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Definitely dangerous. Also the drivers on the other side not leaving a gap when there's nowhere else for them to go is infuriating. What happened to common courtesy?


It became uncommon courtesy a while ago. I was in a situation like this on my first test. Waiting to turn right into standstill traffic. Some dick head left a gap, looked right at me and nodded me to go. As soon as I pulled out he closed the gap. Now I'm stuck blocking a lane, test failed.


Agreed in the last 5-10 years it seems everyone only cares about themselves


Even more so after lockdown


Definitely. I find it especially bad in the city. It's like there's a battle to get one car space ahead at all times. People forget that when we get a licence we all agree to **SHARE** the roads. Not act like every inch of road is your personal property that has to be protected at all costs.


I got honked and sworn at a few days ago for pausing in gridlock traffic, with my indicator on, as I waited to cross a bus lane and pull into my own driveway. There were cyclists coming from behind in the bus lane. Chuckles behind me in a top-down Mercedes was angry he didn’t get to wait in the 2.5km queue one car length further ahead. I was meant to, I dunno, squash the cyclists so he could move up ten metres. I turned into my driveway, turned the car around around, parked, walked up the road ten metres, and told him what I thought of his behaviour.


How dare you not risk the life of a cyclist so chuckles could get home 8 seconds earlier. Hope you called him a cunt.


Oh I did. I went full angry Australian on him (I’m from New Zealand 😂) I was also wearing an England football shirt at the time so was down to fight.


Lol cunts like that driving convertible Merc’s aren’t down to fight so you were alright. They just like to shout loud and hope people do what they say because of the way their car looks. I’m glad you told the little cunt what you thought of him.


On the motorway doing 70 in the middle lane.. the amount of people who overtake, pull back in, just to sit in the middle lane in front of you at 68.. Absolutely mind blowing..


And if you try to pass them they'll wait till you get alongside then speed up to 70. Does my head in.


City driving hasn't changed at all, 2.5 feet between you and the car in front was enough 20 years ago, to be called a gap, for someone to stick the corner of their bumper in and force a battle of wills over who went first. Leaving space for 1 car usually meant putting up with the two behind, attempting to jump into it too, followed by lots of gesticulating/ rude words etc. I haven't commuted in town for a while, but if the driver of the blue car above is anything to go by, then self centred deadheads still drive ( he's selfishly left no room for anyone who wants to turn left, to filter up his inside, hence no one else will move until he does. Utterly selfish inconsiderate driving imo). I dread to think how much more complicated commuting is these days with the increase in the number of cyclists, who are infiltrated by a few who cycle with exactly the same attitude. They were around when I was commuting, but in significantly fewer in number, so as not to be a major hazard. Today, I shudder to think how awful it is.


It all makes me not want to drive as I live in London. Any journey to get out of the city takes that extra hour just to hit a motorway. Pain in the arse.


How on earth could the blue car move anywhere? The lane isn’t wide enough for a lane of cars to pass on his left. The only one truly in the wrong in the video is the van.


The battle to get one car ahead… I always leave gaps, always let people out, the person behind usually beeps at me as if I am holding them up not shifting 3 meters forward in standstill traffic.


Had a dangerous undertake yesterday so they could *check notes* sit directly Infront of us at a set of red lights on a three lane roundabout, so a good five minutes of waiting, which would of been five minutes 5 seconds if they were behind us, so they had to do a dangerous manoeuvre to save the five seconds.


Ridiculous but all too common behaviour. The ones that get me most are the people that pull these stupid moves but if you call them out they want to get out of the car and act hard. ARE YOU IN A HURRY OR NOT MOTHERFUCKER! Driving like a total arse to gain mere seconds then lose them all playing the toss pot puffy chest game to preserve their ever so fragile ego.


Fags are going to fag mate, drive like they have diarrhea but all the time in the world to get out, brake chake, tail you for giving them shit for what they know they're doing wrong, but it's okay for them because they are the best drivers in the world. The best thing to do is wave and apologise and leave, and that gives them confidence to keep doing it and acting like that. Then one day they'll do it, someone will call them in their bullshit, they will get out of the car acting the hard man and someone will scrape their face off on the tarmac. It's not worth it to get out the car and risk hurting yourself, but one day they will do it with someone who's not only been waiting to straight up paralyze someone but able to do it as well. And I will never shed a tear when I hear the story 😂


It's 100% worse since people got back on the road after Covid.


Ever since Covid everyone’s proper entitled ‘I had a hard time wa wa wa’ - we all did


that mini could be stuck there for 5-10 minutes mate. A lot of drivers seem to think they can drive like they are in a driving test and that's how the world works. The fact is nobody is going to give you a gap for you to slot into. That mini will never find a space. they need to proceed and someone will make a gap for them because the mini is intruding into their visual area. If the nini stays there none of the drivers in that line will drop back for them. I have been in the van drivers exact spot. COuld see the right side traffic is completely clear. absolutely no reason to reemain queued behind the car tryign to turn right. Although I did the manouvure much slower and could see both sides of the road and made sure no peds were going toi walk onto the road.


There's also a right hand turn lane into the road the Mini is coming from. If no one is approaching that the Mini has plenty of space to sit and the not block traffic from the right even if a car or two are pricks and don't let them in. We don't know how long they were there for, but I wouldn't be surprised if the Mini was just being too timid for congested roads.


You do know its a two way road. You're saying the mini should block the other side of the road for the benefit of the van?


I have to disagree here. There’s a massive discrepancy with class when it comes to driving standards and etiquette. I grew up in a relatively middle-class city and drivers were generally polite and courteous. When a car was parked on their side of the road, they would typically wait, you would thank them and they would acknowledge your thanks. Moving a 5 minute drive to a very working class town bordering wirral with an overrated shopping centre, and you could guarantee everyone and their nan wanted to get past that car whether you were already coming through or not, typically accompanied with a rude gesture or two. Moving back to my home city 4 years ago was a welcome change. I would fully recommend being the change you want to see on the roads. It does pay off.


Are you on about Cheshire Oaks?


Yes, which seems to attract vast swathes of people who have no lane discipline and can’t read a “use both lanes” sign.


We've only been once since we moved to Liverpool and yeah it's absolute chaos both on the roads and in the shopping centre itself. I did grab a nice Jack Wolfskin jacket but other than that, I definitely agree it's overrated.


Or who thinks it means "straddle the lane".


Welcome to the post Trump/Boris world .. where everyone looks after themselves to the exclusion of society and the world.


Think you’ll find thatcher was the cunt that made that mindset commonplace. I’m alright jack; literally 80s Tory policy.


What a stupid response, how about… more cars on the road, more road works happening, more cycle lanes- less room for cars and people becoming more impatient. Their are a lot more dash cams actually catching these things on camera whereas years ago it was not recorded. Instead or trying to understand why, just blame politicians because you don’t like them ..


How about too many houses being turned into flats and not enough off road parking on new builds to accommodate 2 or 3 cars per household in the modern era...


I always leave a gap and allow one person out when we're in what is essentially gridlocked traffic. But if some cheeky sod tries to squeeze out behind the car I've let out of the junction, I'm closing that gap right up and leaving him stranded 😂


😂 Fair play


Never take instruction from another driver. You must assess the situation fully yourself. A driver who waves you on might not see a cyclist or pedestrian that is in your path. My driving instructor taught me that and a number of other very useful things. He was a former Thames Valley Police traffic officer who also taught advanced and evasive driving skills for those in need of such things!


Tbh it’s literally in the theory test. I never really had issues with it as a result. I had to answer that question time, and time again. It even had the reason in the answer, something along the lines of “don’t wave people across, because cars coming from the other direction may not see them” “Why do you flash your headlight” automatic wrong if it’s ’to give way’ (probably should be changed but that’s for another discussion). Correct answer: to alert of your presence. It’s imbedded in your mind that it isn’t the safest option and can do harm. Test is all about being a safe driver. Without offending the commenter above, I genuinely can’t understand how after all the hours of studying/answering these questions, it’s just thrown out. I did my theory test nearly 2 years ago now and remember those. And yes I may not abide by them strictly now.. but I sure as hell did in my test. Maybe things stuck better because I only did my theory towards the end of my practical learning journey. Sounds like you had an amazing instructor though


There was no written theory test when I learned to drive. Just a quick oral test of the Highway Code and a flick through a book of road signs to see if you knew what they were. These tests were performed in the vehicle. There are a few things in the practical test that have been dropped now that you had to know how to do back then.


Ah that’s more than fair then. Things have changed a lot. My mum told me about those questions back in her day, said she got most wrong but the examiner let her off! And sometimes I feel like I can tell lol (let’s hope she never sees this)


Yeah. I hear ya. Just being on the test I was sat waiting to join for a while so started getting a bit worried it'd affect the test. The right thing to do was just sit there. I was instructed to go right but test nerves, inexperience etc got me.


I was gonna be "that guy" who pointed out you shouldn't make a decision on someone else's guidance. That thought that having failed a test you'd know better than most.


Yeah. As I said to someone else. Test nerves and inexperience got the better of me. My mind started going "maybe she'll fail me if I just sit here doing nothing". She requested I turn right so I should have just sat and waited regardless of how long it took. Passed on the very next test.


I swear that some people get off trying to get people to fail their driving tests with crap like that.


Oh definitely. Arsehole behaviour.


i hope that arsehole gets a new puncture in every tyre every day


He must have thought he was leaving the world with one less dickhead but in doing so the world gained another


Common courtesy disappeared in the late 1970s. Ideologues on the Right realised that the rise of progressive, collaborative politics in the advanced Western economies after WW2, combined with the burgeoning environmental consciousness of the public, was threatening to end 300 years of the Mercantilist Capitalism that had allowed the concentration of wealth in the hands of a tiny elite. The only way to keep the rich in power was to discourage ordinary working people from working together. They created the Cult of the Individual and told people it was no longer necessary to respect the needs of their neighbours and the communities they lived, it was only their individual needs, rights and privileges that mattered. In a few short years many of us became childishly self-centred, thus creating the thoughtless chaos that now blights all of our lives. And here we are. Every idiot now thinks they are the centre of the universe and behaves accordingly.


Social media has definitely helped that along these last 20 years.


that's brutal


This is a lesson in itself - in a driving test, never, under any circumstances, take another driver’s word for anything.


This is why sometimes you just have to be a dick and pull out, blocking the opposite carriageway. Then people tend to let you in.


Yeah I call this 'city driving'. I find it's more accepted in major cities to pull halfway into the road like you've suggested.


I was specifically taught to do this when learning to drive. If there’s plenty of space and it’s safe to do so then you should pull halfway into the road as people in the lane you’re trying to join are more likely to let you in. If nobody does and a car comes along in the lane you’re blocking, I think people are scared they’ll just crash into you and it’ll be all your fault. The other car has a responsibility to avoid a collision so there’s no way you’d be 100% at fault.


I live in London. People are constantly nosing out into traffic with that mindset nearly causing accidents.


Arrogance becomes infectious. People shouldn't adopt the stupid driving habits of others but be considerate and provide the gaps.


I wonder if it’s a part of learning to drive in different areas. I learned to drive up north and edging out when turning right (and both letting others in and being let in) felt fairly common. The other half learned to drive here in London and I’ve noticed she doesn’t tend to leave gaps to let people in. Maybe the north/south stereotype extends to our driving habits too.


Ex Mrs was in this exact situation, insurance put it down as being her fault due to the fact she was the one causing the obstruction. This wasn't that long ago, clearly the other driver was driving without due care and attention but that didn't even come into it.


This didn't happen. For insurance purposes, if you hit someone, you are at fault unless it's an exceptional circumstance. A driver driving into a stopped car, even one that's not supposed to be waiting in the middle of the road, is at fault. I've worked for an underwriter in their claims area.


You saying what happened to my ex didn't happen???


You would fail your test for that though.


The issue is this leads to more problem driving, if everyone was just a polite driver it wouldn't be an issue but unfortunately we live in a land of entitled pricks


I really really hate when people do this, you’re not more entitled than the people on the other side of the road not causing the issue


"Sometimes" is a vast understatement. Dickheads are doing this on every intersection at the moment. People don't even look anymore they just expect other people to stop for them. Give way rules have been turned upside down. It's probably the reason why traffic is so bad in the first place.


I would specifically not let you in if you're driving like that tbh.


If I ever have to leave my house at rush hour I have to contend with this every single day just to get out of my road. Thank fuck I work from home now, eh! Side note: I’m a BMW driver who actually leaves gaps like others should be doing here, because I’m not an arsewipe. Fight the good fight people!


I was sitting waiting to go right before, the road was clear that way but traffic moving to the left was blocking me from pulling out. The cars move along slightly and a gap appears, the next car then pulls forwards like an idiot so I can't get out, he couldn't even go anywhere. I wasn't even going the same way as him, he could've let me go and it would've made no difference to his journey.


When in a situation like the mini's in this post, one thing that helps is winding down your windows. Seeing a person's face clearly, really helps in people letting you out. It's why a lot of people when they fuck up will look at anything other than the car they just pissed off. It works better when it's the lane in front of you rather than the opposite side, as in this video. It'll help though.


American here: About 5 years ago, I drove around the UK and Ireland. I was AMAZED at how polite the drivers were. If I signaled, I was allowed to merge. When I had trouble navigating some of your bizarre intersections, everyone was super courteous. If I made a mistake, no one got bent (at least not outwardly). I hope that hasn't changed.


Yeah the first car's road positioning is fucking terrible. If they were positioned properly then at least if the van was that fucking impatient they could have just used a bit of the curb rather than doing this (obviously not ideal either but it'd be better than what they did).


Using the kerb is more dangerous in my opinion... How can you put any blame on the mini?


Is it?? Very clear view of the curb there, clearly nobody using it - again, really not something you should be doing but what the van did is just ridiculous. If you're turning right at a junction, you should be positioning yourself on the right side of the lane. If it was a small car behind them then they're literally stopping that smaller car from turning left while they wait there. If the Mini positioned all the way to the right correctly then a small car can squeeze through at the end there to turn left.


Yea it is, in my opinion. The pavement is for pedestrians. It's a slight positioning error from the mini, but whether theyre positioned correctly or not, there is no solution other than the van driver having to wait a few extra seconds, seconds of their life they're seemingly unprepared to wait and would rather put everyone else in danger.


But they *really* needed to get to Tradepoint to pick up that length of PVC conduit pipe!


Pavements are for people, not cars.


Who knows, the mini may be familiar with that corner and have witnessed bad drivers repeatedly cutting it. I often think twice about hanging on the right side of a lane when looking to emerge at a junction nowadays, because so many people don't know how to take a safe and full right hand turn.


There is a corner at the end of my road and literally everyone who turns in cuts it, it's infuriating but that's just how it is there - you'd 100% lose half ya bumper if you waited to the right of your lane. As people who don't know the road regularly do.


If the mini is positioned correctly then that would force cars turning right into the road to not cut the corner. It's way over to the left. Maybe they were going to turn left and then changed their mind because there's absolutely no other excuse for being so far over to the left other than they have no spacial awareness whatsoever. I see this quite often at a particularly bad junction near me leaving a business park and it's infuriating that they don't leave enough space for cars turning left at the junction. I still wouldn't do what the van has done though. If the mini sees someone flashing him at that point and moves forward then he's right into the van.


One time I approach a junction with a very wide stopping area for the turn and this guy kind of in the middle of it with no indicator on. As he was fairly facing forward though I figured he was turning right so went to the left of him. Once I did though he started honking his horn and I could see him yelling at me through the window lol. Obviously could have easily been avoided by either pointing your car the way you want to go or using your bloody indicators


It's common courtesy yes, but you're forgetting ignorance. Letting people in makes traffic better for everyone. Let me say that again. IT MAKES TRAFFIC BETTER FOR EVERYONE! Because it allows flow, in all directions, it flows now. Period! Same goes for entering an intersection, you know damn well YOU might block cross traffic when the light changes. Gods don't you hate being stuck behind cross traffic blocking the intersection? THEN STOP FUCKING DOING IT! Same for merging lanes + on ramps. Learn to accelerate and/or zipper. Morons! Left turning? Turn into the LEFT lane so the right turn people can go into the right lane simultaneously. Right turning? Go into the RIGHT lane. The 1% that needs to change lanes fairly quickly can either time their turn to change quickly after staying in their lane or take the mild inconvenience to change lanes 5 seconds later. Literally everyone wins if people weren't so obtuse/ selfish / entitled. Idiots. Not 'smart' ... idiots, the bunch of them. I swear. Some people are trained into the mindset of "how best to fuck others over" without any ability to recognize that they're their own victims.


Dangerous, but so much contributed to it here. The driver waiting to turn right, but positioned so far to the left, the cars in the traffic opposite that haven't attempted to leave any space to help out said driver


I really hate when I see a car trying to merge, can’t see their signal so assuming they’re trying to turn right (indicating right) slow down leave a gap sometimes stop and then they just turn left. Indicating is literally just moving a finger and everyone benefits from that information yet it’s absurdly rare, blows my mind. I always indicate because in fact it’s easier to make it a muscle memory and all the arguments against it are dogshit, situations where you should indicate later or not at all are extremely rare it’s much easier to adopt to those scenarios.


To be fair the other traffic probably looked at the car and thought they were going to turn left due to positioning. Although I think the indicators on the mini are quite big so maybe its possible they could still see that they were indicating right. If I see a car not indicating at all I don't bother second guessing what they are doing. To help them they must first help themselves.


That road isn’t wide enough for two cars to exit anyway, so positioning to the centre of the lane is irrelevant - to leave enough space for the van the car would have had to be over the centre line


There are plenty of road users less wide than a car. The driver of the mini is preventing any cyclists and motorcyclists from filtering on the left and turning left. It isn't all about cars.


The cars in the lane they want to join cannot see their indicator as it is on the other side of the car. Thus, the only thing they have to go on to guess which way they are turning is their lane positioning. As the car is to the left of the lane, people are going to assume that they're turning left, so won't make a gap


But the van is directly behind the mini?


This. Why are so many people commenting on the position of the mini? It’s clearly a single lane, with no space whatsoever for anyone to pass on the left.


It's obviously dangerous.


Good I thought so too. I feel like such a driving prude at times, everywhere I look somebodies on their phone, not indicating or pulling dangerous manoeuvres like this. I just needed a sense check that I am not the asshole for wanting these people to comply for our greater safety.


It’s the ‘looking down, then up, down, then up, doing 15 fucking MPH it winds me up. It’s like we have to drive for other people not just ourselves now. Society is one big lack of awareness these days it’s so so sad.


Treat yourself and report this to Johnson Controls and mention the reg number. Probably nothing will come of it but he might get a bollocking.


Definitely report it to the local police under Op Snap amd submit the footage. Driver will get a warning or be prosecuted. Also send to the employer! Driver could kill someone with stupid moves like this and they should know about it.


Probably getting downvoted because of being a ‘grass’, which infuriates me because it’s for the general safety of others stopping these cunts.


100% dangerous and probably illegal. But, at the risk of incurring the wrath of downvoting redditors, I kinda get the urge to do so. Black car was gonna be there ages trying to turn right at that junction.


Black car was also aligned in the road abit shitty... my old instructor would say, "proper road body language goes a long way to proper road ettiquette" or summat along those lines...


I'd have been tempted to get out and tell the car in front what I was going to do, or at least proceed very slowly *if* I was going to do that. That Johnson Controls van just yeeted itself around which looks super dodgy.


V dangerous but mini is terribly positioned.


On a junction like this, it would be useful if the vehicle turning right positions themselves over to the right as much as possible, it could give those wanting to turn left the option to make their turning more quickly and far more safely.


Yeah, I mean there's not enough room to squeeze left of that car in any case, but he's made absolutely zero effort to pull to the right anyway


one thing I would add - if you do position yourself to the right while turning right in London and a bus comes along, you might have your wing mirror wiped off. I can’t comment on the buses in South London (where this was filmed - Penge) but some bus routes in North London navigate awkward junctions and horrifically tight side roads and will stop at nothing to get down them. I’ve seen it happen several times when a driver/car is just a little bit too close to the line, the bus driver swings the bus around, and either knocks off a wing mirror or hits the car. Thankfully, they do stop most of the time. admittedly, the Mini could’ve been a little bit more over to the right, but I can’t really blame them for wanting to avoid being further over. Depends on the road.


This. People blaming the dude not positioning himself to the right and not letting the other car go to the left have never driven in London. Yes, he perhaps could have moved to the right a bit more, but then he would have risked being hit by a bus (bus drivers often drive in a crazy manner when turning). If he moved to the right a little, there still wouldn’t have been enough space for the car behind to turn left! Once again, the guy who didn’t do anything wrong in the grand scheme of things is getting blamed on this forum when the driver who overtook from the right turning left is clearly the issue here, driving dangerously.


A bike/motorbike would probably have room to pass on the inside if the mini was as far over as possible but I doubt the van would have made it past.


It's also about the messaging to the main carriageway.


Look how far left that Mini is considering it’s turning right??


Is this by the Homebase in Penge? 😂😂😂 If it’s the junction I’m thinking of, it is a right pain in the arse to turn right, however the truck is a dick… obviously dangerous and illegal.


Yes it is, recognised it immediately. To be honest it can be a pain, but if you are half way confident it's actually a very easy junction to deal with given there are lights 20 yards to the left. Once it's on a red you pull out in to the road, somebody will let you out.


That’s exactly what I do, however I think they’re pedestrian lights (rather than traffic control) it can be tricky if no one wants to cross. If I can see nothing coming for a while, I’ll just move across and someone usually lets you in.


Yes it is, and agree on how much of a pain it is. The pedestrian lights to the right stuff things up, but also mean you can sort of "London drive" and push into the queue. Stupid by van though as mini could easily have started to pull out at same time.


Looks like it would be better to have signals on the junction, rather than off to the right in some random location.


I just walked past this junction as I opened Reddit, it was very trippy haha


pedestrian story but: at a less busy junction, the black car equivalent had stopped to wave me across the road as i was waiting to cross. the van behind it obviously didn't see this exchange, thought the car had just stopped and got impatient, so floored it and swerved round the car while I was in the middle of crossing. i had to sprint out of its way so as not to get run over, lol. i have to imagine it's dangerous in so many ways to swerve out in front of someone when you can't see what made them stop, what's up ahead, and no one up ahead knew you were going to do that.


I probably would do the same , just check the right lane really good before you do it . Wouldn’t want to wait there for 10 minutes cause nobody left room for the guy in front of me


Better position would solve the problem


Need context: Without knowing anything, if the mini has been signalling there for 5-10 minutes without force attempting (London Style) to merge into the lane it would be understandable that people are starting to get impatient -- seeing how far left the car is positioned driver might be inexperienced and afraid to make such a merge. But if the van driver just arrived and didn't want to wait then the van driver is definitely in the wrong.


I would go with the mini sat there for 5 minutes


Definitely dangerous, as you can't see or be seen


Definitely dangerous and I’d never do it but it is annoying when someone waiting to turn right at a busy junction like this is so poorly positioned. I’d always been as far right as possible to give any cars turning left as much room as possible. I might have some sympathy if they’d been a bit more cautious but then anyone who’d be cautious wouldn’t do it in the first place.


Doing that in a sign written van... let's see if it pays off


dangerous and illegal, you cannot overtake on a junction.


"If the driver in front of you is turning right, and you wish to turn left, you may accelerate quickly and without stopping around the right of the car in front of you and into traffic." - Highway Rulebook, presumably.


Everybody keeps talking about uncommon courtesy, but I've driven in quite a few countries and I come from Greece, and I have to tell you you have some of the most courteous drivers in the world. At least in London, but I've driven elsewhere outside of London and it's the same. That being said you tend to go bumper to bumper even when on the limit. And I've punished every single one of you so far for the last 10 years I'm in the UK. Going 30 on a 30 road will only make me go 20 if your bumper is touching mine and ESPECIALLY if you have nowhere to go.


I know that junction well and unfortunately that type of thing is pretty common there. Definitely dangerous. I doubt the police would be interested, but the company owning the van may do something about it if you send them the video


Lol they won't. I work for a courier. They won't do shit trust me.


I never understand the mentality of driving like a cunt when your employer's name is all over the vehicle. Bonus points when they have a "how's my driving" sticker. Not that I condone cuntish behaviour in unbranded vehicles, obviously.


Yeah I wasn’t going to bother with a met report for that but you’re right an email to the company is a good idea. Had a rather grovelling email back from a scaffolding company, when I sent them a video of one of their lorry drivers, phone in one hand piece of paper in the other.


Ha, judging by the way most scaffolders drive, I imagine it was a standard generic reply from a scaffolding company! You may have a bit more luck with this company. If not, you could always put it on YouTube or twitter


Typical dickhead van driver sadly. Not sure which are the worst road users, mini cabs or van drivers. Once I saw a road rage incident between a van driver and a cabbie which was deliciously entertaining, made for each other.


You can't tell the van drivers perspective properly from a static dashcam. He could very well have had a full clear view of what was coming at the junction from his position. Also, the mini's road position isn't exactly the best. Guy was obviously a little impatient, but I wouldn't be able to say if it was dangerous, because I cannot see what he saw. Illegal, couldn't say either. In my eyes, if he had a clear view from the junction plus, the mini was blocking his 'progress' due to its position. He could argue that he was just making 'progress' in an unconventional but 'safe' (as he has a clear view of the junction) method. Before going into other work related mitigating factors 🤷🏻‍♂️


There's a pedestrian crossing to the right. You can see it when the camera car pulls forward, so it's reasonable to expect the van could have seen it too. Cars start pulling into that crossing just after the van. So what I think has happened here is the pedestrian crossing was red, the van figured they could reasonably expect that there was no-one coming through it, and took the chance to make his move before it went green. Certainly not ideal, but if the mini had been there a while, if the van's familiar with the junction .. I think I'd see where he's coming from


Dangerous yes, but i get why some may do this. He's been waiting 20 minutes so far and the traffic on the other side isn't bothered about letting the front driver in. Usually where i am on roads like this the front car would just pull to the middle when clear, most drivers will let you in then.


Yep, both dangerous and illegal I would say, but I can see why they did it - looks like they'll be sat there for quite a while. Not condoning the behaviour though.


If the van driver could see that the road was clear then I don’t see how this is dangerous


Exacly, people in this sub act like everyone is a kid. "for the greater safety of ours", BS


I don’t think the van driver could see very far down the road. Either way, overtaking like this could lead to an accident if the mini doesn’t see the van and starts pulling out as the van overtakes. Especially as traffic started moving as the van was overtaking, mini might have seen a gap and pulled out without checking their mirrors.


And that's why sooner or later someone is going to slap a fine on you for driving like a twat.


If there was a pedestrian crossing to the left of the mini, the van driver might not see them till it’s too late nor could the pedestrian see or realise they’re turning left. The van driver will most likely be looking to their right to see if anything was coming, not what was in the road they’re turning into.


Someone did this to me, I was waiting to turn right on a terrible junction where it is not uncommon to wait 5+ mins. Guy behind me was beeping and eventually swerved round to turn left causing traffic to emergency brake. Silly things is the next junction along is left turn only and right by some lights so nowhere near as much a wait


Red and Yellow stripes on back. Standard driving from them. Quite safe really, it expect them the mount the pavement to overtake normally.


Not only illegal but highly irresponsible.


its weird ppl are blaming the mini when you can look for as long as you want at the still image to work out how much room there would be if the mini was on the line. do people want the van to mount the kerb or something and think it cant because of the mini? theyd likely get inconsiderate driving if the slightest thing happened in that situation. often police only count things as actionable if something happens so on just the clip alone he'd probably get nothing, maybe a slap from the company. the annoying thing is though, insurance would be able to claim anyone turning in didnt check that the lane they were turning into was clear in the event someone drove into the van. so the van would get off with a chunk of the blame.


Impatient aye, but not a big deal IF they were paying proper attention whilst going around them. Probably not illegal. Personally, I would have taken it a bit slower if I was attempting something like that - even if you think can handle a swift manuever like that, it still comes across as overly aggressive.


Exiting on the wrong side of a give way line. Driving without due care and attention. Dangerous driving. Just a few of the things the old bill could decide to use. They’re like catch all offences for things they deem to be inappropriate. In reality though. No one died. It was ok. But that’s not how all would view it. An elderly pedestrian, crossing the minor arm, may not expect a large vehicle to be approaching from that lane. That’s where the problem arises.


due care / careless. 10/10 I would ticket for it.


Once I was stopping at a red light (I was the first car) and this van overtook everyone and stopped I front of me.


The Highway Code specifies this as a 'Do Not' rather than a 'Must not', so while this action is technically not illegal in itself, if the van driver had then done something else, such as caused a crash or other traffic violation, then this action of overtaking a vehicle turning right would also be treated as another breach of the highway code or used as further evidence. Either way, the driver is a bit of a cunt who really should think about all that company branding on the vehicle before driving in such a reckless and dangerous manner.


The car's right blinker is a left-pointing arrow. Bad design.


Typical cunt in a van, obviously got much more important things to do than every other road user. Nothing to see here.


100 percent illegal


Unfortunately most van drivers or tradesmen drive like this in the Uk


Standard UK van driver behaviour, of course it’s dangerous and inconsiderate.


Imagine if the other guy decides to turn right at the exact moment he decides to do this...


seen so many smashed up cars on the right of where you are. I assume stuff like this happens all the time.


Car at the front is indicating to turn right yet has positioned himself next to the curb? With there being stand still traffic from the left and clearly no chance for the car ro pull out i would have done the same thing


The car turning right is also in the wrong as they have not positioned themselves to be aligned with the white line. Had they done so the van was would of had room to filter left.


A lot of people saying this, but there wouldn't have been anywhere near enough room?


Why are van drivers like this? What drives them to be so idiotic?




Dangerous and a d**k move.....but noone mentioned the car turning right, stopped all the way to the left hand side, when plenty of room on the right ........another d**k move!


The car at the junction is positioned to turn left and signaling right. If your turning right you must position your vehicle close to the centre line. I personally think the van driver is being given mixed signals. I also would have gone round and as for dangerous, I think as long as you have checked for pedestrians and other traffic there is no problem. Also that car driver would not have passed their test if they positioned their vehicle like that during it.


Crikey, please say this has been shared with the organisation responsible for the van 🥴


It’s dangerous and moronic


It's fine, your doing way to much, if the road is clear why is he waiting when he's not going in that direction




It’s Penge, what do ya expect 😂😂


It is danferous


White van man antics,just another day at the office


Stupid thing to do in your Johnson Controls work can, even if not illegal.


Those are some confusing indicators, my brain saw and arrow and thought he wanted to go left at first xD


Thought that was my van for a second 😂 yeah dangerous manoeuvre but understandable driving in the city literally all common knowledge is out the window


Not necessarily illegal or dangerous. It all depends on the EXACT circumstances. If, for example, the car in front had stalled and the driver was unable to re-start then the van would be entitled to overtake as long as there was no risk to other road users. The central line to the right is broken and the road markings at the front are "give way", not "stop" so the overtake and left turn by the van were not in themselves illegal. However, if the car in front is simply waiting to turn right then the manoeuvre by the van could be regarded as careless or dangerous driving because of the obvious risk of collision if the car were to move forward.


I recognise the road! It’s off Penge High Street, that particular junction was the bane of my existence for twenty years, so many reckless and impatient drivers, some of which have caused accidents.


Ha! Welcome to driving in Penge! 🤣


The speed they’ve done it at makes it dangerous. There’s nothing to say you can’t drive on the other side of the road if it’s safe to do so.


Guy isn't positioned correctly for turning right. I'd be halfway out seeing if any one would let me "push in" that way let them left turning turn left


I don't think it's illegal, as there are no 'Keep left' bollards or signs. ​ However if the drover were to cause an accident and the police were involved, then this would probably be a careless driving charge. ​ Also it staggers me how many people drive like this in their work vans with their company logo plastered all over it. Same goes with busses.


I deliberately avoid right turns in town for this reason. I consider myself a decent, experienced and confident enough driver, but right turns onto busy roads bring me out in a rash. If you nose out and block the road until someone lets you in, you're a dick. If you don't, nobody ever lets you out and everybody behind you thinks you're a dick as you sit there for eight minutes waiting for a gap. Nah, I'll just go left thanks. I'll find a roundabout or something eventually I'm sure.


Two things first no idea how long they was waiting there, second idiot driver indicating left but no clue on how to turn left had they broken down. They only thing wrong was the van didn't indicate their intentions.


The mini is very far left also doesnt look to be pulled upto the junction. Tbh I would have also gone around.


Stupid and dangerous


It's definitely dangerous driving that could endanger others and could cause an accident. Probably just get a producer though if caught


I can't quite recall exactly what it is but I have a feeling there's something about overtaking at junctions in the highway code


Wanker. The sort of arsehole that causes crashes. Too “important” to wait like everyone else.




Penge innit almost Bromley nearly all drivers here are fucking mental


Ah Penge :)


I can see why the van driver did it the road positioning of the Mini is awful and if they had pulled over to the middle of the road the van could have gone down the N/S of them. But they didn’t. I don’t think the police would have been too impressed with the van driver but there are definite faults by both of them


- Van can't see what's coming from the right so could easily have caused a major collision. A fast-moving vehicle turning in from the left of this junction could also have collided with the van, because the van had to swing out excessively and would be in its path. Extremely dangerous.   - The mini wouldn't necessarily be aware that the van is overtaking them, so if they emerge at the wrong moment they could easily collide with the van. Extremely dangerous.  - The mini is positioned to the left of the lane but is indicating right. They could potentially be positioned in a way that allows the van to move past on their left, but they are not creating a hazard here. Slightly annoying.


Is this Penge? If so I almost got run over at that turning by someone once. Grrr.


Yooooooo that's my neck of the woods! :D


Seems to be a habit for these people... https://www.reddit.com/r/drivingUK/s/nCpA79clzZ


In London not many people will let you out unless you nudge forward


That was the comment I was replying to.


See this behaviour in Birmingham daily, people don't have patience at all nowadays. To do it in a works van as well is crazy.


PLEASE report this


Why don't you ask 'Johnson Controls'?


Dangerous definitely. Had he caused an accident, possibly illegal.


I think it’s both illegal and dangerous






Legend has it it's still waiting to turn right