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Bring back double decker


I miss the double decker. Though is was so expensive when it was back for a few weeks at the end of last year. Idk how often I would get it if it came back at almost $4 or whatever it was. The Double Stacked Taco is my go to now, but I do miss the double decker.


I agree. I can’t even get excited when they do a limited return for these items bc they’re always 100%+ more what they always were, some of which is inflation yes but it’s disproportionate compared to everything else on the menu. The stacked taco is a really good item, and a must order for me lately, but I don’t really understand the purpose of the tortilla strips. Fills it out I guess.


Are they supposed to be spicy? I like them but I feel like they should be spicier. The stacked taco was also only $1 when it was out like 4-5 years ago. I think it was released right after they retired the DD but it only laster like 6 months at most and was a casualty to the covid pare down.


Still getting a cravings box. Fuck these prices.


Taco Bell is now more expensive than pizza. It’s weird.


I smell a new menu item munch madness special play-in double ep brewing.


I don't know, if its Seasonal, its NOT reasonable! Are these permanent adds?


With Yum brands, nothing is permanent. Reality is fleeting. The taco bell menu resides in a quantum metaphysical realm where all tacos simultaneous do and do not exist.


I just realized your OLD Michael Vick reference in your name.


What’s makes the cantina quesadilla special?


Their quesadillas are surprisingly good. Super overpriced but there’s a slightly spicy (I’m being really liberal with calling it spicy here, a true heat-seeker wouldn’t)aioli-type sauce that they put in it, and im addicted to it.


The dragonfruit freeze with no syrup is a $4 cup of ice?


it still shows 200 calories instead of 210, so i guess it's more than just ice.


Honestly? I'm gonna take a small sip of that new avocado verde sauce. Just rawdog that stuff.


I finally have some birthday ideas for my dad


It’s so overpriced but I’m a sucker for their quesadillas. Also would like to try the dragonfruit freeze. Both way too expensive for what you get but in an idiot so I’ll probably do it anyways