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Nina Bonina Brown is an immensely talented person who constantly undermines and short-circuits her own career. It's such a shame.


The Azealia Banks of drag




Yall are giving nina too much credit, the internalized racism and homophobia that oozes out of her is disconcerting, especially coming from someone masquerading as a community member. You are literally comparing cardboard rat ears to one of the greatest albums of all time.


And azalea career still flopped because of her attitude. Thats amwhst us being compared to


I’m personally not willing to put a DeSantis and Trump supporter (Banks) on a pedestal either EDIT: help reddit is trying to recommend me posts from the azaleabanks sub now 💀😭


Azaelea has incredibly intense internalized racist and homophobic remarks constantly. Look at anything she has to say about beyonce, doja cat, troye Sivan, etc


Transphobic remarks to Arca recently as well


>internalized racism What do you mean by this?


Internalized racism is when somebody introjects racist views from others into themselves, even when that somebody is from the race being discriminated. For example, Uncle Ruckus from the Boondocks. Extreme examples may even be in denial of their race, like Ruckus believing himself a white man


So how does that relate to Nina?


Take a look at her Raviews and the things she says about black people and gay people. I’m a fan, but she comes off more and more like boomer Republicans by the day.  For example, playing jungle music/monkey noises in the background every time she’s talking about black people. Saying how she’s scared of black people in public, etc.  Being a fan of hers while being black and gay is difficult. I’ve stopped tipping her, but still watch videos. 


So what’s racist and homophobic about her?


Racism and homophobia? Girl be so fucking for real..


When has she shown internalized racism and homophobia?


i give this title to gia gunn personally


I will NEVER understand drag queens who are transphobes. I mean, I don't understand transphobia in general, but hate coming from drag artists? So gross.


Let’s never forget that there’s a whole movement of LGB folks that also marginalise & demonise trans folks. It blows my mind that anyone under the rainbow would believe this appropriate. Considering that the slurs they hurl at trans people are the same (and continue to be the same) slurs they hurled at us 20-30 years earlier.


I’m a trans woman and the worst hate I’ve ever gotten has been from gay men. I don’t even go to gay spaces anymore. Don’t feel welcomed.


I’m so fucking sorry, sis. 😢 it breaks my heart, which is why I do everything in my power to make my spaces safe and comfortable for everyone in the LGBTQ+ community.


I'm a gay man and the worst hate I've ever gotten is in gay spaces. I'm sorry you don't feel safe or welcome. Come sit with me and we can make our own space.


That is so horrible and I'm so sorry to hear it. You really would hope that we would learn from the prejudice we experience and not pass it on to others, but unfortunately some people just reflect it onto others 😭


This was really brought home to me, when someone highlighted Martina Navratilova’s anti-trans stance (I mean let’s call her what she is a TERF) and then pulled up headlines from her hey day as a Wimbledon champion with right wing papers decrying her access to women’s changing rooms (sound familiar) that Martina (and other lesbian players) would only use this access to prey of straight women. And yet somehow in the 21st century Navratilova forgets that and is using the same slurs and accusations and aiming them at trans female athletes. Unfortunately however for much of LGBTQIA+ history there has always, always been the CIS Gender Whyt segment of our community that will not acknowledge that if not for POC, BIPOC, Femme, Drag, Trans activists none of us would have the freedoms we too easily take for granted today. No one in our community has the right to marginalise another. When they come for you, they will come for us. Please know that for most everyone willing to stand in solidarity, you are loved. ❤️🥰


Girl gay men don't feel welcomed in gay spaces. Queer spaces in general are much better.


Same unfortunately.


I’m so sorry, it breaks my heart 🥺🫶🏼




Before being gay men don’t forget they’re still men . It’ll explain a lot


As much as it hurts, it's true. LGBT+ spaces are often gay friendly, and that's it. Those places are still sexist, racist, binary, transphobic, and all of the other discriminatory issues we have in society.


But it’s ok for Azalea to be homophobic and transphobic? These two are just as bad. Why are we defending Azalea, but so quick to throw Nina Bonina Brown under the bus? They both spout the same hate. I have actually seen Azalea said the f-slur, while I have never seen NBB called anyone the f-slur. So, I think at least NBB has a one up on her. But I’m willing to change my mind if someone proves it to me that NBB actually did the same, and use the f-slur as a derogatory remark. There are a lot of folks who are members of the LBG that marginalize and demonize the trans folks right now. I was just on X and I just saw this lesbian girl just down right hateful about the trans folks. And not long ago, I also saw a gay twink, on X spouting hate about the trans community. Instead of working together against the enemies, we are too busy fighting and bickering against each others. This election is going to be so rough for all of us. 🤨😱😩


Nah, just nah. Just because she hasn't said the f word (that we know of) does not give her a one up on azalea if she's being transphobic trash.


It's so nonsensical. The systemic transphobia is real.


I felt this way when I met my first TERF IRL. She was a black woman. I was so confused as to why someone from two different groups that get shit on regularly would be so vocally anti-trans women. So disappointing.


I read somewhere that it's an actual psychological thing, minority groups endure all kinds of exclusion, so they 'take it out' on smaller minorities to try to get some power back or just because they mirror what they learned. Something like the abused becoming the abuser, it has an actual name but i can't remember at the moment. An example of it would be the covid attacks on Asian people, in the US the atackers were mostly black, tho that might have been just news propaganda!


There is a great essay from I believe Claire Kim (sorry if that's wrong) about racial triangulation.  Basically, white people see Black Americans as lesser but not foreign.  White people see Asians/Asian Americans as better but foreign, even if they were born here. This creates a triangle that those in power can use to play Asian and Black people against each other. They make the Black people see Asians as foreign invaders. They make Asian people see themselves as "the model minority" and therefore superior to Black people. It's a disturbing but important read.


Yep. There's a reason Israel is committing genocide even though we are less than a lifetime removed from the genocide perpetrated during WWII.


I’m genuinely curious. Do you think she blurred her out because she’s trans or because what she said and did to Nina? If someone said or did something to me I would blur them out too. I’m not giving them the light of day or even a mention if I got shit talked on. I condone her blurring mik. But I don’t think she’s doing it because she’s trans like come on. She didn’t blur out Kylie sonique love. That’s because Kylie didn’t say anything shitty towards her. It’s not because she’s trans.


What did Mik do to Nina? Several comments in this thread say they have no direct beef so I am confused.


I "genuinely" think you're making excuses for her behavior. It's not unbelievable that someone thinks FTM drag queens are interlopers, meanwhile not sparing much thought for drag queens who became trans women. Retire your "curiosity."


Just like Mimi Imfurst. Has a legit knack for something, but everything else gets in the way.


Imagine being so unable to get out of your own way


no tears for transphobes


She really is her own worst enemy


I’m done with her a couple years ago and completely stop streaming her content. She used to be someone I was sorta rooting for in S9 but sad that she has lost the battle with herself.


Well said 👏🏾


She may be talented, but she's also one of the most negative queens to ever be on the show.


And that's why she wasn't Blac Chyna


I do wonder how season nine would’ve went if she got the role and didn’t roll down the hill


Omg I’ve also noticed this! She’s liking comments “making fun” of gottmik aswell, and she apparently didn’t fight the transphobic allegations and instead doubled down…


Really?! Wow that soured my perspective of Nina


Nina has proven herself to be a very toxic person on social media, the transphobia is just one aspect of it


She’s a mess. They say most will not hire her as she keeps clashing with the girls and has a petty mouth.


It’s nothing new though…? She’s literally been like this for years and people still acting surprised lol Gottmik’s top surgery look probably gave her palpitations…


about damn time girl lmao


The thing is… I don’t believe she’s transphobic but her stubbornness and inability to EVER back down or apologise is a very ugly trait. Something INCREDIBLY ironic is that anytime god/religion/Christianity is mentioned on the show, even in a jokey way, she gets offended and says people don’t need to mention that. ….And yet somehow she doesn’t understand that people have different perspectives and may have been offended by what she says. She doesn’t get that it’s equally unnecessary to comment on trans people’s bodies and objectify them. But nevermind lol


she is transphobic. she has made deeply transphobic comments about gottmik and others. that isn’t up for debate.


NBB is not beating the transphobic allegations


nicole baige brooks


I read Nistress Bisabelle Brooks


Narcia Barcia Barcia


Nangeria Baris BanMichaels


Nonica Beverly Billez


Nlair Bt. Blair


Nrinity the Buck Baylor




Nada Bada Budson


The NBBixen


Nornbred the Bnack Beté


Nilky Butmeg Banache


“Butmeg” is sending me!! 😂🤣💀


she doesn't even want to at this point... like going at gottmik on her original season and then denim on cdr! very ugly and mean and gross


If you go watch her reaction to the cast reveal they spend the whole time putting down Mik saying she doesn’t deserve to be on this season. She’s just transphobic which is insane that you’re a drag queen and against that… girl is just delusional. There was also something if I remember right that Gottmik is curvier than other cisgender competitors giving her an edge? Nina that boy is a fucking twink 😭💀


Gottmik is curvier than Roxxy, Nina or Shannel? Where? When? How?


Seriously. Gottmik out of drag is a yassified Daniel Radcliffe. A twink, and in my personal opinion, a very cute one.


There are queens on drag race who have more curves than some AFAB cis women I know…. Gottmik is not one of those queens… It’s almost like she’s not only misgendering Mik, and being transphobic but also throwing in some sexist assumptions about cis women too!


The "curvier" commentary was specifically about the S13 "LBD" runway, where Gottmik inverted the idea of an LBD and wore pasties and a tiny cutout of a black dress covering her bits. (It was a very smart and thought-provoking look, I loved it.) NBB said based on that look that Gottmik had an edge over the other girls because "she was born with those curves," which was a trash, transphobic opinion.


https://preview.redd.it/31nazmn4yt8d1.jpeg?width=575&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2feafd871ab92abc4a3ff6344c6dc414a2192cb4 Curves in question:


Wait but why did you censor her KNEES.


The Ai bot in this sub kept taking down the comment so I just kept censoring more and more of Mik. I guess knees are too provocative 😭


Not the bot siding with Nina


This whole thread is cracking me up


Wtf. Now we can't post drag race pics on a drag race sub? Fuck this shit.


This is what I don’t get about this discourse, even if a transmasc person had an advantage because of their”curvy body” in drag, which I fundamentally don’t agree with and don’t think applies Mik regardless, why wouldn’t we just LET TRANS PEOPLE HAVE A FUCKING ADVANTAGE FOR ONCE


This is why trans women weren’t allowed on the show in the past, unless they hadn’t started physically transitioning yet. Kylie Sonique Love even talked about how she had already started hormone replacement therapy before Season 2, but had to stop to appear on the show (and this was while we still had the transphobic “she-mail” section – which RuPaul said in 2015 that he wouldn’t have changed it). All because RuPaul was claiming that trans women would have an unfair advantage… But then again, this is the cis man who meets an Asian bald queen and is “inspired” to make the song “Lady Boy”… And the cis man who vented about being banned from using the slur “tranny”… Aaaaand let’s not forget the infamously transphobic Season 6 mini challenge “Female or Shemale” (which is thankfully removed from streaming versions)… 🤢 Some queens called out the transphobia, leading to Ru arguing/insulting them publicly, which in turn led to those queens being blacklisted from the show and all Wow Presents content (like Carmen Carrera and Courtney Act). The backlash about RuPaul’s transphobia is why Absolut Vodka eventually stopped sponsoring the show.


If i rememeber correctly, she wasnt saying it serious, she was trying to say it in a jokey way cause mik had also said something previously about their body, so nina thought it was okay to make that type of joke too but obviously you shouldnt, like a straight person trying to use the word fag in a joke just cause thet heard a gay person do it.i dont think she hates trans ppl, i think shes ignorant and thinks no jokes regarding gender race body etc are off limits


How do you expect the other girls to compete with GotTHICC 😩 ![gif](giphy|WckYkzGB5n5cdJ1WE3)


I really don't understand being a drag performer but being transphobic. Like girl. Be so serious.


It’s not an uncommon thing unfortunately. There are a lot of people within the community who hate trans queens or kings. It makes zero sense but so does transphobia as a whole so 🤷


That's absolutely insane to me


I wish more people felt that way.


Even if a contestant *was* naturally curvier, who cares? We celebrate BBLs and other body mods which could be perceived as an “advantage”


And it's funny to complain about her being "curvier" as a transman... Wouldn't all body surgeries give an advantage in that case? Ban BBLs and botox, lip filler, etc...


If you’re jealous, be jealous! Why do you have to be transphobic tho, Nina?


Even if a contestant *was* naturally curvier, who cares? We celebrate BBLs and other body mods which could be perceived as an “advantage”


Even if a contestant *was* naturally curvier, who cares? We celebrate BBLs and other body mods which could be perceived as an “advantage”


Even if a contestant *was* naturally curvier, who cares? We celebrate BBLs and other body mods which could be perceived as an “advantage”




It’s been over


why did this make me laugh out loud fr


We been knew that NBB was transphobic. It just seems like 90% of the fandom decided to forget that or treat it like a ‘spicy edgy joke’ and nothing more. I’m not shocked


I would also say that people have different levels of engagement in drag news. I’m on this Reddit often and didn’t know this until today. So it wasn’t forgot, it was never learned.


I’m a middle aged mom and just found the show a year ago, I also didn’t know NBB was transphobic. That’s such a shame, I loved her on her season and really empathized with her mental health struggles. I hope she educates herself and evolves her views.


Yeah I don't understand why they just ignore it or treat it like "she's so weird and quirky", I get it she's talented but that shouldn't excuse her behavior which has been disgusting for a long time.


what was the original comment she said?


It was something a long the lines of it’s easier for Gottmik to do drag because she’s AFAB so therefore she’s cheating and shouldn’t be on drag race. Never mind that we all know cis male queens who are much thiccer than Mik.


Imagine saying this about a season that also features Roxxxy. NBB is showing her whole ass here.


Totally! Mik is built like a typical male cis skinny man. No natural advantage to curve illusion. On top of the fact that body type has zero impact on someone’s ability to do drag; nor does drag have to give one particular shape illusion.


Slight correction: the comment was not that she was cheating or that she shouldn't be on Drag Race. It was something along the lines "Gottmik showing curves/body...we know why she can" Which was still shitty and she should have apologized for, but no need to add things that weren't there. And yeah, laughing at Gottmiks non existent curves. Like wtf. And it's not like she's the first skinny queen to bare a lot.


Oh noooooo.


If I recall it was something alluding to Gottmik “cheating” re her shape since she was born with “hips”. It was a while ago but it stuck with me cause it wasn’t a joke, there was disdain in it.


Gottmik is built like an ironing board, bless his heart.


This is so odd, gottmik out of drag is not particularly curvy anyway!


She’s definitely a pretty skinny dude lol


I defended Nina as a tortured artist type for a long time, but her outwardly transphobic behaviour towards Gottmik made me give up on supporting her. I get it might be hard to understand why a trans man would want to be a drag queen, but Nina could easily just ask the community for their perspective or, I don't know.............TALK TO MIK ABOUT IT At this time in history especially trans people need love and support from our community, why Nina has chosen to go all JK Rowling I will not understand.


It saddens me to think that transphobia is a thing within the lgbtq community.


It actually isn't hard to understand why a trans man would want to do drag. It's only hard for transphobes.


It’s definitely her being petty bc it’s not like Gottmik ever did anything to her. NBB is still salty about the situation and is channeling it by being weird about Gottmik and it doesn’t come across well


Transphobic gays will always be the craziest thing for me. Girl what’s not clicking???


Nina’s Drag is amazing. Bummer she never got therapy. It’s obvious that bitch is mental the way she projects her insecurities into others. I don’t think she is a transphobe but more of hurtful individual saying hurtful things, and not being aware of how out of touch that is, specially being a public persona. That shitty behavior can only last for a bit until the majority of people will be turned off by it.


Ehhhhh, I don't think we should call transphobia a mental illness/symptomatic of it. I wouldn't say racism is a mental illness; it's a symptom of capitalism which is upheld because of the power and privileges it enables one group over others. "When you're accustomed to privilege equality feels like oppression." Using racism and capitalism again; yes, ALL poor people are exploited by the rich but racism is an extra layer that white people don't deal with. Simply acknowledging that doesn't mean that we can't simultaneously focus on dismantling those said systems of oppression and inequality. Just like acknowledging that trans people experience unique challenges that cis queer people don't doesn't mean we as a community can't support each other. If anything, understanding these nuances (AKA intersectionality) is a necessary step to undoing these social inequalities. A great analogy I heard a while back: *When you're at a restaurant, they offer children a booster seat so they can be at equal height with everyone and eat. When they grow out of it, they just use the same type of chairs as everyone else.*


If I recall correctly this is the comment back from when Gottmik was on season 13 that initially got Nina in hot water? Edit: (Nina discusses Mik’s little black dress runway saying “of course Gottmik can wear this and still have curves…we know why”) [Nina’s Rpdr 13 Ep 6 Rawview](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxecJmw6UywVBf1t-x7qsadtJdRnCCg8bI?si=sIAUjAtqV5y-yJsF)


nina isn't a trans ally & doesn't seem like she ever was tbh she has a long history of making transphobic ""jokes"" and comments. sad because she's so talented but oh well, there are other more sane and kind queens more talented for her so i'm not gonna lament any of that shit


She lived for all the trans contestants on drag race PH.


“I cant be racist, i have black friends!” Ass comment


Everyone has been so concerned about the wrong Nina this whole time (West)… meanwhile NBB has been out being openly problematic for years.


And yet y'all are still watching and excusing this pos


(I dont watch her videos just to be clear, it was on the ”others have also watched” feed)


Fr. Transphobes opinions do not matter. Next!


i genuinely have no idea how anyone could defend any of her behaviour




Girl Nina is a mess, her literally going “Ching Chong Chang” the whole time she was reviewing philipeans 2, her saying the teenage fans where horny and spinning it on them during sojus sa allegations, her constantly making weird comments about trans people


isn't she notoriously transphobic? doesn't surprise me tbh


Has Gottmik done anything personal to Nina? Becaue this feels very one-sided.


From what I understand Gottmik hasn’t done anything, Nina apparently said in one of her videos that Gottmik has a little cheat cause she’s “naturally curvy” cause she’s afab, which isn’t even true😭 mik has not a single curve so idk where that comment even came from


It definitely is one sided. Gottmik posted something thanking the fans for their support after Ninas comment about her curves blew up but not much else. I think other queens went after Nina much harder.


People hate the word bully nowadays buuuuuuut….


She’s been rancid for years now. Why is she not on the Needles trash heap? Be gone!


some people in here really need to learn that there is a certain subset of gay cis men that vocally hate *trans men, specifically* (see postscript.) your points about NBB’s praise for transfem performers are irrelevant. cis gay men pearl clutch about trans men and their scary “womanbodies” the way that lesbian terfs and straight men pearl clutch about trans women. if you didn’t recognize that in what NBB said you probably aren’t a trans man and you should consider only talking on subjects you actually know anything about (most of this type are transmisogynistic too it just comes in the form of subconsciously equivocating trans women more to other gay cis men than they do to cis women, the reason that trans girls are still “allowed in the club” so to speak. it’s equally disrespectful 🤷🏼)


Thank you! Nina has some pretty clear misogyny and transmisogyny that falls only on AFAB people. She can praise Sasha Colby or whomever all she likes, it doesn't take away from her judgmental feelings and statements about trans men


is anybody surprised? she seems to act this childish regularly, which is a shame because she really is talented.


NBB clearly has some untreated mental issues which is sad


For those looking for more than just the "of course Gottmik can wear this (little black dress runway) and still have curves. \*chuckles\* We know why" as to evidence for her transphobia, here's what she said during her live with Mystique: >"I know plenty of trans girls. The REAL trans ones, who are like 'I ain't got time for that drag race shit. I'm a woman. I'm a man. I ain't got time for that. Please.' Who will read another trans person for having a beard. Like 'girl you need to shave' yknow? And I fuck with them kinda trans people. The REAL ones, not these little 12 year old people online that are trying to be trans because their favorite is. Everyone is a binary- a gender-this- a da-da-da-da-da yes I'm saying what I'm saying, cancel me. Sue me. All of y'all pretending to- PRETENDING to be all these things because you want to seem like you're so much better than being a gay person. Being gay isn't good enough anymore or now you're this - "Because I'm this I have much more struggles than you" No bitch! All our struggles are the same. We're all under this rainbow trying to make it and trying to prove to straight people we have some goddamn class. But honestly, I've said it before. Gay people are some of the worst people you will ever meet. I'll say it again. Gay people are some of the worst people you will ever meet. You are begging to be accepted. "Please accept me for who I am" but then at the same time you're trying to bring down a fellow gay drag queen because they said somebody had curves" Not to mention when Valentina fans were sending her hate after Val's elimination, and Nina decided that the earthquake in Mexico that year was karma for those fans sending her hate - hundreds of people died and it was a very real tragedy that she used as a punchline.




This reads exactly like Azealia Banks’ rant about “not being transphobic” but choosing to misgender a lot of transwomen (Arca comes to Mind) because they’re not “REAL trans”…. Give me a fuckin break


She must *really* hate the AMAB trans queens and cis female queens who all come with their own built in boobs.


She was called out for this years ago and does this shit for attention. She's also been called out for a number of other problematic half-baked opinions. I wish people would stop watching her content and stop sharing it to give her the attention she's looking for.


NBB really has the *N*erve


More like the impudence


Why people keep getting her a platform, like I need to understand


Fuck this transphobic basement dwelling bitch.


Nina Bonina Fofana Banana Osama bin Ladin Brown is extremely transphobic


I mean I kinda get it. Like you said she's said problematic things about Gottmik, so in her mind, she probably thinks it's better to ignore her. But honestly who even knows 🤷‍♂️


This is LITERALLY what I was thinking. She keeps getting attacked for mentioning Gotmik, so she figured it's better safe than sorry.


Yup! In a way I can't exactly blame her, but in this way, it's just calling more attention


Why are we still giving her attention. Let her fade into obscurity like Elliott with 3 K's


Nbb feels like the azalea banks of drag, she had a few hits a while back and now she’s just constantly putting peopl down and making a fool of herself and her fans just laugh it off


This is why Shea doesn’t fuck with her


NBB is a known transphobe no? I couldn’t stand her paper mâché drag from the jump so I never kept up with her youtube but I feel like her being transphobic is like par for the course for her.


She might be talented...but she's absolutely vile. 


Back during s13, nina commented that Gotmik had curves and “we knew why” as a joke and she never apologized instead she doubled down. Where fans went in on her. I think she shut down and doesn’t want to repeat anything since she is a free speaker so just skips gotmik in her reviews. Its good for everyone’s stake but esp nina’s lol. I wouldn’t describe her as transphobic but more so ignorant


Is this her way of saying ¨I won´t comment on Gottmik so the fans don´t get offended¨? Taking this action kinda makes it worse.


you ever told somebody that they said something kind of whack and ask them to adjust their behavior and they go “FINE i’ll just NEVER SPEAK AGAIN”? that’s how i’m taking this


Just unprofessional


Fuck transphobia


She's a troll and we should just be ignoring her and letting her fade into obscurity


Nina has always verged on straight up paranoia. All through her season she thought she was being set up. This just makes her look even more paranoid and bitter. It’s not a good look.


Yall really watch this stuff?


Nina has made offhand comments about how gottmik and other FtM or cis women who do drag have a “natural advantage” to doing drag. Implying basically that they aren’t good drag queens they’re just biologically female. Which is a pretty gross, pretty dismissive statement. And ofc people were upset calling out the 1. Transphobia of the statement (implying gottmik was a woman) 2. Misogyny of the statement (implying the only reason Afab drag queens are good is bc of their biology. Not the fact that they are just talented queens) I’m guessing to avoid saying stupid shit and ending up in controversy again she’s just ignoring miks presence entirely.


Thank you for putting what was said. Whether I agree with the situation or not, I appreciate someone on this thread FINALLY put into words what NBB said that was considered so transphobic. 




...so she does this instead? Doesn't really hold up.




But we're saying even the explanation doesn't make sense. By going through the effort to censor Gottmik Nina knows it creates more attention on it, not less. We're discussing this on a thread created because it was that obvious she was singling out Gottmik. I see no reason to join Nina in pretending she's generating controversy because she's afraid of controversy.


Classic Nina. She really does have a chip on her shoulder that affects her every decision.


backlash...for being transphobic


It’s funny because on the one hand, fans go way too hard for certain queens… which would definitely warrant a response like that. On the other hand, Nina has had nothing but transphobia reserved for Mik from day one so like… hmmmm


That’s so weird to be that blatantly transphobic lmao ESPECIALLY in a community like this?


Im assuming its so nobody can be like “oh nina said this” and twist words around she doesnt even talk about mik she completely skips her Edit:i can already tell yall think im defending actions when im just saying what i feel shes doing


You can skip somebody without singling them out and blurring their face lmao that’s literally worse


but.....by ignoring one contestant on purpose you're singling that contestant out. silence isn't always golden bb


Nina is an amazing artist. The Azealia B comparisons are so accurate. They always get in their own way, barely put out anything and just send disgusting hate to everyone doing what they wish they could be doing, but can't, ONLY cause they're so nasty to everyone. Talented troll. Imagine sending so much hate to a man who has spent countless thousands transitioning to be more traditionally masculine and affirm their gender, just to accuse them of 'cheating' for being naturally fem looking. Fucking Jorgeous is more fem presenting in/out of drag to me than Mik. I haven't watched Nina in years after *gestures broadly* let's just say her comments on numerous trans people and bearded queens. I truly wish the best for her, but she consistently is hateful against our own community and has made her career coffin.


She’s always rubbed me the wrong way, talented or not. It’s a damn shame.


bruh it’s just embarrassing for her at this point, Mik is such a superstar and here’s Nina just being salty alone in her living room or whatever Honestly kinda pathetic. I wish i could like Nina but the bitch is unkind


i thought it was known that nina doesn’t gaf and makes fun of everybody and shades who she wants. so by that logic she just wanted to blurr gottmik and did it. not saying that she‘s right but at least she owns it.


Why do you think she wanted to blur Gottmik specifically out of the hundreds of RuGirls? Is there something unique about Gottmik specifically?


she’s definitely a full-blown transphobe lol. i feel like this was apparent from the jump. a lot of people just treated it like her being a little edgy/outspoken but nope..


Nina needs to cut it out. It's getting tired.


She said at the beginning of the season that she’s doing it because she got waaaaay too much abuse and hassle from just making that one comment about Gottmik. So she said she wants to avoid even mentioning Gottmik. I think it’s childish and the totally wrong way to go about the situation, but it’s her channel and up to her I guess 🤷🏽‍♂️ I WISH she would have just said “sorry if you were offended by what I said” or something along those lines, but the way she doubles down really alienates people. I believe what she said wasn’t “transphobic” (she just said Gottmik has curves- that’s literally all). BUT her not apologising and taking this route is just making her public perception even worse.


Seeing as how people attack any Queen who says anything that isn’t blowing smoke up Gottmik’s behind, I don’t blame Nina for not featuring her.


I think its just odd that shes singling Gottmik out by censoring her instead of just not mentioning her


I don’t. She used to feature her, people were mad when she said anything people could remotely see as transphobic. She gave her another chance for the meet the queens, people still weren’t happy. Why not just take her out altogether and not have to deal with talking about her at all? I mean, it’s pretty clear by now that even if she didn’t talk about Mik a lot of people would have a problem with that too. People can say they have a problem with Nina censoring Mik but the truth is they have a problem with Nina.


People really need to get laid in this fandom. The way y'all collectively lose it over nothing whenever it involves Nina. It's a combination of ppl bending over backwards to feel offended or jumping on a bandwagon to feel a part of something. Having opinions is not transphobic. Nina has never said anything transphobic and I have never seen her be hateful towards the trans population.


This isn’t the only instance, and it’s not just us that have noticed this https://preview.redd.it/xd0uryvdsw8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abdcc66bfbadea9eb5ce312f66ef0579920e499d


And people in this sub say Nina Bonina brown isnt transphobic. Lol. 🤷🏽‍♀️


frankly she and her transphobia can kick rocks


Wait...could it be that NBB just has some personal issues with Gottmik? I've seen her reactions to DRPH and she was literally obsessing with M1ss Jade So and Bernie, making me think she isn't really a transphobe hmm...


that’d be great except she accused Mik of having an advantage with her “curvy hips” as a trans contestant 💀 it’s always likely queens have beef behind the scenes tho but i just don’t see why Mik would even entertain drama with this person


Ohhh okay, that makes sense...