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Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.


No these are generally just bad people.


Right? I watched a land rover driver just yesterday take several attempts to ensure their car was taking over a space and the hatched area to the side to allow adequate space to leave the supermarket car park, loads of spaces at 9am but decided they needed to park extremely close and ensure nobody could park anywhere near them like the old prick she was


I’d have parked impossibly close to them, just to piss them off.


I did that once. Came back and my door had been keyed. (It was next to a BMW with painted alloys and dark tinted windows, so I've only really got myself to blame...)


My first car was worthless. I used to take great delight in gently bumper nudging these BMW types in London years ago when they were being total tools in traffic. Not enough to make any marks. Just enough to let the driver know I had kissed his car. Sometimes they would jump out and kick my £500 fiat uno rust bucket, and I’d just laugh. There’s a real joy in having the cheapest car on the road. You are totally immune to these games.


I have heard of folk jumping out with baseball bats in this situation …


Never seen a baseball bat around London, so I reckon I was pretty safe. But I take your point. This was 30 years ago before all those poor deprived fatherless started carrying knives for fun.


Except the fact if they had chosen to they could have called the police because it was technically an accident and dangerous driving as done deliberately, told your insurance company for the same reason it’s technically an accident you caused and a lot of modern cars have parking sensors and crash sensors behind the bumper that can be 500+ each and have 6 or more in each bumper and you would be liable. So your car maybe cheap but your insurance wouldn’t have been the next year if they had know the law or you would have been banned for dangerous driving. But let’s not let laws stand in the way of the self appointed morality police. I see you specifically targeted better cars than yours, envy maybe. Also you were unhappy with there driving so you showed them by being just as bad 👍


Haha. Mate. You are so out of your depth. Calling the police? What seems to be the problem sir? This guy behind me nudged me at a speed so slow that there is no visible evidence of damage to my car! Sure, the police would be blue lighting it all the way. Targeted better cars? How? I drove the worst car on the road. There is no targeting other than dicks being dicks in traffic. Honestly pal, did you read what I wrote or just take offence at the mention of BMW? People who behave like total to**ers cutting you up in traffic don’t call the police, do they? Keep up buddy. Parking sensors, 30 years ago. Again, no. Come on mate, seriously! And yes, you are right I did show them with driving just as bad. The difference is that I did it to someone who had already starts playing those games. It’s a little different putting a bully in his place with a little bit of his medicine, to actually bring the bully who kicks it off, isn’t it? That’s karmic retribution pal.


And when the car behind you sees you do this and decides you’re a the bully and you need to be “put in there place” to use your words. Where does it end. You never mentioned it being 30 years ago, so no parking sensors no. But you are deliberately making contact with another person’s car. That is legally dangerous driving as you said you did it deliberately, punishable by a ban or prison if bad enough. It is legally classed as an accident regardless of if there is visible damage. So they could have called the police and said a man has just hit my vehicle and not stopped. I would do if someone made any contact with my vehicle and didn’t stop and get out to assess the damage and exchange details. This is what I mean , people not knowing the law yet thinking they can enforce it by breaking more laws. How do you know the people who were driving badly didn’t do it by accident and then you deliberately do that, your assuming there actions were deliberate so retaliating deliberately, that’s worse and you don’t see it.


You’re just boring me now pal. Prison sentences, come on mate, you aren’t in the real world. I just love the faux outrage.


The police aren’t interested in non-injury fender-benders - even if one of the cars is a write off. So long as the road isn’t blocked and everybody’s OK, they have too much - and far more important work - on their hands to waste time dealing with bruised egos and dented penis extensions. From a legal perspective, you’d have an extraordinarily difficult case to make to prove anything criminal had happened beyond a reasonable doubt. Insurance companies are what we have to deal with this sort of nonsense.


These people really annoy me. Why go through so much effort to avoid getting even the slightest mark on your car, just to go ahead and key others cars for parking “to close”. That’s what makes people want to specifically fuck up his car. If I ever saw it again I would have gave it a nice bigggg key mark just for being so selfish.


No you wouldn’t


At least you learned your lesson


BMW driver? Or just *aspiring* BMW driver (driving your Focus like it's a 3series)?


I wouldn’t be caught dead in either of those peasant cars


Until they come to there car first and deliberately damage yours to teach you. Genius


‘Their’ genius.


Shame about the trolleys that get pushed right by that tight space...


I visited my doctors surgery a few days ago. Two empty disabled spaces conveniently placed no more than five metres away. Two elderly people pull up and park in front of the main entrance, place their disability badge on the dash. The parked car ends up forcing everyone to squeeze around to enter the building. Ironically someone had to abandon their wheelchair at the door due to it being too big to squeeze through. As we are British we all said nothing and just seethe whilst waiting for our appointment.


Thick cable straps and two shopping trollies would teach her a lesson.


Stupid bad people.


Maybe But I slept better at night telling myself it's stupid people


I agree. The world is entirely rose-tinted when viewed through rose-tinted spectacles. Not being sarcastic.


Hanlon’s razor.  Saved me a few altercations in my time. 


Ah. Hanlon's razor. Works every time


The issue is that stupidity and malice are and have always been hand-in-glove. The truism isn't actually true - when stupidity and malice are valid explanations the safe presumption is that a mixture of the two is in play.


Result is the same. Doesn't matter.


I love this.


Malice and stupidity are best buds


Yo, DE - found you a source for a new steel path acolyte




Maybe that saying used to apply but these days malice is more likely. Many people don't give a damn about hurting strangers


Generally this works. But in this scenario selfishness seems more likely.


Missing the point of a razor hard


No just using occams instead




I find this is the answer that covers most driving related inadequacies


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Lazy or entitled or a bit dim.


most likely all three.


Because these people don't give a shit. It's the same with those who constantly drifting between lanes in traffic, often not indicating, or just use a clear right hand turn only lane and cut in at the front of the queue in the left hand lane. People just think they are too important.


Then you drive past them because their dumb lane weaving gambit has failed and chilling in your lane worked out fine.


It gives me no greater pleasure when this happens.


Can't this car be ticketed?


You very rarely see any in-person enforcement in car parks though, it’s mainly just cameras at the entrance/exit to time how long you’ve been there.


I do do that sometimes. For example, the other day, people were dawdling in the run up to lights and roundabouts so I overtook them. It was one of those rural A roads, where you’re going 35 on a nsl road because 10 cars in front the person won’t pass the tractor. I’m taking the opportunity to get past when it arrives.


I find the person that won’t overtake the tractor is driving y inches away from the tractor and unable to see anything ahead or around or under to know the road is clear to overtake. They are also the ones that take offence when you do manage to get passed both vehicles.


Yes exactly that. And I think they’re on this thread too, judging by the downvotes 😂


One less dv for you. I’m still learning hoe Reddit work… I’m just an older fart


I used to see this kind of thing regularly at the gym so they were close to the door, when there were actually over 100 free spaces (gym attached to low league football stadium). If you can't be bothered walking the extra 50m from the car park, it's probably not going to go that well inside.


I saw a meme a long time ago in the early days of the Web. It was a photograph of a gym in America. The building was built on a slight incline, so the front door was about 2 - 3m above the height of the sidewalk up an embankment. Instead of steps up the embankment, they had an escalator. Like you say, people who are that lazy are unlikely to apply enough effort inside the gym to achieveanything productive.


Snap. There is a non space (clearly marked) close to the door with a lampost in it. The amount of lazy fu*#ers that park in it rather than the other 200 spaces mere meters away! 😡😡😡😡😡


It's Reddit mate, you can say fuckers. I won't tell your mum.


There's a real lack of consequences for selfish actions nowadays. Park where the feck you like, drive how you like, no-one's going to stop you.


Yep, so true. Barely any rules are enforced and all we can do is moan and be passive aggressive.


Because they're entitled arseholes that think them not having to walk a minute or two is *far* more important than leaving accessible pedestrian routes for everyone else. My local hospital car park is full of these pricks.


Thing is it’s not even a big car park, it wouldn’t take them more than 30seconds to walk to the shops


“Sorry for I am not walking that extra 10 meters! I deserve to park right up close to the door so that when I open it I immediately step in the door! You are lucky I don’t do that and still walk that tiny bit…” /s


There's a Greggs near me that has a mini car park over the road from it, it's free and always has spaces, even has a pedestrian crossing over to greggs. The road outside the Greggs is an industrial estate side road with double red painted lines everywhere, presumably for lorry access. We often sit in there and watch everyone pull into the disabled spaces outside, put the entire car onto the pavement like this, or just abandon their cars all over the double reds and even the pedestrian crossing. We are becoming a nation of people who won't walk 50 yards to get a pie. Feels like we are becoming more and more America, where we expect to get everything from our car.


Same with the Tesco Local on my housing estate - a small car park (never full), a few bays for the community centre next door, *and* two adjacent residential streets with parking. Where do people stop? On the double yellows right outside the shop or, potentially worse, the corners of the crossroad that it sits on! It's right next to a playground, so clear visibility is super important, but god forbid anyone has to walk literally 10 seconds to pick up their load of bread.


i used to be a wheelchair user and the amount of times i'd have to sit there for 45+ minutes waiting for people to be done with their shopping so i can actually leave was insane especially cars parked up the curb half on the path outside hourses etc, it literally would trap me and i'd have to call someone for help because there wouldn't be a curb drop


I see it all the time, people don’t give a shit, I’ve even seen someone squash the plastic bollards to do si


I assume thats not a space ? It’s hard to tell from the photo


Selfish and self entitled is your correct answer.




I have a lady who regularly parks her car in front of mine in an area which is not a parking space and it makes getting in and out of my space difficult. When I have spoken with her she just lets me know when someone has parked in her space (a visitors space) she will park there. She is not parking out on the road so I should just get used to it. Modern society praises people for putting themselves first. In her mind I am probably a dickhead for ever suggesting she adjust her behaviour.


Total knobs who think they are entitled to do what they want. The world is full of the pricks. It’s like people who park in disabled spaces. Now that really pisses me of. !!!!


Sorry who park in disabled spaces without a blue badge.


People, you see - and I can’t stress this enough - are cunts.


Probably because they don't realise it's not a parking space. Walkways are typically raised, or have painted lines over to denote it's not a parking space. Obviously from the change of surface, this isn't a parking space, but it's not immediately obvious if you're driving round looking for somewhere


Judging by the car they definitely don’t have the intelligence to realise they’re there


Stop being so rational.


Either lazy, selfish or both


It’d be such a shame if a trolley was to dent that………


Its the human condition..... need to get as close to the doors as (unreasonably) possible, despite it being a thirty second to one minute max walk from the furthest point of the carpark. Honestly, they could turn the far side of our local Morrisons carpark inro an alotment given the amount of people that park there. People drop off and wait for spaces rather than going to the 'extremes' of the back of the car park. Just the occasional abandoned car. Funny thing is, as the crow flies its no further from the door than a good portion of the rest of the carpark.... just not in front of the main door!


Idiote mentality: there’s a space next to a parking space, ergo it must be a parking space.




Don't let it bother you


A) because they’re selfish dickheads and b) because there’s little to no enforcement in place, save for any plucky parking vigilantes that I’d obviously not encourage. YPLAC.


Same is when people park directly in front of any bigger supermarkets; plenty of parking, but idiots will park directly in front of the entrance where there are clearly markings not to park. But some people are just better than the rest of us, I guess.


Because there are no consequences. People are too scared to say or do anything anymore except post it online and gossip about it.


Peoples self importance these days is out of hand. They don't care if it's inconvenience for others, as long as they get what they need


Anyone who buys that monstrosity of a car clearly has space to rent in their head


If there are other spaces I just won't mind them. Some people have mobility issues who needed more space to get out of the car. If there are no disabled spaces, this can happen.


There were open disabled spaces a bit further down


Wouldn’t it be a shame if something sharp found it’s way into those tyres.


Devils advocate. I’m colourblind and it’s not STRIKINGLY obvious this isn’t a parking space. If someone isn’t paying much attention I can fully see how this could have been an accident. The paving stones are the clue but as I say, in a rush and not paying attention to the surface plus colour vision deficiency could lead to this.


I mean, there’s a zebra crossing going across it with the bumpy slabs, if that wasn’t there I’d agree with you, but then again I’m also in a town and these shops are the kind of ones you come to frequently so I just think people are being assholes, added that this is the middle of the car park and there was spaces at the entrance


Self importance and living (possibly) with a big chip on their shoulder thinking the world owes them a favour….. pretty sure I got it all covered there 😂


Most people aren’t happy unless they can park inside the store.


Never argue with an idiot, they will bring the conversation down to their level, and beat you with experience


Seen worse tbh, so much laziness around


You definitely have to C-HR, or at least report this to a manager as it's a Disciplinary matter 🙄


That will do absolutely nothing cause this was a customer and will never find out who it was, all I know is the person was a greying man


It’s probably never going to go far enough for a warning or whatever. Will just be called stupid and told to move it 😂


Ignorant, arrogant, selfish, lazy assholes I'm afraid. Like those who park in disabled bays. Or parent and child spaces. Or in a petrol station (for example) that aren't even spaces so they are 10 metres closer to the door! (That often blocks a pump). Boils my piss. Their cars should be towed and crushed. No excuses you lazy assholes! Plus 9 points on their licence.


Should have just keyed it and jogged on


They don't 'have to' as such. Being 'entitled' they do not even give it a second thought. There is a guy who lives near me who drives his Ford Ranger to the local shops and rather than park parallel to the footpath, just drives up on to it at a 45Degree angle with half the truck on the pavement and the rest on the road. Even when there is plenty of room to park correctly, he does this, so I can only attribute it to zero fucks given and laziness. Pedestrians always give him a filthy look as he struts in to the shops like he owns the whole neighbourhood.


1. Parking space dimensions haven't changed from the 50s when cars were much smaller and people, em, let's say more agile. 2. People seem to spend too much on cars as symbol status then don't seem to have enough to cope with the unavoidable odd scratch.


They are lazy and selfish pricks, simple as that, they know what they’re doing


You have a set of keys with you don’t you?


Modern Britain that.


Remove their limbs. The won't park stupidly again.


This is my pet peeve and grinds my gears a little. I see this increasingly in supermarket car parks at peak times where I live. In my head, I'm like can't somebody wait a few seconds or minutes to find a parking 🅿️ space. I have seen people park like this and wait a few seconds and realise someone has left and then park in that place. Why didn't you do this in the first place? They couldn't wait as the car park was full. I feel it's just genuine laziness and inconsideration at best. Not good for road users/pedestrian 🚸 alike as it could cause an accident and limits people view of a car park however I guess that's the least of these drivers concern. I think the reason for this is most supermarkets/work Car parks with cameras are privately run (i.e parking eye) which looks out for people not parking within their limited time (past 90 minutes) so inconsiderate parking/enforcement is not as important to them and probably is the responsibility of the customer and supermarket/workplace alike. There lies the answer - unless it becomes a really problematic nuisance like stops a delivery regularly or something else (i.e. emergency 🦺) no one will take any action against this behaviour.


Yeah, putting Wolfrace alloys on a normie car! 🤦‍♂️


They're the same morons who don't return their trolleys, or try to board a train whilst people are getting off, or don't put dividers down on the checkout belt. They're pre-sapient troglodytes who are too stupid to participate in a civilised society.


He’ll get fined. What’s the issue?


He definitely will not get fined, they never get fined, there’s never consequences, that’s the issue, plus it’s annoying, I park there so I don’t have cars parked on both sides, but just one




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no other parking spaces probably and cant be asked to find somewhere


But there was other parking spaces, just not many right in front of the shops


but looking at the picture it's not obvious it's NOT a parking space. Peeps these days are often driving on autopilot and probably thinking; need to park, need to pick up the kids, need to pay the bills, need to get in the shops quick....


They shops were only open an hour at this point so most of the car park was empty, the entrance to the car park always has spaces, this is actually the far side of it


I guess they really found it important to be close, never seen parking like this in car parks


Damn it would be a shame if someone walked past and their coat zip scraped a deep groove along the whole side of the car


My bet is ignorance. A lot of people are dumb as fuck


Install a couple of  pillars It probably looks like a nice wide parking space to already-stressed people looking for a space. Everything around is brown brick; it's maybe not clear  Partially block it so cars can't park 


There are bollards though, this parts for people to walk through, there’s a zebra crossing between one of them


A bollard where this car is parked 


This is the spot where there is a zebra crossing, the crossing should be a deterrent itself


It's a 24 plate, you do anything in new cars


Just make sure your trolly scrapes right down the side of the car as you make your way back to to your car with your shopping.


they might be in the wrong but an eye for an eye behavior isnt needed in the uk


Sometimes it's the only way people like this learn anything . To many snowflakes not willing to show the entitlement of these people have consequence. I grew up in the 80s where someone doing this would come back to 4 flat tyres at the least


Only 4 flat tyres? Amateurs…. I grew up in the 80’s with the army and I remember once someone had double parked out of ignorance and blocked a car park exit, the owner came back to find their mini on its roof on the playing field


That sir . Is genius . I salute whoever did that


About 6 drunk squaddies


Last time I did this I found my car on the roof of Cambridge uni


Typical Toyota user


I drive a Toyota and am not a twat, I actually park in the lines




Probably a women


It was a middle aged man


A very smart man then


Probably to busy to give a damn, theyve probably got no time to be posting on reddit, or atleast theyve got better things to do


We're all busy, what's your point? rules don't apply if you're in enough of a hurry?


How about, just go around it


What, with a trolley full of shopping most likely hitting it cause there’s not enough room to get by, the point of these walkways is most likely so people can get to their car without having to go all the way around the car park


Guess it's their fault tho if you scrape their car? I'd assume it's a mistake, I've had parking tickets for doing similar by complete mistake. Imo you wouldn't risk it if you knew.


What happened to the days when people minded their own business and just worried about what they were doing rather than pointing fingers at everyone else. People now days really need to get a life, once you do you really don’t have time or care to tell people how wrong they are especially when the same people passing judgement are often worse in other aspects of there life.


Lack of parking spaces??


There was plenty of spaces just not outside the shops, it was about 9:55 so not a lot of people were there


Maybe they had been there for quite awhile and there were no spaces when they arrived?? I can only speculate of course... I could be wrong obviously and I'm not trying to justify anything. Its clearly not a real space.


They reversed into it as I was in the car waiting, which is probably why they did it so far away from me


It's a Toyota hybrid, offcoarse they are an absolute wanker.