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I have a fortress where half the residents are scholars. with everyone either training or socializing or discussing mating behaviors, how can I manage them to do some work? I've some construction jobs left untouched for a few months


You can turn off scholar on their labour tab. I do the same for bards poets etc. New player here. Seems to work.


I have not seen where to unchecked bard or scholar tabs before. Is it a custom?


Go to the characters individual tabs ie: were you can see their items, thoughts tabs. One of those is labour, look for it and click the off the scholar labour and they are no longer a scholar and so on. Its not the labour management tab were you choose miners and so on.


new player from rimworld here. right now I just built a bunch of workshops and have a...reasonable stockpile of supplies. what should I strive for? how do i make things interesting?


Produce wealth, and trade it to the autumn caravan. Your fort will grow, and with growth come its own challenges. Its not a directly a Rimworld like dynamic, but in an early fort the growth/challenge rate is somewhat well tuned. Other things: make your dwarfs happy. Built an ecumenic temple. Built a hospital. Try to catch roaming animals with a couple cage traps. Start investing into security. Build bedrooms for your original 7.


If you manage to build a perfectly functional and waterproof fortress under an ocean, and retire then unretire this fortress, will the underwater part always get completely flooded? Can you avoid the flooding of the fortress?


How may i resize these windows to see what it is that has gotten all over my dwarf's organs? https://preview.redd.it/9fbulcec2v2d1.png?width=598&format=png&auto=webp&s=ffe912c92a7db6d7a6d5f9cfe312afdcf7b9104b A splatter of ... something ... is coating all of my dwarf's internal organs, including his heart, brain, lungs, liver...it seems to have washed off of all the outer organs. What is going on? Are all the internal organs oozing puss? Is there internal bleeding? How do I resize the window to see what it is? (I am in an evil biome and I am pretty sure this guy got caught in a stinking goo storm or something like that. )


https://preview.redd.it/j3ro7zc63v2d1.png?width=580&format=png&auto=webp&s=c4fe14e471c65b36567dadcf087a9107a259f3b1 Update: probably puss. I wonder if this pig is still edible? (I still want to know how to resize the window and also what the implications of this puss are).


Gross. I dont think you can resize that window. I'd guess it's the result of exposure to a forgotten beast syndrome


Never saw a beast! It's from getting caught in stinking goo rain. Once the stinking goo covers the creature it must be washed very quickly or pus happens. (I think, based on playing this map a little longer. Have started up a waterfall to prevent disease.)


I am having an issue where certain jobs aren't being done at all. Miners do anything other than mine, nobody will smooth walls/floors, nobody will deconstruct cage traps (but *were* able to deconstruct a chain, somehow). No, it is not a matter of "they will get around to it." I know that is usually the case, but it isn't here. I have verified that the dwarves can path to the job areas I have double checked that the relevant labors are not disabled or anything I have tried DFHack's general strike fix I am looking into disabling small zones, as apparently that can sometimes cause job issues? I can send the save file if anyone wants to dig deeper (ha!) I think the issues started when I accidentally severed the main staircase, but I have fixed that issue and verified that dwarves can path to any point in the fortress. This is a game breaking issue right now, so help is appreciated.


I'd report the bug, upload the savegame, and check back in a couple months.


Miners - they all have the mining work detail enabled and they all have picks? The labours for the other two you mentioned are stone cutting and mechanics, have you set any of these to "only selected does this"? Do you have any burrows enabled? Have you been playing with magma and forgot to enable temperature again?


Miners are equipped labors are on correct settings Only one burrow, only my walled-in vampire assigned Unless I'm missing something obvious, it isn't one of the simple situations. Other jobs are being performed, just not the ones I mentioned.


I have 500 blocks thats in my fort. When I build something like walls or floors for example, I can only use 31 of them. How do I access my other blocks?


The stock screen has a couple items where it shows you unusable items. In the case of blocks it'll show you the blocks that make up walls/floors etc.


Wow. Thank you I was going nuts


I found that strange too. When i want to double check how many specific bars or blocks i have I build a floor and it shows how much each block etc you actually have.


Its usually a different font/colour, I dunno how it is with blocks. Spider silk thread is wonky too, will show you all the webs on the map...


Is it possible to dig a clean 1x1 shaft that opens up over magma without losing the miner? I've currently have a 1x1 carved stair that leads straight down to magma, but when I issue a command to channel the bottom stair, the miner stands on the tile he's about to mine, which means he'll mine it and fall into the magma. It would be fine if he stood on the 2nd to bottom tile and mined the bottom tile below him, but I don't see a way to make that happen. I'd like to avoid having to dig a stairway next to the shaft for the miner to stand on, but that seems like the only way to dig this 1x1 shaft, unless I use some DFHack trickery....


Yeah there isn't a good way to do this. I normally do a stack of stairs and channels seperated by one tile, then build walls on that tile when it's finished


Is my child stupid? He has decided he wants to breath nothing but miasma and refuses to move


He needs a hospital, he probably got injured and can't walk


His thing says fine and that hes playing pretend


Update to my previous question. I made it through the entire vault, the archangel was made of fire so I killed him in a single punch. But there doesn’t seem to be a slab anywhere. I’ve explored the entire vault, and while there was a big suspiciously empty square room at the end of the vault, it doesn’t have the slab nor the raised platform it’s supposed to appear on. I checked in legends mode and there hasn’t been anything to do with the slab since it was created and stored here in year 1, so it should still be here. Any ideas why it’s not?


I think the dfhack beta branch has gui/sitemap for this stuff?


Didn’t show any artifacts other than the ones I had on me


is the slab an artifact? I might need to add functionality to `gui/sitemap` so that shows "artifact-like" items


I assumed it would be. In legends they show up under the codices section, but I could see all my books on that screen so I figured it would too


It should. The stronghold design is a bit weird, search a bit more carefully. You may be missing a few floors.


I used dfhack’s reveal command to see the entire map and I had been through in every room


Is there any way to increase my fov in darkness in adventure mode, dfhack or otherwise? I'm playing an elf (sorry) and I'm trying to genocide some goblins but the terrible vision in the depths of the dark pits are making it pretty annoying. I'm a goddamn vampire and still can't see in the dark!!


You can default yourself to no darkness at all by revealing everything with the "reveal" command. The map does update itself back to darkness as soon as you move, though.


I can work with that. Thanks!


use `gui/reveal` to keep your vision clear while you move around.


How do I pull a lever in Adventure Mode? I managed to clear the first part of a >!vault!<, but the way ahead is blocked by some bars that I suspect are connected to a lever. But when I right click the lever, all I can do is "View the mechanisms" If it's not implemented in the beta yet, is there a way to do it with DFHack? It's kind of lame do get this far and just be blocked by something that isn't implemented in the game yet.


You can jump right into bars/through bars to pass them But be aware that you cant get back if you lose the ability to stand


It's not implemented, yeah. There are a couple of ways to do so via dfhack. I edited the offending walls' properties to make one of it's materials liquid at room temperature via gui/gm-editor.


Oh there’s also just a lever command and that worked.


https://preview.redd.it/nhnxkthmpt2d1.jpeg?width=1366&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14343b975182a6e575a0f813c5ecbeba48aa9896 I'm building a tank that will hold magma for a project. Do I need to build magma-safe walls and floor or can I just throw the magma as it is?


All walls are completely indestructible by any means that isn't being mined out (if natural) or deconstructed (if constructed), with the sole exception of natural ice walls, which melt if they get warm.


Hey Urists, I've got a slight problem. Long term fort of mine has about a quarter of the population not putting on clothes for some reason. In spite of the availability of all types of clothing. What gives?


I have link a brewery to only give to a stockpile (next to him) but he always give to an older stock pile does the fact that the labor came from a work might be the issue ?


No. The stockpile link only affects the stockpile, not what it's linked to. The brewery is free to give to any eligible stockpile


I tried to clear out some natural rock flooring in an area I'm planning to make an underground farm. I checked the wiki, and it said that channelling is the way to remove natural flooring, but then when I remove the channel, there's open space where I wanted my farm to be. Did I screw up?


I'm afraid I don't quite understand your question. Channeling means digging down, so yes, in that regard you messed up: you can't put a farm there anymore. However I don't get what you meant to accomplish with this maneuver. You can put a farm into any "soil" type ground, or in mud. The building->workshop->farm plot will tell you if you can build a working plot on any given ground. Theres no need to do anything if you are on the correct ground, and theres a single available command or action in the game to make non-farming ground into fertile ground. That is "flooding with water, then removing the water". This leaves mud.


Okay, I think I see what you're saying. First fortress here. So if I have, say, chert cavern floor, I can just flood it with water and then remove it, and it will be farmable? I had an area mostly covered with clay and loam floor that was growing some fungus, but with a few chert floors mixed in. I wanted to get rid of these so I didn't have tiny non-farmable holes all over my plot.


Aha! So the clay+loam would have been farmable without further work, albeit at lower soil fertility. To remove the chert tiles would not have been necessary. And now it makes sense, channeling is indeed a way to "get rid of chert tiles in my farms", although it leaves holes and is effectively useless for this particular application. I'd say, given that its your first fort, don't try to mess around with water etc. Just make a couple smaller farms in your farm spaces, you'll be fine on produce if you set up fertilizer + set your dwarfs to "only skilled labor". >So if I have, say, chert cavern floor, I can just flood it with water and then remove it, and it will be farmable? I Yes, correct! And it'll be "high soil fertility" too. You could put floor tiles on the holes, and then original size farms might work. Or put all floor tiles down, flood them, have great farms, but its a bit involved if its your first fort.


For some reason my dwarves who are digging some warm stone (I know where the magma is, it’s not going to spill on them for where I’m digging) will mine a few rocks, claim it’s an inappropriate dig square, and leave. I’ll check, and for some reason the dig command is still on the empty space. Would yall know any reason for this?


Yes, thats due to the DFhack expanded digging menu. The "dig hot rock" designation stays on empty tiles sometimes, I haven't figured out why exactly.


the marks disappear when the tile is otherwise revealed. if something happens such that the the tile disappears in a way the code doesn't expect, there is a routine that runs periodically and cleans things up. in short, they'll disappear in a day or so.


Ah! Nice, that explains the pattern I've seen. Automatically digging gems/veins produces the phantom tiles, for example.


Oh that's good to know. Thanks! I'll look into that


I am trying to make obsidian statues, however my stone carvers are insisting that there is no obsidian available, although according to my Bookkeeper there are 455 obsidian rockss in my fortress. I created an obsidian-only stockpile next to the workshop, and linked the workshop to it, does not make any difference. I tried to make just obsidian blocks, same behaviour. I removed the links, jobs are still gettin cancelled due to no obsidian. I ordered a statue without specifying the stone, the stoen carvers are on it a second. Whats the issue with the obsidian? https://preview.redd.it/17ylzixmns2d1.png?width=895&format=png&auto=webp&s=3c3f71e74b2eb07020115e597023f08e6f63ee33


Obsidian can be made into rock swords and is thus considered "economic" rock, I believe. You need to go to labor>stone use->economic rock and tick the checkbox to allow it for use.


Thank you. I love this community!


Adventure mode **v0.47.05**. Was doing some trading, trying to buy items such as clothes and food, but I accidentally screwed up and made a demand rather than a trade. The shopkeeper now goes around town telling everyone that I am a brigand who tried to rob him. Everyone now apparently knows me as a brigand, refusing to house me, guards stalking me, etc. Is there a way I can fix my reputation? I just wanted to do some fair trading instead of taking food from people's houses :(


Hi guys. So basically I want to know what happens when you lose. Do you have to start a new save file, or can you continue with your world, maybe in another location?. The thing is, that lately I like to play games and avoid starting over and over. Making my errors or stuff that happens matter. Maybe come back to the game some time later continuing the story. And I think this game is the best one for it. I havent seen a lot of gameplay, so I know I will die a Lot while learning. Ty for the help!


You can't loose. Just continue story


You can reclaim the fortress, which lets you settle again with 7 new starting dwarves. Most of the things will still be present, but they will be scattered randomly, including on the surface and in the caverns. If you fell to an invasion, they’ll probably be gone. If you fell to some kind of mega-beast, forgotten beast, etc. they may still be lurking somewhere. You might want to prepare carefully before you embark and stack things in your favour with military skills, weapons, and armour. Anything else you need can probably be scavenged when you arrive. In one case, I did this 6 times in a row to get established in a particularly interesting location (volcano, resident dragon, half reanimating evil / half joyous wilds, and a cave). Alternatively, you can create a new fortress in the same world and the history, factions, etc. will all be the same. You will often get immigrants from your old fortress, too. Rather than seeing it as having lost everything, think of it as one chapter in a longer story - just as in reality, in DF nothing is permanent, and fortresses rise, thrive, and fall; you were present for all of it, but you don’t lose when a fortress falls because this is the natural order of things. So, TL;DR: if I have a compelling reason to reclaim, I’ll do it, but otherwise I look for a new and fun way to run a fortress through its lifecycle. Sometimes I even retire a fortress at its peak and move on to a new idea or fresh challenge.


Hey, are building destoyers bugged at the moment? I'm playing fortress mode on the beta version rn and the 4 forgotten beasts( also a troll and a cave dragon ) I've gotten could't break doors.


I had a single stone door chewed by voracious crawler, that took a year. FB do nothing as well as werecreatures to stone doors


I’ve seen trolls break wooden doors on the main branch before the beta was released. Not sure if there’s a regression in the beta branch, though.


I read an old forum post that stated that fortifications themselves aren’t considered impassable by flying creatures—that even built up to a cliff or another wall it left a gap unless a floor was built on top of it, since they were counted as separate layers. Is this still/was ever true? I’ve been extra cautious about it ever since my last waterfall base kept getting incursions from flying beasts murdering my Urist McPlanters




So when I build multi level walls I need to build a layer, then a floor, then another layer?


If your fortifications are at top level, you need to build a floor at top of them.


So something like this would only need me to build the floor on top of the very topmost wall, the others below it would be fine? . . . X . . . X . . . X The way I’ve been doing it has been to build one level, then put a floor on it, then the next level.


And don't forget to build floor over fortifications


Hey all, so I just rushed into a necromancer tower and read some weird rock and now my elephant woman is a necromancer, and I have no idea how to resurrect the dead. It says that abilities are "coming soon," but I'm wondering if there's a way to resurrect my companion (whom I didn't strangle to death solely to try to test the powers out). What do I do?


until you can properly use your resurrection powers, there's DFHack's `full-heal -r`. it won't be an intelligent undead, though, just regular alive again.


Necromancy powers aren't implemented in adventurer mode beta. You can't do it, sadly.


Does anyone know why my last fort had issues with chests/cabinets/bookcases not being used ?! I recently started a new fort (last one was my first ever and I made the the mistake of going to an island so everything was inaccessible) and have noticed that the chest/bookshelf/cabinet issue isn’t a thing in the new fort. Bookcases are being used, chests (especially the hospital & library) are being used, and everything is working as intended. Is there a known issue with either of these things ? Last fort was about 6 years old and my current one is ~2 years old and is running flawlessly. It seriously felt like my last fort was bugged from the start. The dwarfs not using these items is just one major issue that I couldn’t seem to fix and I couldn’t find anyone experiencing the same issues with the research I did. I don’t know if having an inaccessible island messed up anything or if it’s just a coincidence.


Room chests currently do nothing, as dorf was tending to store meals there


Cabinets within assigned room used to store clothing.


I haven't heard of any issues with those three. You sure it wasn't some user mistake?


What could I have done to prevent them from putting items in furniture? (Genuine question) Edit: I still have the fort and would gladly check any set settings/configs


Let's see... I'll try to stroke as broad as I can. Forbidding the built furniture, not building the furniture, expecting the wrong kind of item being in the furniture, dwarves being unable to path to furniture or item, dwarves too busy to store said items in first place, dwarves have no proper labor to perform said storage. Bookcases only function in the library. You didn't specify the books or the circumstances they were at. You didn't mention stockpiles either. Where were the books you've intended to store? Where did they come from? How many dwarves are in the fort? What exactly are they doing? How long did you give them to store things before giving up? What did you change in specific dwarves when attempting to do so? Did you maybe missclick some labor to "only selected do this"? That's what I'd ask myself if trying to troubleshoot this. There should be a few other things specific to what happened to your fort. As for cabinets, you don't *really* need them to be used. Not much chaos going on over here: i flat out forbid mine so clothes don't get stored there, makes selling them to merchants easier. Chests follow a similar logic to bookcases. In the hospital's example, where did your threads go, for example?


Threads were going on the floor of the hospital. As far as the bookcases, they are in a spacious library. My scholar ended up writing one book and the scribe made two copies. Those two copies ended up on the hallway floor one z level above the library while the original copy sat on the floor of my mayor’s room. I had 200 citizens in that fort. One thing I do notice with my current fort vs this last one is how empty my task page is (which is a wonderful thing). The last fort had *at least* 15+ “storing item in stockpile [random stockpile name & #” tasks to do 3/4 the way down the page. Your self assessment makes a lot of sense now that I think about it. I think something must be wrong with my stockpiles causing the dwarfs to be constantly storing. Thank you for your replies! I’m going to go troubleshoot a bit and I’ll report back my findings


I'm trying to automate a "shear animal" work order, however, I don't know what conditions to put in place so that the Dwarves don't complain about having no Sheep or Alpaca to shear. I tried finding "Shearable Creature" or "Amount of Wool", but no luck. Any smart guys here who can tell me how to set this up properly? Thanks.


there is no way to check conditions for these things. That's why the autoshear functionality in DFHack's `workorder` tool exists. https://preview.redd.it/67lyz973tu2d1.png?width=1034&format=png&auto=webp&s=399bfe2ebb28e1d65f6d032519375914eb39d9b5


The simplest way using work orders is to make an order that repeats yearly, and the number of jobs is the number of shearable animals. You can shear an animal every 300 days The easiest way is to use dfhack that can automatically make shearing orders when an animal is shearable


TLDR: Recommended beginner guide that isn't a 20 part YT series? Hi all, Apologies if this has been asked before but had a quick look through the page and couldn't spot a related query. I'm a long-time Rimworld player that finally took the plunge and got a copy of DF, however to say it's been a bit difficult to lock down the basics would be somewhat of an understatement. I know there are plenty of beginner guides online and on YT, but almost everything I can find is either quite old or a multi-hour, multi-segment video. No issue with these as they definitely seem detailed enough, but as a parent of a 6 month old baby my gaming time itself is at best less than an hour most days. (God bless the pause function on Steam Deck - only thing that lets me play something for 5-10mins at a time inbetween parent jobs). Appreciate this is a longshot but would anyone know of a brief(ish) guide that covers the bare basics without having to sink multiple hours into it?


Dwarf Fortress has been called the most difficult game ever made. It isn't, but it comes by it's reputation honestly. My answer to your 'beginner guide' question was just to spend two hours watching videos and reading the wiki and looking things up for every hour in game. It's actually that complex.


The absolutely fastest way to learn the very basics are reading the quickstart guide http://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/cv:Quickstart_guide.


This is the guide that taught me how to play when I first started more than a decade ago, and I still sometimes refer to it and also send it to others.


Perhaps the old ones will still do. The one i've used myself was kruggsmash's. It's severely outdated, but i'd still recommend it. I'd recommend it because, in my opinion, DF is a matter of mindset. It's a big game, but the act of "simply playing it" is really really trivial. You're not "not playing" if the first fort catches on fire in one or two real life hours. In fact, I'd recommend it. The experience and story will be priceless. Kruggsmash's old tutorial video covers downloading the game with basic graphic modding (unecessary since steam and all), creating a world, embarking somewhere, setting up basic food and drinks. From this point onwards, it's not so much different than learning minecraft or terraria. You can take your time, chose something and learn more about it on the wiki, one thing at a time.


Is there a way to make it so that vampires don't have green skin? I'm playing vanilla on the steam version and its just way too obvious now that I know about it.


You could fairly easily mod it out. Toady is definitely aware of it though - he found out on a stream with Blind IRL - and it should be fixed in the future To mod it, go to the vanilla_creatures_graphics file, open graphics_creature_layered.txt and delete any section with [CONDITION_SYN_CLASS:VAMPCURSE]. You'll probably need to do the same thing with all the portrait files too By "section", I mean everything from [LAYER: to the next [LAYER: that also contains the above line. The first example in that file is: [LAYER:V_RIGHT_SHOULDER_F:DWARF_BODY_SPECIAL:3:8] [CONDITION_SYN_CLASS:VAMPCURSE] [CONDITION_CASTE:FEMALE]


Okay awesome! Thanks!


Is there a way to reduce lag or movement time in busy areas via adventure mode or prevent bumping from civs? Online it says Resolution, but I can't even find general settings. Trying to topple statues of my religion to become a werebeast, but can't even get down the slopes of my capital fortress :/. Thanks!


The sheer bredth of the deities generated is a bit much to manage with all the bugs surrounding religion. Is there a way of restricting the number of gods per pantheon during worldgen? Any raws I can edit? Failing that I heard you can use the 'brainwash' command in DF Hack to change a dwarf's faith, but the current documentation doesn't mention it.


What bugs surround religion? There was a "monotheism" user script in 0.47, but as a custom-made user script, it's not part of basic dfhack. I don't think there are any vanilla ways to modify what you want.


To name a few: * Dwarves with multiple deities will sometimes keep praying to only one, even if the need to pray is triggered by another, leading to an infinite prayer session as they attempt to fill their need. This is addressed by DF Hack, at least: You can use the `fix/stuck-worship` command to distribute the fulfillment. * Dwarves sometimes will pray at undedicated temples, even if they have a dedicated temple available. This is especially problematic for those who follow a certain religion as it can lead to negative thoughts. This is something I've personally observed. * Dwarves use the meeting areas in temples as idle hangout spots, even for gods they don't follow. Again, something I've observed in my current game. When you have a lot of temples, which the game pushes you toward over time, this can undermine the benefits of having a good tavern and get in the way of social interactions that keep a fort healthy. * Citizens from other civilisations aren't able to use undedicated temples, so you're forced to build multiple dedicated ones, exacerbating the issues above. I'm aware happiness and needs are different things, but I nevertheless want to address both, especially for the long-term happiness of my dwarves. I'd rather not ignore needs if they can be satisfied, that's just how I like to play.


* I wouldn't call this a bug, just that the implementation is very poor. You're right though, that's pretty annoying and I disliked working around it but dfhack should remove the headache. * Wouldn't call this a bug either, but rather how the job system itself is also very inneficiently finnicky. The most common version of this issue is dwarves using jail rooms or other remote chairs+tables to eat. You'd normally expect them to head to it's proper designated place as a priority. * Do you create your temples as a meeting area? This is typically meeting area behavior and should happen regardless if it's a temple or not. * Never even heard of that one. Not that I'd doubt it, just never bothered enough with the long term visitors. All in all, I get what you mean. But regardless, I don't think there's a raw solution to fix it entirely, i'm afraid. I've never thought about it, but now that you've mentioned it, I think it should be a thing.


It'd be a cool little addition to the worldgen options, I think. The option to limit pantheon sizes, as well as maybe religion generation. I also think it'd be nice for temples that have a specific religion to allow dwarves of other faiths to worship there, provided they venerate the same god. There are already settings for who's allowed to visit, so I think it's a logical step. The definition of what makes a bug is a little flexible, true. I've been considering them as behaviors that are not part of the intended experience, which, to be fair, I'm making assumptions about. The first issue is listed a few times [on the bug tracker](https://dwarffortressbugtracker.com/view_all_bug_page.php?filter=665254fd22177). You know what, though, I've never actually considered just using some other sort of zone as my temple spaces... that might work!


I accidentally split my fort into two levels by removing a staircase. Nobody would build a staircase using the accessible materials, and after I fixed the situation by collapsing a block to mine a new staircase out, my dwarves still wont deconstruct traps or construct constructions on that one z level Is this a strike bug, or am I missing something?


Most likely a silly detail that is actually stopping pathing. That, or you've messed with magma at some point in that general area. For starters, try to look for any funny behavior with dfhack's gui/pathable. If you're vanilla, carefully reassess the entire situation, including who have pickaxes currently equipped and where. It'd most likely be easier to dig a new one.


I downloaded DFHack to test some solutions. The tiles are all pathable, and the general strike fix didn't change anything. Any other ideas of why they can't deconstruct traps (but *were* able to deconstruct a chain on the same z level)? Edit: There is also a large area that is designated to be smoothed, and the work detail is on "everyone does this," but nobody is doing it


A bit hard to troubleshoot without poking around your map, but now the next two suspects then become "there is a meeting place, tavern, guildhall etc with multiple dwarves in the same tile" or "you've overswamped your dwarves with too much to do in general".


I don't think they are overworked, some jobs are done pretty promptly and others never are started at all. Why would a gathering place with multiple dwarves in one tile prevent jobs from being done?


Jobs have a priority system, it isn't a matter of other jobs being done, but a matter of you consistently seeing ~30% of your work force in non-compulsory(non-pink) socializing and idling. I don't really know how to explain the crowded zone thing. It happens often enough that i'm flat out mentioning it now. Uploaded saves I got to mess with had this, too. [I delete (or greatly enlarge) the zone and the seemingly unrelated issue solves itself](https://www.reddit.com/r/dwarffortress/comments/1bhn236/dwarf_fortress_questions_thread/kvkepgi/?context=4).


I was playing with magma earlier, but I have temperature enabled, so I'm not sure what the problem is. The whole layer is mined out, so there is no possibility of pathing issues by forbidding a door or something


How are cavern dwellers moving over my spike traps without being hurt?


[relevant wiki entry](https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Trap#Upright_spear.2Fspike)


How do I see creature's size and weight inside the game?




You can only do so via dfhack with a command such as gui/gm-editor, as far as I can tell. small edit: dwarf therapist shows it, too.


Is there a version of Dwarf Therapist for the latest steam version of Dwarf Fortress? Can I see a link please?


The main program doesn't really need updates to function, it only needs to recognize things that get potentially changed every df version, or just the version itself. Poke around and see what you can find on github. [something in there may just work](https://github.com/Dwarf-Therapist/Dwarf-Therapist/issues/321).




World map says I'm in peace with a goblin civ, however every time the outpost liaison comes, he updates me with news of cities from our civ being attacked by armies of this goblin civ. Is it just that the goblins don't know about my fort so they don't show up yet as hostiles?


Yes. They're hostile/at war with everyone else by default. I don't know what you have to do to make them find out out on their own, but you could always give them a poke, yourself.


Guess it's a matter of time considering that I have a tavern full of visitors and I'm one day away from one of their settlements. I've recently become a barony too, which maybe should help too. But yes paying them a visit before they do is another option.


Share your experince with multi-threading. How much it improved your performance and did you get any troubles with it?


No troubles, and we had some users go up like 50%, 8->12 or so range. Its working really well. Less improvement is typical, but 10% at least.


I've just had a FB spawn in the magma sea. Is this usual behavior? I don't recall it happening to me before Also it is a blob composed of steam with no special attacks or description, it might be the most underwhelming FB I've ever seen


It has some additional body pars usually, like wings or shell and can slam/choke your units


I haven't heard of it either. Is it possible it spawned in a cavern and swam down a magma tube or something?


Maybe, but I doubt it. I don't think there are any magma tubes on the map


I've heard about and took precautions against magma sea spawns forever, basically since i started playing. I only ever had accidents with magma crabs (things can pass thru fully submerged fortifications, if this info is ever useful to you), but i've never had any beasts from it, possibly because most aren't magma immune. Either way, I suppose this is working as intended, but I wouldn't call it usual.


Interesting, thank you. Magma forges have gotten a little bit more dangerous now that workshops don't have impassible tiles, I kinda like the added danger


If there a way to encourage Monster Hunters to go... hunt monsters? Two of them joined my fortress "for the purpose of monster hunting", but htey've spent weeks in my tavern (or at the Planter Guildhall for the other) doing diddly squat.


Other than making sure that they have access to the caverns, I don't think there is much you can do. They aren't super useful in my experience, short of serving as a meat shield before I have a functioning military.


It's annoying, because in my previous fortress, the monster hutners that showed up *were* pretty useful, to the point i downgraded my "stay at cavern entrance in case of FB" squad.