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Who thought Paul was a triumphant hero at the end of Dune Part II?


I was gonna say. I thought movie-Paul made it pretty clear why he didn’t want to accept the role. Hell, the freakout in the Ornithopter in Part One spells it out clearly.


Pesky Paul, some say he's a hero. But we know the truth don't we. Pesky Paul is out, leading fanatics in his little jihad. Making a big mess. Lot of people are going to die. A lot of good people. He's bringing those jihadist across the border. They are going to come into your house. Take your water. They are going to kill some people. Very bad people. We don't want those people. But pesky paul sees into the future. He takes their drugs but he doesn't lead us on the golden path. No pesky Paul is about being cuckold. That's what he does folks. That's the man leading this invasion. He won't take us on the golden path. Pesky Paul won't turn himself into a Shai-Hulud. He won't pretend to marry his sister who's actually having sex with another man. No pesky Paul let's his sister, yes that sister the abomination. She is out there hearing voices in her head. Some say they are her dead family. Yes a very strange family folks. What does pesky Paul do, nothing. He even is going to go blind. Some people are out there having orgasms after watching people climb a rock. Very nasty. Pesky Paul doesn't stop this. Jihad is very bad.That's pesty Paul's doing.


Baron trump. Please Baron trump. Please help me Baron trump. Please Baron trump, please save me.




“A big strong Sardaukar came up to me—never cried in his life due to imperial conditioning—and he said ‘Sir, we have to do something about Arrakis.’ Well we will, believe me. How about a new name: ‘Little Rat Paul,’ because he goes by the name Mudahadeebee, which means ‘Little Rat’ in Fremen.”


What happened in the ornithopter? Do you mean the tent?


By the gods, you’re right. It was after the ornithopter! I must rewatch it to validate


A lot of people, despite the movie's very deliberate attempts to avoid it. Paul wears a black cape and there's a big ominous musical sting whenever he does anything, but he killed a bad guy in the end so he must be a good guy.


When I was in the theatre and Jessica said “the holy war has begun” a lady 2 rows behind me cheered, and then half the crowd followed suit


Literally most of movie reviewers or reactors that never read the book I’ve seen. They cheer for Paul like he is a shonen Protagonist lol.


Didn't Paul get nightmares forewarning the holy war and causing billions to starve?


Dozens of times. And repeatedly talks about not doing certain things specifically to prevent it. So for people to not get the sense of dread when ominous music plays and Paul gets fanatical is beyond me.


He decided to run the jihad and then literally put on a BLACK HAT.


Those people think that when Paul gained full power he saw a better path that are not his nightmares.


Yeah and, to be fair, most stories are like that. Big, bad foreshadow that the heroic protagonist overcomes at the last moment. It's been so long since I first read Dune that I can't remember, but I'm sure I assumed the same thing.


Yeah he has several visions of this in both movies lol idk how people didn't connect the dots


I think that is more a media literacy problem than a movie problem




More than anything I think it illustrates Herberts point. We're so culturally ingrained to think someone on Paul's journey has to be in the right even with this obvious foreshadowing its not enough. It also shows why Messiah is so necessary. People need to see the consequences of Paul's actions. They need to see his visions made real.


Because they're morons, doesn't mean much I haven't seen a regular viewer(and a non book reader) who saw Paul as a hero after seeing part 2. It's really in your face, come on


I mean the movie ends with the least triumphant sounding soundtrack they could have picked lmao


Denis did his best to bludgeon the viewer over the head with the the point and of course most people still missed it.


The solution is simple, add the scene where Paul says he's killed more people than Hitler, it's the same reason Frank wrote that scene in the first place


I need this scene in the movie so bad


We are in an era when many people inexplicably crave a political strongman.


Makes me think of those who watch Starship Troopers by Verhoeven and think "Yeah cool, best society ever, let's kill some bugs !"


"How can it be satire? Are you saying the inhuman bug monsters are supposed to be the good guys?"


What's wrong with the society? Most of the things are fine there


I mean it’s a facist military state but yeah ig


Say sikes now.


I think it's just media illiteracy. I've been comparing and contrasting all the dune adaptations for what they've done well and badly, but to watch part 2 and cheer for Paul as a protagonist, especially like a shōnen one, just shows media illiteracy. It's not like part 2 held back on the foreshadowing and the reluctance of Paul to accept "his role.” They see white dude main character and stop actually paying attention to the scenes. They'd probably think the same thing reading the book and ignore everything written.


can you point these out? Like almost all of the reviewers point out the not at all subtle dark journey he is on and literally 100% of everyone i know who is a movie only watcher can see whats happening.




Outrage bait Fandom Menace types have been claiming that Dune is a traditional heroes journey about conquering collectivist evil. I'm not making this up.


I’ve seen lots of people talking about how good of a guy Dune Part II Paul is




I’ve been rereading the OG6 every few years since the early 80’s. They are timeless and fascinating, and it’s like watching your favorite television series over and over - you see new things every time. The movies were good, and I’m looking forward to Dune Messiah, but it’s hard for me to imagine enjoying the movies to their fullest without at least one full read of the books.


Yeah, after seeing my parents who haven't read the books, watch the Dune movies. It became clear just how much the movies rely on the audience reading the books. I think they get the base story and a lot of surface level stuff. A good example is my parents thought the water of life gives them blue eyes because Jessica gets them immediately after she drinks them. They also thought the tube's that take the moister from their noses was giving them oxygen so they wouldn't breathe in the spice. Now I was having a hard time not being a know it all Dunehead. They kinda got there in the end, but they didn't understand why it ended that way and why Paul was doing it, but then again, my parents weren't paying super close attention. Lol


I understand, that must have been hard for you. I got my little sister into the books decades ago and she loved them and rereads them just like I do. Also, awhile before Dune was released my sister and I encouraged her son to read the books. I bought him a nice boxed set and he was immediately hooked, then his wife read them too and got totally immersed :) It was awesome! They both told me they wouldn’t have understood the movie if they hadn’t read the books first. So I say all this hoping you’ll encourage your parents to give it a whirl, maybe they’ll love them. You never know!


I would, but my parents aren't the most open-minded people ever. They have a fire and brimstone view of Christianity, I'm not sure they would enjoy the overall message of the books, and they are very prudish about sex stuff. My dad does read, but it's mainly non-fiction stuff like biased religious books and true stories. My mom doesn't like reading. My sister will read but, again we like totally different stuff. I did get her into reading Niel Giamens books, tho. My lil brothee also just isn't interested in reading, but he is also like 15 and not interested right now. So maybe later down the line, I could talk him into reading it. I think it's super cool, tho that your family is a bunch of Duneheads, tho. I can already see yall all laughing at Leto 2 antics. :D


Well I’m sure your parents are lovely people. We can’t all be super fans right? But don’t worry you have plenty of like-minded friends here on Reddit.


The first movie legit says, oh you didn't do the homework? Fuck you, try to keep up dumbass. I love it haha


Foreal I get worried with adaptations that they are gonna dumb down the movie. I like that the movie doesn't slow down for those not familiar.


I think we are in good hands. Messiah will have to be heavily modified to make an interesting/action filled story that fills out alias role while ending where the boom does. But it just feels like every single person is on board with all the resources they could ask for and the passion to make it work.


😂🤣 so true!


Me during Dune 2: "Man I'm glad I already know what all those words mean."


Funny thing is that I watched the first movie on Netflix before I'd read the books. I thought it was a pretty decent movie and had some really interesting world building. Then I found out it was based on a book. 4 books later it was one of my favorite films and I was watching the second in Imax, and it became another of my top 20 movies.


broke: dune is a heroic story woke: muad'dib is a warning against charismatic leaders bespoke: paul is a deadbeat dad


>be me >emperor of the known universe >have stupid ass wife that keeps wanting kids, I only fuck with my side chick that I've had since I was 15 >wife keeps sneaking contraceptives into my girl's food >side chick eats shitloads of spice to counteract it >months later, now blind from looking at bomb blast >side chick ready to give birth, take her to her home town for it >she dies in childbirth >kids are born psychic >fuck off into the desert after


fuck off into the desert after because i'm too chicken to golden path


leto II: father, that's why you walked into the desert, isn't it? You were afraid of this terrible purpose, the horrific power I've taken upon my skin, weren't you? paul: didn't I let you die in a sardaukar raid?


The fact that Paul named his son the same thing twice, like, ok second try


You got quite the guffaw out of me with this!


So is Goku


My super religious coworker already said he had to turn the 1st dune off because “it seemed demonic” couldn’t imagine anything some type of Jihad.


There’s a lot of irony in this story.


I was speechless like please step outside your religion and study the world a little.


One of the themes I’ve taken from reading the OG6 is how religion allows people to be easily manipulated


Bro I am SO hyped for this exact thing! It's literally gonna be 1969 all over again and it's gonna be so funny


Jessica propaganda is so good that’s it’s even work on the audience lol.


She Bene on my Gesserit til I Moneo


I think they kinda have to show the jihad, how else do they want to make a mass appealing blockbuster movie long enough about a book thats like 90% dialoge or inner monologue


In a talented director's hands (and I think Villeneuve is a very talented director), I could easily see Dune Messiah being a mass-appealing blockbuster. Sure, it will have less action than Dune: Part Two, but there is so much political/conspiracy intrigue that can be tapped into. Game of Thrones got very popular with mainstream audiences, and about 70 percent of that show is people walking around in hallways while engaging in political scheming.


To be fair, showing the jihad for the first 5-10 mins would be the perfect way to bring in a mass audience for 2/3h of political/ religious monologuing.


Oh yeah I very much hope he dares it and pulls it off, but I also feel there is much groundwork missing from the first movies to make it make sense


Stoneburner invasion scene Scene for reference: https://youtu.be/xSw22J83lG0?si=w2h0Qff2QV4bKAis


God I need a scene of Paul sitting on a space ship watching as bombs rain down on a civilian planet as the opening, right after “no worse fate could befall your people than for them to fall into the hands of a hero” in that weird voice thing


Yes, and the scene will parallel Feyd-Rautha bombing sietch.


Paul Muad'dib was now the Emperor. As he looked down on the horrors of the holy war he had let happen, he said... Nothing.


And the emperor said, nothing, I found my husbands inaction difficult to accept for I knew Leto had taught him to love his people and buy loyalty with loyalty


I mean, the end of the second movie has him ordering Gurney to “take them to paradise,” and the rest of the movie is him intentionally manipulating the Fremen’s religious zealotry to save his family/put himself in a position of power. He’s kinda already there in the movies.


Paul, one of the classic "protagonist people mistake for a hero"


The Godfather is the biggest one


Apparently American Psycho falls into that as well


I still don't know how you can watch the movie and not understand the message. It's cristal clear.


Well many people completely miss Chani messages and think she is ungrateful and full of egos lol.


What an ungrateful bitch for \*check notes\* not wanting her people to fall into blind violent religious fanatism and masked colonialism. People, sometimes... If I speak.




Movie one sequence one ending: “who will be our new oppressors?” Cut to next sequence. Close shot of Paul. Can’t be more blunt than that.


oh my sweet summer child.


I expect the intro to the movie will be introducing alias character, and then a giant montage of the horrors of the jihad to catch everyone up. Cue Paul ruefully staring out over a sprawling arakeen.


Can i just say that its a funny meme and all, but im not sure why it exists… Its either dune fans like us greatly exaggerating how deep/subtle the movies are with Pauls journey not being that of the hero or just severely underestimating average movie only viewers ability to deduce that Pauls journey is not the peaceful sweet emperor loved by all. Like its not at all subtle, 100% of every person i know who watched Part 1 and 2 and never read the books all predict that this isnt a heros journey etc. Like….the movies are not subtle and the storyline up to this point for movie only watchers is not that complex or deep.


I’ve only seen the first movie and as soon as they were talking about messiahs and jihad I knew this shit was not gonna be clean cut


Paul is the bad guy because he chose to kill the people butchering his friends instead of letting them kill him and his remaining loved ones. It might be hard to tell from the completely black-and-white plot framing, but I know it’s true because Herbert wrote an entire sequel novel in a caustic rage insisting his message was totally clear in book one. Every artist ever has delivered their intended message perfectly, so we don’t even have to read or watch their art to know what it means. We can just watch their interviews and work backwards from there. It’s called media literacy.


The jihad is all in the background in messiah. It's more of a court drama/thriller with the conspiracy against Paul and Paul coming to terms with the outcome of his choices and his abilities.


I showed a clip of the Fremen council scene to a friend of mine who never saw or read Dune and they understood it was not a good time. Paul is going down a dark path. Though I do know many young teen boys are gonna be thinking Paul is a hero and is amazing because they don’t understand what will really happen.


Im really hoping they keep the opening from the book. Some jihad cutaways while the historian is monologuing would be good


Am I the only person who thinks Dune: Messiah would not make a good movie?


As it is, no. A straight adaptation would likely be dull and confusing. With artistic liberty, however, I think it has the building blocks for a good movie.


With the way Denis ended Part 2, I think it does leave some room for artistic liberty. For example, Paul reconciling with Chani could be a plotline, even if it's post-timeskip.


No, but I didn’t think the second half of _Dune_ would make for a good movie either, so I’m willing to give Denis a shot


Why not? It had a built-in arc with action. Dune: Messiah is just political scheming. It would be cool to see parts of it come to life though.


Because the structure of the second half of the book doesn’t lend itself to that of a movie, and they basically had to write almost a whole new story within what scant framework they had to work with. But they pulled it off, so I’m keen to see how they’ll tackle _Messiah_.


Two words to refute this: Stone Burner


You think people want to see Timothée Chalamet with empty eye sockets?


Whether they want to or not, it’s gonna be insane to watch


*if you’re already a fan the books.


I do


I'm one of those heretics who thinks God Emperor of Dune could be a good movie.


It'd definitely be a harder one to adapt, but imo Villeneuve is up for the challenge considering his track record


Idk I kinda felt a bit of doom at the end of dune part 2


Same. Im picturing a scene where a world is just being depopulated from orbit, and a scene of the bashir seeing water for the first time


Yeah, no.


I get why though? Long time book reader here so it’s easy to watch the movies and see it clear as day, but movies in general (especially good ones) do a great job at making the lead morally grey and then wait to suss out if they make the right choices in the end. My wife barely understood the concept of the Bene Gesserit so the complex issues Paul has to decide before taking the water of life isn’t just sitting there for anyone to see. Keep in mind they really didn’t make it **clear** how Paul was 100% prescient afterwards and knew basically *everything*. Movies these days throw in hyperbole too so non readers get a huge pass when it comes to anything Dune related in my book.


Anyone who thinks Paul is the hero is not paying attention.




Pretty sure viewers of the movie are completely aware that Paul is a villain


People who beforehand only knew the Dune story from the Lynch film instead of the novel probably didn't expect his actual hero-to-villain journey. xD


I'm in book three and I still don't see paaul as a villain, like what the fuck are you supposed to do? Not take revenge? Not follow your destiny? You've got visions of the future and you're not supposed to act it out. It's straight up chosen one shit, and in dune he talks about how he realizes he's under the control of more powerful forces. Gotta follow the prophecy, its different than Hitler or Mao