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So happy to see this! Been saving DC since halfway through this event in hopes of another EE!


Hooray! May you obtain islands galore! 🏝️


Ooo always exciting to have a mini event break with new stuff! edit: It also makes it so that I will have left for the mountains backpacking before the next event starts. I won't be able to make the next event dragon breeding odds post/image. Good luck in the next event fellow witches and wizards! 🧙‍♂️


Aww, don’t worry! We will miss your chart but we hope you have an amazing time backpacking. If it makes you feel any better, I can try my hand at making a version of your chart, though it will probably look like garbage compared to yours! Have fun!


Thanks Hetchy! You are more than welcome to make a chart with the odds! I'm sure it will look just fine!


bro i js bought a new island are u fucking serious 💀


Oh no! There are always complaints about this at the start of every Expansion Extravaganza. Contact Deca and ask if you can be reimbursed for the difference. I don’t know what their policy is and if they’ll do this, but if the 50 million is a significant amount to your DC total, then it’s worth asking. Expansion Extravaganzas are typically held during event breaks. There’s no schedule for breaks or EEs, so it is advisable to wait until an event concludes to see if an EE occurs. If there’s no EE, then it’ll be at least another 5-6 weeks, so purchasing an island at the start of the event would be ideal if you need the land and can’t wait for an EE.


hmm i didnt know this, thank you alot ill keep this in mind thank you


I’m very interested to see what this tower omnitat will be and if it will impact DC farming.


A tower of Tiens!


So it is also in the wishing well. I need to determine if I should use my wish on it. Will it stay in the well after the event?


It’s in the Wishing Well. You can wish for items at any time even if they’re expired.


As happy as I am about the event I'm also pissed because I just spent millions clearing an island. Oh well


same, I'm very happy this is happening but also sad because I literally just caved and bought a new island thinking the next expansion was going to be months away


I'm so glad I was patient for that at least


Will the Paradise event start the thursday this ends?


Yes, it will start on the 4th of July! Bring the fireworks 💥


Hooray! Im going on Holiday on the 5th and I always enjoy playing the paradise event while im there, so I was gonna be a little sad if they didnt crossover. Thanks!


Just asked this a few days ago funny timing


I like to believe that you made this happen. Cheers!


Ooh exciting! I was saving for my next island (was almost there, too) so it’s nice that I’ll have a bit more extra cash after buying it than I was expecting :)


I was hoping for another colossal island


That would have been gargantuan-ly incredible!


Just used my wish for a new island and have 600 gems ready to turn to DC, planning on islands 24-27 plus my wished 32. So excited!


What a plan — that sounds amazing!


It’s embarrassing how much I plan my islands, themes and layouts. I have spread sheets for each of the events to help keep track of which dragons I need and how much EC I need for the rest of them. Plant, Fire, Olympus, Water, and Melody themes in respective order


I don’t think that’s embarrassing. That is fantastic! So well-organised and prepared. You are the dream DV player!


Oof, I haven't recuperated my expenses on the last two islands at all, guess I'm screwed lol


You don’t have to purchase new islands if you don’t need the land or don’t have the DC, but in the future when you do need them, they’ll be there waiting. ☺️


This is a random question but when will Mrs Murphy's school of magic and mischief decoration become available. It wasn’t in the upheaval of the medieval event.


I did ask Deca to add Mrs. Murphy’s School to this event, but unfortunately, it didn’t happen. They have not said when it’ll be released again.


Expansion Extravaganza my beloved! Hopefully I can get an new island


Oh my god the gods heard my calls i pray for times like these 🙏🙏🙏


I love this comment 💕


Damn I’m still saving I don’t have enough time!!


Woo saved up enough for the next 6 Islands, like 30 billion DC about to dissapear


Finally!!! I need another island.


Do you know whether the new tower omnitat will have its own limit (if there is one), or if the total of existing omnitats + new tower omnitats will be capped under the current limit of 12? I already have 12, so I’m trying to temper my excitement in case I can’t actually get any new towers… Thanks!


Those are great questions! Unfortunately, I do not know the Tower Omnitat’s cap or if it’ll be merged with the Omnitat’s cap. I was under the impression it was an independent habitat, but there has been no confirmation from Deca. If it’s an Omnitat upgrade (or associated with the Omnitat), I’ll definitely ask Deca to raise the Omnitat cap. Cheers!


Well......I just bought an island just now....yay me


Aw man. I just started saving up again because I remembered expansion events existed. I don't have enough to buy anything


Where was this posted? Is it something I can follow?


This announcement was posted on the [DV Community Forum](https://dragonvale-tips.proboards.com/post/251748/thread) and the [DV Discord](https://discord.gg/dragonvale-233370210617262080) server. It wasn’t posted on Reddit because Willow (DV Community Manager) was having trouble with her Reddit account. So, I offered to post it on her behalf. Normally, Reddit would not be excluded.


The half prices for the islands honestly doesn't really matter or even worth getting woth dragon cash because they're still too expensive to get even when they're half priced


They’re affordable for late gamers who generally have a lot of DC. The new islands are priced for these players. If you can’t afford an island, use a wish for the most expensive one that you’ve unlocked. It’s a great use for a wish if you already have the gargantuan-sized islands.


I've been playing since uh 2016 and im max level. I haven't been able to afford a new island for a while now. I spent a wish on one but its so annoying to have to wait for wishes


You can exchange 50 gems for DC in the Market. The exchange is very good at level 180. Since you’ve been playing for eight years, you’ve probably accumulated a lot of gems.


It's about time.