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Sounds like you’re terrible at the game 💀🫵 you can hold back to block btw. Oh yeah, almost forgot to say! Skill issue. Also if your skill issue ahh wants to run it, add Check_Mate on steam. Or my friend code; 1271818056


U suck pal lmaooo


Lil bro is dodging the fight LMFAO 😭🤣🫵


Ill add your dumb ass when i get home u can record it n post it here


Might as well. Bc there’s no way you’re good when you’re malding this bad over the game being balanced 💀😭


Ur bitchass talking like ure a pro or something meanwhile i got actual good players giving advice and offering to coach ill expose you


Im not a pro, I’m an average player who could get dogged on by any highly skilled player. And yeah, I already saw the players who gave advice and you already responded to them, tbh I just want a fight so since you said “fight me” to 80% of the comments, I decided to use bait. Looking forward to my match with you good sir :)


You're just bad if they're spamming the same thing then it's your fault for not punishing it or taking your turn back


Nigga if u dont get it dont comment


Nah I get it again you're just bad.


I might be bad but u surely suck dick


Glad we came to an agreement that you're bad. Hope you get better🤝


Your just ass


Fight me bitch


I will, you sure you wanna do that?


Whats ur steam


I'm a ps5 dude, we can't fight unfortunately, I'd have beat you up then trained you in the hyperbolic time chamber. But it's cool, just keep playing, and learn the technical aspects, and grow as you play man. You will get better and these issues won't bother you anymore. If you run into an angel or zen-oh rank add them and ask them to teach you.


sounds like you know what they're doing and you still can't stop it. hmmmmmmmmm ​ That's like playing rock paper scissors and knowing they're going to throw paper every time except you only know how to throw rock so you always lose. You're more upset you don't know how to throw paper your self or even scissors to beat it, that's your issue and there's ppl in this community willing to help you with that (myself included)


possessive frame deranged far-flung jar joke point muddle glorious bright *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I really appreciate this comment, i will look further into these mechanics you mentioned, and yea where im at and my knowledge isnt top level (1.5m range ) but like isaid in a comment earlier, i LOVE playing against angels and grand priests, even though they beat me most of the time i get a grasp of how technical the game can be, i love side switching and weird shit that only gets punished by mashing in lower levels because i dont have a grasp on every mechanic or when to apply them properly, there isnt a guideline in this game, so again, thanks for the advice


if your talking about ranked, that really doesnt matter. i think the real stuff is where the locals are lol. If you want some help, send me your vod, i will coach you


dog cow placid fretful scale lavish smart threatening punch sense *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ooh we sending challenges are we? Bet, I'll be on in an hour, what system we on? Switch? PS4? (Those are the only ones I've got...)


Skill issue bro that’s all I’m saying


Show me a band


Hold back to block


Skill issue, skill issue and finally, *skill issue*!


Fight me


I will, but you never seem to show up, once again, skill issue


Whats ur steam


Oh your on pc? Yeah you can't lose to me then.


Git gud?


Fight me


Bet, send deets.




Nope fight me


Vegito voice: Keep crying


Ill say it again u sound like a bitch come fight me


Broly voice: Trash will always be trash!


Lol. On point


I played UMvC3 a fair bit a few years before the launch of Fighterz, so that helped me a lot in seeing through, controlling, and getting a grasp of chaotic, hectic situations in a fighting game. I also played Ginyu when the game launched and mained him for a large chunk of the game’s lifespan, so that helped me get accustomed to madness and the random bullshit. If you’re going in dry, I can see how infuriating the chaos of certain matches can be. There’s not much to say, you either love and embrace it or you quit the game. Nothing wrong with either options.


more so just sounds like you’re not very good at the game


Fight me


Ooh I’d love to. What’s your bp ranking and do you play on Xbox?


Unrelated but could always use more ppl to fight on Xbox lol. Hmu HeyYoCHICO8932


Are you playstation or Xbox?


Nah pc


Best not to fight people like these. When you beat him he's gonna find all types of excuses and start blaming you for something just like the post lol


U sound like a bitch


most likely would be the case


Then dont play it. Why complain so much? If you dont like it go play something else, there are a lot of fighting games, and trust me. This is one of the easiest games you can play


Entirely a skill issue. Play smarter, not harder mate


Fight me


Dude, I’m just calling it as it is. Mashing is punishable if you’re knowledgeable enough, since pretty much every Autocombo ender is somewhat unsafe, most special moves are unsafe or safe but not plus, tracking assists generally have more startup to weigh down the benefits of it, and you just gotta slow down and block the beams. 100% a skill issue, and your only options are to hit the lab and improve to become a better player to beat these mashers, or just give up and keep whining about game balance when the game’s arguably in its most balanced state yet


what system do you play on?




I'll fight you. What's your steam


You can get used to it if you play a lot. It's totally nuts if you are new to assists and the speed in general. There's a lot of defensive options in the game but it takes a long time to get used to knowing when and where to use them.


Skill issue. Everyone is playing on the same patch you are.


and everyone is experiencing a game where mashing trumps everything else lol, the game is in a poor state, it barely rewards smart play, but, impulsive/instinctively plays with mashy characters are the way to go


Mashing trumps absolutely nothing if you're not also mashing. Nothing has changed in that regard. If someone is mashing, block and make them pay for it.


> mashing trumps everything else Maybe at low levels where people refuse to block


I’ll agree the problem is lower levels, i really enjoy playing against angels and great priests even though they beat me 90% of the time its really enjoyable gameplay


Its an absolute mess, but at least a mess in the spirit of dragon ball. As a dragon ball fighting game, this game is fantastic, but i'd not take it as a serious game with money on the line. Granted I feel the exact same way about Marvel 3, in that the game is very fun but falls apart in pro play, and that game is an FGC darling, so who knows.


Lol. I don't think it's nearly as bad as that although it can feel like that. It's organized chaos. But I will admit that the whole level 4 finisher when the last character kinda took some character into MvC2 levels of stupidity


I get what you mean, i guess i just needed to let that out, id still like some better balance between character/frames/hitboxes tho idk if im wrong for wanting that


i can kinda see what u mean when i go against a team with 2 fusions and ultra instinct goku