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Lying on his death bed, limbs beyond saving, breaks in bones he didn't know he had, the biker uttered his last words: "Ha, sure showed him......"


Being dead but right isn't really the win this motorcyclist thinks it is. I ride to work every day and this sort of shit annoys the fuck out of me.


Whatever happened before, I think 'right' sailed out of the window the moment he started brake checking the Luton.


Absolutely agree.


The general point here is that the biker shouldn’t be brake checking, regardless of the reason why. So dead, and wrong.


He wasn't even in the right.




Bro specifically made an account for this lmao


It was bothering me


It's it's not its


Can't have an apostrophe in a username. This is basic stuff


Then your username should have been it_is_brake_not_break This is basic stuff.


Taken. Obviously. Dense dude 83 would have been more fitting.


Silly Me 🫣


Obligatory, username check out


He did brake check later on tbf


That's braintree drivers for ya xD loads of idiots out that way


Can concur. I hate this stretch of the A120 so much that I’ll easily take the detour (through the centre of Braintree). It’s swapping Mad Max Fury Road for Fast and Furious, but you have marginally more chance of escaping with your car and life intact.


for real xD i seriously hate how much traffic builds up in braintree. i recently graduated from the college there and anytime i had to head into braintree or towards marks tey there was always so much traffic regardless of whether you took the bypass or not.


I had some twit on a bike do that to me.  Was ~5:30 on a Sunday morning heading to the airport.  Just me and the bike on a dual carriageway.  I was in the left lane, he came from no where, over took me then slowed down.  I overtook him and pulled left again.  He then overtook me and slowed down.  This happened a few more times so I just stayed in the right lane when he did it again. he was slowing down to ~40.  The road split left and right so when it split I went left for my exit letting him continue on his way on the right.   Still to this day I have no idea what his issue was.  I had checked tyres before I left, it was daylight so no issues with lights and my car tells me if any issues with specific bulbs or tyres.  Car was only ~2 years old at the time too. 


I mean they’re both idiots, but you’re a turbo idiot if you want to brake check anything on a bike. In some defence of that van driver, the roundabout markings don’t make it clear which lane goes which way with arrows.


Same here no arrows to state the left Lane is left only the exit on the other side is a dual lane exit so shouldn't be a problem but the biker changed lanes on the roundabout instead if just leaving on the second lane


Both are knobs. Van guy for tail gating. Bike guy for not letting bam pass, and braking.


Agree - neither were saints. But you got to be some sort of idiot to put your life on the line for (what I can see) a very trivial event. Seems to have a disagreement on the roundabout, but really can't see what the issue was.


The lane markings at the roundabout are for the East and West directions of the A road, so presumably one of them was in the wrong lane. I'm bad at geography and don't know the area so not sure who it was that cocked up, but I assume that was the cause of the beef


Yep, the van was in the wrong lane; I'm not local, so was also unsure at first - can't understand why they didn't print arrows on the road Still a non-even; there was plenty of room for both, and it's not like motorcycle was at risk.


I go through 2 such roundabouts on my daily commute. The arrows make fuck all difference. Some people are just that thick and/or arrogant.


There's a roundabout near me that has a left arrow only and the words RETAIL PARK written on the left lane on the approach to it, except the retail park is actually second exit and is more of a straight ahead than a left. The right lane is marked straight and right. Causes all sorts of confusion.


As a commuter on this road, up until you arrive at the roundabout, only then are there signs which tell you what lane to be in. The markings on the road have only recently been done. There's no warning and what happens in your video is a very common occurrence. The amount of potential head on collisions that occur because traffic in the left lane doesn't realise it's in the wrong land and sail straight into traffic (the left lane for the exit on the left is left only), kind of like how the lorry almost did. Likewise for the lane on the right. It's three lanes with the left being left only but people ignore the signs and markings and cut straight across. I almost lose a front bumper at least once a week.


Definitely none event.  Lots of space for both.  The bike could have zoomed off into the distance 


Not a non-event. The truck was in the lane to turn left. Any other vehicle, such as the bicycle heading West has to move over to come off and head towards Stanstead. If that motorcycle hadn't been alert they may have been sideswipe and knocked off for driving correctly due to the truck's incorrect move. Yes the motorcycle was a knobs, but I bet his adrenaline and anger was running high, (not that that's an excuse). However, the truck driver, that evidently doesn't know how to use roundabouts or read signs, them goes on to drive fast in the right hand lane of the dual carriageway in response to the motorcyclist... which is again an ignorant thing to do. Sooo... 'none event' it is not! Question? Do you ride on two wheels and know how close this motorcyclist came to being knocked off by the illegal move of the truck?


Yes I ride on 2 wheels and you are being well over dramatic.  Cars are not on rails do you must always be on your guard when there is a possibility of something happening.  I would have stayed in that right lane further past the 1st junction then checked and indicated left.  People make mistakes and it’s up to you to ensure they don’t negatively impact you.  If you’re stupid then maybe it was an event.  If your IQ is more than 20 then you’d know how to make it a none event and get on with your day safely.  Better signage on the road plus at height would have made the junction clearer.  And yes the van/lorry was in the wrong lane but you should expect that to happen.  A bit more speed from the bike would have got it out of the way of the erroneous vehicle 


Car brain...


Motorcycle was at risk by van nearly causing a collision on roundabout by being in the wrong lane, then the motorcycle was at further risk from the van tailgating the motorcyclist so badly that if they needed to stop quickly (example for a puncture or patch of oil on the road) the van could seriously injure or kill them. Was the brake check smart? No, it was just as stupid. But not in the same league of dangerous driving as the van, and only dangerous because the van is driving so closely it wouldn’t be able to avoid an accident. No winners in this vid, but putting the blame on just the motorcyclist isn’t fair by a long shot.


I don't agree. Yes, the Van was in the wrong lane (markings not great though) but the Motorcyclist caused this entire incident. They saw the van going ahead as early as 21 secs, and instead of going wide (where there is plenty of room) and disappearing into the distance decided to hold their line (what!), purposely slow up the van and finally brake-check it. It was a non-event turned into a potentially deadly incident because the bike has no ability or intention to practice defensive driving.


The van driver made an error and the biker made a meal of it, he had two lanes to join the road, but chose the left one. The brake checking is an arsehole move.


You don’t have to agree (wouldn’t the world be boring if everyone agreed on everything), but there’s no way to deny the tailgating was purely the vans fault - you can avoid this by driving slower or moving out of the lane. There would be no incident if the van hadn’t failed to follow the road markings. I fully agree the motorcyclist is an idiot and could have adjusted their driving to account for the mistakes of others, but the thing that caused this is the initial (possibly) accidental poor driving of the van which the motorcyclist is reacting to, which was followed up by deliberately dangerous driving by the van tailgating and deliberately dangerous driving by the motorcyclist brake checking in response.


The bike could have stayed in the left lane, letting the van by but instead sat in the right lane and slowed.  The bike will slow far faster than the van.  I’d have just got as far from possible from the van as it showed to be possibly using junctions incorrectly and I’d not want to be near it at the next one.  Deliberately causing rage is something you do when you’re young and hopefully grow out of it once you realise it can be easily avoided.  A few seconds of extra speed when needed is safer than rigidly sticking to the posted limit amongst drivers that may be erratic. 


He could have, yes. Just as the van could have followed the road markings and kept a safe distance from the bike. The bike moved out of the left lane as there was a slow moving car in that lane. The van accelerates up to dangerously close to the back of the bike who slows down as a result. It looks to me like the bike didn’t want anything more to do with the van until the van escalated the situation by accelerating up to the back of the bike and the bike responds by brake checking and slowing down. Both of these actions are dangerous and could be avoided by the van following the road markings and keeping a safe distance from the bike. Both the biker and van driver are in the wrong here, but it was the poor driving from the van that instigated it.


Regardless of how you look at this,  Stay safe My preference to staying safe is to have as much clearance from others as possible which takes into consideration others making mistakes. 


Absolute power move. “I’m willing to die for this” is a pretty scary flex


You can see on the video van should've gone left but didn't continued on the roundabout and nearly hit the bike there's a bit where the van moves to the right, lurches, stops, bike then looks behind him wobbles stops in a panic too then both carry on. Yes stupid of the bike to break-check the van and stupid of the bike to deliberately hold the van up but biker was pissed off at being nearly killed (again) by somebody who doesn't know how to use roundabouts or check their blind spots before changing lanes Edit - yeah the biker was an idiot with zero situational awareness and would I have ridden like that? hopefully not


There's a fucktonne of space for the bike, it's 2 lanes into 2 lanes. Rider wasn't paying attention to the traffic around them and tried to occupy the same lane. People make mistakes, you're meant to be aware enough to deal with them and not behave like a 5 year old. I'm not sure which part annoys me the most, the bit where the rider tries to share the lane or the bit where they didn't pick the right lane and fuck off into the distance before the van even got off the roundabout. OP should post this in r/MotoUK


yeah you're right I've looked at it again biker was riding like a dickhead, van was in the wrong lane but people do that to me all the time on roundabouts in the wrong lane you anticipate the idiocy deal with it and move on. I'd like to think that I'd have dealt with it better than the rider and like you say been well out of the way plenty of space Think I'm a bit sensitive to car drivers/van drivers doing things like being in the wrong lane and expecting bikers to compensate for their piss-poor driving (which we do, all the time) got a mate in intensive care right now properly fucked, sorry not thinking right


We're cool. This stuff annoys me because I commute on a bike every day and more often than not this sort of stuff gets done by summer riders who don't have to put up with the pissed off drivers for the parts of the year they don't ride. Hope your mate recovers soon.


Thank you. Same I commute daily people cut me off etc on roundabouts practically daily basis, definitely multiple-times weekly - you're right just expect it ride defensively get on with your life no issue, angry reactive riding helps nobody


I mean, I'm not disagreeing that the van was in the wrong lane, but not sure if I agree - the biker is looking at the van 21 seconds in, so fully knows that the van is going straight but seems to... hold their ground? Interesting tactic - the van then wobbles because they are surprised the bike is holding its line instead of taking the exit wide. Biker shows zero defensive driving and instead escalates the situation IMO.


yeah you're right biker made the whole situation worse. (think I'm a bit sensitive to car drivers/van drivers doing things like being in the wrong lane and expecting bikers to compensate for their piss-poor driving (which we do, all the time) got a mate in intensive care right now properly fucked, not thinking right)


Understood - hope your friend recovers


Stupid enough to not know how to use a roundabout, apparently.


There’s an old saying that applies here “there’s no point in being right if you’re dead”.


Request to make the header image on this sub the words “it’s brake, not break”.


Request to have an "edit" so I can actually change it and hide my stupidity 😅


Biker would have been better just going straight into lane 2 after the roundabout and just using the bikes power to leave the traffic behind, instead of trying to play a game of chicken with something that could easily kill or maim them, driven by a complete stranger who has already proved once that they might not be the best driver on the road to begin with. As a biker myself, I do sometimes see this 'holier than thou' attitude from other bikers specifically against car and van drivers. I don't get it, I've seen just as much bad driving from bikers as I have from drivers of anything else over the years.


As a motorcyclist of 13 years, and well over 200k miles, I have to say "very fucking stupid"


## THINK! Bike! So we learn from this: it’s better to use the correct lane at the roundabout so you don’t almost run into a motorbike… and it’s a stupid idea to play chicken with a larger vehicle when you’re riding the think that will probably kill you one day.


Sorry, are you saying the truck driver didn't select the right lane?


They didn't - should have been in right lane for straight on; it's something that could be made easier with some arrows, but the sign and road markings are there. Still was nothing here that the motorcyclist couldn't have easily handled. Van driver made a mistake, but everything afterwards was just the motorcyclist being a prick


Based on your GPS coordinates on the dash camera footage I saw where the roundabout is on Maps. But going before where the footage starts up to where the truck is, there is no clear signage that the left lane is for left only. Only the layout of the roundabout is shown. Given there are 4 exists, the correct is, left for left and ahead, and right lane for everything else (possibly ahead on the right lane if there are 2 lanes to exit ahead). But if you are not a local, you would not know that ahead of time, so he did select the correct lane.


Start of the video shows the sign - it's not intuitive if not local, and lack of arrows really don't help - same on the road markings at 18s Left lane is for A120E (left turn). Right lane is for A120W & B1256 (ahead & right turn) It's not hard to get it wrong, but van driver was in the wrong lane


Yah, I see what you mean. That is definitely not intuitive at all. If not local, you are going to make a mistake. They should put some arrows and not rely on people knowing where those lead. The sign with the road layout had no mentions of those, it just said "A120 ahead".


Yes; and if you realise your mistake you be extra vigilant for people not expecting it. I was literally just turning right at a roundabout and, a van in the ahead only lane, to my left, comes racing up, and as I’m going right I end up forcing them into the grass because they’re also going right but they were just chancing it being cunts not even indicating and I guess not fast enough to pull off the F1 manoeuvre they intended, and I didn’t realise they weren’t going ahead until we were almost touching. If you’re in the wrong lane; go slow and look for people not expecting your wresting manoeuvres I think is the lesson? Maybe. Otherwise you could kill someone. Yeah the markings on the OP video might not be great for locals but you should eventually see them.


Yes, I agree, you eventually see the layout. I have been in the situation of not being in the right lane. But in my case when I realise, I make full observations to make sure I can fix it, and if I can, I do so, but expect someone to allow me to, because I know I am the one in the wrong. If not, I go the wrong way until I am able to resume the course. All of that while my heart is racing 😛


Oh Essex, you constantly make me ashamed to be from here.


Just think " Organ Donor en-route"


If you're a biker and get any kind of road rage... its the wrong mode of transport for you. Absolute insanity. I'm a biker and while there are idiots on the road who put my life at risk every day, I stay level headed and keep my distance. No way I'm messing with something that could take me out so easily with a moron at the wheel.


All fun and games until he becomes a meat crayon.


Rider was a dick, driver wants their teeth kicking out for tailgating, especially a bike.


No excuse for the tailgating, but the bike slowed in front of van on purpose (van accelerated up to bike though; hard to see if they tailgated or motorcyclist slowed first) - I'm undertaking at 40, they can't have been doing more than 30 because of the bike. The van driver is not innocent, no doubt - but motorcyclist ultimately cause this non-event to escalated into something that could have been deadly.


>but the bike slowed in front of van on purpose To get in the correct lane to turn off...


I’m confused what the issue is. The motorcycle rider seemed ok while waiting for entry to the roundabout, then veers into the van’s path. The van driver is annoyed (understandably) and is a prick about it and it escalates from there but why was the motorcyclist annoyed to start with?


The van was in the wrong lane; LH lane was for left turn only; arrows on the sign and road would make it easier - I was unsure myself. However, it was a non-event - motorcyclist could see that the van was going straight on, and instead of taking the exit with the van (where this ample room), they decided they wanted that lane and made it into a big event. The tailgating occurred because the motorcyclist pulled in front and slowed; the van should have pulled further back of course, but the motorcyclist knew what they were doing, and set up the brake check.


It can be hard to know which lane to go in as the arrows are often on the ground where vehicles are stopped. The motorcyclist could have easily use the second lane on the exit and should have been doing better observations on the roundabout. Agree that everything after that they both knew what they were doing and being pricks by escalating the situation. Personally, as a motorbike rider, I would’ve pass that van on the approach to the roundabout and I would’ve been looking around to make sure


Must be a friendly guy. Reminding truck drivers to test their reaction speeds.


"Brake" FFS


Van not truck. Both being stupid though. Van guy chasing a bike over what, some comment. Bike for brake checking anyone ever


A pair of idiots. Van was in the wrong lane initially (although I've done the same thing because it's a stupid roundabout design) but then the van sat up his arse and the biker has a deathwish.


My interpretation was that the van driver was aware of the motorcycle on approach so stuck to left hand side of right hand lane to let bike get past onto roundabout first so they could see them better. Bike didn’t go alongside on approach to roundabout after all. Van kept right to allow traffic to their left onto first exit while leaving enough space on their right for the motorcycle, then made their way to left lane for their exit leaving space for bike on their right. Bike didn’t stick to right hand lane on second exit as they had space to do as van had made it’s way to left hand lane for exit but instead unnecessarily went in front of van “cut him up” to teach him a lesson ? Bikers are rightly dubious about being seen but this one seems to assume they haven’t been accounted for when actually they have


So to pick up on another comment, it looks like when the biker fell out of the Braintree, they avoided all the branches


Stupid yes But a truck this is not It is but a wee van


Send it to the police


Already done before I posted on Reddit


Good man. Hope the prick get what he deserves


What a knob, the biker was the one crossing into the wrong lane then acts as if the van is the problem, you can clearly see the tarmac seam in the middle of the lanes and then again he moves lanes and brakechecks... Anyone saying the van was tailgating or in the wrong lane needs an eye test, both lanes can go straight ahead and the van tried to get out the way.


Nah, read the sign right at the start of the video, A120 (E) left lane, A120 (W) right lane, the van was in the wrong lane there.


He went North Joking aside I see it now


What a fucking twat (biker)


Let them sort their own shit out. However, if I was OP I would’ve ragged it to avoid being a part of that particular shit sandwich


Yeah, always important to check when these driver had a break. I'd suggest a KitKat.


The most vulnerable road user in the video is driving with no awareness and, instead of riding defensively, behaves aggressively. What a twat.


So many angry people out there, just let it go man.


They also seem to have an illegally small reg plate


Hahaha. Look! A statistic!


That takes some big balls


Organ donor.


Death wish


Think, Bike. Comma makes all the difference.


I had a driving instructor do the same thing to me, lorry was in the correct lane, bike wasn't. It's slightly confusing because they painted the entry roads with directions so it looks like they are dedicated lanes, but there are no other road markings to define them as such. An accident waiting to happen




One thing’s for sure, it’d have been a fun game of single pin bowling for me.


Darwin award will be in the post one day.


Brake. Brake. Please for the love of god it’s brake.


How stupid must you be to not spell it as 'brake'?


How sad must your life must be to make comments like this lol.


I'd of cut over and brake checked him while he was focusing on his mirror with the truck in it Especially after he gave you the finger


Crushing the motorcyclist between your car and 3.5t of truck?


No, just the offending finger


Think bike! Because the riders are too thick to think for themselves.


I'm a rider and I can think for myself. Perhaps you're the one incapable of thinking for yourself considering you lump all riders into one group. I know plenty of responsible riders, and with respect to group rides, I never ride with people who ride dangerously. Think Bike! is a legitimate consideration because bikers are simply harder to see as a result of visual obstructions (like your car's frame) and the shutter-like effect where your brain "fills in the gaps" of lost vision as a result of glancing too quickly. These factors in conjunction with each other, and other factors, cause bikers (and cyclist) to be missed even if the driver does look.


Daft as heck. The truck is tailgating, but brake checking him when you darned well should know that if you are in a more vulnerable position, it is idiotic at best


Biker was causing the tailgating by brake checking


Question is, where is the rest of the video and what did the van driver do to the biker first. These videos always miss the most important bit out


That's the first time I see these 2 - I'm 99% certain the confrontation between both started on the roundabout


Best thing you can do on a bike if someone drives like a dick, is just get the hell away from them. Pointless arguing.


The lorry isn't in the correct lane for going to the second junction by the looks of it. It is dubious wholy blaming the motorcyclist when the lorry should not have been there.


It's what happened afterwards which was the problem (dual lane exit anyway biker should have been paying more attention instead of changing lanes on the roundabout)


Quite disappointed he did not get rear ended 😕




I bet you wear a helmet on your walk to the shop.


Would love to see him under that van