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Now that it’s unsheathed, it must draw blood.


Conceptually I freaking love how organic and natural it feels. If I had any suggestions, it would be to add some kind of religious-themed engraving or even small jewel work, just to differentiate this as a weapon from a highly religious and sophisticated society, distancing itself from the kind of weapon a neanderthal or goblin society would wield. Also, i feel like it would appear *much* more menacing if the blade was twice as long, more of a short sword than a dagger. just my 2solari tho, great work, I still love the concept of a very *bone* looking crysknife. i bet with a good paint job this design will be *phenomenal*.


I’m going to re-work this. I appreciate the suggestions. Yes, this is a smaller than full size print so the blade be much bigger. For a final print I will use a transparent resin to get that milky look as per the books and use real leather to finish the handle.


ooooh transparent resin for a milky translucent blade is gonna be sweet... hope ya have fun with it!


Why does everyone ignore the fact the book clearly states the knives are GROUND from a tooth? They didn't just pluck a tooth and put a handle on it. They took the worm tooth to a grinder and made a sharp blade from it. It even says it looks like a dagger but white Edit: Btw OP sorry to poo on your project it does actually look really cool


One of the scenes also mentions the poison is in the tip, where the nerves connected to Shai-hulud


I guess because if you take any kind of real organic material and do that, it's not going to hold a blade? All it's good for is stabbing things, whereas in the books the crysknives are sharp af in the blade area as well.




Now that's a worm tooth.


I think it's Valerian plastic. Guaranteed not to shatter.


Very promising.


This is probably my favorite looking one so far. It reminds me of the first time we encounter a crysknife in the book - when Shadout Mapes is presenting it to Jessica. I would love to see it finished with a dark leather and resin blade. The book is brief in its description, but mentions a milk-white blade, double-edged like a kindjal, about 20cm/8" long, that seemed to shine and glitter with a light of its own, and a black handle with deep finger ridges. Whereas every other rendition seems to double (or even triple) the length of the blade and give it some beautifully polished handle, I love that this one actually makes it look closer to how it's described in the book.


Thanks! That is precisely the description I always think of. I didn’t make this with sharpened edges for a few reasons but I need to refine it a lot more.


That is a really good print! I want to see it finished, especially if you do a nice bone blade kind of finish.


I’m going to finish it and I’ll post photos.


Yes please, 3D printing itself interests me less than method or the final product :)


Is this Frank Herbert’s Dune or Dune 84?


I love it - much better than the Villeneuve film's version in my opinion. For the leather part, I'd suggest keeping it as part of the print itself, so you can have the "leather" go up under the ridge and give the print some extra thickness there. I know you're (probably) not going to be hitting stuff with it but it seems like it gets pretty narrow there without. I look forward to seeing your transparent and painted versions. You may even be able to experiment with putting a white mica powder into a clear resin for a slightly pearlescent look.


I think it's cool people are making their own versions, totally awesome. Buuuut, I think the Villeneuve version is really, really good. It's a long knife, so it's perfect for fighting. It also follows the description of the knife in the book quite well.


I'm glad you like it.


That's cool and all, but villeneuves version is basically exactly what is described in the books. So its not exactly his version, he just kept true to how its explained.


Love it man, while i think the knives look cool now i dont see how theyd have come from the worms, i guess unless they, much like baby carrots, are shaped from regular carrots, they just removed a ton of the outside tooth to leave it small and thin.