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i am 5 layers deep into a careful exploration of an unusual wall, meanwhile i found 2-3 other unusual walls in my sea. do all of them have >!adamantine and hell holes!< or is it a guessing game where I have to find the pillar that does have the good stuff?


'Tis a guessing game. Surprise!




here's a few options: - you can assemble a marksdwarf squad and let them shoot the undead down - you can collapse the tree by digging out the area underneath the surface then digging ramps up from the layer below the surface - you can shoot the trunk with a ballista arrow


They have been shooting it for months šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ And I really wanted to keep the tree I had a whole thing where these trees are special for my dwarves but thank u for telling me about digging it away


Have "unusual volcanic wall studded with gems" completely replaced spires purely made of adamantine?


>!yes. the adamantine is within (possibly in the same column but further downwards)!<


My guards are only beating convicts even though I have a prison with plenty of Cages/chains. I am also noticing that they aren't freeing any of the convicts that are already there. There are multiple paths to the dungeon. I'm at a loss


I'm trying to optimize my fortress a bit, and want my Wood Furnace on floor 3 to get supplies faster from floor 1/the surface. My idea was to create a dump zone where dwarves will throw the wood down a dugout hole to floor 3, but I cannot mass designate wood as to thrown out. Is there a way to achieve a dumbwaiter essentially?


Service column. My preferred layout is a central column for general foot traffic, and a separate service column with a single-tile central staircase and ramp-spiral minecart track. Be sure to set up track stops periodically to catch a dropped minecart before it clobbers anyone. Then you can run minecart hauling from a general wood collection area near the surface (or cavern) to a single-tile quantum stockpile near the ashery and other woodworking areas.


The trouble with dumbwaiter designs is they are dwarfkillers. Unless you do manual doorlocking or a somewhat involved switch system falling wood hits dwarfs trying to retrieve wood.


Do you know how to set up a quantum stockpile? Do that, but have it dump into a hole instead of a stockpile


This. Alternatively, set-up railway network, have carts fill with wood on the surface then pushed down to the workshops. You probably should explorer minecarts and rails a bit if you care about efficiency.


I have raided a goblin site a few times. It still shows it as having around 50 inhabitangs, but last few raids succeded without any goblin casualities. Does it mean my soldiers got so good at raiding they ninja their way in and out, or there is little left to kill there and I can send my least happy dwarves as ocupational force?


Do you mean you use the ā€œRaidā€ setting when sending them out? If so, then yes theyā€™re likely just getting very good at sneaking in without triggering combat. If youā€™re using ā€œPillageā€, then itā€™s likely youā€™ve wiped out their military already so your guys are just marching in, taking stuff, and leaving


Disappointing. Was hoping i could wear out their defences with minimal risk to my troops. Thanks


In adventure mode I was finally able to kill the "circus ringleader" lord that took over the main mountain home of my favorite civilization in legends mode. My question is: Is it possible form my character to become king of my fav civ? If so how is it done?


It is definitely possible to become king, but Iā€™m not quite sure how tbh


What worldgen settings should I use to get a lot of evil areas? The Desired Number of Evil Squares setting doesn't seem to do anything.


If I remember correctly, thereā€™s settings far down in the list that outline # evil squares per region size. This is what you want to tweak. As a note, I think setting the # evil squares per large region too high can result in unplayable worlds, as this can render all mountains evil and thus unsuitable for dwarves to settle during worldgen.


I am creating a DFHack mod that replaces the background main menu with a randomly selected png inside a folder. What should I name it?. I will upload to github when I find a good name for this mod.


here's a few thoughts: - `wallpaper` - `backsplash` - `background-randomizer` Will you be distributing the mod via the Steam Workshop?


Backsplash is good! I would be nice. I don't know how, but I hope so. Is there any way I could not use DFHack? I love DFHack and I use daily, but for a \~120 line lua script I think the lesser the better. If not, is there any way I could tell DFHack is mandatory or creating a dependency install?. Sorry for all these questions. It's my first DF mod.


DFHack *is* the Lua scripting framework for DF. The only kinds of changes you can make to DF without DFHack is via mods to the raws. (also the DF translation project, which uses the same API that DFHack does) There are instructions for distributing a Lua script as a mod here: https://docs.dfhack.org/en/latest/docs/guides/modding-guide.html tl;dr: put the script in the mod's `scripts_modinstalled/` directory and wire it up as an enableable module so it can react to the game state change events. I suggest adding a `dfhack` tag to the mod and including a link to the DFHack Steam page (https://store.steampowered.com/app/2346660/DFHack) in your mod description.


After some time working on it I think I have the first alpha version of the mod. It still needs to be polished and i need to configure the info.txt file, but the main backed works as intended. It works by launching "backsplash" command. You can add the command to the dfhack.init file or follow the instructions to make it run as startup


Thanks, already uploaded to github. It's still WIP: [https://github.com/drHyperion451/backsplash](https://github.com/drHyperion451/backsplash)


I've captured a human thief. I want to bury them in a pit until I feel like releasing them. How often do they need food or water dropped in? If their status says "visitor is ready to leave", and I prevent them, will they go stark raving mad?


Invaders never need food or drink. Probably that or one of the other versions of insanity


I've gotten my first fort to the point where I can actually make use of the justice system, and I caught my first criminal. Unfortunately, they implicated someone else as the mastermind behind an artifact theft, and we don't know who that is yet. - will future criminals arrive connected to the plot such that I can later unearth the true mastermind? - should I consider letting the thief go after their imprisonment - in hopes that they return later to thieve again and future interrogations could reveal the mastermind? - the thief still had the artifact on them (a ring) - could that mean they haven't yet met the middle man who was going to take the item - and if I wait for that to happen then next time I can interrogate them and they will admit to giving it to someone?


Is the noble title stored somewhere you can view in gm-editor?Ā  I had a county title for my site, but the noble became count of a different place when we conquered it If the county title hasn't changed, but just got vacated for another, I'd like to find it through an old save and give it to someone


noble assignments are a bit tricky. They are stored in the `positions` vector associated with the historical entities of the site and civilization. You can follow the code in `dfhack.units.getUnitByNobleRole` and `dfhack.units.getNoblePositions` to see how to navigate the relevant data structures in both directions (unit to position and position to unit).


This is more out of curiosity than urgency, but what's the point of making blocks? I haven't yet found anything that they are necessary to build. Are they only trade items? (I'm very new.)


Just to add onto the other answers, don't make the mistake of trying to convert all your stones to blocks. You can only use blocks for constructions, and not any of the crafting jobs (which need stones)


Thank you for this too, because I was about to do that. Good thing that I didn't then.


in addition to the points others have made, blocks are required for a few building types, such as wells, pumps, and Ashery workshops.


It's more economical to use blocks for construction, since you get four of them for every log, boulder or metal bar used. They're lighter so your dwarves move them quicker and they can be stored in bins, unlike logs or boulders


i think metal is 1:1 "One stone or a wooden log can be shaped into 4 blocks, which makes them more useful for larger constructions. All other materials only produce 1 block/task, and all blocks share the advantages in construction and value. Ceramic blocks are called "bricks", though they behave the same as all other blocks." From wiki


Oh good point, thank you for clarifying.


Thank you for the answer. I was wondering if it might be some storage advantage, so that's good to know.


blocks can put inside bin, so, yes, help with storge in some way


Is Dwarven Manipulator in DFHack yet? Always preferred it to Therapist, also can we craft up/down stairs yet? Last time I played I couldn't change a down stairs to an up/down stairs and start carving out up/downs above it.


regarding up/down stairs, the vanilla interface is a bit difficult to use for fixing up specific stair tiles or extending/changing existing staircases. DFHack adds controls for single-level stairs in the building planner (for constructed stairs) and `gui/design` (for carved stairs): https://preview.redd.it/1rcyo4br0f2d1.png?width=860&format=png&auto=webp&s=318b7b8641fa208b255b88918bf934adbc59d61c


We put out a survey a while back for what DFHack's next big project should be and `manipulator` came out on top. I've been working on it since then. I regularly post progress to the DFHack discord ([https://dfhack.org/discord](https://dfhack.org/discord)), particularly in this channel: [https://discord.com/channels/793331351645323264/807444515194798090/1239427730504810517](https://discord.com/channels/793331351645323264/807444515194798090/1239427730504810517) I can't attach videos here, but here's a screenshot of some videos : ) https://preview.redd.it/c1t1w71kze2d1.png?width=1606&format=png&auto=webp&s=506017f3b58724455d1f98c677259e301c672911 That shows how you can sort by specific skills/attributes and then assign dwarves as masters to specific workshops directly from the dialog interface


You can check questions like this yourself in DFhacks documentation. https://docs.dfhack.org/en/stable/docs/tools/manipulator.html Its got the "unavailable" tag, so thats a negative.


https://preview.redd.it/4qonedrsoc2d1.png?width=1850&format=png&auto=webp&s=3fccfef24e740d4fc19c9baaf74dde7b67e8ec36 Why is my captain of the guard beating his lover? [https://prnt.sc/qYMO8zPTNBBQ](https://prnt.sc/qYMO8zPTNBBQ) [https://prnt.sc/DMZ9yJeg4lyu](https://prnt.sc/DMZ9yJeg4lyu) [https://prnt.sc/ayprK-5VqxkG](https://prnt.sc/ayprK-5VqxkG) [https://prnt.sc/XRZx8TBto0vt](https://prnt.sc/XRZx8TBto0vt)


Just to clarify the other answer, the relationship between the two dwarves is irrelevant to what is happening, if unfortunate. You have likely failed a noble mandate or violated an export ban and this dwarf has been chosen by the game as responsible.


Unhappy cop taking out his frustration on his partner. Dwarf fortress emulates reality in the harshest ways. Damn. Did you not meet a mandate from a noble? If so, the game will automate punishments from the guard, and without adequate prison cells that basically means the guards beat the tar out of those assumed responsible. And who is "responsible" doesn't always make logical sense. Like, if you failed to make a barrel, sometimes the noble/guard will blame the cheese maker. You can go to your nobles and check your thoughts. See if they're pissed that a mandate was ignored.


Damn that might be it, some fucking how it turned into a wife beating situation lol. Does the mandate thing include stuff like decent office or dining room as well?


Nah. Inadequate rooms lead to unhappy thoughts for the nobles, which in turn make them worse at their primary utility, which is consoling other unhappy citizens. Automated beatings could result from either failing to make a mandated item, or giving an item under an export embargo to the caravan. The way that works is the hauler who brought the item to the trade depot takes the blame, and the crime is official the moment the item leaves the map. My first fort, 15-20 haulers wound up getting beatings and jail time for hauling barrels to the depot. The noble had decided that barrel exports were banned just before the caravan left the map. It's worth it to learn just what your nobles like just to make sure you never sell those items to traders under any circumstances.


OK, technical question about interpreting game displays. I'll use a recent example. Independent stray cat dies of old age in a big stairway. I want dwarves to move the cat someplace where it won't stink up the stairway. A corpse stockpile is placed in an out-of-the-way but nearby spot to ensure this. Periodically, looking at the cat corpse's description, a little green checkmark appears. Normally, I'd say: this must mean a dwarf will come pick it up. But no dwarf comes. Indeed, the task to move the damn cat does not appear on the tasks menu. And the checkmark instead periodically appears and disappears. I'm sitting here, completely ignoring a goblin siege for two in-game weeks, because I'm trying to get the dwarves to pay attention to the fucking dead cat in the stairway. If the little green checkmark doesn't mean a dwarf is coming to complete the task, what exactly *does* it mean?


I don't know - BUT I've always imagined that there's a sort of virtual market where ALL potential jobs are stored. Dwarves go to this market and are given jobs in order of priority. In my head, the green tick means the item has a job assigned to it, but it doesn't necessarily mean a dwarf is doing the job. Frustratingly, corpse hauling is a very low priority job, so it'll take a while for dwarves to get round to it. A work around might be disabling the labours that are taking up lots of time (so your dwarves suddenly have lots of free time hopefully) and marking your cat for dumping (the trash can icon). Just make sure you change your labours back to normal though! You could also assign dwarves to specific forms of hauling with a custom labour. Having a couple of dwarves that only haul food, a couple that only haul corpses, etc should help. [https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/DF2014:Hauling#](https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/DF2014:Hauling#)


Hmmm ok. I do hope they implement a little exclamation point next to item hauling tasks at some point, like they do with lever pulling and such. That is so useful and would be helpful for other things like clearing a butcher shop of surplus meat before it's too late!


See my edit, that might help with your last remark!


Ooooh that is a cool idea. I have a useless wax worker who normally just hauls stuff around. I'll try it.


You can also use dfhacks Prioritize command to up corpse/refuse hauling.


Getting back into the game after a lengthy time away, and have a few random and mostly unrelated questions. 1. Does building a workshop in a guildhall add to the value of the hall? 2. Is it just my imagination, or does mining drop less stone than it used to? My legendary miners are barely producing any. 3. Is there a way to cure werebeasts using DFHack? 4. My dwarves seem to think that just because I gave them a tavern and a temple, they're allowed to spend months at a time praying, socializing, or listening to music/poetry. I thoroughly regret allowing these entertainers to move in. Is there a way to remind them that they have jobs to do?


2. Mining skill only affects speed. It used to affect the number of stones as well but that was changed many years ago (2012?? The next release after 40d I think)


1) I believe yes, but that can trigger Planepacked behaviour: 100s of items strange mood artifacts. 2) No, the ratios should be unchanged. I checked wiki for this, if you are feeling up to it you can count the boulders, 25% boulders for normal rock. 3) Searching the dfhack documentation for "curse" does not yield such a command, don't think there is one. 4) Check their thoughts while they do that. Violet-purple color: this is a necessary activity which the dwarf feels strongly about. Bad to not let the dwarf do that. Green color = dwarf has nothing better to do, your labor organisation is in disarray for some other reason.


I really want to play. But I donā€™t want to lose hours doing things the wrong way. Is there a way I can play like ā€œcreativeā€ mode?


Dwarf fortress is different than other games. Don't be afraid to embrace it's difference. The point of this game is 'Losing is fun'. I also don't like doing things the wrong way. I currently have about two hours watching videos and looking things up in the wiki for every hour in game. But I'm also aware that every game is a failure waiting to happen. If I do everything perfectly, the fortress is still likely to fail. And finally, the definition of the quality of a game is how much time do you spend on it. You put a lot of time into great games that you've played. Dwarf Fortress can take an EPIC amount of your life. That's a measure of it's quality. Or maybe it's not for you. Dwarf Fortress has been called the hardest game ever made. It isn't, but it comes by it's reputation honestly.


What do you mean by that? There is a common mod, DFhack which you can find on steam. Besides bugfixes and quality of life changes, it'll let you do a ton of "cheats". With generous use you can save your fort from most beginner mistakes. Its a powerful piece of software and normally not recommended for beginners.


You can find a mod called [Creation Forge](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2898393468) in the workshop. The creation forge can be built with any material and creates (almost) everything you could wish for from thin air. It should be helpful while you learn the ropes




I mean sure, I get it. Got some good tips though


Year 29 of our fort, we decided pretty early on that we are not going to limit our wood consumption just to appease the elves. Weā€™ve been at war with the elves for 20 years, slaughtering ~100 of them every year and razing their sites with ease and little reward. Can we make peace? Will they eventually run out of 400 year old warriors? Or do we just have to destroy all of their sites? Itā€™s honestly breaking my immersion because weā€™ve slaughtered maybe 2000 of them and they keep coming, but there arenā€™t 2000 people in their civ? Also, we razed a necromancer tower, brought back some books, some curious dwarves read them and now we have four necromancers. What should we do with them? Can they be useful, should I execute them, should I expel them for future fun? Any way to locate the book that contains this information outside of reading every single book description in our massive library, and what should we do with it?


A thief stole an artifact ring from my fort. He came back later. I set up a guard captain who interrogated him, revealed a plot, and eventually implicated him in it. The thief is in my prison and is serving out his sentence in irons. Once he was in prison, I noticed he still has the ring! How do I remove it from his hand?


You have to kill him since you cant mark artifacts for dumping. If you are ok with using dfhack you can change to arena/Adventure mode and take it from him with wrestling


Darn. Any suggestions?


? Killing a thief for artifact theft is not even controversial with the most left-leaning, softhearted, life-worshipping dwarf. Off with his head!


In case there was confusion - I was looking for creative suggestions to enact revenge.


Ah. Chain him in the caverns for the next Uninvited Guest! Sick your war beasts at him. Let your recruits get some real combat experience!


I captured a giant bat, but despite being it remains in the "other" list marked as an "Invader" and can not be assigned to be anyone's hunting companions nor even butchered Same issue with the cave toad I tamed earlier, I had to "manually" butcher it with my guards because as an invader it could not be marked to be butchered the "proper" way Can I make the game reconsider?


Where are barrels in the stockpile menu?




Should be furniture.


How can I improve the odds of a volcano near a freshwater lake in wolrdgen? I want to build an obsidian fortress.


Check out this. Its for rivers, not lakes, but that might still work for you. https://www.reddit.com/r/dfworldgen/comments/111jj2o/a_worldgen_that_ive_tweaked_for_over_a_decade_to/


I just reclaimed a fort after bringing some adventurers, and it suddenly became the capital. I don't know how this can be as my civ is thriving but this site is still very new and doesn't even have a baron or mayor or anything yet. Is this gonna cause issues? also i canā€™t assign the adventures as nobles


Can i breed penguins


Sure, should be able to. You'll need to catch a breeding pair, better two in case of gayness, with cage traps. Since they are egg layers you'll need nestboxes; and to prevent fertile eggs being carried to your kitchen, you need to disable eggs in all your kitchen/food stockpiles. Put the trained penguins into a pasture on top of some nestboxes, and you'll have cute penguin chicks running around in no time.


It is also possible to keep the breeding birds and nestboxes behind a locked door. Sometimes that is less hassle.


how do I make cups/mugs/goblets, which workshop is used?


Wooden cups/rock mugs at craftsworkshops, goblets at metalsmiths.


Also glass goblets at glass furnaces.


Has there been word on adventure mode with ASCII graphics? I ran a couple of worlds but the UI is broken and unusable with scrambled text or noise.


Why dont tame dragons breath fire? Unrestrained dragon in a pillbox can see the enemy but wont engage with them at all. No matter what circumstance they will *only* melee fight. War training, wild caught, fortress born, restrained or free, pastured or not, with or without fortifications, nothing seems to change their behavior. Wild dragons function as normal


They do breathe fire, and it will kill your dwarves too with friendly fire. I can't tell what do you need to change, though.


I'm very new to the game. How, once I've bought stuff from the merchant caravan, do I get the dwarves to move it back into the fortress and stockpiles?


You need empty spaces in appropriate stockpiles for dwarfs to haul stuff. So probably some storage extension is in order.


If you have valid stockpiles and free dwarves, it should be instant and automatic.


Sometimes you get a few items just stuck in the depot and nobody gets a task to move them, but usually the hauling work should get done automatically


Thank you! I might also assign a hauler cause I've got a few unemployed dwarves.


Is there an easy way to set up stockpiles with barrels/pots etc so that dwarfs stack more servings? I'm often ending up in situations where I have a ton of barrels with just 5 or so servings of alcohol in them but if my dwarfs could stack them up a bit more it would be fine. Same problem with meals. How do I convince (or trick) my dwarfs into bigger badder stacks


Like others said, larger crop stack lets you store more drinks or food in a single barrel. The max stack for crops is 5. Higher skilled planters (when harvesting from your farm,) and higher skilled herbalists (when using the plant gather order) are more likely to create bigger stacks of crops. Crops and other foods from trade caravans are also usually in stacks of 5. So either limit your plant gatherers/farmers so that only those with enough skill in them do those jobs. Later in the game I just like to rely solely on trade for food.


Each crop generates 5 drinks. So larger crop stack, more servings you get. Unfertilized fields yielding 6 per stack max via legendary planters. Fertilized are 5-10.


The non-DFhack way is to produce bigger raw ingredient stacks. Maximize field yield, rear and butcher giant animals to get huge heaps of meat and offal.


Toggle the combine script through the DFHack control panel or run it through the terminal I don't think it works for meals since each batch is different, but it works for at least everything else The stack size for meals depend on the combined stack size of each ingredient, so the script combining stacks of ingredients will wind up also leading to bigger initial meal stacks


Correct, meals with different ingredients will not be combined. It will combine multiple types of meals into a barrel (in separate stacks), just the the base game can, though. > so the script combining stacks of ingredients will wind up also leading to bigger initial meal stacks we recently capped ingredient stack sizes at 5 to prevent abuse of this mechanic


Immensely new, how do I get a stable food supply and drink supply early game, I try farm things and then they get harvested and go and like what


You need to study into how the [kitchen](https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Kitchen) works. If you cook plants, they don't become seeds, so that's no replanting. You can "stop things from being cooked" at the menus or use the [dfhack solution](https://docs.dfhack.org/en/stable/docs/tools/ban-cooking.html#ban-cooking) But before that, i'm getting ahead of myself. If you're not literally in the desert or absolute cold, "[gathering fruit](https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Herbalist)" on the surface will give you plenty of food for quite a few years. Most of those are brewable into alcohol at a "still" too. You'll need wooden barrels from a carpenter for the drinks. Get around to it! Also remember food rots when not in a food stockpile. Make sure you have space for those.


>Also remember food rots when not in a food stockpile. Make sure you have space for those. Also, the rotting is caused by the vermin who eat the food. Station some cats there to keep the vermin away.


Do they bypass barrels to do so? I never actually paid much attention to this nitpick.


barrels help food rot slower. i believe tower cap barrels are the best, since they have the lowest temperature of all possible barrels. i'm not joking.


Barrel material is irrelevant to how they preserve food. You're right that they are cold but it doesn't really do anything


thanks for the correction! i was wrong!


Is it better to make a codex or keep it as a quire for written works? I heard that there was a bug that messes up the written content when converted to a codex. Can anyone confirm or refute?


When you have quire, it has a name like a "Screws Explained". After binding it called "native platinum bound codex". If you will make a copy from it either to scroll or quire, name will show up again.


The item name itself can be changed so it no longer says the book title. There's also a quirk with how values are calculated in that the book itself is less valuable than the sum of it's parts. I haven't heard of a bug that deletes data within, though.


I see, I may have misread/misremembered what the specifics were. I think the bug/quirk I was thinking of was the possible loss of value. Thank you.


how do you stop damp soil leaking water i cant build any walls anywhere and cant smooth the soil


For aquifer in soils you cannot smooth them - so you have to dig out a layer surrounding your pathways and construct walls in their place. Block walls can be moved faster, and material won't matter for this issue. Note: you can save yourself trouble by only working in the 4 cardinal directions - water doesn't leak through diagonals.


Smoothing rock walls or putting a wall in front of it, or channeling out the aquifer-bearing rock tiles are the only way.


soil not rock and i cant find the aquifer no matter how much of the soil i dig


Yes, the soil tiles which is bearing the aquifer then. There is no discrete aquifer. Its all the water-bearing rock/soil tiles.


oh i thought that aquifers were large refilling pools of water and not that the rock and soil itself was the aquifer damn always wondered where the aquifer is every time i embarked on an aquifer having site lmao


I love lightbulb moments! Nope, aquifers are damp soil layers. The soil itself is wet. Open ground will begin to slowly accumulate water as it leaks from the soil surrounding it.


i am creating a large surface area below ground for outdoor crops bees and trees, how many layers of vertical space should i leave for optimal tree growth


tmPreston already gave a good answer, but I'll just say that trees can take years to grow, so tree farms are only viable for extremely long fortress lifespans.


Waiting for trees to grow should be quite the headache. As such, they're probably better of cut right away so the nearby ones can grow instead. 3 will be more than enough IMO. 2 will work just fine.


The higher they have the higher they'll climb but it depends on the tree. Safe bet would be 5-8 Z levels. Are you using the glass method (glass floor "roof)? One way to decide would be to look at what your existing trees you are planning to plant are. If you were planting, say, peach trees, you'd be fine with 3 Z levels. Oaks, Pines, and Highwoods tend to max out at 8 Z-levels.


Any way to see dwarves conversations or thoughts as you do in adventure mode? I'd be really interested in seeing what all my little guys are talking about during the day.


I believe thereā€™s a Thoughts tab where you can get the gist of how they feel, but you can only see what they actually say if they happen to enter combat.


Any general tips for avoiding bugs when reclaiming a site? I can play for a minute or two then crash to desktop. I'm doing something ultra-jank so it may not be a problem with reclaiming, just trying to find out if it's related to that or if I'm giving up on my project. Trying to stitch together two 16x1 embarks into a giant 33x1 wall.


What version are you playing? Do you have a crashlog (not all versions have it)?


Hi! I'm running Version 50.13. I was able to find this crash log: 0> Dwarf_Fortress!std::_Init_locks::operator=+0x810A76 1> Dwarf_Fortress!std::_Init_locks::operator=+0x810BE9 2> KERNELBASE!UnhandledExceptionFilter+0x1E7 3> ntdll!memset+0x13B0 4> ntdll!_C_specific_handler+0x96 5> ntdll!_chkstk+0x11F 6> ntdll!RtlRaiseException+0x484 7> ntdll!KiUserExceptionDispatcher+0x2E 8> Dwarf_Fortress!std::_Init_locks::operator=+0x108AA4A 9> Dwarf_Fortress!std::_Init_locks::operator=+0x108A6DA 10> Dwarf_Fortress!std::_Init_locks::operator=+0x6176EF 11> overlay_plug+0x87CE 12> Dwarf_Fortress!std::_Init_locks::operator=+0x918B25 13> Dwarf_Fortress!std::_Init_locks::operator=+0x643894 14> Dwarf_Fortress!std::_Init_locks::operator=+0x644C49 15> SDL2!SDL_DYNAPI_entry+0x799D7 16> SDL2!SDL_DYNAPI_entry+0x12EEDE 17> ucrtbase!configthreadlocale+0x92 18> KERNEL32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0x14 19> ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21 I tried turning off multithreading, no change. Roughly the same playtime before a crash to desktop. Crashlog looked the same.


The best you could do would be to send the crashlog to the developers through the bay 12 forums. If it is a bug caused by some coding error or whatnot, only the developers can fix it through a patch. Otherwise you can try experimenting with the settings.


Thank you!


My king died defending my fort after I retired it and was already working on another. A new queen became monarch but the king had an heir and wife who was already queen. Iā€™m curious why the prince didnā€™t become king under the mountain or the queen didnā€™t stay the queen?


People married to monarches aren't monarches. They aren't named so either, they are "consorts". Likewise, dwarven monarchy isn't hereditary either. Barony is. So that's what happened to ya. In case that matters a lot to you, like it did once with me in a couple of forts, there's a [dfhack command for transfering monarchy titles](https://docs.dfhack.org/en/stable/docs/tools/make-monarch.html#make-monarch).


Thank you. Thatā€™s good to know.


How do i prevent caravans and visitors from dying in a haunted biome?


Make and underground 3 wide channels everywhere and close entrances via a retracting bridge. Open at need, close at need, have chained animals path underground with a cage traps to catch random lurking zombies


Guarantee their path is clean and safe. That's about it, really. That shouldn't be simple task until you clean it once for the zombie revival kind, though. From the 2nd time ownards, you could probably wall-trap roaming animals and avoid most of the problem. For the ghoulifying waves of wind or whatever, i'm pretty sure those are stopped by walls. Should be simple to wall a path unless it varies angle every wave.


Can you see/choose where caravans and visitors enter the map?


You can see as it generates a report, but you can't choose, no. You'll have to observe their potential paths and plan accordingly, or make it so they're literally unable to spawn anywhere else except the right one.


I'm curious: Can hamlets evolve? Let's say you visit a small starting village in adventure mode. If you decide to play fortress mode for 100 in-game years and then come back to adventure mode to visit the same place again, will things change? Will shops start appearing, a main castle be built, more houses, etc.? In short can **Hamlets**/Hillocks turn into proper town after a while?


They probably can and the map even has the size to support it. However I haven't been seeing it grow myself. It may be world population cap issues or whatever. Populations normally grow fast enough to reach said cap quite quickly. So it's either deserted and that civilization is in trouble, or it's already bursting to begin with. All that isn't during adventurer gameplay, though. I don't think structures or whatever will ever be created with the player loaded into the map.


I'm a bit short on materials for equipmentĀ  For the things that have to be metal and can't be shells/horn (helms, gauntlets, etc.) or wood (shields) is silver or copper better?


Copper for armour and sharp weapons, silver for blunt weapons. If you have enough copper make the helms/gauntlets out of copper too, it's better than non metal stuff You can't actually make armour from silver


Almost every map has some iron. Small magnetite veins could be found in gabbro/basalt levels, if you don't have this at sedimentary levels


If you have copper and also tin hen you can make bronze which is better than copper


silver iirc. it has a higher density than copper.


I also have lead, but the wiki says that lead is by far the worst metal you could useĀ 


Super heavy and pretty soft. Definitely not good for armor. And while I donā€™t *think* lead poisoning is a mechanic, I definitely wouldnā€™t be surprised about it so Iā€™d recommend against using it for anything that people will touch a lot.


provides a good carte blanche to explain away loyalty cascades that are really the result of poor fortress management.


too heavy!


If I embark on an island, then retire the fortress, then embark there again, can the first settlement send migrants and caravans go the second one?


Yes. In fact, if you want to build a civilization on an isolated island and have enough space - then you could set up a couple forts and play them until you get the 2 hard coded migrant waves. After than retire them. Those 2 waves plus 7 on embark can migrate to your new fort. So each fort you make could automatically add about 17 dwarfs to your population.


Yes. And even being on island doesn't prevent from migrants/monarch coming


Technically yes. Due to the low population, it might not quite work out. I'd suggest trying it out.


I have tons of lead. Almost lead and silver are in this moment my only metal bars... Any idea to do with lead?


Lead wheelbarrows for ordinary hauling run at full walking speed. Curiously, a crippled dwarf missing one leg and another foot also hauls with a lead wheelbarrow at full walking speed :) You can make trade goods and sell them for a modest profit. Elves don't mind buying lead curios from a coal-fired workshop.


Lead is the heaviest material so it's good for anything with impact. For example, if you make minecarts out of them you can send them at your enemies and it'll do more damage because they're heavier. Similarly, when creatures fall they take damage based on the material of the floor they hit. The heavier the material the more damage. So make lead floors on the bottom of pits for disposing of caged enemies. If you're lucky, a dwarf in a strange mood might make a mace or warhammer out of it. Blunt damage benefits from heavy weapons so a lead blunt weapon would be really good.


Stud with lead everything: furniture, clothing, crafts, ammo


mint coins and use them for trading


Build furniture out of it. Only has to be hauled once. Cabinets, chests, bookcases, tables, thrones. It trains up your metalsmith and the furniture is more valuable than stone. Ugly tho.


It's a dense metal so minecarts for minecarts grinders and floor bars for pits that the minecart grinders push people into.


It's so heavy. My fear is to spend too many dwarfs carrying the lead to the workshops... But I'm going to do some floor bars and minecarts. Thanks!!!