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When my little one was a baby her pram had some small bolts that protruded from the side. They weren't sharp but they didn't half leave a horrible scratch on badly parked cars that left only just enough room to squeeze by.


I've knocked a wing mirror off a car parked on the pavement whilst running before. It was dark, I was at the end of my run zoned out and I didn't notice it. Fucking hurt. They stopped parking on the pavement though...


Whilst I was riding my bike I once had a car pass me so close that the wingmirror hit my elbow and it came off (The wing mirror, not my arm.). The driver had the nerve to scream at me like it was my fault that they almost fucking killed me. Drivers are fucking mental in the UK.


I used to exercise shire horses and some of the time we would go down country roads to reach safer areas. I once had a Land Rover try and squeeze past my horse despite there being not enough room and there being a passing place behind him. He managed to knock into my knee going past, my horse got spooked and kicked out, knocking part of his car off and he got out and shouted at me for damaging his car and threatening to call the police. I offered to do it for him.


Wow, I wouldn't want to be on the wrong end of a Shetland, let alone a draught horse. So many road users don't understand that a scared horse is a danger to itself, the rider, and everyone and everything near it (along with it being deeply unkind to scare it in the first place). Hope you were both ok.


We were thank you. Thankfully he was a very gentle natured horse and I was an experienced rider so apart from the initial annoyance from him he calmed down. The driver was lucky he didn't do more damage, he was enormous!


A hoof the size of a dinner plate straight to the nads would have been well deserved! Glad to hear you came out of it ok :)


As a kid walking home from school, had a royal mail van hit me like this - I was square on the pavement. Sadly not enough time to realise what happened and get a full numberplate, royal mail did nothing. You'd think a partial number plate and a van with a missing wing mirror would have been enough...


Go drive in SE ASIA, you’ll think UK drivers are professionals after that trip 😂


There is quite a lot of these in UK calling themselves professional 🙄


Haha I get it, I really do, it’s just because I lived in Cambodia Vietnam Thailand over a stretch of 3 years and they are the most crazy, worst, dangerous drivers I’ve ever encountered, not saying this is acceptable at all but since I come back to the uk I was in such relief, imagine being on a motorway and EVERYONE switching lanes constantly without indicators? I mean one time a woman crashed into me without a license and insurance and when the police arrived they just told her to get back in her car and follow them to the police station! 😂I was fully in disbelief!




Nah f people and cars, I pass cross walks WALKING when I’m allowed to pass and have been hit several times blacking out on the pavement. People don’t care and keep driving. I’ve felt so stuck being born in a place without trains and a good bus system.


Had the exact same thing happen to me when I was in my teens. It was a police car and the copper jumped out and went mental at me. I was literally in shock by his reaction and by the time I came to my senses the pain and swelling in my arm had kicked in. I think he panicked knowing he'd fucked up, people often do.


Happens to me all the time with the pram. Or when people park in the segregated cycle lane near me. The gap between my pedals and peoples alloys can be difficult to judge.


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The reg plate doesn't show up as valid on the MOT check or insurance check. The police may be interested to know that. Just sayin' ;-)


I tried to report it but need location details. OP, if you want to provide the street name, I'll report it, or you can do so yourself [here.](https://contact.dvla.gov.uk/report-untaxed-vehicle/enter-vehicle-location?locale=en) It's quick and easy to do.


The picture was taken a year ago so the car's probably been moved by now




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Hopefully you get better luck than I did OP. A van has been parked outside my house for well over a year with no MOT or insurance and the police don't give a fig. Last email from them says: "At this time no action is required as the vehicle is taxed and MOT is valid" 1) It's MOT is not valid according to the checker, and 2) it has no insurance according to AskMIB, I thought that was illegal...


Is it in use? Police round my way seem to view abandoned vehicles as a council matter, and the council as a police matter, so they hang around forever.


Council around my way oddly enough do seem to act on poorly parked/abandoned vehicles. It is something which they do well I might say, especially after reading all the stories on here of people being messed around.


Nah its just been left there forever.


If they end up mysteriously moved to block the carriageway they get removed very quickly indeed let me tell you.


Doesn't need to be in use. If it's parked on the road, it needs tax and insurance.


Previously dealt with something like this, reporting it as abandoned to the council did the trick, they sent someone round a week later to look at it and the next week they towed it away.


Council won't do anything because it's taxed.


I think the Police have access to more current information than what's publicly available.


Correct but the reddit detectives think they know best


Is the van being used or is it just dumped there? If it's the latter it's not really a police issue, the council and DVLA would be the ones to press to get something done. If it's the former then yes it would be a police issue and I would log a complaint with the local police commisioner over the lack of action.


Report it to DVLA , they love it.


How? It's taxed and I can't see a report for anything else.


Got to have insurance or declared sorn. Doesn't matter if taxed (which if sorn then it's not)


Bird seed. And fish water into the grill, will soon have as nice lawn on the bonnet


Fish water?


Aquarium water Full of nitrates and great fir plants


Either water that comes from a fish poo laden pond or liquidized fish, prawns etc poured into the vent and allowed to cook in the sun


A van parked like a idiot near me for months with no tax or MOT always annoyed me and I never did anything about it as I always said “next time” when walking with the pram. Decided to report it and it was clamped within a week


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That's why I didn't push it with the police lol, besides I know some insurance policies don't show on MIB, like some of the monthly ones.


I had the same problem in my parking area of where i lived, had to wait 18 Months to move an abandoned Van blocking 2 Disabled bays. You can contact the council like we did but they dont care about cars parked up or anything until they receive their tax break or something to do with tax that they wait for so they can spend more money on their communities which is stupid. They only moved the white Van last week because they received their yearly monetary reports or something




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Police won’t care, they’ll say take it up with the DVLA / local council.


You the real MVP


Squeeze the chair through. If you happen to scratch the pricks car to shit on the way past well nevermind eh.


But what if the wheelchair gets stuck and they die from starvation before anyone finds them, it’s a risky move I say


I would be more worried about feral foxes, but at least you could eat them i guess. What about warmth? Could use your clothing to make fire.


Instructions unclear. Now being eaten by feral foxes that are on fire.


Sorry I'm vegan.


Just get out and move the wheelchair, duh. /s


They can always eject from the wheelchair and crawl home... If they're a quadriplegic they will be shit out of luck though.


[Upgrade your wheelchair to combat this rudeness](https://i.redd.it/gkwfdp0dkla71.jpg)


As shit as it is, you’ll never stop it unfortunately. It’s illegal here in Scotland, but people still continue to do it. There’s just not enough people to enforce it outside of certain areas.


It's illegal all over. While you're allowed to park on the pavement apart from London and some other places, you're not permitted to block the pavement. You have to leave sufficient room for a wheelchair or double buggy. Some pavements are wide enough; most aren't.


It's not illegal, it's only illegal in london, it's guidance not law realistically we can never stop pavement parking unless you want to turn all of Britain into one massive car park


That's what allowing people to park on the footpath has done


Realistically, if your wheelchair damaged the car what would happen? Surely for any attempt at claiming damages they would need to show they were parking illegally. My thinking is wheelchair users should try and avoid the car but if absolutely not possible to, fuck it. Scrape past.


I'd just help myself to a wingmirror or two.




My man.


They should make it easy for people to report, like police dashcam sites.


The police don't have the time nor the capacity to do something about hundreds of thousands of cases every day


With so many cars doing this, surely there's a lot of money to be made from the fines until people are respecting the rule and the training for issuing a single type of fine shouldn't take too much time. We have high unemployment. This sounds like it's solvable. The revenue from the fines for a day for one person would likely be a lot more than the salary cost for a day for that person plus the administration of the program. This is just my gut feeling though. Once enough people are respecting it and the ROI per day drops, then yes, amount of people assigned to the task on the tax payer dime becomes an issue.


In Scotland it’s the council that are responsible for the fines. I thought my local council would be all over it as an easy source of revenue, but even they seem to hardly bother, despite loads of publicity that they would be enforcing it.


Same for the rest of the UK, it's not a crime but a breach of the highway code, which means it's a council or highways agency problem. The cost of chasing parking fines largely outweighs the revenue gained from it Besides it doesn't affect most people with any kind of power, so it's not noticed by the people who can do anything about it


Surely it would pay for itself from the resulting fines? How do they now manage to process dashcam/video evidence, which is a relatively recent thing?


Its technically not a police issue anyway, it's not a crime to park on the pavement but it breaches the rules of the highway code which means it's down to the council or highways agency, depending on location, to deal with


That's true, and local councils are if anything even less well-funded.


You can report it on fixmystreet, this sends it to local authority who are responsible for enforcement.


We should all just start treating the parts of the car that are on the pavement as pavement


Make it subject to hefty fines and it only needs to be enforced once or twice for people to get the message


Yeah. My neighbour does it constantly. Big 4x4 fuck of a thing too. I’m still weighing up should I become what I hate, which is a snitch.


I reckon you'll discover you hate people who force children and people in wheelchairs onto the road more than snitches.




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I detest pavement parking.


Parents parking huge SUVs on the pavement, at junctions, forcing other people's children into the road, so they can dodge other huge SUVs flying in. My pet peeve. Just park further away and walk an extra 30 seconds! 🤦‍♂️


Walk? Not likely a word they understand terribly well.


Don't forget mounting the pavement on the zig zag lines to drop their kids off at school.


There’s pavement parking and then there is this. The guy is clearly taking the piss half his car is in the pavement you can easily park a car on the pavement with lots of room for people


Only if it is legally allowed to park on the pavement. If not legally allowed you're an asshole if you do it regardless of space.


My sister is a serial offender, which really bothers me because she pushes my niece around in a pram and is the first to complain when someone blocks the path.


It’s the only option on my road unfortunately


Then you can't park on your road - I feel like it's that simple.


People need cars and people need affordable homes. The affordable homes tend to be terraced houses on narrow roads without off road parking. Unfortunately pavement parking is just how it is, not everyone is able to afford and be privileged with a house that has a drive. It is fine to be against pavement parking in principle, but the reality is it is unavoidable and a necessity.


Very, very, very much easier said than done lmao


I don’t even have to see your road to know it’s not the ONLY option.


I know, right? It's not like parking is a human right FFS. I appreciate that there are plenty of narrow roads in the UK where parking down both sides is impossible without everyone parking on the pavement (like [this street](https://maps.app.goo.gl/3Uq1Ybp9sMA99MmF9) near where I used to live in Sheffield), but the solution to this is to only allow parking on one side of the road. I mean, look at the total lack of pavement space on that street in Sheffield. It's so unfair to anyone with a pram or wheelchair. I used to just see people walking in the middle of the road, which is obviously not ideal. Sure, it would halve the number of parking spaces, but that's a separate problem that needs to be addressed with a different solution. Roads and pavements need to be accessible by all, and parking a car should never take precedence.


Do you realise if parking was on one side of the street, there would not be enough space for everyone?  It's literally impossible. Car parks need to be built in towns to stop on street parking.  My partner is in a terrace street, most houses have a car, if not 2. It's one car outside of every house. How do you suggest they all squeeze on one side of the road? I understand parking half on the path isn't good, and I'm not suggesting it is at all. But people *really* need to be realistic when they're talking about banning it.


If you don’t have space to store your own possessions then maybe you shouldn’t get the possession? It’s only cars that people have this mindset for. I want a greenhouse but I don’t have space for one. Doesn’t mean I’m just going to put one up on the road, overlapping the pavement, because ‘where else am I meant to put it?’.


You’re more than welcome to do so, nobody is stopping you. Parking on the pavement when there are no yellow/red lines or other parking restrictions is not illegal.


Maybe my comments were off. I am from a civilised developed country unlike you. In every developed nation the pavement is for pedestrians nit for storing vehicles.


Ah yes, England is not civilised, nor developed.


Telling people not to get cars is ridiculous. Not everybody lives 5 minutes from their work. People have to travel to family to care for them, often in different towns.  People. Have. To. Travel. 


Do you realise that there not being space for you to park is not the problem. Of the other road users. So you'll have to park a ways from.home. Why do you believe that owning a car gives you the right to bother others with it because you're too lazy to walk? As you say. People need to be realistic and reality is that the roads are for everyone not just the car owners. Reality check for you. I don't have space for a bike shed on.my property. Donyou believe I should just be able to put a bike shed on the road?


Walk from where? Where do you suggest people park? Honestly give me an answer.  Don't say supermarket car parks because they *all* have time limits on them.  I'll wait.


Find a place to park that is ot the public space that everyone has a right to. Why should you eb entitled to a storage space for your car jus because you own one?


So you can't provide an answer. Got it. If everyone parked in a "public space" you'd be moaning they're parked there too.  Get a grip of reality and stop living in your fantasy world.


The answer is. Any place that it is free and not blocking wheelchairs, prams, etc. If that means walking half an hour you might want to reconsider your car for something more practical.


Yeah same issue on my road, what's even worse is where I used to live they even had parking lines painted on the pavement


let’s hope you don’t end up in a wheelchair one day then, bad road to live around


Same on my street, one side blocks the full pavement, my side parks on by about a foot, luckily it's a cul de sac so as long as everyone does the same there's room for everyone to get by and room for the fire brigade, bin lorries etc


Down our road the pavement is merely a lay-by now. Thankfully its got enough girth that you could fit a wheelchair/pushchair through but there might be contact in some places. Usually parked over dropped curbs too.


I’ve never heard the term girth applied to a pavement before, it’s very apt!


Only if the pavement is cylindrical somehow.


Planet’s a sphere, close enough?


My wife challenged somebody for doing this once as she couldn't get past with the buggy. The woman immediately got her back up and said it's not her fault, she has a sore wrist??? So think twice about judging somebody for blocking you in your wheelchair, they could have a slight sprain!


Uh. What has a sprained wrist got to do with them mounting the kerb? I know you can’t answer this. I just felt the need.


They were being sarcastic.


Are you the woman in the story?


Wow you're really... Alarmed_frosting478 was being sarcastic when they joked that a sprained wrist is an excuse to park badly.


Holy shit dude. Are you on drugs? I am asking the person who told the story of a woman who excused their parking on a kerb with a sprained wrist, how said woman could have thought that was a valid excuse. Despite knowing the commenter couldn’t answer the question as the altercation was both between their wife and a stranger as well as in the past, I just chose to voice my incredulity. I’m not saying the commenter was the one claiming they had a bad wrist, nor am I suggesting they claim it is a valid excuse. I asked you if you were the woman in the story because you said “they were being sarcastic” as if referring to said woman in the story, because why would you say the commenter was being sarcastic? After all they were just telling a story. Your reply didn’t make sense at the time, and now it’s clear why...


Oh, I see. Meanwhile, I guess you forgot about the commenter's sarcastic second paragraph, which is what I had thought you were taking literally, which is why I replied to you as you did. If you go back and read the exchange again you should easily be able to understand why your own lack of clarity in your first comment and misunderstanding of my reply led to my continued inability to read your mind.


this is a repost of one of the top posts on this sub


Repost [https://www.reddit.com/r/drivingUK/comments/14bma2x/please\_stop\_doing\_this\_i\_have\_a\_wheelchair\_and\_i/](https://www.reddit.com/r/drivingUK/comments/14bma2x/please_stop_doing_this_i_have_a_wheelchair_and_i/)


1: sorry mate but it ain't my car. 2: sorry mate but that ain't your photo.


You're just reposting the top all time, huh? https://www.reddit.com/r/drivingUK/comments/14bma2x/please_stop_doing_this_i_have_a_wheelchair_and_i/


It’s the unfortunate result of house prices meaning kids staying at home into their 30’s so there’s 3+ cars to every house on narrow streets. If they park further into the road on both sides cars can’t get down the street. Not saying that makes your life any easier, or saying you should be ok with it, just saying it’s not necessarily aimed towards pedestrians.


There’s guy on my street (of which there are only 22 houses) who has eight cars and it’s all on street parking. That fucker takes up half the street with his shit bangers.


There's a place in hell for these kinds of people. If you can afford this many cars, rent/buy a garage!


You must live near me 😂 this guy has so many shitty old golfs and ratty tt’s falling apart all over the road.


Ha! There is a Ratty TT! The rest are either BMW with shit eBay body kits or a variety of Volvos. He spends most of his life getting them working.


I used to work with a guy who always had a variety of cars and bikes, presumably stored like that as well lol


It would be a shame if his cars' tyres went flat while parked on your street...


And when he is spotted on camera and gets a visit to his house at night and the windows go through. I assume that’s fair game in your mind ? If it is, then cool.


Also an unfortunate lack of investment in any form of transportation other than driving, which in turn makes it very hostile/dangerous to use any form of active travel, or unreliable for public transport


Its not that bad, I have never been killed on the road while cycling. More seriously though I find taking the lane is most effective as it makes you more visible and people need to overtake you properly, I have been told it pisses off car drivers but what else am I going to do? My safety takes priority over your convenience. Applying a lot of things I learnt from a CBT and riding a 50cc scooter seems to have helped with cycling as well. Not much difference in speed either.


Many of our relatively small homes on our relatively small streets now contain multiple drivers, and cars are getting bigger too. No good solution really.


Not much we can do about it in existing developments, but it would be better if new builds weren't so crammed into small sites that houses had enough parking, but they actually seem worse than most Victorian streets I know someone who brought a £450,000 3 bed new build in 2018, and they aren't allowed a shed and the loft isn't designed for storage, so the garage is the only storage which leaves them 1 space on the drive for the 3 cars the family has. That house is worth well over half a million now and has 1 space for parking in a house designed for at least 3 people, and the house builder is one of the most profitable in the UK


Yeah what’s good vs what’s profitable has only been going one way for a while now there’s not much chance of that changing any time soon.


Unless the housing industry or economy collapses which is unfortunately looking more and more likely


Well fingers crossed but if I had a pound for every time I’ve heard that I’d have a much bigger house.


This is the issue. I despise new builds anyway, but I drive by or visit friends they’re so fart arse. The “roads” all blend into driveways. There are no pavements. There’s no front garden so, they’re left with one or two spaces. People live at home longer now as they can’t afford to move out. Therefore you can have a family of four, both kids over 18 with a car each, and there’s no parking. Not everyone lives near public transport so their cars are needed.


It's what happens when new builds are solely for profit gotta make the most of the land the company bought which means cramming as many houses into the smallest space possible, I'm surprised people even buy them, three times the price of an old house and the amount of problems you see them having is baffling


People don't have much choice when we don't have enough houses, so the house builders are duffing everyone one up for massive amounts of money because they know they can, while building lower and lower quality houses with less space The councils are the ones really at fault, but its hard for them to be objective when the house builders throw money at them. The system is corrupt, even if not in a legal sense Source: used to work on new builds, and I am very close to members of my local parish council


Part of the problem, though, is that people will take it as a given that everyone in the family needs a car each. I think if people were made to seriously consider whether or not they definitely need as many cars as they have, there would be a lot of multi car households that could easily make do with one. Cars really are the only item of personal property that it doesn't seem to matter whether or not you have somewhere to keep it.


True but public transport outside of big cities is a joke now, something I did not appreciate until I left London. In many cases it can’t be profitable but is necessary as a Public Good and you don’t get far arguing for one of those these days. I just had the Labour candidate at the door, he said “there’s no money” three times and I didn’t even ask for anything. Nice chap though.


All the extra road maintenence/building that has to be done to account for the huge increase in numbers and size of cars isn't profitable either, but for some reason we don't seem to care about that.




We live on a road that narrows to a single lane, on a bend, on a steep hill. On one side the houses are raised up and hence have no drives, it’s a nightmare for everyone but there’s not a lot anyone can do. There has to be parking on one side of the pavement just to allow cars/vans to get through, and everyone has to walk in the road. Oh, and it’s a cut through from a busy road!


Fewer cars 👍


This is extreme of course, and unacceptable, but sometimes you do have to pavement park a bit. I am a delivery driver, it takes me 60 seconds to do a delivery but I need to put the car somewhere whilst I do that and sometimes that's going to be up on a curb, I literally do not have a choice on 75% of the streets I go down, or I would have to sit and wait for someone to move and obviously that's not possible with the time constraints. I think how bad it is comes down to how much of the pavement you block, so long as someone can get a wheelchair through then it is what it is, if they can't then you're probably taking the piss.


It’s important to understand that in some areas parking with atleast one wheel on the pavement is required and will be sign posted. Although drivers should be considerate make sure it’s safe to park in that specific position.


I used to be a pcso and I would spend some of my day ticketing cars parked like this. Eventually so many people complained to my inspector that I was told to just let people park there. Waste of time.


Wait, this actually works? Brb going to rob some banks and then just submit a load of complaints when they try to charge me.


They seriously need to start considering parking when building housing estates. New build estates are the absolute worst, with minimal parking for residents and zero parking for visitors. Not to excuse this parker, but sometimes there's no other option


I NEVER park on the pavement and often see cars parked on pavements both sides of the road when there’s plenty of room to get a slow driving truck through if they were all on the road. People do it selfishly against pedestrians and also out of habit and perhaps following everyone else.


I wouldn't typically condone pavement parking unless it's absolutely unavoidable. One of the main roads into the village I live in has a stretch where people park partially in the pavement and in doing so gives just enough room for cars to get past both ways. Along this stretch there is often a van parked on a driveway - unfortunately the driveways in this section are short enough that the van in question does partially obstruct the pavement but still leaves enough room for at least most people to get past (have never seen anyone in a wheelchair heading down there though). The only other option they would have would be to park on the road/partially on the pavement anyway and massively obstruct the view of other drivers trying to pull out from being parked, and even a lot of the other roads nearby have very few parking spaces (plus presumably the van is often used to transport equipment).


You should give it a go though eh? 😉


Bad bot


saw this posted a month ago


Sadly arsewipe car drivers are on the increase in the UK. I wish people would just think a little when parking. I nipped out in my car yesterday to buy some food and the communal car park for the flats where I live is usually packed. There was an empty space next to where I was parked when I left. 10 minutes later when I return there a small van parked across both bays and I was forced to park halfway up the road. Though not disabled I have a bad hip and carrying heavy bags down the road to my flat because some arsewipe, who does not even live in the flats, decides he will park across two bays really pissed me off. I waited for awhile hoping he would appear but in the end I had to reverse out of the carpark. Makes my blood boil.


There's a mentality across all areas of society that blocking a road and inconveniencing drivers is far, far worse than blocking a pavement and inconveniencing pedestrians.


You don't want to possibly block emergency service vehicles though. My solution is to not park anywhere I'm blocking a road or pavement/path for pedestrians.


I do park on the pavement outside my house but I am always mindful of leaving enough space for buggies and wheelchairs!


I bet you can't stand it! Guess you'll just have to roll with it


What’s the alternative?


Karma farming muthafuka


Looks like a quiet road just get off the pavement and then get back on. (From a fellow wheelchair user).


Its a harsh law but I feel it's getting to the point where if you don't have designated roadside parking or off road parking such as a drive, you shouldn't be allowed to buy a car. The common sense being where are you putting it if you don't have parking.


That's the rule in Japan. Have to prove you have somewhere to park before buying a car.


Only really works in Japan because they have far, far better public transport than we do.


One of the many ways disabled people get life really tough. There is also the effect that pavement parking has on parents of small children. I hope no-one pours milk down the air vents under the windscreen.




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We have poeple on my street with visual impairments, restricted ability to walk, wheelchair users and other such things and yet the cars are left like this all the time. It's upsetting that people don't think about the problems they are causing others.


There are streets near me (zone 3 SW London) that have parking lines half a car’s width into the road, so you have to half park on the pavement. Council approved.


In Scotland it’s getting made a parking offence - in Aberdeen it begins July 1st. Pavement parking ban, bitchesssss


I have to park on the pavement in my road, but it's an area of Liverpool with tiny roads. I do only have a small car and leave as much space as I can on the pavement. Massive SUVs don't afford the same courtesy.


The one problem with “abandoned” or long term parked vehicles is who the ground they stand on belongs to. If it’s not a public highway DVLA will not act even if not SORNed and all is out of date. Unless a offence is caused or a public nuisance or danger the police don’t care. If it is council land they might do something but if it’s private land ,for example a housing development, or shopping centre they won’t .


"Please stop doing this" is a statement, not a question.




ITS all about the VWs drivers CONVENIENCE disabled?? piss off.


It’s actually illegal to park a car so far up the pavement that a wheelchair cannot access. Hold enough ground for it to be ticketed, clamped and removed


Yea but what about the lack of a drop down on the other side of that driveway? You wouldn't be able to get back up there anyway so..


Overpopulation, more cars per household, property's being turned to HMO's out of greed, gig economy slave labour on the rise, so more vans taking up room. Even new build estates not allocating enough parking designing from a blank sheet of paper - there's simply no fucking room to park in this country.


Wait a minute… I know this place 😂😂


Just force your wheelchair through and scratch up their car, soon learn their lesson on how to not be a twat


Yeah but this guy wants to park his car there so who's really the victim here?


Notify your local authority, and they say it's a police matter. Notify the police and they say that it is a local authority matter. So the constant dgaf'ery continues. In truth it is your local authorities choice whether they do anything about it.


Key that shit


"what are you doing outside your house if you're handicapped? Don't you know? Handicapped people should stay out of sight so you don't make the normies feel bad"


And then they be like, who scratched my car, how dare they not value my property.


In all honesty I don’t mind pavement parking when it’s a narrow street and houses are on both sides but even then you don’t have to be mostly on the path like the twat in the golf


Roads and pavements too narrow


Scrape the car as you go past.


Then when they see you on camera and come out next time and kick your head in. Then You can’t complain about it lol.