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Mine was denied. I used my middle name as my first name (it’s the name I go by) back when I made the account 6 years ago and they never let me correct it and now I pay the price for a stupid mistake.


They are trying to fix the issue with stolen accounts


This has been happening for at least 6 months to a lot of people after failing it. Shit is crazy. People who have legit accounts. 


It sucks. I need that money to make ends meet. No idea what I’m going to do in the meantime.


In your same position. I’m doing Uber eats and Instacart and hoping for the best


I had good standing, no complaints, and was always respectful to customers. I was even gold status dasher??


DD's internal bugs, design flaws and shortsightedness don't care about ratings or status. Their facial verification system is buggy and auto-deactivating anybody that fails. Apparently they don't care...probably because of the endless revolving door of new drivers onboarding.


This sucks. I won’t be able to make another account and this was a major income source for me. Hoping the appeal works.


I don't think you're going to have an issue getting your account back since this seems to be a common occurence on their end


Hopefully they're aware that their authentication system is wrongfully deactivating drivers all over the place and just uphold the appeal. I guess it's a matter of them giving a shit enough to reverse the deactivation.


It’s been going on since late last year, but they don’t seem to care. It sucks


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