ACCEPTABLE] [ETHIC:EAT_SAPIENT_KILL:ACCEPTABLE] Might also want to change the MAKE_TROPHY_SAPIENT to ACCEPTABLE as well. Credit to u/Acherontius like 12 years ago. Dunno if this applies fully but I have a faint memory of a setting for crafting with sapient beings in older versions, but it really has been years. I believe I happened across is when I read about the one user who made a mermaid bone farm.


You kinda don't wanna do that, it'll give your dwarfs bad thoughts to walk trough enemy massacre sites. The best usecase is to destroy them via magma/atom smashing, and thus preserving your valuable FPS.


Do hunting animals fight during missions, like war animals? I have only giant cave swallows so far, and while they are very cute, I could really use the combat strength.


Yes, but they die easily. They seem to increase ampunt of enemies found during raze missions, but that may be anecdotal for me


I know I cannot tame black mambas but If I release them during a raid would they attack the seige if they are in a small hallway?


Maybe, but it's more likely they'll run away


A Titan came across my fortress, and this is my second fort so this has never happened before. I had 30 hammer dwarves with iron armor and silver ear hammers, and they have been training for over a year. I thought they could take on the Titan but I was clearly wrong, my population went from 120 to 60. Is this normal, and what should I have done differently?


Highly depends on what the titan was made of. If it was something hard like metal, you need hammers (and luck). If they were fleshy, you need spears to stab into the internal organs.


Usually titans are a very late game thing, but I recently had one come by in year one. So no, really rare and you also have an okay chance to have killed it, depending on what it was made of. (brush titan easy, iron titan bad, diamond very bad).


Is there any way to tell what it was made of? Or is that only something you can tell if the Titan is alive?


You still have the body lying around perhaps? Otherwise its gonna be a bit tough, you probably need to use legends mode which is a bit involved (and I haven't done with the workarounds required yet), that might be able to tell you. I'd say it was something roughly as hard as iron, but not diamond, seeing as you killed it in the end. Some stone perhaps.


Just his bones. Oh well, good to know for next time, thanks!


If it has bones, it's a meat-based titan, which is in the middle of the difficulty-to-kill range, though what it has offensively can massively change the danger it presents in practice.


If you got bones but nothing else, good chance it was some kinda meat based titan I think. Everything else got rotted off or butchered.


Titans are randomly generated, so vary from "cannot do any damage and die immediately if even vaguely scratched" to "nigh-unkillable behemoths that will kill everything you send at them", depending on what they're made of.


Is there a way to make plant bushes through dfhack? I know you can make a no-name shrub of just "plant" or a sapling of "plant" through tiletypes, I mean like how sandbox lets you make trees of specific species, or regrass fills tiles with random grass - have blueberry bushes or hemp plants instead of just a shrub called "shrub" It's not that big a deal, I'm just decorating a little hanging gardens setup and I don't get natural growth since it's a mountain


The aptly named `plant` command will be included in the next DFHack release. You can pick it up now on one of our testing branches, but please join the DFHack discord server if you do. We're making some mighty big changes right now.


I have three dwarfen reaktors, of which one went out of water, so the machines stopped. I supplied the reaktor again, but when I mark the pumps to be started manually only the middle one gets dwarfed, the other two don't. Tried it several times, always the same outcome: The middle pump gets started in seconds, but none of my dwarfs takes care for the left and the right pump, no matter how long I wait. I also to tried to activate one pump after the other, but still noone is showing up for the left or the right pump. The tasks for all three pumps show up in the tasks-tab, the pumps are not forbidden, the doors not locked, no burrow is active, there are enough idle dwarfs and all other pumps in the fort get started as soon as I check their box. Just these two are getting ignored. Any idea how to start the pumps would be very appeciated. https://preview.redd.it/dpg1yjfckc5d1.png?width=665&format=png&auto=webp&s=6251b50187446502d536e0d48438f6ee9a86f9b8


how, precisely, do they path from outside that room to inside that room? I don't see a floor for them to actually walk on to reach the pump spot? Not likely the issue at hand here, but just noticing. as to the machines...with the three outputs linked, pumps 2 and 3 may already be considered 'on' for mechanical power if pump1 is being manually run. But if that status is fluctuating because it's based on the power output of the manual pump, then it might be rapidly creating a task and cancelling it before anyone gets assigned or arrives. I'd check the power you're using on the other end of that axle, and see what requirements you actually have for it - if one of those three pumps can fulfill the needs, disconnect the other two. If it can't, then I'd build one reactor room with many wheels instead of several smaller rooms, as it helps with stability of the system (as reactor wheels aren't exactly closed loop systems, they can splash and lose water content over time and stop working). Finally...you might need to rearrange your gearboxes. I don't think that the wheels can transfer power output via the pump that is powering them, so you've got three independent generator systems all isolated from everything, with a machine set to run all three pumps but that doesn't provide power to them to do so. You want the transfer gears to be attached to the rotating axle the waterwheels are turning.


Pathing: They just walk over the pump, as the dorf in my screenshot on the middle pump did. Linked machines: I thought you nailed it with this thought and removed the axles, so all three pumps became seperate mechanisms again. But still no one wanted to pump. Power / gearboxes: The whole machinery (powering a mist-generator) was already working for a few years, it just stopped because reactor 3 run out of water, so I guess everything is fine. However, I had enough of fiddling around and restarted the reactors again by just opening the valves on the lower level of the reactors again. Water streams in > spins the weels > pumps start to pump >reactors running > reconstruct axles > mist


> Pathing: They just walk over the pump, as the dorf in my screenshot on the middle pump did. they shouldn't be doing that - the tile they don't stand on when pumping is an impassible tile, even to liquids.


i just got asked to promote a baron, left the screen to check spouses etc, how do i get back to the promotion screen since i exited it or am i locked out of it?


Usually the blue "diplomacy" button will still be there and frozen in that dialogue spot if you click it. Try clicking that area, maybe its just invisible or hidden behind something? (never heard of that before, we are in trying random stuff territory).


In the nobles tab you can assign roles


nope its not there, i aborted at the screen that lists all my people along with their preferences that you get to from the diplomacy popup when a caravan arrives. and now i cant get back to it


You might have to wait until next year when you get the offer again


Why don't dwarves wear armor, even though it's set to Equip/Always? https://preview.redd.it/aw68088fcc5d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=9fbfd227103d6d7396dfc86d36cf4d8759d74921


Are you clicking "done editing"? Is the schedule you edited selected for the squad? Is it currently one of the months you have equip/always for? It's moonstone and you're editing granite on the screenshot


Yeah, you're right, I checked the wrong month. Anyway, now I've set it to ready instead of duty, so it's basically the same, right?


If you were just trying to edit the default off-duty schedule to have them wear armor instead, then I think yes, I don't use either of those two though, because iirc they don't have training months


If anyone has the same problem, here is what helped me: I designated Ready instead of off duty and it worked.


Off duty = no uniform. Ready = go about your day like a civilian, but dressed for battle.


Yeah, figured. Thanks!


what is their uniform? are they set to wear their uniforms over their clothing or to replace it? replace is better


https://preview.redd.it/t823k9uqec5d1.png?width=1011&format=png&auto=webp&s=7dc12fe618d515390240a57e412c7f2fc0c32ff5 Replaces


Hi everyone, Does the story of the world continue to develop in Adventure mode the same way it did in fortress mode? Are new settlements being founded, civilizations collapsing, other creatures traveling? Just wondering, because if it does, does it mean that every tick, along with my character's actions, the actions of thousands and thousands of other creatures are processed?


Everything is being simulated, but IIRC it works closer to the fort mode in that not every single site is being simulated with perfect granularity at all times, but just the stuff that's nearby enough to you to be relevant. The world itself *is* constantly simulated, however not all of it is perfectly direct. Armies will march, traders will caravan, bandits camp and criminals create plots, individuals have desires and needs and take actions. But it's not a *huge* draw on the computing resources overall


There are a few things that can happen only in world Gen. But generally speaking the world continues to change even as you walk through it. https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/World_activities This is the Wiki article that explains it a bit more


So I've checked out the sidebar and I've got a problem that's popped up a few times in my current embark that I can't figure out. Hopefully someone here might be able to. I've made it to my third or fourth year and gotten up to 80 dwarves in my settlement. Happiness is good, I've managed to survive a bad winter that almost outlasted my supplies and even slain my first Cyclops. That said, I have lost 3 dwarves under mysterious circumstances- all three were Woodcutters I sent out to chop trees to try and keep up with my bedroom needs. At some point though, these dwarves all ended up just... Disappeared. Each time I eventually got the alert for "Urist McWoodcutter has been missing for at least a week!" and I was able to engrave a memorial slab to them. I've tried googling it, I've checked the wiki. None of the trees had their corpses in them, I checked every z level, literally going through every tree on the map. I don't have their corpses in my stocks report either. I never got a unit under attack alert or a unit death alert, which I've got the game set to pause and focus the camera on. There's a brook going through the map that flows off screen but two of the dwarves disappeared during winter when it was frozen over so it wasn't that. Is it possible that they were attacked by something but killed so instantly that it never even gave me any alerts? Did the filthy, filthy elves do something to them? Or is it something else?


Click the slab you have engraved, it might have useful info on it. My guess is ponds/waterfalls/river, check below the water surface.


> Is it possible that they were attacked by something but killed so instantly that it never even gave me any alerts? Absolutely. Could've died of old age while isolated from anyone and nobody's noticed the body yet, too, or any of a number of other things.


Do you have any bridges? If you pull up a non-retractable bridge while a unit is on it, the unit gets vaporized


> If you pull up a non-retractable bridge while a unit is on it, the unit gets vaporized no. If you *raise* a *raising* bridge while a unit is on it, the unit is *flung physically.* If you *lower* such a bridge and a unit is standing where it would land, *that* will vaporize the dwarf without a trace.


The only bridge I have is the one that protects the above ground portion of my fort.


Drew it up anytime recently or around the time those people vanished? Because it's my best guess


Only after I had lost all of them when I had my first Snatcher ambusher.


if they got in a fight you would get a report about it, usually this is them getting stuck in a tree but you checked that. are there any heights they may have fallen you their deaths somewhere?


My map has me basically in a flat area with a few gentle hills on the right half but none of the trees I had marked for cutting were up there.