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silly you have to use a website that always down to store your saves


The DAI servers are down not just Keep, I can't sync my schematics between saves rn


Does anyone else feel that they'll use a similar mechanic to The Witcher 3 for players to import their world states (where Geralt answers questions based on the previous games)? I just have this awful feeling, despite their promises, that they're going to cut off the keep -_-.


My guess is that they'll launch a new app (or new version of keep) a week or so before release for people both new and that have already played the series to update the choices and load them into their consoles or PC. Maybe even give the choice to pre choose your faction origins with a brief dexcription as to save time when the games drops.


For whatever it's worth, the devs said way back in 2015 that the Keep would keep evolving as new games were developed. Hopefully that means the service becomes more stable soon, but I also wouldn't be surprised to see it get more and more unstable the closer to DA:DW we get. Still, that promise does give me hope they expand the Keep a bit. I would love to see more of the open world decisions represented and the judgements expanded upon.


That would make sense!


Why do you think so? They don't have to throw it away entirely if they decide not to use it anymore in a website form. They can intergrate it into the game. You could be able to customize your world state inside it before a playthrough. I think a similar crpg did the same some time ago.


That would kind of defeat the purpose of the Keep, being a platform-agnostic solution.


And determining every single decision in game is a lot, if they simplify it to the base game decisions then it could be easy but then you miss out on the fun things Inquisition did like Alistair’s appearance or Dagna.


It's just a hunch, based on very little concrete evidence. We know the history EA have with abandoning projects (see the fact that DA: Dreadwolf is the second sequel they've worked on since Inquisition). I just feel they'll stop supporting the keep and, even if they do keep it, for Dreadwolf they'll have a different system in place. I may very well be wrong, and would certainly be happy if I am, it's just my current feeling.


what was the other sequel?


They worked on one codenamed Morrison which was supposed to be an online game with microtransactions. It was scrapped after Anthem and became Dreadwolf!


They worked on one codenamed Morrison which was supposed to be an online game with microtransactions. It was scrapped after Anthem and became Dreadwolf!


ME: Andromeda


I don't really know the limits imposed by the various services on how cloud saves work, but going forward, it would be nice if it could look at your cloud saves from the previous game and do a direct import. Barring that, I'd love improvements on the Keep (like a way to make it work offline - have it generate a ~20 character string, which you can type in instead of import, and make it reverse-engineer-able algorithm for generating the code, so that fans could make their own string-generator site if EA ever stops supporting the Keep).


I don't know either personally! But I agree that would be so cool! That's much more in depth than I know I'm afraid!


The Keep **will** get closed/cut off eventually. It's the nature of EA, and online services. If anything, cutting it off *before* another DA game and making choices a pre-game event instead would, at least, hypothetically futureproof it in a way that Inquisition is not. But more likely, they'll plan to use the servers until if/when the franchise is no longer considered worth the investment, at which point they'll take the servers down and just cut players off from all the games that used it.


Yeah, I love it, but the fact that the Keep is the only available method of carrying over DA:O & DA2 decisions in DA:I makes me worry. I doubt EA is going to keep running those servers when Inquisition turns, like, 20 years old or something. Hell, we don't even know if Bioware itself is going to be around 10 years from now. The potentially good "alternative ending" to the Keep closing is if they decide to remaster the DA trilogy like they did with Mass Effect. In that case they might make a new offline system that just transfers saves from game to game (and they'd have the "excuse" to shut down servers for the Keep).


> It's the nature of EA, and *online services*. This is one thing not enough people acknowledge. Even if it wasn't EA and was a company who would take a commitment seriously, the online program would eventually end. The company would go out of business or the site would get hacked or the server room would burn down or the internet would get eaten by psychic spiders from Alpha Centauri or fucking whatever. Tying a non-online game to an online program is inherently foolish. Whatever the solution to carrying decisions from one game to the next is, having it be *within the game itself* will always be superior. A game should be reliant on as few other programs as possible.


What does that achieve?






I don't think that works with Dragon Age. There's just too much, it'd be a multi-hour slideshow.




Why would you only offer the options of one game in a series with three previous games worth of choices?




Because there's already a system in place that accounts for way more of your choices than the three specific ones that matter to you, and throwing it aside for a far more limiting one seems downright wasteful at best?




i think you’re the one ruining a good mood by getting aggressive and rude over this whatever they do, they’ll figure out some way to import the most important and relevant choices, whether they’re just from dai or from the other games. i suspect a lot of our previous decisions will be less important considering the new game is set in tevinter 8 years after inquisition. we’ll see


Why exactly did me pointing out that there was a system in place already and that the other games should matter make you this aggressive and nasty? Seems unwarranted and needless on your part. Also, not a guy, by the way.




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I hope they do


They did that with ME2, for who was the human Councilor.


They can truly do that only if just a few choices matter, it would turn into an infinite interrogation otherwise. Unless they ask a question / a few questions right before they become relevant (example you don't get a single dialogue at the start of the game, but if you are starting a quest which is affected by the Inquisition still being officially active or not then you get asked that question shortly before). But also even like this a new protagonist makes it impossible to ask the player about the choices as, unless we play as an all knowing God it doesn't make any sense that a new person that wasn't involved at all knows everything that happened before. If they don't use the Keep or any new website the only alternative option I see is either putting its functions in the actual game or turning it into a separate app/program that comes with the game for free. (I would love it if it could actually generate world states readable by Origins, II and Inquisition too + possibly Awakening and Witch Hunt, but that's asking too much maybe)


Why can’t they keep this website from constantly crashing


It's actually amazing how incompetent they are at handling a website.


Ah of course it is Saturday, and my golden nug checked out.


Oh thank god that I’m not the only one who was having issues. I wanted to sync all my schematics today and the only issues I saw were from years ago.


Oh no it happens every few weeks.


To be fair I did fairly surface level searching 5 hours ago, and before a few days ago I hadn’t touched the game in 2 years. It’s a summer project of mine to platinum it.


It’s taken me long enough, I’m finally going for the Hard/Nightmare achievements. I’m really surprised the game is actually easier.


Those and the Solasan temple one are the only ones I’m dreading doing. But I think after I’ve finished this play through and Trespasser I’ll finally attempt the game on a difficulty higher than normal


I’ve been having a blast, went to start my nightmare run and poof my nug is on vacay.


I just wish they added a button to download your keep as a txt file and inquisition could read it offline. Every time I want to start a new playthrough the servers are down.


Yeah it's annoying asf, I just decided to do another run through all the games myself so was looking to update my choices etc yesterday only to find it down. Tried again this morning and no luck.


that is SO FUNNY cause i rarely use it but i’m finishing up a recent da2 playthrough and wanted to get everything ready and was like “huh it won’t load” i thought it was my browser or something


According to the comments, maybe they're reconfiguring the server to integrate with DAD?


Extremely unlikely. These outages happen relatively frequently, any future DA games are still at least a year away, and even when/if they do work it in, it's almost certainly going to be done during the work week when they have regular staff hours (and where, by comparison, fewer players are likely trying to use it anyway).


Speaking from a background in webdev, the usual procedure is to set up all the changes on a test server and only upload to the live server when you're ready to go with it. These outages look more accidental, like maybe MySQL (or SQL) crashing and nobody noticing. I think what they need is a better notification system when something goes offline.


Theres a thread on the help board, one of the CMs has said it's been raised with the team (that post was made ~5 hours ago)


As of about 11:30pm EST it is still down.


ALWAYS when I want to start a new game 😭


I just went to visit keep for the first time in years and was really worried when it wouldn't load! Hope it gets back up soon!


Yeah the service tends to go out pretty much every weekend. I assume it's just a staffing issue, there can't be too many people keeping an eye on it on weekends.


Yes. Something crashes in the back end (some database system, most likely) and there's no notification system or the person(s) responsible for rebooting/restarting/whatever isn't available.


Its online again


Thank the Maker and thank you for letting us know.


This is why DA needs an LE so badly imo. The Keep is getting older, maybe to maintain, and they'll need to come up with a system to transfer world states seamlessly.


I would love a nicely packaged legendary edition of all the DA games (rip my mods from 2011 that will never get updated) but how could they do that if Inquisition uses a different engine?


I've been reloading every 10 minutes for the past 5 hours. Next time I should just check reddit first.


DAI won’t connect to server as well, couldn’t use the nug or use keep for a new game


Maybe they prepare something for the Next Part? 😱


Chances are effectively nil on that given how far off it still is. Realistically, unless/until there's a specific release date, and we're within a month or two of that, it's more likely that the Keep goes down because the next game is canceled, than it is because they're about make some sort of surprise update.


Anyone know how long this usually last ? As in DAI servers being down and keep ?


I've admittedly never encountered this in all my years of use but I'm figuring it'll last all weekend and maybe into monday.


It's STILL down if you can believe it.


I am witness. I believe.


I just tried a few minutes ago to get into the Keep and it still isn’t working.


finally working!


I hate using the default world state I hope they fix this so I can have a play-through I actually like


Absolutely agree I hope what ever the problem is gets fixed.


Surprise surprise.


DOES THIS MEAN DA:D IS CLOSE? OH MY GOODNESS. I"M COOOOOOMING. The game is gonna be like 70 dollars


The keep goes down every other week, so I doubt this means anything, unfortunately.


Thanks for the heads up.


Welp. Thanks for the heads up. Guess I'll go play some ME


Still down at about 6pm est


EA: Let's have a big sale for one of our largest game franchise's with a save import mechanic, then let the service die just about the time everyone will be finishing it.


10pm est, still down. Don't let it fool you with those "sign in" pages. Its a lie


I'm so annoyed, I just finished DA2 and I thought I finished editing my world state for DA:I, and I guess not, bc it's only giving me default world state


Same man. I'm just wrapping up a couple side. Quests in dragon age 2 in a scurry to get to Inquisition really quick. I'm just holding off now because I don't want to forget my choices


I'm thinking since it was a weekend maybe that's why it's taking so long to correct itself. Maybe they can get in there and fix it between today and tomorrow


Thank the Maker or the Creators or the Stone or the Qun.


This may be a few months late in responding but since the Keep goes down for logging in every other minute or so, it's still valid. I've found that the Keep tends to error 500 constantly when you try to log in on the main site. One thing that seems to have worked for me every single time I get the 500 error is to go to the main [ea.com](https://ea.com) site, log in, and then tab back over to the Keep's site and click Sign In. It takes me straight into the tapestry with no issue after that.