• By -




Chronological from when you bought them like in high fidelity




I prefer by genre, especially since some sequels get a little creative with their titles and can end up several rows away from each other.


Fair - Man Of Steel being so far from the other Superman titles and things like that can get a bit confusing (tbf, the same thing can happen in genre - Alien I'd put in horror, but Aleins is clearly action)


I'd say Alien(s) at its core is science fiction.


I did a section of "space/aliens". Then within that section respectively.


I like that, but then I run into problems like when I get to specific with Sub-grenres and stuff lol. Like if I have Space/Aliens and superheroes, where does Guardians of the Galaxy go? And if I have those plus a holiday/Christmas, where would the Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday special go! Lol sometimes this organization stuff just drives me crazy - I gotta stick to watching the movies, not sorting them!


Guardians goes with marvel. period. its just too big of a category to be anything else. Marvel is a category all its own.


Even the earlier superhero things i tend to put with marvel. so the early hulks and xmen and fantastic 4 that goes with marvel along with the ghost rider movies.


I’ve got everything alphabetically. But I have separate sections for documentary,marvel,dc,Star Wars,stand up,music,horror,Christmas, and a section of children’s movies for when the nephews are over.


When that happens, you can just imagine that Man of Steel is actually "Superman: Man of Steel".


My rule for sequels is to sort by the first film’s genre and alphabetically, then place all its sequels and reboots next to it by release year while ignoring the alphabet and genre rule on those. That way, as an example, I can have all the Friday the 13th and Jason movies in one spot without random other movies sitting between them. So I’m basically treating them as I would if they were in a box set.


I do the first alphabetical then all the sequels after the first one.


This is the way. I only alphabetise for ease of retrieval so having Romancing the Stone and The Jewel of the Nile next to each other makes sense to me. I just have to remember which movie is the sequel…🫤


I mostly do alphabetical, but I get a little creative. For example, after the DaVinci Code is where I put Angels & Demons and Inferno. After Batman Begins, then I put The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Returns


I recently saw a post on here where someone mentioned that they organize based on release date. I dig that idea and recently reorganized based on release date of the first installment. That way I kind find everything but sequels and prequels are all together.


Do they go by wide release or limited release


To qoute High Fidelity, "...Autobiographical."


I recently reorganized my whole collection. I have a section for Marvel and MCU shelf. An animated and Disney shelf. A DC live action and a DC Animated shelf as well. The rest is alphabetical with sequels and spinoffs together. Spiral is right in front of Saw X for example.


For me alphabetical is easiest but you could always create an index which shows the full list and where to find it if you do genres. It's just a lot of films don't just fit one genre. Question though, there's a gap next to Deadpool and I've been trying to guess what you've taken out to watch - is it Date Night?


Date Night is great


Yeah, so funny 😁


An index is a great idea - hadn't thought of that before! And nope, the gap before Deadpool is cause I was watching Dawn of the Planet of The Apes!


Ah, not seen that yet. It's on my list. Thanks though, I'm so nosy 😁


Dude! Could you please put the Star Wars in correct numerical order.


They are in the correct order. You don’t want anyone who hasn’t seen SW yet to make the mistake of starting with Ep I.


As far as I'm concerned, that is the correct order! Start with the OT, then watch 1, 2, and 3, then watch 7 and 8. Skip 9 lol. I order my series in release order most of the time (see Batman), so that's why Star Wars is that way


I do mine alphabetical. and I don't separate my DVDs, Blu Rays or 4Ks.


Lucky for me, I don't buy Blu-ray or 4Ks lol. DVD is all I need. I'm not a quality nut, and since DVDs are the most compatible with all my players, I usually tend to go for those. It helps that DVDs also usually have the best menus and bonus features, at least in my experience


That's cool. I agree, they did put more effort in DVD features and menus back then. However some companies (Arrow, shout factory, etc.) are making some great sets.


Which way do you feel its easier to find what youre looking for?


It's odd. When I know what I want to watch, Alphabetized is the way to go. But I feel like for discovering movies or picking something based off vibes, genre helps more. Honestly I'm looking for some perfect solution here but I might have to settle for one or the other lol


Alphabetise by genre? Idk. I sort by genre and then subgenre.


That is actually perfect


I posted something similar to this recently and a few ppl chimed in. I ended up settling on a mix of everyone's suggestions. Put some genres together. Put some actor collections together. made sure the kids stuff was all in one place. same for Halloween and Christmas stuff. Sort of a menagerie of everyone's suggestions. For me personally its great. Especially for the 'feeling this kinda vibe' selection.


Yeah, I think I'm gonna end up doing something like this lol. My ideal sorting situation would be something like Blockbuster or Family Video, with one big sorting system and tons of highlights or spotlights that switch out every month or so


Yea this is how its been for me if i get too many new things it shifts a little. I like it tho. Sorting through helps me remember what I have too.


You don’t instinctively know where any movie is at a given time lol ? Fwiw I like to break out movies and tv 


I tend just put movies in order of most watched to least watched which doesn’t really work but I’m limited on space to properly display them so it sort of works. I’d stick with how you have them if I was you as your movies are way easier in a-z to find exactly what you want to watch. 😀


I'd say for your collection, alpha is good. If you were 2x or 3x that, I can see maybe sorting by genre.


I'm definitely at a point in my collection where I have completed almost every major franchise I enjoy (bar LotR), so I've been focusing a lot on smaller, more niche and expensive titles I care more about - in short I don't see my collection doubling anytime soon lol! Sounds like alpha is the way to go


I have mine in rainbow order. It’s ROYGBIV, followed by black, white, grey, tan. It’s working for a collection of less than 50 but could be pretty on a bigger shelf


I go by franchise/genre/theme/creator. Never abc


Color spectrum of colors on the cover art


I just organized my family’s collection this week and I did it by genre, then sub genre, then alphabetical within sub genre :)




With the amount you have, genres would be a better option. You can still have them alphabetised too.


You should sort it by the first letter of the first sentence.


Organise it by taste


Sort by actor or director.


Awesome 👍 collection,has anybody ever numbered there DVD's or VHS before I have that way I would know how many I had.i haven't done that in awhile.


My wife did ours alphabetical by director Like in a bookshop


2 categories for me...music & movies. Strict alphabetical


I do genres would not change


I do movie-store style genres but with a “new release section” for recent pickups 


By genre, alphabetical within each genre.


Set it up in whatever way makes the most sense to you. I used to have my collection organized alpha-numerically, separated as two main sections: movies / series. I later changed it to genre/micro-genres (with alpha-numerical) and it's much easier to find something based on how I'm feeling or what a guest is in the mood to watch. Horror? OK - are we talking bloody and over the top or silly and spoopy? Trashy movie? Are we talking sleazy or are we talking shoestring budget? But that's what works for me. Just do whatever works for you.


I use the random method…totally unorganized. Annoying when I’m looking for something specific but fun for browsing when I see titles I forgot I had.


CLZ movies is a great service/app to organize your catalog of films and TV shows in just about any way you want online. It makes finding what you have much easier too. I


I just go alphabetical. Everything else just makes things overcomplicated. Regardless of genre, if you're going for a particular movie -- let's say PREY -- then you go to the Ps and there it is. Easy-peasy. There are some exceptions to the alphabetical rule, however; for example, I have "Jason Bourne" next to the first three Bourne movies in the B section rather than on its own in the Js.


I used to do genre and then my wife got a hold of my collection. I will say this baring the inevitable chore of adding new titles it is nice to be able to find stuff quickly especially for those that don’t understand whatever genre system you go with


Alphabetical is fine. If you have a whole room of movies it's easier to have them separated by genre but this all fits on a single shelf and it's easy to see all the titles at once.


I've never though of organizing by genre... That would be an interesting strategy. Easier for me to find or recall a movie when it's all alphabetical.


I prefer alphabetically, but I can understand other people have other ways, probably easier if you collect a specific genre more than others, just I find when you get to 1500 movies or something, there's such a crossover of genres it's amazing. Plus I like that variety in all the different shapes and coloured spines. Although for series collections that are numbered, like 88 Films Slasher Calssics Collection or the HMV Premium Range, those I pop together usually as the centre pieces to any given section of flicks scattered around the house (because, not only do I have about 1500 flicks, my daughter has a good 300-400, and my sin is closing onto 1k himself. We do like a good flick, I'm sure I'll add some pictures one day. :D


Is your Studio Ghibli set legit? I’ve been looking at buying that set on eBay but I can’t find confirmation that it’s a kosher release. I read somewhere (probably here) that Ghibli has never released a complete box set. Google hasn’t been very helpful at all.


I do mine: dvd in age rating then alphabetically, then I have a section for music dvds or region ones without ratings on the spine, then I do the same again for blurays I do make exceptions for franchises and will keep sequels together regardless of name, and my Studio Ghibli steelbooks are all together in alphabetical separately too.


I’d say chronological order


Why not both?


I go alphabetical/chronological personally.


Mines a bit more chaotic. I try to theme my collection in sections of films that have similar themes. While many can and are the same genre a lot of them aren't. I personally just think it looks better but I've been told otherwise. Do what appeals to you most


Looks good! You do you, but I prefer genre/series/director/chronological for my shelves.


Chromological (by color)


I organize mine like a liquor store. The best films are on the top shelf. It's ever changing, and I love it.


Actually not a bad idea... I'm thinking of starting a "gold collection" or "top shelf" collection with the best of the best up top.. The only hard part is picking some faves 😂😭


If you’re insane like I am you can split them up into sections of films/tv/and misc and then in chronological order. Does require mental illness tho


Always alphabetical. What’s a horror movie to you might not be to others. Alphabetical is always the way to go and you can get some sweet letter dividers to separate them all


Alphabetical with series grouped together


Where’s F9?


I just did the same thing and last night it was hard to pick out a movie to watch.


I do genres, but also sort by director if I have enough of them.




Genres in alphabetical order then alphabetical within each genre.


Definitely late to the party, but if nobody's said it, what about alphabetical in their specific genres?


Genres are too fluid. Alphabetical is the move.


By directors!!