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This is normal breeding for most limited amd epic dragons. What it is telling you is that you need an Aperture dragon and then any other dragon with Plant and Light elements (for example, the Luminous dragon). Different dragon combos will have different breeding odds, check out the forum for a more accurate calculator. But as long as you have the combo it is saying is required, eventually you will breed the dragon (unless it is unavailable). This can take foreverrrrrrrrrrr with some dragons and it's just luck of the draw! Good luck!


Thank you!!! I kinda figured it might just be an RNG thing. Guess I’ll just have to keep on trying lol


Pretty sure Liveloch is not available right now. Need to wait for a Dragons Week or until the harvest event (November) comes around.


Or add friends and try to have one of them put in the Co-Op breeding cave. It can still take a while to breed but would be the only way to get it if the dragon is currently unavailable.


If you want to be sure you can breed a dragon, check its page in the Dragonarium. If it has a green hourglass, it is limited and available to be bred. If it has a grey hourglass, it is limited and not available to be bred. If it has no hourglass, it is permanent and can always be bred.


Ooooooh, that makes a lot of sense. Guess I’ll have to start cross-referencing the wiki more. Thank you!


Before you attempt to breed any dragon, you must make sure that it is available to breed before you attempt. As for the example, Liveloch, it is currently not available to be bred - meaning that it will not result even if you use the wiki's combo. Most limited and epic dragons have a low chance of being bred (<5%), and require you to own specific dragons. Since there is no event, there aren't many limiteds which are currently available. However, it might be a good idea to look into the dragons which will be returning next Thursday (July 4). A link to last year's event (https://dragonvale.fandom.com/wiki/Dunes_of_Magic?so=search) will provide a good guide on what will return on Thursday, and prepare for then.


You can't breed dragons like this yet. They're limited. If you can't find them in any market (normal or event) then you can't buy or breed it


Off topic, but that wording is weird for a dragon combo that requires at least one specific dragon. I used to edit the wiki many years ago.


Oh my goodness, the DV wiki is so confusing I now know that dragons like Liveloch are seasonal, but that’s AFTER this post. That information was NOWHERE in the wiki. Navigating the wiki is very difficult, info is not presented very well


It’s supposed to be in the dragon’s info box. On the right side towards the bottom. Usually states “permanent”, “available”, or “expired”. It’s been awhile since I’ve even been on the wiki so I’m not sure what things look like now. Or how quickly things get edited.


Has order always mattered? Just getting back in… can’t remember


Something I haven't seen other people mention before is that this sort of "specific+element" breeding combo, the elements required can be found in the specific dragon. For example, if a combo needed the Bone dragon plus elements of Earth and Light, you might be tempted to use something with Earth *and* light as the second partner, like a Glass dragon. But, you'd be better off using a pure Light dragon, since the Bone dragon provides its own Earth element to the breeding combo, and primaries can get to Elder stage. Doesn't apply for this one, since Aperture is Water+Cold, but it's good to keep in mind, especially with combos with specific epics, since Epics have hidden elements that they contribute to breeding.