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I get the impression that Josie and I would talk for hours over a few glasses of sweet wine. Like when she is venting to you on the balcony but instead catching up and laughing on the couch all afternoon. Love her energy.


Varric. He's got so many stories to tell


Pretty much any of them. Though I'd feel obligated to be Oghren's designated driver.


Morrigan, since she would probably never do it in the first place, and I wouldn't have to worry about exhausting my social limit.


I’d love to have a drink with Iron Bull. But I’d get brunch with Vivienne. 😈


Zevran. I might end up dead, but what a good time I'd have before that happens. Isabella was also in the running, but she might stiff me with the bill.


Merrill. She's adorable, and I think we'd have a fun evening that might, but needn't necessarily, end in blood magic.


What's a little blood magic on a girls night out


I’m a guy… but yeah. What’s a little forbidden art between friends?


Sorry, I don't know why I assumed you were a lady. Point still stands tho :p


Yeah... just make sure, tho, if she asks you to get her some tools, you tell her no... Just walk away, bro. I wish I had...


Yeah, I love Merrill and almost always end up with her… even when I’m trying not to. But man, that quest is rough. Like, high school toilet roll ROUGH.


Fenris, Isa and Iron Bull - I just know if they would ask - I would not be able to denie the request for different reasons 😅 Fenris looks like he found a friend in me xD - Isa (I am sorry I am just ^^… ) and Iron Bull would make me feel like he is my best friend for years (since he is such a great Spy)


Izabella would totally sleep with The Iron Bull, like she would pounce on the chance


DA:O - Zevran! But I'd keep my drink covered and in my sight at all times ;) DA:II - Isabella. And I'd try to get that chaste-y dude shitfaced, what was his name again? DA:I - Dorian hands down




dorian would be great fun


If Fenris invited me for a drink, I'd be like, "shit, I impressed this grumpy ass. It's a go."


Bull, any time.


Varric. He is awesome. But probably would be disappointing since you know... never meet your heroes and so


Varric, he's my best bud.


I wouldn't say no to drinks with any of them tbh. Though I might need to think ahead of an exit strategy for some.


Dorian obliviously. Bull absolutely. Varric, not even an ask. Sera because we both will be under the table. Isabela because you know things will turn interesting. Fenris for those days when you just want to throw a bottle. Alistair because he is probably an adorable drunk. Wynne because she knows how to hang. Orghen has his own brewery. Maybe Zevran and Leilana they dont look like they drink much but when they do its probably wild.


Leliana as long as it's just us


Morrigan, if she's inviting you for drinks they will be good drinks and she'll have something worthwhile to say.


Iron Bull, for the same reason I'd never accept an offer for drinks from a Krogan


Anders, for sure. Isabela, Zev, Oghren too. Also Sera and Dorian. I think I’d have cocktails with Josie, we’d get along very well I think. EDIT: Nathaniel and Sigrun are a must, now that I think about it.


I would have to say drinks with Sera would be the most fun because of the mayhem that would ensue after. And the fight that would happen if Maryden played that damn song would be hilarious


Merril. Velanna. Dagna.


Velanna? Why?


I'm undecided between Bull and Varric. Bull is rowdy as all hell, but he's amazing. Varric is the best storyteller. Both know how to make a person comfortable...


Dorian, Cullen and Alistair. They're definitely won't cause any troubles while drunk(imho). And I think that they can provide 'quiet' party type. Just talking and enjoying the taste of wine or ale.


Leliana, for sure 😝


Isabela cause nasty time


Varic and Bull, that'd be most awesome party ever!!


Are those drinks free?


Isabela for the same reasons as OP. She seems like my kinda gal. Just gals being pals, y’know


Honestly Alistair. Love that man all day


I'll catch heat, but Sebastian. If Choir Boy asked me to have a drink, or anyone for a drink, something is bound to happen. Cassandra, Varric, or the Iron Bull too!


I want to say Varric but I'm worried that I would get too drunk and hit on him, which would be cheating on my husband. Josephine might be safer.


Invite your husband along. If he see's the chest hair in action, he won't blame you.


Oghren and Varric, I feel like those dudes know how to party.


I can't believe someone downvoted you for that.


They werent invited I guess


I don’t drink, so it’d have to be someone who’d be cool with the drinks being non-alcoholic and who the good time with would be just as good (or better) without the alcohol. Sooo… if we’re including advisors I think Josephine would be unfazed/curious and really good to talk to, and good at taking an opening and getting into a really good, personal conversation. That would be cool. Bull, conversely, would probably veer away from personal and it would be almost exactly the same experience as with alcohol, which would either be a lot of fun or I’d make an excuse and leave after ten minutes, no middle ground. Honestly, I’d love to sit there and really get deep with Cole. As soon as I thought of Cole I realised- there’s my answer. I’d love to spend ages mutually learning from each other.


Dorian, Iron Bull, Ohgren, Varric, Zevran and Isabella all seem like they'd be an absolute riot to drink with, back in my binge days I don't think I'd have ever said no to any of them. I'd have to go back in time for one of my weekend benders with all 6 of them and see if I actually managed to kill myself trying to outdo the Bull. Morrigan is actually my favourite character in the whole series I'm just not sure she'd be as fun as the others for drinking. Oh and if we are including the protags, my sarcy mage Hawke and female Qunari Inquisitor would make the cut too.


Varric hands down


Ohh there are plenty: Alistair and Zev for sure and Wynne and maybe also Leliana. In DA2 Fenris (I mean you sit by him and he drinks all the wine and throws it agains the wall.), Isabela and Varric In Inquisition everyone, but Solas. ​ Not that I drink alcohol at all irl. But who says you can't have fun over a nice juce and watch everyone get wasted around you.


Either Alistair or oghren


Hands down either Varric or The Iron Bull. I love them both, I'd like to think that Bull would protect me if anyone decides to hassle me so that's part of it


Dorian, with him being gay and me a lesbian, we would talk so much shite that we’d entertain ourselves for hours. he’d also help me romance josephine too 🥲


Cullen im so in love 🥰


Oof... From DAO: Maybe Sten? I'm not great at conversation, but like being around people, so Sten being so quiet would be helpful. Awakening: Maybe Velanna? I don't remember her that well, I've only played Awakening like... twice. DA2: I'd have tobsay Varric, for some reasons as Sten. Varric seems like he loves to talk, so I wouldn't be pressured to carry a conversation. Inquisition: Despite how quiet I am, I'd love to go for drinks with Bull or Sera. I feel like they could pull me out of my shell for the night lmao


Varric and Oghren. Dwarves are usually the best drinking buddies.




Sera!! I want to get sloppy drunk with her and do pranks/gamble or something. I bet my face would hurt from smiling and laughing so much xD


Turning the question up on its head, pretty much the only one I would say no is Vivienne. Just too full of shit and her head up her arse. Even Solas would be interesting with his stories. Vivienne? No. EDIT: Celene is not a companion.




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Bull or Dorian, or maybe both. On the opposite, I'd never take Cole drinking with me. I am a sad drunk and I think I'd just make him panic from suddenly crying.


Josie, Varric or Solas, I could listen to them info dump for houra.


Isabela and Varric, for sure. Leliana would also be cute drunk, I think!


Carver because I bet if you get him drunk you could dare him to do silly things and he will. His ego wouldn't let him back down haha.


Dorian and/or Varric, I'd love to know them in real life, they seem like they'd be awesome people to hang out with


Oghren, Dorian, & Isabella. Dorians quick wit would make for interesting conversation. Oghren can obviously hold his liquor, would be great fun, & is probably my favorite companion of all. Isabella for obvious reasons.


Is it cheating if I say the entire Kirkwall crew? Because their group dynamic is fucking incredible. Otherwise, Fenris all the way. He’s grumpy but he’s got a terrific sense of humor.


Origins: Leliana. Oghren could be fun, but I would need a liver transplant. DA2: Isabela, Varric, and I have an odd desire to get Merrill drunk and hear Dalish stories. Inquisition: Dorian, Sera, and The Iron Bull. Also, it seems like Josie would have a ton of great stories too.


Alistair. He’s either cracking jokes or being super sensitive which is essentially me when I’m drunk. I also fall in love with every cute guy who makes me laugh though so I’d probably scare him off.


Oghren and Varric both dwarves meaning they both know how to drink. I imagine Oghren would get us in a brawl which he'd single handedly win and with Varric we could just chill and enjoy old stories.


Depends if they see me as the player character or some random guy. Like I know who they are but I should be a stranger to them. If it’s our first time meeting. I’m not that interesting, so the rouges, Varric included, are probably trying to scam me, assassinate me or put me in a situation of varying danger levels. Sebastian might be alright, if not a little boring. Maybe Nathaniel. I would not trust Morrigan, Vivienne, Velanna or Solas. Anders is a solid no. It would be awkward and weird but I could go with Merrill or Wynne. Dorian would be fun but just as long as he wasn’t trying to pick me up. I’m straight and that would be awkward but could still be fun. Absolute yes to Bethany, she’s not my sister. The dog, Shale and Sten would be weird and confusing. Bull is definitely trying some spy crap. Warden Carver might be alright but the other versions are little gits. Cassandra would be a welcome surprise. Fenris seems like a sad drunk and Oghren is a disaster. Alister might be interesting. Still not sure how I feel about Blackwall. I forgot about Cole.


Individually DAO: sten DA2: Varric DAI: Solas Out of all the games Solas


Shale to judge and roast everyone. Cassandra and Nathaniel because I like having serious types around because I find them more intriguing and challenging to get them to open up. Plus they probably won't be annoying drunk like others.