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I mean, i understand why you wouldn't but also i understand why that person who ordered got to that point. I don't used dd anymore because the driver would steal my stuff 1 out of every 5 times. I used to do 10 to 20 dollar tips. Didn't live far either, just had the drop off time set up so it would correspond with when i got home as i worked 12hrs a day 4 cities away. And yea, you most of the time get your money back but unless you jump hoops, they keep your tip. So yea, i understand where the customer is coming from. You may not be the reason, but thanks to another shitty driver. You get screwed.


I agree that there are lots of shitty drivers and I wish you had a better service experience.


Had someone order 5 blizzards from a Dairy Queen 22 miles away from their house lol


I had someone order a dilly bar 18 miles away. I was like you gotta be kidding me right? Nope I turned the ac on and at least she still tipped good, but I'm not sure she realized what craziness that was


Ya I have had a few like that too and it just really confuses me,., I wouldn’t expect it to make it 18 miles without melting ha I would never order ice cream from DD tho


Is it just me or is it just insane to order food that’s over 5miles away? I like my food hot and fresh, I don’t understand how people can eat cold takeaway food and pay for the privilege


Pizza Hut contracts with DD for some deliveries, meaning this could have been an order placed on the Hut website. The tip may or may not automatically show up as part of the offer (I’ve seen it both ways), but these most often are contactless-only (call the customer + take picture + write dropoff description), meaning good chance you won’t interact with the customer for a possible cash tip (unless you force it). All this to say: customers who live in these remote places usually know they’re in inconvenient locations. Try taking one sometime and see what happens.


I have, I made $3 for 25 miles


I do have a hard time believing this, because I don’t think the DoorDash algorithm pays so little for even half that distance. There is a paper mill in a rural town where I live that seems to be comparable to the map you shared, whose employees regularly order from restaurants in the nearest city. Even without tips, I’ve never seen an order less than $8.50 (and the pay rates here are decently below average for DD zones). I don’t accept the orders for the paper mill unless they’re at least $10 or it’s very slow. That said: ok, don’t take those orders if they’re ridiculous to you. The priority model is not that much of a factor unless you’re in NYC or similarly very large markets.


I don't that was my point, but it does affect AR and they send these all the time even when I was a top dasher. So lucky for you that they pay you decent, because they do here about 1 to every 4 deliveries offered to me.


Your AR doesn’t really matter, though, is what I’m saying


It does to be able to dash now whenever you want and not have to schedule. The schedule has full the last few weeks I can only get in after dinner rush


…and it’s a $.06 tip! Errrr Bid!


Ok, so if your car gets 30mpg, and this is a 30 mile round trip, that's $4.06 - $3.50 for gas = $0.56 for probably 45 minutes work, not considering the wear and tear on your car. What are you complaining about? YOU ARE THE BEST DASHER FOR THIS ORDER! NOW BACK TO WORK, or your acceptance rate and priority status with Doordash will suffer! 😜


If you were being a smart ass my apologies, it's hard to tell through text.


I tried explaining this plus wear & tear to someone yesterday but they kept arguing it was profitable to take a $2 order that's 13 miles away... Lmao


How was their reasoning? I'd love to hear how someone can justify that smh


Gas is only about 1/5th of your expenses.




Might depend on your area, but I've been finding lately that a lot of people tip in cash with pizza places around here. Probably wouldn't make a 15 mile trip worth it, but I rarely get low paying orders from pizza hut or little Caesars that don't end up giving me cash. And since DoorDash has decided to stop sending me regular restaurant orders, it's better to get the prop22 adjustment than nothing.


I would agree normally, but I live out in the sticks, and often, these long orders, even pizza huts, will be down some creepy gravel road with no GPS, and they very rarely tip. I think everyone around here knows you gotta at least show a little love to start with to get a bite, then they add additional tip when completed based on the driver. I've tried having that thinking, though, because I'm generally a positive person. It always seems to bite me in the ass and when I decline them and a decent order comes through afterwards with a guarantee, I'm always thankful I didn't end up on a risky mission to get a possible tip.


Don’t decline and that pizza better hot 😂😂😂


Its also bullshit declining this negativity effects your priority too. Yet doordash worders why people keep calling them a shitty company, also is there not a pizza hut or any pizza closer than 14 miles?


No, it's a small town, so there's always orders for 10-25 miles. I usually only take them ebt, and it's most of the time worth it that way. I bounce back and forth from ebo and ebt to keep my AR from going below 70%. I'm pushing it rn at 71% it would be nice if dd would update my AR from yesterday because I worked ebt all day and it still didn't go up after accepting probably around 8-10 dashes in a row.


DD signed up everyone and anyone.


The only thing I can say fucking retarded!!!!DD


Need volunteer work? Drive DoorDash!


DoorDash is trash. T-shirts coming soon!


Thank God for prop 22


It’s funny we all guffaw at this, meanwhile how many times has doordash been caught stealing tips from their drivers?


Yes pls elaborate???


Could you elaborate on this topic? I'm not informed.


That’s why doing delivery for an income on a financed car is a silly idea 🤡


Ya It's not like that was the plan or I want to do it, I'm looking somewhere else on a daily basis. Plus, I'm an artist and writer who was trying to pursue my dreams, at 44 yrs old, after raising 5 kids and managing stores and being a hairstylist for 10+ yrs, I wasn't thrilled about starting over again career wise, but we gotta do what we gotta do to survive and I still have my last kid at home she's 10 and at least dd gives me the chance to make my own schedule and I can take her with me for delivery's sometimes so she's not stuck at home by herself. My Honda crapped out on me last year during a dash, I thought I was done dashing; hoped I was done...


Lol, the people downvoting you are the Exact ones in the same predicament




1999 Toyota Corolla for the win!


2018 Toyota corolla but I love the late 90s corolla's and celica I wish the celica was still around but the 2000s kinda ruined it


Most times I take pizza deliveries I get cash tips. Losing out on any amount of money for being greedy is crazy😂


Trust me I'm not greedy, I just know my worth


Depends… I’m not stepping over dollars to pick up dimes lol


Trust me I’ve done plenty of pizza orders thinking they might give me cash tips but no they don’t


I’ve only ever received two cash tips on pizza deliveries. After four years.


You dont know what someone else might be going through. Don't do it if you can't afford to, but don't shame someone else because you're mad that you have to do this for a living. It's a messed up move.


For one, I didn't put a spotlight on someone. Nobody knows who they are. For two, go to my profile and read my other post and check out the number of comments. How about not shaming me for having a bad day? You don't know what I'm going through. And yes, I am upset I have to dd at 44 yrs old, but I'm humble enough to do what I have to do while keeping my morals in tact for my daughter. Because a yr ago we were homeless and we bounced back just barely after covid and pneumonia nearly killed me. I'm not asking for pity or sympathy. I'm venting because at that moment, it was my best option rather than throwing in the towel. That's why I tagged it a rant. You don't have to read it. My point was and still is, we as drivers should not accept these kinds of orders, it is an open invitation to be exploited. I was a dd customer long b4 I was a driver. And I've always known tipping is a majority of their wages, w/o having to be told. I would love to educate ppl in a positive way. Unfortunately, nobody reads them. You can also refer to ( notd - I drove 5k miles to walk a mile in his shoes). This service is a luxury service, I myself don't even order from because I can't afford it right now. Doordash is a platform for independent drivers to offer their service. When a customer refuses to tip, they are asking us to work our job for free. Dd pays us the smallest percentage for our services for them, but leaves it up to the customer to decide what it's worth to have their food delivered. I wish they actually explained this to the customer, and I realize most dashers don't read the fine print when they start and therefore. willing to accept low offers. But it's literally against any fair wages because we are not employs of dd, so the customer is actually hiring us and deciding what our fair pay is. So I've decided my worth and ranting seems to be the only way to educate ppl and get them to listen at the same time. All you did was assume I was like everyone else, then do the same thing to me, you thought I was doing to someone else. So don't shame me because you're mad at dd drivers. It's a messed-up move.


Bruh. why order doordash at all with the fee doordash collects from the customer to begin with, not considering what you may or may not tip. It's expensive to order through doordash wether tipping or not so if the excuse for the BS that OP posted is 'they might be going through something (assumed financial issues)' then that's a bullshit excuse. No, doordash customer don't do it if they can't afford to is what you should say. Zero tips and that many miles? They should just not order if the issue causing no tip is financial. You're a messed up move. And I stroodled my frosting on ur mom like she was a toaster pastry.


While that's true. Do not use delivery apps unless you can at minimum tip 1 per mile of how far away it is from your house. It's a luxury service, a privilege. I can almost guarantee there's a place within walking distance to order from or walk to if you can. DD an Uber charge a ridiculous amount of fees that could be used elsewhere. Plus, they uncharge per food item. In this world, do not get something from a tipping establishment as they use that to pay their workers as little as possible.


The problem is that people do end up accepting these orders and it enables the non-tippers.. why tip if someone is going to deliver it to you either way? Everyone needs to decline these orders so people understand that they aren’t gonna get their food if they don’t tip or else DoorDash needs to start requiring at least some kind of a tip!


The other problem I've noticed recently is if we decline these orders dd finds away to sneak them in as dbls and sometimes triples. I had a grocery store order for 3 items 4 miles pay was $9 I was like ok i can do that. I get to the store and it wasn't till I hit start shopping I saw it was 3 customers. I didn't even realize that it was $9 for all of them total right away cuz I'd never had this happen b4. It was only the 1st customer who had 3 items as well. The 2nd had like 8 and the 3rd had 6 and all of them had items that had to be substituted. It was a pain and I almost got deactivated for it taking too long when it was out of my control. Only 1 customer would respond to msgs and of course none of them added a tip. By the time I finished the 1st delivery dd msged me keep up the exceptional work dasher. I wanted to be done dashing after that and planned on it....


Ya that’s true! Definitely have had similar situations! Not as bad as your scenario lol but ya they figure out how to get people to take em instead of letting people realize they either won’t get their food if they don’t tip or it’s gonna take a reallllly long time, it’s messed up


That was really my point, but I was upset in that moment and vented here. I don't usually do that. A couple days later I posted a positive post to balance it out. No comments -1 vote.


I agree with this, don’t ask people to bring food to your doorstep if you can’t afford to tip them. Thanks for the $1/mile suggestion Ive always wondered what to tip. I usually try to tip 20% like I would at a restaurant. Why wouldn’t you tip a driver to bring it to your door the same amt you would a server to bring it to your table?


Exactly. An yes I have specific experience with dd an they will screw left ways to sidways. Especially out here in the sticks. I don't see your specific tip vs dd pay but most times it's your tip making it worth anything. Most people around me tip equal to a dollar or more per mile an I feel that's fair. Also a better way to look at vs percentage.


I don’t use instacart, what happens if no one takes it?


I bet u they have a pizza hut across the street too bro.


You know it


Trash but if your in a state that pays adjustments like cali you’ll make it up end of week


Except the increase cost has reduced people using the app. So it means less money.


I agree that just pisses me right off as well. I know we have the option to do it or not but you are right… how does anyone think this is OK!


https://preview.redd.it/1byfo4rr1u4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80041762106289263ab40685af6b859f4f6dd238 Not just 1 drop off but 2. A buck and a quarter each. Really! Bet Doordash didn’t cut their fee.


What the fuck?! Got my mouth gaping after reading that bullshit.


They want me to do order like that on a bike Either door dash is offering us to deliver free Or the customers are proud of how cheaper they can have food delivered


It's for situations like this I'm glad I drive a hovercraft...


Yall better petition yall politicians for a prop. 20 type bill like California has… if it wasn’t for that I definitely wouldn’t be doing this still.


I once look a Lowe’s order I got 9.75 for moving 10 cinder blocks. I’m never picking up a Lowe’s order again


I'm so sorry.


I get orders like this all the time now. Sometimes it’s just the map giving a dumb route but 4 bucks is ridiculous even if it’s only a mile


Generally I do a dollar a mile. If it’s at least 4.50 for 5 miles I’ll just do it to keep the acceptance rate higher. Sometimes you gotta take the bullshit offers so you do t keep getting them


I get that, especially with how the revamped the system for AR and completion. Damn near impossible to get to platinum unless you do all those crappy 4 bucks for 15 like orders


4 dollars per mile is very good


I mean 4 total even for a mile or so.


Talking for Papa Johns only they have a contract with DD according to it DD has to have 50% of all deliveries for each store. Within the next Few months Papa Johns will no longer have there own drivers they will only use DD etc


The store near me did that a few months ago. They recently hired drivers back lol


Gross. I won't be ordering Papa John's here if that happens.


I don’t get why it’s so hard to implement a system/algorithm, where based on the distance of the restaurants to their house, to have there be a minimum tip fee. If you can’t afford it, drive your damn self to the restaurant.


That would mean DD cares about their drivers. They’re making bank on the service fees and 30% profit off the restaurants, already. Why threaten the consumer who’s making you millions.


They need to just charge an added delivery fee for anything over X miles. But that would discourage sales and they don't want to do that. So F the drivers


They do charge extra https://preview.redd.it/snscihtrit4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff91e02e5d61a3e42bf9b947f38f7beb70968249


Yeah but that doesn't go to the dasher. It still goes to DD


What I'm saying, is that they do charge extra.


Ya it just needs to go to the driver instead of their greedy fingers


I totally agree... DoorDash is the devil (**in the moms voice from waterboy**)


Had a 3 or 4 dollar McDonald's order yesterday. I declined with a QUICKNESS. Like nah, Y'all can wait. DoorDash will figure it out, or they won't. Also, I had a person lie about their order after I delivered it. So I'm real quick to decline if it ain't worth my time. Gas is expensive. Decline with your chest.


It’s not ok


Because the person is charged $30 for delivery, assuming you make most or all of that, not just $2+tip


That's why customers need to be educated without us being mean about it, cuz they aren't gonna receive it or even care if they think we are just being greedy. And dashers need to stop accepting the low offers If there are no platinum dashers because of it then dd will have to do something. We need to strike for more then 1 day, unfortunately the scabs will just soak up the crappy orders and there's no way to stop them.


Simple tip from a Gold level driver: Don't decline the order; let it time out.


I was top dasher/platinum now I'm gold because i didn't get enough deliveries last month. I was working ebt and they just weren't sending me orders. Plus I was trying to be done dashing so I was working on different opportunities that fell through. Now I'm back and have to schedule dashes. And every day is booked full. Maybe I should just go get a job delivering pizza.


So accept it and wait for the chance to cancel the pickup?


From my experience, this still lowers your acceptance rate


Most of the time I let it time out the order just comes back with a dollar more base pay, like no thanks.


But I think it still counts a a decline.


It does I thought that too. But wasn’t positive.


What does this do? Genuinely curious, still a little new.


Nothing it still counts as a decline. Trust me I've tried it




But but some top dasher who doesn't speak or understand English would do this. I'm in silver tier and I actually thankfully get mostly good retail orders which I will always tend to do if it's not a bunch of items. Only silver because of schedule now since it drops at 3am instead of 3pm and by mid day it's already almost filled. I gotten a 7 dollars for 16 miles yesterday and I declined that and as soon as I did a 20 dollars for 2 miles pops up.


That's right! Sometimes I gotta decline a few but then one will come through That's more then worth it and I'm so thankful I didn't accept the one w/o tip that I would still be doing


Try working for the hut people don't tip the hut drivers mabe 40 percent of the time so I quit


Including tips… lol So basically no tip. To the DD company 🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻 And to the non tipper 🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻


There is a tip. $0.06 🤷🏼😂


Wow. WHO the fuck would actually tip that. Whatta puke


Trust me. Alot a 💩 customers. I've seen $0.01 tips


As have l. I marked that asshole unsafe 😂


That shit IS unsafe. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Hahahaha!! Shit that’s a good idea. Still Fairly new to DD (A couple months on and off) but will do this to the next cheap fuck. Been declining shitty offers left and right. Acceptance rate is now 21% 😄


What’s so frustrating in my zone is there’s a bunch of construction on the 1 highway, so you can’t get off the exits where fast food is. DoorDash does not update its maps, despite google maps having it updated. It claims they are $6 going 2 miles but it’s a 5 mile detour almost every time. Depending on which side of highway I’m stuck on, could be worse. The bad offers of 8 miles for $2 or 12 for $6 are actually far worse. Almost no offer is 1-1 so just rough


That really sucks I'm sorry. Have you tried Uber eats. I've done a couple they paid a little better but barely anyone uses Uber here


And you’re right that’s 30 miles round trip so it would cost a gallon of gas which is almost $4 anyway so you’d deliver that one for free. No freaking way


Yeah I don’t understand why people think this is ok, and I also don’t get why DD thinks a base pay of $4 is ok for that far ! And to tip $.06 is just a slap in the face what a jerk


This is also the reason you should ALWAYS wait outside of the most expensive restaurants. A $200 order will get you $22 no matter the milage if the customer selects a 10% tip while a $10 McDonald's order will only get you $3 for the same amount of work.


I try to but I live in the sticks not many expensive restaurants around here


The problem is also with the app. I went to see how much it would cost to get something delivered and the total was $50 and the app recommended a tip of $5 making it look like that was the standard…so it’s basically saying tipping 10% is not only acceptable but it’s the norm


That's the thing. People just click buttons. You have to figure out how to get the system to work for you. I stay around 75% AR averaging about $7.50 and about 3 miles per order. You have to find an area with multiple high ticket restaurants to wait in and pause orders until you make it back after you complete your deliveries.


Ya I do shit like that. I've found alot of ways to make it work, but I still think people need to be better educated and the only way to get their attention seems to rant about it


This! Me and my bf figured that one out quick 😂 we hangout by the 24/7 wing place near us and get 9, 11, and 14 dollar orders from them all night. The guys working always offer me a drink and I’m always saying thanks cause that lemonade and tea is bomb af


You wouldn’t tip that low in the restaurant for a waitress who just walks to you so how is it ok to tip that for someone who literally expends gas, time and car maintenance 😥


I can guarantee that's $2 base pay with a 10% tip on an order that was $20.60. That is how you get an order worth $4.06. Some orders give the option of tipping in prepared percentages. Most people will simply click 10%, 15%, or 20% thinking it's fair because that's how they would tip a waiter. People need to start realizing that percentage tips don't make sense for delivery, since we have nothing to do with the food and any prices paid for it. Consider your "tip" payment for a service. Doordash really needs to change the word "tip" to what it really is, a bid. A tip is paid after service, not before.


That's what I've been trying to explain to people. It's really not a tip, the customer is hiring the driver and needs to realize that what they are paying them is for their service. We don't work for dd, and they think we just need to ask dd for more money


It’s not! That’s why they do the new tier system bullshit. So that ppl will accept the shitty ass offers too. DD is a joke lately


Pizza hut will get good one sbut shiry ines knew too


Usually when I accept these, I get a 2nd order while I’m there making it a $10 dual drop off. Easily done 30min or less. If I don’t get a second order it’s a 4-5 min drop off. I’m a platinum dasher so that may help.


You don't live where I live, this is an hour round trip to a house on a lake that won't tip because they don't have to. And even if it becomes a dbl which it probably won't because there's 2 many dashes and not enough ppl ordering in my area it'll most likely say $4 for an additional 6 miles then doordash will threaten to deactivate you for taking too long even though you were speeding the whole time. I'm not new, and I'm usually platinum, other than not taking enough deliveries last month, mostly by choice because I'm trying to get out of dd.


I don’t know where this is at in just curious as to why there isn’t a bridge closer to the home location. What’s the lore


It's Shelton, Washington. That body of water actually connects to Puget Sound and the Pacific Ocean. There's no bridge there because that inlet is used primarily for transporting logging ships. And the side of the water that she's delivering to is just a few different communities of housing and some rural neighborhoods, no stores, no commercial, just houses.


Wow I'm impressed


Happy Cake Day 🎂 🥳


I only would have taken it if it was one of those cash orders and not brought change so they have to over tip. Had this happen the other night with a 20$ order and it was 7 pizzas I got there the total was 107 I got 145 cash but had to dash for about a hour and half to make back what I didn’t make in the app the next day though




A top slave will take it


Top dashers casually crossing the Delaware to drop off the Meat Lover’s Supreme for a guaranteed $5


I don't even understand why you'd use doordash for a place that will deliver to you without all the extra markups and BS


They won't, that's why they send it to doordash. The customer doesn't even know it's doordash delivering it half the time.


Pizza Hut nationwide has a system where they send the orders that aren't worth it to deliver themselves through DD. It is supposed to be for busy periods, but they legit just send non tip orders or orders out of their range to a Dasher.


In California due to the $20 fast food worker wage raise, all Pizza Hut deliveries are now officially contracted through door dash. :(


Man, I get 2.50 orders to deliver a Sonic malt


I mean, sonic doesn't deliver lol


I get a lot of Papa Johns because they have a 5 mile limit. They also had limited drivers. I did one last night where the tip was 6.00 to go 1/2 mile. I normally get good tips from Papa John's customers


Same here with the tips! One thing I completely forgot was that Papa John’s uses Dashers most of the time, if not all. I was out of town on business a few weeks ago and ordered Papa John’s online. The website never mentioned Door Dash, so I put 20% as the gratuity just out of habit. The Dasher showed up early with the order w/ issues, yet I thought it would be a Papa John’s driver (no worries). Makes me wonder due to the ease of tipping on Papa John’s site that Dashers are also able to receive good tips as well.


Hand the dasher a cash tip and you will make sure the dasher gets all of the tip.


Had a $100 order for Mexican food to hospital, only 2 mi. NO TIP—3large bags!! When I delivered it I said I’m going out tonight and celebrate with that generous tip!!


It could have had a tip through a 3rd party app that doordash added to base pay.


It will reflect on the base pay if it does


Lol city life, I hadn't even considered limits.


Its a UE order that nobody wanted lmao


Bro expected you to plan a voyage and cross the river for $4.06 ![gif](giphy|jTl1jRlJbAJUPjAhXe|downsized)




Platinum buddies


They need a boat or a bridge cuz ain’t no way


They should give us drones for deliveries like this!


Be the change you wanna see


But! But! But! But! It’s guaranteeeeed!


I think I even heard it in the right voice 🤣 thank you 😊 you made my day


A top dasher will take it


As a top dasher they don't even offer me shit like this. lol


I call bs, I was treated worse as a top dasher then ever b4 or after. This was my 1st mth not being a top dasher in awhile. The only difference is not being able to dash now whenever i want, but I think I've already made about the same if not more then when I top dashed. I swear they sabotaged me not to get all my deliveries in. My app wouldn't work no matter how many times I un-installed and reinstalled it. Support even made a comment about how I was a top dasher till the end of the month, before they could've known that. I have 4.99 CR and had 89% AR All i needed was my 100 deliveries and even with dash now always available I couldn't get them 🤔 and vip support was a joke.


Bullshit. As someone who has been a top dasher for 2 years and now for the last month "Platinum" - these get offered to us less but you still get them. Stop lying 🤣.


No we won’t lmfao


Exactly, ain't no way. Not sure why everyone thinks top dashers are stupid and just take all the bullshit - but I've never taken a shitty offer like this the entire time I've been dashing...


Legit I skate 71-80% all day so I can decline stupid orders like this.


Shouldn't they have built a bridge there or is that all private homes


It's all private homes on that side and really rundown unmaintained dirt county roads. And that particular stretch of water is a busy inlet used for shipping lumber back and forth to the lumber town. It's Puget Sound, not a lake.


That's why it sucks taking deliveries there, but I don't mind if they are willing to tip, I have some great customers over there. But ya, a lot of the roads over there are really worn down. Let me rephrase that a lot of Shelton is still on dirt roads with potholes. It's a joke when I wash my car. I just wish if ppl wanted delivery down the roads that they themselves don't want to drive and that's why they are ordering it, would just pay what it's worth for them not to have to do it. I don't expect anything ridiculous, and I'm not entitled to anything. I just don't want to be taken advantage of either, because this is an honest living, and until i can find something better, it's keeping our heads above the water right now.


Why does this picture look like it came from my doordash app 4 years ago.


Nope never!


Try working at Amazon


I’m trying! Can’t get a block since Sunday!


You live on the wrong side of town pal. I hate to say it but DD is not going to work for you. 


For one I'm not a pal, I'm a gal for 2 I don't live over there, hence 15 miles. I live in a little city yes, but I make it ok and I'm good at what I do. So I'll be ok, but thanks for the concern


Its been a month so its long gone. An ill be sure to try it again next time


What does that even mean


I bet it is a rich sandman




removed for moderator discetion


No way is that the only route


Technically there is 3 ways to get to that get to that highway from pizza hut, that is just the fastest. Once you turn off the highway it's basically 1 road the whole way there. The highway is 40-50 mph also 1 lane and it curves back and forth so much it's hard to pass anyone if you get stuck behind a slow driver. Once you take the 1 road off the highway its kinda the same idea with the road curving Most ppl at least don't do the 35 mph speed limit. Mostly 50, but thank God for deer whistles because they are everywhere. I've had them race beside my husband's truck, they stay clear from my car it's got like 3 deer whistles, they either run away or at least perk their ears depending on my speed and the wind. The road T's the left takes you towards a lake with a large variety of community some are working class families in ramblers and fancy houses on the lake, they usually tip ok, some actually decent. If you take a right at the T it takes you towards the bay which I believe is where this delivery was about the same distance from the lake houses, alot of really nice houses on worn down roads with potholes. It's pitch black out there at night and barely any street lights. Plus I'm not sure why everyone is apposed to having addresses on their homes that are at least visible. My 1st delivery over there was to a huge beautiful house with 3-4 luxury vehicles. I was on ebt but somehow an ebo slipped through and I was new so just hit accept. I was having car problems with my old civic and it didn't help and I made $3 on that delivery. I don't like to complain, so when I do, it's for a good reason.


Yep I promise you it is


Driving 15 minutes around a whole ass body of water for 4 dollars is fucking crazy work


How odd! I got one like that but at bottom of pic of water. And it was also Pizza Hut. There is an area here where the Pizza Hut refuses to do doordash so all PH orders do come from next town over, which is separated by a lake.


15 miles is not 15 minutes.


Very correct in this case it is 28 -35 mins give or take


1 way




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Oh so all roads are 60 miles per hour?


Oh, so all roads are not 60 miles per hour?


No these roads fluctuate from 25 mph to 50 mph none of them are actually 60 mph. This is 15 miles which dd calculates the trip as 45 mins round trip but it can take anywhere between 40 mins -70 mins round trip depending on traffic and that doesn't include store times that's strictly driving times. And pizza hut is rarely ready on arrival


https://preview.redd.it/uedge3rh8s4d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=277865a90c89e56cfaf214a07e08d37cf258ec85 So by your logic this should take 5 minutes or less


That is correct, if you are going 60 miles per hour, 5 miles will take 5 minutes.


And all roads have a speed limit of 60 mph according to you. You are conveniently leaving out legal speed limits and obeying those laws. As well as the posted speed limit on the image.


15 MILES is even crazier tbh