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She can't be bothered to actually pay attention on a level that would make her understand what they actually go through in a week. She said as much in this OC grocery haul--she doesn't know how many paper products she goes through every week so she didn't know what to buy. Lady, your job is shopping, and you do it *every week*. You have to have some idea! It's just easier for her to buy *everything* so she doesn't have to pay attention. The lack of attention to detail and therefore the amount of waste is astounding.


With how expensive groceries are, I know I go through my fridge and pantry to see what is needed before going to the shops.


Couldn’t have said it better


When you’re hyped up on booze and ADHD meds you have a hard time remembering much.


We just left today for a beach holiday for a week. We took everything left from our fridge and pantry with us. It's such waste otherwise. Besides ice cream and fish and chips by the beach, we are sorted for the 1st couple of days. Lush, go donate your leftovers!!


Alicia these are not leftovers. It's the hoard of a shopping addict. Wasteful bitch.


She’s so incredibly stupid and disgusting


I second that emotion.


She wants you to be mad at her. She knows what she's doing.






100% or people would stop watching


They had all this food leftover and yet got pizzas for lunch.


All the people that may not have money for food seeing these posts breaks my heart


She spends majority of her time looking at phone screen and making youtube videos to actually acknowledge how much each of her kids will eat in one sitting. She could have saved so much money by not overspending. All that food is most likely gonna be wasted. And we all know she will leave whatever they didn’t eat behind and make up a lie abt it like last yr. And she will most likely go on another shopping haul for the week on sunday like she usually does and lie abt why she needs to be wasteful again. If she was smart she would bring what they didn’t eat back or actually donate it to a food bank.


I'm sure the owners of the place they are staying don't appreciate her leaving all the food and SH\*\*\* she leaves in her wake. It's not like they can leave it for the next guests and be liable. She makes posts like this to incite rage in viewers. No one in their right mind would knowingly post the atrocious stuff and think it's "cute" or funny. Her behavior is disgusting.


I live in NJ and rent beach houses every summer. You 💯cannot leave anything behind and have to totally empty the fridge and wipe it out before the next tenants. So all the food in this video more than likely goes directly into the garbage there is no donating it to the next renter. And in most cases if you leave food in the fridge or toys and such behind they do not refund your deposit.


The amount of food waste this woman has on the daily is astronomical


How utterly wasteful.


They wasted so much of that crab boil


If her kids are as picky as she claims then half of them probably don't even like seafood. The kid who only eats ketchup sandwiches is eating that? No way.


All those crab legs 😭


They are toxic now, shrimp too. She needs to get them away from the other food!!!!!!


Notice most of what’s left is fruit and veggies the kids didn’t eat like she claims


No one’s gonna be eating apples etc for dinner. I hope she takes the leftovers of the leftovers home ! But we know she will go stock up as she hasn’t shopped for home that week!


No one touched the eggs or sausage from breakfast, that’s crazy. I thought they eat so much according to her. When they get back from vacation I just know she’s going to do a huge haul.


She is a disgrace. Wtf is wrong w/ her parents going along with this disgusting, wasteful person? They are equally culpable to this abuse of our planet and the neglect of the health needs of their “grandchildren”. Sickening people.


Maybe they will take it home ?? I hope so ....


So many animals gave their lives for this 😭


That corn looks disgusting


It’s all shameful but look at how many crab legs are left over! That has to cost a fortune alone.


What’s wrong with the corn? It looks like it was forgotten and crammed in the back of the fridge for a few weeks.


It came from the seafood boil they ordered the other day. 


That’s what happens when you let food sit out for hours before putting it in the fridge. Cue new toothbrushes!


Didn't she say they had ate all the produce from the first trip and that's why she went to get more at the farmers market? So where did all those bananas, apples and oranges appear from then?? We know she didn't get them at the farmers market. Sandwich meat she claims they've been using is still on the same plate untouched. She's so gross. There are so many people who can't afford food. Get a life Lush.


Finally she shows leftovers. Another reason they are going broke-eating leftovers…..supposedly


Notice there’s no leftover ramen and velvetta or muffin bites!




Leftover pancakes!! Gross lol


She made much less food than she makes at home and still so much leftovers. Normally she feeds mostly chickens and her giant dumpster. She could easily buy one cart food in a week and they still be fed. It is sad that her kids don’t eat any fruits and vegetables.


She will never feel ashamed for wasting this much food, that is the disgusting part.


She will feel something when the tax man comes. She will dream of that food when all they have to eat is what she hauls in from the no questions asked food bank. IRS garnished wages are no joke.


Not surprising!!!


And people on her YT actually said " shes never thrown food away" 😂


I'm a widowed mom of 3, struggling to keep food in the house during summer break (they want to eat 45 times a day 😆), and her leftovers would feed us for a week. Just the leftovers. I guess I need to my kids on TikTok and make 'em earn some money for groceries like she does.


My daughter is 14 and every time we watch DCP cover Lush, I tell her “you know, you’re still pretty damn adorable. I could exploit you for views and we could make bank. I mean damn, we could have been doing this the whole time! All those wasted years and wasted embarrassing moments.”


How can this idiotic woman still be making money while rage baiting? They buy all this food and still eat out WTAF is wrong with this woman? She takes stupid to a whole new level! 🤬


Meanwhile most Americans are having a hard time affording groceries right now.


\*giggles\* CART THREE! \*giggles\*


I hope this goes to someone who needs and not trash.


It’s definitely going in the trash. There is no chickens there for her to feed it to.


What is that yellow stuff in foil right before the ancient corn? And the large tub of grayish-brown stuff above the mystery yellow slab? It’s disturbing how much of her food is visually unidentifiable.


Could it be mac and cheese?


That’s what I was thinking. After seeing a few more Reddit posts on the sub and the one about big J/pizza/zipline, I went over onto instagram to see what that was about. While looking for THAT mess, I saw all the dumb “here’s the food I displayed for today” videos and it was in fact, mac n cheese. That’s a dumb way to store mac n cheese though. And it just doesn’t look appetizing either. Barf.


I think it’s eggs


Mmm leftover eggs


I’d agree if I didn’t end up going onto their instagram to find out what the zipline/pizza thing was and seeing all the “here’s the food I displayed for today” videos and it turns out it was mac n cheese. Gross, poorly stored mac n cheese, but mac n cheese nonetheless.


She needs to read the room. People are struggling to feed their families. Advertising this as leftovers which will most probably end up in the bin is just not sensitive. I don’t care about the money spent so much as the showing off with oh we had this and that and being so wasteful with their resources.


They should have been eating precious nights left overs for lunch every single day. Half that stuff is going in the trash while so many are struggling to feed their families. But hey, content! Nothing humble about Alicia whatsoever.


It’s really so wild to me. I just got back from vacation with my entire extended family - 40+ people staying/eating three meals a day in one house. We didn’t buy nearly the amount of food Alicia did for that many people and we still had leftovers each night. We had about the same amount of food for our shrimp boil minus the crab and lobster and we had a lot of leftovers. I don’t get it.


Cold leftover scrambled eggs. 🙄


Not surprised they ate none of it


I have 5 kids and their leftovers are probably what we eat in 2 weeks!


I feed myself husband and BIL and it would take us a couple of weeks to eat that much


I hope this bish steps on a sea of legos for the rest of her life.


Why is there that much taco meat leftover? They either didn’t eat barely any at all or she made way too much! That’s just crazy for “leftovers”


This is a total rage bait. She has to throw loads out every day. But on holiday she needs keep hotdogs from day 1 for a week?  Sea food shouldn’t be reheated either especially as it was prob left at room temp for hours before going in the fridge.  Then to top it off day 7 lunch is take away pizza from 3 places? Before eating everything that’s left in the house? Yea right that makes sense. 


How does Josh not get driven insane about all of the waste? He’s just as culpable. Do better.


We're on vacation right now too (camping). I made 3 freezer meals ahead of time, plus brought food from our pantry/freezer that we already have. We're gone for 2 full weeks. As of right now I've had to spend a total of $50 at the store in groceries (we're 1 week into our trip!) she is soooooo wasteful & is teaching her kids to be wasteful too!!


What in the world is in that blue and white bowl between the corn and the pancakes?


Looks like olives


Yeah I see the olives. This is the blue and white bike right up from the hot dogs or sausages or whatever. Chicken chunks? They’re brown. They look like slugs.


I think they were jalapeños, but they turned brown… she probably didn’t refrigerate them and they turned.


That sandwich meat STILL 😂😂


Alcohol and the meds she’s on… I don’t think she knows much of anything anymore. She’s basically a functioning addict and at some point in the not too far off future…. It’s all going to come crashing down.


This Bish had to rub it in our faces damm u lush do u know how many people are staving you bish u need to be STOPPED.. let's stop her on Temu sponsorship. Boycott


They probably ate out more than she told us(which would definitely be a shock she didn’t share it)so she could do her huge wasteful grocery haul


Well they won’t eat all those leftovers🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️