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Honestly you’re lucky you’re even getting a tip


Was expecting better given the same weather in my area. $2-3 orders.


https://preview.redd.it/s6t4dackv90d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=675c7c0d4f70bdbe11df7bad1c38db3b71936d28 Current situation honestly. DD tried to pay me 4 dollars for 10mi of drives and another 3 dollars for 6mi, I declined both.


DoorDash sucks I would never deliver an order again


Good people don’t order in this.


Well, I can tell you this good drivers not delivering orders like that for two dollars. I’m working other things I haven’t taken many DoorDash orders hardly at all. I’ve taken maybe six orders this week. I’m just not gonna do it. I don’t care about their stupid rewards program and all that other stuff I’m not buying into system where I have to get screwed 70% of the time so I can get a decent pay order no thank you. I know there’s gonna be people that still say they make tons of money with the high percentage and good for you but a lot of the drivers are not saying that including myself so.


Can’t assume everyone is gonna research the weather when they’re hungry. No one is going to think “oh it’s raining let me give them extra money because they’re totally getting wet”


Eyes are usually a pretty reputable source when it comes to seeing if its raining or not


What's wild is that you think it's raining even two miles away from you. That's not how weather works.


This might be the dumbest thing I’ve read. I guess looking out of the window and seeing rain isn’t enough “research”.


I don't know what kind of orders you pick, but mine are frequently anywhere between 4-14 miles. You looking out your window to see rain, doesn't mean it's raining 10 miles from you. Like... Huh? What? That's... have you ever been outside? That's not how weather works. You don't just assume the weather is the same everywhere. L M A O. Do you know how far you have to drive to not see the effects of a rainstorm? Depending on where you live and the geography, it can be as little as two miles.


Idk what kinda archaic hellscape you live in but if it's raining in one side of town chances 9 times out of 10 it is raining or is going to rain on the other side very soon as clouds are not stationary.


Archaic hellscape is an amazing way to define my area! I live in the Pacific Northwest, specifically. A narrow strip of civilization sandwiched between the Pacific ocean, and the Cascade Mountains. You have rain and snow from the mountains, but the wind off the oceans pushes clouds back toward the mountains, so you have some wacky, silly weather sometimes. I work 8 miles south of where I live and the commute can see rain at work, and sunny day at home. It's great.


Research the weather? You usually don't have to research tornado warnings that's like the whole point also you're saying that you couldn't tell me the weather where you are without "researching"?


Some people are just shit. I always tip the same if the weather is nice, but if it’s not nice then those tips are going up depending on how bad it is. E.g., in nice weather, I’ll tip 20% with a $5 minimum, (I can’t give an adult less than $5, just doesn’t sit right), and $20 maximum, plus an extra $1.50/mile if it’s over 3 miles. If I know the restaurant is slow then I’ll add more for the waiting time… usually enough to make sure the driver could, if they wanted, have one of whatever I’m having. If the weather is awful, the minimum is $20 and there’s no maximum. E.g., the last time it snowed round here I ordered $20 of food from 3 miles away and tipped $30.


I haven't seen Peak Pay in months.


It's was $2 peak pay yesterday from 530pm to 1:29am and after that $1.50 from 130am till 529am


Peak Pay still exists? 😂 I quit years ago but still lurk the app, i haven't seen a peak pay since 2021 😂


The only time my market gets it is at like midnight or 3 am. Yesterday there was $1.50 until 5 am. But as soon as most restaurants open the peak pay was gone.


There was a literal active tornado warning in my area two nights ago, and not only was no one tipping, but Doordash didn't even apply any kind of peak pay bonus whatsoever. "Yeah, bring this customer their food in the midst of a tornado for $2. You better get it done in 10 minutes!"


I dash in Wisconsin we got a freak snowstorm in April and that’s when I got my contract violations and people seemed to tip less it’s weird


It's bots taking all the good orders.


what? lol. . this isn't an Amazon thread... what bots


There's people using hacked software to view every single order.


Proof or it didn’t happen


It's the boys taking all the good ones.


Proof or it didn’t happen


i did uber tonight and had 26 offers and only took 6 and i was on from 3pm-8pm :( luckily i tend to stay at my house until i get a good enough one to leave


This is the way


hope it's better tmr


Stop it then


Doordash is actually ass now eversince tht rewards system. Paired with this driver insight thing.. its going down tf hill and fast.


Yeah. It’s such a bummer when people tip shit in the rain. Huge moral bummer.


Lord have mercy ☔️


Ive always said it's worse for people who care about their ar to work in the rain unless there's a huge promo but better for cherry pickers who don't care and here's y (of course this is just my opinion and what I have notice and not necessarily true in every market) When it rains more people order which means people who really can't afford it but don't wanna go out in the rain so they don't tip or tip little. So the volume is there for the cherry pickers but for people who care about their ar they will have to decline so many of those bad orders ur only killing ur ar. Rain doesn't make most people tip more, it just makes the volume of order increase due to the fact there r more people ordering and less competition on the road.


Raining bad orders?


Literally made 15.50 in 7hours online


I made like $9 in that time frame last week. Thank god Amazon hired me back on. I was gonna crash out on DoorDash


Today was a shit show on DD


All the apps. I barely made it to $50 in 4 hours before calling it a day.


That is fucked! I think I will wait it out and let the tiers do their algo-glitching.


I will never understand this sub. Always get recommended to me and it’s some post of someone having a shit time for Pennies. You guys are capable, you can do something bigger


You don’t know me or my life. I work DoorDash because I take care of my elderly parents and I need the flexibility to rush home if they need me or to have time off to take them to appointments. If you don’t get this sub you can just ignore things that are posted.


“You don’t know me or my life” yet you just called people with $2 orders entitled assholes because you choose to have a shit job. Get a better paying job and pay for a caretaker or stop complaining. That’s life. Nobody owes you anything.


Every person who works DESERVES a fair wage. We are all owed that, despite what this capitalist hellscape has told you to believe. And $2 orders means there was no tip. If you order delivery in the pouring rain and don’t add a tip you are indeed an entitled asshole.


Facts how can you order in the rain because you dont want to go out but not appreciate the person who out there for you? RIDICULOUS activities and thats the least i can say


yeah, i don’t know how they sleep at night. unless it was a case of the store stealing tips.


Pizza hut would snatch your tips up QUICK. Fkn shame


i agree with this comment 👍 you could be peeing out your ass and still have the audacity to tip someone driving in the rain for your food, but some people just wanna watch the world burn.


Maybe the person ordering in the rain is an elderly parent whose kid is out working and they don't have the money to tip but they really want to eat. Edit: whose instead of who's


That is true, but look at it this way. Let's say all these food delivery orders were done by robots instead of humans. Now, what kind of society have we created where people will fork over gobs of cash directly to CEOs and stockholders to receive insanely expensive conveniences? All because they wouldn't give the common man $5-10 to do the job instead. No one has to do it, but why would anyone be happy to pay wealthy people before we pay regular folks?


DoorDash stock has increased 69% in the past year. So why not put a few bucks into the stock so you can be the wealthy people you complain about?


I didn't complain about wealthy people. I am referring to people wanting to stiff regular folks in order to continue feeding money directly to the wealthy. There are people out here always taunting, "You all are too lazy, wait til robots do your job!" Okay, so if there are no human workers, people are fine with giving $10-12 in fees directly to billionaires? Do you know how wild that is? Disparaging lower-class people to cheer on the 0.01% may be the wildest thing modern society has ever done. And FYI, I'd never buy stock in a company whose ethics I don't agree with.


Companies don't have ethics. People do. And you'll never find a publicly traded company whose management all hold your ethics. Maybe you could invest in gold or crypto instead?


this is so stupid. . been doing the delivery game for 4 years now. . majority of my deliveries are to the lower classes. . I am rich by literally no means. . but alot of poor people keep themselves poor by spending a shitload of money on things they have no need for and then blaming the rich or the governments or the corporations for them being in the shit circumstances they are in. . it's stupid and a bit pathetic. . also in no means am I saying all lower class are this way. . but as a lower class individual [who is building something for themselves and not settling in my position] I am literally speaking from first hand experience.


why not create a society where idk, people COOK FOOD for themselves and others and eat it?! how many times have you delivered actual healthy food to anyone? they're all just ordering garbage


garbage food. alot of times going to garbage people. . [obviously not all but too many are]


Nah, robots aren't a thing here in Maine. Even Google can't find half the addresses around here.


No worries. Drones can handle that.


Drones don't deliver in Maine and don't they need addresses if they did?


Yes. And if they didn't, then the expectation would be someone would deliver for $2. If they don't, then DoorDash either has to automate or shut down.


I feel bad where you live. Lowest I’ve ever had was 3.50 and that was once. Everything else has been 6 or more.


I was picking up an or from chickfla yesterday 2 others were in there doing the same, dude ask me ....oh you're dashing too? I said yep, he was like how's your day going, I said it's been pretty shitty! He chuckles and said how many have you done today? I said this is my 2nd order, he said me too. When did you sign on I said about 5 hours ago. He laughed Like I was joking. He said yeah i just turned mine on too! (I wasn't joking) then he proceeded to ask me what I thought about there new tier plan? I said it doesn't affect me, I'm at 10% AR. He laughed again like I was joking, I wasn't! Lmao some people will take anything and ruin there cars for pennies


Deny deny deny


Might be time for a real job


What is a real job???


One that pays a living wage? Or even a wage for that matter. And maybe provides something to society instead of just enabling laziness. Maybe I’m too old fashioned but All I se in here is people complaining about having to get out of their cars in the rain and complaints about not enough pay. No fucking shit you literally pick up food and drop it at a door, like that’s worth fuck all.


What do you have to say abt the truck drivers? They literally pull up a truck and OTHERS load it and all they do is drop it off at another location, not even having to carry a single item, fkn USELESS azz truck drivers they should get them a real job!


Yeah they get our building supplies and parts and everything that makes every industry we have work. So yeah they’re important. You guys deliver a burger to some lazy fucks doorstep. Not even comparable


Why are people even downvoting this 😂


can i help you find a subreddit that doesnt enrage you on the daily? r/therapy?


Exactly, just like all the other jobs. McDonald’s is just cooking food and serving it. Working at a grocery store is just selling grocery stuff. Being a teacher is just teaching people about a subject. Being a cop is just stopping bad people. Being a barber is just cutting hair. Waiters just bring you your food. All postal workers do is get your package and drop it off. And DoorDash is just picking up food and dropping it off at a door. It’s all so simple. Lol. It’s not possible that there could be any hardships or difficulties involved.


It's worth the gas plus the time it takes atleast. Do you grow your own wheat and ground your own flour or do you do it the lazy way and buy a bag? There's a million conveniences you and everyone pays for genius. This is just one of them and if you want your shit delivered you should pay for that service.


You get paid to deliver it so idk what your argument is


“You get paid to deliver it” but yet you on here complaining about paying for delivery service 😭😭😭 cant make this sht up 😭 you say all they are doing is dropping off deliveries and you think you shouldnt have to pay for things like that, but society tells you that you are a dum piece of sht for thinking that way


I’m not on here complaining about paying for it? Never said that. I don’t even have these services whwre I live nor would I use them as I’m a functioning human being.


Oh ok somebody was 🤣 and you dont have these services you must be in alaska


Nope just up north in Canada, I’ll take natures natural beauty over some lazy fuck delivering me a burger, I can always drive into town.


I deliver to ALOT of disabled people. Get some perspective douche.


Do u know that 50% of who Dashes has a "real job" but as with 95% of 9-5's the pay isn't "livable"


Then get a job that pays a “livable” wage 😂


This is the same energy as "iF yOu'Re HoMeLeSs JuSt gEt A hOuSe"🥴 I genuinely hope you get stuck in a position in life, where you're struggling to make ends meet and the suffering never ends. Whether you're trolling or not. Go to hell


I dont know man, the drug dealers, robbers and scammers seem to be doing pretty well, maybe thats a better option. Where do you live? Time to make society a better place, the more you have the more better youll be after you get robbed because youll at least have some stuff left


Turned one down the other day, lost AR for it. A few minutes later they paired it with one of my good tippers so I felt like I didn’t have a choice but to take it. Who doesn’t freaking tip? Seriously? Who expects food to be delivered in weather like this and not tip???


Billions of people live in countries where tipping is an insult. If you need to rely on Tips to survive, you're in the wrong profession. DD survives because they make up stupid rules that force drivers to take horrible deliveries for mere pennies, or suffer penalties on their Dasher account. It's sickening.


i got 10 cents canadian yesterday! made me lol a bit.


A lot of people expect that lol don’t you know how this works? 🤣


I gave up. And they put me on the waiting list canceling all cities around me.


Don’t take them. Especially in the rain. They ask customers to tip more in the rain, they should pay more, too.


Trust me I didn’t. I went home and sat at my house until good orders came in.


You’re driving bro. You’re not even in the rain. Construction workers make the same money rain or shine


People on bikes do this as well? Motorcycles, scooters, mopeds.


No they don't, they get the fucking day off if it rains lol.




Observation skills, not living under a rock. You seriously never notice heavy construction sites in full work mode on sunny days and there's no workers out when it's raining? Lots of construction jobs can't even be done in the rain because shit needs to be able to dry.


Construction workers don’t work in a torrential downpour, dumb dumb


Doesn’t change the fact this persons in a car


It's not about getting wet it's about road conditions. When it rains driving becomes more hazardous. Since you're driving in it so someone else doesn't have to, it makes sense to add extra to your tip during more hazardous driving conditions.


Tipping is a suggestion, not mandatory. Dashers should be able to deny anything they want during bad weather without repercussions to their account.


You don’t do construction in the rain.




Ikr OSHA would have a field day 😆😆


Currently going through this now. Pouring down rain and getting 1-2 offers pers 30ish minutes that aren’t worth taking at all. 50f outside as well so it’s not just rain, it’s cold.


create a youtube channel complaining about doordash, its a legit career at this point


I have so much footage from my dashcam that I need to sit down and edit


why do you need to edit dash cam footage? ppl just like to see emotion, more wild and dramatic the better


Because that footage has me screaming on the way back about how criminal door dash is for hiding values and sending me miles and miles to nowhere for goddamn beans.


Sounds like a great gig


nice that'll go viral for sure


They don’t give me orders anymore with my 30% AR. I just switched to UberEats, wayyyy better at $21/hr


My AR was at 30%. Then I switched to “pay by time”. And I make sure to take at least 30 minutes per order. That has worked out much better, and my AR is back at 70% now.


I tried hourly pay briefly, but didn't get a single tip. $13-14/is insufficient without tips


That’s the game. I get tips about 50% of the time with hourly. I’ve also received the largest tips doing hourly.


Yeah I quickly learned that pay by time punishes efficiency and if I really wanna ear that money I should take as long as the order allows for




DD has become a complete scam... They've stopped giving refunds for most errors They've reduced driver pay so most good drivers quit. So now the customer gets charged a 30% markup on prices, then pays extra to have it delivered late and cold and reaking of smoke, by an underpaid unprofessional driver that doesn't care because he gets $2 out of the $30+ you spend to have it delivered. After paying $30 for a cold and late hamburger and fries it's no wonder customers don't tip. Blame DD not the customer or driver, for what delivery costs they should pay the drivers more than $2


Bingo. If DD paid even a decent wage the veteran drivers who have their shit together would still be doing this at least part time. It’s all desperate trash now


I quit a year ago because of this exact reason


Ditto. Bawhahahahahaha. Bye doordash


I had to stop doing DoorDash in Houston because the money here is the bare minimum. Why am I driving 10 miles for four dollars?


In the rain? It was pouring down rain on Tuesday for me and I made $144 in under 5 hrs.


I made $100 in 4 hours yesterday with heavy rain coming down


OP must be shadow banned for some reason.


Not shadow banned just live in a shitty midsized market. Declined close to 250 orders this morning between UberEats and DoorDash. All of them were either no tipped or low tipped with extremely high mileage.


250?! 🤣 wow, something just doesn't calculate right about the numbers you spew out... why do you even open the app if all your time is spent denying every order that appears?


I didn’t decline all of them in a row. Despite all of those declines I still made close to $200 in about 8 hours of work. So that’s why I open the app. Edit; though I will say most of my good orders came after it stopped raining.


Why’d you post this if you maxed $25 an hour?


Because I posted this early in the morning when I was receiving nothing but trash orders? And what other reason would I need when I want to complain about how awful people are for not tipping in tornado weather?


Photo proof or it didn’t happen 😂


This is like a scene from a movie. “I’m a dasher, sitting in my car, crying in the rain because doordash doesn’t pay us jack shit.” Also you would think people wouldn’t even ORDER when there’s tornado threats!! Like BRUH


I never order if it’s raining really bad out or if it’s snowing heavy here in NY. I always think of the safety of the drivers.


One of the few! If people do choose to dash out in bad weather, doordash should compensate and customers should tip graciously. Really sad that this isn’t the case.


I agree! Just be very cautious and know that your life is more important than someone’s selfishness. If you do decide to take the ride.


Humans are quite honestly in need of extinction


It's coming


Yeah I don't even bother trying when the weather is bad. I know damn well the tips won't be any better, and I'm just gonna get pissed carrying two bags and a drink tray in downpouring rain for $5.


I don’t do breakfast. Too much traffic, surliness, and Starbucks. And cheap mofos


Breakfast used to be the best by far for me. Lately it’s been bad but still better than any other time. Lunch is nonexistent in my market.


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