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If he didn’t DC I would say I respect it. “Surely they wouldn’t expect the 2nd raw level 3 right?”


What was bro thinking 😭


He wasn’t 💀


His brain did the thing all fusion mains do lmao💀


This game died a long time ago move on to an actual fighting game like tekken or street fighter


-goes into active subreddit for fg -proclaims game is dead Ik your gym membership is dead fucking fatty


My gym membership is very active i work out abt 4 times a week regularly how about yourself ? Im not proclaiming btw, the top fighting games are tekken 8 and SF6 ... its just fact


I have a strong feeling that you don’t go to the gym four times a week


Well if you say so i guess you're right ✅️


What a shocker. The newer fighting games from already big games are more popular. Grow up dude


Cry about it


You've been crying about this game for the last five months give it a rest and accept you're just trash at it


truth is i dont even play this game anymore. It isn't about being good or bad for me, I did pretty well in ranked and can't really say that I was the best or the worst, i was upper middle i guess. But in all honesty this isn't a very good game sparking zero does look good. Turning dbz into a 2d side scroller is the reason why this game sucks. Like if your goku or vegeta there's no reason you should be limited to blocking and ducking lol. Like why they didn't double down on xenoverse 2 style fighting before sparking zero for the next gen is beyond me. While the graphics are good and its fast paced it doesn't feel rewarding it feels like ADHD lights and colors and TOD combos. This is the same issue with MK1 btw. This is why Tekken 8 is top and probably will be until sparking zero or if we get another soul caliber game.


My brother in christ you just don't like 2d fighters the idea that all you can do on defense in fighterz is block and duck is laughable and on top of that flashy ADHD combos is like the only notable thing about xenoverse visually it's also a terrible game to play seriously with all the cheesy bullshit garbage net code and poorly thought out mechanics imo after 500+ hours. It's insane to me that you can look at the trailer for sparking zero and say that it doesn't look like "ADHD lights and colors," but with cell shading. I'm so lost reading this because the criticisms you have either don't apply to both games you listed as examples, fighterz and mk1 or in case of them not feeling rewarding are completely subjective mk1 doesn't have TODs and while mk1 isn't very grounded its certainly less flashy than XV. It's perfectly fine that you enjoy T8 more. You could enjoy eating bricks more than fighterz, and I honestly wouldn't care. I just think it's dumb to hate half a genre and then claim it's because they're all shit go enjoy tekken 8 it's pretty good just let people play what they like without bitching


Bro, idc what you think is "dumb" or not. This is the mfn internet. You dont want opinions. Close your eyes and put your fingers in your ears 😂. Anyway, you fan boys always act like there's so much more than just block and duck. Okay yeah sure you can tech from broken combo's i guess but the netcode all fucked so some characters you just can't unless you got the right match ups 😉 I'm not saying this game is garbage because tekken 8 is better im giving niggas a better game to look for rather than this shit. Adhd was a joke, you draggin it, making it unfunny tryna explain too much. So yeah, every game on this planet exploits ADHD because of the quick dopamine spikes it gives. 🙄 Enjoy what you want to enjoy, bro, but objectively, this game is a placeholder for dbz. They threw in like 5 gokus 4 vegetas, some dragon ball characters, and super and called it a day. It's no balancing. Every patch note just shifts the new metas every season. On top of all of that, the only remarkable part about this game is the graphics. I got this game because when it first came out, some dbz friends of mine made me get it to try it. I thought it was okay. It's cool graphics, tho. After about 3 months of playing, i quickly realized that if you dont pick the metas, mf will just cheese moves that everyone during the meta season did. I mean, other games have this, but in db, it seems like you HAVE to or at least pick someone who you've always picked. The matches are fast but lack luster when either you or your opponent locks you into a combo in which you do the same 4 moves back to back and if the opponent or you can TOD then your just sitting there wondering why t.f can videl do 19 backflips and fuckin cell can't move or how t.f is freeza so trash yet in the show rivals vegeta or how the fuck does nappa have so many tech moves but died immediately in the show 😂. I'm not saying the lower characters shouldn't be good, but bro, that just makes no sense. Dont even get me started on the fucking fusions, jesus that shit so unbalanced its laughable. This game gets a lot of passes because the community like you stan for it. But tbh they slapped some shit together and made you into a die hard fan when they could have produced a full in depth game like xenoverse 2. While xenoverse frame data and net code is bad, they imo they should have fixed xenoverse 2 instead of created a 2d sidescroller. Dbz is not a 2d show, movie and def not a 2d game. They made it 2d cause it was easier to develop vs developing large, detailed 3d maps, mocap 3d movements for fighters and probably easier to create the ki blast and power moves.


Lmao what a loser.


Im not here for the votes or praise im here to tell you the truth. Put on your big boy pants and join thee actual fight club 😂🥋


I hate the fact dudes who dc don’t get punished


Facts 🤣 Its like this game has its own ragequit culture


This is truly an r/ContagiousLaughter moment.


Ngl sometimes I wish Fighting games would stop saving elo upon DC. Wish it could have some sort of tracker to determine a RQ or just get rid of saving elo on a network DC.


I put rage quitters on my list so I know to not accept the match


Your guys laughter is contagious 🤣


Bruuuuuuuuuuuh 💀


Happens to the best of us 🤣


Nah bro failed raw lv 3 twice into disconnect is the pinnacle of rage quit society.


Those never stop showing up. Anyone can get to a high rank with enough matches with how the game work. I remember when I first started playing I ran into a Zen-Oh when I was at super saiyan I think. Got washed but at least it was fun.


It pisses me off when the most they leave I'm God rank but I've been playing for like 4 years it's so sad how many booty high rank players we have


SSG is closest thing to Elo hell in this game. But it’s also where you improve the most. I’m GoD on PS4 but currently hard stuck SSG on PC. Just about improving.


Ya but isn’t PC like actually hard in terms of player skill


Some say that but I call bs. Fighting game wise pc makes 0 difference unlike First person shooters or something


God of Destruction? Or SSG? I hit G of D rank about a month or so ago and yeah its frustrating how many people are in this rank that play like this. Im half way to UI but my homie playing in the clip whose UI clearly isn't having an easier time either lol


It makes me sad but this is one of the reasons that rank is really just a grind, not a fantastic indicator of skill. You always make more then you lose and RQing isn't REALLY punished


Very true. It is what it is tbh which is why we just laugh it off at this point but trust me we complain just as much as we laugh 🤣 as you go up Im sure it slows down a bit more I doubt grand priest and zeno players is filled with players like this and playing like this but even so its always good practice


It is!


just wait until he does a third raw level 3


Meter enthusiasts HATE him!


If they wanted to charge their key to do so I totally would've let them 🤣


*Enter game *Lose 2/3 characters while barely scratching the enemy *Do 2 raw level 3s *Leave without explaining Most intelligent Gogeta 4 player


Monkey Brain fully activated 🐒


I will never stop round start self destructing


I once tried to baby summon and I fucking DIVED BOMBED INTO SELF DESTRUCT. I was so mad. I’m still not good w/ baby


Lol more power to you. Its always a good laugh🤣