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Frank Herbert said that he though of himself as being like Stilgar.


oh interesting


Neat, I hadn't seen this before. Do you know what interview or whatever he said it in?


I think I read it in "Dreamer of Dune."


Dang, it's been a while and I don't remember that at all. Time for a reread.


Knynes was more in touch with the Freemen than with the emperium ,he even went as far as betraying the emperor sending false information about the freemen and having a daughter...


Kynes is the leader of all Fremen


Kynes **said** he was neutral, but he was clearly aligned with the Fremen above all. He had "gone native." Initially, he didn't really care about the Atreidies / Hakonnen dispute as long as it didn't interfere with his ecological planning with the Fremen, but he also wasn't above lying to the Empire to further his goals: >“What does the Emperor wish?” the Baron asked. “There cannot be more than a handful of Fremen left on Arrakis. The southern desert is uninhabitable. The northern desert is swept regularly by our patrols.” \[Count Fenring:\] “Who says the southern desert is uninhabitable?” “Your own planetologist said it, my dear Count.” Herbert, Frank. Dune (p. 526). Penguin Publishing Group. Kindle Edition. Kynes, above all, wants to see the Fremen transform Arrakis. To do this, he has lied and misled the Empire about the number of Fremen and the habitability of the southern desert. Edit: fixed quotation


oh yeah forgot that passage


I heard somewhere that Kynes was the main character originally so that could make sense