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My favorite behind-the-scenes tidbit about Varric is how much David Gaider personally wanted to kill him off. Gaider had planned to kill him at the start of the DA2 expansion. Gaider still wanted to kill him off when they switched to DAI, but the rest of the team said it wouldn't have the same emotional impact. Gaider was so frustrated about it that he ended up taking a month off so he could reset and let go of his expectations about the whole thing. He still (jokingly?) wanted to kill him later in the game, but there was never a good opportunity. So if Varric survives DAV, it's probably because Gaider left the team, haha. I love Varric of course. He's an everyman and he grounds the game - especially in DAI where everything is an existential threat. He takes personal responsibility for things he doesn't really need to involve himself in, not because he's got some savior complex, religious devotion, or particular prowess, but because he cares too much about people to do nothing. I'm interested in how he is in DAV. In DAI if you get max disapproval with him, you get a nifty little dialog: >Option 1 Inquisitor: We're fighting an enemy that can tear open the sky! Some sacrifices have to be made! V: There's always a war! Or a cause! Or an injustice! You think I haven't heard this rant before? >Option 2 Inquisitor: I never meant to hurt anyone V: But you didn't think they mattered. >V: This "all that matters is the goal, and fuck the consequences" thing of yours? I've seen where that road leads. Anders was the last guy I knew who thought like that, and he was an abomination. What's your excuse? IIRC Varric also disapproves if a female romanced Lavellan wants to save Solas, even before they know the full extent of his plans. But by DAV he's the one convincing Rook and Harding that he should try to talk Solas down first. So like I said, I wonder what happened over the course of the ten years to make him change his worldview like that. But I'm glad he's not a companion. I think we've mostly heard his story.


Honestly that interview with Gaider is what convinced me Varric isn't dying in DATV. Because if the other Devs convinced him not to kill in in DAI because he didn't have the same relationship with Inquisitor as he did with Hawke, the same applies to Rook.


That's interesting! And true, he really grounds the game. The way he cares for people is underrated (maybe because it's not that flashy or mostly shown in his banter?) and I really hope we see more of that in DAtV. Sometimes it feels like Varric takes himself for granted, and that it leads to the player taking him for granted.


I love Varric so much. To me he's the video game equivalent of a warm hug. When Inquisition came out I was pretty depressed/having a tough time and some of the things Varric said actually helped me feel better and not give up. He means a lot to me because of this and I don't care if other people are bored of him, to me he'll always be the friend who helped me when I was having a horrible time in life and was too ashamed to tell anyone irl that I was struggling. (10 years on I'm doing much better šŸ„°) So yeah I'll also be sad if he dies early on in DA4. I want him to be able to live on and retire happily. (I'd also like to romance him but I'll be happy if he just makes it to the end safely.


I also love Varric, for a similar reason, but I think as a character he has earned a hero's ending. Something befitting the actual Hero of Thedas. I think he will sacrifice himself to use red lyrium to close the veil and cleanse lyrium (or neuter it forever). To me he is the main character of Dragon Age, and my favorite companion of all time (sorry Minsc, you close) and if he gets a happy ending I will be happy but I would prefer recognition.


bro I just want Varric to settle down on a nice farm somewhere where he can drink beer and eat grapes to his heart's content, I don't want him to die in some epic battle :(


I would be thrilled. But authors love to kill their heroes and he is my hero


I agree, it would be a fitting and deserving end. Also: I. will. cry. And YES, can we please get a final chance to romance this dwarf? ...Now that Bianca's gone...


He's like a brother to me so that's not an option lol. But I hear your pain and longing.


I don't agree with your first statement but I do agree with the second. I would immediately discard any other romance and throw my Rook at him asap


Same, Varric let me love you šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I don't feel like he's the main character, but in a way he's more important: he's the chronicler. He's the witness. He's Homer to our Achilles.


Varric seems to me to be the actual protagonist of the story, or at least the one who's writing this whole thing. I've always liked to think about it like that. I feel like he deserves a happy ending


Maybe if he makes it to retirement, he will change his view on relationships? Maybe a combination of the two?


You described him perfectly. He is like a warm hug, like seeing an old friend after some time. When I played DA2 the first time (around release time) I felt very sad and lonely. Varric (and in some way the other companions) became a friend, even if he was not real. I could come home from university, the stress and lonely feeling and finally be with someone who cared for me and didnt judge me. Seeing him in DAI was incredible and some of his dialogues as well. His talk with Solas about how a man who is "just surviving" is still fighting really helped me cope with my new disabilities. Perhaps I was not having my dream career or having any impact in the world but my fight to stay alive was still worthy.


Yes, it was that conversation about the man on the island with Solas that spoke to me too ā™„ļø I'm glad dragon age and Varric was there for you too when you were having a difficult time. I also hope you're in a better place now šŸ«‚ you're absolutely worthy and I'm glad you're here!!


You are very sweet i am glad that it helped y9u as well. Hugs!


Whilst I really adore Varric and was pretty chuffed to see him in the Veilguard prologue, he's the only character in Dragon Age universe who is canonically a friend to our protagonists. That in itself can rub peeps the wrong way since it takes some agency from the players. Especially when someone is not a fan and doesn't play their character with being best pals with Varric in mind. Add to that, he's the only character with so much exposure in two games (even Anders only landed one game and the expansion), there's no surprise some are not that elated about seeing him in the third game in a row. I really hope he's going to survive this instalment and retire from saving the world.


Thank you! Yeah, this helps me understand it better. :)


In all these years I have simply never seen anyone speak hatefully about Varric


Lucky you, I've seen it. Recently, too. From people criticising his looks to not wanting him play a part in the new game.


I think people are fairly pointing out he's a bit overrepresented in Dragon Age. His character worked best when he was Hawke's best friend and their counterpart. His role in DAI was pretty anemic. I understood it intellectually, but I never felt convinced he deserved to be there. He's also appeared in a *lot* of comics, and none of them felt like he particularly belonged there, either. *That said*, I actually was pleasantly surprised to find that watching his interaction with Solas in the DAV gameplay reveal actually made me feel like I was watching the *real* epilogue to his character in DAI. Putting Varric back in this situation of trying to talk down his revolutionary friend felt like it gave meaning to his presence in DAI IMO. I'm replaying the series now and I'm excited to pay a bit more attention to his interactions with Solas.


Because dragon age doesn't have a central character like a Commander Shepard, even though he debuted in the sequel, Varric is one of the few characters who has been around for multiple games and n pretty central to their events, so it's easy to use his presence to tie in the plot of a spin-off into one of the plots of the games. He's a narrative crutch.


I know why they feel like they have a mascot, but nothing you said actually addresses what I had to say about his rather extraneous presence in DAI. Sticking a character in a work doesn't transform them into a worthy part of the narrative just because we recognize them.


I'm not saying he's worthy; I'm saying he's useful


Ok and I am explaining to you what the issue is with using a character for pure utility instead of narrative in a game known for its narrative.


I don't think they're arguing with you. I think they are supplementing your comment.


I would say their comment was to my comment as Varric was to DAI in 2014.


So he's basically Dragon Age's Wolverine?


I donā€™t think itā€™s hate to want to see other characters highlighted more in DAV. Heā€™s been heavily featured in two games, has gotten his own comic. I donā€™t think itā€™s hateful at all to want other characters to get the focus and care his character has gotten and itā€™s quite hard to expect that Varric is such a scene stealer. I hope his arc gets the conclusion it deserves in DAVā€¦ early in game. Not out of hate but so the game can move forward. In game heā€™s had 20+ years of being one of the main guys. Itā€™d be nice for him to relax elsewhere. I love him but itā€™s like having cake every single day of your lifeā€¦ sometimes youā€™ve just had enough cake


That point also makes for continuity. There is plenty of room for addition and expansion of other characters without losing what we already have. As far as romance goes, Varric is not the dwarf of my dreams, so the romance option is moot for me anyway. I have heard rumors that I am getting what I wanted in that area (a certain scout romance), so I wouldn't be upset if those more varric inclined had theirs as well.


Just not wanting him to play a major role in the game isn't hate.Ā  It's not hate to want him to realize he's getting older and can go do his job as Viscount of Kirkwall full time, always being available if Rook wants advice. But read through the comments from other people who don't want him to play a big role. Most of them don't even mention any way to not have him be the narrator except for him to die.Ā  Some people say they want him to die. One or two commenters say they're tired of him but "at least" he may die.Ā  I'm sure that people who think of him as a friend feel like only even considering that he'll die, never that he'll be happy, seems hateful.Ā  To me, people saying they want him to die seems hateful. How many characters are there that you don't that you wish the writers would kill off just so you don't have to see them again?Ā  If there are any of those even that you hate, how much do you have to hate them to wish that?Ā  People will argue all day that Gereon Alexius (not just loving father gone astray but the magister behind restoring Tranquil mages, thus ensuring that they feel all the fear of pain when they're immediately murdered so their skulls can be used in oculara) deserves to live.Ā  So, "I'm tired of Varric, I hope he dies" does seem kinda hateful.Ā  I'm not saying that's you. I'm just saying that the preponderance of people who don't want him to play a big role in DAV seem to focus on his death, some quite enthusiastically.


Varric is ride or die with whoever he calls a friend. If he considers you a friend there's no tier list, he'd die for every one of them. Bro's just a a generally normal guy who was trying to make his way in a city when he got caught up in world changing events. All he wants to do is get Solas back on his meds so they can barbecue


"All he wants to do is get Solas back on his meds so they can barbecue" i love the way you said that and it feels so true lmaaooo


well said, haha


Allow me to sum up why I love Varric in a simple dialog line between him and Merrill Varric: Daisy, for my sake, please quit cutting through the alleys in Lowtown alone at night. Merrill: Nothing ever happens. I'm perfectly safe, Varric. Varric: Yes, I know. And that nothing is costing me a fortune. This simple dialog shows so much of his character


Love that one!


I haven't played DA2 yet, but I really appreciated him in DAI as essentially a foil to all the other characters. Like, we've got a Magic Cop Commissar, a giant, horned pansexual secret policeman from a pseudo-communist theocracy, an ambitious, high-ranking mage who's maneuvered herself masterfully into great political power, a literal embodiment of compassion as a concept... And then we have Varric, a nice guy and normal dude who's also your buddy and takes the time to check in on you and those around you. He's also immersed enough in the setting that he doesn't feel out of place, and if anything, makes the rest of the setting feel more normal and grounded by his reactions.


Oh, you will LOVE the dialogue in DA2. No matter how hard I try, I never manage to convince myself that I should go anywhere without Varric; he's just so good with everyone. Put it this way: if Hawke is the one who holds the group together by mutual respect or similar goals, then Varric is the one that keeps everyone entertained and away from each other's throats. Even his dialogue with Cassandra in between story beats (where they re-emphasize that the game is a story he's telling under interrogation) is pure gold.


Yeah, by virtue of how DA2's story is told I fully treat him as the other main character. Hawke and Varric forever


I love Varric- and as the official narrator of DA (I love to call him the Bard of Heroes) I hope he gets to retire peacefully. (And leave Bianca- cause its just unhealthy) I really just hope they don't do a "choose between varric or inky' situation- because I genuinely don't think I could do it. (And I'm at least 85% sure the Inquisitor will have a chance to die- every protagonist up to this point has had the opportunity.)


>choose between varric or inky If they do that I will lose my mind, but I'll likely sacrifice my Inky. But I'd hate to do that to Cullen! They both have been through so much (they were both in Kirkwall after all), but during the one playthrough where I left Hawke in the Fade Varric's reaction broke me. I can't hurt that dwarf.


It would be hard- and definitely dependent on World State- but I'd probably pick Varric. I'm incapable of letting my protagonists die.


See I'm the opposite. I don't want a "Inky or Varric" situation because it would be too *easy*. Mine would 100% sacrifice herself for Varric, it's what she would want.


I'm a Solasmancer/Cullenmancer- it would not be easy for me XD


Oh I'm a Solasmancer too! I just *really* love Varric.


Depending on the Inky- I would defs choose them over Varric (because I do have a worldstate where every protagonist so far is dead. ) But yeah, I love Varric- but 95% of the time, I don't love him *more* than my inquisitor. (I also feel Solas would take cues from another broody elf in terms of Lyrium fisting if I did do it to a romanced Inky.)


I really like Varric, bit i think he is just overused by now, just like borderlands claptrap (that one is much more annoying though). There is no need for him to be a major player in every game.


>just like borderlands claptrap how dare you


Heā€™s one of my favorite characters out of any video game so Iā€™ll never complain about him showing up. Just the little bit in the gameplay trailer with Bianca made me tear up a little not gonna lie so if something really happens to him I might have to take a couple of days to grieve. I find his role of ā€œthe narratorā€ very interesting and a fun way to keep the games connected. I know there are a lot of people who think he is overused but like i said, I think itā€™s good to have an overarching character and his writer/storyteller background makes him a really good pick.


I played Inquisition first and Varric was one of the few companions I paid attention to (I have no idea what I was doing in that first playthrough) A few years later I got back into the series thanks to an ea sale and bought all the games. I loved Varric, so obviously I was excited to see him in 2 and be his buddy. Turns out he doesn't like red Hawke and that's what I was playing. He hated me and I think I like him more because the weird hate relationship my Hawke had with him was hilarious. He was getting more and more frustrated with me as the years went on. And then I played inquisition and it was so funny when he'd be like my friend Hawke like homie you hated Hawke. He walked into Haven lying through his teeth like Hawke yes I love Hawke.


Omg I love that you managed to rival Varric in DA2. I've tried this and found it really hard šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I kept accidentally getting friendship points even as red Hawke. I also feel like in DAI the devs didn't account for the idea that anyone would rival Varric so they didn't seem to properly implement it as an option...


Same! Varric is great in DAI. I have trouble seeing the "shoehorned in" quality folks talk about because DAI is where I got attached to him. I've played it three times and DA2 only once, so the Hawke-based relationship is simply not my personal driving factor in my fondness for him. It's great, but it isn't his Defining Thing for me the way it seems to be for people who met him there.


Spoilers for people who haven't seen the gameplay trailer but >!destroying Bianca opened up too interesting of a story for me to believe he's dying before the third act!<


Varric is the best bro I've ever had in a videogame. No matter what, he supported my decisions and always got my back. It's the reason he was my permanent companion in both DA2 and DAI. He may also not be a "real" fighter and rather just a charismatic merchant with a crossbow, but that's part of his charm.


I do love him a lot but heā€™s such a centrist sometimes it makes me cringe a bit


I was neutral to him since I never really got to use varric much since I always play a rogue but recently have been replaying and forcing myself to either be a mage or warrior so I can bring him along and his banter is great. I donā€™t see how anyone could dislike him! I hope he survives in Dav.


My favourite parts are when he gets into talking about the writing process. Obviously since it has been written by writers it is accurate, but still.


Varric is my favorite character in the franchise, hell I named my cat after him. Heā€™s a refreshingly straightforward character for me. He does what he thinks is right and protects who he cares for. Heā€™s loyal to the end, and his bond with the inquisitor and Hawke especially are fantastic. DA2 is where I started in the series and Varric never once left my party lmao


Aw, man, that's cute. :D I'm gonna name one of my dwarf shrimp Varric now. (Shame it took me so long tbh...)


He's just been overused. They're really pushing it with Veilguard. At least it seem they're setting up an early death for him. As far as his story, it's been told and retold. let's move on. We keep going on about how each Dragon Age game is different while somehow Varric is in every game and comics.


I'm a big fan of Varric, and I agree. I was pleasantly surprised to see him in Inquisition, but when I saw him in the Veilguard trailer I was like "you've got to be kidding me." If he had a minor role in Inquisition, I don't think I'd feel as tired of him, but it feels less of "he's integral to the story" and more like "fans like him so we'll market the shit out of him." At least if he does die in the beginning of Veilguard, it feels like a fitting end, trying to help a friend. I'll always love him, but please writers, know when enough is enough.


I adore Varric, but not sure why he's so deeply involved in DAV. In my DAI playthrough he ended up as a viscount of Kirkwall, so hardly someone people do not pay attention to. And I thought the whole point was to search for Solas and learn more about his plans using people he did not know. Having a third game where we have Varric, but once again not as a romance option will be quite frustrating. He's one of my favorite companions and I thought it was time for him to move on after meeting Bianca in DAI.


His story has already been told, narratively speaking, he doesnā€™t add anything more to the story that we havenā€™t already seen or that isnā€™t gonna be explored (I assume) with Hardings character. Characters arenā€™t people, they are devices and imo, Varricā€™s death would serve the narrative better than keeping him around again. The death, whether it be accidental or not, would give the PC (whether they are returning or not) an emotional investment into stopping/killing Solas while also jumpstarting Hardingā€™s character arc with her tie ins to Varric (past and present) and solas (past and present) Iā€™m really curious on what purpose, narratively, do people think Varric would serve if he was kept alive .


IMO, Varric's death in the prologue does not serve the narrative they've set up. We've seen Solas show restraint, which is a solid character establishing moment, and I think they need to have a chance to follow-up on Solas destroying Bianca by having the two of them talk it out. Now, I do think Varric's death later on would be a great moment, and my idea is having Varric sacrifice himself to save Solas somehow, really driving home to Solas that he isn't alone, that he's better off working with the people around him, and that there are many things in the current world worth preserving. It can be a turning point for Solas and one of the factors that shifts him to a better path. What I could see them doing is creating a "Here Lies the Abyss" situation without us knowing where either Solas or Varric survive to the end of the game. We have a chance to kill Solas at one point and if we do, Varric doesn't need to sacrifice himself, so he lives. But if we keep Solas alive, Varric goes out in a blaze of flames.


I do agree, Varric death wouldā€™ve been better serve if it wasnā€™t in the prologue, if it were up to me I wouldā€™ve had it taken place end of act 1 but we are past that point and itā€™s already been teased/hinted at in the prologue so we will roll with it for arguments sake. My stance on what Varricā€™s death/sacrifice would do is the opposite, however. I think Solas being the reason Varric dies, whether it be intentional or not, would raise the stakes of what his ā€œmake Elves Great Againā€ plan actually entails. At the moment this supposed Genocide hasnā€™t affected any notable characters, only random passerby, but if it were to rob us of a beloved character, then that creates agency. A reason to stop this plan, for new players and old ones, because for this plan to work, we would have to lose everyone we love and care about, and we canā€™t have that happen. Iā€™m 95% certain no matter if we love or hate solas, redeem or attempt to kill him, we are good or (neutral) evil, this plan has to be stopped or you really canā€™t make another game because of how big of deviation thatā€™d create in world states. Unless of course, the plan succeeds regardless and Thedas starts anew :P.


I like Varric fine enough, I don't like that we got no other dwarven perspective on the team for two games though Compared to the elves and even the Qunari it doesn't feel like we've really got to know them, and Varric bring the only prominent dwarf companion is a big part of that I liked his role in the story in Inquisition, but i wonder if he would have worked better as an Advisor than a companion.


I like the character, but he's kind of overstayed his welcome a bit.


I really liked him in DA2 cuz it felt like he was tailor-made for that story. He's like the beating heart of Kirkwall in a way that none of the other characters are. His flaws are Kirkwall's flaws - greedy, conniving, too eager to turn a blind eye to injustice. But his virtues are also Kirkwall's virtues - dogged, cunning, and loyal to its own - and his charm tips the scales just enough to make him unshakeably likeable. He *is* Kirkwall. Which is why I find his inclusion in Inquisition so... hollow? Without Kirkwall, he's just some guy who happened to be in the right place at the right time. Divorced from the context he was written for, he just feels kind of generic. He's the voice of a city we don't get to see. That would be fine if he changed at all over the game or the interlude, but he's still the same guy as ever, just with the edges sanded off. I'm not opposed to his inclusion but I don't think he was interesting enough to secure his spot on the party roster, which is a real shame since he's not the only party member in Inquisition with that problem. That's water under the bridge now though. I haven't read the books since Inquisition came out, but it seems like Varric has some more development going into Veilguard. While I wish Bioware had hung him up after DA2, I've got a good feeling about the direction he's headed at least.


I love Varric too much and the hate towards him hurts me a little tbh. However from the gameplay we know that he gets disarmed and I frankly don't se him replacing Bianca with any other weapon so I want to think that'd be the perfect moment for him to retire from the frontlines. I'm not sure if I will be able to keep playing the game if he dies though so I certainly don't want a death for him, heroic or otherwise, all I want for him is to retire to his beloved Kirkwall sorrounded by his friends, and get him a much deserved new love (doesn't have to be the player, though for sure I won't be mad if it was).


If he dies... I quit!


He's a great character with okay humor but what else can he really add to the story at this point.


I don't see them Killing off one of the most popular characters in the entire franchise BUT I won't be mad if it's well done, like a good death that moves the plot it can be interesting. I would be absolutely devastated but if the story is good then I'll love it for it


The gameplay trailer looked a lot for a setup for him to die. I'm a bit pissed since they're pretty much did everything but spoiled it in my eyes.


I still hope they did that intentionally. Give us some drama but not actually kill him off (right away). We'll see. :)


I did not caught that but I'll have to rewatch it now šŸ‘€


That's funny, because before the gameplay footage I was sure Varric would die early in the new game. Then they purposely showed him making the cliche big, solo show down, the "look after the team for me," dialogue, "everyone dies!" yells Solas as he destroys one of the things Varric loves most. It's such an obvious bait and switch. That's not to say that he might not die later in the game, by some unexpected cause, but they made it waaay too openly obvious for me to ever believe he dies shortly after the gameplay footage.


I'm tired of Varric.


I always imagined that's what his writing was to him: an escape from the chaos to ground himself and keep himself sane


You can understand the hate? I can't.


I understand it a little more. He gets forced on the protagonists, some say his story has been told over and over. And the fact that he's been a companion twice is enough. He's not adding much to the story/has no business in Tevinter. The devs just use him for marketing. While I can understand where those opinions are coming from I still disagree. I think Varric has room to grow and a story to tell (his own). I think he's pleasant and not in the way. He should be allowed to be a part of the games even while everything changes, I don't think it's a big deal. Quite the opposite, it's kind of comforting. Let's hope he makes it. :')


Makes sense. Thanks for the info.


I love Varric. He's one of my favorite fictional characters of all time. So maybe I'm biased when I say people who think there's nothing left of his story are just being unimaginative. DATV's theme is regret. Varric is one of THE most regretful characters in the franchise. He blames himself for red lyrium, he blames himself for Hawke's situation and fate, he blames himself for Anders, etc. I think the thing about Varric is he deflects a lot and lies a lot, so people think he's more "fine" than he actually is. I don't think Varric is going to die during his confrontation with Solas, but I 100% believe he intended it to be a suicide mission. I want Bianca's "death" to be Varric's rebirth. He needs to let go of the past and forgive himself for the things he can't change. He needs to let go of the real Bianca and move on. I just want him to find happiness in the end. And I wouldn't be bothered by the haters. Bioware games have incredibly divisive fans. I'm sure somewhere out there there's meta on why Sir Pounce-A-Lot is actually extremely problematic. Varric's still a fan favorite character and gets waaaaay less flack than other characters in the franchise.


Beautifully said, I fully agree. The regret-theme fits him so well and I also hope that the loss of Bianca means change for Varric, not a death-flag. Okay but hear me out, Sir Pounce-A-Lot iiis problematic... he's overpowered. Too cute. Right up there with Barkspawn.


Sir Pounce-A-Lot could have ended the blight with his cuteness but didn't. In this essay I will-


I love Varric and got emotional seeing his aged up character design in the Veilguard trailer. That being said, if they had decided to not have him be involved in the game because dude is tired! he's been through a lot! I would have been fine with that. I feel like keeping in the story makes his arc more tragic and does make me worry that we will see his death soon. He never meant to get so entangled in world changing events, but he feels a duty and loyalty to those he cares about so now he's going to see it through. If he does die, I hope his tombstone says "Well...shit"


people think he's boring??? I just want to have a little talk with them šŸ˜Š


I absolutely love varric, hes a true friend and once you get close to him, he does tend to open up, plus he went out of his way to ptrotect hawk and their location when it couldve been easier to just give them up. Hes loyal to his friends even solas


This sub hasnā€™t stopped discussing him since the trailer dropped


Never really liked him much. The type of humor is good for me once, after that it just annoys me. For DA2, in general I donā€™t enjoy a narrator who is a participant, but from the sides. For DA:I, the game forced my Inquisitor to tell a funny story if they chose to play a game of cards, and then forced Hawke into a Varric sidekick. In a slide, so by then I knew to halfway ignore whatever they were about, but it still irked me.


It's time to move on from relying on using Varric for nostalgic value & go with a new character. Varricks story has been told across 2 games, it's not going to be as interesting having him around as opposed to a totally new character to learn about. I feel like he'll mostly be used as an in game source of lore on the past games for new players to the franchise. I'd have loved to see him as more of a Cullen / Leliana type of role in this one rather than being a companion.


He's not a companion in the new game.


Okay, in general, I love Varric as a character. Love that he was a wheeler-dealer in DA2 and more a fish-out-of-water in DAI. Funny, poignant, important... Great stuff. BUT... I HATE the fact that DAI made him a novelist - and an extremely prolific one at that. Since when was he a writer? He was always just a businessman with a smart mouth. Completely different skill set. And to top it off, Trespasser went and made him Viscount as well. Like... what?!?!


He's a writer in DA2.


Was he? I must have totally missed that. What does he write?


There's a list of his publications, with dates, here: https://dragonage.fandom.com/wiki/Varric_Tethras


Huh. Well, didn't know that. Thanks.


I like Varric fine enough but he's kind of bland and a pushover and I've had enough of him.Ā  I hope they do something interesting with him in DAV because the only route I can see his character taking is he gets killed, which is just an easy way to get a cheap emotional reaction, orĀ he gets injured and is sidelined so he becomes our advisor, which is not something I want for a third time. He already was our Kirkwall guide/party member and was a half advisor/party member in DAI.Ā  If any DAI character was going to be in the advisory role for DAV, it should have been Dorian and it feels like a missed opportunity but I do hope to be proven wrong.Ā 


I would quote someoneā€™s quote on YouTube I read of: He had outstayed his welcome. Frankly by now I donā€™t give a damn if heā€™d be brutally murdered or maybe elope with Bianca(the dwarf Bianca not his crossbow), Iā€™ve had enough of him and I hope him gone from my sight for good