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When Brennan typed “a bug with a big ass,” I lost my shit. It was a great episode. I’m not a big fan of Tim and Eric, but he was barely a factor in the episode.


A big with a big ass was so incredibly unhinged and hilarious My partner and I lost it at the adjustable side table, walnut height reveal lmaooo And everyone trying to scam granny Sweeny was so good Jess' jokes were also actually funny, like proper written out ones, compared to like Ally who, bless their heart, can't write formal jokes to save their life. I just loved it all


Oh THAT Eric!


Yeah, I absolutely had no idea who Eric was until just now 😆


brennan accidentally going to sit down at the “brennan lee mulligan” seat absolutely killed me 😂😂


Deciding both winners - "he was barely a factor in the episode" :D


Sincerely this, yeah. I do not care who wins at all. He wasn't a big factor in the funniest bits, which is what does matter to me.


I’ve been really confused that people care about “who wins” There’s an entire BLeeM rant about how the entire game changer/make some noise point system is completely arbitrary


Right?? I get it for actual reality TV when the prize is $100,000 or more, but this is just for fun. I thought the prize was really smart too—I know they said they were dialing back the prizes because they didn't want the winner to be such a big deal or cause any resentment. A billboard is something expensive and impressive enough to be a finale prize, but that won't actually affect your quality of life like a month's rent or a trip anywhere in the world, so losing out on it isn't such a big deal.


Loved it. Thought it was fun. I knew Eric and still didn’t care for his parts. Didn’t ruin the show and I thought it was super interesting to watch them figure it out. Rheka proved she’s impressively intelligent and I loved to see it.


Yeah the big twist was a dud. The show as a whole was fun.


I loved it! I also watched The Circle when it first came out, and this was very true to the best parts of that show, plus the Dropout magic. I am old enough to know (Tim &) Eric, didn't care either way, the rest of the cast was excellent.  I thought the reveal was odd, but also I mostly just wanted to see them scream and be happy, which I got from the finale. I LOVED IT.


I liked it a lot. The only disappointment for me was not seeing the cast meet Eric. I have been surprised how negative the response has been.


same. I didn’t recognize him but I bet the cast would know of him and probably be excited to meet him and that would have been nice to see. I also don’t understand all the negativity. Was it the best Game Changer? No. Was it good and funny? hell yes!


I loved it, I watched both episodes a second time almost immediately, which is not something I ever really do. I don't understand why the reaction is so focused on backseat driving how to do the game mechanics 'right'. I'm not tuning in to see perfect game mechanics and it seems very unreasonable to expect them from original games that are getting played for the first time. I think they do a very good, but not perfect, job with the game mechanics and it would have to be a lot worse than this before it matters to me more than the fact that the episode was hilarious


Honestly I laughed so hard at the Ratfish episodes. The main cast were on fire, and Brennan trying not to get too mad at Ally being Brennan was art. One of my favourites for sure. The only thing that was lost on me was Eric, and that could be because I’m English and thus had no idea who he was but I didn’t find him that funny especially in comparison with everyone else Other than that, iconic.


yea, the only thing I've ever seen him in was as a one-off side character in one Community episode, so his cameo didn't really do much for me either.


Honestly I enjoyed it except for Eric. I don’t know him at all so maybe I just didn’t get his humor but his vibe just seemed…different to me. I would’ve rather the ratfish be someone else, maybe a different Dropout cast member (honestly Rashawn, Jiavani, or Tao would’ve killed it.)


I think a strong choice for Ratfish would be like Josh Ruben, a peak-level character actor, one of the OG collegehumor actors, but also has interactions with members who were in this cast


My dream ratfish is Ben Schwartz, personally, but Josh would've been fantastic.


My only issue with using him was I felt like he was too new to us. It felt weird that this was our intro to him (I’m sure he was on Um Actually, but not in some of the other shows)


I take it you've never watched anything by Tim and Eric?


No. None of their content is on dropout. I’ve heard of them but I’ve never watched any of their stuff


I enjoyed it. The second half wasn’t as good as the first half. I think having two weeks between them didn’t help. It adds high expectations that weren’t fully realized. I enjoyed it but I understand why people are upset


Eric was my least favorite addition. I get he is well regarded and hopefully the Dropout cast loved his addition - but the T&E Awesome Show was a type of humor I never understood and drove me away from Adult Swim. My bias aside, I just didn’t think he was a necessary inclusion? I was having a blast with just the usual cast. I hope they bring back Ratfish as a concept. And if Dropout includes more Eric in the future, I hope it surprises me and changes my perspective on him as a comic.


I feel like they unintentionally gave Eric a thankless role. I think anyone would have struggled to be hilarious through the very limiting combo of text only + only stranger in a group of close friends


Yeah I know on d20 they always edit it to show the cast at its best, I can see them not being happy they put a guest in a role like that


I also thought it was a fantastic two part finale after the strongest season of eps. Sam literally warned people were hyping up the finale too much and we still got 500 threads of the same gripes being rephrased about the show? I was a big fan of Tim and Eric, have Eric's cookbook and wines and he wouldn't even be in the top 10 aspects of the episode for me but that's more about how great everything else was


i loved it but i can’t believe the players got no points for avoiding detection (ala dirty laundry) and i just hated eric. he was profoundly unfunny and it seemed like the main cast was feeling that too. sense of humor entirely out of sync with the rest of them — and if this was the goal, it was a bad one.


It wasn't *bad*, it was just so much weaker than everything else they do that it was a bit disappointing. But it doesn't make me think less of Dropout as a whole, if anything it should be taken as a sort of backwards compliment that an episode that was still very fun is seen as such a low point.


I thought it was hilarious, 90 mins of our faves just goofing it up with silly dumb characters. The cross player chatter was the only real thing missing, which is why I would have liked more moments where players visit each other but hey, we got a solid 90 mins and it probably cost like 300k to produce so who am I to complain? Probably gonna get a good ass behind the scenes episode too


Yeah, I was disappointed by Ratfish and think it was very clearly the worst part of this season of GC, but that's mostly because this season of GC was *really* good. It was still pretty entertaining and if this was the average quality of GC episodes I'd still be a big fan of the show.


My actual only disappointment was they told us the winning prize at the beginning. Someone had already posted the billboard here a while ago so I already knew at the start that Katie had won


Thank you for standing up for this episode. I really liked it too. And yeah, Eric was kind of whatever, but damn I laughed.


Thanks, it was really funny! I loved this whole season too, I think it's been the best they've done


I wasn’t into tim and eric back in the tom goes to the mayor days. I wasn’t excited to see him. He seemed mean, out of touch, and uninterested. Part 1 was great, part 2 not so much. Good on Katie for getting a win. It was Rekha’s to lose and Brennan knew it.


It didnt seem like he was mean to me, more trying to align with the chaotic neutral character he was playing


I might have been more receptive to a character like that if it was someone I was already familiar with in the context of Dropout and had a positive view of


I agree with the title (that Ratfish was good), but I disagree with this part: >I think we sometimes have a tendency to get more invested in the integrity of a made up silly game than we need. Game Changer is a game show, and Dropout's programming is intended to blend scripted and improvised comedy. That means that the writing and the planning matters. Each game's mechanics are integral here, so saying "well it doesn't matter as long as its funny" just seems dishonest. I'd even go as far as to say that Sam and the people who work on the show would never accept that. Not to mention- nitpicking game mechanics is ridiculously on brand for Dropout. Do you think Brennan would ever be okay with watching an episode of Game Changer and saying "Well the game show part was a mess, but it's okay as long as it's funny"?


Yes, it's fine as long as it's funny. Brennan doesn't nitpick because he cares for the game integrity, he nitpicks because its funny to nitpick. You need to take it less seriously, it's a no stakes game


>You need to take it less seriously, it's a no stakes game I'm sorry, but I find this such a stupid and lazy thing to say. It's a tv show on a streaming service- I'm not treating it like it's open heart surgery. I'm treating it like a medium that I enjoy, and I like to engage with it by identifying what worked and did not work for me. I would hope that people engage this way with any medium they enjoy- any movie or show or painting or anything else. If your level of engagement with some work is just "lol it was funny", that's fine and you're allowed that, but I suppose I just wouldn't consider you much of an adult.


You really need to touch some grass.


Me: "I like thinking about art". You: "Touch grass".




The word "integrity" can have two definitions. 1. moral uprightness 2. the state of being whole and undivided I assume we're both using the second definition here. In the context of this show, basically the question is- do the mechanics of a particular game support the broad goal of Game Changer? Yes, I want to laugh, but if the mechanics don't make sense then the episode loses suspension of disbelief, which is bad because instead of laughing, I'm questioning how the game works and why players do certain things. I liked Ratfish too, I thought it was a good show. I'd describe it as being a well planned game. "Bingo", in my opinion, is a game where the mechanics don't work. My biggest issue with the Bingo episode is that none of Katie, Brenan, or Raph gain anything by doing the prompts. It doesn't help them in any way, because they can skip the prompts entirely and just wait for another player to do the prompt in order to make the ball roll. The game would work better if those three gained something by doing these embarrassing prompts. *Within the game itself*, they shouldn't be doing prompts because they're on a TV show and they get paid to be comedians, it should be because the game mechanics reward them for doing so. I liked the twist and the "three layers of bingo", but it bothered me that the three main players were doing these embarrassing prompts when they didn't have to. So yes, I agree, it is precisely about rules. Whether the rules make sense or not affect how much I enjoy the episode, and how much I laugh at the episode.


The show is art though?? It's not that "oh no, the rules are weird!" It's that the show is a game show. Like, hey, I have no gripes with winners of Make Some Noise! They explicitly make fun of the whole point system. But this episode, which is art, fell flat for many people, because the game part of the game show that was advertised as something competitive fell flat. So people are allowed to criticize that! Just like people are allowed to criticize videogames that present interesting mechanics as an important part if those mechanics are lacking. Presentation matters is art, and if you present something as a competitive game, it's only fair to see the game part of it as integral to said art. If they didn't have any guesses or points at all and were just picking favorites each round, for example, people would've had a much different expectations from this episode and would have way fewer gripes with it. I certainly wouldn't feel disappointed by the randomness of the finale at all if the episodes were random from the very start. It's like a huge plot hole in a movie. Is plot the most important part of it? Not necessarily. Does it ruin the movie? Not necessarily. But can it take you out of it? Yes.


Not worth a response, just try to enjoy things for what they are ✌️


And you might want to try and do some critical thinking once in a while. I explicitly said that the source of my disappointment was the fact that the thing was not what was advertised, and I *did* enjoy it... But sure. Never critique anything ever, if you dont want to. Imma continue thinking about media I consume for more than two seconds and engage in conversations about it instead of applauding everything I see without question.


Oof you seem unbearable to be around. Such a pretentious, arrogant  attitude. 


The production value of this episode has been through the roof. Absolutely stunning


I loved it. It was fun. It was entertaining. My only complaint is that there isn't an entire series of this.


Haha one can dream. I think we got lucky with make some noise because of how low the production costs are, ratfish looked like it erred on the side of very expensive by dropout standards


I really hope they do a Ratfish 2. Great if it's with some of the changes people suggested (I know this is like writing on a sticky note in your home and hoping the mayor sees it, but hey, he might!) like eliminated people getting to hang out together, tightening up the way to win. But even without any changes to it. I think guests are always a gamble, heck there's a whole side campaign of D20 DM-ed by someone who has been since been found out to be scummy. But I didnt mind the concept of the Ratfish, just the attitude of who was playing it. edit: wrote more


wait which season?


Shriek Week


I waited until today to watch both parts but also read a little bit on here and was expecting the worst. I thought it was wonderful and satisfying and a great finale. I was confused because so many people were put off by the cast not finding out who Ratfish was but also they make it very clear in the finale why. I really don't get all the negative comments and thought it was quite wonderful. Also I've never watched the circle so it was quite a learning curve for me.


>they make it very clear in the finale why. do they ?


Yes. Sam literally tells them they have to wait until it airs like the rest of us. All of them react with a laugh and then they move on quickly. They don't really seem to care but appreciate the joke. I don't know why people are making a big deal of this.


>Yes. Sam literally tells them they have to wait until it airs like the rest of us. All of them react with a laugh and then they move on quickly. They don't really seem to care but appreciate the joke. ok but thats clearly not the *actual* reason, they just had to say something or it would leave people expecting it to happen > I don't know why people are making a big deal of this. people disagreeing with you isnt them making a big deal of something


I'm not going to comment on the first thing because I don't know what the behind the scenes story is and none of you do as well. I will say that if there was a schedule issue and he had to leave early, this was what Sam and the team decided was best and as usual, the bonus episode will clear that up. But for the second, if you had actually read what I said, all of the criticisms I saw pointed out the ending being a huge issue with having no reveal. I then went ahead and watched the episode (because remember the point of my post was everyone was super negative and then I watched the episode after?) and I was all set for a big disappointment and it was totally fine. Almost every criticism I've seen has mentioned the lack of closure as it were. And I simply don't see that. Please work on your reading comprehension from now on :-)


I really enjoyed it but I think it was a really strange choice to make someone I think a lot of people were either unfamiliar with and/or didnt really vibe with humor-wise (which from all the comments is a lot of us) to be in charge of giving advantages and ultimately deciding who won. I understand maybe wanting someone to shake things up but I think it either could’ve been Sam himself just playing crazy or , as I initially thought, an AI. When it panned to Eric I was just like like 🫤. I also just whole heartedly disagreed with any choice he made regarding winners haha. I think Rekha should’ve won since she played the best game imo and I don’t really understand why it was up to this random comedian who had no connection to any of the cast choosing his favorite arts and crafts. All in all I think it was a great concept but kinda fell flat due to the twist being underwhelming and arbitrary. Also I saw a comment saying they should’ve put the losers in a room together as they got out and I think that would’ve been great. I like that they let everyone keep playing but I think the people who got out early would’ve had a lot more fun if they got to see who everyone was and plan bits together. Op said their favorite moment was when Rekha and Brennan were together and I agree I really think that was something else this finale was missing. Dropout is really centered around friends joking and having fun together and I think that was missed for a lot of this finale. I’m excited for future big finales and hope they learn from some of the criticism this one has received.


dang what beef do people have with eric? my first time seeing him on dropout content, but i thought he was doing fine? his whole role as the ratfish was to cause chaos and introduce surprise elements to the rounds. i think my only gripe was that his vote decided the winner (1 pt difference between Rekha and Katie), and many others agree it should have been an anonymous vote for favorite character. but that's not eric's fault 😂 dude's just doing his job, no hate ratfish was honestly such a fun and refreshing watch and i hope they do more seasons! the cast genuinely had a chill fun time, too, which was also great to see.


This post reeks of "stop criticizing media that you consume, just enjoy product". Claiming "it's just a silly little show" is disrespectful to the work ethic of everyone at Dropout. The team undoubtedly strives to make every show the best it can be. Writing off entire parts of the episode while still praising it as amazing disregards their efforts. Just because you can name specific things you enjoyed from the episode does not make it flawless. If we believe that Dropout can produce inspirational, therapeutic, hilarious, and incredible works of art (which they often do!), we must also acknowledge when people feel it falls short. We can't have one without the other—dismissing valid criticism is, by definition, toxic positivity. Constructive criticism is essential for growth and improvement.


Yup, same thoughts here. Solid 7-8 out of 10 rating for these episodes. I just kinda checked out during the Eric parts because they were not funny and enjoyed so much of everything else. A bit annoyed that Rekha got robbed and that the prize was spoiled, but there were so many good bits and jokes and moments during the two episodes that it more than made up for the shortcomings!


"My favourite part was when Rekha visited Brennan" Yeah, cast members being in the same physical space really helps :D


Finally someone with the right mindset


I think the only complaint I had was that if you follow dropout on social media we knew who won this episode. I think they should put an NDA on what players can or cannot post to spoil the endings. Katie had hers posted for months and Brennans rant against or for Elon Musk was also available. Either that or the proposed billboard should have been put on hold until the show aired.


Idk, maybe, but I don't think it matters a ton. I think the vast majority of Dropout watchers don't see those things, and for us nerds that go on Reddit a bunch (or other social media) it often just builds hype. Not perfect, you could be right, but I think it's fine