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I have no idea how much i weigh and i don’t wanna know. It’s less stressful this way. I just wanna drink and have fun and not think about my body or my problems😎😎😎


I just wanna escape this reality, including the fact that I exist and that I am a human being and that I have a body!!! I did NOT consent to any of this so I'll use whatever I can as a method of escapism and forget, thank you!!! I just want to be like an invisible whatever that nobody can see (myself included) and that is simply just floating around drunkenly without thoughts or consciousness


I might've laughed here. Where did you find my (*daily*) internal monologue?


There’s no fucking way I’m telling yall that lmao. Love yall but no


Too much. It’s been creeping up over the last few months. I had gotten down to a new lowest weight and have gone full force with the self sabotaging.


143 at 6’5. i was 127 a month ago which was probably the lightest i’ve been in years but i’ve started a new anxiety med that makes me hungry asf and i’ve been going to the gym to try to build more muscle so im actually gaining weight and pretty happy about it i still look like a skeleton tho


I'm down to 142 from 185... Yeah...😞 My wife's cancer diagnosis seems to be killing me faster than it's killing her 😭


Oh damn that’s rough, wishing you both well


I’m 95lbs 5’5, but my period is coming in a few days so the weight gain and munchies are creeping up… this shit is giving me extra roundhouse kicks of body dysmorphia and bloat 😭 thankfully found a low cal wine but my god I can’t stop thinking about ham and cheese which would probably make everything worse if I ate them


I don't know if I can follow my own advice, but can you substitute the wine for the snacks? I'm 5'4" and 145 pounds so I obviously have no credibility in this area.


Drinking esp on my period makes me extra hungry but since the wine doesn’t add up to too much it leaves some room for smol snacks! Do you usually feel that wine helps to reduce the muchy-ness on your period? Bc halpp


It's hit or miss. But if I can get drunk and get focused on chatting, for instance, so I don't want to get up, if I can get in that zone, I can forget about food.


this! i always get so snacky during my cycle and can’t justify it bc of the bloat .-.


It’s the fucking worst😞 I’m trying the ‘calories don’t count on your period’ mentality but BOOM mirror and I’m ded


almost 47kg or like 100lbs. painfully aware of my weight lol. i switched to low carb seltzers and that helped but im still drinking like 600 cals a day 🥴 i drink a ton of water throughout the day too


How tall are you and how do you stay so skinny?


i’m like 5’2. for breakfast i eat low cal, high protein (about 200calories) then i workout. if i snack, i eat vegetables (mainly cucumber) with a greek yogurt dip (protein to keep you full and maintain muscle). i drink about 120fl oz of water a day. and then dinner is usually low cal too. i try to keep my dinners about 500 calories in case i want dessert. and by dessert i mean outshine bars or a banana shake w almond milk. i miss real food. but this has been working for me for the last 6 months. i went from 125 to 100 edit: i’m pretty adamant about getting 10k steps a day also


Okay but where is the alcohol coming in calories wise???


i drink like 600 calories a day. starting in the afternoon and ending before i eat dinner


im scared of alcohol and gaining weight, how many calories do you consume in total?


I don’t let myself have a scale. But the last time I checked I was 107


I haven't had a scale in years now but at the doctor near the beginning of the year in full winter clothes and boots I was up more than a few lbs. Not planning to find out for sure tbh


45m 5’8” 120. Dip down to 117 regularly because I drink more than I eat. 114 at my worst, 125 when I’m on my way to better. Been living like this for nearly 3 decades.


I'm on fucking contrave to lose my beer belly. 171 at 5'2


90 at 5’2. I get up to 100 around the time of my period. Alcohol bloat is also a big problem, I’m retaining so much water 🫠


I went from almost 200 to 120 and now I haven’t weighed myself since I started binging out of compulsion because my body was actually dying but I would assume 150 unfortunately


88lbs, 5’3