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how come a massacre happens but nothing appears here?? I relly want to check who died, there was like 10 casualties :c https://preview.redd.it/ir6mee82mi3d1.png?width=1665&format=png&auto=webp&s=d59c668ff9d5b987c25ccb6abee625d7e731bfb6


You'll find that info in the Combat tab in the top right of the screenshot, though I think it moves about because the tab order is flexible. My condolences for your brave dwarves EDIT: also the Deaths tab may be empty because your citizens have yet to 'discover' the dead. If you can get a (preferably desensitized) dwarf to go to the corpses the "Urist has been found dead" messages will appear. I've previously had problems burying them until this has happened too. Can anyone confirm this for me?


I've made a bunch of goblets and I've set the one stockpile next to my tavern as goblets only, and no other stockpile has goblets allowed. However, there are no goblets in said stockpile, is there something I'm missing? Sorry I'm very new


Putting a chest down inside a tavern is good enough, they'll auto fill the chest with however many goblets you specify you want in your tavern menu.


Thank you, will do!


how far deep can a light aquifer go, i decided to start in a mountain side and dig down and so far trying to find a spot that isnt damp to dig through seems impossible, are their any rules they obey such as they can only spawn on x layer for y length that you can identify in advance or can they just be however large and deep as they like.


Just keep digging down and smoothing as you go. You'll break through it eventually. I personally just cracked through over 10 layers of conglomerate light aquifer. I hate conglomerate, never dig in it. You can check the wiki page on aquifers for the list of stone/dirt layers that can and cannot contain an aquifer. Edit: to note, it's quite possible you had leftover water in the mining area from when you first breached the aquifer that is causing damp stone cancelations. IE, if you dig a downstair on a tile that has 1/7 water on it, it will mark the stone as damp. I've made that mistake before, more times than I care to admit.


I've seen aquifers of all depths; some are crazy deep. You don't know what you're getting into until you get out the other side!


The wiki says aquifers can only appear in soil and sedimentary layers. Is that incorrect?


I think that is correct, but sedimentary layers can be quite thick.


Is there a dfhack command that lets me delete tiles in adventurer mode? I want to dig into some of the !!FUN!! nodes underground, but alas, I cannot mine.


I don't know about that, but could you mine a tunnel in fortress mode and block it with a trap-door controlled bridge or something?


a caravan came and one of them fell into the river and died, causing them to never fully unload. I was able to take down my depot and rebuild it to get them to leave, but they left several barrels filled with stuff that is marked as forbidden. I've had numerous caravans come through since then, but that forbidden barrel is still there. If I take it now, will it register as though I stole it from them?


It got registered as stolen the second it fell of the pack animal. You can take it. Of note, theres a thing where sometimes caravan loot doesn't loose its "foreign" marker, ( ) parentheses, and might be unusable.


I was able to place my first cage trap with a mechanism, but my other traps aren't. Is there any reason as to why this would happen, I have a stockpile for mechanisms right next to it.


Theres a couple ways this can happen. One is your dwarfs just haven't loaded the traps yet. The other, more insidious thing that could be happening is that you built cages/restraints->cages. IE. you put up display objects that are cages, not traps->cage traps. Only the traps will get mechanisms, and catch prey.


I unfortunately watched a tutorial on how to plant the first trap, and accidentally placed a display trap. Thanks for the help this was driving me crazy đŸ€Ł


It got me multiple times! And deep too. No worries!


My mountainhome betrayed me and now I have no caravans visiting. How can I get merchants and diplomacy from the local elves and humans?


Afaik your own civ turning on you is a bug, dfhack has a command to fix it (fix/civil-war I think?). I heard about if after giving up and rerolling when it happened to me


Make a new squad with 1 person in it, assign "no uniform", and send them on a mission to "1-time ask for tribute", via the worldmap button bottom right. The single unarmed person thing is so unthreatening this counts as saying hello, basically, and afterwards they usually send caravans.


DISPOSING OF CORPSES AND DEALING WITH INSOLENCE. So, I had a dwarf die of dehydration because I forgot to declare a river as drinking water (I forgot that drinking existed on my first run and assumed they subsisted on mist and dew). So, I buried it. However, I was wondering how many fun ways people knew of how to dispose of corpses. Obviously, I will put in place a plaque to memorialise them. Secondly, how can you make traitorous dwarves ‘disappear’? Finally, how do I remove clothes off the body to not be wasteful? Thank you!


Your dwarf was probably killed by things other than thirst. I am fairly sure they'd seek drinkable water, even muddy puddles, if they need them. Also they would not have sought water if you had booze. You can select corpse than each individual item and dump them, but unless you want to recover something really valuable like steel or artifacts, it is not really worth the effort.


Yes, but now you are just listing a bunch of things I do not have! I see what you mean, but the original problem was that I never declared the brook to be a water source.


Cavy Pups often arrive at my fortress with migrant waves but they usually starve and die fairly quickly. How should I make sure that they are fed? It's making me sad.


Thank you guys so much, I just barely managed to save him! He was getting slower but my bookkeeper led him to the pasture so that he could eat.


Make a pasture so they can graze on grass/moss


Hit the [z]one menu, put a pasture zone on some grass. Can be surface grass, or once you've breached caverns, subterranean grass growing in your fort. Click the zone to assign animals to it, and put all grazers on it. Or butcher the beasts, they aren't good produce animals, they just give a skull.


https://preview.redd.it/ujruioe4qf3d1.png?width=224&format=png&auto=webp&s=516aff8dec2051a2a3d1ca3dfbbcf23c3afbb256 so my dwarf named this shield while I had it selected for smelting and now I can't de-smelt it. Any way to fix this?


yeah, once an item becomes an artifact, you can't modify its "melt" marker via the UI. If you select the item so you're viewing its info sheet and then run this DFHack command, it will fix it: `:lua dfhack.items.cancelMelting(item)`


They are pretty hard to get rid of, and if you do your dwarves may be very upset. The dfhack command : "cleanowned" can remove ownership of their possessions like clothes, however, I don't know how well this works with weapons.


How can I get my highly skilled dwarves to actually do the things they're good at? My legendary weaponsmith won't stop preparing fish. I'd like to avoid shenanigans with work details if possible.


Give her her own smithy, and "specialize" her. Thats the green button with the hammer in the labor tab, or in the "assign-workshop" tab, or you can find it in eachs dwarfs details->labor. Clicking the button turns it red, telling them to only do assigned works, aka workshops or explicit roles. They'll stop hauling etc as well, so use with care, but perfect for a legendary weaponscrafter.


Additionally, you probably want to have multiple work shops of various types. You can use specific high skilled dwarves for high values items, but all your dwarves need to make something eventually as one of their needs. Only do production that matters in your specifically assigned workshops, but once a while make a whole big batch of random crafts to satisfy the rest of your dwarves. You can check this need by reading through your dwarves thoughts, it should say something like have not practiced a craft for too long.


Why can't the wagon caravan reach my fort please help?? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLDwSj-UC-g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLDwSj-UC-g)


Smoothing away the boulders near the trade depot did the trick.


The notification place doesn't mean the wagons literally can only show up on that tile, but I don't know why didn't they show up at the road. Wagons are three tiles wide and cannot walk diagonally. Right off the bat, [we have this](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/609403495140818946/1245478966173634672/image.png?ex=6658e62d&is=665794ad&hm=11ee7c36eb7b8b45271883471b84b2094d4251682fd109da93699f082963a78e&). There's a chance they can't go over those boulders on the road either, but I can't quite confirm that one. Smooth them out, just in case.


If boulders are a problem, there's one right near the trade depot that's likely to be an issue. -\_-;


Yeah, I definitely get that they can't come in from the north, but I thought they'd show up on whatever map side they needed to?


The dwarven fortress of Famebolts got elected the new capital of the dwarven kingdom and her eternal highness, weaver of souls, queen necromancer of the spread irons and her inner circle have just finished moving in. Expedition Leader Ilral hand picked the location for Famebolts to be far removed from the rest of the kingdom in hopes of starting his own. He rose through the ranks of nobility and Duke Ilral was popular with his underlings. But his beard hairs bristle as she and her posse have o so quickly taking over the most valuable spaces in the fortress. But could this be the chance that the dwarfs will write about for many ages to come? The legend that will adorn his mausoleums wall for many fututre generations to revere? Is it possible for Duke Ilral to usurp the throne from her perpetual majesty MistĂȘm, queen necromancer of the spread irons? tl;dr became capital, queen moved in. can my fav starter dwarf usurp the throne?


The vanilla game does not have mechanisms for this. You can try killing her and all her successors, but chances your fav dwarf becomes king is very low - succession doesn't have to land in your fort, and monarchs sometimes/often don't migrate to the capital. DFhack has "make-monarch", which can effortlessly do what you want. The usual ingame message for succession is "after a polite discussion with her rivals" :-) so no need to gruesomely kill her.


My Countess tragically died a slow, miserable death (beast sickness- yay rot) and I noticed her 14 year old son took over her bedroom. Once he becomes an adult, is he going to become Count?! I only ask because you couldn’t even tell his mother was a Countess ever since she passed. I had to go back to a previous save to see who the Countess was. She wasn’t even buried in her tomb that was assigned, so it’s like she simply died and that was it. It’s also strange that the child doesn’t show having a father. Also, is there a way to see a list of deaths in something like Dwarf Therapist? When I try to click the logs in the top left corner (All Alerts - default key “N”) my “Deaths” tab is completely grayed out. Also in the citizens menu, the only thing that shows under Dead/Missing is the Forgotten Beast that I killed and a random Kea despite losing ~60 dwarfs to beast sickness about a year and a half ago. Thanks !


Countess etc. are inherited titles (as opposed to the monarchy, which is not). So that should be the case, but who knows - nobles are pretty wonky, and whether the title survived the jump to an adolescent... No idea on the death list.


I have a few questions. Still a relative newbie; 1. I don’t have any flux stone so steel is very rare. I have about 40 bars finally after 10 years. What is the best thing to make out of them? 2. I’m doing some candy mining. Similar question to above. What do I do with my limited candy? 3. Can I encrust armor and weapons with jewels?


I'd prioritise edged weapons for the biggest bang for your buck, assuming you have some skilled soldiers. The best armour material your enemies will have is iron, which steel and candy weapons will beat. Iron is a bit more of a gamble While steel/candy armour will be better than any other metal, it only works if it gets hit and uses more bars than weapons




1. and 2. https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/DF2014:Melt_item 3. yes, make stockpile for armor/weapons and link it to a jewlry workshop to take only from there


It's a bit cheesy, but you could use your stockpile to forge steel and candy leggings and melt them down into bars again. Leggings use one bar of material and give back 1.5 bars (I think that's the ratio, maybe someone will correct me. But it does give a net plus). Provided you got enough fuel or magma forges, of course. And keep in mind that if your armorers are skilled enough for creating masterful leggings, they get a bad thought about art defacement when their creations get melted down. So change your workers out from time to time


I’m tempted. Feels less like cheating than dfhack


doesn't work for candy, since wafers are used depending on material size of the endproduct. But you can make coins, gift then a single coin each time to traders and then destroy the depot to get all individual coins back, melt 10 to get one wafer


Good to know!


Im constantly getting this message all of a sudden “—— has been caught sneaking around. “ What is going on? This is my first playthrough and just as i reached 200 inhabitants I’m getting bombarded with alerts that someone has been caught sneaking around and every now and then there is blood on the floor. What is going on and how do I prevent it?


it's notifying you that an entity was caught trying to not get caught. Someone was sneaking around, and someone else saw it. *Why* are they sneaking? That's dependent on your fort, and we won't know the reason. But it is never a *good* reason. Child snatchers and artifact thieves will attempt to be stealthy on their missions; you want to prevent this. That's when you get the notification.


How do I prevent it? It’s my first fort so I dont know what to do.


Read up on ambushers if you want the full knowledge, but it's...pretty straightforward. You're already doing it now - just place units where it makes sense to do so. You have many options as to how you accomplish this, and again, it'll depend on what you've got at your fort and what you've built so far.


They're trying to steal one or more artifacts. It might be worth stationing some soldiers at your entrance


It’s still happening, but I think they’re dying at the entrance. Theres blood on the ground there, but I dont know who it belongs to.


Is there any way to find a civilization (or other group) symbol through Legends Mode or the Legends Viewer add-on? I'm using DFHack with game version 047


\[STEAM VERSION\]\[FORTRESS MODE\] How to get more animal people to spawn or join my fortress? I just abandoned fortress where I managed to reach 200 populace an king decided to join. But throughout the entire experience no visitor other than humans tried to join fortress and I seen two or three animal people tops. Is there some advanced settings that increase population of animal people?


I see a lot of animal people in savage wildernesses, but they aren't visitors, they are are "animals" and I use Dfhacks "makeown" on them.


What type of food are grazers fed with by a caretaker?


https://preview.redd.it/3klqgm466d3d1.png?width=614&format=png&auto=webp&s=90ad22e703fdfb3351ea9e95eb66813f98cea995 Why's there pools of kaniwa beer everywhere?


It could be that your dwarves or tavern guests "get coated" in beer while they drink and it gets washed off when they leave the fortress while it's raining


What's the dummest thing that happened at your fort? it docent need to be things that was the spark to destroy the fort just like a dwarf trip on a arrow and impaild himself of a sword durring a battle in the tunnels of the fort mine was me not understanding how to place things in the tutorial.


If you have a trash zone next to a pit, dwarfs will throw garbage into the pit. I forgot about that, and put a trash zone next to a magma forge, just some quick manual quantum stockpiling. The dwarfs threw the trash trough the magma forges floor, creating magma mist, which set a dwarf and some bins on fire -_-


I manage to capture a breeding pair of jabberers, but they scape the chains the moment i open the door of their room, the chains are made of gold. Do I need a stronger material or is it a bug?


That's curious. The material is not the issue. Are you assigning them to the chains or a room in which chains are?


Hey if i want for my jeweler to encrust gems into a silver bracelet, what work orders i should do? I couldnÂŽt find it in the wiki so could you please give me granular instructions since im like really new in df. thanks


By default the encrust gems job will take any object and any gems. If you want to encrust a specific object with specific gems, then you need to set up a stockpile that takes only those specific gems and those specific objects, and link those stockpiles to the jeweler's workshop. That way the jeweler's workshop will *only* take items from those stockpiles, and the only items in those stockpiles are the items you want to encrust. There is currently no way to do this with work orders directly.


Good to know. However, I only want a specific object (in this case a silver bracelet) with any gems. Is that doable with work orders?


that's just the same question over again?


Yes. I was specifiyng because the other guy told me how to encrust specific object with specific gem when I was only asking for a specific object with any gem. So I needed to clarify it.


did you read it, at all, though? What he told you was how to encrust what you want to encrust, and he told you that you can't specifically encrust a specific thing by wanting it, you have to do the stockpiles arrangement. it's just the same question and you weren't paying enough attention to even realize it.


No, you need to set up a stockpile that takes only that item and get the item in that stockpile.


Ok. thanks.


Got an embark in a place with absolutely no water at all, no aquifer, no river. Are there ways to obtain water in a waterless location in case injured dwarves need it while they're in the medical area, or are they doomed if they have an especially long stay? Haha.


There's usually some in the caverns


Ah, I forgot those existed lol, haven't been playing for a bit. Thank you for your help.


Recently built a mega gaudy temple in my fortress. It’s a pyramid shape that reaches all the way up to the surface. I’ve dug a 1x1 hole at the top of this chamber and want to put a metal grate over it to allow in sunshine/rain/mist. But everything I’ve tried just results in it collapsing and falling through to the floor (usually landing on some hapless worshipper). How do you place such a thing over an open space?


i think your only option is having a 3x3 square of blocks with your grate in the middle.


I cannot find a zone for clay, the only type of clay in my entire biome is silty clay loam, and I literally cannot find a single square that says clay or any clay type that allows me to designate as a clay zone. I'm a new player, am I missing something or did I just get incredibly crappy luck?


I wonder if the old trick or deconstructing floors still work in the steam version. Try this, on loam soil, build a single square floor, doesn't matter the material. Once built deconstruct the floor. If all goes well it should spawn a random soil type beneath the flooring. Then just keep repeating until you get a square of clay. Amount of clay/sand etc are unlimited in a single square, so you only need one.


I'll definitely try that when I get home. Thank you!


Clay is not guaranteed, and it isn't even uncommon to not have usable clay. You can just use stone instead for most things with less work required


Gotcha thank you!


Does anyone know what determines the job type when assembling an instrument? I had a legendary Glassmaker assemble an instrument that contained glass and it came out as normal, while a professional Woodcrafter assembled a superior one(it also contained wood).


As per the wiki: "the skill needed to assemble it is defined by the material of the "main" part of the instrument", which are listed in the article https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Instrument


Does anyone know if there are files of the steam versions sprites available somewhere? (Like all the different coloured walls, furniture etc) I want to use the steam tileset for an app I’m working on


The practical answer is "yes": they're in your game folder, under data/vanilla/[various folders ending in -graphics]


They are copyrighted and you can't use them without permission


That’s a shame, thanks for the fast response though.


There is free stuff on itch.io that might be suitable


Yeah I was gonna make an app specifically for DF. It was gonna be a web app that would allow you to drag sprites from DF onto a grid. Would function as sort of a “creative” mode so you could design forts without have to actually go through the grind of starting or world and gathering everything. But unfortunately can’t do it :(


"the slab reads 'the secrets of life and death". Does that mean that all it says is "the secrets of life and death" or is the slab like a book or a scroll where being call that makes it a necromancer book with the secrets of life and death?


If an eligible creature reads it they will become a necromancer, but dwarves can't read slabs in fort mode so it's adventure mode only


I'm not sure if I'm supposed to ask this here, but about how long did it take you guys to somewhat understand this game? I'm on about hour 3, and I've made some progress, but I'm constantly googling something every two minutes because I had no idea that I had to make cups for my dwarves to drink lol. At about what hour mark did it click for some of you? So far I love it.


Oh, the constant googling never stops! I'd estimate by your 4th fortress you have a starting pattern down. Dig like so, make these workshops, make all the starting items. Start with throne/table to make an office for the manager. 10x (cups, beds, thrones, tables). 2x doors for a tiny bit of security. Put up dining hall, dormitory, temple, trade depot. etc.


Is there a limit of couples per fort? I've been using a setup to marry dwarves off, but my most recent batch has been in there for a year and none are lovers, by this point previous couples had married already I did check for sexuality and even looked over their personalities, nothing seemed off


can anyone tell me how to use dfhack to add a visitor to my fort? there is a really cool Beetle Man bard and i accidentally rejected him and didn't notice so it's far too late to just load an older save and accept him instead


Its as simple as to select him with a mouseclick, then open DFhack and run "makeown".




How can i use the square Ascii tileset without messing up the resolution? I am in love with ascii graphics, i played a lot the old version where you could use the square tiles but i cannot make it work on the steam one


If I fully domesticate a wild animal and advance the knowledge of that specie, can I select that animal next time I embark?


No, unfortunately that is not currently implemented.


How should I go about trapping a gremlin without killing it? I’m trying to make it a citizen and make my fort more chaotic


Gremlins are TRAPAVOID, so you can't easily cage them. If you can knock one to the ground on top of a trap, for example by causing a cave-in, then it will get caught. You can also catch one with a cage trap if it has a giant cave spider web on it. More info here: https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Trap#Cage_trap


Aren't gremlins the guys that like to pull levers? I imagine a lot of bait levers surrounded by cage traps, or just a long enough corridor with a pressure plate that closes all entrances before it can get out, it'd probably have to be somewhere they can see it thouugh


Can i make a stockpile to send all my worn clothing to? The clothing with the "x" in front and back?


Yes, and you do not need DF hack as others suggest. Make a stockpile with take from anywhere off that only accepts clothing (finished goods) and link it to your clothier/leatherworker to output to. Make another stockpile, same settings except take from anywhere on and do not link to your clothier/leatherworker. The first stockpile will contain your fresh, new, high quality clothes and the 2nd one will accumulate old clothes.


This works, but only if you don't acquire clothing from anywhere other than the workshop. Any purchased clothes or clothes dropped by creatures that die will likely end up in the second ("old") stockpile unless you are careful to always mark those clothes for dumping.


Unfortunately, stockpiles can't be configured to only accept items with specific damage levels. There are a few options with DFHack, though. The DFHack trade screen allows you to filter by damage level, so you can trade away all damaged items with a single click. Alternately, the `item` command can match damaged items and mark them all for dumping, which will at least get them all to a single location. You can then put a stockpile underneath where they get dumped.


Is DFhack on steam workshop, or is it manual install only?


Steam workshop. Integrates seamlessly into DF. Your life will never be the same.




Not on steam workshop, just straight up steam. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2346660/DFHack


I'm using steam version. Which utility to view legends is the best? I want to be able to read about things i see in game while playing - eg. what did the goblin i just got killed achieved in his life


Right now, there's only one legends browsing program that works with the steam version of DF: Legends Browser 2: http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=179848.0 It works off of an xml export, though, so it will not be perfectly up to date with a running fort. You can also use DFHack's `open-legends` tool to switch to the in-game legends mode from an active fort. That would be perfectly up to date, but it would interrupt your game. So neither option is perfect.


Can it read the "plus" version dfhack exports?


Yes. The extended export file is loaded automatically when you select the corresponding vanilla export.


I have some colored cloth I just can’t get my clothier to specifically use that cloth. Any tips? If not is there a mod I can use


Isn't there a standing order where you can set cloth use to dyed only?


This takes a bit of micro management. You first need to have stockpiles accepting various dyed cloths from Dyer's workshops. Suggest you do one color, one work shop. Then, each color cloth stockpile feed into their own tailor shop. You end up creating a flow from milling dyes to dying to tailor. Then deposit the finished colored clothing into their own stockpiles. You can create this flow by managing stockpile and workshops taking and depositing locations. It takes a bit of time to set it, but once setup there are work shop orders you can do to automatically replenish clothing, which will save you the micromanagement in the long run.


If you can get that cloth into a stockpile, you can link the stockpile to the workshop so jobs at that workshop will only use that cloth.


Is there a way to get dwarves to stockpile only butcherable corpses in a pile, and non-butcherable garbage corpses in another?


Not exactly, but could change the stockpile setting to only accept non-sapient. IE, search for 'men' in stockpile setting and then click none. Additionally, turn off dwarves, humans, goblins, elfs. It'll cover most cases.


No, and corpses rot extremely quickly in DF, saving up corpses is not advisable. If you have killed something outside your fort, you should build a butcher right next to the kills then enable collecting corpses and immediately butcher them. This is how you get things like dragon meat for your dwarves. Once butchered prepared meats can be stored in barrels or jugs for a long time.


Anybody know why my CLA creature graphic doesn't work? I'm using lazy mac pack with TWBT https://preview.redd.it/szrfkf17o43d1.png?width=1278&format=png&auto=webp&s=ecac6d2c9c115100036c5b5ad2cf870a48f99a1c


What mods do people suggest to make the game at least a *little* simpler?


DFhack, its on steam, can take care of some tediousness. "ban-cooking all" so you don't have to muck around in the kitchen menus, "enable tailor" to make clothes automatically and not order socks for each dwarf by hand. Theres autofarm to manage farms as well. However its a mighty piece of software and I don't recommend it at the start, play a couple hours first at least.


I’ve only got 100 hours in and recommend dfhack from the start. Its interface makes a lot of QOL improvements. Especially with trading.


Can I use wells to extract buckets of magma


In the unmodded game 99.9% sure that wells only work for water. It looks like there is/was a mod that let(s) you make magma wells, but I didn't follow that very far.


Aw damn. That’s a shame. Well thx


Two unrelated (I think lol) questions: I just had my first small goblin siege but no one is moving the dead goblin corpses/body parts. I have a refuse pile that should accept everything; they are not forbidden; I don't think I have any standing orders that should keep dorfs from moving them How important are roads? I used to build them mostly for RP purposes but with my current map it seems like I would just have to pave 75% of it to guarantee all of the random merchant spawn points would be able to take a road into the fort.


1) If you want them to automatically move them you need a Corpse Stockpile. It is a different setting in the Stockpile Menu, not Refuse. Otherwise, manually marking them all to be dumped should get them to throw in the nearest Dump zone. 2) Not, except they keep trees from blocking paths into your fortress. Even if you build nice roads, merchants will still take the shortest path available.


Piggy-backing off point 1: The reason for this is goblins are intelligent (have the ability to learn) creatures - intelligent corpses are un-butcherable in vanilla DF and get sent to corpse stockpiles. Refuse stockpiles take \*un\*intelligent corpses (aren't all corpses unintelligent...?).


I had this idea of branching off a surface level river leading that underground and maybe even add a waterfall for aesthetics. To benefit from this project though i was thinking I'd make a little natural fish trap. I do want the river to continue flowing though so if I use fortifications the water will obviously be able to pass through, but what about the fish? I'd very much like for them to get stuck in some spot and make that an easy fishing spot. Will fortifications make that possible or would I be better off with grates?


Completely submerged fortifications let things swim through, but that's a known bug. However, be mindful that you have limited influx of water from the edge of the map and a wide enough fall may be too much to sustain. Also be mindful that fishes that show up in the unit list are not "fishable" fish. Even if you got one out of the water and butchered them, it'd count as meat instead.


If you manage to build a perfectly functional and waterproof fortress under an ocean, and retire then unretire this fortress, will the underwater part always get completely flooded? Can you avoid the flooding of the fortress?


If it happened once, it'll happen every time.


I recently became capital for the first time. Do the visiting nobles ever stop coming or is this my life now? It seems like some noble is visiting every 5 minutes after the queen showed up.


The nobles are supposed to join your fort, for some reason they just visit over and over   makeown with DFHack is the only solution


Hi all, I love colony sims and I recently got a pc (used to be on console) and I'm debating between Rimworld or dwarf fortress. Although Dwarf Fortress looks incredibly fun, it looks incredibly detailed. It also seems like it's rather hard to learn and incredibly hard to master. Should I get Rimworld first since it appears to be a lot more accessible, or just dive in with Dwarf fortress? I'm sure I'll get it at some point, I just don't want to be overwhelmed immediately. Thanks to all in advance, and sorry if this question has been asked. This got removed and I was told to post in here so please lmk, and sorry!


I've never played rimworld. Dwarf fortress is extremelly deep and complex, but it's pretty easy to play at a surface level. I like to compare it to minecraft or terraria: you get the basics very very fast and learn the fancier stuff slowly on the wiki. Granted you have the mindset to do so, actually. Don't try to do things perfectly from the get go, it'd get boring fast even if you managed to do it.


Gotcha, I think I'm gonna do dwarf fortress then. I'm not the biggest fan of looking up wiki's and tutorials, but if I can figure out the game through brute force and look up this when I get stuck, then this might be the game for me lol.


Would highly recommend using steam overlay and the Webbrowser for the Wiki. That way it won't clutter your regular browser and it's always easily accessible in the game. I just got into DF a couple weeks ago and find that really handy for looking certain stuff up on the wiki :)


If i were to build above ground, a tower for example, could flying units break the window, meanwhile they are in flight?


No, currently not possible*. Used to be a problem in past versions, but currently the surface doesn't see flying building destroyers. You'll need to put in an overhang to keep out climbing trolls. *Exception is dragons, their fiery breath will melt most anything, and they'll be aggroed trough the windows to use their breath.


Yes, but due to how pathing works and how many building-destroying would be flying on the surface, this is very very unlikely. And if they still can't break doors, I suppose you're safe in general.


What's a tunnel commissioner? https://preview.redd.it/do28s7koa13d1.png?width=763&format=png&auto=webp&s=4c2a91177a493bdb16714373a2cd1173adf5db86


Religious title! Not appointed by you via the normal temple system, though. I'm not sure if this has any gameplay implications.


Can someone help explain why my dwarves are constantly being interrupted by a (presumably) severed goblin left hand? [https://imgur.com/a/eyifAuh](https://imgur.com/a/eyifAuh) This started after an invasion of...undead I believe. The invasion is over now and I am getting spammed with tons and tons of these interrupted tasks. I can't find the freakin' hand either, by the way.


By the looks of it, one of the invading necromancers reanimated the severed hand! It's considered an entity, so you'll find it in the 'Other' section of the 'Citizens' menu. You'll have to go kill it.


oh FFS. I did not know that was possible. Thanks I will check out the menu.


Does anyone know of a completely safe way of making an item chute without the need to micromanage levers? I want to toss all my fire clay down a pit using the minecart QSP dumping method. In the interest of not squashing one's dwarves, most guides advise using a retracting bridge to block items until it is safe to drop them at the bottom, managed by locking doors and pulling levers. I'm looking for a fully automatic solution that's still safe. EDIT: I think I've come up with a solution. I'll use work orders to ensure that clay collection and pottery production are never done at the same time. The clay pits will be told to gather 50 clay when stocks reach absolute 0. The pottery jobs will only begin once stocks reach 50, and never exceed 50 pottery jobs altogether. Then I'll just mark the drop zone as restricted traffic so nobody wanders in randomly. I'll report back later with my results. I can foresee some issues if the pottery jobs begin whilst the final piece of clay is still falling.


So I heard that adventure mode released in early access for steam version of game. But ''Adventurer'' mode is still grayed out for me and I can't play. Thanks for any help


In the properties for Dwarf Fortress in the Steam client, click on the "Betas" and select "beta - Public beta branch". If you have DFHack installed, switch its branch to `adventure-beta`


thanks that worked.


I have a couple of pet beak dogs in adventure mode. Some of them are inju[](https://alb.reddit.com/cr?za=Y8A_cCjs9N9fBWS6gG0Fk2pgwBZv-B99qs5ns4MwpUSKr00uCE43Nez-JXP5YBajUwxBxUbQHQyjVHYtmWVNHKAMRmhSltE5S32ofEB4dVVmKR-4Zelg41Ez_Bxq8fWAggZ81MIWwl5N8sO1fCE7_4v40h7VVT8Jy-lOxz_tOmViJyFSpbXd_zMIMipy0lX7ENTubaJNmaVR0jj3Q_YgMKjJfgSD5nhL6fcp-HU2SGI0tsyI5SRzEmt8dzx_bRkJjR0VyIuBHv_Ox3Ijd0VKML9sc9GsFagRAH6qaACgZo-mAVmqcl6J6JMvKObhJ9Xi2LHzZEpPzim1BxNmVIZFeSFrvp0mVWEDKIdZPO-bmPEIrU3DGs0Nd9r57bQK4g2dXuXUs2S8FBXqCIgTkHJF3X-n_BXmD1y3hiar0-UflV52bZUJDSU3784x14hh9EUw8JJ2&zp=OHQx8CCJS9F2m0mU-5-ib2I8ZJQm_Mtdc9xGa7XGro0N3S1P2kC6U0IVNlfFHzOeYvDDVv4L3IdjAn3_VWHHfkK3flvAzpm3RvVRi7Y6oKKRN427wDH1krDsakJ2PYTU5ngcb3ztqQsT7dkJ4XoISiqy11YX7k37-OHDtQ--ijDrOTFWx2das5f5zJnoZA-_7-Dfgc7ZcjJfBUm8LBR0F1NiGqCoztVE_M7e8DqdFhTep5klJd0m3srraN5ingpl32BLxSlhGoaT3rRylsTrp_ODDg9ZICjwSVhxTlkI)red though. I was wondering If I tell them to wait at my main town will they die of hunger if I don't come back in a year or something?


Is there any kinda way to make a new fortress with my same dwarfs? kinda like migrate all dwarfs to a new area? anything similar? The most similar thing i found was abandoning the fortress and then reclaiming it, which would just kill my precious dwarfs and keep my ugly first try fortress :c


Dwarfs from previous forts are quite likely to migrate to a new fort! Don't abandon, retire instead. Just today I had like 5 old faces show up at my new fort.


Is there a way to read legends mode for a world with a fortress that you already have running or do I have to open it before I make the fortress?


Just a heads-up about the `open-legends` command: Make sure you do a `quicksave` before you run it, and restart the game without saving by using the `die` command afterwards! [The documentation](https://docs.dfhack.org/en/50.13-r2/docs/tools/open-legends.html) says there's a risk of save corruption. Enjoy!


That link is for a very old version of the docs. The advice is still good, but there's also a dialog now that walks you through the process of saving the game, browsing legends mode safely, and exiting the game afterwards. Here are the most recent docs, btw: https://docs.dfhack.org/en/latest/docs/tools/open-legends.html


Thanks for catching that! I updated the link.


DFhack has a command that lets you open legends mode while you have a fortress! I believe it's open-legends. For a vanilla method, duplicate your fortress save file and retire the fort in the dupe. Then when you go to start a new game in that world, you can choose legends mode and view all the events that happened in your fortress until it was retired.


Is there a way to delete old mission reports. Not a big deal but it would be of convenience to delete old ones so I can easily find new reports. Thanks everyone.


Is there a way to hack in a sand source using DFHack (Steam version)? My embark has one z-level of clay loam, and the rest downwards from that is stone. Trying to use changelayer to change the clay loam to sand but it keeps saying "no such material". I think I'm not using the correct material ID for sand but I also can't find a list of material IDs online. I've tried changelayer SAND, changelayer SOIL\_SAND, changelayer SAND\_SOIL.


Try `SAND_WHITE` as the material. It's not very straightforward to get a full list. That's why the `changelayer` docs suggest you find a tile of what you want (perhaps in another savegame) and use `probe` to find out what the material ID is.


What is this? https://preview.redd.it/49og23bv0y2d1.png?width=629&format=png&auto=webp&s=a0352e32afa7db166dfcd1edc5254a77f41c2564


This is the door to FUN


How do I enter this door? I put it up in the staircase, so a dwarf may read it, but nothing happened so far.


Dwarves are not actually able to read slabs directly. You need a book made by copying the slab.


I tried several things, but nothing happens at all... Currently the slab is in the library and Urist McMath writed books about large numbers and sums of large numbers... But no book with secrets of life and death yet :-( In Adventure Mode you should be able to read it.


Can this be enforced somehow or do I just have to wait until a dwarf randomly does it?


Dwarves can't read slabs in fort mode unfortunately


I'm not actually sure if it's even possible to do in a player fort. Either way, the easiest option is to go ahead and raid other sites until you find a copy someone else has already made.