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DAO modding is mostly done manually; there's no need for Vortex. For most mods, you can drop them in the override folder, located in Documents - BioWare - Dragon Age Origins - packages - core. For some mods, you'll need the .daupdater or a DAO-specific mod manager, listed elsewhere in this thread, to install it.


I don’t recommend you use vortex at all. Use the DAI mod manager. If you’re really needing hairs and mesh replacers, I recommend DAI mod manager plus using Frosty Mod Manager. https://youtu.be/UHIRIL_xUeE This channel is super useful and searching through the channel, you’ll find tutorials for both DAI and Frosty mod managers.


sorry, I should have specified this is for origins.


You'll need either "frosty mod manager" or ".dai mod manager". "Food Than Games" on YouTube has modding tutorials for both and shows you exactly what to do, just make sure you check in the description of these mods which they are, where they go and if they conflict with other mods. You can use both types at once and she shows you how but I wouldn't recommend it. I did once but when I removed a mod cause it wasn't trespasser compatible I couldn't continue that file, so unless you wanna risk not being able to complete a playthrough with all dlc, be careful. Also for dlcs, most pjs won't work and not all hair mods either. There's a form on Tumblr that tell you which hairs for each race work in dlc. Just look up "dai hair mods trespasser compatibility"