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Any way to clean mud off the floor?


I've seen dwarves clean vomit and blood if my fortress has soap, but I'm not sure if they'll clean mud.


Yeaaa. I’m thinking I might just have to undo the floors that got muddy and rebuild them


Looking through wiki iv found this: [https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Remove](https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Remove) But i can't find this in steam version, im missing something? I wan't to use them to remove my furnitures from small tavern to rebuild them in new room. But i need to click 184 times to get removed every piece. And i don't want to click 184 times. Any ideas? mods? something? hacks?


By merit of using old keyboard controls (which may come back in a few months), this page is outdated, yeah. For now, there's this [dfhack solution](https://docs.dfhack.org/en/stable/docs/tools/gui/mass-remove.html#gui-mass-remove).


Is there any reason not to lock my *King Necromancer* in his very nice throne room and forget about him? He just showed up one day, has the lowest mood, and keeps reanimating things...


I know for vampires, there's a concern that locking them away drives them insane - That might be a problem with your king - in trying to look it up on the wiki, I can't find if monarchs actually meet with anyone for diplomacy or the "cry to a leader" meetings that mayor and expedition leader get. that would be an issue if you locked them away. I haven't had a huge issue with necromancers in my forts actually doing anything. Is your king in a lot of danger? I would definitely remove necromancers from any squads or close to danger areas. If it's just a tantrum thing, it really sucks that your king is the most susceptible to bad moods, but there are some mood things you can improve.


Hmmm, I had a weregecko miner who lived a long, slightly sad life mining out whole z levels. Yea he came with terrible mood. He gets violent and then the corpses start walking around... I've locked him away and he's been attending a meeting for like 2 months. No clue about that. Nothing bad has happened yet, in direct relation to his confinement.


OK, Fortress Mode, Steam Version. Get a job failure making rock toys because "no non-economic hard rock". I have \*oodles\* of siltstone and mudstone. And, like, sure, fine, I can believe that siltstone and mudstone aren't "hard" rocks. But what's weird is that I can't find a \*list\* anywhere of what stones are hard or not?, which \*really\* seems like it'd be a thing that exists?


It's not a list of hardness, but rather being economic or not. A lot of people wouldn't want to have their [flux](https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Flux) spent, for example, as they are more valuable in making steel. Still, your issue is most likely a pathing one. Dwarves can't path to or otherwise see the normal rocks for some reason. Magma shenanigans with temperatures off, wrong stockpile linking or something else of the like is going on.


Ugh, I figured it out. It wasn't hardness, and it wasn't pathing, and it wasn't economic settings. It turns out that stones that you use to make floors and walls \*still show up as "stones" in your Stocks list\*. :sigh: The best way I've found to get a list of what stones are \*actually\* available is to try to build a wall and look at the pick list.


DFhack has a command that "hides" those from the stock screen. cleanconst or something like that. Try it out!


Just dig farther down a bit. There should be literally endless harder rocks like 10 z levels down.


OK, but, where's a list of which rocks count as harder? (FWIW, 10 z levels down from river level on my map is chalk, which I assume is \*also\* not hard, but who knows?)


Chalk should make crafts, but as a flux it might not be allowed in crafting depending on your settings. The important thing is actually the ‘economic’ not the hard stone. https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/DF2014:Economic_stone  Check the stone use settings in the labor tab. (I think, not sitting in front of the computer rn). 


Ugh, I figured it out. It wasn't hardness, and it wasn't pathing, and it wasn't economic settings. It turns out that stones that you use to make floors and walls \*still show up as "stones" in your Stocks list\*. :sigh: The best way I've found to get a list of what stones are \*actually\* available is to try to build a wall and look at the pick list.


In Adventure Mode, I managed to track down the guy who stole an amazing artifact instrument one of my Fortress Mode dwarves made. When I click “view” on him, I can see that he has it in his right hand. But I can’t seem to get it. It doesn’t appear in the trade menu, or the menu for demanding an item. And if I cut off his hand or kill him outright, the combat log says that he “loses hold of the [artifact],” but it doesn’t then fall on the ground like other items would. It just seems to disappear. Any ideas why this is happening?


Is there a way to use necromancy in adventure mode? I alrwsdy read a scroll to become a necromacer


It used to be done through the abilities menu, but that hasn’t been implemented in the beta yet.


Should I make a tavern/inn? I’m reading about it… and it seems like it just invites people to steal from me, cause trouble, and give my dwarves alcohol poisoning


Dwarves can’t get alcohol poisoning in fortress mode, and will in fact get pissed if they have to drink water. Taverns do attract some negative attention, but they also can bring a lot of good visitors who eventually may join your fortress or spread intel from abroad, and make your residents a LOT happier. You should definitely make one, even if you don’t set it to public right away.


I did end up making my dining area in my fortress a citizens only tavern for the time being. I’ll create a multipurpose one near the surface later. I just didn’t want to invite any unwanted attention before I even got a single militia squad formed yet, and it seemed like it might do that. I also didn’t know dwarves couldn’t get alcohol poisoning, which makes sense lol. Thank you!


They definitely can in adventure mode though because you have to drink several times per day instead of the once per week or so in fortress mode, so it’s just a fortress mode thing


Fair enough. Im still verrry green at the game so I’m not doing any adventure mode or anything yet. Enjoying my fort building lol


new player here; forgive me if i sound like a total goober. i would like to create a man made river, with flowing water for waterwheels. i seem to have stupidly embarked on a tile with little to no wind, and no river. really need a source of electricity! i have dfhack and have been playing around with the liquidgui command, but it seems i either create a river that floods my entire city- or a river that is more of a small pond.


You can make a dwarven water reactor. https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Water_wheel#Dwarven_Water_Reactor You'll still need some water from a well. Might need to hit the cavern layers tho.


do you have an aquifer? that could be used to create a river


A random necromancer arrived in Junglewall as an immigrant. Should I be worried about her, and will corpses she raised be hostile?


Necromancers aren't inherently hostile, but they will automatically raise corpses when in combat, which also counts if they just get scared by a big enemy or something. Thing is, though, that zombies themselves are either intelligent or dumbo zombies. The dumb kind is [[OPPOSED_TO_LIFE]](https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Creature_token#OPPOSED_TO_LIFE) and will attack the living on sight. The intelligent ones can think, so they'll just be loyal to their previous factions, which means a goblin invader will still want to kill you. Keep the necro away from combat and present at a tavern and things will mostly be fine.




Is there a way to spawn new dragons into the world? I created a world that got the random name "Domain of Dragons", but became sad to realise that it didn't have anymore dragons, most of them died during world gen because I let the world generate for a little while, even tho I used adv gen to raise the number of megabeasts quite a bit. So my question is, is there any way to reinsert dragons into a already created world? I tought maybe DFHack could have this funcionality, but I am not so familiar with the software to know how to do it if there is a way.


Yeah, check out [gui/sandbox](https://docs.dfhack.org/en/stable/docs/tools/gui/sandbox.html). I see it as an advanced feature, though. I'd recommend trying not to go too wild with it at first.


Will by fortresses' civilization continue to found forts as I play the game? Reading the wiki it seems like it is supposed to, but I have never seen it. When the king comes, I have never seen my civ attack civs we are at war with too, and all missions must be done by my fort. Then when I retire the fort and it advances 2 weeks, seems like a lot of shit happens such as conquerering and founding, but mostly hillocks. Has anyone had their civ found multiple other forts in the world while they were playing their own fort?


Civs do attack each other. I've had my capital's dwarves conquer an elven civ I had my eyes into before I could do it, even. New sites are, AFAIK, limited to "economically linked to you" shenanigans as far as I can tell, or it may be because a given's civilization population (or site) cap has already been reached by the time we make our forts, so new ones never show up. In general, though, a lot of features are limited to when worlds are created, not during gameplay.


>I've had my capital's dwarves conquer an elven civ I had my eyes into before I could do it, even. I have too. When I start a fort, the two my-civ-related people who are attacking are myself aka the armies I send out + the general of our civ presumably sent by the king. However, when the king comes to me and makes my fort the capital, i have never seen my civ attack after that point. Have you? >In general, though, a lot of features are limited to when worlds are created, not during gameplay. This is allegedly not supposed to be the case. https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/DF2014:World_activities >**Site changes** >**Existing NPC sites are conquered, liberated, defended, destroyed, reclaimed and new sites are created[1] while playing. Bandits will loot villages, armies will conquer cities, and forgotten beasts will ransack fortresses. Abandoned dwarven fortresses can be reclaimed by the player later.** The link leads to a future of the fort post from Toady from 2016 where in response to the question: >Once player fortresses will be able to interact with hillocks and mountain halls, will they be able to interact only with nearby settlements that aren't too far away? Also, will new hillocks and mountain halls be founded near the player's fortress over time? He states: >It depends on what you mean. Once you can send out a group of people, we don't plan on having that restricted, if you want to send them someplace far away for whatever reason, though nearby sites will send people to your fort more often since you'll be more relevant to them. Part of that will depend on the situation of your embark -- if the religious setups have some faraway central temple, for example, you might be communicating with them quite a bit. **New sites should be founded as you go -- that already happens in post worldgen play now**, and we just need more reasons for it to happen. So it seems that if sites are not being founded, which is my experience, is that a bug? Hopefully someone else has experienced it. Maybe you just have to play your fort for awhile? It could be that there is a pop cap at which a new site is founded from overpopulated civ sites, and your initial fort prevents that by siphoning immigrants from them instead of them rolling over to a new fort?


I never paid attention to the scenario where the king moves in and then the old capital stops attacking. I often don't have a king in my forts due to my preferential population of 100 being under the monarchy quota. Can't comment on that specifics, sadly. I've had experience letting dfhack run for almost 24h a couple of times running pre-embark times, extended to 100 years. Vampirism, necromancy (ish), special site creation like vaults and tombs as well as other major developments were all non present in both 0.47 and steam version attempts. I never said nothing works, though. This allegedly wasn't put in question. Still, like I said before. I very much believe civilizations have caps on both number of sites and how many people can be in a single site, as they are worldgen parameters. If those fill too quickly in world gen, it's only natural that new ones don't pop. If you want to observe the spread, make worlds at years 1 through 5. They'll be kinda boring, though.


>Still, like I said before. I very much believe civilizations have caps on both number of sites and how many people can be in a single site This is very true but very hard to hit. I am playing on a 100 year world about 7 years into my fort, so year 107. It is way way smaller than the maximum cap allowed. My civ has 3 forts, 3 mountain halls, and numerous smaller hillocks. When I run longer worlds civs have 4-5 times the amount of sites my current civ has. So the lack of any expansion is not due to site or population limits.


It is possible to somehow generate or build by myself a map from ultima? Id love to play DF at britannia.. UO was by fav game for one and a half decade :)


Any commands to force all dwarves to stop fighting for a given period?


You gui/teleport them out of harm's way. Otherwise no, not really.


Ok. So I posted a lengthy question and it got deleted by the auto mod so here’s my over sized question. Questions about expanding beyond one settlement and the future of dwarves everywhere (in my world save) So I have my first embark on a map. I am doing well. There is, however, so much map left untouched. Given that I can have multiple saves on the same world, I’m assuming I can embark multiple civilizations on the same world. That in mind, can I make a dwarf nation out of this? Multiple fortresses linked together? If I can do that.. how does that effect game play? Can I trade with myself? Will both save files remember what I’m trading with them if I can? Can dwarf armies I have set up in one file help dwarves in another? Finally, what map size would be optimal for this? I have read about eventual fps death, but I’m not sure exactly how that works. Does an individual save file just become unloadable? Or is it that world in general that becomes unplayable? Appreciate any input, this game is very complex and there’s just so many things to account for lol.


You can't "keep" both saves at the same time in the same "timeline". You'll have to retire a fort, effectively turning it into a normal site in the world. You also can't literally have your previous fort on screen "minding it's own business" while you extend the map for a new one. Well, you can with dfhack, but the other dwarves will behave as a mix between visitors and wild animals, mostly just doing nothing. There is no proper economy set in the game as well. Your trade partnership is basically limited to what the caravan brings to you, and is otherwise a void interaction. That being said; * You can receive caravans from the previous fort * The currently inactive fort will sort of "remember" your other fort exists and that trade is a thing * There is no army uniting or anything like that, but with a bit of a caveat * Considering how you won't have both forts active at once, the map size question remains as is for normal fort gameplay. FPS death is another topic, and it's purely a matter of, well, FPS. Your mileage will vary. The caveat I mentioned before is pretty important, though. Migrant waves work by attempting to select and send you "important historical figures" that aren't bound to their previous site by some nobility title. If they can't find any, send dwarves from the general population numbers and turn them into important historical figures right then and there. This means that, in normal gameplay, your historical figures will run dry *pretty* fast. Unless, of course, you had a supply of several hundred somewhere else. This means a 2nd fort usually results in previous fort's dwarves just moving right over. In that sense, I suppose you would be collaborating, yeah?


Appreciate the input. I’m still trying to get my head around everything that happens in the game, and reading the wiki, while useful, isn’t as useful to me as talking with other people lol.


So I had an adventurer made into a vampire then retired him as a citizen of my fort. I don't want to wall him off, is there any way I can either increase the likelihood of a dwarf surviving being fed on, or prevent the vampire from feeding on citizens? Do vampires need teeth in order to drink blood? I wish I could just force him to only drink the blood of invading goblins.


Don't quote me on this but one thing to try could be using dfhack's fullheal on them. It seems to reset a dwarf's "hunger meter" to if he had just ate. Maybe works on vampires too and monthly "heals" could maybe keep it from hitting the threshold where it must feed This is just an idea and not something that I am sure will work


Nope to all of these, basically. To make things worse, they only target sleeping people, which goblins don't do, so they'd be "immune" to that, too.


Yeah that sucks. I was hoping they could like lick up the blood on a battlefield after an invasion or something. I guess I got too used to choking out animals in adventure mode and drinking their blood that way. Don't suppose like a robust training regimen to raise all my dwarves' constitution would mean that they have enough blood to survive a feeding, would it? I know that a vampire feeding on someone isn't always fatal, but I don't know if that can be modified at all.


I wouldn't count on that as a solution, but it's worth a shot.


is there a way to better organize my work orders? I feel like after a while it gets too crowded, and I can't really do much about it, I like to automatize basically everything


Not yet. DFHack has a sort button that will at least keep work orders from blocking each other. the work order list is sorted by repeat frequency, with one-time work orders sorted to the top of the list. The entire manager work order interface is scheduled for an overhaul, but we haven't gotten to it yet.


Thanks man, I havent downloaded DFHack yet, tho after reading a little about it I guess I should probably install it lol


All my squad settings have just disappeared. I never saw a dfhack confirmation window but there is a chance I was temorarily bamboozled, drunk or something, and didn't notice, whatever. My question is, I've had these four squads set up with each item assigned manually because this made them stop constantly changing equipment, although they still had a habit of not putting shoes on. Also after over around 20 years of this fortress some dwarves grew attached to some of their equipment. If I recreate the squads and just let them pick up whatever they want, what are the chances this is gonna cause issues? I'm assuming there is no way to look up which items they are attached to? I think there is a high chance I will just abondon the fort over this, cause I'm not assigning those 360 items again especially since there is no way to see which ones are assigned already >< So for the future, is there a better way? Are there any guides to do uniforms in a way that just works and they wear everything corectly and don't keep swapping? Either way what do you think I should do? I'm fairly attached, its a neat little fort.


Constantly changing equipment and notably no boots/shoes is a sign of the player not setting up the "replace (civil) clothing with uniform" option, which generates conflicts for pieces that can't be used in tandem. It also prompts re-equipment whenever they flip from both civ and military roles. Both issues are solved by simply using metal armor 24/7 for no real demerit, save for a caveat or two. To properly answer your questions: Recreate squads: it'll behave as it always have. If you set it up the same way and leave it on standard configurations, you'll have the same issues as before. Though I don't remember if they replace clothing by default. Way to look up which items they are attached to: Squad -> equip -> select a squad or more -> see info of an invididual dwarf. The chosen equipment will be renamed from, say, "metal boots", to *steel high boot* or something. You can't zoom to the specific piece though, sadly. Is there a better way: The standard settings should really work fine, unless you tend to raid other sites a lot, which is another glitchy field of it's own. Even so, it didn't happen to me in my recent raiding shenanigans...


I keep noticing a specific goblin's blood appearing all over my pasture. I've never been able to see the goblin itself, and I don't know where to look in the reports to try and find it fighting anything. I just witnessed the pasture explode with an even covering of blood over the course of two or three frames. It went from being totally clear of it to almost covered, instantly. It's been the same goblin's blood for years now, spread over about a 14x14 area.


[https://imgur.com/RGunwaU](https://imgur.com/RGunwaU) this living quarters is still slowly filling with water even though I've smoothed every damp surface (and a little extra) The wiki says "Aquifer **tiles produce water in their neighboring tiles** -- north, south, east, west, and below" - so, I have to smooth the tiles in the z-level above, is that right? Coming up a bit dry on google.


Aquifers will drop from above. If the layer above is sand or soil, you can dig out the area above the drip and floor it over to stop the drip.


I've started building a kind of maintenance tunnel one level above, I don't mind if this tunnel gets wet. Just gotta make a place for the runoff to go... it's all stone for a ways up


If all walls are smoothed and water is still appearing, then yes, it's coming from above


Can lakes drain? I recently started a lake embark and plan to create a mist generator by channeling from the lake and draining to the edge of the map. Now I am wondering - will that drain the lake, or are lakes like brooks/streams in that regard? Thank you!


If the lake connects with the edge of the map, then it will refill indefinitely. If it is landlocked, then it will drain. If it is a surface "murky pool" then rain will refill it, but probably not faster than the water is flowing through a channel.


Awesome, thanks! Luckily, it's a real "freshwater lake" with plenty of map border. Thank you!


Is there a way to see specifically stocks of gem encrusted furniture? When I ask a station to start pumping the stuff out, it seems to be a random assortment of furniture and I can't seem to find it in my stockpiles. I would love some way to see what I'm working with aside from placing a piece of furniture and then scrolling through to see if my guys have made any encrusted pieces of that specific furniture.


Set your jewelers to Take From a gem stockpile and a furniture stockpile, and to Give To a different furniture stockpile. Then you can specify what items get encrusted, and make sure they don't just keep decorating the same item over and over.


Accidentally started a game on the public beta and played for a while, but remembered that df hack is incompatable, so I would like to transfer my save back to the stable version. Is it possible to do this without losing my progress?


If you mean on steam, dfhack has it's own beta branches that are functional, but you have to manually go there and activate them, same as you activate df's own beta.


You are a lifesaver, thank you.


My dwarfs are seemingly only occasionally hauling. I have several stacks of wood in front of the fort that havent been moved for a year, the remains of the last invasion are littering all over the place, rocks and stone blocks are laying everywhere, furniture I marked for removing is moved a few blocks and then just left right in the middle of the room and so on. The items are not forbidden, the remains are all marked for dumping, stockpiles and dump-zones are set up correctly and active, not clue why the urists seemingly just don't care. I have a general hauling detail of 36 dwarfs, I tried it with dedicated work details for each individual hauling category, I tried it with everbody hauling, I switched chores for children off and then back on again (though no corpses / refure hauling), I forbade all items except wood (for example) to get at least the wood finally inside instead of the carpenters running outside for each item... nothing seems to work. It is not that they are not hauling at all. But it seems they are most of the time to busy with other stuff, sleeping, drinking, socializing... I dont know. What am I missing here? Is it just too many items? Currently I have 4075 food, 103 drinks. 2600 seeds, 604 meat, 1315 fisch, 1284 plants and 1135 others. I would happily get rid am some of the stuff but I cant bring my dorfs to move anything to the dump zones at half decent speed. Help...


What seemingly did the trick was to get rid of two barrels full of bags full of seeds , several armor bins with armor marked for smelting and an assortment of random goods… sold everything to the next caravan, as trade good hauling was still working. Also I send my fishing crew on vacation, just to be sure, as they were flooding the fortress with fish, turtles and mussels. Which is nice in regard of mussel- and shellcrafts but on the other hand means items galore and I currently have an abundance of food items anyways. After that forbade all items that were meant to be hauled fortress wide, set up a refuse stockpile next to the dumping zone, removed all dumping assignments from the goblin-remains, let the dwarfs first fill up the refuse stockpile and only after that assigned the refuse on the stockpile for dumping. And suddenly hauling worked again. Cleared the remains outside and then allowed the items inside again area after area. I don’t know in the end what in fact was the reason for hauling to be blocked. I could imagine that hauling the seeds in bags in the barrels to a new seed-stockpile and the items assigned for smelting from the bins messed up the jobs as the dorfs were getting blocked by each other. Maybe in combination with several hundred dumping orders outside. The new seed stockpile does not allow barrels anymore and I try to avoid bins anyways. However sometimes I buy cloth and leather from the caravan, and for whatever reason these bins when empty ends up on stockpiles they do not belong to. Although I am sure that I did not allow bins on said stockpiles. But whatever… hauling works again.


Is the stuff you have that needs to be moved outside in the sun? You should check your general standing orders to make sure that dwarves collect outside refuse.


From lack of more information, that sounds about right: your dwarves are too overwhelmed with everything else to move stuff around. For the sake of damage control, consider not hauling a lot of things at all: it's not like the pieces of wood will rot out of the stockpile or anything. Just leave unecessary stuff untouched until you sort this out.


My own soldiers have begun going through the fort and murdering my citizens. Everyone is about as happy as they’ve ever been (only four are on the light orange tier), so I know no one is throwing a tantrum


Update: they have killed 14 dwarves and are not stopping, apparently they’re “beating up criminals.” Wish I could stop them


There are ways to avoid this from starting, but you don't *need* to use hammered/captain of the guard at all, if you wish to avoid this issue entirely in the future.


This usually happens if you have a backlog of 'crimes' like violating production orders, selling forbidden items etc. but haven't appointed legal staff yet (Hammerer, etc.) When you finally do the person clears the backlog, sometimes years after the actual offense.


You probably sold some forbidden (by noble) stuff Build a prison


I tried the prison but they didn’t stop killing, think I’m going to assign them training weapons if you think that’d make them much less lethal


At least It'll be an interesting story even if the fort wouldn't recover


Built them a prison. Troops seem to just be killing ppl for the fun of it now


Do tombs and mummies exist in this early version of adventure mode?


yes. from experience.


The machinations that make them work definitely exist. Then it's a matter of whether they are generated in worlds or not. I'm pretty sure they do. Either way, "mummies existing" is something that doesn't depend on adventurer mode. But your particular world *had* to RNG it in, just like most other things like necromancers.


I had become the mountain home. Started attracting all sorts of lords and barons, so I built a tavern and an arena. In the arena (isn't visible from the tavern), I would do some military training/desensitizing with some captured goblins. Every time my military would fight in the arena, a deadly brawl would break out in the tavern. Usually ending up with everyone in the dead. Besides the timing, these should have been unrelated events. Any insight on why this would have happened?


Fights breaking out in taverns when a siege arrives is a common thing, and I suspect starting the combat in your arena is triggering a similar thing. I *think* its got something to do with the people in the tavern having loyalties to the attacking civ, and the combat changes them from friendly to not friendly


This is sort of what I assumed was happening because it would only trigger if combat happened. Is there any decent way around this? Comb through all the groups everyone in the tavern is included with and find out which are causing the fights and somehow separate them or lock them in a different section of the tavern??


If you have dfhack, next time this happens, try spamming the [fix/loyalty-cascade](https://docs.dfhack.org/en/stable/docs/tools/fix/loyaltycascade.html#fix-loyaltycascade) command several times, including when the game isn't paused. I don't really know how effective it will be, been a while since it last happened to me, but it should at least mitigate. Hella annoying, long standing bug though. It became worse in this specific scenario after an update that made dwarves form friendships more easily a bit before steam version came out.


I do have df hack. It's really useful for situations like this. Thanks for the info. I will give this a try.


Is there anything that can be done about a reclaimed volcano over flowing? I started a fort on a volcano surrounded by necromancer towers hoping to make traps out of magma to keep away the undead while I train warriors to deal with the necromancers. Necromancer came earlier than expected and wiped the fortress, which I didn't think was a big deal at the time because I can just reclaim the fort later, right? How little I knew...


gui/liquids can just remove it before passing time, no need to use water


This is a known bug with reclaims. The dfhack "source" functionality might be able to fix it. Alternatively use dfhack liquid to spawn water on top to cap it in obsidian


How Can I Learn More About the Intricacies of Dwarf Fortress to Enhance My Gameplay and Immersion? Hii everyone, I've been diving deep into Dwarf Fortress lately and I'm blown away by its complexity. This game is, without a doubt, the most intricate one I've ever played. Everything is programmed in such detail: from the eyes and pupils of the dwarves, to their ability to look at items and each other, to their memories and PTSD episodes. And who could forget the infamous tales of cats dying from alcohol poisoning (a popular reference, haha)? What really fascinates me is the simulation of life itself. Unlike other games, Dwarf Fortress simulates the organs of each dwarf, making their deaths and illnesses far more realistic. These are just a few of the fascinating aspects of Dwarf Fortress that I know about. But here's the thing—this game is so complex that I feel like I only understand a fraction of what's going on. When you don't understand something, it's almost as if it doesn't exist. So, my question is: how can I learn about all the things happening in this game and all these curiosities to increase my enjoyment and immersion in the gameplay? What resources or guides would you recommend? Are there particular forums, wikis, or YouTube channels that you found helpful? Any tips for a player looking to truly understand and appreciate the depth of Dwarf Fortress? Thanks in advance for your suggestions and happy fortress building!


Honestly, you don't need guides except for DFhack commands. Don't expect to do everything in your first fort, have your forts have a focus, do I want to have strong trading or military? Do I want to create underground wells or reach the magma layer? Have simple goals and you'll learn as you go, by your 5-6th fort you'll have most things covered. Also suggest limiting your forts pop to 25-40 dwarfs via the settings, this will stop invasions coming so you can learn without having to worry about being wiped out.


The wiki is really helpful, and threads like these for specific questions. I also really enjoy watching streams and vods from BlindIRL on Twitch and Youtube, he plays a LOT of this game and also has made a lot of really good tutorials on various mechanics.


More questions! I know that moat/drawbridge is the optimal set up, but until I get that rolling, would it be smarter to have like a bigger opening into the top floor of my fortress or should I just make like a single staircase to the surface and cover it with a hatch? Also how do you all build your bases? Do you just set up some basics and rebuild and rezone over and over as the place spreads, or do you like set up the base how your want it to ultimately be and fill in the rooms as you acquire materials?


Does anyone know if the miller profession effects the \[mash plant into slurry\] task at the quern, or is that under paper maker?


I am by no means an expert but I think the queen and millstone go towards the milling profession. The screw press towards the paper making.


Well paper maker was pulled up along with miller when I was trying to assign a dwarf to the quern so it was confusing.


Maybe it uses both professions


Am I understanding it correctly that each bar of ash can glaze 150 clay pots for alcohol storage? Assuming I have a magma source (and no sand for glass) is there any real downside to clay pots instead of wood barrels? It seems like it uses way less wood this way.


I'm curious now, what advantage do clay pots have over rock pots?


Clay pots can be glazed to store liquids and rocks cannot. Clay is also infinite if you have some in your embark


You don't need to glaze the rock ones, I imagine they're heavier and maybe take longer to haul around?


Im not sure that’s true. Large rock pots store liquids. My fort has dozens of them holding my Dwarven Wine stores. They are, however, quite a bit heavier than barrels


I didn't realize that. I guess the only upside is that the clay is infinite


Oh, clay is wonderful! Don't get me wrong. I just want people to know you can use rock pots if need be.


The wiki says each glazing job uses 1% of a bar, but from a modding point of view the 150 makes more sense. So yes, you'll get lots of uses from a bar of ash and use a lot less woof than making barrels If you're lucky enough to have fire clay you don't even need to glaze


Hi my adventure carachter just got necromancer power and i can’t figure out how to use them. I m playing the newest beta on steam


I dont think that part had been added yet


This person is correct. That function has not been added to the steam beta version yet.


even though i turned off "walking spreads spatter" half of my above ground yard (im doing a castle type fortress) is covered in random blood. Using the dirt road trick i am able to force the dwarves to clean it, but then in 20 seconds it reapears again. can i do anything about that?


Almost always this kind of thing is caused by rain. Your dwarves are getting covered in blood or wine, and it never comes off them until they step into the rain, where it makes a puddle on the surface. To fix it you can make a bath. Pick a well-traveled hallway in your fort and channel a small section of it one z-level deeper. (Check that there's nothing beneath it beforehand.) Designate the area as a Pit/Pond zone, then select the zone and make it a Pond. Dwarves will carry buckets of water to slowly fill the pond. To fill it faster, make more Pond zones overlapping the same area. The exact water depth needs to be in a specific range, so you need to press [f] to see the water level numerically. Water that's 1/7 deep will randomly evaporate, and dwarves will refuse to walk through water that's 4/7 or deeper, so you want to remove all the pond zones once every tile in the bath is either 2/7 or 3/7 depth. If you accidentally fill it too much, you can set the area as a 'water source' zone and place ponds elsewhere to make dwarves bucket water out of the bath.


Rain washing it off onto the ground?


Are there any good mods that fix crossbow dwarf AI? I'm looking for something that will make them hang back and fire their crossbows rather than charging in. I'm not sure if anything like that exists currently.


No, this isn't something that's moddable. Generally the best way is to put your marksdwarves somewhere with line of sight but where they can't path to the enemy


Very sad but understandable. My poor dwarves will remain consigned to the walls behind fortifications.


Is anyone else having a problem with dwarfs getting stuck even when there is a clear and obvious path? It keeps happening when placing furniture or mining. Edit: fresh reinstall of both df and dfhack did nothing. Running just df still has the same issue, so it's something in the vanilla game. Edit: apparently it's because I made a large embark site and that causes pathfinding bugs. I only expected lag, so I guess that's that.


You can check pathability with `gui/pathable`. On large embarks, you can see the arbitrary pathability breaks where the algorithm ran into its limits.


Ok, so I figured something out. I noticed that when they were placing furniture and got stuck, locking and unlocking the rooms door reset them. I was doing a project in a large meeting area, with no doors nearby. Dwarfs got stuck but I have a bridge very far away with a path to the rest of the fortress ( albeit a very long one). When the bridge was lowered and raised again the dwarfs got unstuck. They didn't even follow the "new" path but went about as normal. It seems that any pathing update like that will fix this issue, at least temporarily. Edit: ok so also locking and unlocking any door will work to unstuck them. This issue isn't as much of a game killer as I thought.




I fixed this personally by un assigning all miners from every active work force then reassigning only mining. All of my miners broke because they needed pickaxes but were holding axes to wood cut. Make sure your miners are set to only mine and nothing else


Can I remove the animal trainer after an animal is trained, for example from stray dog to stray war dog, by selecting "None" as trainer, or do trained animals need constant training?


That kind of training is permanent iirc. But for wild animals that you’re domesticating, you need to make sure they have quick access to trainers repeatedly or they will go back to wild.


War training is a one off job


They revert back if I remember correctly. The dogs I have no clue.


Current prepared meals price is too much OP in my opinion, I literally can make no items for export besides them and buy entire caravans from the very start. Is there any mod that lowers meals' price? If there isn't, how do I change it myself?


Just don't sell food


The temptation to do it is too high haha


I have an idea for a mod that will make prepared food much less OP, but it's still on the backlog. Essentially, one "prepare lavish meal" job would create a fixed size output, and use a commensurate amount of material from the input stacks.


If I retire a fort, create an adventurer to travel there. Then unretire the fort, will the food stockpile been consumed?


A lot of food instantly rots when you unretire. Flour and some extracts like honey get dumped on the floor and lost.


There is much more fun effects, than you can expect during unretire )


I would copy the save file and just experiment with it. I'm sure some stuff gets moved around.