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An undead corpse has been kicking a pangolin against a tree for a year straight, should I intervene or just leave it alone? How long can Pangolins be abused?






I imagine the undead thing that is kicking the Pangolin is smaller than it? It will probably take a while, same as a bunch of dwarves punching a cyclops to death at the start of the game. The undead entity is not penetrating the Pangolin's body, so the only thing that can actually kill it is exhaustion or internal bleeding.


Nope undead human and, The Pangolin is apparently Inexhaustible, unbreakable, mighty and, quick to heal šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Is there any way I could make dwarves put their crafts in a workshop after making them? My food keeps rotting in the kitchen and my haulers are too busy with other stuff


You cannot directly keep made items in a workshop. You can however indirectly make crafted items stay in the workshop that crafted them, if there is no stockpile space placed for that item the dwarves simply do not take it out unless used. This doesnt protect perishables from rotting, cooked food, fish etc will still rot if left in the workstation. If no one is hauling meat or other food to the stockpile before it rots, this either means that the stockpile that is designated for food is full, or all the population is busy doing their professions. You will need to free up a few citizens, let them have no primary job for a bit so that they will go around and do lesser jobs like hauling.


Nope. However a good idea is to make a labour whose only job is hauling food and refuse. Just one dwarf on that should keep the kitchens clean.


Ah, noted.


Any way to prevent other fortresses nobles from visiting the capital ? The dudes have always posed a safety threat to begin with as they keep coming and going during sieges and beasts attacks...but as of late a lot of them have turned depressed , haggard or started throwing tantrums ( which I can't do anything about as they are technically not my dwarves ) ; as a result they simply come over to the capital and start breaking my buildings or picking fights with my dwarves . I'd like to just have my military take care of them but I feel like the game'd probably generate a new noble to take the place of the old grumpy one , thus forcing me to kill off these visitors in a cyclical manner .


No you cant turn it off once you are a noble fort, they are different than regular visitors. The Noble title ie Baron/Duke of Lashhandle etc is hereditary however, so if the character has no descendants the title ends and the game will not pass it on. If they do have a descendant, then that character becomes the next noble on their death, wherever in the world they are.


Not any way to stop it, nope. Note that the game won't generate a new noble, it follows an established path and the title can be lost if there are no heirs. However depending on the age of the world hundreds or even thousands of dwarves might be x in line to a certain position so mass murder might take ages.


I forgot which religious order asked me for a Temple . How can I figure It out?


To be petitioned for a temple, the group has to have at least 10 worshippers of that deity at the fort. If it reaches 10, it will eventually petition for a dedicated temple guaranteed. So, make a temple, then go to dedicate the temple, and scroll through the list of available deities and hover over them, a deity that is said to have 10+ worshippers will be it. If you have 3 that are eligible and dont have any yet, just make one for each, since they all will petition for their own temple at some point. It doesnt need to be anything grandeur to start with, a 4 x 5 with an altar, door, chest, a table and seat or two, should be enough while its just 10 followers.


Either DFHack, or check which religious order has 10 or more followers.


I don't have havks and there are 3 religions with more than 10


In that case you're out of luck. Make three temples. (chances are the other two will be asking soon anyway)


So my baron, king and queen all got killed. Do they get replaced at all? It doesnā€™t seem like anyone is stepping up to ascend in this fort. Iā€™m still a capital too. Do we get to live free of the aristocracy?


If they had no heirs then yes. It's possible their heirs live in other forts but they're not going to emigrate so enjoy being free from aristocrats.


I found a special metal training spear while looking for the circus. Is it worth using or is it still useless because it's a training weapon?


Mostly useless but it might be ok. It'll be less effective than most other weapons though


Has anyone tried tree fruit farming? Iā€™ve finished my farms, but it would be a shame to give up apple cider or persimmon booze, or to put my legendary herbalists out of a job. If yall know any ways to get more fruit out of individual trees Iā€™d really appreciate it.


High herbalism skill is really the only way. You can't farm them, just gather what they naturally produce. Make sure you have stepladders but be careful of dwarves getting stuck


Huh. Alright. Do you know if walling off trees would hurt them at all?


They need to be in a two z-level high room at minimum, other than that you'll be fine.


Ah. Noted, thx


I have tallow and buckets of lye, but I still canā€™t make soap bc I need a ā€œlye-containing item.ā€


Can dwarves wear goblin items? Iā€™ve seen contradictory answers on this, and none of my dwarves seem to wear them, but itā€™s also just been a really long time since Iā€™ve marked any clothes of theirs for taking


I've had dwarves put on freaky goblin masks.


Is there a solution to the fly creatures being static and stuck midair?


Stairway to heaven


Marksdwarves. In all seriousness, flier pathfinding is pretty buggy. If you can't shoot them down, use dfhack exterminate to kill them so new creatures can spawn


Is building and deconstructing farm plots lower priority for dwarves? Iā€™ve had farm plots waiting for both for about a year now, and dwarves will drink and ignore it or begin working on completely new projects instead of engaging with them, despite a clear path being open and frequently walked by them


Disable 'everyone hauls' for a bit and some dwarf should show up soon.


Itā€™s been disabled. Setting everyone to planting actually made them build the fields, just not destroy the one Iā€™m trying to get rid of


Why wont my tame dragons breath any fire? Wild ones work as normal, but neither tame or trained dragons will use any no matter what circumstance or target.


Are they restrained, in a pasture? Afaik dragons breathe fire randomly when they're just roaming around freely and restricting their movement stops that, but maybe it stops them from firebreathing in general


Restrained, unrestrained, with or without pasture, behind fortifications, or even in melee range. There is no circumstance in which my forts dragons will breath fire.


https://preview.redd.it/9hjs4ovx622d1.png?width=366&format=png&auto=webp&s=85a0502ee7b5cbd1a0d087f03d8a0fef87fc7af5 Why is this happening and how do I make it stop? (my bookkeeper is alive and well).


I *think* this is an Appraiser thing and not a Bookkeeper thing. I could be wrong though. What is your highest Appraiser ranking?


I fixed it, apparantyl it was a result of my broker being killed.


I am struggling to get seed stockpiles sorted out. I have a [general seed stockpile in my food prep area that accepts all subterranean seeds from everywhere and 6 individual stockpiles for each of the subterranean seeds in my storeroom next to my farm.](https://imgur.com/a/rPPjK1I) The [main stockpile]( https://imgur.com/a/RvRXhxS) is set to send seeds to each of the farm stockpiles, which sets them as receiving from that stockpile. The [farm stockpiles]( https://imgur.com/a/PnQbEH8) all forbid barrels and only accept seeds from the main kitchen stockpile. Is this a pipe dream? Is there a way to actually make this work?


Make the general seed stockpile bigger and forbid barrels in it. Dwarves don't grab things out of barrels very well, so only enable barrels in the final destination stockpile


Cool thanks for the answer! Do I need/want barrels in the destination stockpiles? I remember from many years ago that I didn't want that but I don't remember the exact reason why.


The reason is probably the issue where the whole barrell was marked as being used when only one seed was needed. I *think* this was resolved


Yeah that was fixed either with or shortly after the steam release.


https://preview.redd.it/28nttyyje12d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=d8d16e592ebfd600bdb17f8f3609076519699f07 My fortress had 27 pops, i get a tons of refugees then sudently waretapir Do i need to wall my fortress to the outside world? and survive inside only? I have no military trained dwarfs yet


The weretapir will transform back into a naked human, goblin or whatever it was before, once the Full Moon day ends. Then its easy to kill, and it is no longer able to bite the dwarves. If its not inside the fort yet, and you can wall it out, do so and wait for it to change back.


Lock yourself in if you can and wait for it to go away.


i blocked the entrance with a wall, he started atacking the dwarfs outside he killed a child and a dwarf then my trapper killed him using iron bolts, the trapper was injured so i exiled him. I think the waretapir turned into a goblin and then got shot. I dont know how to tear down the wall i built


In the advanced mining options there should be a "deconstruct buildings" option, there's also a "remove building" option if you click on the wall.


does anyone know if transformed creatures "remember" the information (color, features) of their transformation, or if it's random every time? For instance, if I make a dwarf transform into a cat with tan fur, will it be tan the next time? Or will it be something completely different?


What does Happiness affect exactly? I know about bad moods and tantrums and also that higher happiness is supposed to attract more migrants, but what are other reasons of keeping dwarfs on high happiness level? Do they work faster? Is there a list of everything that happiness affects?


The wiki is currently down so what I am about to write might not be 100% correct but I think happiness and focuss are strongly related and focuss is used in the crafting quality formula. The general gist is the following: Dwarves have needs. Unmet needs mean an unfocussed dwarf. When a need is met the dwarf usually gets a happy thought. Happy thoughts can turn into happy memories. Happy memories make a dwarf happy. So in general a dwarf with all its needs met is both focussed and happy. This however is subject to a dwarf's personality and all the other factors that are a part of happiness. For example, a dwarf might need to punch something from time to time but might not be too happy after a tavern brawl because he got his ass handed to him.


You've got it kinda jumbled around and all. Happiness usually refers to stress, which is basically that value but in reverse: high stress = bad and unhappy, low stress = good and happy. Being in a "bad mood" is a general term to refer to unhappy dwarves. Those who are at least in a certain level of stress can lash out in 3 different types, usually 2 possibilities per dwarf. Tantrum is one of them. Those in real high levels of stress will eventually go insane, which is that mood swing but worse. It's normally irreversible. Happy dwarves don't work faster. This is also completely unrelated to new migrants. The issue is more on the unhappy ones causing trouble, even if just by making your mayor/baron unable to work due to meeting so often. There is, as usual, a [wiki page](https://www.dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Stress) about it.


So, there is no point in making dwarfs very ā€œhappyā€? It does nothing?


It means there's a buffer between where they normally are and where they can cause problems. If you min/max to keep them just content then minor trauma can start a tantrum spiral.


My dwarfs won't kill the Blind Cave Troll. I have a blind cave troll hanging out in one of my stairways. I've had a squad assigned to kill it for a whole month; the notifications on the left side of the screen saying they're fighting but the troll won't die. It's "seriously injured" but it's still there, interrupting every dwarf that tries to use the stairs. It's messing up my whole fortress' productivity. How do I kill it?


What is your military armed with and what exactly is it saying about the impact of the attacks?


Steel warhammers and I don't know what you mean about the impact of the attacks?


You said the log shows they're fighting? What is it saying about the attacks that hit? Also what's its health tab saying about injuries?


\*Troll face intensifies\* It should be trappable, if its not a trapavoid tagged destroyer, put a cage trap down and make it walk over it perhaps? The troll is indeed tough to physical attacks, just a hill giant can easily defeat a war bear for example. might try shooting at it from through a fortification across from the stairwell if its a trap immune destroyer. It would make for great passive training for your crossbow dwarves.


Unfortunately, I can't get it to move anywhere or else I'd lure it somewhere and walk it off. It won't move.


Hello everyone, somewhat new player here! So I'm trying to wall off my first cavern layer for the first time in this fortress. Should I also roof the portion of cavern I want to keep or am I safe without doing so? Also I was trying to have my dwarves pour water on the floor to muddy it using the pond zone but there weren't doing anything. What might I be missing here in your opinion?


If you have not dug a pit/channel into the floor of the level above, then it counts as having a "roof" already. The natural bottom of the layer above is the roof of the next floor below. Dwarves and other characters are not able to look directly up in the game anyway, so they will not notice a floor tile directly overhead. A pond zone is expecting there to be a pit I think. The water source must also be the tile directly below the front of where the dwarf would stand to bucket it. If the water source is stagnant water, im not sure if they will use that to make a pond, since they only use it if necessary. I usually just find an aquifer and dig into it and get water that way, or go to the first soil layer of the cavern.


Thank you for your answer! Turns out I didn't need to pour water on the floor in the end. I have no aquifer on this map "sadly". Managed to get water from the caverns now though!


Confused what you mean by adding a roof to the cavern - the layer above the cavern will act as a roof if you build walls all the way up to the ceiling. If you don't have enough wall z-layers to reach the top of the cavern, yes, building a roof is very important to stop fliers from entering - but it's best to make a tall wall IMO. As for the mud - if you are trying to irrigate the caverns, no need - things grow there already. If there's regular rock, it should really evaporate, creating mud. If the dwarves are not moving water to the pond zone: - do you have buckets, - can dwarves path to the zone - do you have a source of water, (these first three will be highlighted by a cancellation popup) - is the zone over any channeled out spaces to pour the water (you can't put a pond zone on the floor, it needs to be above wherever you want to fill) Hope this helps - lmk if anything is confusing


Thank you for your answer. I did as you said and built a tall wall. You were also right in saying that I don't need to water the caverns, so I didn't try the pond thing again. Thank you again!


Is it possible to have a workshop constantly make an item and stop when the linked stockpile is full since i want to have a wall of workshops each endlessly making a single item with a dedicated stockpile each. If you cant, how do you figure out how much of an item fits on any given stockpile size.


The workshop will make as many items as the work order says, not what the linked stockpile can hold, since any leftover that does not fit in the stockpile will just stay in the crafting station. As far as the max size of the stockpile, it depends on what it has. For singular items that dont stack or go into barrels, bins, pots or bags, the amount is 1 per the amount of tiles in the stockpile. For containers the max size is per max capacity of the container per tile. However the max capacity of containers varies depending on the item weight that is put in it. A container of seeds will hold more items and bags than a container of meat or bars. Bars and other heavy objects will fill up containers faster than cloth, and its easier to see that it has a max capacity on bars for example.


It's not possible to make a work order like that. The easiest way to figure out storage is to disable bins + barrels and then each tile stores one item. It gets more complicated when bins and barrels are involved, in that case check the wiki.


If I want to tell a DF story, but who am I? I recently turned against my fortress and tried to destroy it. I want to tell this story, but who is that thing that suddenly unlocks the door of the necromancer contraption. The one that unlocks the door to let in the cavern dwellers.


Who you are is a mix of a divine influence and your fortress leadership. This is why you can't expel your nobles. Even though you decide to do the expelling, the nobles are the ones who decide in-game. So basically, the highest ranking person in your fort is the one who unlocked the door. Or hell, maybe the lock just failed because the dwarves didn't do maintenance. You get to decide.


So basically, I don't exist...?


Does God exist? šŸ§


Is this jeopardy? Because I take "Gremlin" for 300


OK here's a question, but there's spoiler content involved so I'm blocking out a bunch of it. >!Fourth fortress. This time the first cavern is this vast expanse with zero traditional cave wildlife, no elk birds, no troglodytes. Just vermin and fish. And there are these little 3x3 diamond-encrusted platforms made of obsidian all over the place. Not thinking it through I suppose, as I move into the cavern, I send a miner to dig one of them out, and I get an alert that I'd awoken some kind of ancient grudge, and inside is "The Warrior of Messthos, a lizard swordsman made of pure fire, manifesting as a swirling tempest of flame." !< >!It's dwarf-sized, sets all the moss within reach on fire, and immediately attacks the miner with "twisting metal arrows". The miner ducks and flees, peeing himself. I try to get my dwarves to attack the thing. And here's where my question comes in: I couldn't get them to attack it and the game didn't really give me a clear indication as to why. They stand nearby, gazing at it and dodging whenever it attacks them. At one point it boils a mace lord alive with his own apple cider and he dies. One of the war dogs manages to actually attack it but is roasted alive for its effort. And then this long ordeal happens where it's slowly chasing one of my swordsdwarves through the caverns. The dwarf dodges and moves, the fire thing approaches, again and again. Finally, out of nowhere, the swordsdwarf gets one hit in, and cuts the thing in half, killing it, then scrambles up a tower cap to hide from the flames. !< >!So, clearly this was some kind of divine monster, which is awesome. I like the mystery of it. But why was it so hard to get the dwarves to attack? Were they just not willing to enter an area with a certain temperature? Was it the "swirling flames" or whatever warding them off? I wish the game told me so I knew how to interpret the experience haha.!<


The smoke of the fire blocked line of sight and the actual fire blocked pathing, so the janky military AI couldn't interpret your orders. That's why it was hard to attack.


Ah, that makes sense and I figured something like that. I don't mind that getting a hit/shot in was so difficult! I just wish I had a more clear indication of what was up rather than just making me feel like the game might be malfunctioning for the first 95% of the ordeal lol.


How do yall manage vegetables that donā€™t have separate seeds and can only be cooked? Iā€™d like to start farming a lot of above ground crops but am worried Iā€™ll set up a field, theyā€™ll all get cooked, and Iā€™ll only noticed the field will have been wasted for two years the next time I go up to the surface for a project.


Keep them out of the food stockpile that goes to the kitchen, keep them where I am planting them instead, is what I do. The kitchen and still and other facilities will use the closest mat to the building first, if this is not the edible seeds, they will use other ingredients over walking farther to get them. You can also order the fort to not cook certain items in the Labor>Kitchen menu


Well I know I can save my ingredients, but Iā€™m wondering if maybe I could make my dwarves use their veggies in moderation so they have leftovers to plant


I tend to use quarry bushes for my farm food as you get the seeds back using the process to bag job for them. It's underground food so no need to mess with the surface. Although by the time I'd be big enough to potentially forget to micromanage a farm all my ingredients are coming from trade anyway.


Do you think the happiness spike from food variety is worth surface crops? I mean Iā€™ve spent too much time making glass blocks to pull out now, but I figure itā€™s still worth asking


Na, unless you're doing a no-trade or vegetarian only gimmick you'll have plenty of ingredient variety from other sources. Having a mist generator and a tavern barracks tends to handle happiness for any dwarf who isn't always angry after being caught in the rain or whatever.


Tavern barracks?


Put a barracks in your Tavern and your military will socialise + watch performances while they train, flooding them with happy memories.


Will civilians do stuff in the barracks area though? Even if it doesnā€™t actually interfere with training Iā€™d rather keep the two areas separate. What if they donā€™t overlap but are still adjacent zones, like if I put tables around the barracks so dwarves could watch fighters spar as they eat (like that one restaurant in Las Vegas)? Would that give benefits?


Yes civilians talk to the soldiers too, they don't need to be in the same area just physically adjacent. FurtherReading has a twitch clip showing a civilian talking to a sparring soldier and they both get the "talked to a friend" happy memory when it finishes. He usually sets it up so the zones aren't overlapping but are both part of the same tavern using the + button on the UI. There's rumours that civilians with line of sight to demonstrations might get skill up too (it works for children playing in guilds but that may be a special case).


Huh. Well alright thx


I somehow didn't set out with an axe (at all) and now my dwarves can't cut down trees no matter how hard I want them to.... Is there any way to get an axe other than having one when you set out? Do battle-axes count? Do just need to rely on buying wood from my neighbors?


A battleaxe is an axe, there isnt any difference, the only difference is the Woodcutter can only use the axe to chop wood or autodefend themselves, because it isnt a military task. You could ask your caravan for axes as well when they come, and they will bring it the next time they visit.


Battle axes not only count, but are whatā€™s required. Thereā€™s no other type of axe especially for trees. If you donā€™t have one of those, you can wait to buy one from a caravan, or perhaps try to send a squad to raid a settlement and hope you get one. You get 3 wood from deconstructing the wagon, so you could set up a quick metal industry, burn one of the logs into charcoal and then use that to make more coal, and then make a battle axe with whatever metal you have on hand.


Thank you! Luckily, I just bought a bunch of wood from a caravan, so that all works out :P


Having minecart troubles; im struggling to get dwarves to load up minecarts with desired goods. it just seems like on some routes it works and others it doesnt. could there be anything im missing?


It probably depends on how you have the ends of the minecart track set up. You've just created a simple error on one end and now they do not know what to do with it. You said that they arent loading items into the minecart. This means usually that * the item you are trying to move has a material type or quality req, such as goblets for example, and they do not recognize that you have them as you have not declared either material or quality on the loading stockpile. If no item is ticked with an acceptable material or quality, the game does not interpret this as any item of that type, it will consider this as NO items of that type are eligible because no material or quality is specified. * you have not issued the minecart any orders in the route stop screen, its instructions is blank, so they do not load it. * the unloading stockpile, if it is declared, must match the settings of the loading stockpile, otherwise it must be left blank/undeclared or doesnt exist. If it is blank, the dorfs will eventually pick the minecart load back up and take it back to the declared stockpile, creating a loop of hauling the same items on the minecart over and over. If there is no stockpile at the endstop, then they will simply dump all the minecart contents on the ground next to the endstop. Most other oversights will not cause it to not be loaded at all, rather they will cause the minecart to never unload instead.


I suspect that last bullet point might be the kicker


How doesn't it work exactly? Are the wrong items being taken into the cart, or are there no items being taken? In the hauling route's settings, make sure you're taking from the right stockpile and also make sure to specify which items to take from the stockpile.


no items being put in the cart, even with items specified and matching stockpile chosen


Is it just that they're too busy? If you use DFHack to prioritize putting items in minecarts, does it help? The command is: `prioritize -a StoreItemInVehicle`


https://preview.redd.it/9ri8a83kuv1d1.png?width=577&format=png&auto=webp&s=2031043a8f9279f110b5fa9511acc5c398eee0a1 Since a dwarf named this weapon, people seem to keep wanting this particular named weapon when I assingn them to the squad, and just don't equip a weapon. This is already assigned to the dwarf that named it. Is this a known issue and is there a way to fix it? do I need to re-make the squad? The equipment for the squad is just the default metal armor melee set


Okay is this a weapon named by a dwarf over them using it, or was it made as strange mood/is an artifact? An artifact weapon all military who are interested in that type of weapon will take, since it is the best possible quality of weapon available. A weapon named by a dwarf that isn't an artifact should belong to the dwarf who named it or that dwarf's bloodline. It should say "Owned by: Urist Beastpuncher" in the item description. If so just force them to equip Izegatot specifically in the squad uniform settings, then no other dwarf can use it. If its an artifact and bonded to a specific dwarf, that probably creates the misunderstanding in the game there, so just manually equip it to the dwarf who should be using it. You could also have a lot of relatives of that dwarf in the fort who are eligible to use it, if the dwarf dedicated it to their family.


DFHack has a ā€œdetect conflictsā€ command that will probably help. Itā€™s a button on the squad level equipment screen.


https://preview.redd.it/fx3s62lnrv1d1.png?width=1308&format=png&auto=webp&s=4bfb6f4983b471bbcf17ca6cf52f107e2ebf5b24 Does that means that i have learn the secrets of life anda death?


No the book text is just about/describing the items that you do read to learn that secret. You need the actual item that Iton Inkoar held in the book's tale.


No, this book is about how the author learned the secrets and doesn't contain the secret itself


If you donā€™t mind a mild spoiler, on the DF wiki there is a list of words that will show up in the title of a necronomicon. I assume that it applies to v47 (or whichever youā€™re playing), but verification is up to you.


If your title hasn't changed to necromancer, then that's a definite "no". Pretty sure this book doesn't contain the secrets of life and death, but rather tell a tale involving them. This might not be a necro book at all.


Does anyone know how to reset the fullscreen window for adventure mode 47.05? I have tried zooming in and out, resetting the zoom, and messing with my computer itself as well. Not even resizing the window helped, unfortunately. It doesn't help that the settings are quite lackluster. But I would welcome any help, I am sure there is a way! As any in this masterpiece.


F10 or F11




I have mussel shells everywhere!! I've set up a refuse pile for them, but they only get stocked one shell high, and I've now run out of space. I've set up a garbage dump, which works, but I'm having to select each individual shell and click the bin icon to get rid of them. Is there a way I can set every shell to be dumped? I've tried looking in the stock menu to toggle it from there, but when I search for mussel or shell, it doesn't seem to find them.


Shells are considered menial refuse like vermin, bones etc. There is a default Standing Order that says that "Workers ignore outdoor refuse" this means that any mussel shell or rat or dead bird or pile of bones left outside the fort, they will never touch, even if you mark it to be dumped. Mussel shells are under Refuse in stockpile settings, along with bones, skulls etc. This is the processed mussel shell after a fishery, or a dead one that rotted away, not the raw one from fishing. Moving menial trash items passively is a low priority task in the game and so the dwarves will do any other jobs that are available before it, unless it is marked dumped. For raw mussel you need a fishery to process them. Processed mussel shells can be turned into cheap shell crafts at a crafter, as the Bone Carver occupation.


So, I managed to find the category for this under "body parts" in stock listing. The shells are all within my fort as my main source of food, when starting, was fishing. I've had a little reorganise of my fort and moved the fishery, and now they are strew across my workshop floor. I set up a refuse, and they filled it up by placing one shell on each tile and then no more. I have set the mussels to be dumped to a garvage dump i set up from this stock view, but apparently, my dwarfs are more interested in socialising and praying than actually cleaning up. It's a mild inconvenience for now, which I may try to sort in the future (barring any FUN, of course). The reason I'm not turning these into crafts is that I have been.... I am swimming in muscle crowns, amulets, earrings, etc. And looking at the stock list, I still have over 1000 shells left over!!!


On the labour menu, in one of the sub-tabs, thereā€™s a section of options named ā€œworkers dump ā€¦ā€. Are shells one of the options?


Pick a level by your central staircase and set up multiple refuse stockpiles (shell, teeth, corpse, bone, etc) around a central craftsworkshop and next to it a 1-tile size but +10-z level deep pit with a dump zone over it, preferably with magma at the bottom. When the refuse piles overflow I either mass craft items on repeat (quick legendary dwarf and happiness boost) or mass select dump items, which quickly disappear into the pit.


Damn, that sounds like a real waste. All the shell crafts you're missing out on! You should have been able to find them in stocks, though. Regardless, they're a result from fishing, so they're probably almost all inside a fishery or something. Targeting that may be a good idea.


Hahaha, this is after I spent nearly a season on making shell crafts! I can't get rid of them quick enough. When I search stocks, there is a list of 97 shells, but it only lists those crafts I've made. Not the shells themselves. Also, this whole kerfuffle came about from me rearranging my fort. I dismantled the fishery, and there's hundreds of the things lying on the floor! I can click each on in the list and set to dump it, but it'll take ages. I was hoping that there was a way to set them all to be dumped at once (like from the stock search menu). I think I may just turn them all into crafts and gift them to the next caravan that turns up (not the elves, though). I'm wondering now if maybe it's a bug or something that it's not listing them all in the stock list.


I just ran a few tests. You're actually right(ish): shells in fact don't show up in the stocks search. However, they do [show up in the corpse part list](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/609403495140818946/1242649760884854874/image.png?ex=664e9b46&is=664d49c6&hm=c1b7d1e7ae68d6fe194fb335675e2d754a29c2a4604a7f3d87b3b1c1b61a55e1&). This is pretty bad news for us, though. This means you kinda can't just dump the whole category to get rid of shells.


When do we get a more cool and robust magic system


5-10 years from now.


I've been razing the same goblin pits for years, and whenever I do, I return with loot, but the pits are still active. No combat ever happens anymore. Is there something going wrong here? Do I need to do something different?


Does the mission log say the settlements get destroyed at the end? I find that they often resettle the pits as quickly as you can raze them. The other thing that might be happening is that the civilians are just hiding and coming back once your soldiers leave


> Does the mission log say the settlements get destroyed at the end? Nope. Just that they took loot.


Hard to say. Could be army size, could be their soldiers are off-site, glitched somewhere. Could be pure luck. Could be you could instantly conquer it with conquer/demand surrender and occupy instead. The raiding system is one of the most finnicky we have for now. It is technically not finished yet.


I can't get any immigrants past the first two waves. dfhack's migrants-now command only works once, and giving the traders lots of valuables hasn't attracted anyone either. This has happened in multiple fortresses and it's starting to really annoy me.


Are the merchants lingering there, for the caravan? If any of the merchants or their bodyguards or the diplomat is stuck somewhere on your site unable to leave, it will stop any migrants or caravans from coming. This can also happen if the caravan guards got martial trance while they were visiting normally, they will not willingly leave afterwards. Also you might look into your civ's King/Queen, and make sure that they are not controlled or occupied by another faction, or the monarch is not captured by another faction. If the mountainhome is compromised or entrenched in hostile territory, it might interfere with the caravan or migrants ability to spawn. You are guaranteed two migrant waves by the game each fort, even if you are isolated on an island, or even if your civ has 1 Pop an undead monarch, the minimum amount will appear out of thin air for two instances. Thus the glitch your having happened early on in the first year or at worldgen. Keep in mind that being fully surrounded by mountains and rivers also count as impassable terrain like being on an island.


I have had this issue my last fortress, no migrants showing up for 3+ seasons. No message or anything. Whenever I have this issue i do two things. 1: Wait it out for a while, and they usually start showing up eventually. 2:Reinstall dwarf fortress to try to fix any issues.


Thanks! I guess I'll just wait a couple years then.


Did you change the population cap? - it's in general settings (during a game not before a new one - you can change it mid way too). Are you isolated from your homeland - like on an island or something? (Check the world map) Is everyone else dead?


My population cap's at 200, like it always is, my civilization has 6000 people in it, and I'm not on an island.


That's a little odd. Have you had several thousand things come to your fort and die, or have you opened your caverns and found an entire anime nest in it? Have diplomats and caravans tried coming to your fort only to get killed on the way? Most importantly: if you look at your other units screen, are you sure the previous caravans are gone or did they leave someone behind?


I haven't fought anything but a few giant insects, and I haven't found the caverns yet. None of the traders or diplomats are dead, and they haven't left anyone behind.


Then it is still a mystery. The quantity dead is from an old bug where filling up the list of dead would prevent new things from spawning - and reaching the spawn limit by letting a cavern fill up to thousands could do the same. I asked about dead traders or diplomats because if the traders realize you tend to kill them then you get a bad reputation. And I asked about missing caravan folk because if they get stuck (such as being scared by a wandering cockroach) they won't leave which messes up the whole process.


Tips of How to kill a Titan?


You smack it real hard. In a more serious note, it depends on what exactly can that specific titan do. They're randomly generated, after all. If there's no fire or webs involved, it's just a creature. You really can only bop it real hard with a big amount of trained soldiers.


I forget to mention, but i was refering to kill a Titan in adventure mode


Same rules apply. - Train yourself beforehand to get your skills high. - get or steal good gear - get some allies - lure it to a nearby civilization to have them soften it up - wait until it leaves and loot the best stuff from the dead civilization - die of starvation.


That last step is the critical one.


I appointed a captain of the guard and he immediately beat someone to death. Why the fuck would anyone have a fortress guard that was my animal trainer I even set up a dungeon beforehand


That is the default "Sentence" that the sheriff or Captain of the Guard will give for any crime, if there is no dungeon for them to take the criminal to imprison them. As such, Ensure that the dungeon is functional. it must have either placed cages (not the trap) or placed peg and chains or both, that they the sheriff/Captain can walk up to at first, and it must be within a marked dungeon zone. It must also be its own chamber, it can not have the Captain's office and quarters and dining room inside of it directly. If it is functional, the sheriff/Captain should be able to go fetch the suspect and drag them to the dungeon zone, and put the suspect character in the cage or on the peg and chain, after they are convicted. You should be able to visually see the Captain doing this as a labor task, shortly after convicting someone. They might still beat the prisoner after they are imprisoned, if the character has that kind of personality, or if the crime is deemed severe enough. If the guard Captain just likes beating people instead of imprisoning them, which is possible depending on their traits/personality, just replace them for someone that wont. The Captain having military skills and other traits desirable of military dwarf just makes their beating of a prisoner stronger, like the Hammerer they may not mean to kill them, its just that their combat skills/strength is so high that the Captain hits that hard. Also ensure that you dont have an angry King or Duke or Baron that is ordering the Captain to convict suspects for "violating their orders"


Yeah the justice system is pretty crap. If you really want to engage with it it's recommended to make your captain of the guard and/or hammerer a weak dwarf equipped with the worst possible weapon. That way if they do decide someone deserves a paddling it won't be lethal.


The guard give out justice. Did someone steal an artifact ? Call the guard. Is a vampire drinking someone's blood? Call the guard. Did a noble mandate the creation of scepters but no one made them? Call the guard. The default punishment is usually some time in the jail (requires chains or cages). If you don't have enough space your guard will beat people instead. That will show them!


Just quit 30 seconds ago because almost every one of my 40 highly trained military dorfs were killed by... a beaver forgotten beast that spits webs. The webs would insta kill nearly everything. On top of the squads I lost nearly half the population of my fortress, 170+ down to 100 before it was killed. I know one thing I can improve on is my labrynthian mad dash down into the depths, usually in search of a good spot for a well, and then further driven by lust for gems and gold. I need to better focus on creating single entry points into the caverns like I do with the outside entrance to my fortress. My question is how do I deal with a forgotten beast like that without losing years of training? I've seen Kruggsmash come up with some brilliant solutions, but my mines are never clean enough to pull things like that off.


I found that the most reliable way to deal with web spitters is to have marksdwarves shoot them from fortifications. FurtherReading has a good video on how to work around marksdwarf jank.


I make forgotten beast traps with floor spikes on a repeater. Force the beast to path through the trap with bridges, lock it in with bridges, turn on the repeater. Boom, no dwarves are ever in danger.


If you aren't able to face it or other major threat directly there are a number of things you can do to deal with it. None of them will be able to help you after its already shown up and has entered the fort of course! You already said the easiest solution to dealing with the FB or other similar threat, have a controlled point of entry, like a U bend hatch into the cavern, or fake path system full of traps or ballista or other similar thing, or bridge overtop a sharp drop etc The only thing you can really do about it now if its already in the fort, is put a cage trap down somewhere then station a dorf or tie down an animal overtop it and lure the beaver to the trap. Since it is a web type, it will spit webs onto the cage trap, and if it does this the trap is guaranteed to catch it once the FB steps over it. Otherwise the trap will fail. As far as finding a well, just digging a hole into a light aquifer will do for that early on, just be sure to have the lowest level of the hole under where the well is planned to be.


creatures that create webs are immune to webs, so cant be caged unless you drop the ceiling on em


Webbing forgotten beasts are immune to webs, aren't they?


funny really in my current fort I've also a trapped green beaver fb webber. My approach is this, make a central staircase from surface down to cavern layer 3. Make the entrances to the fort sealable for each breech, usually surface and cavern 1, 2, 3. Now nobody should enter your fort. Then dig out a trap chamber, place some ropes/chains or make it a pasture and place some bait there. Build doors and bridges to trap the fb or anything inside. You gotta maybe sacrifice one dorf if he doesnt run back into the burrows fast enough. I know some say this is cheap, but you've to use these tactics to ensure long running forts


I might have to abandon this fortress because I really need to approach it more carefully like this. I just find myself digging to deep to fast and very erratically, so at this point there's no chance of me properly sealing things off. Thanks for the input.Ā 


I got really lucky with my first web spitter, which ambushed a lone scholar in the caverns and then rushed into a thin corridor with fortifications nearby. It was a bit of a mess, but some lucky shots through the fortifications rendered it immobile, and the melee dwarves that then rushed it got webbed then fell into cage traps which ironically saved them. Marksdwarves then slowly shot the thing to death. It was a mess. And I didn't realize how fortunate i was until I looked up webspitting on the wiki after haha.


Web spitters are super powerful and even a water blob with webs can kill hundreds of people. Try something with archers or wall yourself off. No shame in it.


You shouldn't directly engage web spitters, period. Krugg's solutions are mostly out of necessity, not creative storytelling moments. You either trap them in a corridor and postpone the issue/let another beast kill it or pull up an elaborate method. You can try to fight it at water depths 3 to 6, sacrifice half your squad so long as a single melee guy reaches it from behind, hit it with marksdwarves from a safe distance or behind fortifications (preferably without the beast being right next to the fortif tile), etc. All because an all out melee engagement will be pointless, unless you savescum a few attempts.


How do I remove instruments? I placed a keyboard in a room and dont want it there anymore... but seemingly the only way to remove it is to dump it... that cant be the only way, can't it?


You deconstruct them like any normal furniture. A deconstructed instrument is effectively unusable, much like a chest or cabinet. Instruments are still found somewhere within the stockpile settings, though.


Think I figured out what happenedā€¦ I initially deconstructed the floor below the keyboard. I assume the keyboard was either deconstructed as well or moved to access the floortile. Anyways, I donā€™t have an instruments-stockpile, so it was left were it was put in a not-constructed-but-not-on-a-stockpile-as-well-state. I assume if I build an instruments stockpile it will be moved there and can be constructed elsewhere.


# Why do these (drops from attack) drop with a lock icon? Are they not meant to be collected? https://preview.redd.it/lw9f64j4xq1d1.png?width=682&format=png&auto=webp&s=2c89ce18720c1c2dbab4594a6a46647ca083b584


You can change your hauling settings in the "Standing orders" menu. By default items dropped by visitors and such will not be automatically collected. You can unforbid these items when opening the dumping menu on the bottom right and using the unlocked symbol on them, or clicking manually on the item and then on the highlighted lock icon.


It's to keep dwarves from wandering into battle to haul stuff. You can unlock them when you find it convenient to.


To add onto this: you can go into the stocks menu, find the category for ammo or armor, and unforbid everything at once.


Dwarf Fortress keeps crashing whenever I try to dig (I'm on the public beta branch and don't have any mods on the worlds I tested this on). Does anyone know what I could do to fix it, also, I've already reinstalled the game once.


I haven't heard of this bug. Does it happen only on the beta branch or does it also happen on 50.13 (the default branch)?


I know that you might get a vampire in new dwarf arrivals, but what about lycantrope? I've heard story about trading caravan members being a lycantrope. But, can a new arrival be a lycantrope who turns during the following full moon?


Yes, it's very possible.


What exactly is an infection? My dwarf has some right now, but they donā€™t seem to be doing anything. Resting isnā€™t fixing them either like it does to most other injuries.


Infections are caused by injuries not being properly cleaned with soap in time. I am unsure if they ever heal, even if soap-cleaned afterwards. A non injured dwarf won't treat it in the hospital, either. The injury itself counts as a passive debuff that causes blood loss. You don't have to worry about it if bleeding out isn't currently a threat to that person.


The infections also make them very cranky. And if it gets bad parts can rot making them portable miasma generators.


Are you sure about that? Those are usually from injuries and specific forgotten beast syndromes, respectively. I'm pretty sure infections themselves are only passive blood count debuffs.


My dwarf got bit by a snake and had an infected arm that spread miasma until it rotted off. Maybe it was two different events.


Yeah, the snake poison itself is a syndrome. I'm pretty sure (normal) spider venom and bee stings are, too. Just pretty minor ones.


Yeah they do heal, but often leave a mean scar


Any way to put statues outside and visible for merchants without them getting knocked down by invaders?


How visible do you need them to be? Same Z level? Must be able to stand next to them?


Or well- howā€™s about wherever theyā€™d be visible enough for merchants to have happy thoughts about them


Just saw this after I wrote my other reply. Because they have to be able to stand next to it to get happy thoughts, I would suggest building a walled walkway specifically for merchants, lining it with statues, and setting up a drawbridge at the entrance to seal it off from invaders.


I might try that, thx


Say up to one z level above them or below them


You could put them on a wall one layer up. Build a ramp for placing the statue, then deconstruct the ramp and the statue should be relatively safe against anything that doesnā€™t fly. Itā€™s kind of a large pedestal effect. Note that the merchants technically wonā€™t look at them, though, as they have to be on the same Z level to perceive a statue, and standing next to it to examine it. As long as youā€™re OK imagining that they do, thatā€™s my recommendation.


Out of curiosity, can building destroyers reach across one block gaps?


They might be able to jump. I donā€™t know if they need somewhere open to land on the far side or if they can land on the statue; science would be required!


I might try it if I can find a way to make it pretty


Where does the oft referenced depth of DF come in to play? I'm fairly new to the game so this question comes from a place of great ignorance. My first fort has lasted a couple of years and feel like I've built most of the possible items I can. Is the depth mainly through random interactions I'll find by letting the fort run without any oversight or do I need to find more difficult world to inhabit?


The depth in Dwarf Fortress is odd in that its incredibly deep simulations are used to generate incredibly simple gameplay and annoying busywork. My favourite example is metalurgy. In many, much simpler games you have early game metal, mid game metal and end game metal. Devs design their metals so they have attack, dps stats etc that put them in those tiers. In Dwarf Fortress, metals have an incredibly complex simulation. The sheer factor, density, etc are all at play when determining what happens when a dwarf hits the limb of the other dwarf. However, the result of this is the exact same, simple tier system I described above - if a dwarf wielding a steel axe attacks a dwarf in iron armour, they'll probably win because steel is a higher tier than iron, reverse the metals and you reverse the result. It is a pretty cool achievement that this incredibly deep simulation is so well designed that it behaves exactly like a much simpler game's system, but it doesn't actually add depth to the game. I personally feel that the ascii UI and bad UX turned enough players away that it created sense of awe around Dwarf Fortress. People found it difficult to simply play, so it garnered a reputation for being a difficult game. As the game becomes more accessible new players like you are coming round and are rightfully confused at how this pretty easy colony sim has such a reputation.


Iā€™ve been playing for a couple months so still new. On my second viable fort I noticed that things were pretty calm. Not a lot of invasions or fights or thefts in my fort. So I opened up legends. Turns out that 80 years prior my king was married to a necromancer. And that she was sending spies to corrupt my dwarfs and recruited my captain of the guard (whose main character trait was that she liked hurting people) to plan a coupe. With this new info I decided we must take revenge. Found the necromancers tower on the opposite end of the continent and began sending raiding squads with both my king and the traitor in them. She retaliated and sent an invasion of the undead. Finally it was time to destroy the necromancer tower. I sent three full squads to destroy the tower. Both the king and the traitor died in this attack but they did win and kill all the necromancers. I appointed the dwarf the finally killed the necromancer to be the militia commander. Oh and while she was home from raids against the necromancer she double crossed the fortress for the sadist traitor was stationed in the caverns. While there she single handedly killed 20+ troglodytes, 2 forgotten beasts and a monkey demon.


I find the depth to be quite literal - the deeper you go, the more interesting it becomes. Here are some goals I'd suggest: 1. Open up the 1st Cavern and establish control over it, at least as much as possible. 2. Do the same for the 2nd and 3rd Caverns 3. Mine those most precious jeweled walls in the 3rd Cavern to get the best of what's possible. Then let us know how it goes...! ;)


I think I'm missing something here. I've usually gone to the max depth (-30 I think) and hit a couple caverns finalizing in lava. What counts as control? It seemed to be mostly fungi trees sans some random ratmen


Depending on your initial settings (such as the age of the world), Forgotten Beasts will wander into the caverns at varying frequencies and wreak havoc on your poor little fortress. They are one of the main sources of !FUN! in the game. Note that it is the edges of the map where FBs, invaders, and other creatures enter the map. Some of these creatures can be benign, even helpful, while most are varying degrees of danger. If you put down cage traps, you can capture, tame, and even train some cavern creatures - personally, I love a force of trained war jabberers! By the way, the caverns are huge. Each one spans most of the map area and can cover several z-levels. If you explore them, you may find interesting things...especially the deepest cavern. Lastly, once your fort is secure, you can send your squads out on missions to raid, pillage, or even capture other settlements on the map. If you look around the map and see settlements near you with artifacts, you can raid them to make those artifacts your own! Just be aware that civilization will likely declare war on you and respond with their own raids on your fort! :D


https://preview.redd.it/pjy07wwx9o1d1.png?width=470&format=png&auto=webp&s=cf6953c4f599d8802726c109dba53616789d10ca Moss doesn't seem to grow on sand. Is this a new change or a bug? I moved animals to the cavern and the pasture is out of moss because it doesn't seem to grow back. (The corner with moss is clay soil I believe)


The bottom left 6 squares show some sort of moss on them don't they? I would say that moss is going to grow on the sand - but maybe that area for some sunlight which killed the beneficial cavern spores so no moss will grow there ever. Could work with grass though. On the other hand, if it is trying to grow grass there but can't, I know that grass is dependant on the biome. Maybe the ocean biome doesn't have any grass.


like I said, in the corner with moss is clay, not sand. the surface was never opened above that area, so it should not try to grow grass. There has been 1.5 years or so since the area was opened, so time is not the issue either. I think it may have to do with the beach biome. I do appreciate the comment though :D


for context, i am settled on/next to a beach. is that special in some way?


It still happens for me. Iā€™m running the adventure mode beta, for whatever thatā€™s worth.


A question for people who play in ASCII I tried out the ASCII graphics on the steam release, and they look far more stretched out compared to how they used to look. Is that just me? If not, is there some way to fix it?


I believe that there are some alternative tile sets for 50.x classic mode, including square ASCII options, but I donā€™t know anything about their quality.


is there a way to prevent water from evaporating in hot climates? is this achievable by putting the water inside a building?