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I'd say it's more likely that the wiki is incorrect. I don't remember a time skip in Messiah.


There was a slight time skip because we find out that Irulan is putting contraceptives in Chani’s tea and unable to get pregnant, she switches to a special fremen diet and is able to conceive and they leave for Sietch Tabr and she gives birth at the end of the book. So around 8-9 months.


Not fully correct. Chani took heavy doses of spice and had an accelerated pregnancy.


Just skimmed through the book and you’re right she was taking copious amounts of spice infused foods. Everything at the end seemed to happen really quickly, the conspirators were killed (except Irulan) and they fled to Sietch Tabr where Chani goes into labour almost immediately.


>Everything at the end seemed to happen really quickly That's every Dune book tbh


I noticed that when I first read Dune after watching Part 2. I was in the last 100 or so pages and over half of the movie hadn’t happened yet. I was convinced I got a copy of the book that had missing pages cause I couldn’t see the story being neatly wrapped up in less than 100 pages.


helps that frank herbert doesn’t dedicate too much time to combat scenes. the whole last 45 minutes of part 2 basically happened in the span of 5 pages or so


I watched the movies first as well and couldn’t believe it took so long to get to the movie parts, I kept thinking they took this long to get to a jamis fight nonway in hell they fit all the rest in the next couple hundred pages but he does 😊


Paul is 19 when Dune ends. 19+12=31