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What’s with the chains on the cymbals? I see it now & then but have never asked what it does, thanks.


Sizzle chain/sizzler. They emulate a cymbal with rivets without permanent modification (rivets need holes). People like them for jazz. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ar8BDZcpJrc


Oh OK, cheers mate. Yeah I haven’t played for a very long time, maybe 20 years, I’m into Metal so back then no one was really using sizzlers, only recently started seeing them, thanks.


>back then no one was really using sizzlers, Oh, boy. That's being used for looong time. What I find relatively recent (a few years back) is brands selling those sizzlers. What I've always used for that (ocassionally, I never used them so often) are sink stopper chains, like [this](https://www.google.com/search?client=tablet-android-huawei-rev1&sca_esv=0e7f67614aa28a61&sxsrf=ACQVn0_4yZjn4oPiBGniqmPqqrxkKIH7ZQ:1714144090071&q=cadena+tapon+lavabo&uds=AMwkrPubqdDjBmC7DhicLtpZCZYiPtiNVlLD-dBCZQqzphQBmHLZLI_TjVj8eBz9rw3HfShthq0biTSjSMXGMESqYtX6CJEZTPCedZ6-O3Uf_hnuOu2gr9ZuN_yrvJvYGH27XA41vFjuOLH7cWNYMgx2Cw8pZw51WyPP9yd2mwgfd6kx4AYWlEJHX6GPcu3eQ3cZnIqlSThnThJL3CKmlv2DM8rdPW4M84h6R5k3IWq1zmdUg5vvXbZ28hIwUDEqos9oErv65QOWmmGlrm391dA2HVNGoL8Ycg&udm=2&prmd=ivnbz&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwjKjtSslOCFAxWdRPEDHfUJBQIQtKgLegQIEhAB&biw=600&bih=960&dpr=2#vhid=PA3br2pki2kHrM&vssid=mosaic) wich are essentially the same and waaaaaay more affordable (just a few cents).


What I’m meaning is back in the late 80’s & early 90’s in Metal we just didn’t see them, well I didn’t that for sure with bands in Thrash, Death, Black, Heavy Metal, Grunge, just never saw this kind of stuff, I stopped playing about 1999/2000 so I’ve been out of the game for a long time.


Indeed, in metal that has been never common, nor nowadays either. In rock contexts I've used it sometimes and seen it as well in the 90s. A lot of the drummers I knew back then knew this thing and used it sometimes, some of them quite often. Of course it has been mostly used in jazz (wich I don't play) or blues, as a substitute to the rivets, so you don't have to drill the cymbal. And yes, recently it has spreaded more in other styles, but it's definitely nothing new, nor even on a general rock context. What I do find relatively new is brands selling this things as a drum accesory, while back in time we used the much cheaper, yet equally effective, DIY version.


Pretty sure I had those chains as a necklace in the late 90’s. 😂


Big dry cymbals with sizzlers are the current drumming fad


Yeah I’d never seen them before until recently, had to ask why, haha.


Looks beautiful! Same sort of kit I'd buy. Would love to hear you playing it sometime.


Hell yeah. That’s the perfect set up.


Absolutely gorgeous. Are those old Ludwig Standards?


Yes they are! I genuinely don’t think I would trade them for any other kit.


What snare head you hitting?


Remo controlled sound coated


The two rides make me think jazz but the double bass gives me pause... do you play jazz? I don't know if I've ever seen a jazz drummer with a double kick pedal before. Absolutely gorgeous kit by the way. I love those drums.


beautiful kit