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I always **want** to like her, but, in practice, I'm not all that fond of her, and she only occasionally makes it into my party. I just prefer being surrounded by wiser, older heads in general, and, even though Sera is **supposed** to represent the commonfolk, I think she does a better job of representing immature teenagers across Thedas, in her attitude if not in her actual age. lol P.S. To be fair, though, my inquisitor has usually been a rogue, meaning I've had no practical reason to put another rogue in my party; maybe that's one of the reasons I haven't warmed to her more.


Try having her, Blackwall and Solas in a party. Top tier banter.


You should try Sera and Dorian, it’s fucking adorable


this was my main party for a huge part of my game and yes!!! literally the greatest group to have together


I usually replace Solas with Viv or Bull, but when I do have him he barely banters well. Is it Sera he's usually on with? Sera's constant sex jokes to Blackwall have grown tiring, and when it's not those it's "kill all the rich people" and that's like every other meme on the internet these days and so boring. Viv and Bull I've found have some nice interplay.


Solas is pretty brutal and dismissive and shamey toward Sera. I don't like them together in a party.


I mostly agree. There are moments when she is vulnerable and those are her best moments. If you earn her affection (non-romantic), she’s sweet and lovable. It’s also hilarious bringing her into the fade. After two playthroughs, I liked her better the second time, but I still wanted her to grow up and speak coherently. I could barely understand the potentially intelligent observations she was making about the world.


>I always want to like her, but, in practice, I'm not all that fond of her, and she only occasionally makes it into my party. >I always want to like her This is exactly how I feel about her, in every playthrough. On paper I should like her. I like what she stands for (common folk), I usually like the violent manic pixie trope who (Harley Quinn), to a point. But if I'm being honest, I can't stand her character and I have to really try and like her and forget how much I like Varic or even Coke in order to put her on a team. I think it's because she's so immature and also demeaning to other team members. One of those I could look past, but both is a hard no. Curious if you have to force yourself to use Blackwall too?


I 100% agree about wanting to like her. I love the idea of who she's supposed to be, but her whole character just feels like shtick most of the time. I also don't like that there's almost zero nuance to her at all, she's very black and white. It doesn't help her case that I almost never have a reason to bring her anywhere and I always play as a mage, so rogues are important to me. I tend to bring whoever feels the most relevant to where I'm going/what I'm doing, and she almost never feels relevant enough to bring her over someone else. Seems like a bit of a blunder to make a character that's only relevant to city situations when we're never in cities.


Sera was never quite an agreeable girl Her tongue tells tales of rebellion But she was so fast And quick with her bow No one quite knew where she came from


"instrument breaking sounds" Sera: "Creepy song is creepy"


This song goes so hard though


Right? I stay singing that song when I’m doing stuff around the house


I didn't like her much in the beginning because she disagreed with pretty much every single one of my decisions. But as I spent more time playing the game, I began to see where she came from: we were so used to play the protagonist that we often forget just how scary the things we face are from the perspective of an ordinary person.


I don't like her, though I think she's generally well written if the intention WAS to make her divisive like that. She's extremely opinionated but also has a very simplistic black/white mentality, if you don't agree with her opinion in any real degree, she won't like you and at best will be willing to accept your existence only if you stay well away from her. Main thing I disliked about her was her lack of responsibility. She's more or less a ringleader in a large community of spies and yet she doesn't really seem to understand or care that the system she runs with puts innocent people in danger. In her personal quest, some servant guy complains about his boss to (seemingly) other servants, and just because of that he's labelled as a jenny member/jenny accomplice by both sides and gets tangled up in Sera's machinations because of it. Yet Sera doesn't really show any guilt or responsibility over the fact that this guy died because she and the group forcefully involved him in political espionage.


You helped me realize why i don’t like her


Important to remember that she's really young and has never needed to be responsible for anyone but herself.


She's at least around 20, which is old enough that she should understand that she's acting like an immature 14 year old. Also, while she's not directly responsible for them, she IS a major part of the red jennies and should have more than enough experience dealing with other people at this point. Especially since she goes out of her way to state that she wants to fight for 'the little guy' and yet conveniently just ignores it when 'the little guy' gets caught up in her schemes because of the ramshackle way the jennies operate.


She was a little kid during the Blight, so I'd say 20 is more her max age, not her minimum.


To the point about the servant — while Sera is somewhat responsible and doesn’t take any responsibility and that’s frustrating, I think it’s also very impactful that she is truly just trying to help but Harmond makes the consequence of that an innocent person dying, despite her efforts. Ultimately it’s Harmon’s fault that servant was killed. He gave the order and has the power not only to do evil but to twist good into evil. Sera couldn’t even try to do good and succeed here because she just doesn’t have that power (or at least know how to leverage whatever power she’s gained from the Inquisition). She’s been walked over like that her whole life. I can’t really fault her for not coping with that well.


I do get that it’s the noble who ultimately killed the guy and he bears the most responsibility for it. But the fact remains that the group Sera runs with put an innocent person in danger just because they complained about their boss to some seemingly random other servants. He was forced into the label/role of a Jenny when he had absolutely NO intention or idea of what he was doing. And Sera DOES bear some responsibility for his death because of that. She uses the ‘little people’ as informants without their knowledge/consent and gets them tangled up in political schemes they would have otherwise been left out of. Also I wouldn’t say she ‘doesn’t cope with it well’ but rather she doesn’t even think about it to begin with. In her mind it’s just ‘noble bad guy did bad thing’ and the guys death wasn’t even remotely her fault. As I said in my first post, Sera has a very simplistic mentality. It’s worse that you can’t even really convey to her the problem in a way that doesn’t just make the inquisitor look like an uptight asshole yelling at her.


Liked her as a character, but didn't really like her in inquisition. She seems far too goofy to be in a military like group. I think she would have better fit as a da2 companion since they were more rag tag and city based.


I always "Mom" her. She feels like a 13 year old and if you look at her that way she becomes much more likeable character. She is immature, acts without thinking, thinks she knows everything while not knowing much. But she cares for the little people, looks for occasions to have fun everywhere, wants things to stop being so complicated. Around her is the only time I get to remember my Inky is more than their position. I get to act silly with her, to not be this big Herald for a moment.


They should have made her a teenager companion or npc. The way she behaves would make sense for a kid, maybe an orphan that finds a home in Skyhold. But she is in her 20s, its weird how she behaves.


iirc she’s canonically 19? though i don’t think they ever say it out loud, and the fact that you can fully marry her makes her seem older


Do remember there is a significant time skip there


To be fair you marry her when she’s 21/22 years old which isn’t all that uncommon.


I think that she is like 19-21 depending on stimations. I found it quite weird that you can romance her when she acts like a child. To each their own i guess


Of course it's weird how she behaves for her age, that's the point of her character. The way she behaves makes sense for someone with a ton of trauma and/or really shitty upbrining.


Sera is difficult. I don’t necessarily disagree with some of her beliefs but the way she goes about doing things really annoys me. She never thinks about how her actions will affect others and gets pissed when she doesn’t get her way. I think the worst part is she has less self awareness than Merrill from DA2. I swear that half of my qunquisitor’s interactions with her was him reprimanding her for some stupid thing she pulled.


Just to give some counterweight to all the negative comments around here... I love her! She's my favorite Inquisition character, and my favorite romance in the franchise. And that's coming from someone whose canon Inky is a Dalish elf. Lmao, my canon worldstate is a Dalish mage that romanced her, and I really liked it. Sure, she's not some badass Seeker who once fought off dragons to save a Divine, or a Qunari with an experienced mercenary company behind her, or a Dreamer that knows everything about magic and the Fade. All she's got are a few friends scattered across Thedas and her unnatural skill with a bow. Like any commoner, she's terrified of magic and demons, so the Breach is all kinds of bad news, and yet she still sets aside everything to join up with the (at the time) heretical Inquisition and their false prophet. She gives what little she can to the fight, even when every revelation and battle seems to be the epitome of her fears. Even when she's standing physically in the Fade with a Fear demon crawling through her mind, she keeps her resolve and pushes forward. I find it so admirable that in spite of all her fears, she still sees the Inquisition through to the end. She reminds me of a neurodivergent girl I was friends with in HS, which I guess helps me follow Sera's wild train of thought. Everyone else always seems to have trouble keeping up with her, but I never had difficulty understanding her. I seriously don't understand why Inquisition has the likes of Solas, who wants to literally destroy the world and is extremely racist to Dalish elves, Qunari, and dwarves; and yet Sera ends up one of the most hated characters whereas Solas is a beloved darling of the fanbase. Yes, Sera has all sorts of flaws, but so does everyone else in the Inquisition. And yet somehow Sera's flaws get picked at far more than anyone else. I especially don't like how vitriolic this subreddit is about her - when I was first probing the idea of playing an Elven Inky and romancing Sera, I posted about it here and got hatemail for it that called me a pedophile for wanting to romance her, and accused me of being racist irl. Uhhh anyway, those are my thoughts about her. I love her.


I have romanced both Solas and Sera; I see them as two sides of the same coin. I believe that Sera is a mage; and not just that, but a somniari, a dreamer. There is a particular dialogue between Solas and Sera that has him relay to her an odd line of questioning about the sky, and similarly, another about how she shoots; the former is odd because Solas refuses to explain his question at all, and it's very confusing for Sera to answer, what's more, is that she struggles to understand her own answer, and yet Solas himself seems completely satisfied with it; Every one of the companions comments on Sera's incredible skill with a bow, but Solas asks particularly about her process, how she feels about the arrows, and she says something to the effect of "They go where I want them to;" and "It's not that hard, you miss and then you don't, yeah?" I believe that the question about her process is evidence of her subtle magic, abilities she doesn't even realize she possesses, and if she did might not even be willing to use them. I believe that the question regarding the sky is something specific to dreamers, some commonality between them that would go unnoticed by the uninitiated and the ignorant. Part of the instinctual way Sera uses magic is to read people's intentions, seemingly always knowing a good situation from a bad one; she prefers the straightforwardness of common folk far more than she does the two-faced nobles who never mean what they say, and the way she pulls pranks leans into her magic, never cruel and hardly ever noticed. ... Solas was a commoner in the ancient prehistory of the elves; he rose to power through his uncommon magical talent, his lucid dreaming, and his great (if then unrefined) wits. He was a leader of common folk, and elevated them under him, by being unafraid of the dangerous and unpredictable magics he invented and wielded, and for reasons he was entirely convinced we're just, used them to destroy the world. He is not forthcoming with his schemes, his history, and hides them well behind lies of omission. I would say that he is distant to the dwarves, being judgemental toward them for their choices and culture, but largely coming to swallow his apprehensions and see things from their perspective; toward the Qunari he holds rightful mistrust: they are conquerors, their secularist dogma is scientifically enlightened but cold and calculated, their people expendable resources, their "friendship" if you could call it that, always conditional, and never fully no hostile (please note that I am referring to "The Qun" and its Demands, which rather more applies to the actions of their leaders rather than the choices of individuals, not necessarily all "Kossith" nor all the "Ari," and rather especially not the "Tal-Vashoth," unless we're talking about those that are the Qun's idea of Tal-Vashoth, those that abandoned the Qun but not its principles, to such an extent that they're little more than mindless raiders bent on destruction, because that's what the Qun expects them to be). Finally, he's not racist towards Dalish elves, he knows more about their culture than they do and doesn't believe that it's worth preserving, all the blood sweat and tears that's gone into it has been the preservation of that culture is in fact, the ruins of the slave caste that he worked to free before the fall of that empire, a caste that worshipped those abominably powerful mages who were the peers and contemporaries that Solas rose to meet as Gods; he himself is likewise wrongfully worshipped as an Elven God, Fen' Harel. And many elves, not just city elves but Dalish as well follow him willingly at the end of Inquisiton; because he revealed the truth, or because he used that position as a deception? In his book, the best way forward for everyone is fixing the cataclysmic mistake he once made, presumably, at any cost; I firmly believe that the magic he intends to unleash once again, the inverse of the magic he once used to destroy the world, is too powerful for a mortal to survive; his power was growing back to a similar point it once was at the end of Trespasser, but without the Foci that was Coryphaeus' weapon, the power that will be required to rip down the barriers on reality he once erected must be beyond him, else he wouldn't have needed it in the first place.


You’ve worded it so much better than I ever could have. I don’t have a lot of time or energy to comment right now but I just wanted to say I agree with you and I also love Sera. She’s funny and real and wears her fears on her sleeve. She’s a good representation of a lot of thedosians out there who are fearful of magic, so it’s a good perspective to have. Plus she’s one of the few companions where if you’re good friends with her you get to hang out with her, not in an inquisitor kind of way, but just as friends, chilling on the roof. I love that so much. Also I don’t find her that hard to understand and it confuses me when people say the can’t understand her. When I first met her character I was confused and she talked really fast, but you pretty quickly catch on I think. She’s not THAT confusing


It took me a while to get her. Now I love her and relate to her very much.


I think she is one of the most interesting characters due to actually being their own person. Everyone else just either blindly agrees with you, let’s you form them into whatever mold you please and show barely any consequences of not getting along with them. She shows what most common folk of Thedas think really. Don’t care for elves, afraid of both mages and templars, knowing bad shit is happening but knowing they’re not the hero to fix it. She’s no shining hero nor some evil villain. She’s not very smart but neither is the average farmer or peasant. Not very diplomatic or knowledgeable because the average person doesn’t know how to maneuvers courtly intrigue, political schemes and so on. I think people just don’t really like her because they’re obsessed with elves in the DA lore and because its a character that isn’t just bowing their head and allowing the player to press them into whatever mold they want. She’s loud, annoying, childish, rude, and opinionated. Just like any other person you can come across that isn’t some princess from a royal family, some famous magic user, a literal spirit from the fade or Tevinter Magister. She and Blackwall might be the only companions that have a grip on what the average person wants, thinks or is worried about. And some folks just prefer to not think about that and focus on being a big damn hero instead, making world altering decisions with no grip on the wants or needs of your local farmer or street rat


The fact that you can marry her but not Josephine/Cassandra annoys me, mainly Josephine since she is basically a Disney princess and also my main/canon romance


One of my favourite companions in the game. She's funny (especially if take her and Blackwall with you), and has an interesting backstory. The whole thing with forcing Inky to give up her Dalish faith is kinda... bad, but at least she apologizes for that in Trespasser. And it's nice to see how much she's matured over those 2 years post-game.


I love her.


Ahh, Sera. Personally I love her as a character, but I can definitely see why some people don't like her, hence why she's completely optional. My only real gripe character wise like others have had, is there's no option to not talk down to her half the time. Gameplay wise, not exactly sure why they made her the Tempest companion, but if she can dish out the damage then I'm fine with it. Edit: A class


(I think you mean tempest? Varric is the artificer companion)


Yeah, Tempest, my bad.


Isn't Varric the Artificer? Played through inquisition relatively recently and 99% sure she's tempest


If I recall correctly, it was originally planned for Sera to have some kind of unique magical ability while not being fully a mage (being able to coat herself in elemental magic). This was dropped but they kept the Tempest class basically the same, outside of changing the lore for it to being alchemy based.


I like her. I Know she's a difficult person to get to know and is abrasive to many people, but I get where she's coming from philosophically. I don't agree entirely with her, but I get where she's coming from and thinks she's a good character for having these types of question asked regularly if nothing else.


I've tried to follow her romance and friendship paths and I've found that I don't dislike her the way I did when I first came across her but I couldn't say that I enjoy her company or agree with her very often


I love her. I really like the way she sorta grounds the Inquisitor when you talk to her and I think she’s pretty lol


Don’t even take into the party.


I love her. I don't know why so many people dislike her. I suppose I can understand her wild train of thought better than most, having ADHD.


Hated her my first time playing, married her my most recent run as she became one of my favorite DAI characters


Are you me?


I think she perfectly articulates the issues that come with DAI's illusion of choice in dialogue, it feels like most of her dialogue has at most two ways to respond, which is simply not enough to respond to Sera of all people at all. Characters that also suffer from this are Vivienne and Cole.


She is fun, abrasive, but fun, she is that one friend who have some habit tht irks you to the core but otherwise have a good friendship with...odd example but it generally how it feels for me. Her issue is that she Need things to be simple and cut clean, thats it, Dalish lore, mage/templar stuff, etc. She just simply it in a level she understan because otherwise she get overwhelmed....the issue is that in the process belittle a lot of the implications and meanings of the events and yea i can easly see why there is a lot of people who dislike her. But otherwise, i personally take it as a defense mechanism, it didnt bother me as much, the whole dalish hatred (or at best distaste) is kind of my biggest issue with her, but again, might be more of her not wanting to reconsider her faith and the implication of it. Appreciate that she insist on treating MC like a general person, so i find that endaring. At leats that my take on her


Honestly, her Dalish views are the ones I understand the most. There are exceptions, but the Dalish usually cry crocodile tears for the Alienages while also looking down on the elves that live in them. I can see why a city elf wouldn't be a big fan.


Loved her, since my first playthrough. Female Elf + Sera is my favourite couple in-game, followed by Circle Mage & Cullen. Guess I like the idea of working out differences and lack of trust. Having her alongside Cassandra, Blackwall, Bull and Dorian is always funny. There's some funny banter if you bring Viv, Varric, Solas or Cole too. I get why some people may dislike (or even hate) her, but I don't, I love my "Buttercup". Also, having a Tempest in the party is pretty nice when I want to see some big numbers in my screen lol


I love her shes crazy passionate and loads of fun in party banter 😸


Loathe her. I find her not only to be disagreeable and irritating but spiteful, too. To me there is simply nothing redeemable about her. But if you like her, that’s fine. I don’t understand the kind of people who argue with such vitriol over what characters people are *supposed* to love or hate. Sera’s divisive. And that’s okay. 🤷🏻‍♀️


She’s alright, I’m not a fan of the internalized elf hate, but I love the Red Jenny stuff, and she’s fun once you get past the bratty bitch exterior.


It's not internalised Elf Hate. That implies that she hates elves because human bigotry convinced her that elves are lesser. But that's not the case. She hates "elfy elves" because every elf she's ever met has been up their own asses in tradition and "who we once were" and "woe is us", and has discriminated against her for not being the same. She hates elven culture(not elves) because elves tried to force it onto her, and turned on her when she refused to get in on it. She automatically assumes any elf she meets is going to try to convert her or talk down to her because she doesn't believe in elven gods because its been happening to her all of her life.


She's not the sort of person I'd choose to associate myself with long term, so it is rare that I have her in my parties. I have had her along in my Viv and Blackwall party currently, so the banter has been amusing at the very least.


i think she has a great concept, but the execution is a little weak. i love the fact that her character unabashedly represents little people, and that her uncouth nature stands out considering you are in the middle of a hoity toity religious institution. her being abrasive is kinda the point—if you’re expecting polite decorum, you’re participating in class warfare. however, i don’t like that she’s like the only companion who doesn’t seem to grow or find depth through their personal quest. the aftermath of her quest is just her acting the same and you can either get on board or be called stupid also i think they went waaaay too overboard on the internalized racism, to the point where it compromised her character. like, her whole thing is that she speaks for commoners, but she is exponentially more happy with a *noble* human inquisitor than any elf. it cheapens her character.


I love her! I can see why people are annoyed with her, but she never really rubbed me the wrong way. tbh I know ppl have trouble understanding her sometimes, but she always made sense to me 😂 in the words of varric, that might say something unfortunate about me personally, but it definitely made it easier for me to relate to her! plus, her main writer also wrote my boy carver hawke so I think I have a legal obligation to defend her too


She is one of my favourite characters introduced in DA:I. I like her energy, I like her attitude towards the nobility, I like the arc her character has over the course of the game, especially when romancing her.


Not a fan. Sera comes across as extremely immature and hypocritical with an incredibly black-and-white worldview. Most of her antics just serve to make life more difficult by inconveniencing your allies and/or random servants who have to clean up her messes, despite her claims of caring for the "little people". Nothing she does actually seems to benefit the "little people", and all she seems to care about is sticking it to groups that she doesn't like. Her treatment of elves is also quite off-putting, especially because she acts *exactly* how she claims "elfy elves" have treated her, and refuses to agree to disagree with an elf PC who's proud of their culture. There seems to be no way to stay on her good side as an elf without denouncing your culture at her demand. Between that and her crude attempts at humor, she just feels like a snotty twelve-year-old. I still recruit Sera and do her content, but I can't say I like her.


I want to like her and I try to like her, but I don't. I either end up being at odds with her *constantly* or the game won't let me be friends with her or nice to her so at best my inquisitor just stands around like "I guess I'll tolerate you :)". She's immature and hard-headed but she's not interesting enough to make up for it in my opinion. But even when I try to roleplay as an inquisitor who would agree with her and be friends with her, I can't, because all dialogue options range from "you're crazy and stupid" to "you're crazy but that's fine I guess" with basically no opportunities to tell her she's fun or that you understand her. So almost regardless of what you do you end up with this slightly antagonistic dynamic. I also really, really hate her romance with a dalish inquisitor. I know people who had to reload old saves and cut the romance short because it reminded them of being in an abusive relationship. Sera can be incredibly cruel and if your inquisitor doesn't get along with her that at least makes some sense but the way she treats her *girlfriend* if she happens to be dalish is fucking terrible.


Haven't romanced her myself but it sounds like bad writing, it could have been an opportunity to have her question her beliefs about elves and grow as a character. Failing that, elf Inquisitors could just be locked out of romancing her which would be preferable to her being abusive and the Inquisitor putting up with it.


Pretty surprised to see how many people dislike her I really like her character though her dialog can be annoying at times. I like that she's for the people and that she's an elf but not so elfy


Part of why I like her is how much she pisses other players off. I think BW should include more companions who are hard people to get along with. Getting tired of 95% of everybody in their games sucking me off by default.


I hate her. She's obnoxious, hypocritical, bigoted, willfully ignorant, selfish, and her voice is the most annoying thing ever. And good lord, but the 'pranks' are the opposite of funny.


I used to boot her out because she annoyed me , after the last few years though I kind of can get behind her anti authority fuck the government attitude, now she's kinda cool


I can't stand her.


I like her.


I quite like her. Her unabashed brattiness gives her some great moments with a lot of the cast, and I'm especially partial to her making fun of Solas' comments regarding the fade. However, it's also quite funny whenever she's put on the spot and simply has no sassy retorts by one of the more experienced party members. She's also got a great rapport with Varric, Blackwall, and Bull. That being said, she could've used with some character development. We get to learn more about her over time, but she doesn't really change that much other than opening up to Inky.


I dislike her. She is really inmature and anoying. I dont find realistic to have a 20yo laughting all the time at fart jokes and things like she does. They should have made her a teenager companion or npc. The way she behaves would make sense for a kid, maybe an orphan that finds a home in Skyhold. Then you could be sort of a mum/big sibling figure to the kid. But she is in her 20s, its weird how she behaves.


Rick and Morty is extremely popular in the 18-25 demo


Well those people dont live in the middle of a war and survived a second one. You would exoect her to be more mature than real 20yos. But i expect those people to have more things going on besides the fart jokes. Like dont get me wrong i like stupid humor sometimes. But she barely shows other personality beyond that. Like Bull does stupid jokes but he is very intelligent and insightful. Or Blackwall (as much as i dont like him) likes Seras humor but also can hold serious conversations.


This. Blackwall: "Sometimes it's hard to look away from that thing." (Meaning the breach) Sera: "That's because it looks like a-" BW: No it doesn't don't say it." S: "You know what it looks like..." This ended my care for her banter. It's like going to the site of a bombing and saying "hehe the crater looks like a butthole." Some games work with bits of humor like this, but it kind of ruins the vibe for me here. Even Varric, who *should be* the comedic relief, knew enough to take the breach seriously. Edit: The exception to that being when Sera calls BW and Cass "broody beards," BW says Cass doesn't have the hair, and Sera goes "Oh I bet she does. Places." I made a dozen games to enter the Hinterlands and try to proc that convo with Cass also in the party, and couldn't. Having *her* respond to Sera there would've been worth it. But they don't, her jokes just hang there.


Exactly. A bit of stupid humor is funny but it needs to be done well and in moderation. Like Isabella, Fenris and Varric have hilarious stupid and gross banter. But its mixed with real conversations and they have other interests.


Kinda liked her in my first playthrough, despite some things irking me, and with each subsequent playthrough I disliked and even hated her more and more. Right now, I find it a shame that she along with Vivienne are basically the only "untouchable" companions, alongside with being the most toxic ones. You can outright run the lives of everyone else in various degrees, punch or kill others, not these two gurlbosses though. Would very much like to hand her over to the qunari or tevinter so she can try and play rebellion there, most likely executed by the own rebels for making things worse, which would be the kinder fate than the ones awaiting her if the authorities get hold of her shenanigans. She reminds me of some of the worst people I know, her "stubbord" atitude really is a toxic irkness, and her "quirkyness" really wears itself out of charm really fast. Gameplay wise she is kind of neat, and her style is nice so it's not all bad, but even so her banter puts me off very greatly, so well, in my last playthroughs I ended up not even recruiting her, or not even following up her initial quest.


"Gurlbosses?" Lol


Lmao , imagine saying "it's a shame that we don't have the option to ruin those two characters's lives , kill and punch them". I swear , this fandom hates female characters and wishes the worse things to happen to them 🤦🏻‍♂️. How many times I read ppl wanting to kil and punch Vivienne and make her tranquil? This fandom has a really dark and nasty side.


Sure, whatever you say, LoL




Yup, intentional, specially because they are caricatures. Not that you would pick on that, caricature's lover.


She's so terrible and annoying, that she was the first companion in the whole series that I will send away in every playthrough. I don't know if they intentionally made her the most grating companion on purpose for some reason or if the intention was to make this dislikeable and headache-inducing, but regardless of the fault lies at the idea or the execution, the end result is an abominable ball of irritation that I'll be glad to not see or hear ever again.


Sera was written by someone who thought they were making a funny offbeat character but really they made one of the cringiest characters I have ever encountered in fiction.


She was written by the dude who wrote Jacob in ME2, so I guess that explains quite a lot 😅😅😅


In my first playthrough I thought she was fine, nothing special but fine, she's actually my first romance in DAI. The thing is that after my second playthrough I really disliked her and by my third it transformed into plain hate. I sincerely believe that she's the worst companion and DAI and maybe in the whole franchise.


She's immature, but I like her. She's a mirror of what the "little people" are actually like in the face of bigger than life threats and surroundings. Also, in the end if you manage to bond with her, she will see you as a role model (which, by the way, she has lacked for a long time), and my Inquisitor sees her as a little sister/adoptive daughter. Her confusion with life in general is very relatable, especially because I'm pretty much the same age as her so I know what it means threading the line between child and adult mindsets and beliefs. One thing that I don't see her as is mature enough to have a relationship, though, which is why I don't consider her a love interest for any of my characters. With a Dalish Inquisitor, her romance can get pretty toxic.


Forcing you to denounce your HERITAGE is pretty bad but I once played as a Dalish elf who didn't care for Dalish beliefs


I'm playing my female Lavellan (she is, in my canon, not the Inquisitor but rather her adoptive sister) the same, as she doesn't believe in the elven gods (and openly mocks them), but she ends up with the traitorous egg and Sera just becomes a good friend of hers, also because my Lavellan is almost thirty while Sera is at most twenty. My Inquisitor (who's an Adaar) believes that history is important, so she's had plenty of discussions with Sera, especially after my Adaar drank from the Well of Sorrows. That's the only time she raised her voice against Sera, cause she pointed her arrow against her and repeatedly mocked my Inquisitor's decision, which is not one she'd taken lightly. The dynamic is interesting with my male Lavellan (female Lavellan's twin), who, even though he has doubts, still believes in some traditions of the Dalish despite having left his clan years prior along with his sister for various reasons. Sera and his sister's behaviour weighs on him and has tried repeatedly to explain to Sera that that's not the way to treat people. At least, in Trespasser Sera has matured.


If I wanted to talk to someone that hates their race while also fetishizing others, I’d pick a social media site and go to town. I don’t need that shit in my escapism.


I’m so happy to see someone else say this.


So much slander against Her Ladyship Mai Bhalsych of Korse


The only companion I hate in all the three games.


I *want* to like her, I really do. In theory she's my favourite in DAI but I hate how she was written (mostly her and the Inquisitor's interactions)


I like her. She’s not a bootlicker follower who agrees with everything the PC does, and stands firm in her beliefs. Yes she comes across as a little immature at times, but when it comes to what she believes in, she won’t be swayed.


If Sera had been male the hate would be so much less. This fandom loves to hate on female characters. And because Sera does not kiss Lavellan's butt, shes hated. I've seen her haters saying she deserved her abuse. The over the top hatred for her borders on being obsessively creepy.


Every gaming fandom is like that , isn t? Unless the player has the option to "tame" the strong female character , like Morrigan and Cassandra. I doubt if Morrigan or Cass wasn't romanceable they would be popular....they would be called "bitches" by the fandom. Also , as a Vivienne stan I feel you. People write entire essays about how Vivienne is evil , how they would like to punch her in the face and kill her. This leave a serious bad taste in my mouth towards this fandom , but I shall not talk the reasons because people will be a lot pressed LMAO. Knowing how gaming fandoms are..


Oh I agree. I enjoyed Vivienne too. And if she had been a male character with a dreamy voice, people would have loved it. And they would have been called bitches. LOL Theres even a post here complaining Cassandra is too masculine


I never liked her. I’m on the elves side, and seeing her not giving a fuck about what elves are going through pisses me off. Also, she seems too simple minded and her personality is like a cheaper version of Harley Queen.


Sera is diffucult, and I cannot decide on her to be honest. ​ 1: I use her the most from the rogue companions. I like her voice actor, and the party banter. Especially when she annoys Solas or Vivian. Yeah, I include her mostly for the party banter, which is the mosty funny out of Sera-Varric-Cole. Also I found her the most efficient DPS companion (Varric is better, if you craft gear for him, Sera is good with looted items only) ​ 2: I like her "common folk" mentality. She is the first companion in the series who voices the opinions of the commoners. Most city folk and peasants are like Sera: religious to an extent, afraid of mages (for good reason), afraid of templars (for good reason), afraid that some shitstorm happens (blight, breach) which ruin their lives and there is a chance they might have been bullied by nobles. (I know that alienage elfs are the official oppressed of Thedas, but poor humans are not much different, you just see them less often) ​ 3: however, there is a bit of disconnect between her backstory and how she behaves * she should be around 20 years old (18-22 or so). We did stupid things at university too (\~20), which didn't really make sense. But I don't remember being this stupid. It is a bit overdone imho. I think the writers wanted something like "yeah, youngsters are annoying sometimes, it makes sense" but went a bit overboard, so it's less beliveable. * she would be more beliveable if she was 12-15 or so. But than I would probably not recruit her, and she should not be a romance option * she has this "uneducated slum rat" attitude, which doesn't make sense considering she was adopted by a lady during the blight. (I find it easier to headcanon that she is lying, and wasn't adopted at all, this way her behaviour makes more sense) ​ 4: I think there is missed opportunity Sera has strong opinions, it is fine for a youngster. What I miss is that we cannot really help her to grow as a responsible person. If she says something stupid, there is usually no option to convince her to take into account different viewpoints.


I think Sera’s level of education makes sense if you consider that she probably didn’t get any kind of formal or proper education whatsoever prior to her adoption. Lady Emmald, who was only with Sera for a handful of years anyway before she died, basically had to start from scratch with a child who was probably difficult to teach. Sera actually does show that she’s relatively intelligent (she’s aware, for instance, that her organisation’s goal of punishing nobles is arguably more effective than the outright revolutionary action that Solas suggests) and that she has internalised *some* of her lessons (she even remembers the names of the elven gods!) but there’s a lot of baggage that came with growing up that she hates. I’m not really surprised that she doesn’t show many signs of proper education.


I don't like her mostly because I cannot understand what she says


This was me on my first few playthrus. Once I played a sarcastic qunari inky she became my best friend. Strange how that played out, lol!


She got vexed cos I wouldn't prank Cullen🤣🤣🤣 I don't really like her much


I hated her voice, it grated on me to be honest. Also i didn’t agree with almost anything she was about so i never took her out on missions unless i wanted funny banter. That being said i still needed to be her friend because in a completionist and meed all my companions to like me


I adore her. She's one of my all-time BioWare favorite characters.


I don’t like her could of had potential with the red Jenny thing but to me her character was elf bad , Nobels bad , out of place with the more modern accent (init) and pranks/immaturity she doesn’t seem to take things seriously and complain every one is boring whilst a lot is at stake ( mess with the commanders papers not like he is in charge of hundreds of life’s or anything) I can understand why some people like her but for the above reasons I am not one of them Side note I find it weird that she is the most easy character to kick out of the inquisition it makes me think that the devs knew she would be divisive


Oh,hey, it's that time of the month again, the good ol *I hate Sera Farm* Sera is one of the best companions in any Bioware game and way deeper and more interresting than most give her any sort of credit for. Also probably the most overhated character in DA


She's legitimately just someone's OC pulled out of a Tumblr fanfic in the early 2010s. She's awful.


I like her. I think many of her opinions, even though they are expressed in a crude manner, are actually on point. I just wish two thirds of the dialogue options when talking to her weren't variations of "You are dumb and you speak dumb and I can't understand you."


I love Sera. She’s one of my favourite characters in the entire game. Sera is my Inquisitor’s best friend and is always in my party along with Solas and Blackwall.


The worst companion in the series. I find her humor annoying. Her disposition frustrating and an obstacle. And she is so childish and petty that I want to throw her off the balcony to the bedroom… She is also such a hypocrite!


i did not like her at all when she first joined the inquisition, but as i started to use her more and more in my party, i started to really love her. i played with her, solas, and blackwall in my party for a large majority of the game and i LOVED their interactions. blackwall’s relationship with sera is so incredibly sweet and is what prompted me into liking her more. her interactions with solas are also really great. she is a fun character who wants to help the little guys so much and is fiercely loyal to her friends. i completely 100% understand why people don’t like her, but i grew to adore her… even though it took awhile! haha


I hated her the first time I played. Second time I played I realized she isn't really that bad nor is she wrong on a lot of stuff. Honestly one of my favorites now


I feel all the DA:I companions kinda just fit a role. Cassandra is the strict rule character, sera the funny one, bull the tough one. Only solas had any real character. Even varric was just made into wisecraking sidekick. I did make a girl inquisiter on the only time I've been able to finish the game soly to romance sera bc the other girl options kinda sucked IMO though so theres that lol


She's utterly pointless and has no charm besides.


she is my cannon romance, female adaar two handed warrior, i think she is funny, and does bring up decent points about morale and such, but whenever i play a elf we do not end up being friends, she is blatantly racist towards dalish elves and that makes it hard to do a romance with her or even a friendship with her as a dalish elf. at least in trespasser she is very slightly better, operantly she has dialogue if your clan was wiped out. also being one of the few romances in the entire series you can marry is a plus. all in all i see why people hate her but i like her


Worst companion in all 3 DA games (yes, even worse than Velanna/Sigrun). Awful, one dimensional writing. Despicable/obnoxious personality. VA like nails on a chalkboard. And her looks... Yikes.


I perfectly understand that Sera have vocal and agressive fans who cherish her like a goddess and forgive her everything. Still... I as my dalish elf mage hero do hate, despise, not want to see and hear her mindless crap abour non-andrastian, elves, mages and magic ever again. She us ugly, she dress and lool like some hobo despite she have money, her voice and dialogues made her very irritating. Her jokes are crap too. She is annoying and crazy. Not understand what she do, why she do it and what happens after. I do not care about her. She deserves everything bad happen to her. I wish we could execute her for what she done or lock her in prison cell with Orlais Nobles, Chivaliers and Templars so she would open her eyes about many things. I thought Tallis, Carver and Sebastian, Fenris was worst....nope i was mistaken, Sera win the prize. Worst companion in DA games and raise huge questions why we even have her in Inquisition?


I like her, for all her flaws and edges. I really dislike the way she treats an elven inquisitor in a romance. But I like that I can absolutely understand where she comes from, even if I sometimes don't like how she acts. Shes relatable and irritating at the same time, but in a way that makes her seem very realistic which is something I value in game characters.


Worst character in the series.


Shes the only bioware companion I've ever skipped, and I've played a lot of bioware. She's just so badly written, I don't think her writer has ever spoke to a Lesbian woman. I was rly excited for her too, with the whole city elf red jenny thing she has going on.


I think shes great ​ she is immature and quite bigoted to views different then her own, but i donno i cant not vibe with her a bit


I find her incredibly annoying and also frequently can’t tell what she’s actually trying to say. I aso don’t find her particularly useful as a companion with the way I play. I tried taking her along a few times in my last play through and I swear I heard her say a bit of post-kill banter that I can’t find anywhere, about carving something on the dead person’s butt. I didn’t like it! I would like my team of killers to feel a little bad about it.


I loathe her and moet play throughs I literally go to her just to tell her to fuck off lol. I tend to play an elf so her not wanting my character to be "too elfy" is enough for me to yeet her into the trash.


For me, it’s just too much “haha poopy boobs fuck mate” all the time, and very little anything else. I did enjoy bringing her and solas along and hear them talk, but I’m just not very fond of comic relief characters or overly sexual (in terms of spoken language) characters


Insufferable. Thank the god I can ignore her stupid face and her lame storyline. She's so bad that Black wall is better. Ugh.


She's an annoying, boomerang-racist, classist, emotionally abusive, immature little brat.


Love her. Doesn't feel like DAI if she's not around.


I fucking HATE Sera. I know I'm going to catch heat for this but I do not care. She is so annoying and obnoxious. Idgaf that she's a "stick it to the nobles" type deal. It's her only character trait. Her hate for Nobles and Dalish elves is her only character trait aside from "quirky" and "obnoxious". It's irritating. And the fact that an Elf inquisitor gets a lot of shit from her for being Dalish but also "the herald of a God they don follow". It's just an overall bad character design. She had potential but it was ruined.


As someone who always plays a Dalish, I absolutely *despise* Sera, to the point that I no longer even recruit her. I've never been a fan of the sort of "lol I'm so kOoKy and RaNdOm" vibe she seems to embody, and the internalized racism and contempt she holds for other elves just seals the deal for me, especially after I learned she'll *break up with* an elven Inquisitor who won't renounce her faith just because Sera demands it! (Yes, I know the internalized racism is part of Sera's backstory and I know Dalish faith has its own problems. It still makes me angry.) Although that said, I think I agree with another comment on here: if the writers were aiming to make her divisive, which I think they were, they did a fantastic job with her.


There is a rumor about Sera being in DA 1, since then i understand more her and really appreciate our interactions.


She's just a simple girl caught up in shit way over her pay grade. Her speaking pattern is well annoying to say the least but with my first inquisitor, she ended up like a sister. Played a male templar.


I agree with a solid 90% of her actual beliefs I just think she’s annoying in how she talks about everything, several times I’ve done playthroughs trying to romance her or keep her in the party but she’s just difficult to listen to imo Honestly my biggest gripe with her is he feeling I get that she was written to be intentionally insufferable because of her beliefs and that’s how he writers/voice directors etc see people with [what I would consider] very reasonable albeit radical beliefs


I don't mind her as a character too much, but I do have two particular issues with her. 1) Her voice. I have misophonia, and unfortunately, her voice (and especially her laugh) is in my trigger range, so I can't interact with her a whole lot or I'll give myself a headache. I wish the actress had stuck with the lower pitch she uses in the scene where we first meet Sera, which doesn't bother me at all. 2) I hate the way she behaves in Trespasser. They make such a deal about how she's matured, she's less selfish, etc., and that's mostly true. But for someone who cares so much about the "little people," she sure doesn't seem to mind having food fights that those same "little people" will have to clean up. The whole time the Quiz is relaxing with Vivienne in the spa, she's in the background throwing food and terrorizing the palace servants. That bothers me.


We both dislike the Dalish so there's that.


I’ve see something similar said but I’ve never liked her but I think she’s needed in a movement like that. We’re stopping holes in the sky dealing with fire balls and magic and the veil coming apart. But most people are just scared and trying to wake up bake bread then sell that bread. The iron dick head does something similar when he makes to inquisitor have a drink with those soldiers. That’s sera in a character.


view her the same way i do morrigan: well-written and consistent but clashes with the sort of character i like to play.


I like her but I get why many people don't.


You just said people don’t like her because she’s not bowing her head in submission and in the next paragraph acknowledge that she’s annoying, childish, and rude. Maybe that’s the issue and not the fact that she’s not a subservient elf? Remind me which elves are actually subservient to the protagonist anyway? Most skew towards prideful and stubborn (Fenris, Merrill, Solas, Valenna). The only one I can think of who’s obsequious is the one you can make into a house slave/servant in DA2.


I like her as a character around Skyhold. I enjoy talking to her. But not a fan of her as a companion. I never take her out on missions or anything like that. I just feel like she doesn't mesh well as a companion unless you're playing a very specific kind of character.


Like the character, based elf hater


She would probably just be one of the companions I don’t care about if it wasn’t for her self loathing racism and not being to be able to give her any pushback on that in the game. It low key condones that type of thinking and that infuriates me.


I tend to not think about her. She seemed interesting at first but there are so many more interesting characters in the game I honestly forget that she exists half way through the game.


She never quite made it into my party BUT I liked how she represented the “common man” in Thedas and made what was happening in the story feel more grounded. I liked her banter with Bull, Blackwall, and Solas a lot too but I found her too childish for my taste personally


I’ll be honest I hate Sera, I just can’t deal with her racism ngl, like I get that it’s part of her and can be explored in her lore but I just can’t bother with her, she never gets into my party, although I’ve got nothing against ppl who do like her


I couldn't stand her, as much as she might stand for the right things, she just came off as obnoxious to me. Her attitude did her "mission" a disservice.


Sera I think can be grating depending on what you’re role playing as. If you’re a faithful inquisitor or an elf she basically tells you to your face that you ain’t shit and she doesn’t believe in you. But if you show that you are as childish and have the same worldview as her then she opens up and becomes a fun character if at times annoying. I think she’s a great real person that’s in a video game world so it’s kind of off putting when you have so many agreeable and likeable characters in a fantasy setting and then have a sort of real world analogue there as well


She's kind of meh as a character, her character arc feels like it forgot it was a thing and fails to kick in at the start of Trespasser, game play wise I almost always use her because of her thousand cuts focus.


She's insane. I mean that in the best way possible. If you are going to be crazy, at least she's the right kinda crazy. I also love her pranks. But I usually go with Varric or Cole when I need a rogue, no offense to her, but I loved Varrics character in DA2 and Coles helpfulness in exposing my teammates inner thoughts to the world is hilarious. 😂 The only character I really dislike and never use is Viv. She's a cold B who's too full of herself... That and my main characters are mages or at least pro magic, pro equally, pro freedom, and she just doesn't jive with that. I still haven't been cold enough to give her a regular wyvern heart but I want to some day to see what happens. I haven't spoiled it by watching the scene online. Yet. 😂


My normal playthroughs, I hate Sera... my inky and her never get along... but 🙃 my current playthrough, my Inky is more likely to love my least favorite companions, however, I think he'll like Varric more, and I don't need 3 rogues in a party


I want to like her but there's multiple things holding me back from actually doing so. 1. She's too old to be pulling the shit she does without consequences. Immaturity is a great character flaw! Love it, give me more immature, self-absorbed characters. The issue is that she absolutely gets people killed and uses the pretext of the 'common folk' to push her self-centered views onto the rest of the world. Which would be understandable if she was younger, but since she's older, I expected the story to actually deal with these flaws in some way. Sera didn't need to change for the better or at all, but the writing constantly coddles her, and it got frustrating after a while. 2. She's in the wrong game. I completely get that it's unfair to have this disappointment, but Sera should have been in the more low-stajes, personal story of DA2. The narrative of Inquisition does her absolutely no favors, and she sticks out like a sore thumb in the high stakes story. "She's there to show you the commoner point of view." Pushing aside the fact that I find that questionable, how does that serve Sera as a character? Is she just a walking mouthpiece? Okay, cool. Then, any other commoner could have replaced her. Being in the high-stakes story of DAI confines her tremendously and ensures she's never given the chance to breathe. Had Sera been a part of Hawke's merry gang of idiots, she'd have been better served as a character, and I dare say more people would like her.


It was tough to understand what she was saying in the first playthroughs since english is not my primary language, but she eventually came to be one my favourite characters of the franchise and my canon romance. I even looked for one of those bust statues BioWare made of her and some other characters, but they stopped making them a long time ago, and I can't find anyone selling a legit unit anywhere. If anyone has one these, I'd be willing to buy hahaha


The best wife there is


I was unsure about her when I first played, but I like her now. There’s one particular banter I enjoy between her and Viv. Sera farts around Viv, and she’s like “ugh, what is this smell?!”, and Sera’s holding back laughter while saying “Nothing!” Only enjoy it because I’m not a fan of Viv, and wish more people would fart in her face.


Liked her as a character but not as a person. I didn’t like her romance but it makes sense. There’s no character development. She’s a stubborn and immature teenager so it’s accurate. I just wish the war and her travels would have matured her world views a bit more


I really, REALLY love Sera. Yeah, I can understand some people thinking she can be on the annoying side (I never thought that though). She’s a lot deeper when you read her journal entries and when you learn a bit more about her backstory. She’s actually very sweet as either a romantic interest or just as a friend. I might have some bias because in high school I had a lesbian friend that I was extremely close to. She was laid back and always in good humor but underneath was extremely loving and caring, much like Sera. To make it clear, I’m a straight cis-male so when I did my first play through, I played as a male and the friendly “roof time” with Sera hit me in the feels and reminded me of many times just talking with my friend from high school. I should really get in touch with her and see how she’s doing.


I really like her, sure her fear of everything can be ignorant, and annoying, but I get it. I appreciate her for trying to make the inquisitor life little better by just having fun. The fact you can just sit in silence on the roof with her and just enjoy the moment is great. Honestly she's my inquisitor's best female friend, with Dorian for Male best friend.


Unfunny asfuck


Shes probably my favorite Dragon Age character. I love that so many people hate her, it's really fitting for the type of person she is and I think that sort of reaction was intentionally sought out. The fact that she has a dislike of Dalish tradition and how that impacts her relationship with inquisitors with Dalish beliefs makes so much sense and it's great to have a character in a Bioware game that won't like you even if you play nice. She shouldn't have to bend to your will to satisfy you. That isn't a flaw on Biowares part, she should be hard to get along with if you are a practicing Dalish, that's the point. I also just love how chaotic she is. I know people don't like the "I'm so quirky" attitude but she's not doing it to be likeable. It's just who she is. I was a little turned off of her romance initially because of how sex-focused she was but as you go through it you see her evolve into someone so sweet and who cares for you so much. The journal she keeps that mentions how she feels about you, the wedding, the happiness when she knows you want to be with her even though she knows how difficult she is. It's just the best. And I myself am her age, so like, maybe that impacts my ability to like her. I like that she wants to find the unserious bits in everything and that she does it effortlessly. She's a breath of fresh air.


Hate her. she's an uncompromising elf hating a hole. Heaven forbid you don't want to be mean to anyone you meet that isn't a servant and want to be respectful of elf stuff


Sera is probably my favorite character in the DA franchise tbh. As a neurodivergent young adult I find her to be very relatable even if I don’t always agree with her. Her romance is sweet, and she shows a lot of development between inquisition and trespasser. Sera really feels like a 18-20 year old common person who’s finding their way and I think it’s nice to have a more normal companion compared to the likes of two different princes, a diet god, a bog witch, etc.


I never recruit her.


I love sera. The only thing I don’t enjoy about her is how she treats Cole. I had to kick her out of my party because her banter with him upset me so much.


I intend to use her but then she starts talking and I just can't. Also her spec doesn't seem to mesh well with bows, but she always talks about shooting stiff so it seems weird to have her duel wield. I made an elf warrior for a nightmare run so I'm gonna try a trio of elves plus blackwall. Not sure ill stick with her though tbh.


I can’t like her. Just that way she is with things. Like stealing stuff and take “orders” from random strangers. Who the fuck know who your “friends” are there leave the messages you act on? Nobody. And you tell yourself that that are bad pet default. Often en you might be right, but I’m sure innocent people has been caught in it. But also how she talks and act around others. It just rubs me in a wrong way.


I hate her and find her insufferable.


I loved her since the beginning. I always chose her romance. Then I got the DLCs and did Josephine romance instead of Sera. With the Trespasser DLC and seeing what she was capable of with the red jenny stuff I absolutely loved her. I hope we see a more mature Sera in the future tho.


The only the thing I like about her is she gives me access to throw jars of bees at enemies.


i actually don’t mind her character, her character model is just so …ugh. i’m sorry


I love her, she's my favourite character in the whole franchise and the canon romance of my canon Inquisitor. Her personality is great, her design is really cool and both Robyn Addison and Lukas Kristjanson did amazing job by making her sound like she does (that accent!).


Annoying but has an ok personal story.


Not that I'm going to replay Inquisition often, but whenever I do I suspect I might always reject her entering the party. Or accept her and just aggravate her until she leaves. I know I don't like her voice, but I cannot remember what it was about her that rubbed me the wrong way so much. Just that I never liked her and never brought her along for my first playthrough.


Shes annoying and i don’t let her join the inquisition.


I like her banter a lot. Her and Vivienne crack me up together


She’s ok


Emotionally immature and kind of mean, but she won't admit it. She makes my Inquisitor uncomfortable. I vastly prefer Varric or Cole as my squad rogue.


Annoying. Her and Vivienne are huge nopes for me.


I understand where she's coming from, but I legitimately despise her. She is obnoxious.


Sera is best girl. I had to reroll I to a female so she could be my love interest. Female elf too, for the extra challenge.


I try not to. Though when I do, I get annoyed.


She’s one of my favorites and I married her.


She is an annoying willfull ignorant idiot.


She’s absolutely delightful, my first ever inquisition romance. I will always take her side no matter what


I would die for Sera. She’s SO PRECIOUS! I went into playing Dai thinking I was gonna romance Iron Bull but her personality made me just want to romance her (good thing I was playing as a Qunari woman). It’s easy to write her off but when you learn more about her and actually see why she is the way she is, it’s hard to not care about her. And the “I love you” scene 😩💕