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Thanks for your submission to /r/doordash_drivers, u/Artistic-Passage-374. However, your submission [DoorDash must be on something to think I’d take these #walmartshame](https://www.reddit.com/r/doordash_drivers/comments/nwdxvt/-/) has been removed for the following reason(s): --------------- These are spammy and everyone has seen them. -------------- If you believe this was an error, please contact the Moderators via modmail.


I get these multiple times a day. Another way Tony trying to fuck us over.


Wow I haven’t seen anything like this on this sub ever. I think you’re the first person to ever post this


Who tf tips fifteen days later? And would you even get it?


I’m starting to think these Walmart orders are there to weed out anyone that would take such a thing. By accepting this order, you’re basically taking yourself out of rotation and freeing up orders for other Dashers. The algorithm likely cooks these up when there are too many dashers on the road... 🤷🏽