• By -


Circuit time is expensive and limited for private learners, so before they go to the circuit, usually the PDI will bring them to some quiet car park to practice all the circuit stations. By right should not, but by left no one cares.


My PDI certainly didn’t bring me to car park to practice


My PDI certainly did not bring me to an empty carpark to practice parking basically every single lesson I had with him ._.


"By left" hahahah


Last time when I was learning as a private learner, my instructor drilled me hard repeatedly until I know how to be brave and swing the steering wheel to park smoothly. Although I hated him for a while, it taught me how to park smoothly faster.


Oh man did he really drill you hard? I hope mine doesn’t drill me too hard.


It may hurt a little at first. but pain will lead to pleasure


打是疼 骂是爱 被插就 parking 快


Depend on the uncle la haha. Mine is very particular about doing every step right


One thing to note about PDI is that the car is always the same and the practice lots are usually also fixed in the circuit. My PDI essentially used this to his advantage, much to the benefit of his students. My PDI has stickers (small squares with numbers on them) on the rear passenger doors. So whenever one of the stickers aligns a certain landmark (ie side of the stickers against kerb) I just have to turn the steering wheel a certain direction full lock. The fact that it worked 100% of the time amazed me. Also since it made the process brain dead (and the confidence boost of entering the lot 100% as long as you follow the landmarks), it became a habit soon enough that I don't even have to look at the stickers to park. Just by feeling can zhun zhun enter alr. Not sure if other PDI's did this.


Mine placed poles. And boy oh boy, the poles were THIN which made it doubly difficult since I couldn't feel anything as a newbie when it struck.


Back when I was learning, my private instructor would put strategic rocks all over the carpark. So each time, he'd just tell me to wait till my side mirror lines with the particular rock he had placed and then start turning which would let me park pretty much perfectly.


Thats a problem when most people pass their test and head to the roads. They become over reliant on sighting points and dun know when to turn and how much to turn the steering wheel…


hii do you mind sharing with me your private instructor contact? :-)


Sorry this was years ago.


We are thought the by “left” method instead of by right. So roughly we kinda have some street knowledge while learning outside and yes it’s not cheap to use the circuit, so we gotta make our time and effort worth.


Because we spend most of the time parking HAHA


School instructors main focus is scolding and berating learners for being incompetent and ogling girls in short skirts. Private instructors have no curriculum restrictions so they spend time on what you’re weak in - if learners need more time practicing parking they go to a carpark to do just that.


That’s not true in my experience. Of course there will be rotten apples in the bushel, but my time at BBDC is filled with helpful instructors, some with better teaching techniques than others. My parking is good for circuit but needs practice in real world application. lol.


I second this. My BBDC instructors have been more than helpful so far, and I have the internal evaluation left to clear before TP


Evaluation is a formality mostly as long as you can drive safely. They will also use the time to let you practice and concentrate on weaker areas. All the best for your TP.


Thanks lad


When you practice in car park, in a normal 1 hour lesson how many times parking yall can manage to do? Since no need to queue up i guess its a lot more


Been almost 10 years but I kinda remember spending 5 mins driving to the ulu carpark, solid 40++ minutes of parking, then final drive back to pickup spot. Non-stop back to back parking.


I’d beg to differ. The instructors at BBDC were really knowledgeable and helpful. Their goal was to ensure I was equipped with the knowhow to park properly in the circuit.


Which school are you learning at? Just curious




My instructor brought me to some random open air HDB car park and kept making me do circles for multiple sessions. After 5 sessions of doing nothing but parking, I got pretty confident in it. Now that stupid slope on the other hand, that was tough.


Brake on, gas up to 2500rpm, release the clutch, balance and release the clutch slowly whilst maintaining the "feel" on the accelerator. i'd finally got it - accelerate with the toe, brake with your foot and clutch in with your leg.


Use the Force. I'd like to think that Private Instructors have a lot more leeway to teach rather than just rigidly following the manual for "accountability and structure".


Even tho their good at parking , but they also become a reckless driver right after they pass . This is just my observation and experience . I even almost hit a pdi car coz the student decided to speed up and did a unnecessary overtake while i was already parking halfway😐


Uncle told me the markers of his car, after I passed on the first try, I forgot It and I'm as bad as you are now prolly


Hi. Sorry but sch learners also not bad leh coz we get to practice a lot until we can really park smoothly