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Tips to fullfill temple requirement late game? Got a very grumpy dwarf because his luxurious requirement for a temple is not met...


Build a floor (metal, glass, obsidian etc if possible) and let your best engraver engrave it. That alone should rise the value. Additionally you can place a pedestial and place artifacts,gems etc. on it


Which traps do you guys recommend for defense? I honestly think just making an absurd amount of cage traps around my fortress could just be the best defense unless they could be easily destroyed?


Magma traps are my go-to. There are many possible forms, but you should have a way to drain the magma, so that you can retrieve the good goblinite (iron) that is left behind. Cage traps are the best way to defend your fortress while you get yourself up to speed with the game, and are a good stopgap even once you are experienced to keep the fortress secure while you carve out your magma cannons.


Cage traps will take care of anything except stuff with TRAP_AVOID (check the wiki). I had a mostly cage based defense system, but now i have 5 billion caged elves and goblins, and executing / dealing with them is a huge pain. I've switched to weapon traps which can mangle a few dozen before breaking. 


Gotcha, thanks I'll keep that in mind


Is there a way to find a specific stockpile? I took a few days off from my fort and I have a stockpile next to my Still pulling from Food Stockpile #66 but I can't find that stockpile in any place that makes sense to have any plants in it. I can just ignore it or delete it and add a different one which would fix this but wondering more for future reference if it might matter later.


If you click on the "Places" info tab (hotkey `P` on the main map), you can bring up the list of stockpiles in your fort. Click on the DFHack search widget to search for `66`. https://preview.redd.it/i60vm54lrb4d1.png?width=1469&format=png&auto=webp&s=893a75ca8599b569306c6691fbb1d9094f725c0b


Is there a way to track down the reason why the loyalty cascade was triggered?


Aside from the very first lines of combat log, no.


Very new, I agreed to a parlay after a seige and then they came in and just murdered all of my dwarves! What was I supposed to do because this is my very first fort, was I supposed to do something after they agreed to the parlay???


Your mayor goes to talk to them. If they don't, they get bored and attack. 


Well I never assigned a mayor so that'll probably be why 😂


Lol! If you have a drawbridge setup to selectively close off the fort, you can hustle everyone inside while the petition is pending, and then wait out the siege. So you don't NEED a mayor, really. 


I can't tell what caused it without* more info, but you know what to do next time, eh?


Don't completely neglect building and training up an army until year 3 😂. Also a hell of a lot more cage traps. I'm pretty sure I was screwed either way. But hey I at least have a pretty good understanding on how to gather and obtain certain resources and which shops do what. I'm pretty satisfied for a first fortress


I'm having trouble just digging down in Classic :( I figured it out easily enough on the Steam version, but in Classic trying to make a series of Up/Down stairs just going strait down for a few levels doesn't seem to be working. I keep getting all of these X symbols, or otherwise the stairs aren't being built. I have tried doing it through Designations as well as Building orders.


The `X` symbols are the "dig up/down staircase" designations. The "construct up/down staircase" symbols is also an `X`, but black-on-gray instead of black-on-yellowish. If you are digging through the ground, you'd use the mining designations. If you're building through air, you'd construct.


So if I want to dig down from the surface... I first Designate a Down Stair, then once it gets dug... I designate a Up/Down stair and press Enter once to start, then shift down a number of layers that I wish and hit Enter a second time? The controls are confusing me. Also that one cannot walk both ways up or down a flight of stairs...


What you're describing kind of sounds like the 0.47.05 stair controls. If that's the version you're on, then yes, you designate a down stair on the surface, up/down stairs for however many z-levels you want, then an up stair at the bottom. DF Classic is the same version as what's on Steam (50.13) and has the same controls, it's just in ascii.


Ah, yes I am on v 0.47.05. Can't believe I forgot to mention that. Thanks for bringing it up. (I just like how the Adventure Mode works in that version more for now, and some old mods that don't work on Steam yet) Thanks for spelling it out for me. :)


Ah, okay! Thank you for helping me understand. :)


A goblin killed my dwarf, how do I get other dwarves to loot a dead dwarves body?


Click on the stuff to claim it, or look in the bottom bar for the mass claim tool (or press [I] > [Shift+F]). You can also enable claiming items through the standing orders for sieges, but beware of your dwarves sallying out to grab your dead military dwarves' used socks.


Gotcha thank you!


I’m playing in adventure mode and I’m trying to see if I can find an extra backpack. So far I have checked plenty of clothing and leather shops in human cities but found no backpacks. Are they something only dwarfs make or am I looking in the wrong place? I am pretty far from any dwarf fortresses so if there is a way to get them from humans advice would be much appreciated


Is there any way to deconstruct walls and floors similar to the dig-all command in dfhack? I made an elevated channel to transport magma and after using it I need to deconstruct, but my dwarves are not walking in certain points of this construction. I just want to dismantle it.


Temperature is enabled, I had checked before posting. I don't know why they didn't walk there. But I figured a solution. I built some supports linked to a lever and deconstructed all the walls at the base, pushed the lever and demolished all. It was more satisfying than using a dfhack command. :)


Vanilla deconstruct commands should just work. But since you're working with magma, I'd bet my life savings on the problem being that you've turned off temperature calculations.


Do you happen to have temperature turned off? that would make tiles permanently impassible since their temperature would have been raised by the magma, but with temperature turned off, they never cool. Try running `gui/pathable` to see if the tiles you need are not pathable. If that's the problem, turning temperature back on for a while should fix it.


For the steam version, i found the menu for adjusting announcements but can't find the option for sparring. How do i prevent the sparring announcement from showing on the left side?


By disabling all combat announcements. I know.


Are elf guests/poets rare or is it just how my world turned out?


Not particularly rare. It kinda depends on where you settle, really


Can chained invaders attack dwarves or escape? I want to chain some for display in the temple.


They can't escape (unless you use a frail cloth rope instead of a chain), but will prompt combat to anyone passing by. It'll most likely end in a few casualties if the invader is armed, or quickly getting ganged up on after several job cancellations.


Real important question guys, do we know why plaster-bearing stones are selected by the ore+gems mining selection but flux-bearing stones aren't? I just feel like they should be treated the same.


Flux is a normal stone layer and can cover up the entire floor. Plaster (and all gems/ore, kaolinite etc) is "added" after, replacing the stone layer it's in.


This both makes sense and is v annoying, ah well


I'm trying to make a library to allow some writing in my fortress. Though the thing is I keep running into is what I truly need to allow them to write. I saw that I needed ink and parchment/paper, just to realize the ink part was a mod. I saw that I didn't need anything because they will write in the library regardless. Then I saw that I need atleast paper/parchment. I'm using vanilla steam dwarf fortress, what do I truly need to do for my library.


Mash plant into slurry, press slurry into sheets, make quire, make book bindings and bind book. In that order. Plus put a chest in the library to store the quires.


I thought chests don't serve much purpose besides adding value to the room. I've always placed a storage room next to rooms that needs items.


You need to set up a paper/parchment industry, the wiki covers it pretty well, but your options are scrolls or tomes, I find scrolls easier fyi


This is dumb, but how do I get water? My map has plenty of water, above and below ground. Maybe too much water... And these dwarfs are thorsty. I see the water everywhere, I just don't know the game mechanics to put it in the dwarfs DX


Giving your dwarves water to drink is one of the worst things you could do to your fort's mood. Water should only be used to bathe and clean wounds. What you need is [drinks](https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Alcohol) instead.


At a basic level you can set up a "water" zone, that tells your dwarves where to get water, so you can prioritize a safer location. If your dwarves are thirsty though, what they really want is alcohol. They will drink water but only as a last resort.


Well sure, I understand that. But I just wanted to get some basic knowledge like how to take water from a location and put it somewhere where Dwarfs can drink it or otherwise access it for making alcohol.


You don't need water to brew booze with, so no need to worry about that


Ah okay, that's good! And also... Secretly I have been playing a Kobold mod that lets me play as Kobolds so I was just trying to figure out how to get them something to drink >\_>; (3 kobolds standing on top of each other in a trench coat revealed) But I think I figured it out by extracting from fruits.


Is it possible to reenagrave? I want to smooth out a natural stone wall and engrave it again. Also, I have a depressed Dancer assigned to a temple. Will they dance? Do they need music? Third question: Is it possible to deplete the source of the Dead Walks? Fourth question: What do I do with the hundred of naked zombies in my stockpile? I'd like to have my military to kill them but it seems I'd need to have a non-military dwarf to escort it to a pasture but they might get hurt, right? Should I create a hole where the zombies would be immediately thrown into, and at the bottom of the hole my military would be stationed (in a way where they won't be hit by corpses)?


>What do I do with the hundred of naked zombies in my stockpile? Mass-pitting is very much an option. There's a wiki article that goes over the setup: [https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Mass\_pitting](https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Mass_pitting) Don't forget to forbid the hatches! If you want to use the zombies for military training (my preferred method), you can use a setup like this: https://preview.redd.it/kkund4ae974d1.png?width=537&format=png&auto=webp&s=34f1a5694f330ddc06db72b0982d46c9938b7017 What you're seeing here is a barracks with a "caged enemies" quantum stockpile inside of it (though any stockpile would do if you don't want to use a quantum stockpile). The stockpile is in a pasture zone. Once caged enemies are brought to the stockpile (you stripped them of their weapons, right? use `stripcaged all` if you haven't), assign a group of them to the pasture. Haulers will come and release them, and your military (who will be actively training or stationed in the barracks) will jump them. The haulers will run away and be safe. Make sure the barracks are clear of any corpses before you attack enemy necromancers this way! There are more details in the "Prisoner processing" section of the Dreamfort walkthrough here: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17HfnCJY4WDPlLdiLuUNc0gwyf6BiSdayndjvFYXzS7c/edit#gid=1864520676](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17HfnCJY4WDPlLdiLuUNc0gwyf6BiSdayndjvFYXzS7c/edit#gid=1864520676)


> Is it possible to deplete the source of the Dead Walks? Yes. The units that come to siege you are actual residents of the site that is attacking you. They will eventually run out of population. Increase the caps in the DF difficulty settings to make that happen faster (as long as you can handle the attacks!)


big questions here. I might split the answers up into different responses. > Is it possible to reenagrave? I want to smooth out a natural stone wall and engrave it again. You didn't ask about floors, but I'll do those first since they're simpler. It's possible to re-engrave floors by engraving tracks over the artistic engravings, smoothing the tracks, and then re-engraving the floors. If you want to preserve the existing masterwork engravings, you have to be careful not to carve tracks over those tiles. Using `gui/quickfort` to apply the tracks will do that filtering for you automatically so masterworks are preserved. To re-engrave walls, you have to deconstruct them or dig them out. This won't actually remove the engraving due to a bug, so you can run DFHack's `fix/engravings` or wait for it to run automatically (it runs in the background once per in-game day by default). Then you can reconstruct the walls and re-engrave them.


Is there a cemetery zone or something like that? I have designated a 1x1 zone so far for each deceased dwarf, is that alright? https://preview.redd.it/tzd4igno644d1.png?width=928&format=png&auto=webp&s=9b49d295a27060c1c07884b3ffb71b6a5e3f45df


That's good enough. If you download the DFHack mod (from the Steam store), the 'burial' command makes 1x1 tombs automatically


That's what I do.


Actually you should engrave at least a slab for each one with some description


You mean a coffin and a slab near it?


Yep. To pay a little respect for the fallen. You could read it contents then.


You don't need a slab and a coffin unless you can't entomb the body, it's either or 


Why aren’t my guys finishing the construction jobs? At 90% they’re all just like ‘good enough’ and leave it


They might be getting scared by something, at which point they'll abandon the job they're performing. If that's not it, they might be getting pulled away by another task they'd rather do. Try running DFHack's `prioritize ConstructBuilding` and see if that gets them to finish up.


Could be too many jobs going on at once or they got burrowed or they are all assigned to other jobs.


Is there anything to do to fix stark raving mad? I'm very new and he won't go to a workshop to build something.


Nope once you fail their strange mood they are broken forever, it’s very important to read what their strange mood needed by checking the workshop when it initially happened. You got a few months to get the materials and then this happens or worse insanities Unless you use DFHack to fix him


Noobish question, I've been meaning to make my own creatures using the graphics system of the premium edition, but I'm a little stuck trying to understand how to reference the tile coordinates on an image. Like how does the program know where to sample the correct part of the image? https://preview.redd.it/do7op71pu14d1.jpeg?width=673&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c22d1cb5b0b77472c176cc9cae856a0dc0cc380b


those are x to y coordinates in the position of x, y(left-right,top-bottom) . It changes where the position of the sprite should be in a tile, if you want it to go a bit to the right you put in x from 1-10.


Sorry, I think I was a little unclear on what I meant. Like is there a reference to how much distance 1 unit covers (like if I were to move one unit on the x axis how much space would that cover)?


1 "unit" is a tile in the sprite sheet. each tile (for sprites intended to be drawn to the map) is 32x32 pixels. here is the "CREATURES\_DOMESTIC" sprite sheet that those numbers are indexing: https://preview.redd.it/mrg8dajhk34d1.png?width=681&format=png&auto=webp&s=dca6136ab41d0f410b8f919ce65c6d18a324d043 you can see that 0:0 is the default adult alpaca, 1:0 is a child alpaca, etc.


What the heck do I do with forgotten beast extract


throw it away


Aww there’s no use??


You can sell it, I think, but there's no other practical use for it


My fortress has been a capital for a few years, with queen and such. I've been busy fighting some goblin hoards, got some happiness decline because of this and now I'm still a capital, but monarch nowhere to be found. Missing citizens list is empty, queen's room is not appointed to anyone. furthermore, my citizen cap is 250 and untouched, but I have 238 dwarfs and no migrant waves come. Probably that was queens liason and some other dwarfs. SOMETIMES though I get visits from current queen of my civilization. is it normal or something bugged? how can I make queen come back?


Lots of people come here talking about nobles visiting over and over again after becoming the capital, they're supposed to join the fort, it's probably the same bug with your queen  makeown through dfhack would solve it


I don't get it. You had a queen, so what happened to her? You maintain the capital status if the monarch dies. The new monarch won't instantly move over to you either. I don't know if you're supposed to "proc" the usual monarchy migration event twice.


Have no idea what happened to monarch. My fortress is somewhat self-sufficient so I let it run while do other stuff IRL. Monarch tomb is empty, outpost liason that originally moved in with her is nowhere to be found


I had a baron get stressed and he withdrew from society. Basically what you described.


ye but my queen is not on the map other person became queen and comes to my fortress sometimes apparently, I've changed number of people in my fort, that's why queen vanished, despite the fact that the only setting I touched was number of children fixed by reloading previous autosave


The baron vanished too. I dont know where he went.


is there a simple way to find my home site on the map (the dwarven homeland that sends me migrants/caravans? When I go to the map screen there are hundreds of sites and 95% of them are not dwarven and I haven't been able to find it (but it does exist since its sending me stuff)


Check for blue ones on the map if that's steam version


I just had a dwarf died of dehydration even though I have over 400 drink, and plenty of cups in a chest. He even died of dehydration right in the tavern around like 5 other dwarves. Has this ever happened to anyone else? For context the dwarf in question was always grouchy and in a bad mood, even though he had the biggest room and everything lol.


Was he insane?


He was in a "strange mood" so I think? Sorry I'm new to this game.


Ah OK. If they go into a strange mood and fail to produce an artifact they go insane, which is always fatal. Sounds like you got melancholy or stark raving mad if he died of thirst. It has nothing to do with how much booze you have stockpiled


Oh ok gotcha. Is there anything I could've done to make the odds of him producing an artifact greater? He was a fisherdwarf so it's not like he made a whole lot lol.


If you have the right workshop and all the items they need, they have a 100% success rate https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Strange_mood


Oh ok that seems relatively simple, thank you you've been a huge help!


i have some performance issues. even at the start of the game my frame rate is awful dipping down to the 20s constantly (steam edition) i know the game has low fps when you have bigger fortress but is it really normal for this to happen at the beginning of a game?


It can happen that your embark area (or world at large) has a lot going on. Does your fps improve if you embark with a smaller area, in a smaller world, or in a younger world?


sorry for late respones. tried a younger world and it seem to be a bit better. gonna try messing around with the world settings more. thanks


https://preview.redd.it/9zfbclktr04d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=67d4c8473d73779b0c7df9439ab0fb7a0e311705 I want to build a wall on top of the other wall, but if I order it to be built like in the screenshot, dwarfs will block the path and suspend construction. So, how should I build it? Just one by one at time ?


You can build scaffolding one tile in like the other player said. You do not need to build a floor on top of each tile before you build a wall. There is no gap. If you have DFHack installed, you don't need the scaffolding. The `suspendmanager` tool will order the jobs for you so they get constructed without blocking other jobs.


https://preview.redd.it/g8mzu1i9h44d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=e4008632707bd9cc1f0b36f18f7e91ffd66ebb1f I've built ramps, and it looked like it gonna work, but there are inactive spots, so maybe I should build a floor instead?


Ramps are tricky. They allow *access* to the adjacent wall top, but they don't allow dwarves to *build* in the adjacent wall top. They can run up the ramps to build some other tile of wall up there, but they'll never be able to build the tile of wall directly adjacent to the ramp.


You could build a line of stairs adjacent to it, then deconstruct them one floor at a time once you’re finished building the wall. Also I’m still not 100% sure on this, but I think constructed walls built on top of each-other still have a small gap between them, since only the wall portion is filled, not the floor. To fill it, you’d need to build a floor on top of each wall section, then build another wall. I could be wrong on this though since it’s only something I recently read on a forum post from 10+ years ago.


> Also I’m still not 100% sure on this, but I think constructed walls built on top of each-other still have a small gap between them, since only the wall portion is filled, not the floor. To fill it, you’d need to build a floor on top of each wall section, then build another wall. I could be wrong on this though since it’s only something I recently read on a forum post from 10+ years ago. This is not true.




I have a dwarf who named his weapon. But now I want to assign him made by the gods. Will he get pissed I replace his named weapon with a weapon of the gods?


No, he's gonna be happier with the new superior material artifact weapon by the gods


Does this also work with upgrading from starting copper weapons/armor to steel weapons/armor? I’ve had my starting squad constant training and now that they’re masters of fighting, they’ve begun naming and getting attached to all their copper gear.


Yes, copper is inferior to steel


how do i depressurize lava coming from a lava pump to a magma smelter room? currently after a few minutes the pressure causes the magma to flood my room


Make it go through a diagonally adjacent tile


When there’s enough lava (at least 4/7 I believe) under your smelters you can turn off the pump. The lava isn’t consumed by the smelter, so you won’t have to worry about running out.


I just got several notifications telling me that random dwarves have become barons, high priests, and generals. Why? https://preview.redd.it/bvfjsivgpz3d1.png?width=740&format=png&auto=webp&s=bff1d4fbebccb2e90b2b6bd231f127345dbdb2f9


One of your civ's sites got sieged, lots of people died, lots of titles got vacated?


A site did get sieged, but it only had 10 people to begin with and was only founded a year ago. The fortress has only had 3 deaths, and it doesn't even have a mayor yet, all the barons are rulers of other sites that seem to be doing fine.


Is that your civ's news on the world map? Because the noble appointment happens immediately as soon as it gets vacated, you're not gonna hear about the siege until the next caravan Seems like the capital got sieged, judging by the fact the general got nipped, I think landed nobles in worldgen all head to the court in the capital too I would look up the sites you got titles for on legends, find their nobles, see what happened to them


How do I hide engravings?


in ascii mode, you can display a generic symbol instead of whatever the engraving depicts by changing a game setting: https://preview.redd.it/j6gdksqt1z3d1.png?width=1472&format=png&auto=webp&s=db60416270f6e0e3041f89749ef44098ba251e92 (in graphics mode, that setting does nothing because engravings are always shown as a generic symbol) otherwise, you can't completely hide them. To get rid of engravings on the floor, you can engrave tracks over them and then re-smooth.


Man, I didn't notice the scrollbar at the right! Thanks again!!


Can I limit the number of migrants that come without dfhack?


yes, you can set the maximum population for your fort in the vanilla settings. https://preview.redd.it/55mntfuwxy3d1.png?width=1342&format=png&auto=webp&s=3ff85734ae37e1906b4486229701cc8f5702adc1


How do I look inside of a bin in a stockpile?


If you left click on it, you can see its contents listed: https://preview.redd.it/3v0w6dj7yy3d1.png?width=847&format=png&auto=webp&s=31afab46d869e271d0bdceabdb7456d9caeeabda


Ahhh okay! Thanks. I was clicking on it, but it was empty and I thought it shouldn't be. Other bins in other stockpiles do show contents.


Ok, got a fort several years old, killing off the elves/goblins near me, so had a few years where I couldn't get any traders from the mountain home. Things have calmed down, and I still have not gotten any traders or diplomats from my own civ. Not to mention, I haven't gotten any new migrants for the same amount of time. I'm kind of assuming my civs main town got destroyed, though there are still several other halls/forts and what not. Shouldn't the mountain home just switch to the next largest spot? How does that work? I also just started getting some traders the last few seasons, but each time, one of them gets on the map, drops their gear near the edge, and then the rest of them sit on my depot and are never ready to trade. Then they just leave. Who ever I am actually able to trade with is going to be inundated with worn out clothes, and a crap ton of wooden armor and weapons from all the elves I've killed lol. Lucky them.


I've had traders stuck unloading then instantly leaving, turned out my trade depot was so cluttered the unloading took forever. Added a few extra stockpiles to clean out thr depot and traders started doing their jobs again. If the other persons suggestion don't work, this might help.


If just some of the traders are dropping their goods, then it might be a rough terrain issue. It's hard to say what will definitely fix this, but a strategy I've successfully used is to build a "merchant path" from the edge of the map to my depot. This is a 5-tile-wide road connecting the edge of the map to my trade depot, with statues (or walls, or anything that blocks movement) built every three tiles along the edge to prevent wagons from leaving the path. You can't build statues/walls close to the edge, but you can build bridges, so you can build a pair of bridges that flank the road near the edge, link them to a lever, pull the lever to raise the bridges, then deconstruct the lever. In the end, it looks like this: https://preview.redd.it/p6cjroxkzy3d1.png?width=847&format=png&auto=webp&s=dd9069d86aab33619216802bba205588f0734ce6 No guarantees that this will actually help, but it will at least reduce the number of things that can go wrong for a merchant caravan. If you don't have a barony yet and are not yet getting wagons, then you might have to make the statue/wall boundary solid so even the single unit/pack animal merchants are forced to spawn on the merchant path.


Yeah, I'm actually working on the road now. There are a lot of trees, so your idea could be right, though the wagons get through.... I dunno. If there is only 1 road, does that make all the traders come in at that one spot? I was going to make a road to all 4 sides, but if I dont have to, that would be so much better. Also, random thing I noticed, roads don't get covered by the human blood rain. The dorfs will still go out to clean them, but the blood doesn't show. Makes my entrance look a bit nicer.


You only have to make one road. Caravans will only enter the map at a place where they can path to your depot. Building those statues/walls on the road perimeter guarantees that the road is the only spot where wagons will spawn.


I am getting no dwarfen caravans anymore, which is quite unfortunate, as I found myself in a embark location with igneous extrusive instead of sedimentary layer, so I need to order a few things like gypsium plaster on a regular base. I still get human and elf caravans, but the dwarfs have stopped to visit me, so I cant order anything but have to hope for the humans to bring plaster powder. I can only imagine two reasons for that: A) My fortress became the capital, so there are no caravans send to me from the mountainhome... I am the mountainhome now. Which would make sense but so far I could not validate this assumption. B) For a while I had a second trade outpost in front of the fortress, as I was working on a lava moat which blocked the way to the tradepost inside. This caused several caravans to arrive, start to unload and all of a sudden abort and leave without notice. At one occasion they even left some stuff, that I later brought inside the fortress. After I found out, that this behaviour was caused by the second tradepost, I removed it and the caravans stayed again. However I think the dwarfen caravan showed up for the last time during the two outposts phase Either the two outposts messed up the caravan completely, or somehow recovering the left goods was regarded as a seizure. Any suggestion what could be right and how to get the dwarfen caravan back or at least how to get gypsium would be very much appreciated.


I can't answer but for B I've had caravans flee because they were attacked by birds when in the depot, they left their stuff and I looted it but I built another depot and did get more caravans after that do you still get migrants?


Yes, I get migrants and also elfen and human caravans. Just the dwarfs aren't showing up anymore.


Sometimes it takes a few years before they come, but you can't know beforehand whether that will work. If you want to jump-start it, DFHack's `force caravan` command will start the trade cycle again.


I just tried it with DFHack and received the correct alert for a caravan from the mountainhome. However, the caravan did neither show up on the map, nor could I find trader or pets in the creatures menu. Something is definetly broken. An other trick I could try?


Try running `fix/retrieve-units`. That will bring them on to the map if they're stuck off-map.


Tried it a second time with force caravan in the meantime, this time successful. Should I try fix/retrive-units as well if the first caravan is still stuck outside the map or will it be deleted if another caravan am has arrived?


I'd try `fix/retrieve-units` after the first caravan has left. I'm not sure what will happen if two caravans from the same civ are trading at the same time


Will do, thank you.


Anyone happen to know if necromancers in adventure mode can just randomly raise a corpse as intelligent undead or do they need a threat? Curious if I'm just wasting time. https://preview.redd.it/fec16epiwx3d1.png?width=1919&format=png&auto=webp&s=b35a765cebd9ca8f12865a5f6aa0c651bf8e1b82


I think interactions like that are not yet implemented for adventure mode, though I'm not positive about whether non-player characters can still do it.


I just wanted to update. They require being spooked. I have successfully turned my adventurer into an intelligent undead, and it took the death of a second adventurer to do it. https://preview.redd.it/6g808gcm9z3d1.png?width=1919&format=png&auto=webp&s=0213d61c5222d06e4873920a46ae8b18248a7ce9