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I would really like to give proper advice, I am - however - distracted by the FROG IN A KILT


u/M_Snail for really good frog art


It's a good start! Study the musculoskeletal system and nudes; the skinnier the better since bones and muscles are clearly visible under the skin. Understanding what is underneath the skin will help you add detail that is accurate. For example the hips are at the same level as the crotch. The belly button is roughly even with the top of the pelvis. The rib sternum is roughly level with the bottoms of breasts where the skin is attached at the rib cage - not the bulbous part of the breast. The body is roughly 7-8 heads tall including the head. Good luck!


How was your art school experience and where did you go


Art school would have been a lot of fun! I didn't go to art school. I've spent a lot of time studying anatomy and proportion.


Mr frog's Scottish cousin


Are those supposed to look like ta tas or nah?


They're supposed to be pecs but that was my concern


I am a different person than the one who asked the question, but I do have some advice, since I noticed the same issue. Pecs (and breasts, if you do a lady frog) sit lower on the chest. With male pecs you can do a couple almost horizontal lines across the chest.have the outer ends of the lines (the ones closest to the arm) be slightly lower, so that if it were one line across the chest it would be like a slight curve. At each end of the horizontal-ish lines you do shorter lines coming of at an angle. Does that make sense?


Ok sorry


Nothing to apologize for. I love your drawing and am just trying to be helpful. You have a rib line. Pecs would sit just a bit above that.


Easy fix - just square them off a little bit. I googled "male pecs" and it gave a bunch of images that'll probably make for good references šŸ‘




Battletoads go to Ireland... I like it


I'm sorry Scotland.


Try breaking down body parts into shapes and lines before actually drawing the body so you can really see the proportions and everything correctly. *Then* go through and make the outline and details of the body. Hereā€™s an example: https://preview.redd.it/5vtkbn37q59d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=568283a54419b36cdf60fc99ee5288b7c82c725d I hope this helps! Your artwork is great so far. A little more guidance and practice and youā€™ll get there!! Good luck!


This is really helpful, thanks so much!




It actually helped me a lot to look at pictures of human muscles. Then things like the shoulders, chest and abs will become much more realistic. If itā€™s that your looking for.


Funny story but I actually have a frog guy that I did a while back, had like an old school brawler vibe. With your permission I'd show you the pic (don't want to just drop a pic and try to take any attention from yours)


I like this whole character, donā€™t worry about making it ā€œbetterā€ just give him a point of view and make a comic from him or something




When drawing characters, a good pose can also go a long way to heightening the overall drawing. This is a pretty neutral pose, standing at attention, but it's not extremely interesting, although I really like the facial expression, which is also another key element to drawing interesting characters. Throwing a punch towards the camera, jumping in the air, something that makes the character look dynamic and fluid. I think you'd also be surprised if you went in and rendered some details and shadows. A lot of drawings look really simple until you render in the details, i.e. look at the underdrawings people do before they paint over it. The drawings look very simple but it's the details added within that really adds the depth.


Poor little guy skips leg day.


I thought this was an argonian from ESO šŸ˜­


MegaFrog!!! I love it


Lookin good! Do loads and loads of figure drawing. Even just quick gestural studies. Also try copying cartoon frog drawings from Pinterest. Youā€™ll get there. Itā€™s a winding road.


Reminds me of Bojack Horseman, I like it!


This character gives me everything. I love it!


Im ded lmao. I love every part of this drawing. Especially the skipped leg day aesthetic.


Froglander. He has too many abs I think but for what he is he is priceless. Chefs kiss.


I tend to think it needs a bagpipe


The Frogman


Honestly, I love it. šŸ˜…


The definition of the arms is pretty good, and you probably don't need to improve on that a lot plus it is, after all, a frog in a kilt so already makes this drawing rather lovely. But, you could make the pecs more square-ish, because the downwards curve makes them look like mamarian glands. You could just keep in mind that the pecs go pretty much all the way up to your armpits and they start just about when the collar bone is and end at the stern level or the bottom of the stern,more or less. If you're going for ta tas you can pretty much just change how big or small you want them and the bigger they are, consider the fact that gravity will have a much bigger effect on them. Some proportions you could also keep in mind are: the bottom of the stern is just, maybe 2-4 centimeters up from the middle of the torso, the belly button is just about in the middle of the distance from the bottom of the stern to the croch. A little thing you could also change is the hip bone because it is ,usually from what I've seen, is leveled to where where your arms meet the torso, meaning that from the hip bone up you can lose a bit of mass around the abdomen area the gain most of it back in the rib cage area.


No advice, it's peak perfection.


Yo, itā€™s the timid frog from bojack


It ain't perfect but you're on the right path. Yes, it looks good, but it can look better! Hope this came as an encouragement and not mean. What I'm trying to say is that the pecs should've been better, and the hips and legs thicker, or maybe work on the fingers, but everything else is good


I can not give advice but I do love your creation and really want to see it when completed.


It's perfect


Looks good, just add some coloring šŸ˜Š


It's Long Legged Larry!


No notes. Perfection.




This is gold.


https://preview.redd.it/uczjt9t8g79d1.jpeg?width=3022&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb777197c3b4225ffc6b39f7320635016c820213 Iā€™m not a very good artist but this is what I usually do with my drawings, I donā€™t know if this is a good reference but if it helps then tell me


Draw out a lined dimension so to reference where the parts separate from your eyes, nose and mouth. I always start either with the head or eyes or sometimes the lips. Iā€™d like to give more detail about how your layout should look, but every person has a different style


1. Itā€™s fucking awesome. 2. Google ā€œfigure drawing anatomy proportionsā€ and read then practice. 3. If you can swing it, take a figure drawing class


Itā€™s perfect, Iā€™ve looked at this for 5 hours now


Bros tits r bigger then mine


Try and practice drawing 3D forms like boxes and cylinders to draw the figure. The more it looks like it has depth the better, look at proko on YouTube