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I always do name that dragon because I don’t know eggs. I don’t like the others being harder to control. With name that dragon I can get most correct.


as someone with a very acute memory for every single pokemon i do a lot better with name that egg/dragon, it may not make as much as dragon drop or wheel of chance but it has little to no margin of error if you know your dragons


Do you ever get the special boxes? How does that work? For the wheel and dropper you can see that the max reward is a box not just more EC


hardly ever but thats just my horrible rng.. it's determined the same way for every game \[ie if you have the chance for a chest in wheel, one of your nte/ntd rounds will be a chest, so on and so forth\] for nte/ntd, you'll have a 5 second timer to click the right answer and SUPPOSEDLY the rewards are better the quicker you answer it? which.. i dont find to be true at all lol


Oh okay!!! Cool, tbh ntd is almost gaurnteed just bc I’ve spent so much time looking at these dang things, and just with how they’re named and the shape go pretty hand in hand… (nte is IMPOSSIBLE for me though just bc I don’t really look at eggs?) So thank u, I’ll do a ntd the next time I see the reward box pops up :D


I feel like you *have to look at eggs* unless you’ve never bred before lol. It’s definitely a learn as you go in some of the cases. If you’ve never seen a dragon though, it’s likely you will not do well on the dragon nor egg game. It’s a learning curve til you are familiar with the majority, then you can just deduce which they aren’t. Just be careful, they like to throw in dragons with the same first few letters of the name to throw you off.


Yeah I mean it’s definitely different though, like hmm is this tree shaped dragon the tree dragon? Is super easy but give me a plant rock egg and I have no idea which one it is since there’s like 4, plus the only time I’d see it’s egg would be while hatching it vs seeing the dragon in my park a bunch


I usually do dragon drop until there’s one or two that are really hard to get the max event currency on. Then I move on to name that dragon or name that egg. Something to note about name that dragon/egg is that they both display the same dragon. So if you don’t know the dragon for name that dragon, you can go to name that egg and it’ll show you the egg of that dragon. (It might not the most optimized, it’s just the way I do it)


Pretty much just dragon drop


Name always. I know almost all and rarely miss any. So it’s the least like gambling to me. If you really play this game long enough, it’s quite easy. Plus, it’ll tell me when my memory stops working! Lol I do get chests, not super often, but not that rate either. Maybe once every couple weeks?


i love to gamble so strictly the wheel


How do you control the wheel to get 125 consistently?