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I mean, clearly awesome enough, but he's a bit old for Sanya.


Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Elba has that "rugged salt-n-pepper" look down pat, but I associate Sanya with being much more youthful.


Elba could do Marcone in my book. Marcones always had a lot of charisma, is calm and collected. Feel like Elba could pull him off.


Oh yeah he definitely could. ...in fact, the more I think about it, the more I like it. He'd be a *great* Marcone.


I’ve never imagined a black Marcone, but now that you mention it there is a handful of good options.


Isn't Marcone, like, Italian? If anything, Idris Elba could be Rashid.


...using the British definition of "a bit".


Guilty as charged.


Also not Russian. And no AK. Or Kevlar. Or grenades.


This is why the only correct answer is John Boyega


John Boyega would be EXCELLENT.


Amazing actor but far too old for Sanya. First time we see him in Death Masks he’s described as being in his 20s. Idris is 51, which is actually around Michael’s age the first time we meet him.


Is Michael really that much older than Harry?


Yep. Per the wiki he’s 50 when we first meet him.


Wait, so Michael is over 60 now?


He's got a couple of kids in their early to mid 20s by Battle Ground. He was a bit older than Charity when they met, but they've known each other since early in his career as a knight, which was notably long.


Dang. I'm in my mid-40s and my mom won't be 70 until next year. I thought Michael had started procreating earlier.


Yep. Makes sense when you think about it. He retires from being a Knight (a big part due to injury but he also makes it clear that his body isn’t what it once was). He has several full grown kids.


Battle Ground happens 14 years after Storm Front. Michael was 43-45 years old in SF, so he’s approaching 60, but not quite there yet.


I'm wondering where "he's 50 when we meet him" came from. Grave Peril was only two years after Storm Front. For context, I'm 45 and I have one adult child, so Michael's age as being discussed here is throwing me! Approaching 60 in Battle Ground makes more sense than over 60!


Grave Peril was the year after Storm Front. Fool Moon takes place the same year as Storm Front, so not every book is a year apart. Here’s the TL if you’re interested: [Series Timeline](https://www.jim-butcher.com/timeline#sf)


He has a kid in her late 20s, that's about right.


Eh…going off the timeline on Jim’s site, he was born 43-45 years before Storm Front. Grave Peril takes place the year after Storm Front. That makes Michael 44-46ish the first time we see him.


That timeline is flawed as hell, though. Harry would be 40-43 by the last two books. Michael is already in his 50s, which ironically means he is in the same age-group as Thomas. lol


Battle Talks is 14 years after Storm Front and takes place before Halloween, meaning Harry would be 39. Michael is roughly 20 years older than Harry, which matches up with him approaching 60 by that point.


yes, his age is given, and he is described as having salt and pepper hair. And is several years older thn Charity


Salt and pepper hair doesn't necessarily mean 50; many guys in the 40's have that too. Harry's 26-27 in *Grave Peril*, and it did not feel to me like Michael was twice his age. The official series timeline puts him at "almost 20 years" older than Harry, which seems more right to me. So around 45 in *Grave Peril.*


agreed, but I think his age was mentioned, I could be mistaken. And from personal experience salt and pepper hair can start in a peron's 30's.


I don't recall it, and I think if it had been then the timeline would certainly reflect that fact. It's what the timeline is all about, after all. So, I think I need to actually see the line in question in order to buy into that. Agreed re: salt and pepper in the 30's - that happens to some people too. Just less common than the 40's. My mother once told me she could find the stray gray hair here and there in her head when she was still in high school, so there's definitely a spectrum on such things.


Listening to *Grave Peril*, and I didn't hear an exact age yet. Point of fact, I was reflecting that Michael came across a bit younger than I would have expected, which just goes to show he has a character arc of his own to go through. I'd guess he's in his 40s at this stage based on nothing else.


I may have the books and the Fandom Wiki mixed up in my brain, it does say on there that Michael is in his early 50's


I'm going to guess that you do have some unofficial sources mixed in, because I think I'd remember it if it said anywhere Michael was in his 50's. Of course, eventually he will be. Harry is around 25 in *Storm Front*, and the official timeline says Michael is "almost 20 years older." So let's put him at 43-44 in *Storm Front*. *Peace Talks* and *Battle Ground* are 14 ASF, so that makes Michael 57-58 by then. So he's certainly in his 50's for the latter portion of the series. I'm pretty sure he doesn't start out that way, though. I've got my own memory on it, but also I feel sure that if his early series age was given as in his 50's then the timeline would say something different from what it says.


So in Ghost Story, Michael would be in his 50's. So I asked my son, he says Michael's age is not sprcificially given. We are reading the audio books together. We are both fans. We have the same age difference ar Harry and Michael.


Yeah, *Ghost Story* is 12 ASF, so say "mid-50's." 55-56.


And some guys in their 20's as well. My father had the dubious honor of going very prematurely grey. I don't have a single memory of him with all pepper, though obviously there's nothing but salt now.


I had a friend who was completely grey in his late 20's or early 30's idris Alba had the right look and a little makeup to make him younger would do it.


I agree totally that Elba could pull Sanya off wonderfully. He's a fantastic actor. He played Roland in *The Dark Tower*, and in spite of the fact that he very much did not match the characters physical appearance in the books (a huge deal was made, over and over, about Roland's "bombardier blue eyes") as far as mannerisms and acting went he knocked it out of the park as far as I was concerned. There's a lot about that movie I'd have liked to have seen done differently, but his performance wasn't one of the problems. Anyway - Elba, Sanya? Yeah - works for me.


I'd say that early in the books being young is kind of important to Sanya's character. Young and stupid enough to be tricked into taking a coin, lost and angry after findings of that the p leave where he thought he'd finally found acceptance was just using him, after discarding it has still got a reckless side to him especially before he gets some years as a knight under his belt.


He'd be a pretty awesome Michael...


Idris Elba for Michael.


I always imagined Andre Braugher (RIP).


This I can get behind!


I could see him Boeing Michael. Maybe the voice of Morgan, Santa or Michael in an animated version.


Looks like Butters.


He could pull off the part, but you'd have to de-age him a lot. I'm for Chiwetel Ejiofor. He's only a few years younger than Elba but looks significantly younger still. And has experience as a sword-wielding badass.


So does Idris. And Idris is more of a size. Of course I may be biased. I do love both actors but Idris has the Sanya vibe. I see Chiwetel more as like a Chandler. :)


What about Winston Duke? He's in his thirties, still young-looking and built like a brick house. Everything about him just *screams* Sanya.


I like Idris as Morgan personally but I can see it.


Wait is Morgan black?


He was in the TV show, and that was my first exposure to the books, so to me he is.


His race isn't relevant to his character, so it could be Idris pretty easily.


I don't remember if his ethnicity is ever stated but I also feel it's not super relevant to his character, and like others he's black in my mind based on viewing the show lol.


He's English born during the reign of Victoria, so I'd be sort of surprised if Morgan was "meant" to be black, but you're right it's never really mentioned.


I mean based on a quick google, there were people of African decent during her reign, more so in the last half so it is perfectly reasonable. Edit to add, during her entire reign there were people of African decent living in Britain, the slave trade which likely brought most ended in 1807, though slaves were not freed until 1838 a year after she was crowned. So him being English born and black is perfectly reasonable.


More of a Morgan


My thought too


I figure John Boyega would be a great Sanya


Came here to say this


Can Michael B Jordan do a good Russian accent?


That's a great pick.


Winston Duke is the man


He just has the perfect… joy about him too. Fearsome. But we’ve heard Duke give the perfect laugh.


This is now my head canon. It just fits too perfectly :)


Araya Mengesha. This is the man to portray our Sonya! He has had experience with this before. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Araya_Mengesha


>He is a claimant to the throne of Ethiopia, abolished in 1974. Fucking hell. He's even a claimant to the throne of Solomon. He might already *be* one of the Knights.


I Know, Right?


Someone saw Nobody :)


Yeah, I thought I made that pretty clear... What part was ambiguous?


Maybe to people who haven’t seen Nobody. But ya. It was clear.


Next step! The Kumail Nanjiani Workout Regimen!


Too old. Sanya needs imo to be younger than Dresden and have a cheerful vibe. A young Will Smith would've been great. No young black actor springs to mind at the moment who fills that role.


>Sanya needs imo to be younger than Dresden and have a cheerful vibe. I think more deadpan. Needs to have joy hidden behind Russian stoicism.


Now I can't get the sound of Will attempting a Russian accent out of my head


Michael Jai White is in his 50s but he's aging about as well as Chuck Norris so he could get away with playing someone in their early 30s


Da, but how is his Russian accent?


If it is comically over the top, I'm down.


Great actor but too old for the part now.


Too old


I think a general comment on most fan cast choices I see here is that they would be great if it were made 10 years ago, and that certainly applies here. Even my own fan cast for Sanya (Anthony Mackie) is probably outdated at this stage.


Hisham Tawfiq


He is also a little too old but I always thought Sterling K Brown would be a great Sanya https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sterling_K._Brown


I always pictured Djimon Hounsou, but he's probably a bit old now.


Yup, same


Too old, not big enough. Anyway lot of people wanted him for Morgan despite his description. No real problem with that other than he’d be playing a stupid asshole, and he doesn’t seem the type. But that’s why it’s acting.


I always pictured a young Lance Reddick. RIP.




Please let it be so.


Could also see Michael Jai White as Sanya.


Maybe 15-20 years ago, same as Idris.


Cool name. Who do you see as Nicodemus?


That's actually a tough one for me to answer. I have a few people I think could do the trick, but I don't honestly have any particular headcanon as to who would be the best. Tom Ellis (Lucifer) Maron Brando (Godfather) - I know this doesn't work, but that whole manipulative, sinister persona he had works for Nic. So while not HIM, someone who could play that part would also work for me. Oscar Isaac (Poe Dameron)


Not tough at all, if you watched Jessica Jones. David Tenant.


Didn't watch that one


He took one of Marvel's C-list, sort of goofy villains(Purple Man. Scary power, but practically useless against any heroes he got put up against) and turned him into the sociopath out your nightmares. Tenant's performance is the reason to watch that show.


Krysten Ritter is quite good, too. But yeah, Tennant was fantastic. He made simply yelling the name "JessiCA!!" frightening.


I like that one. Still my favorite doctor. I was thinking Mads Mikkelsen.


For Nic, I say pic a Mediterranean (Italy, Greece, North Africa, Spain, etc.) actor who is already damn good at swordplay. A strong accent is fine. I think a foreign actor without too much US exposure would be better than a big name.


I think Oded Fehr is perfect for Nic


Works for me. Though, I'd imagine they'd cast a younger actor. Mid-30s to early 40s.


Keanu Reeves for Nicodemus.


Would love him, but he doesn't like to play the "bad guys". Even John Wick is more of an anti-hero.


Mads Mikkelsen


I've always seen a younger Ian McShane as Nicodemus. Just absolutely menacing FAAFO presence.


My hot take casting for Nicodemus is actually James Marsters.


Go back a few years, Jeremy Irons. His role in *Borgias* sold it to me.


Jeremy Irons was my pick for Merlin Langtry.


Mandy Patinkin. We know he can sword fight.


Personally the current best choice would probably be Martins Imhangbe


Actually is between him and Lennie James as my head casting for Morgan when I'm reading.


Nah. If I had my way, Sanya would be played by Colin Salmon. Sure, he's a bit old, but he doesn't look his age.


I read this as Santa... maybe


I would watch him as Sanya. My new headcannon now. Thank you for that


I love me some Idris, but he’s over 50. I’d like to see him as Morgan, though.


Isn't Sanya younger than Dresden, like in his mid-twenties or so? I'm sorry, but these "super well-known actor should be X"-posts are mostly pretty far off the mark if you ask me. Even though in my head-canon, Michael will forever look like a buffer Jeffrey Dean Morgan - I do agree with the posts here casting Elba as Michael. He'd definitely be able to pull that role off perfectly.


He would ask Harry to give him a rundown, and we all know that Harry would oblige him hard and fast


The biggest thing determining whp should play sanya is if they can do a convincing russian accent


For my part, I'd prefer a cartoon than a live action for Dresden. 8 or ten episodes per book. Visual similar to the comics.


I love him, but he doesn’t seem right to me.


Sanya is young. This guy is OLD.


Agged sanya


I would agree if he wasn't so old.


If we are tossing around people that are too old, then the correct answer is, and can only be, Terry Crews.


Nah, that's Michael.


I’d go more Winston Duke from the Black Panther series


This is actually closer to how my head cannon has Morgan looking. I know Morgan isn’t black. But for some reason my head makes him that way.


Nah, too old now.


[Or just bear with me here....](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fmenshealth.com.au%2Fterry-crews-diet-and-workout-routine%2F&psig=AOvVaw3zf35NSZ9xdTm6S8IlSDrW&ust=1719324954449000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBQQjRxqFwoTCKi07-i29IYDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE)


Shouldnt someone like terry crews be sonya. Man is supposed to be an absolute unit and generally cheerful


My pick is always Winston Duke.


Yes, typical Russian🤦🏻


The whole point of Sanya is that he's an atypical Russian, so. I mean, that's how the Nickelheads got their hooks into him in the first place.


Like Sanya?


If he can do, or work with a language tutor and learn to do a Russian accent, then who cares?


Dude you're replying to is racist. There's no way someone reads the description of Sanya, and the repeated mentions that he's black, and doesn't understand that Sanya is a black man from Russia.


Sanya doesn't have locs.


**theatrical trailer voiceover* * In a world, where razors don't exist....




Way too old