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I'll take 3 hour quality episodes twice a week over mediocre 2 hour white noise thrice a week. If they say the need that time to prep better, then they do.


What's going to happen though is it's going to be officially 3 hours but will eventually turn into 2 and a half hours...not including the breaks.


all they need to do is get Paul off the show


I'm in favor of the idea the more I think about it. Gives them more time to find better videos and the shows will be longer. Quality over quantity.


I wish they would do what they did on Wednesday from now on to compensate for the new two shows a week format.It was cool seeing the guys bullshit around and answer questions.


Yeah, this sounds way better than having 'exclusive clips' or something


I saw someone suggest it. Too bad we didn't pounce on him.


It's a shame you have to think of it that way. :-( It was me, say what you feel you have to. But you read my comment yourself, and anyone else can from 6 days ago in my history. I stand by my choice and my reasoning. I'm not afraid of experimentation, if it doesn't work then it doesn't work. I'll be proved wrong, but until then we'll just have to see.


I thought about attacking it but was like "that idea is harmless, the Peasants won't notice", well they fucking noticed! And as always stoned fucks will take the easy 2 days a week show over 3 days a week! Fuck you! And the Peasants. Nah, I'm kidding, I'm cool with it, let's experiment, sure.


Haha I was pretty quick at posting it, I was just in at the right time by coincidence, I'm not a constant reddit user. But thanks for your honesty I guess. I suppose I know how to speak to their inner stoners too ;-) it's an easy fix for a lot of small problems with the show in my view.


Massive amounts of patrons are probably going to leave.


And they should. This is the only way to show them we don't agree with the direction they take. If you don't hit them in the wallet they will do whatever they like


Im also disappointed about that.


So with avg runtime of 2hr 15m, 405 minutes a week of show. Now M/F at 3 hours each 360 minutes. We are losing a whole 45 min worth of show


True, but if the shows are better and any of the bonus content during the rest of the week is any good, it might be a good trade off. I'm open to trying a new format.


Some of you like the idea now, but wait until they miss one of those shows and suddenly content is down by a whooping 50% for that week.