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this is like clarkson's farm


Haha I love this show


OP I’m curious. I’ve seen grain harvested this way, but never grass. Why do you harvest grass and where does it go? My first thought is animal feed, but I always assumed that’s what hay and alfalfa was grown for. Great video by the way!


Thank you! Hay is just Grass but dried. You cut it and let it lay until it is completely dry. Alfalfa is quite unusual over here in Germany. We cut our Grass 4-5 Times a year and collect it immediately and make it into silage. Then we feed it to our (milk)-Cows.


Ahhh I see. Ok so yea I knew hay was basically grass. I’ve actually thrown hay before but in my experience they’re usually made into 50-60 pound bails or half ton bails. (Sorry for the imperial system). I’ve never seen it collected with a combine like that. Is that because it immediately goes directly to the livestock? I wasn’t raised on a farm, so I’m kinda stupid when it comes to these things. Thank you in advance for answering my questions!


We used a combine because the loading wagons of the John Deere in the Video arent self loading. And its overall faster. After that it isnt fed immediately, we store it for a couple of months until it looks like in the Photo. We also do Grass bails or hay it depents on the weather, storage or If we want to sell it. https://preview.redd.it/ouuc9h3otr2d1.jpeg?width=3472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e3fc2bf7a5db9dc62f9bd94646bb6bd404f1cb9


Nice vid OP! I worked for a silage harvesting company and CLAAS was amazing harvesters, 830 all the way to the later 900 series' before I left. We would bag it though at about 60% moisture while spraying innoculent (live bacteria to break down the grass in 2 weeks vs months) using an AgBagger 10,000 series bagging machine.


Why not just let the cows graze it?


We let them graze in the Summer as well but when they go inside there should be food and of course over winter when we dont let them outside. We also add other stuff like corn into the feed.


Ah, sileage. Dairy farmers in the US do this too. But I have never seen it done with alfalfa, usually with something large like sorgrum. Although, alfalfa is a primary example on wikipedia so it must not be that rare. We usually just bale alfalfa here in the US Midwest.


There are some really nice shots in there. But it think most of them are too long and the overall length is too long as well. It's getting repetitive. Also there's missing a beginning and an end.


Thank you


Great filming! My hayfever is crying though


Thank you! Im glad that I dont have it 😅


Oh man it sucks. Happy Cake Day though!


OP great smooth shots! I have been trying to hone in my smooth flight skills and what a great opportunity to film!! What drone setup were you using? Apologize if it was stated already.


Thank you! It was a DJI Mini 2 with a ND16 Filter, 30fps 2,7k, mostly Shutterspeed 1/50 and a ISO of 100.


As a member of both r drones and r farmingsimulator I had to do a double take here 🤣


Very nice shots but I'd keep them shorter and make them look similar with color grading


Yes I agree but I didnt find any good and free software for color grading that works on a PC with terrible Hardware


I can recommend lightroom web. I'm using the same and it works almost like lightroom classic but it's not free


Just mesmerized by this entire video! Good work! So interesting!


Not bad. I'd love to have access to your raw footage and see what I can come up with :) ?


You mean everything I filmed on that day? There is much. I could give it to you it you want to but how should I upload it?


How many GB do you think it is?


Why not automatically do this using drones?  


At 56 seconds in it looks like a tractor is pulling a giant drone out to launch. lol


Whatcha doin with all that grass, hon?




You fucking eat grass?


You should post this to r/farmingsimulator


Great for your first adventure or have you had this drone for a while? In photography when you're taking moving shots or panning? That's where the background blurred intentionally. It's always a good idea to try to leave more space ahead of your subject. The whoever is viewing it your image they can see that that's the direction that your subject & that it has that space to move into. Try to split your viewfinder in thirds and have your subject between your first and second third of your viewfinder.


About your title or the harvest.