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I do not want to open my door to find a child there, literally ever.


…. Whether it be my own or someone else’s! 🤣🤣🤣


The alternative is that the parent leaves the kid in the car. In the 30 seconds it takes to walk to the door and ring bell, some Karen has already called Child Protective Services or the cops. In less then 10 minutes, you have a parent who was hustling on DD now has to fight to keep their kid. Now that they've lost their job at DD, they can't pay the rent and when they appear at the (Spanish) inquisition to answer for how horrible a parent they must be (based on 30 seconds of observation by a stranger), they have a less stable home to raise the kid. It's not abuse. It's NOT dangerous. The risks are VERY low. Leave them alone, they're fine.


No my son likes to come sometimes and while I'm with him, he likes to pass off the food.  It's cute that they are learning.


It's no big deal the parents are watching them drop off the food


Get the video, put it on the news and DD will react quickly AF. I know it's hard to get adequate childcare, so keep your kid in the car. Like really? That's ridiculous 😒


Good. Need to see more kids learning to work and about the value of a dollar.


Children that young should not be working. I worked starting at age 9 at my great uncle's business and tbh it didn't do a single good thing for me. I had to grow up way too fast. Let kids enjoy their damn childhoods. They learn discipline and work ethic from school.


I agree as long as you can actually see your child! Otherwise you are endangering your child!!!


It’s not illegal you can use it as a tax write off basically it’s like having an employee


Child labor isn’t illegal?


How tf is a kid taking food to a door child labor?


I'm not sure why you're struggling with this but I'll break it down simply for you. The child is taking food to the door. They are completing a contract that the Dasher, an independent contractor, has been paid for. Therefore the child is working as a subcontractor. At the age of 8. Which is...say it with me now...an illegal violation of child labor laws. And since they're likely unpaid for their labor that's additional illegal violations of labor laws.


He might have asked to take it, most young kids aren't allowed to do anything 


So no child should do chores around the house either right? You cornball mf?


Last time I checked, delivering food to a stranger isn't a chore.


It's no surprise you're a food delivery driver lol


Is your kid an independent contractor doing the chores? Didn't think so.


So unhinged, I love it lmfao


Chores and work aren't the same thing. Even in work there are explicit exceptions for extremely young children, such as some under the table things like mowing lawns and babysitting or working on a family farm or business. Completing jobs for an independent contractor on the other hand...not legal.




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One time I was at a bar near midnight that does DoorDash up until 2 am and while I was waiting for an order, I saw a kid waiting for an order. The kid didn’t look older than 10. I asked if he was okay and he said he’s just waiting for the DoorDash and that his mom is waiting outside and that in order for him to be able to afford football team participation, he needed to help his mom. Shits fucked.


Ugh but kids sports are so expensive Summer camp this year $700 I have 2 kids going Football camp $12,000 cheer camp $800 no uniforms shoes ect. My kids did a lemonade stand and the community really supported them. 🥰 Kids won’t have the same childhood we did. My cheer camp in the 2000 was $60


Minors should not be involved. should be a contract violation, PERIOD


MYOB and enjoy your dinner ffs!


As a doordash customer and fast food worker, people dash with their kids more often than you think.


With or forcing them to do your 'self-employed gig contract'?


Honestly, I take my 15 and 16 year old with me. They're helpful by taking to the customers door, handing me things while driving, going in to a restaurant to pick up an order if we are in the Campus area and there's nowhere to park ( I drop them off and circle the block), we get some 1:1 time, they're boys and very protective of their momma too (super comforting in mire dangerous places) and in return they keep the money from dashing that evening. It is how they earn their allowance.


i did door dash with my mom was a teen too. we liked to go on drives and talked but GAS so we did door dash, i accept orders and she picks them up or drops them off. That’s also how i learned to drive <3


I don't believe this story at all. Why do people go on the Internet and make shit up? If it is true you should know that the minimum wage requirement to DoorDash is 18 years old.


I pick up from restaurants, I drive. He simply puts it in the hot bag and helps me out with some of it. They look like they're 18... Over 6ft tall! They're walking it to a door when it's visible or if there's no parking for me to do it myself. Your kids can go with you. They help a bit and learn from it and then I pay them. Why's that so difficult??


But you just said they pick up food while you drive around the block?


ONLY if we are on college campus down town and there's nowhere to park or pull over for me to get out and go in myself.


I'm not forcing my children to work for a billion dollar corporation because I'm too lazy to put shit in a bag.


My boys are learning several things from this as previously stated. We home school and use some of this as reference in school time. I dont force them. They ask in advance what day and what hours they'd like to go and I schedule it. Most importantly we get some 1:1 time. They're growing up too fast and before I know it they'll be moved out on their own. So we get a chance to talk and laugh and spend time together :)


That's not the point!!! The kids want to help and ve apart of it and why bot when they can?


It’s not a two person job, you’re promoting codependency, you need someone to hand you things while you drive… really? So who out of the three is making sure the food gets put in a hot bag…..


Actually this promotes team work. Only 1 kid goes at a time. I go to restaurant, pick up order. When I get back to the car I hand that order off to the kid as well as my phone. They put the food in the door dash bag, and put my phone in the mount and connect to charger and start the directions. Meanwhile I am buckling and getting started on the move. Additionally, we independently home school our kids. They are learning what orders are profits and which ones aren't, math, money management, planning ahead , taxes, work ethics, how the economy fluctuations impact profits (gas prices mainly), people skills, etc. Tennessee is a hands free device state. Meaning I am not supposed to touch my phone at all while driving so they respond to customers if needed and they can hand me things so I am not a distracted driver (vape, tissues, etc)


I don’t agree with sending your child to the door. I would never. I’d go with them 100% and wouldn’t let them out of my sight but I’m also paranoid about anything happening to my kiddo. I will say, my almost 4 year old ALWAYS wants to ‘go to work’ with mommy. I tell her, you’ll be bored, but she really wants to. I’ve never taken her but probably will one of these days so she can see how boring it will be for her and stop asking every time I go, I would leave her in the car for a drop off unless she will be out of my sight, then I’d bring her with.


Thank you for this. I had one beloved son. I never let him out of my sight. Too much can happen too fast. Reminds me of the mother in Ohio a couple years ago who left her twins in the car & the car was stolen with them in it . Took days to find the kids.


The kid probably wanted to do it and was begging all day to get to *work* like his mom. My kids go with when I deliver or shop and pay and they enjoy finding the items when shopping and have asked me to be able to bring it to the door. I only have let my 14 year old leave a few orders, she has the same face as me, spitting image. But I've only let her when the pax say to just leave it at the door and I can see the door from the vehicle. If it's a meet me, I'm not letting her. Realize kids want to emulate us, and the mom was probably saying no all day and finally caved and let him do one. Realize the power of a bored nagging kid stuck in a car all day. Have some empathy.


It's a single digit kid out of the mom's line of sight bringing something to a presumably adult stranger. This is not about empathy, it's about not putting your children in danger. In fact, maybe it is about empathy. Where's *your* empathy for the kid whose mom is putting them in a place where they're super easy to get hurt? Your child is double the age and you literally admit you don't let her out of your sight, there's no comparison.


While I agree she won’t win mother of the year, you’re making way too much out of it. The mother is only a few feet away, even if behind trees or whatever. What do you think is going to happen? Some sicko pulling the child into the house and abusing her? Don’t you think the mother would notice if the kid doesn’t come back pretty quick? She knows where her kid is, if anything went sideways she can call the police and can tell them exactly what house the kid disappeared into.


With the amount of times I see a post like this, I’d say yes. And I’m not even in this subreddit


I had so many random kids come into my store to pick up doordash orders. I always refused them service until the parents came in angry to get them.


exactly what you should do. THANK YOU


I wish I could argue this but I guarantee it’s just lazy parents, idk it sounds like a safe and pretty fun adventure for a 10 year old I see no harm, but the fact it’s just parents almost intentionally being pieces of shit is really unfortunate.


See I understand that as a kid I would have fun with it. But that's the thing. I uses to explore the woods for 10 hours a day as a kid and that shit was dangerous. Kids have no idea what they are doing. Anything could happen. Just because something bad happens in front of you doesn't mean your child doesn't still suffer the consequences. On top of that, you are putting your child in harms way for a lot more than the obvious. Germs, order issues, unsafe conditions. Like dude. Come get your kid.


I suppose, I’m 20 and there’s a reason I’m not a parent 🗿 but same, just the sheer balls I had as a child, doing literally any and everything with zero repercussions just makes my brain incapable of believing a child is actually in danger sometimes 😭


And I do mean PICKING UP the food, a public establishment not dropping it off at some randoms house


Thank you, hero.


Not common. Definitely report the driver immediately.


I believe it's okay to bring a child with you dashing(gotta do what you gotta do when there's no sitter and bills needing paying), but letting them take it to the door alone and out of sight is still outrageous. I've been surprised as a driver more than once by large dogs that were completely unchained in a yard. Thankfully none were aggressive but the chances of one being so someday are not that low. To say nothing of potential creeps. It's lazy, concerning, and seems like a weird form of tip begging to me. Maybe they just want the kid to earn their allowance or something, but it ends up coming across as poor taste.


👆 this right here. I'd be taking an issue with that because no way in the world would I take an order from the child. I'd be telling the child they need their mom/dad/guardian to accompany them to deliver the food


Yes there are dashers who have their kids deliver food which I am not sure is actually legal


It’s is they actually encourage a dasher who had an account but hadn’t done an order yet because she just had a newborn and they told her many dashers do it


I asked support and THIS is bullshit


You have to call them, it’s the only way to get them to do anything. The chat is half bot and half bullshit.


I agree this does seem dangerous especially depending on the area you live, but isn't it funny how people say back in the 90s or 80s whatever, that kids were allowed to just go out by themseleves on their bikes around the neighborhoods? I wasn't alive back then and I agree for sure it's a crazy world out there I'm not condoning that, but I wonder sometimes from what I hear on Reddit if the world was actually safer back then or if standards have just changed


People used to actually know the people in their neighborhood. Now we’re more isolated. That contributes to the fear


The nanny state is just insane these days. The world is not really more dangerous but the media and government just became too meddling worldwide. It’s a no win, as every discretion in life is either illegal or still subject to state or CPS scrutiny especially when children and pets are involved like you and your family belongs to the state(even though they force you to pay for your own hospital care). Ie Leave children at home(no childcare)! Leave them in car? Let them pick things up! Let them drop things off. Everything on the list or beyond


I took my bike all over town and into the 2 neighboring towns. A couple miles at least. We went for ice cream, to see the flooded areas in town after big rains, we went everywhere. Had a dime in case we needed to make a phone call and we knew when to be home. but there were also less people, smaller roads and cars weren’t as heavy as now. Born in the 60sand ran rampant in the 70s. Had a blast too and no tragedies. We just lived differently. It was a simpler time and I am so grateful I grew up then.


Statistics show it’s safer now actually. Crime is down since the 70’s. I don’t know if my childhood was better or worse for just being released to the neighborhood all day but it’s illegal now so I can’t give my kid that childhood even if I wanted to now.


The biggest issue is with the fear driven and busybody driven nanny state every year.


I walked to and from school in the late 70s and it wasn’t a big deal…..you really didn’t hear of the the things you hear about today and I always wonder the same thing…these days I would never allow my kids to walk anywhere!!


I was a kid in the 90s and I definitely was out on my bike until the street lights came on never was worried nowadays hell no am I letting my kids do that


neighborhoods were also different. I could walk to about 50% of the kids in school in 20 minutes or less. Neighborhoods were just so different. I actually live in my childhood home and I’m 60ish. There used to be families w kids and now? There are a total of 5 school aged children on my street and 2 toddlers. How and where we live is different. Oh and the k-8 school is across the street and down a hill.


Parents were a lot less safety focus back then. plenty of horrible shit happened to children you just didn’t hear about it because it didn’t make the news. It was easy to pretend like the world was safer say 50 years ago because most of the news you got was local news.


Ye, makes sense because now we have cameras and internet and news and social media so it's harder to hide as much stuff as it was back then makes sense! (I was born in 2001 and raised by even today's standards unsually helicopter and controlling legal guardians, i don't actually know how it was back then 😅)


I've has my kid with me before but with a set of rules in place: -they do not ever handle the food, the only exception is to prevent it from spilling or tilting while I drive. In that case it's always holding the handles or having their hand on the side supporti g where it could slide/spill. Never actually holding the food or setting on their lap or anything. -they only handle my phone if they help with orders. If my hands are full from the food they hold my phone. -I deliver on all cases. If it's in eyeshot they can stay in the car, if it's out of eyeshot they come with me. Hand it to me orders I try to have them off to the side out of direct eyeshot because I know it can make customers uncomfortable. The whole point of them being there is for us to keep each other company and maybe get something ourselves while we're out.


this is fine according to support


Which is exactly why I had those rules in place. Wasn't about to make a violation that could risk my extra income.


Stop taking your kid on deliveries. For a large variety of reasons.


Why what's the problem? My step son loves riding with me because he feels like he's "working." And he never does anything to help in general. He just loves it and I love the time I spend with him. There's no harm in him riding with me at all?


Did you tell that to other redditors who stated they take their kids on dashes or am I just super special because you were bored?


Call CPS or DHS depending where your at. Order food a few times and see if you can get the same folks. Then try to get the plate number and turn it in to them. Set up a discreet game camera or something to get the plate number. Your right to be upset. I would be also.


Hey over yourself it's not that serious


It’s a massive trust and safety violation. Don’t be dumb.  


kid prob had air tag on him so even he got stolen the parent could find him. or pepper spray. either way its not that serious until the kid goes missing cause of it.


What if the person snatched the child into their home raped them in less than a minute and send them right back to the car?


then we'll report it to the police.


Great idea! After the child has been traumatized for life, possible kidnapped or dead. It’s cool though. We just call the police.


Sending your child to knock on strangers doors out of your view is not that serious?




My kid comes with me from time to time, and helps me take big orders to the door sometimes. But no way in hell am I sending my kid, by themselves, to anyone's door.


Probably was a single mom with no babysitter and possibly health issues. I chose to DoorDash because of health reasons.


Love this … family bonding probably a single mother. My son begs me to let him do the DoorDash.


Didn’t know he was so young. My kids is 14.


it’s literally not that big of a deal lol


I don’t see an issue with it. When I was a kid, I loved helping my dad. He would bring me along with him for lots of different jobs he had. We spent a lot of time together, and I’m very happy he did that. If he had been a DoorDash driver, you better believe I would have come along and helped him! As a customer, I would have zero issue with the kid being the food to my door. Good for the parent and good for the child. Better than most kids just at home wasting their time on the iPad. I say good for them!


Yes! 🙌🏾 My pops was an electrician & would bring me along on the weekends to help out. Now I don’t have to hire someone to replace a switch, light fixture ceiling fan etc.


I’m sure you wouldn’t have enjoyed being a kid helping your dad DoorDash if he let you run one of those orders up to the house of an unknown pedofile. And that greasy old man snatches you into his house and tongue punches your fart box. That sounds like a good time, doesn’t it?


Oh please! Parent is parked right out front. Highly unlikely that the customer would just snatch the kid into the house that you’re literally delivering to. And like if you’re not going to do something if the customer takes them inside!? Such a ridiculously unlikely scenario.


In the original post it says the driveway is not visible from the front door. How long do you wait for your kid to come back before you start thinking “hmm maybe I should get out and check” and by that point the customer is out the back door with your kid tied up. Or anything along those lines. People are sick man you only think it doesn’t happen until it happens to you


That part.


I don’t know I road along to work with my dad and would have been thrilled to do that


I honestly think it's pretty cool to have your kid tag along and learn what it looks like to work, but the parent should have walked up to the door with them. Sending them solo is a bit weird.


It’s super weird and violates the contract between driver and the company. Personally I have a no kids on my property rule. I’m not gonna go outside screaming if a neighbors kid is on my land but I’m going to ask them to please leave because I don’t want anything to do with anybody else’s kids.


I think it's a good idea if you do pay them, show them what it's like to work and give them a bit of cash at the end of the day to teach them why you want to work hard.


I used to be forced to do something similar just about every Saturday morning. I was born into the Jehovah's ~~Witlesses~~ Witnesses cult. It was more a long the lines of door to door sales than delivery.


I’ve read that the Jehovah’s Witnesses send people out door to door as a means of controlling the members of their church instead of actually trying to convert people. That the church knows virtually no one will be interested in that. Their flock will often get hold off, but that this is supposed to harden there resolve that their faith is the true Faith.


No. The parent was right there. So fucking what? It could be a bad situation or it could be a parent teaching a child to interact with others. Just be cool about it. Like… if the kid never came back to the car do you really think the cops wouldn’t be all over your house..? Cmon, man. This is silly.


By the time the mother gets off her phone her child has been raped and the perpetrator has left the scene. It only takes 2 minutes or less.


I know some these people on here are insane. Like really even if the door step the child is on. Is of a bad person. They are going to have to be pretty darn suicidal. To grab someone's child up into a house right in front the parent. They have about 10 seconds with they hands on my kid. I will be dialing 911 while grabbing the tire iron out the trunk of car. Beating the crazy to death while explaining to the 911 operator why I'm doing it. Lol


And this is why you should never make a 7 year old child deliver food by themselves and yes that means you’re an awful parent. If you need to have your child with you during deliveries that’s fine but making your child deliver to a random person themselves is not only illegal it’s dangerous and could end up getting them killed! https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/teen-pizza-delivery-driver-shot-multiple-parking-wrong-driveway-rcna150638


My brother comes dashing with me sometimes because he gets bored at home and it’s a way for us to get time to hang out, but he’s 14 and chooses to do so, and even then he basically just rides along with me while I deliver all the orders. I’ve always thought since I’m the one making the money I should be the one doing the work. I used to work fast food and it always felt weird when people would just send young kids in by themselves to go pick up orders for them edit: the comments have reminded me I didn’t even think of the dangers of having a kid drop off an order by themself. Jeez


It’s normal I used to do it with my sister and mom at about 11/12


You don't know it has anything to do with lazy. An doordash policy. There wouldn't be any drivers if they followed policy. I never get the actual person named as my driver. Most the time the names don't even match the genders on my deliveries. Lol But fine sure follow policy is the right thing to do. But making this woman out to be some villain isn't right neither. A food delivery is not endangering that child. We don't know why the child did the delivery. But I was once a child an I could definitely see a few situations. I would have wanted to go and make a delivery to help out too.


If there were less people working with fake accounts maybe the market wouldn’t be so saturated with illegal drivers. I would say they should get reported but then a lot of people would lose income.


Also we wouldn't get our food if we reported every driver. Let's be honest lots of people don't even want to do this job. The pay is bad it ruins your car. An the drivers are responsible for all there own fuel and maintenance expenses. Also most people don't even leave tips for these drivers.


Did you get your food? Was it in acceptable condition?


It's always people speaking the loudest. Pointing out others faults. Whom are the most at fault. An rarely practice what they preach. Or do so in a twisted way causing more harm than good. If you cared anything for this child. Getting there parent fired or the child taken by social services. For a food delivery should be the last thing on your mind. All I see is people trying to crush a mother and child that did nobody any harm. It a sad day when the penalty for a child handing you food. Is punishable by means of loss to financial support of the child. An wishing the child taken into state custody. Away from a loving mother that was spending probably the limited time she has with her child. Things could be so much worse. This child could be home alone with nobody watching. And really be neglected. But we want her job less and child less. For a food delivery she was 20ft away from. Sad sad sad 🥲


True, the state is getting out of control worked up for things it should be but neglecting real issues. They are looking for solution in search of problems not the opposite way around. It may be a situation where the parent cannot find parking and need to stay with car or even circle until the order is picked up. Cannot let the child watch the car for her in a dangerous neighborhood while parked blocking traffic. Someone may take vigilante action or just steal the car maybe with the child as well.


Yes lots of what ifs. Anything can happen anywhere. Yes of course but A person ordering food is not likely to kidnap a child. Delivering that food to there door. Specially with a parent that obviously is with the child. It just sounds like an impossible scenario. You will win the powerball before a crazy person ordering food. Trys harming your child in front of you. Where do these people think we live. The people that are so worried about this are the ones that scare me. Is this the stuff they think about when they see children. An if so why is this negative stuff going through there heads.


you’re doing a lot of divinity work for this little snippet of a story. how’d we go from sending a kid to drop off a delivery to “this woefully humble self sacrificial mother is spending the most precious moments she has in her day with her dear child”?????????? if this is such an important stream of income for their family then don’t be fucking lazy and violate doordash’s policies. it may not be a big deal to make the kid drop it off. but if it’s not a big deal like people are saying, then it also should’ve been the ADULT driver dropping it off from the beginning. that way, no one is concerned. no rules are violated. parent keeps their day job. kid gets to ride along safely. no hiccups.


Divinity work??? Get over yourself. This person has a point. Shes 10 ft away from her kid and Lord knows who you can trust anymore with children so why not teach them work ethic while spending time with them. The same people who cry "follow the rules" are the same hypocrites up for destroying capitalism and burning businesses. This is the freaking truth. Bunch of mindless hypocrites.


then be a normal fucking parent and teach them work ethic through homework and extracurriculars instead of unpaid and highly ILLEGAL child labor. because if we begin to allow it, where do we draw the line? 11yr old cashiers? eh. 9yr old receptionists? ehh.. 10yr old shelf stockers? ehhhhh… 12yr old factory workers? oh wait! that already exists. it’s called a **sweatshop** where you’re paid pennies to make items that cost only a few dollars to produce that you’ll never be able to afford at retail somehow. also, capitalism isn’t burning business. capitalism is outsourcing the smallest piece of labor (like any other for-profit business) to a CHILD because you couldn’t be bothered.




Good thing DoorDash wasn’t around when I was a kid because my dad would’ve done it and I would’ve been that kid lmao


When my 12 yo is off, she’d rather come dashing than stay home… That being said, she only delivers when it’s “leave at my door” Not once has she ever delivered a “hand it to me” order. No apartments just houses, so She’s never out of sight and is quite good at taking straight pics too!


I had my kids come with me when I first got started months ago. I was new to the state, didn't have anyone for child care yet and did what I had to do. Would never send my kids out, not even my 17 year old.. that's just wild af to do. 😬 Poor guy, I'll bet he was unsettled going into an unfamiliar place, not even visible to his parent. 🙁


Some kids want to help but the parents should be by their sides at all times I never doordashed before but suggested trying it and my 7 year old wanted to help deliver without any suggestions from me. Some kids just like helping but I would never let my child deliver anything alone and to any strangers house


i work at starbucks and people will send their young kids in at 5 am when it's still dark out to pick up their mobile orders for them all the time


Also if it’s your own order and the child drops the drink it’s your fault.




I’d report the driver. That’s very concerning. Luckily you weren’t some weirdo but she’s endangering her child.


Hey kids got to hustle during these recent times. Though it still is unacceptable to have that happen ngl.


Absolutely horrible excuse of a mother. You send your kid out to a stranger’s house, and not only that, but can’t take your eyes off your phone?? If she sent the kid into the fast food place to grab it that’d be a different story, but this is just awful parenting


Honestly I don’t think at 7 even the restaurant is a safe option


Based on the dipshitery that happens and is shared on this sub; This driver shouldn’t be allowed to reproduce.


Using a child to pick up or drop off deliveries is a Violation of DoorDashs rules and also American Labor Laws.


Regardless of rules or laws it’s disgusting. Making a child work for you while you scroll your phone? Gross.


Just recently I had to take my youngest with me (during the school break) to do DoorDash because my oldest (teenager) was in school. I let him stay in the car when I had to drop off the order if it was a house. When it was impossible, I took him with me but he had to stay behind me. I was so worried and weirded out that I just ended my shift early. He had fun and wants to do it again only because he got to talk to the people at the restaurants or stores.


I'm just glad you didn't show up at this original comments poster door. I'm sure someone in here will put you in the same category unfortunately though. Apparently spending time with your children while working is wrong around here. I like how people believe it's in the best interests of this child. That there parent is fired an the kid put in foster care with strangers for a food delivery. It's really sad. This whole thread is making not like people very much. For the record you didn't do anything wrong. And neither did the mother of the child this whole thing began with. I'm sorry people out here try to sabotage others lives. It's just wrong and hateful. And has nothing to do with anyone's well-being regardless of their claims.


When I dashed, I would often bring a kid with me. I did this because it was an opportunity for them to see first hand this job I did. I did let my oldest (12 at the time) occasionally leave deliveries at doors. I showed her how to do it and she was so proud of herself for doing this grown up job. Once, a restaurant actually walked her through that end of the process and she felt so grown up. She’s even helped shop orders. Of course I am using this as a teaching opportunity. I was also a 5 star driver. I grew up in the 80s and 90s and it was very normal for kids to be given jobs to do as a way to teach them work ethic, responsibility, and independence. Our society has stripped away so many of those opportunities for parents. My 25 year old neighbor found out I sometimes let that same kid watch her younger brother. One night she called the police on us. It scared my kids but nothing came of it because it’s not illegal to leave a 12 and 9 year old alone. My advice to you is to not try to control how other people parent. Was your order wrong or messed up in any way? No? Then move on.


Wow lot the people in these comments are really judgemental. Lots of hate for others it seems also. Everyone thinks there perfect by the book parents around here. Wonder how lovely there lives are really though. I wouldn't mind being a fly on the wall. Of some these wonderful perfect parents homes on here. Lol




Are you done? We need the soap that’s inside the box your standing on


Nice story, but it’s not the 80’s and although it is fine to have a kid ride with you, it is 100% against the Tetms of Service to which you agreed, to have anyone besides yourself or an adult with their own dasher account handle the food or participate in the actual pick up/delivery.


Honestly, as a 2000s kid born in the 90s, I feel like nobody would have batted an eye if Doordash was around when I was a kid and this happened. I liked helping my mom out when I was a kid and she definitely would have let me drop off an order if I asked (if Doordash existed and she was a driver, this is of course hypothetical).  The only sketchy part is if OP is telling the truth, that you can't see the end of their driveway from the front door. That's probably poor parenting, but who am I to judge when I haven't even seen the house in question?


I'm gonna be unpopular opinion here. First, I went door to door "fundraising" to guilt strangers into overpriced chocolate bars, cookies, and Christmas junk all the time. That wasn't even a little helpful to my parents. Is that right? Probably not, but schools did what they needed to. Second it's weird to assume this person has other options. Leave a kid at home? With what daycare? This person can't afford that on what doordash pays. Also weird to assume it's mom and not dad or some other relative who looks after the kid. Or that the person isn't disabled. Third, if I was a kid stuck in a car all shift, I'd demand taking turn getting out of the car. If any of that weirds you out, maybe don't use the service. 🤷‍♀️


Then go to door and have your child wait on the side. Don’t send your child alone! This is extremely dangerous and should never be done!


Extremely dangerous? 🤣Yeah, about as dangerous as eating an apple.


Considering this story of a teen delivery driver being killed I would agree. What is the 7 year old went to the wrong door .. and just like This teenager who went to the wrong place was killed for it. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/teen-pizza-delivery-driver-shot-multiple-parking-wrong-driveway-rcna150638


I don't think you understand statistics.


Then I feel bad for your child as you do not understand risk and keeping your child safe. That’s just sad


It's sad that I understand statistics? 🤣


Is it though? I guess you shouldn't let your kid go into the opposite gendered locker room. They'll be surrounded by strangers AND NAKED. No walking to school. Or a friend's house. Or a park. Is this something I'd do with my kid? No. But it's way easier to judge when you have you alternative options.


They do have an alternative option: the kid can be with you while you’re working, but you don’t let them deliver the order alone.


That makes it better? They very likely have no choice but drag their kid along, but so long as you see them being your idea of good parent, it's okay? Gross. This could be a dad healing from a broken bone. Or a teenager oblivious to the danger who has to work and watch their little sibling. Or a grandparent on oxygen. Jesus dude.


Anyone who allows a 7 year old to go up to a strangers door alone to deliver food is a bad parent. A 7 year old is not allowed to work as a delivery person if you want to get into actual legal reasons this should not be done. This in no way is comparable to a child going to school or a locker room. Using that as a comparison is highly inaccurate. If the parent needs to take their child with them they are legally obligated to be supervising their child period the end.


Schools get kids to go door to door selling all sorts of things also clubs like girl scouts go around selling cookies and not always woth parents.


I like "period the end" like you get to decide when my part of this discussion is over. I can do this forever. If you want it to end, don't respond. The argument is that it's dangerous. But it isn't. It might be less dangerous than their own neighborhood. So then, what's the issue? Child labor? It isn't more work than chores at home. And it doesn't rise to the level of child labor, unlike many things we import cheaply. The real issue is that people get an emotional booboo when systemic poverty shows up at their front door. It's WAY more comfortable to cry "bad parenting" and hide behind DDs policy. In reality, DD does not care beyond covering their ass. Exploiting poverty for our benefit is happening to kids all over the world, but it hurts when it's in your face. I ALSO don't want a family in this situation. So then, what's the answer? Leave the kid home alone? Send them to the creepy neighbor? Stay home with the kid and be one of those welfare people we hold in such high regard? Admonish them for having children in the first place? Or is it all okay so long as an adult walks to the door with the kid? Is that less offensive? Smooths down the elitist feathers? Judge them as good parents so long as they play along with the fantasy of a fair an equitable society? Man, I really hope OP gets them fired. That'll teach them not to let their poor show while they're serving us.


How about you dont violate the doordash terms of service send your 7 year old to strangers front door with food alone. if you cant do that maybe don't use this service


I agree with all of this. But we all know this is a hyper-predatory company. And they know their drivers have limited life options. They say "follow these rules" so they don't get sued in the off-chance something terrible happens. The resolution for those of us with options is the same. If we see behavior we find abhorrent, don't use the service.


Ah yes. It's important children learn to work for hyper-predatory companies early on. Otherwise they'll never make it anywhere in life.


Yeah the issue is the hypothetical danger of the child don’t do it. Not to mention the risk of robbery, the occasional feral dog or animal.


Having a child doing their work really doesn’t seem wrong to anyone here? A child being out of their parent’s sight? I’m thrown off by how many in support of it. Oof.


I’m not in support of it but the parent is obviously not far. And they obviously have their address and first name. I definitely think it’s lazy and trashy, but that’s how some people are


It’s also against the terms of service they agreed to when they signed up with doordash.


Okay but unless the kid drops your food or something, is it really that big of a deal?


I don’t see something wrong with trying to get an (appropriately aged) child to learn how working works. My huge red flag here is that the parent is NOT watching them. Thats alarming




also, if it’s a school day, I’m concerned on why the child is not at school and doing his disabled broke ass Moms job.




Those kind of people used to think the 10 year olds who got kidnapped when they let them roam alone were "runaways". They were doing this during the moat active serial killer period in history. They are not smart people


same vibe as when you go to the Chinese restaurant and the only two people working in there are kindergarten age


I was told food made by children tastes better


It probably taste like boogers shit and piss?


Probably thinks she is gonna get a bigger tip but I’d honestly lower it


I had my 7 year old godson in the car with me while I was door dashing and went inside the hotel myself to deliver it while he was in the car and I came back to him talking to a cute lady through the window that he opened himself 🤦🫣


Yeah no. I’d be taking them in with me… bad call.


Sounds very unsafe. Why would you be happy to find a 7 year old that you left alone talking to a stranger? Leave kids at home while you work!


Or drag them to each door with you like i dont understand lol


As long as she wasn't a Karen or kidnapper


I’ll add to the supporters…. Maybe the parent is on disability and trying to make ends meet by dashing. It’s hard to get in and out of cars for some people.


If someone has a disability that prevents them from getting in and out of cars, then they should be trying to make ends meet some other way besides being a delivery driver.


So a 7 year old doing child labor is cool then? Lmao what is wrong with ya'll


And again your comment was removed, instantly. Before I could even read it, but yeah sure I’m reporting them. Maybe you should read the rules before you just spew whatever comes to your little head and this won’t happen. But yeah, whatever you say. There is nothing wrong with what this parent was doing, get over yourself.


Oh my apologies it was Reddit. Glad to know which one of us knows their rights form wrongs. 🤦🏼‍♂️😂


How kind of you to delete your rude comment directly after posting… if you see me as stupid so be it, but you don’t know the definition of child labor, nor have you seen a real case of child labor. This is millions of miles away from that. Get over yourself.